Behold the Lamb of God

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okay well it's good to see everybody welcome back who remembers what we talked about last week the word good job the Word of God today we're going to be talking about the Lamb of God and so I want to want to start in Luke chapter 2 but I just want to read a quick verse from John chapter 1 John says in John John chapter 1 he says behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world and you know last week we spoke about the Word of God and we we looked at the first portion of John chapter 1 and we you know looked at it throughout all Old Testament New Testament and even the targum zand various places that it points to the word and how the word created all things and then you know John goes on now after his introducing us to the word who became flesh and dwelt among us then he goes on he says behold the lamb of God and there's again just like the word of God there's so much in this statement that John is just giving us so much information with just so few words and there's it's just it's powerful when you think about what he's saying here but I want to start in in Luke chapter 2 and there we're gonna we're gonna look at Matthew and also a little bit of John and then a few other places throughout the Bible both old and new Testament and and who is this lamb and what is the Bible telling us about this lamb why why is this significant that Yeshua is the Lamb of God and so in John I'm sorry in Luke chapter 2 in a story verse 1 and it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that him that all the world should be registered this census first took place while a queerness was governing Syria so all went to be registered everyone to his own City Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea to the City of David which is called Bethlehem now this is this is a significant because Micah chapter 5 verse 2 is says but you O Bethlehem Ephrata though you were little among the thousands of Judah yet out of you shall come forth to me the one to be ruler in Israel who's going forth are from old from everlasting ok and Matthew I think is also going to refer to this prophecy in a little bit but I wanted to go ahead and point it out here Bethlehem is is a significant piece of prophecy and David was from Bethlehem Bethlehem is mentioned in a number of places I I think Ruth went to Bethlehem that's where she met Boaz the kinsman redeemer Rebecca I believe was buried in Bethlehem and so there's a number of different things throughout the Bible where it talks about Bethlehem and it's it's so there's there's some deep significance to Bethlehem I'm not gonna you know go into all those things right now but just that there is a specific prophecy that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem and so this is significant this is important I know I've heard people say well you know Yeshua has he didn't feel like fulfilling prophecies of the Messiah man there's like 400 prophecies of Messiah he has fulfilled with this first coming and then we know that the rest of them are gonna be fulfilled with this return when he returns that the rest of them are going to be coming to places so I like to point out whenever I you know come across something that is a fulfillment of prophecy I want to make sure to point that out so people realize this this is prophesied it's not just a random chance random fact there's a reason why Beth Lane was chosen we're gonna talk about that also here in just a little bit some of some other significance to Bethlehem but and she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end and so last week we talked about the word about the week before that we talked about the virgin birth right and how he was conceived in the virgin born of the virgin and again there's there's a lot of people who want to deny the virgin birth and they'll they'll argue that Isaiah's prophecy about the virgin wasn't talking about an actual virgin or whatever but when you read the Gospels the Gospels are very clear she was a virgin she had never been with a man she had never been married Joseph wanted to put her way because he thought there was some uncleanness in her he didn't have any kind of relationship with her till after the son was born and so all those things indicate that she was a true virgin in every sense of the word and the Gospels themselves point to Isaiah's prophecy saying this is a fulfillment of prophecy so again these things are there for a reason the New Testament helps to point us and shed light on what the Old Testament is prophesying about and show us what the old ism' was saying and for somebody to deny these things you're basically rejecting the testimony of the of the New Testament and so if you say he wasn't born of a virgin you are rejecting the Gospels the god of I mean the very first chapter of Matthew and Luke are talking about the virgin birth and so you're already throwing out the gospel isn't saying I don't believe them that's not faith and we've got to be people who walk by faith we you know we've got to believe that these testimonies is is true this was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these things for our benefit so that we can be inspired and and brought closer to God and know more about him and that these things really did happen these people weren't making this stuff up that Yeshua was a real man walked on the earth he was the son of God he was born of a virgin these things really happen and we've got to have faith in the Word of God and believe that this this is the Word of God and this is inspired by the Holy Spirit and so I know probably everybody here you know I'm probably preaching to the choir but I've run into so many people that really struggle with believing the words in the New Testament and I just want to make sure that that would realize that this is Scripture this is the Word of God and this is important for our benefit so delivered the virgin birth the Word of God tonight is the Lamb of God so let's see how the lamb was introduced in Luke now there were in the same country Shepherds living out in the fields keeping watch over the flock by night and behold an angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were greatly afraid then the angel said to them do not be afraid for behold I bring good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for there is born to you this day in the City of David a savior who is Christ the Lord and this will be the sign to you you will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger and suddenly there was an angel I'm sorry and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill towards men so it was when the angels had gone away from them to heaven the Shepherd's said to one another let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass which the Lord has made known to us and they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger now when they had seen him they made widely-known the saying which was told to them concerning this child and all those who heard it marveled at those things with the which were told to them by the shepherds but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart that last verse there is really interesting because it tells us something about there was secret and private to Mary herself and this is one of the verses that one of the reasons why scholars believe that Mary that Luke actually got a lot of his information from the gospel from Mary herself a lot of scholars believe that Luke spent a lot of time talking to Mary and getting information from her and that she is one of the main sources of Luke's Gospel which i think is really interesting and so but this is one of those one of those verses that indicates that he probably was talking to her and that's how he got this information because how else would he know what she pondered in her heart unless she told him you know so I think that's really interesting but so it's shepherds watching their flocks at night you know I know probably everybody here would agree that December 25th is not the date of Yeshua's birthday we all know that shepherds probably weren't watching the Sheep at night in the middle of winter right most most scholars would agree and say no the middle of December is not or the end of December is not the date for your shoe's birth and most scholars would also agree that shepherds watching their sheep that in fields at night is a reference to the spring summer fall if you dig a little deeper into it it is most likely a reference to lambing season the reason Shepherds would watch their sheep at night is because their sheep were giving birth to lambs and so they wouldn't do it year-round they're not going to spend all year round out with the Sheep all night but during lambing season specifically they would spend time with the sheep because if the sheep was given birth they would want to be there to be part of that birth and to help it along make sure everything was okay make sure there weren't any problems they wanted to care for their sheep so when there's lambing season when this sheep were being born they would stay with their sheep at night out in the fields because the weather was nice and so you know in the middle of winter they're gonna be keeping him indoors in some kind of a barn or a cave or some place to keep him sheltered from the storm but from the cold weather and such so lambing season most from what I could tell Lamech season is potentially two times a year either in the fall or the spring what's interesting though about these Shepherds in these sheep according to several Jewish sources the sheep in Bethlehem were the sheep for the Passover and so the Sheep who were being born in Bethlehem during lambing season would have been the sheep that were born one year before next year's Passover so they're you know because it's to be a yearling lamb so when the Sheep is born when you're later that sheep can be offered up as a Passover and so what is really cool about this is that this there's very likely that these Shepherds were the shepherds who were tending the Sheep they were being raised for the slaughter of the Passover and those very Shepherds witnessed the birth of the Lamb of God is that not awesome that is just phenomenal it's like wow you know huh who could have planned this by God right you know that that the the Shepherd's who were responsible for making sure the Passover lambs were brought into life witnessed the Lamb of God I just I just can't I think that is so cool now what's interesting there are a lot of people who will argue that I know he was born in the fall arrestor coat and you know i-i-i I think those arguments are interesting and I'm not saying it's totally out of out of the question some of the arguments are basically they say well he was born on the first day of Sukkot he was circumcised on the eighth day as in that awesome well yeah that would have been awesome but they can't keep Sukkot in Bethlehem you're supposed to go to Jerusalem for surco so that's that's those up some problems another thing you know that they they like to use the the order of Abba yah and say well you know according to the order of a bi then that would have placed John the Baptist birth at this time and what a place you she was birthed in the fall and some people say you know around Feast of Trumpets or Day of Atonement as well so there's there's several different theories about the fall but I think Sukkot is the most popular because they'll say he tabernacled among us john doe said john was talking making reference to his birth being at Tabernacles he'd have an ankle among us and I've you know I've seen all those arguments and I think there there's some interesting ones but you know the the order of Abba yah puts potential for two times a year for when Zechariah would have served in the temple and one of those times the year would have placed the birth of yushua in the spring one of those times would have place the birthday issue in the fall so again it's just we're back to well it's either spring or fall what's interesting though is I did some research and the the date for Chris for Jesus birth for your shoe's birth being December 25th was not the first selected date there was a number of dates that they picked over the years it was about the fourth or fifth century when the December 25th was settled on but if you go back to like the second century they were talking in April and the very first date anybody ever mentioned for the the date of his birth was in April and they weren't talking about having any kind of celebration though they said you know we don't celebrate birthdays of gods that's something the pagans do we're not going to sell the birthday of Yeshua but he was most likely born in April is basically what they were saying and I don't even think they said most likely I think they just said he was born in April I think is how they worded it and well then later on it got kind of pushed back to January February and I think there's some people that put it in in the fall and then other people put in the middle winter and it just kind of got all over the calendar but the very first recorded date was said to him in April and so I think that's really so the text season would is it it's still in April its spring yeah and they went to be taxed that's that's another that's another thing is is census most likely a census would not be in the middle winter most of the time when wind taxes and census and things like that were taken as usual in the spring another thing to indicate possible probably spring birth I am NOT a strong astronomer I don't know much about the stars and the signs but I've looked at some other things that people have talked about and I've seen two possibilities once this spring once this fall according to the things that people are seeing in the stars and so it seems like it's one or the other well everything else that and here's where I am on it I lean towards a spring birth and because his first coming everything about his first coming it seems to focus on the spring feasts and everything about his second coming seems to focus on the fall feasts and so I think he was probably born in the spring along those same lines he was born as the Lamb of God at the time the Passover lambs were born witnessed by the shepherds who were witnessing the lambs in Israel and so that's that's where I stand on and you know if you think he was born in Sukkot I'm not gonna argue with you about it you know but I you know I I tend to lean towards he was probably born in the spring and it's not something to build doctrine on we're not gonna have a birthday party for him we're not gonna you know give each other presents and sing carols or anything like that but it's just one of those things that I think it's really interesting and I think there's some interesting prophetic significance in seeing that now when I flip over to Matthew and this is where the prophecy I mentioned earlier about Micah Micah chapter 5 comes in and the reason I'm bringing this up is because I want to show that the pharisees and the teachers the scribes the rabbis the leaders of the jews were familiar with this prophecy of him being born in bethlehem and they agreed that that's where the messiah was to come from and it records it in matthew force now after you sure was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King behold wise men came from the east and came to Jerusalem saying where is he who has been born King of the Jews for we have seen a star in the east and we have come to worship Him when Herod the King heard this he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him and we needed gathered all the chief priests and the scribes of the people together he enquired of them whether where the Christ was to be born so we gathered up all the chief priests and scribes the leaders of the Jews they elders the rabbis and asked him where is the Messiah going to be born and this is their response so they said to him in Bethlehem of Judea for thus it is written by the prophet but Jew Oh Bethlehem in the land of Judea are not the least among the rulers of judah for out of you shall come a ruler who will Shepherd my people Israel when Herod then Herod when he had secretly called the wise men determined for them what time the star appeared he determined from there what time the star appeared he sent them to Bethlehem and said go and search carefully for the child and when you found him bring him back toward me so that I can come and worship Him also obviously he's a liar but isn't that interesting that he asked the rabbis where the Messiah was to come from and they said from Bethlehem there they were aware of these prophecies they were familiar with them it wasn't news to them and so now when people you know anti missionaries Jews who reject to Shula and argue about him not being Messiah it's funny how they'll take these prophecies now listen no no that's not about the Messiah that's about something else they want to cover up those Messianic prophecies that he fulfilled and they want to say no that's not about him that's about somebody else that's about something else that's about it's very specific to that time in place it's not something that meant future distant fulfillment it was just about them and in that time not Messiah but if you ask the first century rabbi they would say yeah that's the Messiah and there's a number of passages in the in the prophets that are like that that you can see and we'll see through the new you know throughout the New Testament when the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament says this is a prophecy this fulfilled the Messiah we look and we'll see oh yeah that's that's obviously talking about the Messiah but you know you talk to an anti missionary listen no that's not the Messiah just like the the virgin birth when we talked about a couple weeks ago and Isaiah and so you know we see that a lot I want to now let's see let's flip back to Luke now I'm sorry we already read that part I believe yeah we already read the part okay I'm sorry uh yeah John John one let's jump over there I'm sorry had to see where I was in my notes I'd already kind of skipped ahead of myself so John chapter 1 verses 29 the next day John saw Yeshua coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world this is he whom I said after me comes a man who is preferred before me for he was before me I did not know him but that he should be revealed to Israel therefore I came baptizing with water and John bore witness saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and he remained upon him I did not know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining on him this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and I've seen and testified that this is the Son of God again the next day John stood with two of his disciples and looking at yushua he said behold the lamb of God the two disciples heard him speak and they followed you schewe so John says some really interesting things here behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world now if you're familiar with with the the sacrifices in the Old Testament the Passover lamb is says you take one lamb per household and so each household had to have their own lamb and john is saying this lamb the Lamb of God is not just per household this lamb is able to take away the sins of the whole world this lamb is greater than any sacrifice we have in the you know we see you look at the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur they would take a lamb and sacrifice it and it was for the nation so it you know is for the atonement of the nation for the year jump says this lamb the Lamb of God takes away the sins of the whole world and it's not just for that year it's for all people for all time this is the ultimate lamb right I mean this is there's nothing we could do that we'll ever be able to accomplish what he accomplished as the Lamb of God there's no amount of sacrifice there's no amount of of anything that we can offer that would even come close to what he is able to do now what's interesting about this phrase behold the lamb of God where does John get that idea why does he think there's a Lamb of God why does he think God has a lamb anybody have any ideas have you ever thought about that why would John say such thing is he just making this up or the Bible says he's a prophet right Yeshua affirmed him as a prophet and so was he just speaking prophetically and just on the spot on the fly this is some new prophecy revelation maybe but I think he's pointing to something that's already been spoken because the Bible says that the end is revealed from the beginning and that God reveals to his prophets what he's going to do and so I think that this is something that's been spoken of before but maybe not as clearly as john is saying it right now and so I want to look at Genesis actually no before we do that I want to focus in on another word first he says behold behold the lamb of God to behold something is to observe a thing or person especially something remarkable or impressive that's the definition I found for that word behold to observe us a person or thing especially a remarkable or impressive one to observe it but I think behold is more than just to observe it to see it I think has something to do with with meditating on it to focus on it to to concentrate on it to block out everything else you know forget the distractions forget what else is going on and and look at this yeah this is important don't don't get distracted by something else this is important this is the Lamb of God John is being very space is it twice did you notice that he said it in John chapter 1 verse 29 and then he says it again in 36 and so two times he says behold the lamb of God this is something important and so now I want to jump over to Genesis chapter 22 this is by the way the very first time a lamb is mentioned in the Bible up to this point it may have mentioned animals and may have mentioned sacrifices it may mention flocks and herds but this is the first time the word lamb is used this is kind of important this is kind of significant Genesis chapter 22 4 through 8 this is when Abraham was bringing Isaac up and he was told you know to take your son God told him take your son Isaac and go up and sacrifice him in the place where I tell you to go and so straight verse 4 says then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off and Abraham said to his young man stay here with your donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you so Abraham took the wood and the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac as Sun and heat the fire in his hand and a knife and the two of them went together but Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said My father and he said Here I am son then he said look the fire in the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering so the two of them went together there are two things specifically I want to look at in this short little section the first one is in verse 4 then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off at first glance it just sounds like well you know they've been walking three days and he looks and he sees them out and he says oh there's the place we're going I think there's something a lot deeper than that in this verse the word that's translated afar off is it means distant long ways off the word is mixture here I get right Rockoff and it can mean a distant location or a distance in time and this is interesting because it's actually used in david says it in reference to the building of the tabernacle or the building of the temple he uses that same word to refer to a distance in time and so he says God will provide I'm sorry he says when Nathan told David that he would not build the temple David said and yet this and yet this was a small thing in your sight O Lord God and you have also spoken of your servants house for a great while to come for a great while to come rock ah it's a great something in the distance and so this same word is what Abraham is using here it says on the third day he looked up and saw in a distance he saw that place in a distance here's here's this is just my theory and I may be way off because this is one of those things that I can't prove to you through Scripture but this is what I feel in my spirit is what he's talking about and maybe I'm wrong but this is this is the way I understand it this is way it makes sense to me and this I believe has a lot of power in it so on the third day what happened on the third day yeshua resurrected from the dead right this is on the third day he saw what does it say on the third day Abraham litter sizes saw the place afar off do you know that the place that Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed is supposed to be the same place that you sure was sacrificed so he saw that place afar off it was his thinking distance in just it's a long ways off in the distance I think maybe he saw it a long ways off in the future that he had some kind of a vision because it says he saw that place that word saw can mean a vision as well it doesn't mean just with your eyesight it can mean to see something in the future to see something prophetically to have some kind of spiritual insight about it and so if he on the third day the day of the resurrection saw that place where he sure was resurrected and and died and resurrected in the distant future now he comes back and listen this yeah now think of how this makes sense when you read the rest of this verse 5 and Abraham said to the young man stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you Abraham started off going up this mountain to sacrifice his son but now he's telling his servants were both coming back after he saw the place in the distance he makes this statement now I think one of two things could have happened he saw in the future and and he saw a lamb sacrificed and resurrected and he may have thought to himself well either God's going to provide a lamb so my son's not gonna have to die or God's gonna resurrect my son I think that's probably what was going on in Abraham's mind and so he's because he knows that this is the promised son that God has given him so why would God say kill your son this promise son that I gave you this I'm gonna bless all the nations through go kill him now if God's not gonna bring him back to life and so I think Abraham was reasoning in his mind probably again this is speculation but this is this is what makes sense to me this is how I'm seeing this scripture play out and so Abraham is raising his mind he sees this vision the third day a lamb has died and resurrected and so he thinks in his mind well either God's gonna provide a lamb or my son's gonna be resurrected that that's I see that and I think man that makes sense and what does the Bible say you sure said Abraham lived to see my day and he glorified God in it was he talking about I think this is the day that he was talking about Abraham saw his day he saw he's sure a dead and resurrected that's what I think again I may be wrong but that's what I think and then what happened next Isaac said where's the lamb we have the wood we had the fire we have the knife we have everything we need for sacrifice but where's the lamb and Abraham responds the Lord will provide himself a lamb and I believe that that is the Lamb of God that John is referring to when he said behold the lamb of God takes with it since the earth I think he's referring to this prophecy that Abraham made right here I believe Abraham was prophesying we said the Lord will provide himself a lamb I believe that was a prophecy of the Messiah and I believe that's what John was talking about what's interesting though the next reference to a lamb in Scripture anybody have any clue and that would be Exodus chapter 12 the Passover so the very first reference to the lamb is when Abraham says God will provide himself a lamb the very next reference to lamb is the Passover this is interesting I mean have you guys ever thought about that who is the Lamb of God right and so this week you know it's interesting also is this week this is this week's poor portion is Exodus chapter 12 falls in this week's Torah portion which I didn't even plan I just happen to realize that after the fact I was like how cool this is this is what I'm already talking about and so I'm just going to read a couple of chunks out of here starting in verse three speak to the congregation of Israel saying on the tenth day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb according to the house of his father a lamb for a household and so that's what we talked about earlier each each household is to have a lamb verse five your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year again I mentioned that earlier that it was to be a yearling lamb one year old born the previous Passover around the previous Passover the first part of the year and so when Passover come around they'd be about a year old okay now what's interesting though if you turn to Exodus 23 eighteen and thirty four twenty five there's something very very interesting that is said about Passover so 23:18 it says you shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread nor shall the north show the fat of my sacrum of my sacrifice remain until morning she's talking about Passover and he says it's my sacrifice everywhere else when it talks about sacrifice he says your sacrifice why at Passover does he say it's my sacrifice is that not interesting and then again in 34 25 same thing you shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven nor shall the sacrifice of the Feast of the Passover be left until morning don't offer my sacrifice with leaven isn't that interesting and so the Lord will provide himself a lamb do not offer my sacrifice with with with leaven and I want to look at acts 23 I'm sorry x8 23 and this is one of those verses that the New Testament is quoting the prophecy in the Old Testament and I just want to look here first to show you that this was being quoted by the writers of the New Testament saying that this verse is talking about Yeshua x8 23 oh wait a minute maybe I'm Dyslexic yes 32 I'm Dyslexic I'm sorry 32 the place in the scripture which he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before it's Shearer is silent so he opened not his mouth in his humiliation his justice was taken away and who will declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth anybody know what that is quoting Isaiah 53 exactly so now Isaiah 53 is one of those chapters in the Bible that if you ask a Jew a rabbi somebody who does not believe in Yeshua what's that is there 53 talking about I'm not sure what they're gonna tell you but they'll say no it is not talking about the Messiah they will flat out deny it and what's interesting though is if you ask most people who are not rabbis or scholars who are just Jews who attend synagogue if they've ever read Isaiah 53 and most of them probably have never read it in their life never heard it spoken on never heard it taught in the synagogue I saw a really interesting video this group of Hebrew evangelists basically they're they're Jews who believe in Yeshua and they were going out on the streets and they were just talking interviewing people and saying hey have you ever read Isaiah 53 why don't you read it and the whole thing was in Hebrew with subtitles and it was just really cool to listen to and to read along with but they were saying have you ever read Isaiah 53 no I've never read that and they said well here read this and I want you I want you to read this and tell me what you think and they read through it and it's just like their eyes just got big and they couldn't believe what they're reading and they said that's Yeshua and they couldn't believe that their Bible was prophesying about Yeshua because they saw it and you could tell they saw it and what's interesting I saw another video one time where people are doing similar thing they went over and what they did is they would read they would read the verse from Isaiah to three and not tell me where it's from they said I'm gonna read you some some some writings I'm gonna read you something and you tell me where you think this is from and they read am Isaiah 53 and the people said oh that's from the New Testament that's talking about Jesus this time are you sure and they said no that's from Isaiah what they couldn't believe it and so it's one of those passages like wow this is such a powerful testimony to who you shoe is and it is completely ignored by most unbelieving unbelieving Jews who don't believe in Yeshua either they don't know about it or they've been told to avoid it or they've been told it means something else but it's no I just want to read this because it's as you read through the entire chapters got so much amazing stuff but this the reason I want to read is because it talks about the land how you shoe is the land and as you read it you'll hear things that the New Testament says about what happened to it and you can see it right here just unfolding in prophecy and it's just so cool so who has believed our report or our testimony and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed the right arm of the Lord the right hand is Lord where he shall grow up before for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground he shall grow up right he's gonna be born and raised and grow and that is prophesying about a birth as a root out of dry ground and he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected by men was the very first thing in John John chapter when he says that he was not he was rejected by his own he came his own and they rejected him they did anyone these things are right here in Isaiah a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid it and we hid as if we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and by His stripes we were healed you know that's one of those verses is like wow right here it's talking about his crucifixion he bore our griefs and our sorrows he was wounded for our transgressions it was all heaped on him and he took it the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by His stripes were healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all as the New Testament tell us he took our sins upon himself and hung him to the cross it's coming straight out of Isaiah this was told from before it's not new it was revealed through the prophets he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth when he was led before Caiaphas and Pilate the officials when the question of what what did he do he stood silent his prophesied he was led as a lamb to the slaughter and a sheep before it's Shearer's he is silent so he opened not his mouth and he was taken from prison and from judgment and who will declare his generation he was taken from prison and from judgment right here it says it this is the gospel I mean what we're reading in the Gospels is written in Isaiah it tells us exactly what happened is this not amazing hundreds of years before he was born this was written down he was taken from prisoner from judgment and who will declare his generation for he was cut off from the land of the living he was cut off he was dead cut off from the land of the living means he died for the transgression of my people he was stricken and they made his grave with the wicked but with the rich wait and they made his grave with the wicked but with the rich and his at his death because he had done no violence nor was any deceit in his mouth what happened he his death with the rich he was buried in a rich man's tomb wasn't he joseph of arimathea had his body taken and put into a wealthy man's tomb right here that he was buried with the rich that his death yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him it pleased the Lord to bruise him he was put he has put him to grief when you make his soul an offering for sin you make his soul an offering for sin people say that well you know Yeshua can't die for your sin no man can die for your sin Bible doesn't say that you can have a man atone for the sins of other people right here in isaiah says you can but why not because he was a man because he's the son of God he was God incarnate as Isaiah said another place he's God with us Emmanuel you make his soul an offering for sin it was a Bible say that without blood Leviticus 17 without sorry aside from blood there's no atonement for sin that that blood is what it tones for you're saying because the blood is what contains the soul without blood there's no atonement for sin so right here says that his soul was an offering for us and his blood was shed for our sins right he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the labor of his soul and be satisfied well how is this dead guy gonna see his labor and be satisfied right he's got to be resurrected and that amazing by his knowledge by by his knowledge my righteous servant shall justify many for he shall bear their iniquities therefore I will divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors this is just one of those just powerful powerful verses chapters it talked about the Messiah and it's such a shame that there are so many people who they don't believe it or they haven't ever read it I have one last place I would look and talk about the lamb it's in revelation 22 this is the back of the book this is what's gonna happen in the future you know just as Abraham saw a long distance off John saw this a long distance off right he was taken up it says being in Revelation he was taken up and saw a vision of the future something long ways off revelation 22 verses 3 through 4 and there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve Him they shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads isn't that curious there's a throne for who a throne for God and the lamb so as two people mentioned on this throne but then it switches to singular and says he his servants shall serve Him and they shall see his face but there's two on the throne but there's only one face that's interesting in it God and the lamb together on one throne spoken of as one he and then what we've been talking about the Word was with God the Word was God and the word became flesh so we talked about last week right the God incarnate he came he conceived through the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary and bore a son and he is called Immanuel God with us it's over and over in all these different verses is pointing to the date of issue Allah he is God in flesh and so for people to deny these things it's like Wow have you read your Bible are we doing on time I don't even know tire what time is it 7 18 okay well it's probably probably a good time to start wrapping things up then behold the lamb of God those words are just as profound today as they were when John said them each one of us needs to behold the lamb of God meditate on him focus on him gaze at his magnificence his just how fantastic he is all the amazing things that he said and did and how he became our Redemption our salvation the only way to the father's through him he is our salvation he is our yeshua meditate on him behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world so that's what I want to encourage each of us to do this week I want to encourage you to specifically specifically look for ways to behold him make an effort set aside set aside other things that are distracting make an effort to behold him just dwell on him abide in him let him be your focus that's what I want to leave you with behold the lamb would you bow your heads Lord God we praise you we thank you we worship you would help us to know you to know your voice to follow you to walk closer with you every day would help us to put you first to seek you first above all else that we would hunger and thirst for you more than we hunger and thirst for food and water that we would desire you more than anything else would help us to focus on you help us to meditate on you help us to dwell on you to abide in you we're fill us with your Holy Spirit speak to us and guide us draw us closer to you Lord we praise you and we think in the name of Yeshua
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 2,010
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: behold the lamb of god lex, the grafted church, Grafted Church, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, sermon, Torah Portion, church online, Jesus, Bible, behold the lamb, lamb of God, Yeshua the Lamb of God, Jesus the Lamb of God, unlearn, passover lamb, God will provide Himself a lamb, sabbath service, Yeshua
Id: aLXVu2g7byc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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