Yeshua turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana

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all right well it is cold outside man it was wet in the 60s yesterday and then it's like 12 degrees out today and it's just crazy so this week we're gonna be talking about the wedding at Cana and the shoe turning water into wine and I've stumbled across something kind of humorous I wanted to go and share with you you guys know who Richard Dawkins is there's this guy his name is Hugh Hewitt I'm not real familiar with him but apparently has a talk show and he was interviewing Richard Dawkins and they were talking about various things but in a portion in this interview they they got to talking about Yeshua Jesus turning water to wine and I just wanted to read it just what they said briefly is it's kind of funny Richard Dawkins says okay do you believe Jesus turns water into wine I thought I did it says it's streaming it's not showing up it's not showing up at all refresh the page and see if that is still not showing oh goodness well if it doesn't come through I can always upload it later because it should be recording anyway stuff sorry about that the internet here is not great so hopefully the livestream works if anyway so Richard Dawkins turns he says to Hugh Hewitt he says ok do you believe Jesus turned water into wine Hugh says yes are you serious or you seriously do yes you actually think Jesus got water and made all those molecules turn into wine yes my god yes my god actually not yours so I thought that was kind of humorous but I've heard a lot of different sermons about this passage and they range from all kinds of stuff you know I've heard mother's day sermons where they get up and they say oh you need to you need to respect your mom and obey her wishes and and honoring your mother and this is you know this is the message of this story I don't think that was the message of the story and I've heard people talk about how you need to invite Jesus to your wedding because it's important that you involve Jesus in your wedding because Jesus is at your wedding your weddings gonna be much better I don't think that was the message of this story either I've heard that Jesus is the life of the party and if you invite Jesus to your wedding he's gonna make sure the party keeps going I don't think that was the message of this story as well either and you know I've heard people say to let Jesus supply your needs and now that one I can I can maybe see that but I still don't think that that is necessarily the message of this story what happened here and this is one of those interesting ones as I was looking at this I thought you know why did John make sure to include this in his Gospel the other Gospel writers don't mention it and it seems kind of kind of random you know John just gets through introducing issuing in Chapter one he as the Word of God become flesh and dwelling among us he goes John you know he goes a little further in Chapter one and John says behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and you go a little bit further and you see Yeshua starts to recruit some disciples and he gets his first few disciples and even a couple of them leave John and go to follow you schewe and then we see a story about a wedding and then after the wedding we see Jesus cleaning out the temple and it just kind of this is kind of one of those stories it's like why is this here there's John is a very strategic writer he doesn't just randomly include things that don't need to be included and if you if you read through his gospel you realize that everything he puts in there is there for a reason and it's very specific very very specific very strategic and he has a purpose for it and it's not random and so as I was looking at this I was thing of what what was John trying to tell us here what is the reason for this and so I want to look through this this account of what happened at the wedding and try to get an idea of what John may be trying to convey to us so on the third day there was a wedding at Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding and when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine did Jesus said to her what I'm sorry the jesus said to her woman what does your concern have to do with me my hour has not yet come his mother said to the servants whatever he says you do it now there were six waterpots of stone according to the manner of the pure of the purification of the Jews containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece jesus said to them fill the waterpots with water and they filled them to the brim and he said draw out some of the water now and take it to the master of the feast and they took it when the master feasts the taste of the water that was made into wine and did not know where it came from but the servants who had drawn the water knew the master of the feast called the bridegroom and he said to him every man at the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk then the inferior but you have kept the good wine until now this is the beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him after this he went down to Capernaum he his mother his brothers and his disciples and they did not stay there many days now the Passover of the Jews was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem that's it from that point forward we start to see him cleaning up the temple and so you see how this this just seems like it's like one of those odd things that why did John put this here there's not a whole lot to it we see that Jesus Yeshua was invited to a wedding and it says that he his mother his brothers and his disciples were all there and so I want to point out a few interesting things about this there's a very good likelihood that the either the bride or the groom was related to Yeshua and even even possibly one of his siblings a brother or sister and the reason I say that is because why was Mary so concerned with the wine running out apparently she had some kind of responsibility for the wine who would have responsibility for the wine probably the parent of one of the people getting married and Ja I'm sorry Joseph isn't present at this wedding most scholars believe he was probably dead at this point the last time we heard of him was when you sho was young boy he was in the temple teaching the rabbi's a thing or two and it says that Mary and Joseph were there with him and that they lost him and went looking for him well he was probably about twelve or so when that happened and now he's about thirty so seventeen years later is when this event happens well there's a good likelihood that Joseph probably died sometime before this point and so why does Mary turn to Yeshua because he's the oldest son and her husband is no longer with her and so she turns to Yeshua he's responsible for her now being the oldest son it's his responsibility to care for her and she's a widow she's she's an older older woman a widow and and he's the oldest son so she turns to him and says okay we're out of wine what do we do and so you know we've got Yeshua his brothers and his mother there interestingly it doesn't call her Mary and from what I remember the Gospel of John never calls her Mary if I remember correctly that she's always referred to as the mother of Yeshua and I think that's kind of interesting the other Gospels don't seem to mind for calling her Mary but this one John doesn't seem to think it's important to name her name just says she's his mom even at the end whenever you she was on the cross and he says to John behold take this woman and make treaters your mother basically woman behold him taking mr. Sutton you know he basically tells him to take care of each other he's passing on his duty as the oldest son he's passing it on to John to st. John look after this woman for me yeah but he's you know again just reversed her as a woman and so the same kind of phrases used here when he calls her a woman and I've heard a lot of different explanations for why they think he referred to his woman when he she was responding to her and some people say it's a a showing disrespect for I don't I don't think he was showing any disrespect at all when if I was to call my mom woman woman I think she would probably take that as being disrespectful especially you know if I said it that way if I was to say that's my wife woman yes she's shaking her head at me right now don't do that but yeah you know in our culture that would have been disrespectful but in their culture I don't I don't believe that that was considered a disrespectful thing for him to say to his mom and you know knowing Yeshua I don't think that he was disrespectful to his mother the Bible says to honor your father and mother I don't think he ever disrespected his mother the commandments say to honor your father mother and I believe he did honors father mother and so I don't think there was any disrespect meant at all by him saying this he says what does your concern have to do with me my hour has not yet come and this is interesting because that phrase my hour has not yet come we see that multiple places through the Gospel of John and so we see things like John 7:30 therefore they sought to take him but no one laid a hand on him because his hour had not yet his hour had not yet come John 8:20 DS words Yeshua Yeshua spoke to them in the Treasury as he taught in the temple and no one laid hands on him for his hour had not yet come John 12 23 but you should answer them saying the hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified in John 17 1 Yeshua spoke these words lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has now come glorify your son that your son also may glorify you and so when he says my hour has not yet come we see that that's what he's talking about the hour of his glorification the hour of this crucifixion that's what he's talking about and so why would he bring that up here my hour has not yet come all she's asking for is some wine why does he say my hour has not yet come and I think that's one of those things I think is key and understanding what John is portraying with this passage we see first off he starts off his entire narrative with the words on the third day there was a wedding well what do we know when we hear the on the third day what would we think of I mean anybody who's read the Gospels they realize that the third day was the day you sure resurrected and so when we see phrase the phrase on the third day our mind immediately goes to resurrection and so I think that's interesting especially in connection with what we just said my hour has not yet come there's Yeshua seems to be tying these events together and he says there was a wedding well we see throughout the Gospels the Yeshua likes to use weddings and quits and parties and things like that to talk about an event that's gonna happen in the future right and so we see things like the parable where he told that there was gonna be a wedding and and the people who are invited didn't come and so he went out and he invited went out to the street and started calling for more people to come and a whole bunch of people got invited and then somebody showed up and they weren't ready they weren't wearing their wedding garments he said why you know how's that you made it to the wedding without your wedding garment on you kicked him out you guys remember that story there's another one where it says he's talking about another wedding feast and he says when you're invited to a wedding feast don't set it the place of honor said at a lower place in the table and then when the guests i'muh when the when the host shows up he sees you sitting at a lower place he might elevate you to a higher place but if you would take the seat of honor and he shows up and he says no you you're in the wrong spot you don't belong here at the seat of Honor go sit at the other end of the table and then you'll be humbled pieces basically humble yourself and you'll be exalted but if you exalt yourself you're gonna be humbled you guys remember that story he tells another story you know about the wedding and he tells a number of stories about the wedding feast but revelation 19:7 also talks about him at a marriage and it says let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready there's a revelation we see that when you sure returns there's gonna be a wedding party there's a wedding the wedding of the Lamb and so there's this connection with weddings and Yeshua and but you're sure says this is why are you involving me this isn't my wedding my time has not yet come and we know that you sure first himself as the bridegroom a number of times John even refers to she was the bridegroom we Yeshua tells a parable about ten virgins waiting on a bridegroom to come and five of them are ready five Oh Mart and so there's a number of different stories parables and illustrations that are given through the Bible that connect marriage with Yeshua we see in the Old Testament even that God says that I am a husband to Israel and he even talks about divorcing Israel at one time and so marriage is very tied in with the the idea of our relationship with God and covenants and I think that's I think that's something that's important here I think that's something that John is emphasizing Isaiah 45 for says for your maker is your husband the Lord of Hosts is his name and your Redeemer is the most is the Holy One of Israel he is called the god of the whole earth your maker is your husband your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel who do we know that to be it's it's just schewe right we just read in John chapter 1 that is the beginning of the word the Word was with God the work out was God he created all things all things were made by him nothing was made without him and we read later that he is the savior is the computer mic muted can you inflict the thing from the back of the computer I think it's given some static yeah I think that's better so Yeshua is the husband he's always been the husband he was the husband of Israel in the Old Testament he's the husband of Israel in the New Testament he died for his bride he brought her back into covenant with him so he says my heir is not yet come what's interesting is Mary she assumes that obedience she assumes that he's gonna do something about this he said why are you involving me my arse now you come and she just immediately turns to the servants this is whatever he says you do it she in argue with him about it she didn't beg or plead and she didn't conclude that his statement man I'm not gonna get involved and so by you know him saying what does this concern have to do with me my hours now you have come she didn't understand that to mean hey I'm not gonna I'm not gonna deal with this this isn't my problem that's not the way she understood it and that's not what he was meaning either he's saying this isn't part of the plan this isn't part of my reason for being here I didn't come here to be a party favor and then come here to be a entertainment you know he knew his mission he knew he had a purpose and he said this isn't part of my purpose this is a part of my mission but yet he still got involved I think that's interesting she turns to the servants that says whatever he says you do it and I think it's interesting that the servants just did exactly what she said this again points to the fact that she was probably someone who had a lot of responsibility in this wedding if this servants at the wedding just did whatever she asked she's probably somehow in charge of this wedding which means she was probably a either a very close relative or close friend of the family or maybe the mother of one of the bride or groom being that she's has such authority over the service just to say okay do what he says and they just do it without question she has some kind of authority there and there were six waterpots of stone containing twenty or thirty gallons have you guys ever thought about that how many people have tried to carry 30 gallons of water that's heavy that is extremely heavy chances are they weren't carrying these water pots around they probably had to bring the water to the pot to fill it up and they were made of stone they weren't clay pots they took giant stones and carved them out hollowed them out dug out the heart of the stone so they can make a container out of it it says these were the water pots that were used for the ritual purification washings it's why they're made of stone and not clay because clay could become impure and then they'd have to break it whereas the stone can't become impure so they don't have to destroy it so is interesting and I think that there's there's something significant about them being six the being stone and there being four the ritual of purification I think there's something significant about that I don't think John just mentioned that for no reason I think he's being specific about why why that was used so what is the number six make us think of what's the first thing you think of when you hear the number six creation right God created the earth in six days and all that is in it on the seventh day he rested and the next thing we think about is probably work when the commandment to keep the Sabbath you were to work six days and the rest on the seventh day we see in the commandment of the sabbatical year you were to tyll tyll plow until your fields for six years and on the seventh year you rest let the land rest six seems to be tied with work it's tied with creation is tied with activity of doing things seven is the day of rest seven is the day of completion so I think it's interesting that there's six stone water pots here and I have you ever noticed that Yeshua actually doesn't do anything to turn this water to wine he doesn't touch it he doesn't bless it he doesn't pray over it he doesn't stick his finger in it he doesn't even lift a hand to scoop it out all he does is say go fill up his pots and take some of it to the master and their obedience because they obeyed him the water turned to wine he didn't do anything to it he didn't breathe on it I'm not even sure if he looked at him it doesn't tell us that you know just says okay go fill up those water pots and take some water to the master they fill up the waterpots scoops him out and take it to him and he says wow this is the best wine I've tasted all night and I think this tells us a little bit of something about our responsibility in seeing God's work done on earth I think so many times we think that well he's got to do it well we'll pray and ask him to take care of it he's gonna take care of it for me and then we don't do anything else and so it's kind of like this story mary says hey I need your help we call on your show we say hey I need your help and then we expect him to turn water into wine but we're not willing to fill up the cup we're not we're not willing to fill up the stone water jar if he's asking us to do something it's our responsibility to step up and do it because if we're not gonna do our part then how is he gonna be able to do his part you ever think about that and so I think that there's some interesting things about stone as well I want to turn to Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 11 if you guys are familiar with Ezekiel you probably already know what I'm gonna read I'm sorry I didn't book mark this one yeah Ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 [Music] then I will give them one heart and I will put a new spirit within them I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh that they may walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them they shall be my people and I will be their God so I think it's interesting that he has six stone containers that have the heart cut out of them that's what they do to make this water vessel they have to cut the heart out of stone and we see in another place in the Bible says that the number six is the number of man yes familiar with that one and so interestingly these six pots containing twenty or thirty gallons of water you know how much they with approximately weigh between 130 and 190 pounds that 20 gallons each they weigh roughly hundred thirty pounds at thirty gallons each that roughly hundred ninety pounds you think about how much does an average human way women a lot of times average human waste close to hundred thirty men most the time the average man weighs close to hundred ninety and he's interesting not saying that that's necessarily why that is but I think it's interesting maybe interesting coincidence six stone water pots weighing about the weight of a human he says I will put a new heart within them take out the heart of stone and put a new heart in them a heart of flesh ezekiel 36 starting verse 25 then i will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean i will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the hardest stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them so we see this water again I will sprinkle you with water and make you clean and these water pots were used for purification for ritual washings from big fat for washing your hands before you eat for washing your feet for various washings that they were done for purification and he fills them up and then turns it to wine and I think that's interesting now I've heard I've heard people also probably mostly Baptists will say oh he didn't turn it into alcohol right he turned it into grape juice didn't you know they had Welch's grape juice back then I don't know if anybody's familiar with that the history but um I'll call non-alcoholic grape juice really didn't exist until Welch invented it what about 200 years ago and the reason Welch invented it was so that they could have non-alcoholic grape juice for communion that was the reason Welch and minute Welch's grape juice you guys know that interesting story prior to that point in history there was no such thing as I know unfermented grape juice any time you take fruit juice and let it sit for very long it automatically starts fermenting we had some pineapple one time we bought some some pineapple from Walmart it was it was a pre-cut pineapple and was plastic containers and I don't know if how long had it been on the shelf but we bought it and it had been in our fridge for a while too and one day I took it out to eat it and it had fermented I took a bite I was like whoa this is this tastes like alcohol and it's just sitting in my fridge this pineapple fermented and unless you introduce some kind of a way to stop the fermentation process of fruit it automatically ferments so especially grapes they're you know they're they're known to be the best for fermenting and turning to wine and so they you know they took the grapes you crush them you putting them in a container and it automatically just starts turning into wine and so you know unless you just crush it and drink it immediately that's about the only way you're gonna have unfermented grape juice well what's interesting is he says now you you saved the best wine for last you know some people say well that doesn't mean it's the most alcoholic wine but yeah it does actually Luke let me see if I can find a real quick Luke chapter 5 verses 39 no one having drunk old wine immediately died immediately desires new for he says the old is better now new wine would be the wine that's just crushed as I had time to ferment long old wine is the one that's been fermenting for quite a while and Luke 539 it says that the old wine is the better wine and so the people who would argue will know Jesus made new wine he made unpermitted juice you know hadn't been headsman fermenting long well no the the master cermony said you've saved the good wine for last you saying you you've got this got this aged wine this really good wine that you saved for last I think that's interesting now I know some people may say well we shouldn't drink the Bible doesn't say not to drink it says not to be drunk yeshuaa made wine you should drink wine wine and strong drink were approved in Leviticus as gifts for the Levites as gifts part of the tithe you could give wine or strong drink there's nothing the Bible says that you shouldn't have alcohol Paul even gives was I think it's Timothy he said drink a little wine for your stomach because there's health benefits to it the problem is you know the Bible says don't be a drunkard don't be a wine-bibber don't be an alcoholic don't be someone who's drunk all the time don't be given too much alcohol don't be given to drunkenness we're told to be careful because you drink too much and has negative effects on you it affects your reasoning and affects your ability to make good decisions it affects your health and so you know you have to be wise and use moderation but I don't I don't think we need to argue that you should make grape juice I think that the text is pretty clear it was actually wine and it was the good stuff but interestingly this also echoes creation in creation what do we see in the beginning God created the heavens the earth and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the deep to face the waters of the deep and it was with this waters of the deep that God brought forth creation and interestingly on day three I'm gonna look at this real quick day three it says was the it's interesting as day three was blessed twice have you guys ever caught that and so then Gus said let the waters under the heavens be gathered into their one place and let dry land appear so we have waters and it was so and the God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of waters he called seas and God saw that was good so there's a first blessing saying that this day was good then God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb that yields seed and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to his kind that's interesting we have fruit so we have the waters bringing something forth bringing forth land and then we have the fruit trees the yield fruit and whose seed is in itself on the earth and it was so the earth brought forth grass the herb that heals fruit seed according to its kind and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind and God saw that it was good so the evening in the morning where the third day God saw that it was good so there's the second time this day was called good so that you know there's tradition that this day was blessed twice and I apparently was pretty common in Israel for Jewish weddings to take place on the third day of the week because of this and so they say you know so on a Tuesday the third day of the week they would have weddings because they say well this day is less twice so it's a good day for weddings and and they say well the husband is blessed and the wife is blessed and so God is blessing this union so there's a double blessing and you know in our society weddings typically takes place on the weekend because everybody works during the week so they go planning their wedding for the weekend so everybody can get off in to the wedding but in their society that that wasn't necessarily the case and so but we see water bringing forth the fruit right and I think that's interesting because right here we see the exact same thing that you she was doing from the water he brought forth wine the fruit the fruit juice and so is it too hard to think that the guy who created everything could turn water into wine I don't think that's too far-fetched we just read in John one that he's the one that did it that everything was created by him and through him and for him is it too hard far fetched for us to think that he took some water and changed it as Richard Dawkins said to change the male molecular structure of the water into wine I don't think that's too far-fetched you know he created everything else from the water why not create wine from the water but so what does water represent we see water is used for washing right we're baptized in water you wash in any time you become unclean you wash and water whether it be for ritual impurity or illness or various things if you touch something dead or defiles wash so water is used many many times throughout the Bible for washing and purification but it's to wash the outside right the waters not used to wash the inside and I think that's interesting because you know what does the Bible say how is the soul atone for only through the blood says God has provided the blood giving us the blood on the altar to atone for the soul and so water only washes away outward defilements it doesn't wash away the defilements of the soul but blood does we read in later in the Gospels at the Last Supper Yeshua takes the cup of wine and he says this is my blood the blood of the New Covenant just poured out for you drink this and remember sameen and I think there's a connection here between the wine at this wedding and the wine they sure gives at the New Covenant again there's these tie-ins we've got the third day we've got the wedding we've got wine there's stuff about something about this story it's like John is saying it all begins here and it all ends here because at the end of the book we see the same images being portrayed we see he's resurrected on the third day we see wine being used in the Covenant we see a marriage talked about it's just like it begins and ends all everything in between it's all about this covenant about this relationship and again think about the words of the Masters ceremony he says most people they served the good wine first and later bring out the worst the the inferior wine he says you have saved the best for now you've saved the good way to last but what does this say it says that that there's a new covenant a second covenant a better covenant is better than the original so we see in this wine that it's it's a better covenant than any covenant we've seen before it's the best covenant that's come along and so we see all these interesting tie-ins these interesting pictures that are being portrayed here Ephesians 5 would look they're real quick Ephesians 5 I wrote down the wrong verse I'm sorry it's gonna be hard for me to find the verse if I don't know the right version of bridnet it was the one I was looking for is it was talking about washing washing the bride and there's a verse no therefore do not be unwise but understand that the Lord is and do not be drunk with wine in which does dissipation but be filled with the spirit that's another person in Ephesians that I wanted to look at so I'm going to mention it now 25 and 26 the other one yes husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify her and cleanse her with the washing of the water by the word presenter to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle so the washing in the water of the word do we see these water pots were used for washing for ritual purification he said fill them to the brim and we see that the washing of the water the word to wash the bride with the water of the word so weird to be filled up to the brim with the Word of God bananas in in verse 6 17 assists I'm sorry verse 18 do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit and I think that's interesting that he's he's kind of contrasting wine and the spirit and it's almost like he's connecting the two ideas that wad the wine and the spirit are somehow connected and we're supposed to be filled with the spirit not filled with wine and in Acts chapter 2 when they were filled with the Holy Spirit what was the people say they oh they're drunk with wine so there's I think there's something there to connecting wine and spirits we see John talks about he says you know i baptize with water that the one who comes after me will baptize with the Holy Spirit and so when we see these water pots they were used for ritual washings suddenly changed to wine I think that it's symbolic of being washed in the water and filled with the Holy Spirit we're filled with the Holy Spirit and the issue is the one that does that work in us excuse me sorry for the product placement there that was not intentional not being paid or endorsed for this one well though if they gave me some free tea I'd love it because I love sruthi so wine represents the blood you should have said wine this wine is the blood of the Covenant and wine seems to be connected to the filling of the Holy Spirit another thing that I saw with this that I think is very significant it says this was the first sign the beginning of signs that you sure did what is the purpose of a sign it's to point us to something to indicate something so what would be the purpose of the sign turning water to wine I believe there's a connection to Moses when Moses turned the water to blood and there's prophecy that there would be a another prophet like Moses and I believe that that's what this sign is showing us is that Yeshua is a prophet like Moses and that you know just as you as Moses turned water to blood you should turn water to wine wine represents blood so some of the just other random possible lessons we can get out of this is I think we can learn that Yeshua come to you when we have needs turn to you sure when you have a need that's what Mary did she said we're out of wine and she immediately turned to yoshua I think we can learn that lesson from this story I don't think that was necessarily the purpose this story was written but I think that's a lesson we can learn from it obey Yeshua to receive the Grace and the blessings he has for us it's what we can learn from the servants right because the servants obeyed and filled those water pots the water became wine if the servants had not done what he asked miracle may have never happened right if nobody filled up the spots with water how could you sure make the water wine you've tied his hands you've taken away the opportunity for him to do something all we have to do is obey all he asked his obey so he says hey go go talk to that person what no why I can't talk to that person you've just tied his hands you've taken away the opportunity he had to use you oh hey pray for that person no I don't even know that person how can I pray for that person I might be embarrassed I might seem like a fool what if they don't even want me to pray for them what if can i how can I talk to this person about prayer I don't even know if they know you you're you're putting up a wall and you're making yourself unavailable and if you make yourself unavailable then how can God use you to minister to somebody else so we've got to be obedient servants who obey without question fill those waterpots with water what why they need wine they don't need 150 gallons of water what what is filling these stone pots with water gonna do I think too many times we question rather than obey and I think that we need to learn how to obey first instead of trying to question God and ask him why he needs us to do certain things if you guys are you know parents out there you asked your child to do something do this why because I said to doesn't matter why sometimes the answer is because I asked you to do it sometimes there's a good reason don't don't put a penny in the light socket why well because it's gonna make your hair stand up and you're probably gonna sizzle a little bit and then you're gonna cry for a while it's gonna hurt right and you know one thing that we try to get our kids to do when we ask you to do something we need you to do it immediately because if there is danger we don't need you asking why you ran out in the street you see stop why cuz that car hit this is about to hit you you mean I have time to explain the situation I just need you to stop right because I asked you to because I know what's better for you because I see something you can't see so when God asks us to do something we need to be willing to obey without questioning well how's it without hesitation and to obey the way he asked us to do it to do what he asks us to do win ESS do and how he asked us to do it so fill the waterpots with water okay yes sir I'll fill him to the top the servants did the exactly what they were supposed to do and because they did that God was able to do a miracle and that's something we can learn from those servants and what God supplies is better than anything we can do it doesn't matter how good we are it doesn't matter how much we can do on our own efforts we can never excuse me we can never do more they God we never do better than God we can never accomplish what he can accomplish us on our own doing something we'll never amount to anything compared to what we can do when he gets involved or should I say when we get involved with him I think too many times we want to do something and say hey God help me do my thing well we need to be saying is God let me help you do your thing let me get involved in what you're doing let me partner with you and use me you know we see just before this story that there was disciples who joined you schewe and became became his disciples they saw something in him they said I want to follow you and they were here at the wedding with him and at the end of the story it says that this is the beginning of signs that Yeshua did in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him it doesn't say everybody at the wedding believed in him he says his disciples believed in him so this sign is given specifically for the disciples I think to show them this guy is worth following this guy can turn water to wine without even touching it there's something about this guy that we we've got to follow him we're gonna believe in this guy and that's what I hope this story does with us as well John wrote this so that we would believe have you ever known anybody in the history of the world aside from Yeshua who could turn water to wine without touching it that that this story alone just shows how awesome Yeshua is how amazing it powerfully isn't how he is worthy of our worship he is worthy of our praise he is worthy worthy of our obedience so I hope that this story will inspire faith in everyone who hears it I hope that it will inspire us to rely on him for our needs to come to him when we have need and I hope that it will inspire us to obey without question so I pray that that's what this lesson is done today would you go ahead and bow your heads with me Lord you show we praise you we thank you we know that you you are Lord we worship you we praise you we give you honor lord help us to follow you to obey you without question just to obey you because you asked us to do it help us to be willing servants to do your will use us in the ways that you want to use us father we thank you Lord we love you we thank you for the New Covenant in your blood we thank you for salvation we thank you for loving us help us help us to respond in the only way we can that we would have loving obedience that we would love you with all of our heart soul - strength that's the only appropriate response I think that we could even give is that we would love you with all of our heart soul mind and strength that we would serve you and obey you do your will that's how we respond to your grace and your mercy your kindness your love and obey further help us to do that help us to walk in your spirit help us to walk in your word lead us in the paths of righteousness set our feet on the solid ground set us set us in the cleft of your rock sanctify us make us holy vessels purified purified vessels vessels that can be used for washing and cleansing and Lord fill us up fill us to the brim just like those water pots fill us to the brim with your word and then transform that word into something amazing through your Holy Spirit created us something new amazing father we praise you we thank you in the name of Yeshua
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 8,968
Rating: 4.9613528 out of 5
Keywords: water into wine grafted, lex meyer water into wine, unlearn water to wine, grafted in water to wine, Yeshua turned water into wine, Lex Meyer, lex meyer grafted church, water to wine, church online, six stone water pots, wedding, yeshua, water into wine, cana, sabbath service, live sabbath service, the grafted church, Grafted Church, wedding at Cana, teachings wedding of canna, Bible Teaching, wedding at cana bible story, wedding at cana sermon, wedding at cana explained, wine
Id: NoNy3NJcX6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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