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what's up guys it's manga time once again and i'm here today to bring you my review of bleach chapter well this one doesn't actually have a number but for all intents and purposes we may as well call it chapter 687 and that feels so good to be able to say the title of the chapter is no briefs from hell or is it new breathes from hell well that's something we're actually going to get into in this video today my first bleach chapter review since 2016 the series is actually back in some form i'm grateful i'll take anything as you guys know i was expecting a kind of gag slice of life chapter but what we've got is considerably more than that before we begin however guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet and you're new to the channel make sure to do that now we're about to hit 75 000 subs which is the next big milestone for me on the road to 100k which would just be mind-blowing to reach something i never anticipated so if you want to help out and get bleach videos like this every single week well maybe not exactly like this as we're not going to get chapters every week i don't suspect although i'd love that um hit that button now if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well to support the video and get the exposure out there across the internet to all the bleach fans who might want to watch it i'd really appreciate that one as well and of course we do now have a patreon for the channel too if you want to take that support for me a little step further um you can support me for as little as a dollar a month and get videos early as well um and of course as always a massive shout out goes out to everyone who has already become a patron of the channel um you are really supporting me doing pretty much exactly what i love so i honestly just thank you so much so we are here now with a brand new bleach chapter we are standing on the precipice essentially of a new era for bleach fans the thousand-year blood war arc anime is coming at an undisclosed point in the future that was already exciting enough but i won't lie to you as a manga purist as someone who lives for that bleach cannon those black and white dynamic images kubo's eternally amazing artwork you know this is more exciting to me this is brand new stuff at the end of the day i'm dying to see that thousand year blood war arc anime and this stern ritter are characters that i adore and i can't wait to see them animated but for this for me this is brand new stuff and i couldn't be more excited so we're not going to do a full walk through and break down an extensive look of the chapter contents itself in this video as i have already done a live reaction and first read which you can check out i'll put a link in the description below it's also literally my last video on the channel also this video we will be using the official viz translation which literally came out at the time of recording today so go and support that if you can a membership on vids is super super cheap and it's just if you can do it it's really good thing to do to actually support bleach itself um and hopefully that means more content for us which is never a bad thing so where on earth do we begin with this chapter i mean it's literally taking us to the farthest point we've ever been in bleach so far we're seeing ichigo and orahime and renji and rukia and their children together in the world and everything seems to be very hunky-dory we do start out with that slice of life that i was expecting but there is that kubo style sense of mystery and foreboding in the world as well kazuy is up to something and whether he knows the true ramifications of it or not and i don't think we even do either is unclear and then of course as the chapter unfolds we find out that there is some true darkness at work here hell itself has finally been unshackled in the bleach universe now of course hell has been a cannon part of the bleach story since the earliest days however for whatever reason it's remained completely untouched since then in the bleach manga only showing up right at the start during ichigo's earliest days as a shinigami in a very memorable scene to be fair where the monstrous hollow who was also a horrific human being shrieker was impaled and dragged into hell for his crimes but after that we never saw it again now of course you'll know that hell was the main focus of the fourth bleach movie hell verse or the hell chapter um and i love the depiction of hell in that film i think it's actually really neat i like the different levels i like the characters of shuren and kokuto and even insurance goons are pretty interesting but i actually think what we'll get here is probably going to differ from that in many ways and i think kubo is going to want to finally give us essentially his vision for potentially the most um you know scary and vile region in the series to date and of course what would a proper introduction to hell b without the revival of a pretty sinister and slimy villain and they don't really get a lot worse than the eighth espada xyloporo grande who makes a pretty stunning return in this chapter as i mentioned in my live reaction um of reading this chapter kubo absolutely adores this guy as xyle has tons of screen time during his main tenure as a bad guy and the iran car arc actually shows up as a hallucination in the thousand-year blood war arc is used in the special hell verse chapter that actually shows him in hell and is now here to welcome us to a brand new bleach arc as well so the guy gets and gets around quite a bit in this universe and that's essentially the gist of the story we get some nice catch up time with everyone some slice of life moments but then it's revealed that actually the goatee 13 are inviting ichigo to a pretty um amazing ceremony known as the soul funeral festival or in the viz version the conso ray sai what this actually is is they basically whenever a captain dies in battle 12 years after they have the initial funeral they'll capture a hollow from the living world and kill it in front of that captain's grave um and supposedly the idea of this is basically whenever a shinigami dies their body kind of just turns into reishi and returns to the earth the soul society but with a captain whose reishi grade or ray i believe is just called is too high and too dense for that they have to perform this ritual so they can essentially pass on as they're doing this however the vice captains are in karakura town trying to catch a hollow for this ceremony and they're attacked by a group of strange hollows who don't seem to be like anything we've ever seen before and seemingly leading this charge or at the very least benefiting from it is xyloporo the previously deceased espada and he attacks renji and his daughter essentially revealing as ichigo saves them that hell itself has been completely unlocked because the shinigami have been unknowingly essentially feeding souls to hell this entire time in a truly damning reveal completely changes the course of the story and the law as we know it the shinigami have been damning their friends elders and superiors all this time the conso ray sai does actually do something it's not just a sort of formality but all this time they've actually been sending the souls of the captains to hell which is really crazy in the wake of the thousand-year blood war arc we already know that the status quo of the bleach universe was shaken up quite a bit it's one of my favorite things about that arc is the way it really has a lasting impact on the world of bleach and we see that more than ever here we find out in the wake of three extraordinarily powerful captains dying yamamoto unohana and ukitake and their souls now being sent to hell through this ceremony along with the disappearance of two major rayatsu's in the form of eisen and yuhabak that the gates of hell have now been wrenched open enough to the point where they can be opened from the inside so all in all it's a pretty crazy chapter and a pretty insane way to reintroduce us to the world of bleach with some major ramifications that i'm very excited about and overall a phenomenally well used 73 pages so let's look at a couple of different talking points about the chapter i want to start off with the kids kazuy and ichika because they are obviously pretty major characters major fixtures of our characters lives and interestingly they both seem to have some kind of a connection to hell whether they know it or not kazuy does seem to be more directly aware of this connection although i don't think he quite understands the ramifications of it but we see at the very beginning he is guiding a soul to hell which probably isn't the best thing in the world you have to assume anyway but he performs some kind of strange ritual that opens the doorway to hell you can tell it is because it's a literal mouth a more forms in the sky in front of him and loads of hell butterflies up here and i love that single shot of him it's very mystical looking um but why is he doing this how did he find out about this how does he know how to do this ritual and does he know of the ramifications of this well those are all questions that hopefully we will get answers to in the future um one thing i want to point out just my own kind of digging here my own kind of theorizing a lot of this by the way is speculation um but when the eyes appear around kazuy when he does the ritual it seems like those are the all-seeing eyes of the warden of hell which we then see right at the very end of the chapter which appears to be the skeletons on the gates of hell itself is casually in effect borrowing the eyes of the all-seeing warden to somehow use in this ritual how exactly is he doing this we know of course that immense riatsu like eyes and a new hobart can keep the gate closed so perhaps an enormous reaction like we assume kazuy has enough to destroy youhabaki in 686 can perhaps open it freely that would make him a very dangerous individual indeed the eyes of the warden of hell seem to reappear within the skeleton right at the end of the chapter which is why i'm wondering if kazuya is kind of borrowing them or the very least if they are just appearing to watch what he does when he opens the gateway i'm not entirely sure there's an awful lot of questions to ask here but hopefully we'll get the answers in the future as for ichika she can actually see the hell hollow before even ichigo and renji notice it which makes me think again she has some kind of connection to this realm whether she knows it or not and clearly she so so far at least doesn't seem to but that's the only real hint we get regarding her in this chapter but just briefly regarding the kids i absolutely loved seeing ichika in the training facility with ikaku and it's also really nice to see ikaku taking on a kind of mentor-like role for his friend's child but also seeing him stepping up to the plate a bit more he is the vice captain of the 11th division now and i like seeing him kind of taking it seriously the 11th division up until this point have kind of just been a gang of thugs mostly good natured thugs but they have always kind of to me at least seem to be um the heel of soul society and they're always causing trouble for other people it's really nice to see ikaku actually giving something back to that community and really maturing in a sense strangely ken patchy is basically entirely absent from this chapter so we don't know if any changes have rubbed off on him but it's nice to see ikaku taking this role i want to briefly stop to compare the pacing of this chapter to the last sort of five or six chapters of the thousand-year blood war arc and you can immediately see that kubo is drawing this under very different conditions or at least i think so anyway um he allows scenes to really breathe in this massive 73-page chapter that we actually get there's really nice scene setting going on like i said earlier there's some really foreboding and ominous stuff going on with casually but just genuinely lovely moments that are really allowed to sit with us and make the best usage of his pretty sizable panels sometimes and throughout this chapter the paneling is absolutely lovely the same goes for the artwork in this chapter as well one of the things you basically can never fault kubo on is his artwork and i've loved it throughout the entire series throughout its whole evolution and if you look at each of the major distinctive story arcs you'll see there is a slightly different style every time in my opinion the art did ever so slightly get start to worsen a bit towards the very very end again i'm talking about the last five or six chapters give or take the final two did seem to be a little better and i think that's because of kubo's you know not feeling so great the pressures he was under but also the illnesses he had as well here you can really see that he's had the time um to draw basically whatever he likes i think it's really reflected in the art in my opinion it kind of reminds me a lot of the very early stages of the thousand-year blood war the larger caste means that it's overall still less focused and less detailed than something like the lost agent arc but in my opinion i actually prefer this look although i do love the art there as well again there's less of those massive face close-ups and overall i prefer good art and a busier story than what we got in that arc as well although again i love that arc too but i really like what we get here there's again so much going on very reminiscent of early thousand year blood war now about a couple of the character designs there are a couple of small details to look at and some slightly bigger ones characters like myrie have totally new looks as i think many of us probably expected as he seems to change it every single day as soon as i saw this one i was a little bit like i don't really know if i like it as you can see in my live reaction i'm coming around to it the more i see it i especially like his actual face i think it looks really good and the kind of intricacies of the face paint remind me of slightly earlier myries but i actually still am not entirely sold on things like the head piece and the frills on the heyora he doesn't i don't know if it's maybe too much one of the things i liked about maya was that he was obviously very eccentric and out there in comparison to other captains but he still was kind of reserved waco mundo maya is still probably the absolute best although the thousand year blood war runs the gamut for good mary designs the other one is also rukia who now sports a side long ponytail which i'm still not entirely sure about i kind of miss the symmetry as weird as that sounds i think it's just slightly maybe unnatural to look at but i'll probably come around to it i will say that she does look fantastic in the captain heyori though it's obviously pretty well deserved other small very small details rose very little that we actually get to see of him both in the color page and in one of the group shots now seems to have a very short heyori that seems to stop maybe up here even shorter than 10 giro's waist jacket hey or anything he had i'm not sure i like it i need to see it in person but it being like in close up but it being that short makes me think it looks like some kind of weird cape as opposed to an actual coat but i guess we'll see it um up close at some point because i think rose still sports a sleeveless hairy which makes it look even weirder and considering thousand-year blood war arc rose is one of my favorite captain designs in the series i'm i'm i've got some trepidation about that let's just say and then finally one of the really awesome details that shows you just how much thought kubo puts into his characters is soifon's new breakaway heyori that seems to have been designed by some kind of fashionista in the soul society potentially even just the r d department to break away whenever she she uses shunko so it doesn't actually destroy the fabric which makes a ton of sense and i like that sort of thing i think that's really neat and we actually get to see a couple of new faces as well which prior to this chapter coming out i wasn't expecting but then i wasn't expecting this to be quite so expansive my favorite is of course rindo atau the new vice captain of the seventh division i love the way kubo is making really creative use out of his distinctive character trait the fact that he seems to be a total mute i love that he writes the release command for his zam puck toe on the blade to use it that's so cool um although i'm not sure exactly what his sheikai is he seems to use the release command which i think is give birth in the viz edition but then there's no actual zampato name i don't think he just says the word hawk and then loads of birds appear now what i'm wondering is is this just an ability or does his zampakta have a lot of different names and he can literally just give it the name of an animal and it would take that form that will that will be the name of his arm puck toe that's what i'm wondering i'm wholeheartedly expecting him to summon a different animal the next time we see him in combat i think he's really cool and so far a great addition the new vice captain of the eighth division yuyu yayahara is less my thing i don't think i'm gonna like her that much he seems a little bit annoying very sort of skitty and all over the place and not really my thing i do kind of like the design though um and her ability is very curious i don't know if she's actually using a chic if it's some kind of hakuda technique perhaps where she seems to bring her hands together like a jaw um apparently like a bear's jaw or at least that's what it's shown in the imagery and just bite things away like they're nothing now in the initial translation i read it was being translated as gal but in the viz translation it's just coming up as her saying raw which would kind of fit with her personality so i'm maybe more inclined to think this is just some kind of hakuda move she's using um but i guess we'll have to find out in the future one very small thing i want to just point out is that it's really nice to see rangiku interacting with ichigo and renji after the thousand-year blood war arc where she was pretty heavily sidelined for a character featured so heavily in the iran karak it's nice to see her talking to them again in this way it does feel very early iran karak in that sense and one thing i just want to bring up as well is cooper does a great job here of in my opinion translating the maturity of these characters now it's really kind of weird but it works seeing like ichigo and renji just chatting on the job from the perspective of renji's child um it's weird but i think it works really really well and kubo particularly where ichigo is concerned does a good job of translating how his his age now i think it works well now kubo has always been a fan of body horror there is no no shying away from that in this series and it only gets more kind of graphic and gruesome as it goes on and the first of these so-called hell hollows is probably one of my favorite holo designs in the entire series although this thing doesn't really look like a hollow to me anyway but it looks genuinely very unnerving and very creepy it doesn't even seem to have a head and therefore i'm not sure if it even has what could be called a mask and that's kind of weird to me because the rest of these hollow creatures that show up later on do seem decidedly hollow like whereas this first one really doesn't this genuinely looks like it could be a denizen of hell itself and it kind of intrigues me as well that we know that these guys now wear their hollow holes on the outside of their body so do many of these ones actually have two hollow holes which i guess is possible um but it's still kind of a little bit strange to me however i absolutely love the visual and the idea that these guys now wear their hollow holes on their bodies like shackles or bonds um i think that's really good it's not something they can get rid of essentially it's a part of them it's who they are and i think that's wonderful i think that's a really gives you a great idea of what hell is like even already it's clearly a place where their restrictions and shackles define them like the actual chains attached to them i think that's really really cool and just something awesome that cooper has done visually and of course he's really not pulling his punches with this first chapter either we get a vice captain battle royale in the first chapter which is awesome to see one of my favorite vice captains akon the vice captain the 12th division does actually show up here and i've seen a lot of people saying he's using his arm puck toe in this scene when i did my initial first read i didn't think that was the case and i've got to be honest i still don't now unless i'm missing something which please let me know in the comments below if i am but to me i don't think so his armpit toe seems to be sheathed to his waist like a normal zampato would and instead he's wearing this strange sash around his neck from which a number of vials are hanging he plucks one of the vials off says an incantation flicks it over his back after pouring it into onto the floor and it creates some kind of melting acid that the hollow is killed by what i'm thinking is this is just again my speculation but it seems really likely to me that after the quincy blood war the research and development division would have tried to ape some of that quincy technology and this really looks like they are trying to emulate jinto of some kind those little capsules that uri used to use and then just didn't in the thousand-year blood rock um i could totally totally see that and this kind of battlefield is the perfect place for akon to experiment with it so that's kind of what i'm going with if it is hishikai then that's awesome because i'd love to see his zampakto but for me i feel like this is him testing some kind of shinigami jinto application could be totally wrong though now throughout his time writing and drawing bleach kubo has created a number of different portals in his time he's very good at it as well and the doorways to hell are no exception i love the fact they are creepy looking mouths that quite literally open up in the world with teeth and everything and of course if you've paid attention to kubo's art in the past you will know that the man loves to use creepy close-ups of mouths to denote something that's unsettling or eerie it's something he's done with a number of villains in the past characters like kyrgyz opie who are supposed to be genuinely unsettling and also unsurprisingly xyloporo grandes who makes a major appearance in this chapter kubo loves to do creepy big close-ups of his mouth to really get across how deranged he actually is so it's no coincidence to me that a mouth is the gateway to hell and of course this arc appears to also have something to do in terms of the name with the jaws of hell so they're appearing both a literal and figurative way and speaking of our villain of the week xyloporo does look amazing here i'm not gonna sit here and tell you he's my favorite asparta because it's just not true i always found him okay if a little bit annoying and he lasted for way too long in my opinion but i like seeing him here it's great to get that familiar villainous presence and he does look amazingly cool as well i wonder if the flaming skeletal black arm is a sign of degradation after how long he's been in hell and if the rest of him would turn into that over time i also wonder if the special hell verse chapter we got is actually in any way canon or if cooper just liked the idea of xyloporo going to hell which makes me wonder if there's any chance of seeing aragnero in there as well you could truly get something eldritch he's already an eldritch abomination as it is i do wonder if we'll see any other villains in this arc from hell it's a brilliant opportunity to bring back some of the meaner characters in the series i could absolutely have believed that noitaro would have gone to hell after dying and the same goes for characters like barragan although considering barrigan wasn't killed by azan pakto it's up in the air i think as to what actually happens to him after he dies but characters like neutral i could 100 percent and yammy as well definitely could have gone to hell i also think it's very important that xyloporo has retained his memories from his past life he knows about uru he knows about mairie he remembers all of that i think that's a crucially important plot point as it seems obvious that the captains will retain some of their memories as well the question is will that stop them from being villains or not are they going to be villains at all we have absolutely no idea yet i also love that zile is attacking ichigo with chains which again is a huge motif in the hell verse movie i don't think that movie is going to become canon in any way but of course chains and the idea of of being locked down and being restrained imprisoned he's going to be very big with the heck with a series about hell so i think we'll probably see a lot more of that and it's also a question of can zile still use his old abilities or not because it does seem like ukitake can at least to some degree with the way seogyonokottawa is portrayed in this chapter i love ichigo's who the hell are you moment it's such a wonderful ichigo moment it's very him it's very brash and punkish and it's nice to see that despite being now a mature adult with a job a kid responsibilities there is still that side to each other when he's faced with an enemy a threat he that punkish side of him still comes out there is the big overarching question about ichigo however which is what is the deal with his arm puck toe um the idea of ichigo's zangets was obviously left in a pretty tenuous place at the end of the thousand-year blood wore up with his true barangay um shattering during the final moment to reveal what looked like his old chic eye very kind of confusing and a little bit weird i tried my best to explain it in a video on this channel but if i had to give my honest opinion about what we're seeing right here it only makes sense narratively for this to be the earliest form of his sword so i think this is his sealed zaan puck toe currently and i think the the bandage around the hilt is supposed to represent that in some way um and i think he will be able to use shikai which will give him the dual blades and then the bankai is a little more up in the air i'm not entirely sure what it's going to look like if it's just going to be the sword he killed you harvard with or not i'm not sure but i i and this is not concrete i really have no idea at the end of the day and i think hopefully this is something that will be answered for us but i think narratively only makes sense for this to be um not his most powerful zom yeah i think that's something kubo would want to save for a bigger threat down the line now of course the revelation about the true nature of the konso ray sai is earth-shattering and completely changes what we know about the world of bleach what the ramifications of death actually are in the spirit world for some of these really powerful characters and it must be pretty strange for them to all know that there's a good chance they'll end up in hell in the future as a price to pay for the power that they have despite this i feel the stakes of the ark are currently still unclear which is fair enough for only one chapter in but we don't quite yet know what the aim or the objective of the ark actually will be it seems like from zile's words of impending doom he is a harbinger of of doom in this sense that the gates of hell are now open and his appearance in karakura town is um you know evidence of the fact that the villains can now escape their eternal what should have been their eternal damnation and this is something the soul society is now going to have to deal with so i could maybe see two things happening here either depending on the scope of this arc kubo likes to take our heroes into a new location it seems pretty likely that they'll go to hell for one reason or another i think we could see them go to hell to close the door from the inside if that's the only way it can now be shut perhaps or they'll go to hell maybe even to rescue the souls of those of those most recently sent captains yamamoto unohana and ukitake i really have no idea but right now the stakes are somewhat unclear i do like the idea however of previous bleach villains walking the earth once again now that all of these things have fallen into place to allow the doors of hell to be pushed open i think that's a really cool idea and i honestly can't wait to see what cooper has in store for that there's also an absolutely lovely detail which i didn't pick up on in my live reaction um i thought that the substitute shinigami badge kind of showing itself on ichigo's person was just a reference to the lost agent arc and its connection to ukitake but as xyliparo puts it and it is worded better in the viz version um the badge essentially is acting as ukitake's eyes he has witnessed them killing these hollows in front of what essentially amounts to his grave or some form of it and so the ceremony for ukitake is complete and that final soul falling to hell um is the catalyst necessary now to blow the doors wide open so to speak on hell spilling over into the real world which i think is why xyloporous says you've arrived early ukitake because he's quite literally only just gone to hell at this point the ceremony has only just finished um and he's already there and so we get to the very end of the chapter where i want to give you my biggest speculation so far as to where i think we're going directly in the future because i think i read it slightly wrong originally although i could be wrong about this my initial way of reading the end of this chapter was that xyloporo obviously gets stabbed by yukitake and is being pulled back in and what's interesting about that as well is is ukitake pulling xia laporo back in because he's a danger to society and okitake is saving them or is this new some new sinister hell version of ukitake who is commanding zile and and summoning him back either way on to my speculation so i initially thought that zile was being pulled back in and as he was talking to ichigo the gates closed on him and that was the end of the chapter however i actually wonder if something different is happening here and if kubo is immediately setting up the threat to come what if the gates of hell shown at the very end of this chapter are brand new ones and instead of closing they're actually opening as the chapter ends because obviously right there and then when ichigo's shinigami badge kind of glows or whatever that symbolizes the final ceremony is complete and the denizens of hell have what they need to escape and so we could now be ending it on a cliffhanger that shows the gates opening and that is why the warden of hell gets his eye back right at the very end there to symbolize that a new gate is opening and some new villain is about to come out and that's why the chapter title at the very end is revealed not to be no breathes from hell but actually new breathes from hell new threats are coming this gate is now opening that might have actually been obvious to everyone else but it feels like a big win for me i could be i could be the only person in the world who didn't read it like that the first time but i'm now even more excited than ever that we might get to see another new villain at the start of the next chapter whenever that may be i'm very keen to see that um again i could be wrong maybe they asked just ceilings aisle off but it seems to me like that combined with zile's very ominous final words and the fact that the skeleton on the door is now gaining an eye seems to me like they are now opening instead of closing but regardless i'm very excited and of course the final shot of kazuy he seems to be following these hell butterflies or something in a very childlike way as he might do but i also wonder if it's again supposed to be a threatening cliffhanger to imply that he's about to run into whoever is maybe going to emerge from these gates i could see that as well and that's it for the chapter essentially just a couple of other very small details kione kotetsu the new vice captain the fourth division is actually injured pretty seriously on this run which i couldn't really tell last time but she gets pretty nastily skewered by a hollow i'm sure she'll be absolutely fine because they'll probably get back to seoul society no problem but it's a pretty nasty injury for her first outing on screen as a vice captain that we've actually seen before another small detail is as i mentioned earlier ken patchy basically does not appear in this chapter which is a little surprising to me but i also wonder if this isn't if this is supposed to be a direct continuation of the thousand year blood war arc as it so far appears perhaps kubo is planning on spotlighting some different characters in this arc which would be kind of lovely now of course the idea of bringing back characters from the dead provides kubo with many golden opportunities both for fan service and for lore expansions we could see characters like gene and tozen if the soul society saw fit to give them the conso race eye ritual upon their deaths they could easily come back we could even see characters like the original goatee as this tradition is mentioned to be ancient many times so presumably they would have spearheaded it over a thousand years ago that would be amazing but maybe i'm already asking for too much and finally the idea that eisen uh barks rayatsu is what held back the gates of hell to begin with serves as a nice springboard to bring back everyone's favorite villain in the future and of course i'm talking about eisen but i'd love to see you harbark as well alright guys but that's it for this chapter my first bleach chapter review in so very long let me know in the comments below what you thought of this chapter i feel kind of weird giving it a number because i absolutely loved it and it's so amazing for it to come back so let's just give it right now a five out of five it can't really be anything else but i really hope you loved this review let me know in the comments below what you thought of the chapter now you've had a chance to read it i would love to hear your thoughts let me know your favorite part of the chapter what your predictions are for the next one and also do you like xylophora's new design i'd love to hear it make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't done already guys push the channel to 75 000 subscribers i'd really appreciate the support but until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 177,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach chapter review, bleach new chapter, bleach hell arc, bleach hell, espada, bleach espada, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach 20th, bleach anniversary, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Id: GUgp9JNnta4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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