NELLIEL TU ODELSCHWANCK - Bleach Character ANALYSIS | Queen of the Desert

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most of the iran car in eisens army and by that extension most of the asparda as well can be characterized by their brutish and animalistic personalities which sees them driven by instincts to fight and kill their prey in a real display of power and there are very few exceptions to this rule making waco mundo a very unstable and chaotic place to be the notable exceptions include characters like the first espada stark characters like ulquiora and harebel all of whom are quite reserved and calm natured and the character we're going to look at today in this analysis video is perhaps the most emblematic of that change in comparison to the arrest of the iran car and that's the former third is spada nelly l2 odelschwank or nelle for sure hey everyone i hope you had a fantastic christmas and a great new year it is now 2021 and it's been a little while since my last video um but i hope you're doing really well i thought we'd kick things off with the character analysis you know something familiar and nell was the character who was voted for the most by you guys so by the time this video goes out there'll probably be a new poll up on the uh community post page on the channel so make sure to go check that out if you haven't already and vote for who you'd like to see in the next character analysis video but this one's going to be nell and i think that's a really interesting one because out of all of the iran car she feels wholly unique she's very different from almost every single other character who's a member of this race um and the reason for that is quite simple she is effectively the good espada of all the asparda characters in the series she's the only one who aligns herself with the heroes for the entirety of the story obviously grim joe swaps sides right at the very end of the thousand year blood war arc but nell is the the good natured is spada the one who really kind of signifies everything that the espada are not for the most part she's compassionate she's caring she's kind for the most part it seems like she doesn't care for fighting in that sense she's defined in my opinion by her relationship with the fifth espada neutra giroud who is basically the inverse of everything that neliel is much to his annoyance and i really find their relationship to be quite fascinating it's also something we'll get into in this video so in this one we're looking at nell the former third is spada before we begin however guys if you haven't subscribed yet to my channel um i'd really really appreciate the support we're on the road to 50 000 subs and if you love bleach you're in the perfect place for videos like this every single week so make sure to hit that button now give the video a thumbs up as well because it really does help with the whole youtube algorithm and the exposure on the website and also don't forget to give the notification bell a hit just make sure you stay updated with all of my videos like i said a minute ago nell is a very interesting character because she is so unique among the bleach cast i mean i don't think there are any other characters that i can think of at the top of my head anyway that go between being like a baby and then a fully grown woman um but nell is that character and she first makes an appearance in chapter 245 and then her final appearance is all the way towards the end of the story in chapter 666 along with characters like kisuke and grimjoe i quite like nell as a character because i feel like she introduces us to a whole new side of waco mundo you're supposed to go into waco mundo seeing this desolate barren landscape this bone white sand where nothing can grow and nothing can live and the whole place is this hollow world and up until this point in bleach we really did know the hollows to be the bad guys you know it was quite black and white yes the goatee 13 itself is quite morally ambiguous but the espada and the iran car really are the bad guys you know these guys have to die in every single fight because they are the villains they work for eisen and then you find out that nell exists and ichigo and his friends don't even initially think that she's an iran car or hollow because of the way she's acting but i really liked that fresh perspective and it did actually make wacom and a little bit more three-dimensional as an area to find out that nell and her fraction existed and they weren't horrible people you know they weren't driven entirely by their instinct and their lust to kill and the lust for power i really liked that i thought it was quite an interesting dynamic and it's cool that nell does join the group of friends uh for the duration of the waco mundo invasion arc at least anyway because she does unfortunately sort of fall off the face of the earth for a little while anyway so if we start briefly then by looking at her personality i do think nell like i said a minute ago is quite an interesting character and her baby personality is funny you know that's the main she's kind of the comic relief for the most part of the initial stage of the wacom and invasion arc um and it's funny the way she knows words like masochists that she shouldn't know and it always surprises ichigo and the people who are around him that she knows these kind of words but she does also act as their guide she knows the hollow world better than any of them um and she's a good way of increasing the stakes you know because nell kind of comes across as this holy innocent being especially when she's a child and when ichigo comes up against characters like dordogne for instance who tries to turn the battle against ichigo by trying to attack nell and targeting nell even with the character like dordony who is interesting in his own right because he has his own moral code and his his own kind of honor code he still tries to attack nell to force ichigo's full power out of him so i like the way nell is used to not only increase the stakes especially surrounding ichigo because he's a little bit wary about using his powers but also to highlight how some of the other hollows despite their honor codes are still almost monsters at heart despite the fact that dordony is definitely even by his own admission not the worst by a long way but her personality for the most part is lighthearted it's fun and she does provide the comic relief um for the awakenment invasion arc and i also like how she plays off of orahime as well especially during the ichigo versus grimjoe battle when arahime is sort of starting to feel a bit depressed and kind of downbeat by the fact that ichigo is becoming a monster wacom mundo is turning ichigo into the very monsters that he's fighting nell kind of acts as like a buffer for orahime even as a little child she does show a wisdom beyond her age and that's because of course she is actually an adult she is the former third sparta but she retains most of that personality even in that transformed state which i think works quite well as well again it's quite funny um seeing how over the top she is about seeing each other all the time calling him itsugo as a as child nil um for the most part i like her personality i think her personality is a little bit more plain back in the day when before this also happened to her and i think kubo kind of does that on purpose to show her how majorly the events that took place in her history did affect her so talking about her history let's move on to nell's role in the story as a whole so ichigo and his friends have invaded waco mundo to try and rescue orahime and they're kind of on the outskirts of last notches like they haven't actually made it into the main palace yet so they're still on the desert sands and they end up seeing this little girl being chased around by a bunch of hollows and it turns out to be nell being chased by her fraxio fraction peshe donde chaka and bauerbauer and it turns out obviously that you know ichigo and the others kind of misconstrue this as these hollows are trying to attack a human but actually they're all friends they're all hollows and they're all playing this game of eternal tag immediately telling you that you were wrong about everything that you thought about hollows you know take what you know about hollows and throw it out the window because nell and her friends represent a whole new side to these characters which like i said before i i absolutely love like these guys they have hollow masks they should be intimidating and evil but they're not they're totally different and i love that but nell is essentially works as their guide into echo mundo she travels with ichigo predominantly he's the one who goes with her and like i said they develop quite a nice relationship actually this relationship of protector and the one being defended and how that eventually gets upturned on its head much later on when nell eventually transforms again but for the mo for the beginning ichigo is the one defending her and i like that i i think it works really well there's a lot of nice comedic moments here um and we don't get to spend a lot of time with nell actually hanging out with her fraction because they do eventually split apart quite quickly to go with other people peshe and donda chakka end up going with renji and then uru to fight zia laparo but that works in and of itself because and like we'll get into this in a bit but kubo does a lot with nell regarding her backstory and the relationships that come of that way more than he does with almost every single person in waco mundo so that's actually quite fascinating we get to learn just how much nell comes to care for ichigo the guy who's been protecting her this whole time he's shown her as well how different shinigami can actually be which again i really like because both of these characters have quite a transformative effect on each other's world views when you think about it nell opens ichigo's eyes to a just a brand new way of looking at hollows entirely and that extends to iran cars as well but you know ichigo does the same for nell up until this point nell's been terrified of shinigami and it gives you a really interesting perspective as well as how shinigami are viewed by some hollows you know a lot of those iranka like i mentioned at the very beginning of this video are itching for a fight anyway and they just hate the shinigami but those that maybe aren't itching for a fight are actively terrified of the shinigami and being killed for just existing and this is obviously something that the espada zomari goes into uh but zamari is a very arrogant character with a lot of hubris so it's difficult to see past that you know with zamari you know it's hard to kind of see the forest for the trees but with nel it's a very pure and innocent terror that she sees when she sees ichigo and rukia and renji and yeah it's played up for laughs basically everything with baby nell is but it is really interesting seeing how they kind of affect each other's world view like that i i really like that because i think hueco mundo arc in general it gets a lot of flack for being essentially a rerun of the seoul society arc i never agreed with that i think it's supposed to be an inverse of that arc it is supposed to be like that thematically um the characters represent that a lot of the time as well and i think i really think you're supposed to get both sides of the story through ichigo and nell's relationship because most of the aspara are fight hungry you know animals essentially whereas nell's not so i think that's really interesting but moving on we get to see how much he cares for ichigo when he gets defeated by okiora and it looks like he might be dead when he's getting beaten up by grimjoe and nell is the one who leads the rallying cry to help ichigo come back and and and win the fight but things really start to heat up fennel as a character once grim joe is defeated so grim joe's beaten and then neutral comes in the fifth is spada and attacks scrim joe and then fights ichigo because he fights dirty this guy neutral has no morals whatsoever no kind of ethics code and that's that's crucial of course to his relationship with nell neutral just cares about being viewed as the strongest and if that means crushing weak ants who couldn't fight back then so be it but neutral does beat up ichigo essentially and he gets his uh fraction to beat him up as well but this causes a transformation to trigger in neliel um and she becomes the grown woman version of the character and it's interesting as well because pesche and dondachaka are some way away kind of fighting xyloporo and they know that something bad is about to happen regarding nell they know she's about to change she's getting taken closer to the heart of last notches they say uh they expect something bad to happen they're basically anticipating her running into something that might trigger the memories coming back to her of what happened in the past now in my opinion part of what helped make nell so popular and so memorable among fans was the surprisingly in-depth backstory kubo actually afforded her uh regarding her relationship with the fifth espada neutral and it is actually really good stuff as far as aranka backstory goes it is probably the best one i think it kind of reminds me a little bit of how in depth the friend backstory goes with hashwath and basby much later on um and obviously grimjoe gets a good backstory but it's quite insular whereas this one does encompass more of wakamundo i think but basically neliel used to be the former third espada back when neutral was the eighth the spider and characters like xylipara weren't even members of the espada at this point um and neutral just hates the way nell acts essentially everything is born out of this burgeoning feeling of like sexism that neutral has towards nelly l he hates the fact that she's a higher rank than him because she's a female um we know he's very chauvinistic already he has a go at harabel during the espada table meeting he doesn't speak down it doesn't speak up to anyone else and he doesn't seem at least on the surface to have a problem with the fact that there are you know what like four there are three male spiders ranked higher than him but he focuses in on on nellie and harabel but that's an interesting character trait for neutral but it does create this uh antagonistic relationship between him and nell and already you see even back in the past that nell was very very different to uh other members of the espada although she followed eisen's orders to the letter she was more reserved more seemingly intelligent at least and she wasn't particularly into fighting at least it appears anyway whereas neutra is the complete opposite of everything that she is he wants to fight he wants to kill and prove his strength almost meaninglessly it feels very arbitrary but i think that's kind of the point cooper's trying to get across here um but naturally they are going to come to blows in the past and they do neutral constantly tries to fight nell but she turns him down every step of the way basically saying that you know she doesn't want to fight him it's meaningless um and it is interesting because although nell does strive to appear to be above all of this it does kind of feel like she also provokes him a little bit as well when he says you know why do you keep following me then and she basically like well because you're weaker than me and that's obviously going to rile him up um but it does seem like they were always kind of destined to clash and things were going to get ugly in the future and things do unfortunately get pretty ugly neutral ends up teaming up with xyloporo to use his new technology to help defeat nell when basically everything else has failed neutral rips off the masks of peshe and donderchak dondecker forcibly which is actually quite gruesome when you think about it um and nell tries to attack him but she's tricked by a hologram that zile creates and then neutral is able to get a sucker punch on her which causes a crack to appear in her hollow mask and she falls unconscious at which point neutral throws her out of last notches um and it's really interesting i i think this is again like i said a minute ago one of the probably the best backstories in bleach because it is quite a tragic tale uh about how this guy who you know was never satisfied and just just wanted to tear someone down from their perch very hollow like of neutral neutral is very emblematic of what it means to be a hollow um but also what it means to be an iran car like he is a hollow who has gained intelligence and power by being becoming an iran car by having his mask broken and gaining this new power um but at the same time he's retained that animalistic desire to be the strongest which makes him quite dangerous um and he ends up teaming up with zile you know who's kind of like a glory bit of a glory grabber back here who just kind of i think probably just wants to get his way back into the asparagus i think neutral mentions he's been demoted um and with nell being removed from the asparagus you know there's a vacancy and whatnot but they end up teaming up together and i i loved how this was almost replicated in the modern day peche and donda chaka fights xyliporo nel fights nitra and you know xylipora even recognizes the two of them as well which i thought was really cool but so we do we do find out nell's backstory she's removed forcibly from last notches thrown out onto the sands where she turns into a child because azile theorizes she's leaking rayatsu from the wound on her head which has turned her into essentially a baby um again really weird it never happens to anyone else but then you never really see that sort of injury again i don't think and i thought it was pretty fascinating character turn um i liked the backstory i thought it was really well done it gave us a reason to root for nellie and to root for people who were fighting neutral which was more than most asparta got i think people tend to look at the espada with rose tinted glasses a little bit in regards to how much character development these characters actually got wasn't a lot uh it really wasn't a lot most of them didn't get anything at all you know at least half of the espada and there's only 10 of them got no backstory whatsoever so nell neutra and to a lesser extent xylophora getting all of this into twain's story is actually really nice but in the modern day the roles have now been reversed nell is now the one protecting ichigo from neutra who has been beating him up ichigo obviously hasn't had a chance to heal or rest up or anything and that's exactly how neutral likes it he sees it as his prey and now it's time for neliel to stand up and fight for him this time and again i love this whole role reversal this whole flipping of the switch that happens between these two characters ichigo's the protector now nellie ellis and you know they both like i said a minute ago see different sides of their respective races as well and and it does sort of feel like that nell is like protecting ichigo from the worst of wakamundo at this point and this obviously you have to remember the fight with neutral is just before the end of the wacom mundo arc it then moves on to fake karakura town so in that sense it does feel like noitra is supposed to represent the worst of the worst of hollow urges um and you know almost kind of the deviousness that actually goes on within the walls of last notches like as as a setting i think it's kind of underrated i love the way eisen kind of swoops in and this is something i mentioned in my barrigan video eisen kind of swoops in makes a bunch of changes whether they like it or not he installs the the dome of last night chess which gives this idea of like a fake perfect sunlight very unhollow you know most of them would probably rather just live in the dark um but yeah it's really fascinating regardless and nell fights neutral absolutely annihilates him she activates her resurrection gum user uh and then uses lancid or verde to basically basically smash neutral with this massive spear um and it sends him flying backwards it breaks a bit of his blade but it doesn't actually do much damage to him he then uses the cerro on her and nell uses her ability cerro doble where she basically eats someone else's cereal and then fires it back at them and although nell does have definitely the upper hand on neutral here i personally attribute that a lot to the surprise factor of her just transforming all of a sudden i don't actually think she would have won that fight if it carried on all the way as neutral says to her things have changed since she left she's been gone a long time at this point and he has become considerably more powerful now so i while i think she does get the drop on him here i don't think she would have won that fight if it had carried on to its uh to his climax essentially i think neutral probably would have defeated her especially using his resurrection but the fight does not get to finish because as it comes close to looking like nell's going to actually lay the finishing blow on neutral although she claims she won't kill him i assume she's planning on knocking him out she reverts immediately back to her baby again no real explanation for it there's no real explanation for how she transforms back into a woman either but i would assume basically she transforms into a woman because she's not happy with seeing ichigo getting beaten up but then the riyatsu is still technically leaking out of her head so that's why she turns back into a baby either way it doesn't matter because nitro starts kicking her around and then obviously ken patchy arrives to kind of save the day and you basically don't see nell again after that she does appear in the chapter oh my case i believe she she kind of knocked out and then she sees like ken patchy standing staring at her and then she gets healed up but you know you basically don't find out what happens to her there is a really nice moment where kenpachi kills neutral and it's pretty much the last time you see nel in the canon manga for this entire arc when neutral falls to the ground and they lock eyes um and it is the end of their relationship i do kind of feel like considering the amount of emphasis the uncharacteristic amount of emphasis kubo places on their relationship i'm surprised that nell wasn't allowed to finish the fight and she barely fights when you think about it considering the amount of time kenpachi versus noitra is probably about like eight chapters long it's quite a long fight but kenpachi is this nobody character essentially he means absolutely nothing to neutral or to nell or to anyone like that he just comes out of nowhere to save ichigo and obviously i know the rest of the captains are doing the same thing but i really feel like nell maybe should have at least been able to fight longer i think she fights neutral maybe like two chapters and then just instantly turns back to a baby and i get what kubo was doing bringing the goatee in to help rescue ichigo and his friends when they previously said they wouldn't but i'm just saying considering the emphasis placed on the relationship between neliel and neutral it feels like she doesn't get her justice and it also feels like he doesn't get any satisfaction from their their rematch so it's a bit bit weird that nothing kind of happens a bit more with that nell essentially just feels like she gets forgotten about until the very end when neutral collapses to the ground um and it is nice as well that he mentions to her that he wants to die fighting on his feet you know what this is back in the past he says that he wants to just fight and fight and prove he's the strongest and then when he dies he wants to die before he hits the ground and that's what happens and that's him he and nell's kind of last interaction is them kind of looking at each other so i did like that i just felt it was kind of weird that they weren't allowed to fight out a bit more maybe just let nell get the win over him because not like kim patchy doesn't have more fights whereas nell doesn't really have any fights in the series which is also kind of weird um but that's that's it really as far as nell's contribution in the waco mundo up which is by far her most prominent moment in the story she does appear considerably later on and i mean considerably later we are we're talking like over 200 chapters i think um but basically at the very start of the thousand year blood war arc ichigo is patrolling karakura town and nell as a baby just drops out the sky and lands on ichigo and basically warns him that the quincy have invaded wacomundo and are now subjugating the iran car and i like this it's very very random it does kind of feel like kubo maybe forgot nell and then was like how do i bring her back into the story but i actually don't mind it i like that she's the liaison between ichigo and waco window and i like that she's kind of the thread that ties the arcs together even if it does feel a little bit random i still think it works because as i mentioned earlier neliel is the emotional core of wake umundo without nelly l it's difficult to care about a lot of the characters and when i say care i mean like emotionally like a lot of the irancar are very cool but as i said before they're all basically villains most of them are dead neliel however is the emotional core of wake commando and seeing her arrive seeing her in tears pleading with ichigo to help her you know that something really bad has happened and i think it's really effective at actually creating this feeling of dread uh and considering child nail is almost exclusively used for comedic moments and there is a funny moment here when she like uh super headbutts ichigo but then it's very quickly actually this isn't a funny moment something bad is going on so i like that there's a nice bit of an almost nostalgia hit when she travels back to wacomundo with ichigo and peshe to try and find donderchaka who has been rounded up by the vanden reich but while nell observes a little bit of the battle with kyrgyope she is again kind of just forgotten about for ages which is unfortunate for her she definitely does seem to just get lost in the sands of waikomundo and then never seen for chapters on end but she's not seen again until right towards the end of the story when ichigo and his friends are trying to infiltrate varvel you know the quincy's final stronghold and then it turns out that neliel is part of a task force essentially working with urahara yoruichi ruka yukyo and grimjoe to kind of help lead the battle against the stern meter at the very end and nell has a nice couple of clashes with grim joe which again i really like because one of the things about nell especially this far into the story eisen is gone most of the esparda are gone haribel is now the queen of wake umundo but neliel is also you know she's essentially an advisor like i said she's very composed she's intelligent she's calm natured she's exactly the kind of leadership waco mundo actually needs to get it through a new era and grimjo is feels like a relic of a time gone by so their new relationship is quite a testy one it reminds me a little bit of the relationship she had with neutral and i wonder if maybe she feels the same way because grim joe's always looking to pick a fight he doesn't have quite the same uh grudge with her that neutral did but you know i i do quite like that neliel is now is now this in this position of authority and grim joe wants to question that sometimes but i like i think it's pretty good i especially like the moment when nell says you know i'm three you're six let's see who wins and grim just like ranks don't mean anything anymore eisen's not around which is the same thing around says to xyloporo in hell which is kind of cool so i like the way that the ranks dudes at least as far as the asparagus are mostly superficial just to keep eyes unhappy i think that works but obviously the when the ranks suit them the espada like them so i like that as well but it turns out she can now basically function as adult nell the entire time thanks to this strange wristband device that kisuke has made her there's a couple of funny moments here with orihime as well it's definitely sort of hinted at the orihime is jealous of nell during this story um because you know she thinks maybe nell likes ichigo like orihime does and nell's very full on especially with ichigo they have this relationship but you have to remember as well that nell has the some remnants of the personality of a child so she does appear very excitable and very full-on which does seem to kind of rub orihime the wrong way which which is played up for laughs a couple of times um but they move on into varvelt and nell is not really seen and it's again it's a shame is that kubo just doesn't want to do anything with this character for some reason but they will kind of move on towards where asking is waiting for them and then eventually once the fight with asking has taken a turn for the worst and kisuke and his bankai are crumbling and grimjo is collapsing to the ground thanks to askin's last ditch effort to poison them it's discovered that neliel is waiting outside his poison dome ready to move in and rescue them all from from certain death essentially and that was one of urahara's contingency plans and that's what neliel's apparently there for and she says that she wishes she was able to meet up with ichigo again but she has a job to do and the last time we ever see nell in the manga she is blasting towards the gift beryk to rescue her friends and i you know i have mentioned on this channel before that chapter 666 doesn't sit well with me just because i don't mind that chapter i just wish that we got closure for those characters after that but nelly l does appear in can't for your own world um so you know if you consider kant for your own world canon she survives along with everyone else i think it's probably likely she survived anyway in fact i think nell is the only reason you would think these characters survive because urohara does have this contingency in place and she does get in there and she does rescue them but that's the only time you see her in the canon manga after that she is gone unfortunately so that's it for nell's story in the canon manga which is what this video is going to cover she does have a spotty track record as far as appearances go and she really is one of the characters that suffers the absolute most from just massive periods of not being around of kubo maybe forgetting about her or just having nothing for her to do as the battlefield shifts away from waco mundo so that's a shame but while she's around i think nell makes an impact and i think that's why she's so enduringly popular among fans that and the fact that she is wholly unique as far as iran cargo she actually boasts quite a few interesting and unique abilities however that most espada and iranka don't seem to have she has a healing saliva which she uses on ichigo and dodoni to help keep them alive after their fight which again is played up mostly for laughs and then she also has her cerro dobble ability which she uses both as child nell and adult nell which is again a pretty cool power though it doesn't seem like any other espada can actually do they basically she eats cesero and then she fires it back i wonder if it has to be a cerro or if she can do it with any beam or energy based attack i would assume it has to be a cerro because it's called cerro dobbly um but it's a cool ability all the same and her resurrection gamuza i like it it's unique but its overall power level i think is debatable because as neutral says times have changed since she was last actually a member of the espada um and her resurrection doesn't actually look all that impressive i don't think because her lancer door verde doesn't actually seem to injure neutral at all so the the jury's out and actually how powerful she is in her resurrection regarding her relationships i think definitely the most impactful one has to go to neutra the fifth espada they are again two sides of the same coin neliel is the representation of the more human side of the iran car that side that they are desperately trying to achieve by breaking their masks and gaining this new power she's insightful she's smart she's calm reserved especially in in the past whereas neutral is the opposite of that and he is very much the relic of how the hollows used to be aggressive constantly domineering wanting power he's even sexist you know he doesn't like the fact that women are considered to be more powerful than him among the ranks of the asparagus that leads them to constantly be at each other's throats but neliel is very much just ignoring his want for battle and he hates that and that leads to you know tragedy for nellie essentially and in fact neutral's relationship with nell reminds me a lot of lowly's views on orohima you know lowly sees this person come in who is she believes is above her you know she has this real inferiority complex about orihime and orihime's new place within the world of waco mundo and she hates that and she wants nothing more than to just tear her down tear everything down that you know or he may believes in and everything that she stands for and neutral is very much the same with nelia they've got this artificial belief that they are living in the other shadow for whatever preconceived reasoning and they just want to tear the other one down so i think that's really interesting neutral is very much everything a hollow should be and you know nelia is everything a hollow could be essentially and nell herself is very very emblematic of the change that way commando undergoes um you know becomes more civil under the rule of of harebell and neliel and i think that i would have loved to have seen more of that i'd have loved to see more of that and i think that's one thing if you do think kant for your own world is canon does really well they show a little bit more of wacom and post the battle with eisen but i think kubo could have i think there was a lot of opportunity there for real development of the setting itself and the people who live there you know the monsters like neutral are mostly gone uh and harabelle and neliel are now in charge and there's a real chance for change there and i think nell is like i said a minute ago very representative of that change and her relationship with her fraction peche and donda chaka is quite different to almost every other espada and their faction she sees them as family almost like brothers to her there's a real love and compassion between them which most espada don't have for their fraction and neutra again is designed to be the exact opposite of this treating tesla like rubbish most of the time if tesla dares to try and show compassion for neutral he'll respond by attacking him or pointing his blade at his throat or throwing tesla across the battlefield neutral doesn't want to show compassion for anyone even when tesla definitely cares about him nelly and her fraction again they're like family and after their masks are forcibly ripped off by neutral nellie elle shows an uncharacteristic rage and attacks him clearly falling for the provocation that neutral and xylophora have set up for her wanting to turn her into them essentially which i find to be interesting but once nellie is thrown out of last notches they do essentially they do decide to protect her forever more now that she's become this child until maybe she can return to her former self but regardless they will look out for her very uncharacteristic for hollows but that's exactly what nell is she represents everything that we didn't necessarily think hollows could be but they can be um and she does represent the future of way comundo as well in that regard but that's it for our video on nelly l2 odell schwenk the former third is spada of eisens army the good is spada the good nature despander the one who really is in many ways above so many others of in the espada um but at the same time that invited you know fury it invited jealousy and rage and she was torn down and i think neliel's such an interesting almost tragic character in many ways because she is an example of when the bad guys win she knows she is actually torn down from her post really it feels like she hasn't done anything wrong maybe she does tease and provoke neutral a little bit but she is ripped down from from her position and cast out and i do find that interesting and obviously the new wacom window of the future has a place for her there so that's it for my video on nelly l i hope you enjoyed it i do find her to be an interesting character because she is so different from just about every other member of the hollow race in bleach but let me know what you think of nell in the comments below i'd love to know what you think of this character do you like nell as a character do you wish that maybe she had been given the chance to defeat neutral properly in the story let me know i'd love to hear what you think but until next time guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 70,392
Rating: 4.960772 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, anime, manga, discussion, bleach discussion, bleach analysis, nel, bleach nel, neliel, nel tu, nel vs nnoitra, bankai, aizen, ichigo, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, character analysis
Id: lP8yJYIX0xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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