Real Captain America Shield That Actually Bounces Back! - OVER 100 FT BOUNCE!!!

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[Music] this video is sponsored by keeps so today we're making captain america's shield i actually teased this in my last video saying that i wanted to make one that actually bounces and flies back to you just like in the movies you all really like that idea so that's what we're gonna do first though drop me a little comment for what project i should make next time also we're gonna step it up with this one so yeah please like and subscribe if you do end up enjoying this so if we look at the footage right away we see this ain't no ordinary shield like it's got several abilities that make it seem to defy physics that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all first the most believable ability is the shield super strength it's like its main function it can withstand any almost any attack it's made of vibranium which is a super high tech metal that absorbs kinetic energy so i can get behind the super strength but the thing that bugs the physicist inside me is the shield's mysterious ability to always bounce perfectly like just look at these shots how is this possible without some other piece of tech we're not seeing uh either that or captain america is just a geometry whiz that can calculate the perfect shot instantly all in a split second whatever though it's a movie and the point is it looks damn cool like he's absolutely dunking on these fools like imagine just getting hit with a 360 no scope backflip mix twist how do you come back from that so the last thing i'll point out is the way the shield latches to his arm uh it looks like it's just a leather strap that he slides his arm through but i mean it's just too slick for that like later on he does get this device that brings the shield back to his arm so we'll have to build that too so those are the abilities we need to make i think the strength part is pretty straightforward we just have to make it out of some strong material i think the arm returns like stick parts also not gonna be that hard but the really tricky part is going to be getting the shield to bounce back so i think we'll start there then because i already teased this a lot of you commented how you thought i was going to make this so i thought it'd be fun to double down and actually ask you guys on instagram how you thought i was going to do this also definitely go follow me there at jayla's video because we're actually giving away the shield we make in this video this is like the first project where it's not going to be a huge liability to give something away like this so if you want to win this just like this video and subscribe and just follow me on instagram and like the latest picture and we'll pick a winner speaking of that congrats to pulse core the last video's winner you just won a dji drone so you all sent thousands of responses and yes i read through every single one of them and these were the most popular first up a drone hundreds of you said this and some of you guys were throwing some shade too at this point we're just attaching drones to stuff everything you please not drone don't do it guys i put drones in like three videos come on whatever i guess i won't use a drone in this video fight here's a drone shield eat wise words michael yeah it's exactly right it's a foam shield with a drone inside now but you guys are kind of right though this is sort of the lazy way out plus alan pan already made something like this apparently it's okay for him to use a drone also speaking of allen turns out he's been throwing some shade in his last video j laser video i'ma be honest i haven't been a fan of this guy so it's like a glove that like folds up into a watch there's no real oomph there it just it makes a little fireball i mean i'm not gonna say that this sucks you found this on the street and you picked it up i don't think you'd be like oh wow a real repulsor i think you'd be like oh wow some kid made a glove out of tin foil that can set itself on fire jake laser for this i give you a one out of ten for effort one out of ten all right alan i'm gonna remember that oh by the end of this video we'll see who has the last laugh anyways i also got a lot of string or rubber band comments so here's what that would look like got our shield attached to an elastic band pretty simple but uh not the coolest thing we also got boomerang quite a bit which i'll admit i did consider dogecoin right here to the moon bro what the hell that's crazy dude catch it catch it but it would be very hard to make work and here's why suburbans are basically two airplane wings stuck together the reason it comes back is because as the boomerang spins the top wing spins faster than the bottom generating more lift this causes torque making the boomerang turn and fly back to you but cap shield doesn't have a place for like a wing plane because it's a round disc so unless we cut a bunch of holes and kind of like angle them and try and like build in a wing that way it just ain't coming back plus then we'd have a shield with a bunch of holes in it and you know why would anyone ever build something like that also some other honorable mentions use a golden retriever it's actually not a bad idea just have like a little dog sidekick uh and this person just said bees so yeah we'll get right on that also y'all been dming me some pretty cool projects you've made so let's check those out yes y'all got some talent uh yeah so definitely dm me anything cool you've made and we can put them in videos all right i'll admit it using a drone did cross my mind but i don't think we need any sort of fancy drones electronics or sci-fi tech to make this work just some simple physics so if we think about what's actually going on with the shield they say it's made of vibranium and as the movie says vibranium stores kinetic energy which makes it great for resisting impacts but i bet when he's throwing the shield all that stored energy actually goes back into the shield causing it to bounce kind of like the world's best super ball so the reason super balls bounce so well is exactly that they store the kinetic energy of the impact as potential energy through elastic deformation you can see as the ball hits the ground it squishes down and because rubber has a very high elastic limit it can still return to its original shape turning that stored potential energy back into kinetic energy and bouncing back thank you very much uh glass dismissed so the elastic limit shown here on the stress strain graph is very important for this project it shows us the relationship between the amount of stress we can put on a material and still have it spring back like take this dowel for an example if we put a bit of stress on it you can see it bends but it still bounces back but if we put too much stress on it it crosses that elastic limit and goes into the plastic region where it doesn't spring back so a vibranium stress strain would probably look something like this able to take almost infinite amount of stress and still stay in that elastic region so to make a real cap shield we need a material like this with a high elastic limit to make it bounce but that's only half the battle right there the other half is making it fly because in case you hadn't noticed super balls don't i mean you could throw it really hard but it just doesn't have any mechanism for helping it stay in the air that's where this guy comes in like cap shield is basically a frisbee which i think is what marvel is going for and frisbees are basically just wings they have a curved edge that allows air to flow faster over the top and slower underneath this higher pressure underneath pushes up on the frisbee giving it some lift as it flies through the air the other key aspect is its rotation uh like when you put rotation on anything it gives it some gyroscopic force which stabilizes it but i don't know if you've ever tried to bounce a frisbee off a wall like captain america yeah it just doesn't work so we need to find a way to combine the frisbee's flying ability with super balls bounce so if we look at a frisbee's impact in slow motion as soon as it hits the wall the impact slows the rotation and creates oscillations through the frisbee that throws off its orientation messes up the flight path and it drops so the trick is going to be making the frisbee deform like the super ball and still spring back to its original shape without any weird oscillations that mess up its flight while also keeping that rotation to stabilize it after it bounces so we looked at a bunch of different materials with high elastic limits they'll hopefully give us a spring effect we need i think in some sort of like metal springs maybe but i think they might just be a little too heavy because remember if the shield's too heavy it won't fly well rubber could also work uh but i'm worried it'll deform too much so i eventually settled on fiberglass it's lightweight has a high elastic limit without deforming too much so if we make a fiberglass ring it should act kind of like a two-dimensional super ball this shoe then is covering the ring with a material that won't warp like a regular frisbee another thing i'm worried about is the impact stopping the rotation because we need to keep that spin for it to fly back to us i thought maybe we could have the fiberglass ring around the outside with like a freely spinning inside section maybe even have a tiny motor that spins a flywheel or something to maintain that rotation in the end though i thought it might be better just to start simple decided to make a prototype by just stretching some thin plastic over a thin fiberglass ring the edge is pretty thin so hopefully it won't lose too much rotation as it hits the wall and the plastic should be thin enough and flexible enough to reduce the oscillations but again that's all in theory so let's see if this actually works alright well i guess here goes nothing oh my god i caught it look at that captain america so that's so many in a row how is that possible what that's so weird it works like that i mean it's still not a shield you still need to figure out how to make it solid in the middle but like the proof of concept is there it's actually kind of amazing how fun this thing is we actually whipped up a few more prototypes and it's just crazy some of the shots you can get it's it doesn't seem physically possible you should be able to bounce it like this i i honestly think this would make a fantastic toy oh think of the trick shots everyone tag dude perfect in this like you can finally play frisbee with yourself it's like a frisbee for the lonely uh but like actually though comment if you would be interested in getting this obviously more refined version um i'll actually put a sign up link on my website for anyone who's interested in getting one i'll probably send out some prototypes so you can actually help test them this would be so fun we can like design it together what should we call this spring ring yeah drop any cool name ideas and i'm gonna go get a patent for this all right though we're getting ahead of ourselves the shield is still far from finished and i'd be shocked if we don't run into any more problems so i hopped online again and tried to find some bigger fiberglass hoops and as it turns out they actually sell two foot fiberglass fishing hoops which is like a perfect size for a shield so after a lovely conversation with the southern fishermen we got the hoops in hand so then i tried the same method of just putting some plastic over the top and gave it a rip ah and it doesn't work i think it's just a little bit too heavy to be honest maybe a bit too stiff so i brought it back into the shop and cut the fiberglass ring so it'd be half as thick now we have a thinner hoop so i put the plastic back on and gave another grip 2.0 disc let's see how this works and wouldn't you know it works again but it's still just a ring with a trash bag over the top like that ain't no cap shield definitely got to toughen this thing up especially if you're going to be like whipping it at walls over and over again so now it's the battle of strength versus weight we want it to be as strong as possible but we can't make it too heavier but it won't fly well so i settled on some carbon fiber for the body because it's just about as lightweight and strong as you can get fortunately though i couldn't find any carbon fiber shields online so we're gonna have to make our own so for that we need some carbon fiber cloth some resin and a mold we need something that's like shield shaped the landlord would mind no i shouldn't i shouldn't we shouldn't do that so i've actually got this road mirror which should make the perfect mold so i laid down the fabric added the resin waited overnight and uh yeah i think for a first attempt it came out all right there are a couple imperfections but super lightweight and also very strong now the tricky part is going to be connecting the carbon fiber to the fiberglass ring let's try some thin kevlar cord to kind of suspend the carbon fiber in the middle and let's see what happens ah well we broke it again at this point i wasn't sure if it was like the geometry of the shield being curved that was causing it to just take a nosedive after every impact so after looking over the slow-mo i think the same thing's happening that happened to the regular frisbees from earlier like the impact is causing vibrations through the shield that throws off its flight the carbon fiber being so stiff it's just amplifying that warping we want this shield to be soft we need a way to isolate that center carbon fiber piece from the outside ring we need like shock absorbers something between the ring and the inner part so i connected it with rubber bands and gave it another shot and this was more promising actually so to refine it even further i switched to some latex rubber stretched around the ring this works even better kind of looks like the world's biggest subwoofer but there's still one issue we haven't addressed and that's a wear and tear like every time we throw it against the wall it rips slightly also the inner carbon fiber piece kind of cuts into the rubber every impact doesn't matter much for the first few prototypes i feel like we can't have this thing break in if we're in some serious combat so i doubled up the rubber and added more carbon fiber on the outside to protect against impacts and like scuffs the last thing to do was throw some paint on it and i think it came out all right like there's definitely some imperfections so i kind of leaned to the whole battle worn look and added some more scratches like it's not bad but you know we're not settling for not bad so i'm gonna do all over again and make another better cleaner version first though we should probably figure out how we're gonna attach it to our wrist so i thought about using this thing it's an electric grabber and it sucks literally like i've actually used them to climb walls before in another video so i think if we mod it fit it to our wrist it'll suction the shield whenever we put it on so i started designing this but it just felt too complicated for this project it's got batteries motors and switches like the project's already so simple like why do we got to complicate it further the obvious better solution is magnets the reason i didn't use magnets in the first place is because well it's not magnetic nothing metal would add more weight but it turns out this thing is so light already we don't actually need that strong of magnets to hold it in place uh plus the hacksome authority made that crazy strong magnet version but we should be able to use some regular old neodymium magnets if we put two on the shield it won't add that much weight and then we can add like a larger stack to our wrist thing so our 3d model then printed out the wrist mounts and made a better cleaner looking shield and stuck some magnets to the back side of that i actually ended up sticking some fake carbon fiber over the real carbon fiber which definitely felt wrong but it came out looking alright so i don't mind so that about does it [Music] foreign [Music] we got two shields remember we're giving one away on instagram so go follow us there but we still gotta look like captain america for that we gotta hit the gym get the right outfit and have a nice head of hair the first two we can control but unfortunately two out of three guys do experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 started from the bottom now we're here so if we want to keep that captain america cut keeps is here to help and the best way to prevent hair loss is doing something while you still have hair don't end up like him it works out for me i have a very nice shaved head no he does have a nice shaved head it can take four to six months to see results so act fast and the more hair you'll save too late for you man i'm sorry you just get out of here this is sad does this look nice it's too late for you sorry you had to see that it breaks my heart every time and best of all you can do this from your own house a subscription service or a licensed doctor will review all your information and send you everything right to your door and it's affordable too since keeps hooks you up with that generic fda approved hair treatment medication so if you're ready to take action keep that superhero haircut check out jayla's video link below and get 50 off your first order as jayla's video all right the real question though will this actually work i have a feeling we're not going to be great at this to start but here's basically how it works you just kind of throw it at a wall try and catch it just like that right back on the arm oh god isn't that sick oh my god that looks good you like really thick training montage [Music] it's like the perfect weight for the magnets so that it like releases right at the end you twist your arm so you can actually throw it kind of like he does in the movies there it is [Music] drink oh no oh this is tiring oh god i'm good i'm gonna keep going i can do this all day i can do this all day [Music] take one jackass hit me turns out it actually works pretty well i just think it's so cool how you can do those multi-wall bounces like just like in the movies like i don't think you would get much closer to how it actually would work also because it's carbon fiber it's pretty tough too not quite bulletproof but it'll stop like throwing knives oh bottles too let's rip some trick shots that are only possible with this bouncing mechanism i call this one the blind wall bounce super smasher because the target's behind the wall the only way to hit it is with the bounce nice this next one the triple wall bounce the hell so there's one more thing we got to take care of and that's alan pan like anyone can talk online let's see him say that to my face and this shield in person all right i got a tip he's up here probably looking through the trash for his next project yo alan does it feel like one out of ten to you yeah it does you jake there's a weak hit alan not as weak as your channel jake [Applause] you thirsty you know what you can keep it i think i want this [Music] [Music] you know the thing about smart guys we always cover our ass okay you know what it's pretty cool so there it is guys remember to follow me on instagram to win this shield thank you guys very much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 10,107,785
Rating: 4.9205227 out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, Captain America, Captain America Shield, real Captain America shield, Marvel, mcu, avengers, Real life captain america, captain america shield frisbee, bouncing frisbee, carbon fiber shield, iron man, vibranium, Steve rogers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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