Real Mind Controlled Dr. Octopus Arms! - Super Strength!!

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[Music] this video is sponsored by simply safe all right let's do another one pull up last video's comments as usual and it looks like ding ding doctor octopus arms if you guys don't know this is actually where i get all my ideas so if you want me to make something comment down below and if it gets enough likes i'll make it which by the way y'all been killing it with the comments lately crazy numbers amazing support so just thank you very much for that uh we actually did a little something special for this video you might notice my shirt limited edition doctor octopus shirts and hoodies too as always we're hand printing each one and signing them so i got a little personal touch if you get one you can actually be a part of this project and help support this build pretty limited though because again we're doing this all ourselves we're only so many people be available until the next video drops or tell they sell out but we've also got a bunch of other cool designs too and also as a thank you we're giving away a brand new ps5 to someone who gets one of our shirts it'll be anything on the store right now until we drop the next video and we'll just go through all the orders and pick a winner at random it's like the more stuff you get probably a better chance of winning definitely check out the website we'll be announcing everything on instagram too we're also doing a bunch of other giveaways like 3d printers and other stuff that you guys asked for uh so just hit us with a follow there if you want to win some of that stuff too all right but enough talking doctor octopus arms roller clips so i'm mostly going to be modeling this off of the 2004 spider-man 2 movie uh with like mild inspiration from the comics basically dr octavius creates these bionic robot arms it's actually tap into his nervous system and are controlled with his mind well that is until the arms start controlling him you know honestly it looks pretty painful uh yeah i'm not sure i'm too down for that to be honest but he's got four arms that come out of his back they're like metal triangles essentially with little claw grabbers at the end and like evil red lights and just right away it looks like he's already an expert somehow controlling these arms uh with like extreme precision too and these movies just love to bend physics all right first of all these arms probably weigh a ton and there's no way his legs could actually hold that weight but just say maybe they are super light or whatever you just tip over if they like reach forward just like a center of gravity thing but whatever off topic the arms actually do support his weight in a lot of the clips he's able to climb buildings with them lift heavy stuff hang off stuff you know all the classic super villain stuff so this build would be awesome if we could have like four robotic arms um we'll put it in like a backpack design because again not really a big fan of the whole needle in the spine thing but i want to make these arms as similar to the movie as possible it's going to be pretty hard so maybe like we like break it down into two types of arms uh we'll have like maybe the two lower ones we'll have more like precision focus so they like curl around knock like snakes and everything then we have like the upper arms be like the power hitters that way we get the most functionality possible uh oh yeah and i want to control it with my mind too so we're gonna have to figure that out oh so once again we have an extremely tall order on our plate probably gonna be a crazy amount of work uh but you know the end product's gonna be worth it so you know if we do manage to impress you maybe drop that like so you guys might know i'm a huge fan of pushing myself to like make the biggest and best project i can just top my previous builds uh but i realized a while ago like these projects are getting crazy there's only so many hours in the day so we're going to keep increasing the size complexity budget we're going to need some help so i actually turned to you guys and asked if any of you want to help out with these builds because i mean you all are pretty smart and i know a lot of you are talented engineers seem like the perfect way to go so i put up an application on our website it's actually still up if you all are interested in helping with future builds we got some amazing responses from some really talented people so when this doctor octopus idea kept coming across the comments i put together a little group to help out the guys are charizak and oma plan was to like team up and build it virtually on solidworks you know work out as many of the kinks as possible uh so that way i could just order all the parts here and then put it together much faster that way we're not limited to like location we can work remotely especially in these times it honestly was a ton of fun meeting every week figuring out the design for this it was nice to actually bounce ideas off other people for once instead of me just coming up with everything uh because i've never really gotten to do that before so it was really helpful two of the guys zach and om were actually in the area so they were able to come here and help out with the build which is super cool just shout out to some easy questions uh who's your favorite youtuber okay you like it here don't you how would you say this is going so far like a few bomb came there what do you expect to be like this place and then it really is i actually expect it to be similar to this did you really yeah wow i didn't think it would be like super amazing places why did you apply what seeing like youtubers like you guys like that's kind of what i wanted to do i was just watching your video and i was like oh is this my chance yeah you actually he's been putting up videos yeah i know you mentioned like oh that's uh this group seems very cool so i have hi and i'm here so first thing we did was tackle the precision arms these ones are the ones that should look most like the movie uh so as usual we first started with a bunch of research on different robot designs that would make something that looked most like a movie and basically it comes down to what's the best way to control multiple joints that move in all directions so one method is to use multiple servos you know all connected in a chain i saw a lot of youtube channels doing videos like this i think some guys at carnegie mellon did a pretty advanced one you can actually climb trees and stuff but the downside of this method is it's lifting capabilities when like implemented in something where it's fixed at one point so like on the ground they're great they're cool they look like snakes and everything but as soon as you fix it at one point because you have all of the servos along the arm it's gonna make it pretty heavy you know it's not a big deal for the first couple motors because they only have to lift a little bit but once you get down to like the end joint got all this stuff to lift so you're adding more weight but you're also increasing the distance from the fulcrum so it like exponentially increases the amount of torque you need to move a lot of sciency words unfortunately there's not too many ways around the fact that just long flexible robot arms are going to be difficult to control especially at that connection joint it's just physics and the problem only increases when you try and pick stuff up because that's adding weight at the worst possible point right at the end where it's going to be the heaviest so the best we can do is make this as light as possible and as strong as possible all while keeping the mobility of the joints as flexible as possible you know obviously easier said than done but there are ways to help one thing we can actually do is move all the motors off the arm and on to the end and then we can use wires to actuate each joint this way the motors can be at the base of the arm it saves a lot of weight along the arm and the arms don't need to weigh nearly as much uh this is actually how commercial snake robots work yeah that's actually a thing they're pretty cool and also terrifying like they claim they're used for tasks where you need to get into like a small space and do some super detailed work but you know come on someone's going to take over the world with one of these so we're going to try and make something like that but once again it's going to be tricky because all these arms have large banks of motors that are usually way bigger than the actual arms themselves like they got a small arm big bank we need to fit two of these arms on our back so we came up with a design that uses three high torque stepper motors with pulleys each arm will be made up of multiple triangular segments with string running through each corner and because we have three strings that gives us a whole plane of direction if we do a little trick so printed out 24 of these section pieces and the housing as well and to connect each section we're using stiff compression springs because that will allow them to bend but not compress too much then we'll cut out some foam to fill in the gaps this part was actually super satisfying we also got to use this rhino camera robot basically holds a camera and has a robot driving along the track uh that way you can get the same shot multiple times super steady you can do cool time lapses just a lot of cool effects see how we're using robots to film other robots very cool shout out to rhino definitely going to help up our filming game so we threw everything together and gave it a test and well it didn't work [Music] but i mean when does it ever work on the first try so we figured out it's going to take way more force than we originally thought to move these arms the stepper motors just aren't strong enough you know the kevlar cord we use isn't strong enough it's all good though we just need some stronger cable and some stronger motors so we upgraded to some steel cable and just did some manual testing to see how much force it would actually take to move these arms it's about like 50 pounds just to get it to move a little bit and that's without holding anything so we decided on using some high strength linear actuators uh same ones i used in my iron man suit actually when that thing didn't have enough power so ordered like six of them and while we wait for those to come in let's work on the actual claw mechanism so if you look online a lot of these robots only have like two little pincher claws but you know we want a little bit more doctor octopus so we need multiple claws so we found this design that uses like a dc motor which drives a screw to move four claw segments so when the middle moves out all the claw segments close so we got a kit for the claws and put them all together as it turns out though the motors that come with this kit aren't going to cut it either you know this thing's got worse grip than the claw machine but if we think about it though all we really need is like a push pull mechanism and you know what does that more linear actuators so just hit it with a little upgrade and it works a bit better now and then we just added a little bit of rubber to the tip so it can actually grip onto stuff stick them on the end of the arms and they should work pretty good so now we got the claws figured out let's jump back into the arms so we got all the linear actuators and my first thought was just to modify the existing housing to fit all the actuators maybe we could just face them downward and have wires like loop around a pulley or something we tried this and again just too much friction turned out to be too messy it's just such a weird angle for the wire to wrap around especially with that much torque and you know it's probably better just to redesign the whole thing plus the cool thing about these actuators is they don't actually expand most linear actuators get longer but these ones just have like a screw mechanism that moves along them which is great news because that means we can just mount them sideways along our body and we don't have to worry about them like poking off and looking weird so plasma cuts some pieces that allow us to pull all six of these together then the two arms can just bolt onto either side of this block and we should have plenty of torque to move these arms whichever way we want which is great because now we can actually pick stuff up in theory again like it was definitely working better but we're still having problems basically the arms would lift upward but then just keel over kind of like a breaching weight we need them just to stay up there arms have too much freedom like they're constrained in the xyz plan but not the rotational plan so right now when they lift up they just and just twist over uh that's just because of the springs we used you know they still twist a little bit so looks like we need another connection enter universal joint this only lets things move in the xy plane doesn't compress in the z direction and doesn't rotate either so this is exactly what we want quick 24 arm transplant segments later and the arms are now erect so i threw together a mounting plate for everything using some t-slot aluminum and mounted the actuator box to it definitely a little bit bigger than anticipated but pretty worth it to have these arms a little stronger like these can lift stuff so definitely thumbs up for that i also had to wire up some red lights on the tip of the claws just for that extra doctor octopus vibe i also noticed from the movie it looks like the claws can actually see by themselves and kind of have a mind of their own like when octavius isn't looking the claw's got his back nope no pun intended so i got some of these cameras from simplisafe uh maybe we can integrate into the build basically they're really smart wi-fi security cameras it's got a wide angle so you can really see what's going on and it's got human detection and it's all encrypted so very nice security camera like if we could get these arms to automatically detect people that'd be pretty sweet simply safe is actually a whole system though it's very advanced too you can have your whole place wired for just 50 cents a day talking video doorbells smart locks windows sensors now communicate with this home base and it all works even if there's no power it comes with a smart control pad used to control everything and of course it's all wired into your phone so you can monitor everything from anywhere just keeps you safe and updated and then they'll even call the police if it detects a break-in when you detect a break-in maybe for a final measure you throw on the arms hit them with that one-two octo mayweather special setup takes under an hour uh just use the link simply safe dot com slash j laser video since i installed the system i've learned quite a bit about what actually goes on in this house all right obviously there's a lot of stuff we can do with these arms and we're just getting started we still gotta figure out the controls and the whole of their arm system and as i said i want the upper arms to really pack a punch they're gonna be more strength oriented so hopefully that can help us you know lift stuff so to do that we're gonna take a page out of a previous build i did my exoskeleton lifting suit basically it's a pneumatic exo suit uh that features two high-powered pneumatic cylinders but we're gonna upgrade these from the last time uh so now each piston can lift about like a hundred and fifty pounds that's 300 pounds total good math jake uh but because it's a doctor octopus we need these arms to be able to you know like move around on their own uh so for that we're gonna add a motorized shoulder joint uh so they can like actually rotate up and down to get them to actually swivel we're gonna use some much larger stepper motors this time and because we want this to be strong we're gonna plasma cut some quarter inch steel mounting brackets uh then we're gonna use some aluminum rod to connect the two add some gears add some chains bolt everything together and boom we got our assembly now to mount the actual pistons to the arms i just drilled holes straight through the aluminum rod and tapped some holes into the pistons bolted it all together then cut off the air tube running out the top so then we ran a quick test just to see if everything was firing pneumatics were working fine but the actual stepper motors to lift stuff were struggling a little bit everything's too underpowered but instead of replacing the stepper motors this time we replaced the drivers because we weren't maxing out the full power so with these upgraded drivers arms were moving a little bit better now we're talking the arms still don't look that cool you know they're just like metal tubes sticking off your back so we decided to 3d print some more parts to slide on over it'll actually help hold the air tubes too and then for the end bit where the arm extends i was trying to figure out a way to make that look a little cooler thinking about like collapsible mechanisms really complicated things but you know i think foam might just be the answer like pushes down really small spans out and holds its shape so we just cut some more pieces and uh threaded them on the end and now we can still expand and contract like normal uh but it looks a little cooler too now for the claws we need them to be pretty strong if they're gonna lift things so again i plasma cut and bent some kind of hook shaped claws added some more quarter inch steel then we designed a plasma cut some other claws to uh set around it and make it look a little bit more like the movie and these will probably do some damage themselves like i definitely wouldn't want to get hit with these so now we've got all four arms now for the controls you know there's always one part in every project that just makes me really want to curl up into a little ball and drown in my own tears uh yeah that was how's this part stuck on paper this seems so simple-ish just take like all six or seven drivers for the actuators mount them to the board hook them up to the arduino wiring the stepper drivers too add the mind control thing which we'll get to in a minute write some code upload it done that's the annoying part i did all that and it still doesn't work there's a headache in a box basically somewhere in here some wire is not connected right but i am losing my mind well i gotta actually did get it working last night briefly basically we have two nunchucks and a switch that flips from the top arm to the bottom arms so when we have it on bottom arm mode the nunchucks control the bottom arms you can independently control them you can click the buttons to actually grab stuff it's pretty cool and we want to use the top arms just flip the switch and then the nunchucks control the top arms and the buttons control the pneumatics sorry control the pneumatics as in past tense because right now nothing works like even as i'm recording this like seuss over there it doesn't work like i hope i'll get it to work you know future me you know come on i figured i'd just you know rip the recording just buy me some time while i maybe think of a solution so i'm just going to assume future me got it real quick though before i show off this invention hopefully i'm going to show off some of the projects that you guys made and sent to me because i really love doing this segment so check them out sweet projects guys you already know i love this segment it's really cool that i'm able to showcase some of your inventions get you a little bit of exposure for your hard work at the same time inspiring some other people win-win positive everything definitely send me stuff you made on instagram after i use the video or just email it too okay so by now hopefully i got the arms working so here is the finished doctor octopus arms [Music] oh let's go that is horrifying i see oranges you could do there what does get there i know that's what everyone wants you gotta angle it in whoa no way oh no dude oh no thank you thank you [Music] let's go see if he can catch the orange [Music] all right give me something else to pick up all right throw out the paper towel oh that's sick dude yeah dude oh my gosh patrol [Music] no it's opening don't open you open until i say oh let's go and see let's see pretty cool arms definitely very awesome to see him like move around in that organic way but that's only half the story we still got the pneumatic arms up [Music] yep let's go oh yeah [Music] let's go now you might be thinking cool but this is pretty useless if you have to be tethered to an air compressor the whole time keep in mind this is still a concept you know that's not the thing you should be concerned about uh there's a bunch of other things i probably could have done better but i've got a solution for this one got this paintball high pressure air tank 3000 psi in this baby stick it on the back connect this up definitely get some good use out of pneumatics yeah mobile option as well all right so that's all cool and everything but jake you've been talking about this mind control the whole video where's the mind control all right i'll show you the mind control so mind control technology nowadays it's pretty sweet there's no neural link interface like you think yourself into a computer yet all right you know come back in a couple years for that stuff we actually need to go inside the brain and hook up a bunch of stuff i think elon actually said brain interfacing right now is like listening to a production facility from the outside you know you can kind of hear like some stuff moving in there but you're not gonna get an idea of the full picture or be able to like modify anything from outside that's like the whole neural link thing but again not really trying to drill holes in my head for this video so we're gonna stick with the outside control that next best thing is an eeg interface i'm using the one from open bci this actually reads spectrums of brain waves like alpha and beta waves which corresponds to different brain activity plus it comes with like a sweet looking headset too it took a little bit of finessing to get to work eventually we realized we needed just a little bit more skin contact so we brought in an expert in that department more skin contact let's go we're trying to make this thing green i think think green you will subscribe but if you just wet the connectors a little bit we actually found out you can get a pretty good signal focus higher question there we go let's go dude that's so weird i'm just i'm literally just counting by 10 in my head all hooked up you can see just my brand activity so as i'm talking top right widget that's the focus widget so when that turns green that means i'm focused close my eyes really just focus in do some jedi tricks pretty focused you can see it also picks up my blinks blink really start thinking about a lot of stuff and start doing math try moving my arms around all the data goes crazy and i'm gonna go i want to go come and all levels out again so that's pretty cool so we can use this focus widget control like kind of like an on or off switch say we can make the arms close or we can make like the arm go up based on my focus you can just interface this with our arduino yeah that's how we can actually control this thing with my mind i need to train my mind [Music] it's pretty cool every time i think i hear it move and then it throws off how does he do this in the movie dude it makes it so easy oh you're very close [Music] oh dude this literally feels like the star wars even i'm trying to like pick up the you know what i mean we could make it do something else we could make it like punch stuff with my mind [Music] as you can see there's like other patterns i can do like i'm talking it picks up talking there might be like other things that i can think about that'll trigger certain wave patterns like blinking triggers that tells me that like certain thoughts can trigger certain patterns that we can look for and potentially use to control things so might be i'll actually build like a whole controlling interface in the future i don't know that's for another video this probably has already gone way too long but i really do appreciate you guys watching like if you made it this far bravo i really appreciate that this is why i do it so thank you so as always let me know what i'm making next down below i'm gonna go shut this thing off before it starts to develop its own consciousness but thank you very much for watching we'll catch you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 3,810,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, dr octopus, spiderman2, sony, ps4, real life dr. octopus, mind controlled dr. octopus arms, mind controlled arms, eeg mind control, real life mind control, dr octopus arms, marvel, DC, neuralink, robot arms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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