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You’d think they could give Civil Warrior a mini buff/tune up for the occasion

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/chirczilla 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
We decided to build the Civil Warrior Shield. A Captain America shield complete with an arc reactor built right into the center. Hey guys! I'm really excited about today's video because it is sponsored by Marvel Contest of Champions. Now whether you're on team Cap or team Ironman I'm sure the questions crossed your mind. What if Captain America had Iron Man's tech? Well it's actually happened before in both the comics and Marvel contest of Champions. Which by the way is a super fun game. They asked us to build some of the tech from the game and we chose Civil Warrior' shield. Now who the heck is Civil Warrior? Well remember how I said there is a Captain America who has Iron Man tech? Yep. Legend says Civil Warrior is Captain America from an alternate earth that was ravaged by the civil war between his own army and Iron Man's forces. On that world the two heroes mortally wounded each other in the final battle, Tony died, but Steve survived. Riddled with guilt from the battles destruction and the death of his former ally at his own hands. He assumed the mantle of Civil Warrior and re-purposed Iron Man's arc reactor tech into his Captain America suit vowing to stop the senseless conflict from ever happening again. Since Cap is one of my favorite heroes and our original electro-magnetic Captain America shield does not only one of my favorite projects but one of our most popular videos we've ever done. We decided to build the Civil Warrior shield a Captain America shield complete with an arc reactor built right into the center. Now funny enough I think I probably have more Captain America shields and than even Chris Evans. Lets go take a look at the armory and see what shields we want to modify. Ol' Faithful my first shield. I am the Hacksmith Alright this feels right. Let's try it out! Alright let's make sure the shield is durable. Ian why don't you demonstrate how hard a two by four is. Alright, alright two hits. Lets see if I can do better. Ha! Alright next up, patio tiles. Ian why don't you I hit with a baseball bat and show how hard these concrete tiles are. MMhggm. Try again. Bats cracked! Yeah! Alright now if you guys remember the original Captain America electromagnet shield. I tried doing five patio stones and I was unable to do it. Let's see if I can do it today. You know what I think I can do six. Give me a sixth. That's frickin sweet. Alright this shields pretty darn durable, let's start designing the Civil Warrior shield. Alright I've got this fresh shield. Before we can modify it I'm gonna have to draw it in CAD so we can actually design the new changes so let's get started. Beautiful! Alright now that we have the 3D model of the shield we can start designing the modifications to turn this into Civil Warriors shield. First up, let's make the frame of the arc reactor, and we're gonna need a backing plate for all the electronics. Alright this is looking pretty good. Let's start adding the tech. Have you ever seen these before? They look like your standard 100 watt super bright white LED. Which we've made several projects using them in the past but these are actually 50 watt blinding blue LEDs. Which work great for our arc reactor segments. So let's add them into the model. Now in Marvel contest of Champions Civil Warrior can do a special move called overload. Where he blasts his arc reactor at his opponent. Our blue LEDs will be blindingly bright so it looks similar but this is Make it Real. We're not just making a shield with LED lights. Luckily a friend of mine a fellow Youtuber Styropyro hooked us up with a 100 watt blue laser. These are super dangerous and some of the most powerful laser rays in the world. So naturally we're gonna put one in the middle of our shield. Speaking of Civil Warrior I've got to tell you about Marvel Contest of Champions. I know you guys love everything Marvel like I do. I mean you're watching this video after all. Which means you're gonna love Marvel Contest of Champions! It's a free-to-play mobile fighting game that features over a hundred and seventy champions from every multiverse imaginable. We're talking all the Avengers, X-Men so many different Spider-man and even some original new characters like Guillotine 2099 and Aegon. Each champion has unique abilities and features with astounding animations. It's an easy game to learn but a challenging quest to master. I love how it's easy to pick up and game when you have time and you can also sync hours of enjoyment as well. It's super satisfying to upgrade your favorite heroes and battle your way to victory. Plus you can finally answer those questions like which hero would win in a fight. The best part is there's new champions, stories, and challenges at every single month. Plus as a special treat for my audience they've agreed to give away a two-star Civil Warrior for the next two weeks since we're making a shield. All you have to do is download Marvel contest of Champions using my link below to claim your reward. Now let's finish this shield. In addition to the arc reactor the Civil Warrior shield also has an electromagnetic bracer not unlike the one we already made a while ago. So let's add a steel backing plate to allow us to use our electromagnet. Alright, 74 components in the build of this shield. That's a lot of parts. I wish building stuff was easy as designing it let's go make it. Alright time to cut this out. I'll just use my Ironman plasma gauntlet. Alright we've got the plate made which means it's time to install the LEDs but before we do that we should make sure that they all work so I'm just gonna quickly test them all with this bench power supply. This time I'm gonna wear protection. Uuuh. Ah. Ah. Oof. Ah. Gah. Geez! I thought I thought that one was dead. Okay they all work and all I can see is purple. The glasses they did nothing. Next step installing them all on here. I got all the LEDs installed. Time to solder them all together. Alright just need the connector. Alright let's see if she works. Hoo Hoo My eyes! It's like staring into the power stone. LEDs done. Next up laser. So again we got this laser from Styropyro fellow Youtuber and it's a 100 watt blue laser Its power supply is inside this box and it's actually water-cooled because it creates so much heat. So if you're curious about how all this is actually going together you can check out our circuit diagram on Alright so how does it actually work well our blue laser array is actually made up of twenty blue lasers in a grid. They're powered by the laser driver right here and we've got a power pack with a four s a three s and another three s lipo. Which powers both the water cooling pump and it can control the LED trigger to power our arc reactor LEDs and the laser over here. So let's install this and then we'll be done. Alright now we just have put in the shield. This will all fit right? I've got the laser installed in the shield now which means we can test it out. This is one of the world's most powerful blue lasers. Literally a reflection of the laser light is enough to blind you so it's really important to be using laser goggles whenever you're using any kind of lasers even low-power ones. So let's see what I can do. Right the laser is live we're going to turn off the lights. Here we go. Whoo! Just lights the wood on fire just like that. This is crazy! Turn the light on! Behold my beautiful sig- Woah look like this literally ash floating in the sky. I'd say that's a pretty good success. In the real test we're gonna be exploding stuff. The Civil Warrior shield is finished and it looks absolutely fantastic. We need to do an amazing test so we've set up this awesome obstacle course for me to run through and really put the shield through its paces. Including a set of walls for me to run through. I've wanted to do that ever since I saw it in the movie. Alright that's more like it let's test out this shield. Shield! Yeah! Yeah! Haha! Hydra scum! Alright that was freakin awesome! I have my very own, Civil Warrior shield. If you guys want to help support the channel download Marvel Contest of Champions today using my link below. Plus if you do it in the next two weeks you'll get a two stars Civil Warrior to use in your account. Thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe. We have so many Make it Real projects on the way.
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 8,828,862
Rating: 4.9367409 out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, captain america shield, captain america electromagnet shield, civil warrior shield, arc reactor, arc reactor shield, arc reactor technology, civil warrior, captain america civil war, hacksmith shield, make it real, fortnite, engineering, iron man, making an arc reactor, real arc reactor, captain america shield breaks, electromagnet shield, fortnite battle royale, stark industries, electromagnets, marvel cinematic universe, homemade arc reactor, sdcc
Id: OkqMp3BUHzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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