Yeshua at the Feast of Tabernacles

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[Music] shabbat shalom everyone by this evening announcements to start off with 10:00 to 6:00 p.m. there's fund-raising sale 1:06 41 Southwest 36 3 September 29th open more information on that in the future also so coat registration closes on the 15th so anybody that wants that is planning on going at Tabernacles events common that poses real soon trailer spaces we've been told they're already out of please and also there's anybody that has a finance you need to get with us this week so we can we can remember that's that's important to get that done this week also there is a surcoat offering box in the back and remember the Sabbath day the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever or in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed blessed are You Lord our God King eternal who distinguishes between the holy and the profane between the light and darkness between Israel and the nations between the seventh day and the six days of work blessed are you lord who distinguishes between the holy and the profane what is the great commandment here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets or this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and His commandments are not burdensome for eight-piece have those who love your law and nothing causes them to stumble blessed are You Lord our God King eternal who chose us from among the nations and gave to us your tour of truth and set life everlasting in our midst blessed are You Lord giver of the Torah blessed are you O Lord our God and God of our fathers the God of Abraham god of Isaac and the God of Jacob the great mighty and awesome God the Most High God who bestows loving-kindness the creator of all who recalls the good deeds of the fathers and who brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake o king helper Savior and shield blessed are you O Lord the shield of Abraham yeshua said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved blessed are You Lord our God King eternal who has given us the way of salvation through Messiah Yeshua blessed be he now would you please join us for worship shabbat shalom father thank you for this day thank you for the Sabbath father thank you for the mercy that you gave us breath this morning that we could spend another day with you father that we could have life again today father pour out your peace we ask for your peace your Shalom that supernatural peace that surpasses understanding father in each and every life in each and every situation where the questions are still existing father let your peace fall in here today and calm our hearts and our minds father let our worship be pleasing to you as we sing these praises father as we join together in one heart and unity to praise your name father inhabit our praises Father be with us we thank you when we praise you for you are great and awesome God you are the Most High we love you Father he named my tofu my night chef oh yeah he named Otto glue my night share that the he got me a hardy name [Music] he nimita like a lie behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity Lyla Lyla Lyla lied in unity lalalalala I mean a lot I'm so excited our hands we're gonna get excited we're gonna bring some joy in this place okay you better share with a team gum ha ha [Music] ha ha ha he named Otto name Otto like he knew my true name Lila Lila by the light we good pleasant it is for brothers 212 together behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity [Music] Lila Lila Lila Lila lie in unity [Music] [Applause] [Music] my shares have been grumpy aha be named Otto my naive chef it's a team from your class named Otto [Applause] they my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shall I be without good and how pleasant it is but brother's to dwell together behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity in unity and unity in unity [Music] okay sometimes we have to get our hearts pumping to remember that we're alive and we worship a God who's alive father we thank you we thank you that we serve a living God we thank you that we can come and make a joyful noise that we can come and laugh together and be in joy together and be in unity together father you have created us for the purpose of worshiping you and you are good thank you I follow this lady her name is Caroline leaf and she's a neuroscientist and they have done studies where they probe people and they follow all their like markers and how their mind works and how their heart beats when different stimuli zan deduced into their routine and she tested a group of people and found that when they sang in unity together their hearts went into rhythm at the same time and that whenever they stopped their hearts went back to their own unique rhythm and to me that is an incredible testimony of God's creation that we were created to worship Him together in unity like this songs you know this song it's pretty simple it's just talking about us living together in unity but how good and pleasant it is to the father that we have that same heartbeat that same rhythm and I just you know I see how science testifies to who he is and to his creation [Music] we wrestle [Music] but darkness tries to thank you [Music] stay with me [Applause] [Music] anomaly [Music] and [Music] play with me [Music] [Applause] here's our girl [Music] you [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello well swing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] Oh brave [Music] yes [Music] you're [Music] Oh praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh is our girl [Music] you Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] here's our girl [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] he's our guy [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] man if we could just sit back and reflect oh great alright God is how many times he has saved us and we didn't even know we needed to be free how many times he's made away and we didn't even know that way needed to be made how many times for me 48 times a year he's woke me up he started me on my way and sometimes I don't even appreciate who God is in my life I don't always appreciate what he's done for me I don't always appreciate how he healed my body and how he made me hope I don't always appreciate how he's giving me a voice to praise them to make that joyful noise unto you but today I'm saying how great our God is oh great [Music] with me [Music] lovely [Music] my [Music] the world [Music] haha [Music] you [Music] the mice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] went through the [Music] birds sing sweetly [Music] when I looked from [Music] [Applause] [Music] and see this [Music] Oh [Music] nice [Music] and [Music] to [Music] spins worse my three [Music] today [Music] she's nice [Music] oh great [Music] with [Music] and [Music] [Music] oh great [Music] [Music] Brussels [Music] on the scene huh mister [Music] every breath [Music] he is the anthem of our race we were born to bless his name all the just say be [Music] Oh [Music] of the cross what Jesus counted up the class we would die for us this this is our cup [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] all that his breath [Music] brazen [Music] Brahe [Music] right [Music] phrasing countries [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] it's just the voices hallelujah [Music] whoo [Music] ah our God [Music] Lu [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] we don't have a Man Thing that Oh [Music] [Music] will you do it for me one more time it's so beautiful to hear me and praising God - here you take the lead and usher us the end [Music] Oh [Music] who was [Music] - in the suits [Music] yeah season [Music] sing it again as a declaration [Music] Oh [Music] Oh to [Music] eat [Music] creation [Music] you [Music] of living color flashes [Music] to you [Music] my tea [Music] nice me [Music] struck Wonder love your [Music] creation [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we adore you you rain you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords who are the king of the universe father we're in the season of teshuva the repentance fathers were in a lull in these days leading up to the fall feasts the father continued to purchase of our unrighteousness father of those deep places where we hide seeds of bitterness or where we hide anger or where we hide jealousy father exposed those places father and thank you for the gift that we have of repentance that is a gift that we can come before you and ask for your forgiveness father thank you that you haven't made a way of salvation through Yeshua we praise you father thank you for this time together as a community father as a congregation thank you for the hearts that even knitted together father thank you for an opportunity and a place that we can come together to worship you father let us never take for granted that we can meet together in a place or a space and worship you together let it never become mundane that we can gather together on your Shabbat for a convocation to worship You Father thank you we love you when we praise your father this time is yours let your spirit lead us father through the messages father through the Torah thought and through that the Gospels father let your spirit open our eyes and hear you let us hear you speaking no matter what voice is saying the words father let us hear you and what you have to say to us we thank you in the name of Yeshua amen about Shalom again prayer request this week we have a lot of members that are that are out kneeled today so let's let's keep our brothers and our sisters in our prayers the whole congregation this week there are needs everywhere and we can be praying for those needs so let's remember that this week as we go forward some specific where prayer needs let's be praying for dell who needs health Vance Amanda's father for health from pain release miss Patrice for healing and her knee mr. Michael who's who's in searching for a job let's keep him in our prayers chelsea who is i'll needs health this week also a little miss Mia and a Carmen is back with us unless she's getting over so let's keep her healthy as well would you now join me for blessings of a family place your Heavenly Father we praise you would glorify you we thank you Father we thank you for the blessings that you've bestowed on our families here this week we ask that you you help those in need this week show them your mercies in your glory heal those that are need healing we would ask that you raise up our fathers and our men of our families to be strong be courageous step out boldly to lead their families we would ask that our mothers and our wives so we think you father so much because they are such a great help show them your blessings this week the children we have many new children with us let them grow up to be healthy and strong let us as parents to lead them in your way in your words and we ask that you protect him this week and Yushu his name we ask these things amen now Cory will have the Torah portion for us plush loom to everybody so we continue on in Deuteronomy moisés preparing the people to enter the land giving them instruction and counsel and it's in chapter 20 that I want to read from you tonight when you go out to battle against your enemies and you see horse and chariot a people more numerous than you do not be afraid of them or I don't I your God the one who brought you up from the land of Egypt is with you when you draw near to the battle the Kohen will come forward and speak to the people he will say to them here o Israel you were drawing near today to the battle against your enemies don't be faint-hearted don't fear or panic or tremble because of them for adonai your god is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you the officers are to speak to the troops saying what man has built a new house but has not dedicated it let him go back to his house otherwise he might die in battle and another man would dedicate it God isn't just gonna open up the promised land and say here you go we have to show up for the fight there was a battle to be had now victory is guaranteed [Music] but you have to show up to the fight it says here that I might even die I might even die and he gives that warning to the young man and says you know if you've built a house and it goes on to say if you have a new bride lest you die in battle I might die I say that's okay to the glory of the kingdom of God as it's not about my personal comfort it's not about my victory but it's about God's kingdom and his glory established I walked up on a conversation in the lobby just moments before we started and the topic was this that we should be willing to lay down our lives or our King I love when confirmation comes from sources like that the victory is guaranteed but you have to show up for the fight go up to the battle be prepared to take the promised land and if I die in battle and it's for the glory of my king so be it it's my children that walk into the promised land and not me that's okay if it's my family my friends that walk into the kingdom and not me that's okay is the glory of my king some of us have a fight have a battle in front of us let me encourage you victory is guaranteed but you have to show up for the fight pray with me please our father our King whether I know that the victory is guaranteed I know that I am I will be saved I know that there is a glorious hope of a kingdom in the future for me father give me the strength that when the battle comes to my doorstep that I will stand tall that I will boldly proclaim the name of my king now we'll march forward with other believers father I thank you for your written word thank you for your spirit father I thank you for your anointed salvation you sure how much yacht men thank you okay who remembers what we talked about last week Gregg wasn't here so he didn't get to take notes for you anybody you looked at yeshua traveling to the Feast of Tabernacles and how his brothers rejected him or you know they didn't believe in him and then he went through Samaria on the way to Jerusalem and how the Samaritans treated him because they knew who's going to Jerusalem you guys remember okay so that's where we left off this week we're going to be looking at when you show actually gets to the Feast of Tabernacles and what he says and does while he's there would you go and bow your heads with me well we love you so much no task that you would fill this place with your Holy Spirit that she would open our eyes in our ears helped us to hear from you so to speak to us through your word speak just through your holy spirit or draw seach closer and closer to you Fraser and thank you the name of Yeshua amen all right you were where John chapter 7 starting a verse ten interesting thing to note is John's Gospel John likes to talk about the feasts a lot more than the other Gospel writers did and he kind of used the uses the feast to drive to drive his his story to tell us about the timeline about the sing quits of events and so we see him talk about Passover three times he talks about the Feast of Tabernacles here talks to even talks about Hanukkah in chapter 10 and there's even an unknown feast that we don't know which feast he's referring to it just says the Feast of the Jews it doesn't tell us which one and there's various theories about which one he's talking about but he talks about several feast during through throughout his gospel and I think John sees significance in the feasts and he wants to draw out some important significance from these feast days and and what Yeshua said and did at these feasts is so as we get to these things I think it's important for us to really pay attention to what what is your shoe us saying and doing and how's that tie in with the feasts and how is that you know relevant and important for us as well you know John said that of all the things that you're sure said and did that you know if you were gonna write a write about everything he said and did that the do you'd run it I mean you wouldn't have enough books to hold it all I mean there should be so much information about things that he said and did and and you look at the all four Gospels together and you notice that the there's different events in all of them there's different things that he says and all the you know the the Matthew Mark and Luke they're called the synoptic Gospels they have a lot of similarities but they still talk about things different than you know there's still different things in each one and one of the one of the theories about John is that that John is is trying to fill in some of the gaps that he's talking about things that the other Gospel writers didn't mention and so he's like well this that stuff was covered I'm gonna talk about some other some different stuff and so that's why it seems that maybe John's Gospel he talks about a lot of other things that the other three gospel writers don't and you know if you look at a situation you know you have four different witnesses to an event or an occurrence of something that happened and they're all gonna be a little bit different if you have them all tell their side of the story they're all gonna be slightly different so you know some people get kind of hung up on well there's the Gospels are all different they're not telling the same thing they don't tell the exact same record they seem to contradict each other or conflict with each other and you know if you were you a court of law and they had four different witnesses come forward and they gave the exact same story word-for-word the judge would say you guys you guys are making this up you collaborated you guys you guys made this thing up this is a lie this is a hoax but if you had four different people get up and give their testimony and they were slightly different and there was different perspectives and different nuances and you're like oh well this is a this event actually happened these people really witnessed it and they didn't corroborate their stories they just told what they saw and what they heard and the fact that there are differences in the Gospels is actually lends to its credibility of the Gospels and that's that's one of those things that the scholars will all agree on is that that the fact that the Gospels are not identical is actually a good thing okay so let's go into John chapter 7 and so you know we just read the the beginning first section last week and how his brothers were trying to get him to go the feast with them and he they wanted him to show off basically to go and reveal himself to the world and show the world what he can do and what he you know all of his miracles and abilities and whatever and and he says my time is not yet you remember we talked about that my time is not yet okay so starting at verse 10 it says but when his brothers had gone up then he also went up to the feast not openly but as it were in secret then the Jews sought him at the feast and said where is he and there was much murmuring among the people concerning him some said that he is good and others said no on the contrary he deceives people however no one spoke openly of him for fear the Jews so I always have to mess with this till I get it just right sorry it's either too high or too low and I always feel like I'm so I I think we need to get that headset working then I don't have to mess with it anymore let's see if we can get the headset working so it says you sure went to the feast secretly right [Music] why why would he why would you do that why did he feel the need to wait behind let his brothers go ahead of him and then sneak in later secretly maybe bit have a raise your hand if you think you have answer oh it says the Jews were seeking him the Jews were looking for him and if you're familiar with what's going on there's the Pharisees are not happy with him I mean everything he says and does upsets them and the big thing they're not upset are that they're not happy about is the fact that he doesn't submit to their authority that he doesn't acknowledge their authority and that he seems to have his own authority that's different than theirs and that really upsets the Pharisees they don't like that and we're gonna see from this point forward you're gonna see they're starting to get more and more aggressive at trying to seek him out there try to capture him a few times they don't succeed they they start making plots and plans on how they can kill him and so from this point forward we're gonna see a lot more of that type of heavy persecution and Yeshua's aware of this he knows that they're seeking Him they know he knows that they're looking for him and so he goes to the feast secretly but they knew he would be at the feast why they know he'd be at the feast is this commanded right the toilet command you're supposed to go three times a year during the feast times up to Jerusalem celebrate the feasts and so Yeshua kept the commandments and so they knew that he would be there at the feasts so interestingly as he's up until this point he spent most of his time outside of Jerusalem have you noticed that he spent a lot of time in the Galilee area around the Sea of Galilee he spent a lot of time in Samaria out in the Judean wilderness and very little time in Jerusalem we see him go there for Passover and then he's back out in the wilderness back out in the Galilee area out preaching outside of Jerusalem doing miracles outside of Jerusalem you know we see the walking on the water outside Jerusalem we see the calming of the storm outside of Jerusalem you know he's out in the Galilee area for those things we see the Sermon on the Mount outside of Jerusalem there's so much of what he's done so far up to this point has been outside Jerusalem and from this point forward we're gonna see him being in Jerusalem a lot more so it's gonna start he's gonna start kind of narrowing his focus of his ministry from this point forward he's gonna spend a lot more time in Jerusalem and as you'll notice towards the end when it's nearing the the final Passover before his crucifixion he's gonna be spending almost exclusively its time in Jerusalem he'll go there during the rusa ylim during the day and then he'll go back outside of Jerusalem in the evening and stay the night outside Jerusalem but then he goes back to Jerusalem again up until the Last Supper and then he stays or Jerusalem the rest of the time but anyway so he spent a lot of time outside of Jerusalem and now he's coming to Jerusalem for the feast and it says there was much murmuring among the people concerning him some said he's good and others said no on the contrary he deceives the people however no one spoke openly concerning him because of fear of the Jews I think that's an interesting statement where'd they not choose those people who were discussing is he good is he not as he a deceiver is a false teacher is a good teacher they were discussing this among themselves quietly they were murmuring and you know murmuring it means a soft low or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance a subdued or private expression of discontent or dissatisfaction so they were there speaking with hushed voices right there speaking quietly among each other discussing it privately whispering in each other's ears mumbling murmuring quietly discussing who is this guy some say is good some say is not but says they did it in fear the Jews that they weren't talking about him openly for fear the Jews but weren't they all Jews I mean you know you could define the term jus a few different ways the New Testament does so you've got Jew as someone who is from the tribe of Judah you have jus that someone who is a Judean who lives in Judea is at that time I wasn't called Israel is called Judea and everyone who lived in Judea was called the Judea nor a Jew and then what I think John is doing here is when he talks and several times in his Gospel when he talks about the Jews when they feared the Jews he's talking about the Jewish leaders and so the people in charge of the tabernacled the PR the people in charge of the synagogue so the Jewish leaders the the leading rabbis the Pharisees you know that that group the Sanhedrin type people and so I think John kind of just says the Jews as a generic reference so like for example if I was to say the Democrats think this does that mean that every single person who claims to be Democrat thinks that well no well the Republicans think this does that mean every single Republican thinks that way now it's just like a generalized statement and it's really what you're saying is is the Democrats are doing this what you're saying is the Democratic leadership is doing this the Republicans are doing this that means the Republican leadership is doing this whether you agree with it or not you know whether you voted for it or not it doesn't matter that's what the leadership is doing and I think that's kind of what John is doing here he says the Jews they feared the Jews and I think he's talking about the the Jewish leadership and and the reason I say that there's actually a couple places [Music] that I want to look at John 922 his parents said these things because they feared the Jews for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that he was the Christ he would be put out of the synagogue well what Jews can make that agreement it can make that Proclamation can say well if you if you say you sure as the the Christ you get kicked out of the synagogue well the leadership they're the ones who can say that right there than once you can do that and so the people were speaking among themselves with hushed voices about Yeshua some say is good some say he deceives people and this kind of reminds me of the question you show asked his disciples a while back you remember he said who do you say that I am and that's I really feel like this is a question that everybody who encounters Yahshua has to wrestle with whether there is disciple or not I mean anybody who encounters him whether they were Samaritans whether they were the Pharisees whether they were galleons whether they lived in Jerusalem or outside of Jerusalem everybody who encountered him had to wrestle with this question who who is Joshua who do you say he is and you know when he asked the disciples he said who do people say that I am so well some say you're Elijah some say you're a prophet some say you're you know whatever he said well who do you say that I am and their confession was you were the Christ you were the Messiah the Son of the Living God and what's you know we look at these people who they're not as disciples they're just people here at the feast who have observed some of the things that he's said and done and they're murmuring among themselves talking among themselves some of them say he's good he's a good teacher he's a good man he's a righteous man and other people said no he's a deceiver he's deceiving people he's leading people astray well what are they basing these opinions on but Bible doesn't tell us it doesn't tell us who these people were what they were basing their opinions on exactly but as they were looking at what he was saying and doing they were coming to different conclusions about him and this is something that even today people are still wrestling with throughout the world people when they are confronted with your show when they're presented with his show the things that he says and does they have to come to conclusion was he good was he not was he who he says he was or was deceiving people was he a good man was a good teacher was a righteous man was he a prophet how do you determine and you know you think about atheists I've heard a lot of atheist people who don't even believe there's a god well they'll say yeah Jesus he was a good teacher they have no problem acknowledging him being a good teacher they have no faith and even believe God exists yet they'll say Jesus was a good teacher he taught morally he was a moral teacher he talked good things he he taught things that led people to a better place in life I mean I've heard I've heard atheists or argue in favor of Jesus being a good moral teacher I think that's really interesting that that they could take that stance and say there's no God and they could like his teachings greatest teachings and not you know put their faith and trust in him to salvation what about he was a good prophet he was a prophet what did the Muslims say that's what they say about him they they don't say he's the son of God they don't say he is God incarnate they don't say he is the Messiah they say he's a good prophet right and they exalt Muhammad above him and they make my home at the big deal and so they see what Yeshua said and did and they just kind of push him off to the side and lift up Mohammed instead but they say he was a prophet you know even even Jews there's a lot of Jews that will say well we acknowledge that Jesus was a good rabbi he was a good teacher but they don't believe he was the Son of God they don't believe he was the Messiah and so they still are wrestling with this issue who is he where do we put him how do we categorize this guy what do we call him but a lot of a lot of people you know the Pharisees are a good example of this they had our time with them and even today a lot of people have our time with him and the Pharisees they called him a deceiver they said he was a false teacher they said they even accused him of being demon-possessed at a couple times I mean they were very much opposed to him they rejected him and not not all of them I mean you know you see Nicodemus he was a Pharisee and he followed your shoe he was a and it says he did it secretly or fear of the Jews I mean that's that's how it describes to John that that Nicodemus came to you sure secretly to talk to him and that later on it says when after the crucifixion that Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea you know they secretly went to get the body because of fear of the Jews and so it's really interesting that even someone who is in a place of authority among the Jewish leaders would still be afraid of the Jewish leaders and and he wants to follow your show but he has this this fear of the Jewish leadership and and they've actually been examples that even in modern times where there's Jewish rabbis who secretly believe in Yeshua and but they don't want to make it public and there was a thing I don't remember how many years ago probably six or eight years ago where one of these leading rabbis on his deathbed he wrote a note said I know who the Messiah is he wrote his name down put it in a sealed envelope and said wait like a year or two years or something I think I said I have two years after I die open this note and then you'll know who the Messiah is Nero Joshua you told me your shoe is the Messiah and so but he didn't want to he didn't want to let everybody know himself he didn't want to just make it known publicly hey your shoe's a messiah why because he feared if you're the other juice he feared the Jewish leadership and he was a Jewish leader he was a rabbi so why why's there so much fear why is there so much fear about this thing why are people afraid of the Jewish leadership why are people afraid of what other people in the world might think you know there so many situations where people they don't want to profess certain aspects of their faith maybe they'll let you know their Christian but they don't want to let you know that they believe in a literal six-day creation why well because they're in academia and they're afraid of the other scholars who will laugh at them because they believe in a sixth literal day creation that happened 6,000 years ago afraid of the academia they're afraid of the scholars afraid of their peers they're afraid of their professors why they don't want to seem like a fool right there won't be made fun of there won't be persecuted they don't want to be laughed at why were these people afraid of the juice because the Jews would they come out of the synagogue why was that a big deal is if you got kicked out of synagogue that's like I mean you where would you go as they're kicking you out of the faith altogether they kick you out of religion because it's like you get this blacklist if they kick you out of the synagogue on one place you you don't get to go to synagogue someplace else I mean you're just labeled as this is a as a traitor as a heretic and it's not like today where if you you know if we kick you out of this church you could just go down the street and go to the next church or just come here on Sunday to the the Nazarene Church you know I mean today it doesn't work the same way you know so if you say well you can't come here anymore they say fine I'll just go someplace else and it doesn't have the same effect today as it did then and back then if they kicked you out of the congregation you I mean you were kicked out of the community altogether you didn't exist anymore you were anathema you were ostracized you were out so they were afraid of that that's that's why there was so much fear they didn't want to be kicked out of the community it would I mean they would be alienated from their family alienated from their friends they wouldn't be able to be in the community more they would probably be kicked out of the holes I mean Judea I mean they probably have to go over the Samaritans or something you know they didn't want that it was a big deal so they had a lot of fear and you know this isn't in my notes but this is something I've been thinking about lately we have so much fear of so many things where you know people are afraid of death they are afraid of losing their job they're afraid of getting sick they're afraid of other people's opinions afraid of so many things but do we have a fear of God we fear God more than we fear men and one thing I think is interesting is you know it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom it says that we should fear God and not man and numerous times throughout the Bible we're told to fear God and not to fear anything else there people are more afraid of demons than they are God why Raiders he who is in you than he was in the world right he's given you power over all over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by name is shall hurt you I mean these are the promises that he's given us that the enemy has no authority all he can do is just look scary acts scary talk tough but he can't hurt you because greater is He Who is in you you have the Holy Spirit in you the enemy has no right over you he has no he has no authority over you but so many times we don't realize that and you know it's I heard a funny story this guy was he said when he was a kid that there was there was this Chihuahua and the Chihuahua would bark and chase him and scare him and you know he'd run up a tree or he'd run up jump on top of the car or run up onto the Porsche or what he'd just run away from this little dog and I thought you know that's that's kind of what we do you know Satan comes around or some some demonic thing comes around and starts barking and growling and we just get scared and run and he said well you know one day he realize he's bigger than this dog he kicked a rock at the dog and the dog took off and it never scared him again and isn't not what the Bible says it says resist the devil and he will flee from you it isn't tell us to be afraid of the devil says we need to resist him that we have Authority through Yeshua through the Holy Spirit we have authority over those things so why are we constantly afraid of those things this is we're supposed to be afraid of God why is this a be afraid of God why it's a fear God and I know a lot of times it says you know people people arguing to say well it just means have reverence for him have respect for him if do a word study on the Greek and Hebrew they're used to describe the sphere of God and it means terror it means be afraid it means tremble it says the demons tremble right in his presence and so it says we are supposed to fear God what's interesting is there is a few examples when some you know when an angel show up and they say fear not why do they say fear not because they have to tell the person don't be afraid because this person actually understands the fear of the Lord because this person is trembling in the presence of this angelic being and they had to tell him no don't be afraid it's okay I'm not here to hurt you I'm not here to kill you they have to tell them to stop fearing and I think that that's kind of what we we need to have such a fear of God that God has to come now say hang on you don't have to be that afraid don't don't fear me I'm not I'm not here to hurt you and the problem is that we've we've taken this this phrase fear not and we've we've made that the standard and so we don't actually know what it means to fear God I think it's so many cases we just like oh well gonna have to fear God he's he's a big teddy bear and he just wants to give his hug [Music] read some more we're supposed to figure your schewe said fear the one who can destroy your body and your soul and Gehenna we need to have a healthy fear of God so that we will have we will live righteously if you have a healthy fear of God you're not gonna be running around doing all kinds of wickedness because you're gonna say you know what God doesn't like this and I don't want to displease him because I I'm I fear him I fear what he will do to me if I'm not following him if I'm not living according to his word and so we need to have a healthy fear of God not a fear of man and we see you know so many times like this example people were afraid of men they weren't afraid of God they were afraid of men afraid what men would do to them what men might say we need to have a fear of God and not worry about what man can do to you Yeshua said don't fear the one who can kill your body fear the one who can destroy your body and soul you know somebody comes up with a gun and says you know deny you sure pull the trigger man actually let me argue with you for a while before you do so maybe I can talk you into believing let's have a debate [Laughter] see if I can lead to the Lord before you pull the trigger but we shouldn't be afraid of man we need to be afraid of God not man so anyway that I don't even know where I'm at my notes because none of that was in there why they have a fear of the Jews if I can find my place again alright let's go ahead and jump up to want to jump over to John 12 for just just a second John 12 42 Thor 43 says nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in him but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him lest they should be put out of the synagogue where they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God this is back to my earlier argument that the when it says the Jews wanted to put them out of the synagogue right here John is giving us a little more information about what that means even among the rulers many believed in him so there were Jews among the rulers of the Jews who believed in him but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him they didn't make an open Proclamation that they believed in your show because they're afraid of the Pharisees why lest they should be put out of the synagogue for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God you see the Pharisees had a they had control over the synagogue they were in charge and if the Pharisee said something it just that's what happened so they were afraid afraid to make a confession of faith in Yeshua this is why Paul is such a big deal by the way you know people want to reject Paul the reason Paul is so important in the New Testament is because because Paul was a leader in the Pharisees he studied down a gamma leo he was being raised up to be the next generation like head rabbi I mean that's what gamma Leo was he was he was the head rabbi the leading rabbi in in the synagogue and he was prepping Paul Paul would have would have become that head rabbi at some point and for some reason Paul throws all that away and says you know what I believe in Yeshua I believe that he died and resurrected and I saw him and he spoke to me and he says in in a couple places I count all that rubbish I counted all waste compared to knowing you shoot my lord he says you know I was a Pharisee of Pharisees a and I was trained under Gamal Eli I was righteousness according to the law I was perfect circumcised on the eighth day of the tribe of Benjamin you know he goes through this big list of pedigrees basically saying he was somebody special in the eyes of the Jewish people he was somebody special and he said you know what I said all that aside I threw all that away because that's what happened when he started following a shoe all that didn't matter anymore he was no longer in line to replace camel eel he was no longer leading the synagogue he was nothing to them he was put out and they started persecuting him they started getting him arrested and throwing him in jail ended up dying a martyr why because he believed Yeshua died and resurrected and he believed that Yeshua spoke to him on the road to Damascus and his conversion is so dramatic he had nothing to gain and everything to lose if it was a lie if your shoe was a fake if he didn't really die and resurrect if he didn't really meet him on the road to Damascus if the whole thing was a sham Paul had everything to lose and nothing to gain as I talked about this a while back I think it Passover or last year the year before that he's the greatest argument for the resurrection because of that reason is that the resurrection was a hoax then Paul was an idiot because he threw everything away to follow Yeshua if it was a lie biggest idiot in the world if that was the case but the reason he threw everything aside to follow you shows because he knew it was true he believed it he saw you sure he met him and he was convinced that nothing else even matters and so Paul is I think the most important piece we have in the New Testament just to say this is not a hoax this is legit he was persecuting Christians killing them because he was he thought they were all a bunch of liars deceivers and then you should stop him and he says why are you persecuting me stop kicking against the goads why are you persecuting me Paul and from that point forward Paul says you know what I believe Yeshua did die and resurrect he is the son of God because he met him as a poll in my mind Paul is extremely valuable in the New Testament and so anybody who wants to throw Paul out your we're gonna have an argument let's see where else am I'm not I'm not following my nose very good tonight am I going down rabbit trails so anyway John says even among the rulers that there were people who believed in him but they feared the Pharisees and so let's go ahead and go down now let's get down to you go back to John seven and we'll get back into where we were where we left off John seven fourteen this is now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught so but to this point he still kind of been out of the picture he went up to the feast but he hasn't done anything up till this point says now about the middle of the feast this is when he makes his appearance he goes up into the temple and eat ah and the Jews marveled saying how does this man know letters having never studied jesus answered them and said my doctrine is not mine but his who sent me if anyone wills to do his will he shall know concerning the doctrine whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority he who speaks from himself seeks his own glory but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is true and no unrighteousness is in him did not Moses give you the law yet none of you keeps the law why do you seek to kill me the people answered and said you have a demon you see they they didn't understand him and they start making accusations against him they say you have a demon who is seeking to kill you jesus answered and said to them I did one work and you all marvel Moses therefore gave you circumcision not that is for Moses but from the father's and you circumcised a man on the Sabbath if a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses should be should not be broken are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath do not judge according to appearance but Judge with righteous judgment so he went up to the feast in secret the Jews were seeking out and now here in the middle of the feast he stands up and he starts teaching it says they marveled you know what the word marvel means you think about the Marvel the comic superheroes right right I mean that's most of time when people think Marvel that's what they think of anymore that's what has been associated with but what's it mean means they stood in awe they couldn't believe what they're seeing it's it's amazing it's miraculous it's wonderful and that's so people are due nowadays with superheroes right there marveling at them they're amazed at him that this is that they marveled at Yeshua if we marvel at Yeshua do you marvel at Yeshua you see him as marvelous you see him as wonderful so many people get more caught up in favorite sports game or [Music] favorite TV show or whatever they they get more excited about that than they do about Yeshua if we marvel at Yeshua it says they marveled at him and they said how does he know as he know this how does he have this understanding how does he know to teach how does he understand scriptures because he was never taught what they were saying they say we know this man you know we down a little later says we know this man we know he's from he's from Galilee he's a carpenter's son same number number places that's the the thing they used against him well you were he was son of a carpenter you're from Galilee how can you know anything what they're saying is when I say he wasn't taught what they're saying is he didn't go to the synagogue on and learn under a rabbi he was never a disciple of a rabbi that's what they're saying because that's how people were taught you would come and and you would if you know like so for example my son you know if I was gonna get my kids casing Kate you know if I wanted them to study under rabbi at they would start probably about Cades age really young and you take him to the rabbi and you say hey I want you to train up my child I want you to teach him I want you to raise him teach him the the scriptures teach him the Torah teach him each in the Word of God and the rabbi would decide whether or not to keep him or not if the rabbi decided to let my son be his disciple then he would start teaching him he would start studying the scriptures and and make him memorize Scripture and and you know up to a certain point I think is by the time they're 12 or 13 they had to have the Torah memorized and they didn't have the Torah memorize they were kicked out no you can't do it anymore and there's a number of other reasons why they might get kicked out you know so if they just didn't feel like that child was cut out for being a rabbi they would they would say you know what you need to go take up your father's business you go back to being a carpenter you go back to being a fisherman you go you know whatever your your your father is you go follow your father and you study that and you become that you you're not qualified to be a rabbi so that's that's kind of how the scenario works that's how how they would become a rabbis so they had to be trained by rabbi and then chosen to continue on and then eventually they would become Arab by themselves and they said this didn't happen with yoshua he didn't go through the proper channels he didn't study under the rabbi's he didn't have his schooling how does he know the Scriptures that was the question they were saying how does he know the Scriptures who taught him to read his reading was rare then say who taught him letters were they marveled at his teaching they marveled at the things he said and so many times when we read the words of Yeshua I think we just kind of because a glaze over them you know they just run over them real quickly and don't think too much about them not realize how how significant they are how important they are it we marvel at his teachings so they marvel at his teachings they were impressed by his ability to teach they were impressed at what he said and and the authority that he had to say we see numerous times throughout that all four Gospels were says that he he's taught differently than all the other rabbis because he taught with authority and with that you know practically what that means is when the rabbi's taught they would quote well rabbi Akiba says this and rabbi you know yahuda says this and rabbi whatever says that you know so they they would quote the rabbis in order to give weight to their thoughts so they say they'd say something and then the quotient of the rabbi to verify or to give authority to what they were saying and that was very common thing back then or you should didn't do that he didn't speak that way he spoke with authority he just said this is how it is in fact he said you've heard it said this but I tell you this hey saying you've you've heard the rabbi's tell you this thing but I'm telling you something different he would contradict what the rabbi's taught in some cases so he didn't quote him in order to verify his teaching and so they said he teaches different than anybody else and that was impressive to them they couldn't you know some of them like to some didn't but also I think more than that when he spoke witnesses he spoke with authority I think means his words penetrated his words cut to the heart you know we know from several times that he knew what people were thinking says he knew their minds he knew their hearts and he would address you know somebody be thinking it and he just looked at him he'd say well let me tell you about that and I'm sure they thought how did he know I was thinking that but we have examples of that happening and so he spoke with authority he spoke with power and you know the Pharisees had issues with it but he says my doctrine is not mine my doctrine is not mine by him who sent me and so he's saying my doctrine comes straight from the Father my doctrine comes straight from God this is telling us a couple things I mean one he's claiming that he was sent by God you know he's not saying is there's something different about this guy obviously right he says my father in heaven sent me and what I do only what he says and I speak only his words and can you imagine if I was to get up here and say something like that what would you guys think about me I got up here and told you that I'm the son of God and that God sent me to earth and he sent me for this purpose and he told me to tell you this and everything I say is straight from the mouth of God what would you guys think about me if I was saying something like that go get a stone yeah like Lexus lost his mind Lex has lost his mind if he thinks he's the son of God why because we realize that we can't make those types of claims right I realized that I can't make that claim why because I know I'm not the Son of God I know I can't walk on water I know I can't raise the dead I know I'm a human I know that I had a mother and a father and I wasn't born of a virgin I I Know Who I am and so I can't make that claim and in my right mind anyway I'd have to be out of my mind I had to be a lunatic or a liar right and that's that's CS Lewis's argument right he says liar lunatic or Lord Yeshua if there's a liar or lunatic or Lord that's those are only options we've got when you really take seriously the claims that you made you've got to say is he lying to me is he out of his mind or is he who he says he is and so this you know again we're wrestling with this who is he how does this man no letters having never studied his doctrine is not his but him who sent him this actually is interesting this is actually something that Moses prophesied about by the way are you familiar with this prophecy he says my doctrine is not mine but him who sent me he says I'm speaking only the words that my father has given me what prophecy am I talking about let's look at Deuteronomy 18 verses 15 18 and 19 the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst from your brethren him you shall hear I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that I command him and it shall be that whoever will not hear my words which he speaks in my name I will require to him this is the prophecy of the prophet like Moses is what it's referred to right is a prophecy of the Messiah that he would be a prophet like Moses and it says that God will put his words in his mouth and if you don't hear him God will require to view that's a serious prophecy if you don't listen to this prophet you don't listen to this this one specific prophet that he's gonna say and who speaks the words from the very mouth of God I mean ultimately that's what most profits do anyway right they speak the words of God God gives them order to speak and I speak it but this is this says this profit is different is basically saying every word he speaks he's speaking from the mouth of God not just certain times when he prophesized everything he speaks is from the mouth of God and that's what you should have said he said I do nothing except what my father says I say nothing except what my father says he's claiming to be this one prophet he's claiming to be the prophet like Moses the one that sent that's gonna have the words of divert the speak the very words of God everything he speaks is from the mouth of God and God says if you don't listen this guy the God will require to view so that means we need to take very seriously what you should spoke very seriously the things that he taught the way he says we really need to hear above everything else he says my doctrine is not mine but him who sent me if anyone wills to do his will he shall know concerning the doctrine whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority he's saying if you're seeking to know God's will if you're seeking to do God's will then you're gonna know what I'm saying is from God that's what he's that's what he's claiming right he says God is my witness if you see God God will let you know he will testify of me God will testify that you sure is who he says he is he will testify and verify that the words of you sure true you seek God you pursue God you seek to know him and to do his will he will reveal that to you that's what you sure was saying we see you sure made a similar statement at Hanukkah we're gonna talk about this more later is in John chapter 10 I will talk about it another week but I want to just briefly look at something he said he's Jesus sans to them said I told you and you do not believe the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me they saying the things that I do the miracles I do the works that I do the healings beating 5000 walking on water calming storm casting out demons raising the dead healing the blind cleansing the leper you know he says these works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me that's the argument that the the the Apostles make later and some of the letters is that he was attested it was a test to buy of miracles and by signs and by wonders and ultimately by the resurrection of the Dead that he is who he says he is these things testify to him about him he says but you do not believe because you are not of my sheep it works I doing my father's name they bear witness at me but you do not believe he says to the Pharisees you do not believe because you are not of my sheep as I said to you my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life and and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatched them out of my hand for my father has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand and I and my father are one and if you really if you're familiar with the story you realize that they picked up stones at this moment hey we're gonna stone him because these blaspheming according to them in their mind he was saying and when he says I my father won they picked up stones because they knew that he was claiming to be deity he was claiming to be God and they saw those blasphemy because they didn't know who he was they didn't know he really was who he was claiming to be they thought it was blood if I made that claim you could rightfully stone me because I'm not I'm not God incarnate but you sure when he makes those claims they were wrong and calling it blasphemy because he really was who he says he was so but he says his works testify him he said I told you and you do not believe the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me what we're looking at in John seven he at Tabernacles he said my words testified me seek the father and you'll see that what I teach testifies to Who I am and then here in at Hanukkah he says my works testify of Who I am so let's look at some of his teachings some of his works obviously I can't cover everything he ever taught every miracle I ever did in this short amount of time I mean we've been going through the Gospels for months and we haven't even gotten through all of it yet so just I want to just kind of hit some highlights he turned water to wine he walked on water he calmed the storm he healed the sick he gave sight to the blind he made the lame walk He healed the lepers he cast out demons he raised the dead those are just a few examples of things that he's done right and he said these things testify about who he is and you know you think about profits and profits do some miraculous things we've seen things like that right you know as we saw water parted Moses part of the water I lied you're part of the water Elijah part of the water right waters being parted that's that's pretty miraculous you sure walked on it they'd had to party he just walked on it we saw you know Elijah he prayed that there wouldn't be any rain and it didn't rain for three years and then he prayed that the rainy rained right there was a store managers you're sure just said be still and the storm deceased I'd like to pray over and over and over until it happened you sure just said be quiet and the sort of storm stopped so I mean if you're gonna compare your shoot to a profit you've got at least say men he is way way higher than these other prophets I mean he has more authority than all the other prophets combined yeah you see Elijah and Elijah I believe both of them raised a dead person right and you sure raised several dead people and then he himself got up out of the grave and so you know everything it seems like everything you sure did is is better than anything anybody else has ever done and so for you to just be like the the Muslims and say oh he's just a prophet he's not just a prophet he's something more than just a profit because if he was just a prophet he he couldn't have done all the stuff that he did and said all the stuff that he said I mean for one if he's a prophet and he says I'm the son of God yeah and you say he's just a prophet you got an issue here because you're either not believing the words of that prophet or that profits lying to you and so which is it I mean you if you you think he's a prophet you also have to realize that he's claiming that he's the son of God the his deity the his God incarnate so you can't say he's just a prophet because if he's a prophet that means that his words are true and you have to believe him and if you believe his words that and they're the true then you can't say he's just a prophet you see that the problem with that logic let's look at some of the words of Yeshua he says his words testify of him and so as we already noted he claimed that his words were the very words of God well it's also considered the Sermon on the Mount his teaching on prayer the parables of the kingdom his prophetic statements about his death burial and resurrection and as well as his prediction of the destruction of the temple how much everything you taught there was so much truth in it right so much righteousness in it so much power in it so much authority in it you look through his teachings and there's nothing false in them his teachings testify about him who he is he says I am the way the truth and the life Don called him the Word of God made flesh he also said before Abraham was I am this is this is one of those passages is one of those verses that any Greek scholar will tell you this doesn't make grammatical sense that's not how you would say that you don't say before Abraham was a go at me it makes no sense in Greek right but ego Amy if you look up in the satu Junt where that's used in its it's in Exodus when Moses was talking to the burning bush and he says who should I tell them sent me he says I go Amy to them I am that's the phrase that he uses here you know another time he's Yeshua said I am and the guards fell over backwards you guys remember that just saying who he is is it I am Wow you should claim to be both son of God and Son of Man and you realize that when he claims to be sent a man that's actually a more dramatic claim to deity than claiming to be the Son of God I think I've talked about this before the Son of Man claim is is actually a prophecy from Daniel he says he saw one like the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven and there's stuff in the Psalms about the sin of man a son of man is is one of your shows favorite titles and it's actually a stronger claim to deity a stronger claim to fulfill a prophecy than claimed to be a son of God because every King every Caesar every leader of the pagans all claim to be God's sons of God and you know it actually got to the point where someone says you know son of God they could they could use that term pretty generally and even we see that in the Gospels when you're sure a claimed to be the Son of God they they got on Tim four and he says well what the the Gospels say you are all gods right or not that me not the Gospels but the Psalms say you're all gods soaz is a less appealing term to say son of God and it's actually a more appealing term to say son of man and really what it's saying is he was in heaven and with God he was part of God right and he came down to earth and became a son of man that's really what the testimony of that claim is that he became a son of man he became like one of us he's he's saying I I left deity to become human to walk with you as a rapport oh Dan [Music] proverbs right he said that he'd not consider equality with God something be clung on to he humbled himself made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant that's interesting Lee in that verse there are two different renditions of it right there's some say he doesn't consider equality with God something to be grasped and what that means the state to be gripped on to be hung on to and another one says he did not consider it robbery to be called equal to God both of those are true statements which way is it supposed to be translated interesting huh we have we have Greek manuscripts as both both ways they both are true he didn't consider his equality with God something to be clung to and he didn't consider robbery to be called equal to God both your statements he claimed to be the Lord of the Sabbath how many of you can claim that and he claimed to be one with the father his words testify of who he is what does his words tell us about him you also care for widows orphans and poor and he taught us to do the same he taught the truth and stood by what is right they walked perfectly sinless and never once sinned in his life how many of us make that claim but that's the testimony of him it wasn't intimidated by religious leaders who is this guy the crowds murmured and mumbled about who is he some say he's good some say he's a deceiver as we look at this full testimony of his life everything he did everything he said everything other people said about him we have all that we have all the evidence right we're not seeing just a partial picture here you know these people maybe hadn't seen all the miracles he did maybe they hadn't heard all the teachings we have a full picture we have the full testimony of the New Testament we know everything he did well maybe not everything because John says of all the things they did couldn't be recording all the books but we have testimony after testimony of many things he did many miracles he did many wonderful things he did amazing phenomenal unbelievable things we have testimony many things he taught so we need to weigh out all this evidence and say well who is this guy so we move on John 7:25 it says now somehow some of them from Jerusalem said is this not he whom they seek to kill but look he speaks boldly and they say nothing to him do the rulers not do the rulers know indeed that this truly is the Christ they're the rulers no do they understand that this really is the Christ why don't they lay hands on him do they know however we know from where this man came but when the Christ comes no one knows where he is from then Jesus cried out as his as he taught in the temple saying you both know me and you know where I'm from here's another example of you know he knew their thoughts they weren't saying hey we know who you are he heard their thoughts he knew their thoughts and he said you know me you know where I'm from you knew exactly what they were thinking and I have not come of myself but he who sent me is true from he seemed his true whom you do not know but I know him for I am from him and he sent me therefore I say therefore they sought to take him but no one laid a hand on him because his hour had not yet come remember we were looking at that last week is ever not yet come what is he talking about his crucifixion is it's time to die is not yet come no one laid a hand on him because Aaron had come and many of the people who many of the people believed in him and said when the Christ comes will he do more signs than these which this man has done they're saying is look at all the stuff this guy's done is is there gonna be anybody who would do anything more than this can anybody possibly come and give more signs more America's more wonders than this guy did if this isn't the Christ than who is that's that's what they're saying right so they saw his miracles they heard his teachings and make many began to wonder is he the Messiah is he the Christ and the key question they asked is when the Christ comes will he do more signs than these which this man has done if you have if you have trouble believing that you should as a messiah based on all the overwhelming evidence that's presented to us all the miracles all the signs all the wonders all of his teachings you see this full evidence of what we've been given and you say I don't think he's a messiah what do you expect the Messiah to do what do you expect from the Messiah will he do more than what this man has done and so I wonder I wonder if your shoe was here today or if we were back in his day if we were back in the first century and we saw his life we saw his teachings we saw his miracles how would we respond we see all this evidence in front of us how would we respond would we chase after him and say I want to be your disciple or would we pick up a stone it would be called the chief priest and say we need to arrest this guy would we be standing there in front of Pilate saying crucify him we'd be bowing at his feet how would we respond would we be like the Pharisees constantly looking for ways to trap him trick him catch him get him to goof up trip him up would we like the crowds wavering between two positions you noticed that's how the crowds do right at one moment there they love him they're following him around and he just gave us loaves of fishes he's great and then a little bit later we're like I don't know about this guy you see that right in the in the scriptures is how the crowds are so fickle even disciples we say that he had with 70 disciples at one time and then he says you know you got to eat my flesh and drink my blood the disciples disappeared even they said I don't know if I can handle this teaching he's saying things that are they don't make sense to me I can't understand this and he turned to the 12 and he said are you gonna take off too they said no where elsewhere we go you're the one who has the words of life so even among his disciples there was there was wavering there's division some clung to him clung to his words as the words of life and some of them they left they went their own way so how are we gonna respond to him are we gonna be like the 12 following him even when we don't fully understand would we be like those disciples following an even when we don't understand what he's saying what he's doing why he's doing it but understanding that he is the only one with the words of life bow your heads with me Lord we love you so much Lord we thank you for your word we thank you that we have such an amazing testimony of your life and of your ministry of your miracles and of your teachings but lord we thank you more we have the testimony of your death and resurrection and the salvation that comes through that we thank you for loving us when I pray that we would be your sheep who know your voice who follow you and nothing could snatch us out of your hand would help us to hear your voice help us to know you better help us to follow you if it's not to waver between two opinions help us to be firmly planted on a solid rock woodrick Reese their faith we believe but help us with our unbelief would help us to know you deeply and truly and intimately that you would speak to us Father forgive us for our sins of us to walk with you or latest sin sanctification transform us more and more each day into the image and likeness of your son it would be conformed in his likeness and to be more and more like him each day but fill this with your Holy Spirit right your words in our heart not our mind washis in the water of your word lord we love you so much we praise you the name of Yeshua amen does anybody need prayer about anything [Music] okay the other on Melissa and pray for her she's got surgery coming up anybody else me prayer I would pray with you you know sometimes I think people don't believe in the power of prayer because they don't think it's important to write you know either either there's absolutely nothing going on your life and you guys are wonderful and you don't need prayer which is great or you're afraid to ask for it or you're afraid that maybe it's not going to do any good we only prayer makes some of us are just afraid to ask for sometimes don't be afraid to ask for prayer been together um listen before you cut the stream
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 859
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible, feast of tabernacles, yeshua at the feast of tabernacles
Id: q-UdrodBW_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 48sec (7308 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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