Climbing A Skyscraper with Spider-Man Wall Climbing Suit! - No Way Home

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behind me is a gigantic building it's completely flat no hand holds and this is my wall climbing spider-man suit i think you know where this is going [Music] this is the result of a few months of work and the completion of my decade-old dream to climb like spider-man ever since i first saw him get his powers and crawl on ceilings and walls i was hooked been trying to climb like that ever since look how cute i was do we get the right video the point is everyone wants to wall climb like that difference with me i took it way too far it all started with just a harmless trip to the climbing gym i wanted to see the kind of climbing an expert is already capable of without any tricks up their sleeve so after completely annihilating the beginner wall i got a little cocky and i told him throw me into the deep end basically i uh i kind of bet him that i could climb any wall he could and more i don't know it's coming i'm so confident i'm ready the way i see it if we're trying to be spider-man we got to be able to climb stuff that even the experts can't oh okay all right what do we got here i don't want anything to get in your way no that makes sense so what we're gonna do it's this purple route it goes up kind of the side of the turtle's head okay do you want to see me do it yeah yeah why don't you just take it first then i'll show them how i do it [Music] is he on top of that yeah what that was pretty good but like the third or fourth hole he should have gone more like done a little bit more twisting motion the start holds are like this great and then just reach up there yep yep kick up there perfect perfect see i i don't know if chalk is a thing talking all the shock chalk up and uh we'll see how much of a difference that makes a little more yeah you want more than that did you almost get it you almost got it you go right into that right that'll help nice do you do like forearm like workouts sometimes you just gotta rest i clearly lost this respect and my team was turning on me huh you don't look very handsome when you're doing it you could hear that yeah it became pretty clear i wasn't gonna be able to beat this guy on my own if i can't do that there's gonna be no way i can do stuff that spider-man can so we need to cheat build something to make me a better climber so i started with some research and made sure to use nordvpn that way i can change my location in case something is only viewable from a certain country now nord was kind enough to sponsor this one and you can check them out link below so i started by simply searching how to climb walls like spider-man and now i gotta sift through like a thousand websites and some might be a bit sketchy so it's great that nord encrypts my data hides my ip and keeps me safe from being tracked so i stumbled upon this article on a guy who invented some gecko climbing devices but there is so much spam well with the click of a button from nord it blocks the spam and it actually becomes readable thanks nord it can also straight up hide bad websites which saves us a lot of time so go check out nordvpn link below they got a crazy holiday season deal plus a 30-day money-back guarantee so the climber supposedly let him climb any flat surface by mimicking the way geckos do it could be cool well it would be if i could find anything more than just a single video from 2014 clearly something went wrong with the testing you know what let's just start simple like the first thing you think of for making wall climbers climbing walls how you doing that adhesive gloves boom that's right tony flex tape adhesive wall climbers uh if this doesn't work i'm gonna quit i'm just gonna whose idea was this this is so dusty well that didn't work what is this wall because the last one didn't work totally fair we give it another try i feel like a fly oh my god help [Music] bro i'm kind of working after the first move like the adhesive starts to lose a stick why is every video me like ripping adhesive off my body that'll buff out all right what's another wall climbing thing people think of of course plungers oh yeah these will these will definitely work look at all these videos they wouldn't lie right i don't see how this won't work i think i'm just gonna make like a ladder you know [Music] it's almost working you know [Music] it's not going to work i actually do like the idea of using suction super easy to deploy and it's also reusable unlike the adhesive look what i just found wait how convenient these are just behind there maybe these suction cups that are actually meant to lift things work better yo how do i go to the next one i'll try and like go like that you know they like lose their grip over time i think like a little bit [Music] all right how do i do the feet the main issue with everything so far is there's no release that i can easily do to take the next step what happens when you can't reach them either so let's try electromagnets which have a much better quick release the cool thing about this if we find a piece of metal electromagnet here a couple of batteries grab onto it and then hang from it see the only issue is it only works on metal most buildings are either like flat stuff like stone concrete glass if you want to climb more of a variety of stuff you don't mind slightly impaling the thing you're climbing and putting spikes on your shoes works pretty great i've got a whole video on this where actually put spikes in some custom spider-man air force ones just a fold-out spike on the side bit of ankle support and some more spikes on your hands it works pretty well on trees they're low profile you can climb pretty fast but again spider-man's climbing skyscrapers not trees and i want to do that so now we've looked at about every possible way i can think of to climb stuff and suction seems the most promising again the problem is they lose suction eventually as air slowly seeps in so let's fix that with a vacuum pump to keep constant low pressure this attack actually has been used before but it's always a giant vacuum strapped to some dude's back you know really clunky climbing super slow that's not spider-man this needs to be mobile extremely compact and work well how else is he gonna put the moves on his enemies if you can't you know move around now i really wanted to climb with tiny suction pads on my fingers and toes like spiderman but as it turns out it's physically impossible to pull enough vacuum force to do that i mean it's almost like they didn't actually do it and made the whole thing up wire fire thankfully though i kept my cool got it through and shifted some things around a bit instead of climbing with our fingertips and toes let's move the climbers to where we have more surface area like our legs and forearms if we can get about like 20 square inches for each limb at about minus 10 psi we should be able to hold 800 pounds and again i want this to be as compact as physically possible so let's ditch that clunky vacuum and hit up micro center to get some motors to make independent mini vacuums one for each limb that way it'll be less bulky and also more redundant we're also gonna need some arduino to control it some 3d printer filament to print and some tubing to suck the air out micro center is basically the only physical store where you can get stuff like this also new customers get a free 128 gig flash drive and sd card when they use the link below so i 3d modeled and printed several versions of the climbers that i can mount to my arms and legs they've got a tube to suck the air out which attaches to the mini vacuum and battery also a foam seal around the outside should stop the air from leaking out plasma cut out this metal bracket so we just grab on to it should be able to stick this on the wall [Music] a little bent it worked pretty well though it might have cracked or something so that's extremely promising but we gotta make it stronger so i made some new climbers out of polycarbonate this stuff used to stop bullets so it's extremely tough and i was able to cut it out using my fancy cnc mill from tormach like this thing is a game changer you can throw basically anything in the chuck and it'll carve it into whatever shape you want which is basically just a push of a button right now i'm using it for polycarb but it can carve metal like butter love having this thing shout out tormach i then added a brace and buckles to better secure it to my arm you think it'll work no you hate that guy [Music] that works wait help well now the suction is too good even after the pumps are turned off it still sticks for a while actually kind of reminds me of like before spider-man knows how to use his powers when he's like sticking to random stuff and he can't control it it's like a shield see i'm gone okay can stop me do you know that basketball gets stuck to his hand take it about that i want this guitar yeah go take it just take it hands off i'm not even holding on stable come on stable take it [Music] so we need that release valve it would also be super helpful to know how good the suction actually is before i put my weight on it you know that way i don't so i added an air valve a pressure sensor electric switches to control everything and an arduino to run it all and now we just need three more so mounted all the electronics in the upper arms and legs to distribute the bulk i rigged it so each switch on my arm controls that arm and the opposite leg that way i can keep my center of mass between the climbers as i take each next step and curl up the wall [Music] yeah the control system was terrible the switch is burnt out air valves burnt out too literally burning my leg and the battery is caught on fire sort of smoking but you know could be worse so yet again i fixed everything this is better no one knows what we're doing could be doing anything it's just the cracks that i have to avoid but i'll just rip right up try and do it better you want to hop in and do it [Music] let's go dude i'm so like mobile in these you know what i mean that's crazy actually i also threw in some led indicators so once the suction reaches about negative 9 psi the light will turn on and i know it'll hold my weight the upper lights for my hand and the lower lights for my leg in the future it'd be awesome to build in web shooters too because i've already made a ton of those i'm actually giving away a bunch of these mini web shooters over on my instagram so just follow me and like this video to win also shout out to the last video's winner you got these sweet venom shoes i wonder if i could crawl in the ceiling no way yeah i don't think so this is my entire plan you know that scene where he's like sneaking into his room i wanna do that [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god that was crazy huh i did not think that would work that felt like some mission impossible i think i've ever seen anyone do that god no no magnets no like yeah extra this is just the ceiling we need to do anything to it we gotta get the suit on man so i got a suit problem is the suit can't cover the climbers because they won't be able to suction to the wall but what we can do is cut holes for them to stick out of then add velcro to keep the suit fitted around the climbers then we put the fabric back in the middle so it blends in with the rest of the suit because the foam seal is the only thing that actually has to touch the wall now i was so excited all i had to do was put on the suit and become a real superhero [Music] how does it look though like the two like does it look dude i mean i know i look kind of thick unfortunately just like all my projects something had to break first the wall turns out it's really hard to climb a wall if the paint isn't attached well dude the ceiling is ripping off the more i climbed the worse it got then the electronics started giving false readings the indicator light would go on even if the pressure wasn't low enough so i fell oh a lot this was so frustrating it's not fair i already had it like the universe is taunting how did this work before you can stop filming but we don't give up so i redid all the wiring then for good measure i doubled down and added another motor to each limb this now gives me twice the suction so now i can climb even more surfaces it doesn't matter if they're perfectly flat it also lets me climb faster because now it suctions twice as quick so i don't have to wait as long in between steps so i got back in the suit and gave it one last shot you can do this they're wrong about you this isn't weird it's a real job i was way more scared this time after falling a bunch especially just hanging from the ceiling complete trust in these things but it was all worth it because we ended up with this [Music] [Music] you're the spiderman it's so perfect like we even got the ceiling light i love it so with my new and improved suit i went back to the climbing wall to outclimb the expert jonathan and finally earn everyone's respect [Music] yeah what do you think of the fit uh it looks amazing thank you spiderman thank you thank you do you think there's any way like a human could climb this wall like i don't okay that's what we like to hear [Music] i don't know how you legally want me to go for safety purposes but there you go well done thank you thank you thank you yes i impressed him he's your new climber he i don't know if i believe that anymore you see the movies or the cards exactly exactly like suction cups toilet plungers but like i know yeah then we got to talking i told him i wanted to really put these things to the test and climb a giant building like hundreds of feet tall all we need now is a building not as easy as you might think imagine calling buildings and trying to explain exactly what it is we're trying to do hey how's it going would you be open to us climbing your building in a spider-man suit hello would you guys be open to spider-man scaling your building for a humongous big budget film dangerous that's not dangerous the movie industry these emotion pictures tony give me something tony so after about a thousand no's we eventually got a yes the andaz in west hollywood came through and said that this guy could climb their building but that's actually just the tip of the iceberg now we need insurance someone to spot me to make sure everything's safe and a team to film so many back and forth with all the contracts scouting trips to the building we just grinded for hours just slinging calls finally everything fell into place i was extremely nervous my hands were literally shaking thankfully though these two nice construction workers help me get in my suit jake if you die can i have all your tools yeah for the harness nice look at that i'm gonna pull it through all right all right down there okay alex for a second be careful with that so i stepped outside to all the cameras recording and a lot of people waiting to see me scale a massive 200 foot building with some climbers i built in my garage not like i've been practicing either the highest i'd ever gone was 20 feet this is 10 times that but sometimes you have to run before you can walk all right i'm gonna give it a shot right [Music] i can see myself in the glass this is so sick [Music] that's really sick and the key is so much longer to go up it's like he's like so far from over having a lot of trust in my engineering can you see anyone in the windows not yet they're blinds are mostly closed trying to make some friends what is that like halfway this is so crazy this is insane that is terrifying i can only imagine what's going through his head spiderman maybe that will be next video it literally looks like a scene from the spiderman dude with the lights and everything jake let's go baby living the dream one foot in front of the other day go [Applause] that was like actually witnessing a real superhero feat because i mean you have to like i know be pretty built to climb as this is a tall ass bill dude he didn't even use the rope at all i know jake you've inspired me once again i would never try that that was crazy jake is out of his mind how you feeling good good real good that was so sick congrats on living that worked way better than i thought so freaking good at all do you look down yeah dude this scary oh it's just like just keep climbing here did it much faster than i thought you were gonna do it i thought it was gonna have way more probably trying to like see people's windows yeah he's knocking on windows housekeeping did anyone call you no that'd be funny that's pretty much it for this one i don't know what more i could have possibly done thank you guys very much for watching spiderman out [Music] you
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 16,900,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, spider-man, spider-man no way home, marvel, mcu, wall climbers, spider-man wall climbers, vacuum wall climbers, climbing upside down, spider-man powers, peter parker, spider-man in real life, avengers
Id: 7L3DQU74v_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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