9-11-01 20 YEARS LATER

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good evening it's good to see you here tonight in person and for those of you joining us online it is good to have you with us tonight as uh we reflect a little bit on uh 911 and what happened 20 years ago so we're looking forward to doing that a little bit um as i was thinking through what we could sing tonight and what would be honoring of the lord while we did so the tune that kept coming into my head was leaning on the everlasting arms because when there is nothing else it seems like all hope is lost all hope is gone and you can do no more you are at that point where all you can do is lean on the everlasting arms of christ i want to share with you from deuteronomy and and i love reading from the old testament what i really love to do is how do you pull the old testament into the new testament um as some preachers would probably have you believe the old testament is not relevant i do not believe that i am one and who believes the word of god is true from beginning to end from genesis to revelation and the old testament is just as relevant if not more relevant today as it has ever been and so you look in deuteronomy at the very end of deuteronomy in chapter 33 moses is giving his very last sermon now it's a humdinger it goes for many many miles if you're flipping through scripture but at the very end after he talks about all that has taken place and all that israel has or has not done he ends with this the eternal god some versions actually say the god of old but uh in new king james it says the eternal god is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms he will thrust out the enemy from before you and will say destroy then israel shall dwell in safety the fountain of jacob alone in the land of grain and new wine his heaven shall also drop due happy are you o israel who is like you a people saved by the lord the shield of your help and the sword of your majesty your enemies shall submit to you and you shall tread down their high places you know as we think about all that's taken place in the past 20 years the one thing that has remained constant who never changes who was and is and is to come is our lord and savior jesus christ and tonight i want us to honor him by relying on him and leaning on his everlasting never-ending uh arms so let's stand together and let's sing and celebrate who he is this evening what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms what a blessedness what a piece is mine leaning on the everlasting arms leaning leaning safe and secure from all alarms leaning leaning leaning on the everlasting arms oh how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way leaning on the everlasting arms oh how bright the path grows from day to day leaning on the everlasting arms leaning safe and secured from all alarms leaning leaning leaning on the everlasting arm what have i to dread what have i to fear leaning on the everlasting arms i have blessed peace with my lord so leaning on the everlasting arms leaning leaning safe and secure from all alarms leaning leaning leaning on the everlasting arms let's pray together father we thank you for this day we thank you for every day that you have given us so far we're thankful that we have the ability to share with others the good news that uh lives within us that's jesus christ and share the good news of what christ has done for us and father as we hold fast to that we hold fast to the fact that he died on the cross and that he shed his precious blood for the forgiveness of our sins as we hold fast to the fact that we have recognized that we are sinners and father we are in need of a savior we hold fast to the fact that jesus came just to meet that need we learn as we continue and and read and study scripture that many uh many of the promises we read about have already been fulfilled and we're excited about the end where christ comes to call us home but before he does we still have a job to do as long as we have breath and that job is to share the good news of christ with others to give them a hope the hope that we have to give them and share with them the hope that can only be found in christ and when things of this world seem to be spiraling out of control and when things seem to be just um helter skelter and there's no rhyme or there's no reason and we certainly know that through many of the things that are happening today christ is not in those things but christ is in us and it's because of that we can stand firm and we can lean on those everlasting and we can continue to reflect the light of christ in our life so may we be found uh faithful in doing that and may we be found faithful in sharing the good news of the hope that is within us and the only way uh the only hope that can be found which is in christ our lord in thy name we pray amen thank you derek and good evening to you welcome to north lake baptist church wednesday night bible study and uh glad you're here for those who are here in person and also for those who are joining online we're glad you're here as well if you have your bibles please open to psalm chapter 2 there's a song a prayer a meditation about times just like we're living in now where you've got the kings of the earth and rulers of the earth have their plans but it also tells us that the lord has his own plan and it is the ultimate one that's going to matter tonight we're going to talk about remembering 9 11 01 september the 11th back in august we had a bible study on some of the confusion surrounding this cobit pandemic that we've had to endure for the last 18 months but it's also confusing to try to review america's response to the 9 11 01 attacks which after 20 years of war ended with unceremonious withdrawal from afghanistan we've watched the news the coverage of the american retreat with hundreds of people running alongside c-17 transport planes we saw the results of those explosions where we killed wounded dozens of american soldiers and afghan civilians there's been conflicting news reports of perhaps hundreds of americans and our allies still left behind in afghanistan various news websites reporting that the cost of the war in afghanistan is 2455 american service members killed and over two trillion dollars were added to the national debt two trillion more will be added in veterans benefits to take care of those who served in health care and disability payments going forward and then there's the news coverage of the taliban who were celebrating their victory over the two world superpowers they defeated the russians in 1989 and the americans in 2021. so our question for the evening out on our blog was the 20-year war in afghanistan was it worth the cost 12 said yes 70 said no and 18 were undecided so we'll think about that as we get started tonight hopefully you found psalm chapter 2 uh by now and again we'll pray this prayer sing this song and then leave your bibles open because that's where we'll also finish after i chase a few rabbits tonight but anyway psalm chapter 2. why do the nations king james says why do the heathen rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and rulers take counsel together against the lord and against his anointed ones saying let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us in other words we don't want to keep god's commandments any war we want to be free from all that but he that is god who sits in the heavens shall laugh the lord shall hold them in derision or he will scoff at them then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure yet i have set my king on my holy hill of zion i will declare the decree and the lord said to me you are my son today i have begotten you ask of me and i will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession and you that is the messiah the christ shall break them of the rod of iron you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel now therefore be wise o kings be instructed you judges of the earth serve the lord with fear rejoice with trembling kiss the son unless he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all those who put their trust in him do you remember where you were 20 years ago on tuesday morning september 11 2001 at 8 46 american airline flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the world trade center i was at the hospital in tifton georgia with one of my church members who was having surgery that morning i got a call from laura who was at work as a nurse in a doctor's office and had seen it on tv she asked if i'd heard about it and i said no and so she told me what had happened and we both talked about how it was a tragic accident and i walked back into the hospital waiting room and by this time all the tv channels were covering it um on the tvs there as well then 903 united airlines flight 175 crashed into the south tower of the world trade center in new york city when that second one hit i knew immediately this was not an accident so i called our son tommy who was a student at columbus state university he was also in the army reserves at the time he didn't have an early morning class so he was still asleep i called him and told him i said you are probably on alert so you need to call your unit and sure enough when he called his unit they told him to pack his gear and report to his unit in tallahassee florida and a few weeks later they deployed to the middle east 937 american airlines flight 77 crashed into the western side of the pentagon 958 the south tower of the world trade center collapsed at 1003 united flight 93 crashed into pennsylvania countryside apparently the passengers had heard what was going on and they stormed the cockpit and attacked the hijackers at 10 28 the north tower of the world trade center collapsed at 5 20 in the afternoon building 7 collapsed of course building 7 was a 47 story skyscraper that was part of the world trade center complex it collapsed for no apparent reason for it was not hit by an airplane and it suffered only minimal damage and i'm not an engineer but there is a website called architects and engineers for 911 truth that are still trying to figure out why building seven fell like the twin towers did just like an implosion but that's another sermon for another day we're not gonna go there when the day was done 2009 people were killed and more than 6 000 others were injured president bush promised to find out who did this and smoke them out of their holes and bring them to justice the next sunday the church was packed uh everyone's wanting to know what was going on since it had something to do with the middle east everybody was wondering if there was something about this in biblical prophecy and was this the end of days and would there be more attacks and everybody was really nervous but a few weeks rocked on and there were no more attacks and the world didn't end so attendance at church went back to normal like it has been for the last 20 years for the last 20 years i've spent a lot of time and energy studying the events of 9 11 and the way america has conducted this global war on terror i guess i was interested because before i became a preacher i had studied a little military history strategy and tactics as a cadet up the hill here at north georgia college which was known then and now as the senior military college of georgia a little bit later on i was assigned as a lieutenant to the army infantry school at fort benning so again i've done some studies in these areas i think there's another reason i was interested in 911 as well because our two sons tommy and david served in more than eight different deployments in the middle east tommy was already in army reserves as i told you earlier he deployed immediately after 9 11 to the middle east after that deployment he came home graduated from college and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the army david joined the army in july 2003 and deployed to iraq in march 2004 with the first calvary division in 2007 tommy and david were deployed in iraq at the same time david got out of the army after his second deployment in five years of service tommy stayed in and was assigned to the 160th special operations aviation regiment in fort lewis washington and he was often deployed without notice so we never knew when he was coming or going unless he called us today i praise the lord that he has shown mercy to laura and i by returning our sons safely back to us but other military families have not been so fortunate at the last check 6976 members of our military have been killed in action and over 53 303 have been wounded fighting this global war on terror speaking of the global war on terror in my opinion the response to 911 and the war on terror has been one of the strangest wars fought in the history of the world when i say strange i want you to think with me for the next few minutes i'm going to give you about a dozen quick examples of where we compare the united states war on terror to the world war ii which was the last war that the united states military was allowed to win point number one is in world war ii our enemies numbered around 30 million men in the united states military defeated them in four years in the global war on terror our enemies according to the cia have only numbered around 30 to 40 000 at any given time but as of today we're 20 years deep into what our politicians have been calling the long war war where we've just withdrawn from iraq and afghanistan and still according to the cia world factbook we have 30 000 troops in 12 countries in north africa in the middle east number two in world war ii the united states built up forces quickly to meet the threat we went from a military that had roughly 450 000 men to 12 million men in the global war on terror our current military stands at about 1 million with our presidents ordering the pentagon to reduce our forces to pre-world war ii levels meanwhile china and russia are building up forces does that make any sense at all point number three we were attacked by japan in world war ii and our allies in europe were invaded by germany so we responded by attacking germany and japan in the global war on terror we were attacked by 19 people with box cutters with saudi arabian passports but in the last 20 years we've been involved in afghanistan in iraq egypt libya syria and now we're targeting iran but we still haven't done anything to saudi arabia except to hide 28 pages from the 911 commission report that supposedly says that saudi arabia was a principal financier of the 911 attacks does that make sense number four in world war ii after the japanese attacked our navy at pearl harbor our president the very next day declared war on japan and actually used the word war in the global war on terror even after 6 000 of our armed forces were killed in action we have presidents who have renamed the global war on terror as the overseas contingency operation apparently the word war is not politically correct anymore number five in world war ii our leaders clearly pointed out who our enemies were japan germany italy and other axis powers in the global war on terror our leaders give us a generic level like violent extremists they refuse to use the words as radical islamic terrorists because they're afraid of offending any adherent to the peaceful religion of islam number six as we prepared for war our president gave in world war ii as we prepared for our president gave radio addresses called fireside chats where he encouraged national unity the prayer and faith in god and country and family in the global world ontario we had a president who made fun of christians as bitter clingers to our guns and bibles and warned us not to be bitter about muslims because christians have done bad things in the past too number seven in world war ii the president asked citizens to sacrifice for the war effort to reduce consumption of goods to recycle metals to ration gasoline and other products to roll bandages to plant victory gardens to save money to buy u.s savings bonds for the war effort in the global war on terror we had a president who told us to go shopping take a vacation at disney world and keep the economy and the credit flowing number eight in world war ii the military was arms factories and steel mills to pick up their weapons and go defeat the enemy in the global war on terror at a time we face an enemy that treats their own women like animals and executes homosexuals our secretaries of defense are trying to build a military that actively recruits and promotes the lgbt agenda and is playing with the idea of drafting women for combat assignments in the future number nine in world war ii prisoners of war were held until the war was over and were court-martialed to answer for their war crimes in the global war on terror we release war criminals from gitmo so that they can return to the battlefield number 10. in world war ii recent immigrants to the united states were vetted to see if they were sympathetic with the enemy and many were placed in internment camps until the war was over in the global war on terror europe and the united states are accepting hundreds of thousands of immigrants from war-torn areas with no paperwork no way of vetting even with terrorist attacks in european cities and the islamic state threatening that they are embedding militants among the refugees still our leaders are calling for thousands or more refugees to move into our cities and towns and if you disagree then you're called a racist in world war ii point number 11 in world war ii national leaders call people to prayer in the global war on terror there's been no call to prayer indeed since world war ii any mention of god the bible or prayer has been outlawed from our schools our government and our public life we've seen a steady stream of court cases that are anti-god anti-christian anti-family from no-fault divorce to legal abortion to taxpayer-funded contraception to welfare programs that reward parents for not being married to gay rights to same-sex marriage we have become a nation that number 12 and aren't y'all glad we're getting toward the end world war ii was a total war command and control was given to field commanders with broad authority to destroy the enemy and bring the war to an end in the global war on terror our soldiers are trying to operate under very strict rules of engagement and in some cases you can't shoot unless it's been approved by the pentagon or the white house which are some seven thousand miles away from the battlefield as a result we have russian fighter jets buzzing our battleships we have iranian bass boats capturing our navy patrol boats and putting our sailors on their knees we have iranian speed boats harassing our destroyers and we do nothing we are no longer feared by our enemies nor are we trusted by our friends well that's the end of the twelve by now you're probably thinking now danny this is crazy this is no way to win a war and it kind of makes sense to think that way because if our enemies only number a few thousand and not millions like it was in world war ii then why don't we just send our forces hem them up in some desert somewhere and put it into this thing like we did in world war ii by now you may be thinking that the way we've been fighting this war ever since world war ii is because our leaders are either ignorant or incompetent or both but i don't think so before i went to the ministry i spent several years in the military and then several more years in corporate america and there's one thing that i learned the higher echelons of government military and business don't do anything without a plan this is not incompetence this is a plan the only thing is it's hard to figure out what the plan is and where we're going with it during the last 20 years i've done some studies and i've learned that behind all these plans is a group of globalists billionaire bankers and businessmen who control most of the wealth of the world and they pay big bucks through their tax exempt foundations and think tanks in order to work out their details for their plans for the world these billionaires at elite retreats in places like the bilderberg meetings at various resorts around the world in june the bohemian grove get together in california in july federal reserve meetings in jackson hole wyoming in august the world economic forum in davos switzerland in the winter and that's just to name a few of their fraternity parties then there's a political puppet meetings at the united nations at nato at the european union at the g7 g20 g8 whatever whatever number of g's they want to go with this time they have these every year where they plan how to dissolve national boundaries and form a new one world order under the global governance of the united nations if sometimes it seems that their plans are confusing you just got to remember it's because even among billionaires they disagree on their how to control the world imagine that human i mean we're in a baptist church and we don't agree on everything well guess what billionaires they don't agree with everything either so i guess that's why there's confusion out there for example one of the big groups of billionaires is a neocon globalist neocon stands for neoconservative which is a misnomer because they're not conservative at all but anyhow they think there should be a one world government that rules the world but that it should be led by the united states and then you've got another group called socialist globalists who think they should there should be a one-world government under the united nations but it should be led by a diverse group of what they call stakeholders which means some communists from every little country in the world that they should all get together and they should rule the world well an example of how this works strangely is the 911 attacks on america now set tight i'm going to have to give you a little background and it can be difficult so try to follow me if you want to find out really the background some of this there was a book written in 1998 by zebignu brzezinski he's a bilderberg member and advisor and adviser to presidents of both parties think about that for a minute the republicans and democrats don't get along on anything but there's a couple of guys out there like it's a big new brzezinski and henry's kissinger who managed to work for both political parties you've got to be pretty slick in order to be able to serve both of these parties but that's what they've done through the years anyhow brzezinski who served presidents from jimmy carter all the way to george w bush he wrote a book called the grand chess board where he reveals how these powerful elite bilderbergs think about the world at the strategic level the so-called big picture brzezinski describes how eurasia is a crescent that starts in the middle east and moves eastward toward those nations whose name ends in istan like afghanistan pakistan uzbekistan etc underneath those nations on the top they don't look like much except a bunch of barren hills but underneath those nations are supposedly huge reserves of oil and gas and there are also rare earth minerals needed to make all the electronics that our modern world can't seem to live without and he went on to say that if america doesn't control these resources and they fall into the hands of russia or china india or somebody that america and her nato partners will cease to be superpowers in the world now hold that thought okay there's a book here that says that in order to control the world in 21st century we got to control the middle east and south asia hold that in the back of your mind now now let's go back hold that thought and go back 40 years to the soviet afghanistan war from 1979 to 1989. the soviets had invaded afghanistan if you'll remember and it seemed to the guys like brzezinski that mega us corporations were losing control over this resource-rich part of the world and we just couldn't put up with that at that time uh george h.w bush he was not yet president at that time but he was director of the cia think about that for a minute and also a bilderberg member and he also was involved in something called a safari club which was made up of intelligence agencies like the cia from saudi arabia israel iran egypt pakistan france you name it this safari club began to radicalize muslims they called them the mujahideen or the soldiers of jihad and began to pay them to throw the soviets out of afghanistan and of course it had to be covert it had to be underground for two reasons first of all the american public still remembered vietnam and they didn't want to be in another war and also you didn't want the soviets to know we were too involved in because we were afraid with them having nuclear weapons that they could really mess us up so i've read where the cia actually made training manuals for the mujahideen based on the quran to mind to remind these guys that they had a duty to allah to kill the russian infidel invaders and to run them out of their country among the mujahideen was a guy named osama bin laden anybody ever heard of him okay so him and his band of merry men called al-qaeda which is arabic word for database what al qaeda is is literally a list of cia-trained islamic fighters who were paid to do various operations with money laundered through various intelligence agencies and also various banks some of you who are my age and older may remember there was a big scandal back in the 1990s with a bank called bcci it was on the news every night but it was so complicated just to listen to it i never could figure out what have they done what'd they do wrong well what they were actually doing is they in order to pay the mujahideen in afghanistan to throw the soviets out of there so the cia through these operations learned how to contract wars without leaving any american fingerprints on them now you may not remember your history how many of you remember a movie from 2007 called charlie wilson's war it's a based on a u.s congressman named charlie wilson who provided stinger missiles which are shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to the afghan mujahideen and in 1986 they began shooting down soviet helicopters in 1987 the russians had had enough and they began to withdraw out of afghanistan well at the same time these islamic jihadists begin hijacking airplanes and by the end of the 1980s radical islam was making news headlines almost every day in the news and now that they had run the russians out of afghanistan they were feeling bold it gave them confidence they could also do anything they wanted to with the western world including the united states of america meanwhile george h.w bush had now become president from 1989 to 1993 and he was flying around the world giving speeches about a new world order a one world order also known as the united nations that would be governing the world and he also realized that global jihad was a vehicle that bush and his bilderberg buddies were using to promote their one world order with all these terrorists going on around the world it's obvious that one nation can't fix that so we need a one world order in order to be able to control this terrorism that they in fact themselves are causing and again all this was secret from we the people because american media leaders from abc nbc cbs fox pbs yes i said fox and pbs also attended the bilderberg meetings but it was all hush hush because national security so we can't let the little people know what the big plan is still opinion polls were reporting that following vietnam that most american mamas did not want to send their kids to some hell hole on the other side of the world like they did for vietnam so we're not going to do that anymore however the big new brzezinski said interested in south asia or else we're giving away all that oil gas and rare earth minerals to the russians or the chinese so the question is how in the world can we get american moms to send their troops overseas to fight wars that will enrich the bilderberg group well that's what you use think tanks for there was a think tank called the project for a new american century also known as pinak for short some of the members you may recognize dick cheney donald rumsfeld paul wolfowitz robert zelick scooter libby and richard pearl the reason you may have heard of them is because they all end up being advisors and cabinet members to george w bush but before george w bush was elected president peanak had written a report that says america needs a second pearl harbor before it will be willing to send its sons to the middle east to secure all the oil and gas and rare earth minerals well guess what on september 11 2001 we got our second pearl harbor had attacks on the world trade center in new york city the pentagon washington dc so the neocon globalists from the bush camp got their boots on the ground in afghanistan and iraq that was 20 years ago and here we are today in 2021 and now we have the socialist globalist who just came into power from the obama biden camp who apparently think that china can do a better job and a cheaper job of getting those rare earth minerals out of afghanistan that the americans can if you don't believe that look at the headlines today u.s news and world report is reporting that the chinese are planning on using our bagram air base that we just have left them in afghanistan so anyhow some interesting reading so what we've just watched is the grand chessboard just got flipped upside down and instead of americans now trying to control that area in central and southern asia guess what we decided that the chinese can handle it so we've turned it over to them so now my fellow americans we get to wait and see how this biden plan is going to turn out now how many of you just love to watch billionaire drama and how many of you knew that that's what we've been doing for the last 20 years see these behind the scenes billionaires long ago gave up on god their attitude is we can't leave the future of the planet to some unknown invisible god they spell this out in their humanist manifesto way back in 1973. they said no god will save us we must save ourselves in other words they don't believe that there is a god so obviously humanism is what it's going to take in order to fix everything and that's what we've been doing ever since world war ii these pride field power brokers love to think that they're being original and progressive and innovative with their global war on terror and their coronavirus pandemic yes it's the same crew they think they've been been outsmarted and replaced god with their grandiose schemes for a great reset of humanity but long ago god spoke through the prophets concerning these global elites and their plans we saw that in psalm 2 that i read to you a few moments ago you also see it in daniel chapter 2. you also see it in revelation chapter 13 and the lord says that in the last days men will try to rebuild the tower of babel and unify all the various people groups in the world against their creator and come up with an anti-christian superpower to rule the world which looks awful a lot like the united nations but i'll go ahead and tell you and i realize nobody cares because i'm a preacher from marvel georgia but nevertheless i will go ahead and tell you this is not going to work it will ultimately fail because of one simple fact that jesus told us about in john chapter 15 and verse 5 and it says simply this without god we are nothing and we can do nothing that really matters amen now we love to think we can we left to think you know we just get enough people together and we vote together and we work together and we can accomplish anything we want to but that's not what the bible says now i realize that what i've shared with you today you're not going to hear in mainstream media you're not going to hear breaking news we've got danny jones going to tell you what's really going on in the world that's not going to happen and you may write me off as a conspiracy theorist or you may go even worse and call me a nut i've been called both but over time i have become convinced that there is a god and his word is true and i've read the end of the book have you therefore based on god's word i offer you some advice same advice that god offered these globalist leaders of the world about 3000 years ago in psalm chapter 2. so hopefully you still got your bible open there to psalm chapter 2 and listen to this advice from the lord to people today first of all he says if you plan to survive the judgment of god look at verse 10 he said you need to be wise well where do we find wisdom well proverbs chapter 9 and verse 10 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy one that is understanding he goes on if you plan to survive the judgment of god look at verse 10 he said be instructed well where do you find instruction from god second timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for peru for correction notice for instruction and righteousness so if you need some instruction guess what here's the instruction that's really going to matter now you can go to the un website and read all that you want to and i wish you the best while you're doing that but ultimately it's this book here that's going to finish up the things of man on this earth also if you plan to survive the judgment of god look at verse 11 it says serve the lord with fear that sounds like deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 12. what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in his ways to love him and to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul he goes on if you plan to serve to survive the judgment of god verse 11 rejoice with trembling you say how in the world do you do that how do you rejoice when you're trembling how do you rejoice when you're scared to death because of the craziness that's going on in our world well nehemiah 8 10 tells us what the joy of the lord is your strength you're scared to death you've got to get ahold of god and he'll give you the joy of the lord and the joy of the lord is what will give you your strength we may not know what the future holds but guess what we know who holds the future therefore we will be joyful regardless of the chaos the confusion we will rejoice in lord our god for he is truth and as the song says his truth is marching on if you plan to survive the judgment of god look at verse 12 kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled just a little bit he said you really don't want to see the full tilt wrath of god he said just a little bit of wrath from the sun is all i'll take to take care of us what does that mean to kiss the sun well we're not used to this because we're americans and we vote for presidents and we don't have royalty and we don't know how to act in the present royalty but in the countries where they've had this in times past if you got to meet the king when you met him you would bow down and you would kiss his hand or you might bow all the way to the ground and literally kiss his feet it was a sign of submission of obedience and loyalty and when we're talking about jesus christ the son of god make no mistake we're talking about loyalty i mean royalty he is the king of kings he is the lord of lords at the first coming of christ jesus came in love grace and mercy as a suffering servant to be the savior of the world to die for your sins and mine and so that we'd receive him as our savior and lord of our life then he will save us into a place called heaven when this life is over but the bible also says that there is a second coming of christ and when he comes he will be coming as king of kings and lord of lords the judge of the whole earth that's why you and i should voluntarily bow down before the son of god and show our love and loyalty because again i read the end of the bible and it says one of these days when these billionaire bankers and businessmen and their educated elite think tanks and their paid for politicians think they have all the problems of the world solved because they've enriched themselves by grinding the face of the poor that there will appear a sign in the heavens and this one who they denied existed he shall appear with clouds the bible says and there will be an announcement and that is the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever and some christian ought to say amen that's where we're going with this at that point every knee shall bow from the biggest baddest bilderberg all the way down to the lowest custodian that empties his trash can every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of the god the father i don't know what you will do with this word from the lord from psalm chapter 2 but as for me i'm going with verse 12. verse 12 says blessed are all those who put their trust in him what about you in these last days who are you going to trust are you going to trust these bought and paid for politicians that they're going to have the right answer for you and your family and for your future and for your eternity i don't know about you but i'm going to put my faith in the lord jesus christ because he is coming again and so i've already cast my lot with him amen let's go the lord in prayer father we live in some dark confusing fearful times help us to remember lord that you are the light of the world so there's no need for us to walk in darkness you've called us to walk in light you've also called us to share that light so lord help us not walk around as others as just about everybody in our culture today is walking around scared to death wondering what's going to be next help us to get into your word and realize what's going on before us right now and what is coming in our future and help us lord to put our faith and trust in you most of all lord help us not be afraid of peer pressure the pressure we get at work the pressure we get from our families the pressure we get from our friends who think that we're out of step with the world because we are lord we pray we know that you're coming soon and we pray that you might find us faithful doing what you call us to do and being who you called us to be and we pray this prayer in jesus name amen you
Channel: Northlake Baptist Church
Views: 4,664
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: szjVGKm91NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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