YMS: M. Night Shyamalan SUCKS (1 of 4)

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PapaDuke 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2013 🗫︎ replies

You know what really stings the most? Every time I see one of these YouTube "The Last Airbender" reviews, the critics haven't even seen the show. It does add emphasis that you don't have to see the show to know he messed up, but they criticize events that DID happen in the show that actually make sense. If you watched the show. I guess it shows that M. Night did a terrible job at explaining cause and effect as well as character backgrounds, but because the critics have zero context they end up criticizing the story itself, and speaking as a fan, their opinion seems misguided and misinformed. I guess what I'm saying is that I wish these critics would educate themselves on the content instead of blindly stampeding over a movie or show with fragments of information to go off of.

In a semi-related note, I have friends who hate things like Twilight and Harry Potter, which is ok, if you actually read them or watched the films to form this opinion, but it seems like they heard "sparkly vampires" and "boy wizard" and are the first to grab their pitchforks and torches and call them the worst books ever. How can they really know if they don't experience it and give some solid examples? I can't believe I had to defend Twilight to get my point across, I'm just feeling like reviews like this deter people from even being interested in watching the animated series when the critic does nothing but rip it up as a story failure partnered with a director and casting failure. It's just not the case.

/End of rant

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SomYongGai 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2013 🗫︎ replies

warning.. it is not just 9:19. there are 4 parts.. fml why did i watch this.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gl0ws 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2013 🗫︎ replies
M. Night Shyamalan. Y'know, I was just going to a review on The Last Airbender, but in order for someone to fully understand what the real Avatar is, and yes, that's what I'm going to be calling it, one must first understand the context of the film. And that context is M. Night Shyamalan's career. M. Night really isn't even a director anymore, he's a legend. How do you start so high and get so low. And I'm not talking about, like, High Tension to Mirrors, I'm talking about, like, people lining up to see the movie because your name's on it, to nobody seeing the movie because your name's on it . [crowd murmuring disapprovingly] And I'm just about sick of people saying that Devil was actually not that bad or not as bad, but I'm thinking, "What the hell? He didn't even direct it, so why are you even talking about this?" The fact is, is that it doesn't count and neither do his first two movies before The Sixth Sense. This is the time line: From The Sixth Sense to the real Avatar. Go. So, you watch The Sixth Sense, and you're just like, "Wow! That's a great movie. It's a classic movie." There are so many parodies of it, and it's engraved into our culture. [Clip] I see dead people. [YMS] I can definitely say that this is his best movie, and the reason why I think it's better than Unbreakable is because it is more of a classic movie, and it holds more emotional value in it. The Sixth Sense is a far more powerful film, and although it does have its flaws, it's a great movie. And most of the flaws just come with the fact that it's a ghost movie. Like, how many people do you think have died in the past? Wouldn't there just be, like, some, like, giant pool of bodies that he's kinda walking through, if he can see them? Wouldn't it kinda just be like a really, really crowded everywhere? Like, wouldn't they be overlapping into each other? And what about animals? I mean, like, do animals have ghosts? If there are no animal ghosts, does that mean that there are also no Homo erectus or Neanderthal ghosts? [clip] No-one has found the link between apes and this Homo erectus. Yes they have! It's called Homo habilis. Aha! But no-one has found the missing link between ape and this so-called Homo habilis. Yes they have! It's called Australopithecus africanus. Ho ho! I've got you now! [YMS] Did all of these monkeys just die like batteries? I mean, at one point did they become ghosts? Evolution aside, what really doesn't make sense is these guys. It's explained in the movie that when you're dead, you don't know you're dead, and you're living your lives, like, normal, and seeing what you wanna see. But these guys don't make any sense. If they don't believe they're dead, wouldn't they have imagined some sort of, like, "Oh, I escaped and now I'm walking around." Wouldn't they realize they're ghosts once they realize they've been there for, like, a couple hundred years, hanging from the neck. I mean, wouldn't someone have taken down the ropes by then, so, like, does that mean that they are, like, ghost ropes, and, like, ghost clothes? And I mean, if there are no ropes, does that mean they're flying? Can ghosts also fly? Can ghosts only fly if it's for the sake of creating this illusion that they're still hanging from... This doesn't make any sense. Anyway, The Sixth Sense is a great movie. [clip] We've been huge fans for so long and, you know, at times where you gotten down on some of your movies and reviews, we've been, like, championing them to other people. Like Unbreakable, for example. I'll walk across the street, and some teenager'll bolt across traffic and almost get hit and be like, "I love Unbreakable!", and I'll be like, "Oh, thank you!" [YMS] So, not only has M. Night made one of the most classic movies of all time, but he's also managed to make a movie with a huge cult following. You watch Unbreakable and you're like, "Hey, this director seems pretty promising, he's had two good hits in a row." Unbreakable is the only other M. Night film that I can actually feel emotion from. I mean it's not as powerful as the Sixth Sense, but it's still a great movie, even though it does have its flaws. For example, it seems as if his psychic abilities are to see if weapons on people, or to see if they've done something bad recently. Like, if he touches somebody, he can see if they stole something, or if they smuggled drugs. Basically, any bad things that someone's done. And I start to wonder if it's, like, a general sense of it being bad or if it's, like, his personal opinion. Selling drugs being bad is debatable, depending on what they are. But anyway, what the whole movie leads up to is this guy that, like, breaks into somebody else's house, kills the dad, and ties up all the girls in the house. But then he, like, goes to work, because he's a custodian and that's how he bumps into him. And I'm thinking, like, "Did you honestly just tie people up, and then go to work, and then come back from work, so you can go back to that house?" And then I start to think about how impractical that superpower is. I mean, how many people is he gonna run into that are in mid-crime, so that he can see that they've done something, but also there's time to save the day? It seems like he just has a superpower of hindsight. [clip] Captain Hindsight, thank God you've come! What's the skinny? There's people trapped in that burning building, Captain Hindsight, and the fire so massive, we can't get to them. You see those windows on the right side? They should have built fire escapes on those windows for the higher floors, then people could have gotten down. Well, looks like my job here is done. Goodbye, everyone! Thank you, Captain Hindsight! [YMS] So, right after we see a pretty ingenious shot that I'm not even gonna explain, because you should just watch the movie, Bruce Willis steps outside, and then the killer guy was all like, "Ha ha!" And pushes them into the pool. And then Bruce Willis is all like, "Oh no! I'm afraid of water and I can't swim." And then the two girls that he untied, like, save him, and then Bruce Willis just goes back up stairs, and I guess he's lucky that this is, like, the craziest person in the world, because not only did he not check to see if Bruce Willis had died, and if he just kinda looked down, he would have seen those two girls saving him, but also didn't check to see if he untied those girls, which is something that I would do, if I was trying to balance my job and killing a family at the same time. He just kinda stands there, looking at the woman tied up, and spits beer on the carpet. This guy is the craziest person in the world. All in all, great movie. [clip] So, where does the movie Signs fit in? Well, it's not quite as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable, but it's not quite as bad as The Happening or The Village or Lady in the Water. It's kind of in the middle. [YMS] So you watch Signs, and you're like, "Hey, that wasn't... that wasn't as good as the first two. I mean, like, every director has a movie that's not as good as the other ones. But I'm okay with that, maybe their next one will be better." This feels so unbalanced now; the first two movies had this glorification before I started insulting them, but there's really not that much good about this movie at all. There's just so much wrong with this movie, I don't even feel like talking about it. [clip] If you were Joaquin Phoenix in this scene, going up the stairs to check to see and if the aliens are still around, wouldn't you take the axe with you? Of course you would, you would have to be an absolute fucking moron not to take the axe with you. But he doesn't take the axe. He walks upstairs completely unarmed. There is no human being alive, on this planet, so stupid, that they would leave the axe downstairs, while they were going up there to check and see if there were still aliens trying to kill them upstairs. If a knife will go through them, then a bullet will go through them. So just shoot the motherfuckers. We're talking about an alien species that master interstellar travel, has mastered cloaking technology for their ships. And yet, they can't get past a simple wooden door? I could get past that fucking door and kill that family if I really wanted to. Water? Are you fucking kidding me? Water. The aliens' only weakness aside from kitchen knives, I guess, is water. Water. The most abundant resource on the planet Earth. There are so many things wrong with this: Number 1, what about humidity? There's water in the air. Shouldn't the air therefore kill these fucking aliens? Number 2, why would these aliens come conquer a planet made almost entirely of fucking water? That would be like if you and I decided to go conquer a lava planet. "Hey, guys. Wanna go conquer a planet made of lava?" "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!" "And hey, let's not only conquer a planet made of lava, let's do it naked! Woo!" [YMS] Over all, not that good. Subtitles by JorWat
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,788,524
Rating: 4.8497906 out of 5
Keywords: yms, your, movies, suck, movie, sucks, night, shyamalan, adam, review
Id: NmbPdWZEFr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2010
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