Make a Watch That Turns Into a Spy Drone W/ Live Video! (Incredibles/Spider-Man Gadget for Cheap)

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[Music] and we're back with yet another drone video so it's going through your comments as usual and i came across this one build a watch that turns into a little spy drone all right maybe i will i've actually seen this comment pop up a couple times before i just never really got around to it but i think today's the day real quick though if you could just jump down to the comments and drop a little idea for what i should build in the next video because that's kind of how this works like if you want to see it i'll build it and of course drop a like and subscribe if you do end up liking it so in my last video i built probably one of the biggest drones in the world turned it into the green goblin hovercraft flew around on it for a bit it had airsoft blaster turrets lasers lights definitely one of the most opie things i've ever made highly recommend checking that out if you haven't already some reason not a lot of you watched it but completely unbiased opinion it's worth the watch but i have done a lot of hoverboard stuff recently so i guess it's time to go to the other end of the spectrum and build one of the smallest drones we've ever seen one that's hopefully small enough to fit in a watch you know i feel like i've seen this somewhere maybe in the incredibles one syndrome sent that little mini drone thing down to scan for mr incredible to see if he was still alive or maybe the mini spider-man like chest drone they're not perfect examples but if this goes well i do want to make that spider-man chest drone thing i think that'd be really cool anyways here's the criteria for this project first this drone's got to be small obviously like it's got to be able to fit on my wrist in a way that's not like super obvious second we got to be able to control it fairly easily would be very cool if it could fly itself like those dji drones but uh not sure if we're going to be able to automate it like that just yet and also what good is a spy watch drone if it doesn't have a camera on it so that's a must like ideally the camera will be able to live stream video directly back to our phone or something an extra bonus if we can get decent flight time and the longer the range the better but uh i mean i'll take what i can get so hopped online and started doing some research and let me just say drone technology is incredible now it's come so far in the last couple years like i remember i got one of the very first live video drones that ever came out back in the day like 2011 2012. it was called the ar drone version 1.0 by parrot and i thought it was the coolest thing i mean to be fair this was before drones were mainstream way before dji or anything like that so you can imagine like little 13 year old me just being so hyped i'm still hyped what am i talking about anyways the stuff you can get now absolutely blows that out of the water for those of you who don't know how to make a drone multi-copter here's what you need you need motors you need esc's to control the motors a flight computer that has all like the accelerometers gyroscopes barometers gps if you're lucky and of course a battery to power everything if you put all that on a frame add some propellers rc transmitter and a receiver you're good to go and all this stuff ranges in size from the stuff i use for my hoverboard all the way down to these tiny little escs and motors and flight controllers they're just a few centimeters in size and you can also get this stuff for just a couple dollars which is actually incredible also i'm sure all of you have heard of this but you can get it even cheaper if you use the free plug-in honey who were kind enough to sponsor this video literally all you do click the link below hit add to browser and you're good it takes like less than a minute to do so honey searches and applies coupon codes from all over the web so you automatically get discounts so i did a search for mini camera drones and look at that it's got some deals for us like look how small these things are so i got myself a bunch of different types of drone parts motors esc's kits pre-assembled drones basically anything that looks super small and looked like it might be able to fly i got i'll drop a parts link down below for anyone who's interested in checking this stuff out right next to that link for honey because uh they saved us some money on this one so once again shout out to them so after a bit of experimenting you know playing around mixing and matching parts to best fit what we need i ended up with three potential drone candidates i could work for our spy watch then i set up a little flight course to test each of these drones to see which one would work best first up we got the red one let's call it cardinal it's about two and a half inches in size and features an hd 720p camera that can also live stream right to my phone so i'm going to try and do is fly this from my hand maybe do a spin out in the middle and land it over on the helipad over there that's ambitious dog i know [Music] come on baby come on baby doesn't even have a trip [Music] dude that counts dude dude that is absurd i told you i told you i had it in it really you want your helicopter to land like that yes all right you know not horrible the trim was a little messed up and there wasn't a super obvious way to fix it so i'm gonna give it a 5 out of 10 for the handling the video quality is pretty impressive though for a drone that's literally smaller than a credit card like it's rivaling my macbook's webcam honestly also there wasn't any lagging or dropped frame so i'm giving this 9 out of 10. and finally for the size i gotta give it a 6 out of 10 only because of the prop orientation like it was a cool idea to put the props on the bottom but if we're going to try and put that in a watch i'm realizing it's gonna be harder to have the widest part of the drone like on the bottom of the watch all right up next we got this little guy i'm gonna call it a spider drone because it folds up even smaller than it already is like when it folds up its total footprint is just over an inch which is well within the criteria to fit in a watch it's also got an hd webcam that live streams to any ios or android device plus the fact that it can unfold to get a bigger surface area means it should be more stable in flight let's try it out [Music] though [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so i'm giving this a straight 9 out of 10 for the handling super easy to control like if a dji drone was a 10 this is just a step below it like i was doing spins and i was able to land on the helipad first try for the size obviously it crushes it too i'm giving an 8 out of 10 only because i'm not sure if i'm going to want to have to unfold and refold every time i want to use this thing might not be able to like fit through the same cracks as the other drones too i don't know as for video quality yeah this is where we lose this one didn't work great it had a at least a 10 second lag and it would often just cut out completely like the first drone was probably pretty flyable just looking at the camera but this one impossible which is a shame that i couldn't get this camera module to work better with this configuration you know oh well i still got high hopes for this last one though i'm gonna call it the spire fly like firefly but just move the spot never mind it's actually slightly smaller than the last one and it doesn't even unfold like that's just the size like i've seen drones maybe slightly smaller but none with a full hd webcam that live stream to your phone that's crazy all right let's try it out though [Music] [Music] [Music] decent recording too like the live stream on this is pretty good nice all right so this thing has decent handling maybe just slightly worse than the other one uh but still a solid 8 out of 10 for sure i was able to do some spins and still land on the helipad without too much trouble the size obviously 9 out of 10 definitely small enough to fit in a watch of some kind lastly the streaming also 9 out of 10 no drop frames and again very high quality given the tiny size of this thing so i think we have our winner ding ding ding now we just got to turn it into a watch so i'm thinking we make like a watch type device kind of like a helipad that this thing can land on and fit inside then we're ready we can just pop it out and be on our way so i did some 3d modeling on solidworks did take a couple tries but finally i got a design that fits it is definitely a fat watch but at first glance you're probably not going to notice i also 3d printed a new shell for the drone that blends in with the watch a little bit more but i ended up just making a cover that goes on top that looks like a watch face so now it's even harder to tell there's a drone inside i also want to make this look more like a real watch like it's made of metal or something so i first tried some vinyl wrap didn't love it uh so i went with some thin sheet metal instead just wrapped around the outside did a little bit more decorating added some straps and now we're done but we also need to build a better controller because the onesie seller is way too big so i designed a better more sleeker housing that's really easy to fit in your pocket and also you don't even need the controller to fly this like it's got an app so you can live stream and fly it directly from your smartphone but it's definitely easier with the controller so good to have i was also seeing comments saying the drone should be controlled by a watch too so i got my smartwatch and put the app on it so now this watch is all we need to fly and record video unfortunately though it's super hard to fly because the watch is just so tiny and the buttons are so small still a cool idea though like maybe instead of flying it we could just drop it somewhere and still have a bug with live video feed right to your watch so now we have a working spy watch drone complete with a controller too watch goes on the wrist controller fits in your pocket and you're good to go to use it pop out the drone from the watch flip it on and connect your phone to the drone's wi-fi to get the live video and just flip on the controller and let it rip [Music] so to see how well this thing really works let's do some tests but before i do that here's some projects that you guys made and sent to me on my instagram [Music] awesome stuff guys keep sending me those videos i love seeing what you're doing keep getting creative i'd love to see it all right let's go test this thing first up we got the control ability we did briefly test it before but now let's set up like an actual obstacle course and see what this thing can do all right so here's the obstacle course we're gonna fly it from this side of the house through the house gonna come out here through this through that one through all of these eight little hoops they get progressively smaller as we go we'll see if we can make it [Music] yes [Music] get there get there you gotta get there yes [Music] dude [Music] all right now let's run a quick battery test just to see how long this thing can stay in the air for see how long this lasts [Music] all right so we've got a couple minutes you know not bad considering it's you know this small so next test now let's test the range test let's just fly it as far as we can and as high as we can see how long it works before the video cuts out no idea what's going to happen we got the other drone in the sky um when we recorded on the screen let's get it [Music] so this thing got pretty high and far actually i would say about 100 feet up and about 300 feet of distance the only limiting factor it seemed was the strong winds at higher altitudes just because it's so tiny it gets blown around a bit like you can actually fly this thing using just a live video which is pretty cool however the picture quality isn't going to be anything special like my dji drone just isn't even comparable but to be fair this is probably one tenth the weight and a tenth the price too like we were flying this around our roof and property because we didn't want to actually spy on anyone but it clearly has the capabilities of being a pretty useful spider so there it is guys hopefully you like this one remember comment what you want to see next and uh thanks for watching we'll catch you in the next one oh
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 912,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, Spy watch, spy gadget, 007 gadget, mini drone, micro drone, spy drone, video drone, live video drone, watch drone, spy wrist watch, incredibles, spider-man drone, wrist watch gadget, The Incredibles
Id: 5qZP6HmMW8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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