Live Sabbath Service | Grafted Church

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um [Music] okay [Music] shabbat shalom we got a few announcements um so we got an important announcement about sukkot registration it is closed so if you didn't register like said don't cry on his shoulder but registrations closed it closed on the 10th um also to do sukkot just remember on september 25th and october 2nd we will not have services here one of those obviously will be at sukkot and the last one's the day after so we won't really have time to get back so september 25th and october 2nd no no services here um we have a need for sukkot we need a coffeehouse lead so somebody that wants to head the coffee house an individual or couple just to maintain the the coffee house just do like the day-to-day stuff with it you can get a team rounded up if you want to do that and just kind of split up the duties or whatever but we just need a lead for the coffee house just to make sure it stays running everything stays orderly in there so if that sounds like something you might want to do please reach out lex i think or amanda maybe they didn't tell me who to reach out to so just reach out to somebody until you find who you're supposed to reach out to [Laughter] or brandy you can reach out to brandy brandy brandy's the one if you reach out to me i'm just gonna reach out back to you and we'll just keep reaching out to each other [Laughter] also for day of atonement jordan and adam are going to go feed the homeless on day of atonement around noon so that's on the 18th that's next saturday they said please bring a case of water and pre-made sandwiches if you would like to do that please contact them for details jordan and adam we raise your hand if you don't know him it's the bearded guy right there and his wife other than that i think that's about it for announcements if you guys would join me for liturgy remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath they unhallowed it therefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed blessed are you lord our god king eternal who distinguishes between the holy and profane between light and darkness between israel and the nations between the seventh day and the sixth days of work blessed are you lord who distinguishes between the holy and the profane amen what is the great commandment hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome great peace to those who love your law and nothing causes them to stumble blessed are you lord our god king eternal who chose us from among the nations and gave to us your tour of truth and set life everlasting in our midst blessed are you lord giver of the torah blessed are you o lord our god and god of our fathers the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god the most high god who bestows lovingkindness the creator of all who recalls the good deeds of the fathers and who brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake o king helper savior and shield blessed are you o lord the shield of abraham yeshua said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved blessed are you lord our god king eternal who has given us the way of salvation through messiah yeshua blessed be he amen please join us for worship so alright shabbat shalom everyone [Music] we enter your rest and your praises we sing lord we delight in your shabbat we delight with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to delight [Music] [Applause] [Music] the prophets [Music] just as you rested when your work was done we enter your rest by the word of the sun [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] life [Music] amen we do delight in the shabbat of the lord [Applause] well lord we worship you lord there is no one like you and kamoka adonai no one like our lord the song says that your name the mountain shake and they crumble at your name the oceans roar and tumble at your name angels will bow the earth will rejoice and your people cry out lord of all the earth [Music] your name the mountain shaped [Music] the earth will rejoice your people cry out lord of all the earth we shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise endless grace [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the morning breaks glory is your name creation sings your story but your name angels [Music] filling up the skies with endless praise and endless praise yahweh yahweh we love to shout your name oh lord lord hold me up lord of all the earth we shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise [Music] is no one like our god we will pray she won't praise you no one like our god we will sing we will sing there's no one like our god we will praise you our god we will see [Music] lord of all the earth shout your name shout your name filling up the skies endless praise let's praise and yahweh yahweh love to shout your name o lord born of all the earth lord of all the earth shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise endless praise and yahweh love to shout your name oh no [Laughter] there's no one no one like our god we will sing we will sing there is no one like our god we will break [Music] with endless praise in this praise yahweh yahweh love to shout your name o lord lord of all the earth we shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise endless praise yahweh yahweh love to shout your name oh lord yahweh yahweh love to shout your name oh lord yahweh yahweh love to shout your name oh lord [Laughter] amen hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah yes shout to the lord hallelujah it's your bread in our lungs so we pour at our praise pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise you hit your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour at our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to only [Music] [Music] it's your breath in our lungs so we pour at our praise pour out our praise to your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise do you only you give life give life you are love light to the darkness to restore every heart that is [Music] it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise and pour out our praise children in our lungs so we pour out our praise to only [Music] are you [Music] so great [Music] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great [Music] [Laughter] [Music] these bones will [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] you only [Music] great [Music] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones [Music] [Laughter] all the earth will shout your praise and our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] [Laughter] it's your breath in our lungs [Music] [Music] do you only [Music] are you so great are you lord how great are you [Music] so great [Music] hallelujah hallelujah blessed be your name o god come in [Music] [Applause] amen well lord we look forward to your return scripture i don't know what happened to that piece sorry about that scripture says in first john that says beloved we are god's children now and what we will be has not yet appeared for we know that when he appears we shall be like him for we will see him as he is it says when he appears we shall be like him when he appears we will see him as he is for we know that he's coming soon um [Music] we are god's children now what we will be has not yet appeared [Music] we shall be we shall see him as he is when he [Music] [Music] [Music] he's coming soon [Music] yes we know he's coming soon your bride knows you're coming soon here we wait lord we wait for you [Music] be loving we are god's children now [Music] what we will be for we know [Music] we shall see him as he is when he appears we shall be [Music] we shall see him as he is [Music] when he appears we shall see him as he for we know he's coming soon yes we know he's coming soon [Music] your bride knows you're coming soon [Music] lord we wait for you [Music] here we wait lord we wait for you [Music] here we wait lord we wait for you [Music] we do wait for you for your soon coming lord come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing your praise streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above praise the mount i'm fixed upon it mount of your redeeming love so lord we give you our hearts anew tonight we pray that you would take them lord and seal them seal our hearts lord for your courts above [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs praise [Music] teach me [Music] [Music] here i raise my heaviness [Music] safely to arrive at home jesus when a stranger [Music] he to rescue me from danger interposed his precious [Music] [Music] thy goodness [Music] [Music] lord [Music] here's my heart [Music] [Music] and here's it seal it for thy cords [Music] tuned my heart to sing thy grace amen [Applause] amen thank you lord for your grace for your love amen thank you lord that you seek us you seek us out you call us lord back to you thank you for this time of year lord we can come back to you any time of year but lord i thank you for these appointed times that you have given that you've provided for us to return to shiva to return to you [Music] this is a song that's all in hebrew but i want to tell you what it is it's a traditional song that the jewish community sings at this time of year it's called avinu malkanu which means our father our king the words are few the words say be gracious and answer us for we have little to commend us deal kindly and gently with us and save us and i like to change those words around just a little bit to fit our father our king thank you for being gracious to us thank you for answering us in messiah yeshua for we have little to commend us before the lord besides our messiah thank you lord for dealing kindly with us thank you lord for dealing gently with us and thank you yeshua for your salvation amen [Music] new [Music] stock coverage [Music] a [Music] he [Music] a see [Music] more [Music] is [Music] [Music] here [Music] you [Music] hey is [Music] [Music] yes our father our king thank you for your grace thank you that you answer us for we really do have nothing to commend us before you except the righteousness of our messiah yeshua thank you that you've dealt kindly that you've dealt gently with us thank you lord that you've saved us through our messiah yeshua joshua said i believe it's the 24th chapter he says as for me and my house we are going to serve the lord he says if you want to serve the gods somewhere else go ahead but as for me and my house we're going to serve the lord and i think that's a great commitment for this time of the year to commit that me and my house will serve you the lord god of abraham isaac and jacob as for me and my house we will serve you lord lifting holy hands in worship we will not bow down to the gods of men we will worship the god of israel sing that again as for me and my house we will serve you lord lifting holy hands in worship we will not bow down to the gods of men we will worship the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there is no one else [Music] there is no one else as for me and my house [Music] worship [Music] we will not bow down [Music] there is no one else [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] you are holy [Music] there is no one else [Music] there is no one else [Music] [Applause] [Music] a door [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for me and my [Music] no we will not bow down to the gods of men we will worship the god of israel as for me and my house we will serve you lord lifting holy hands in worship we will [Music] as for me and my house we will serve you lord lifting holy hands in worship we will not bow down to the gods of men we will worship the god of israel we will worship the god of israel [Music] we will worship the god of israel [Music] amen hallelujah we will worship the god of israel no gods of men thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord lord we thank you for this time that we've been able to worship you in song lord you are the exalted one and we pray that we have lifted you up this evening above all others like it says we'll worship the god of israel no gods of man but the god of israel we bless you lord and we thank you for this time lord open our minds and our hearts to hear what you have to say to us this evening through your word and through the fellowship of one another in the name of messiah yeshua that we pray amen shabbat shalom will you please join us for the blessings of the family father uh first and foremost i just want to come before you and give you thanks and praise for being a good father for for this community for the blessings of these children um for your appointed times that we are are celebrating and entering into father we just give you thanks for opening our eyes and our ears to these times that in itself is a blessing and we just give you thanks thank you for these children father i pray and ask father that you would strengthen us to help guide us and lead these children into a place where a place where you have asked us to bring them in a place of righteousness and and into your wings father i pray that you would strengthen the the fathers in this time to help them to lead and to guide their families i pray that you would bless the mothers to help raise and strengthen these children to be righteous women and good examples unto their children and again just i pray father that you would if there's anything that we're bringing into these feast times that you would correct our paths help us to get right what we need to get right before we enter into your appointed times you are holy and you're a righteous father and you deserve nothing less than the absolute most that we can give you're you're good father and we praise you and we love you we lay our lives at your feet and ask that you help guide and lead us it's only by your spirit we can do anything good we praise you father we just ask and praise all this in the mighty name your son yeshua i'm a share amen oh shabbat shalom you guys are in luck i'm just doing the tour thoughts tonight now my two cents sometimes goes a little bit more than two cents sometimes there's about seven or eight cents there so we'll see did you buy your heads with me heavenly father we love you so much lord we thank you for this opportunity to come and to worship you lord we pray that our worship is pleasing and acceptable to you lord i pray that as we open your word that you would speak to us or that you draw us closer to you conform us more and more into your likeness that would be more and more like yeshua transform our hearts and our minds fill us with your holy spirit closer to you we praise you we love you in the name of yeshua amen all right so the torah thought today um is deuteronomy chapter 31 and it's really short torah portion there's not a whole lot to it's just chapter chapter 31 but it it's talking about they're coming to the promised land they're coming to israel and moses has been told by god that he can't go with them and so he's going to joshua he god told moses to appoint joshua to take them into the promised land and so joshua's going to lead them the rest of the way and then moses is going to stay behind and he's going to die in the wilderness and it all has to do with what happened with moses with the striking of the rock the second time you know the first time he was told to strike the rock the second time he was told to speak to the rock and he got agitated and angry with the people and instead of speaking to the rock he struck the rock the second time and god said that because he did that he was not going to be allowed to go to the promised land now the water still came out of the rock you know he still achieved the same goal but he didn't do it the way that god told him to do it and so what's interesting is the way the bible explains it it says because he didn't hallow god in the eyes of the people that he didn't respect god and sanctify god and honor god in the eyes of the people because he didn't obey exactly what god told him to do god told him to speak to the rock and he struck the rock instead because of that god said you didn't hallow me in the eyes of the people moses is when you look at the the bible characters you look at all the different characters in the bible moses ranks up they're pretty high as far as you know memorable important characters in the bible men who we look up to men who we say you know i'd like to have the kind of relationship he had with god you know you think about people like abraham and moses and david you know there's elijah you know there's guys like that you look at and you're like this is this is one of the heroes in the bible and god said he can't come into the promised land and you think about the other people who didn't get to go in the promised land either so you've got all of the people who came out of egypt they were saved from egypt they were safe from bondage from slavery saved by grace through faith the blood of the lamb they went into the wilderness and because they feared the giants right they believed the bad report they feared the giants and he said this entire generation is going to die in the wilderness they will not get to enter the promised land it's the same kind of thing because they didn't obey god told them just go in i'm with you you're going to take these giants you'll be fine but they didn't believe what god told them because they didn't believe god because they didn't fear god they feared the giants more than they feared god he said you're going to die in the wilderness and i've been thinking about as we're coming up to the day of atonement this is the thought that has been on my mind lately i actually heard a uh a teaching an old teaching from um drawing a blank now uh the guy who wrote the cross on the switchblade do you guys remember his name wilkerson david wilkerson i heard i heard a teaching from him not too long ago it was called almost saved and i thought you know that's really something we need to be thinking about almost saved and he was talking about people who you know they they go to church they're christians they claim to love god they claim to believe but they're they're almost saved just like israel when they left egypt they almost got to go in the promised land just like moses almost got to go to the promised land as we're coming to the end of an era in the end of the age we're nearing the time of yeshua's return this is going to this is like the time that moses is in right now it's it's the end of the the wilderness wandering they're about to go into the promised land and are we going to be able to go in to the promised land or are we going to have to stay behind you know the bible talks about there's there's those who will be granted access into the kingdom and then there's those who are going to be cast out where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth those who are weeping and gnashing of the teeth thought that they were going to get in that's why they're crying that's why they're gnashing their teeth that's why they're upset because they thought they would be in the kingdom they thought they would be part of the group that was saved part of the group that was the bride right they thought they were going to be in the resurrection and you know you you think about some of the parables that you should have told you've got the the wheat and the tears that grow up together and the the wheat and the tears look a lot alike until the harvest that's how you tell them apart because the wheat bows the grain and the head of the wheat gets heavy and that boughs the tears stand straight up that's how you know the difference but you only know that at the end when you get close to the harvest you think about the um the parable of the virgins right you have five foolish and five wise the five foolish they didn't bring enough oil they brought oil they didn't bring enough oil they ran out and so when it was time to go in they weren't ready and so all these different parables are showing us that there are people who think they're part of the in crowd they think they're part of the group you know the the scattering of the seed comparable the soils right you have this farmer's catter seeds you've got the different types of soils you've got the rocky ground and the weeds the good soil the the road and you've got all these different soils right and some of the soils it says that it you know the rocky soil for example it produced for is sprung up it started to grow but because rocky didn't have deep roots and trials and tribulations persecutions things like that stomped it out destroyed it the the one that landed in the weeds it grew also thought this is this this is a good place to grow but the weeds choked it out the cares of this world the worries of this world how to please other people in the world choked it out and so we have these different soils that think that they're good soil they think that they can grow there but they're not and there's so many different stories in the bible about this concept that there are some who think that they're righteous they think they're saved they think they're going into the kingdom and then when it comes time they're going to be disappointed matthew 7 he says many will come to me and say lord lord we not cast out demons in your name and do miracles in your name do all kinds of wonderful things in your name and he says i didn't know you away from me you lawless your work of lawlessness and so as we're coming as we're coming towards the fall feasts and especially as we're coming towards the day of atonement i think that's something we need to be examining ourself and saying am i am i ready am i a person who god will say come well done faithful servant come into my kingdom where am i the kind of person he's going to say i don't know you away from me your work of lawlessness i think we all have to do that in our life and this is the time of year that we're we should be reminded especially to do that as we're coming across up to the fall feasts and i have one more verse i want to read then i'll let corey have the mic so i don't have any notes i'm just actually pulling up some scripture verses here i don't know if that's good or bad all right so i want to jump over to galatians and uh speaking of that i just got a t-shirt recently says yes i have read galatians because you know people like to quote that at you and say oh haven't you read galatians yes i have um listen what galatians has to say though talking about those who will be in left left out of the kingdom says for your brethren have been called to liberty and we do not use this liberty as an opportunity for the flesh but through love serve one another for all the laws fulfilled in one word even this you shall love your neighbor as yourself okay so this is how you keep the laws by loving loving your neighbor loving each other but if you bite and devour one another be where lest you be consumed by one another i say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh this is how you can tell when someone's walking in the spirit or not if they're if they're walking in the spirit they're not going to be seeking after the the fleshly things for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you wish but if you were led by the spirit you're not under the law and i you know i don't have time to get into that phrase but let me just say it doesn't mean what everybody seems to think it means now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of wrath selfish ambition dissensions heresies envy murder drunkenness revelries and the like of which i tell you beforehand just as i also told you in thai past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of god he's not talking to people outside the walls he's not talking to the world he's not talking to unbelievers he's talking to believers he's talking to christians he's talking to the church he says if you do these things you're not going to be in the kingdom this isn't telling the you know the homosexual atheist oh you're not going to be in the kingdom of god well you know he doesn't care he doesn't love god he doesn't care what god thinks he'd be perfectly happy not being in the kingdom right that doesn't faze him one bit he who paul's talking to is us you who think you're going to be in the kingdom beware don't do these things because these things are going to keep you out fleshly works prevent you from being in the kingdom and this should cause us all to [Music] re-examine our own fear of the lord because it's the fear of the lord that drives sin out of your life and if you don't have a fear of the lord then you're going to allow these things into your life you're going to say oh it's no big deal god will forgive me you know i've gotten away with it before i'll probably get away with it again i can keep doing this it doesn't matter i'm i'm part of the in crowd god will make an exception for me i'm i'm an exceptional person like we can justify all kinds of things to ourselves but the bible says that if you practice these things you're you're not part of his kingdom you're in romans he says you you could serve one of two masters right you're either going to serve sin or you're going to serve righteousness if you're servant of sin you're serving your flesh well you're not part of his kingdom and that's why if you do these things you're not going to be allowed into the kingdom because you're not you're not a servant of the king you don't belong to his kingdom you have to do what he says you have to do what is right you have to do what is godly righteous following his example following his commandments the word worship and the word service are closely linked together people think that worship is just about coming and singing songs and you know singing praise and and telling god how wonderful he is and how much we love him that's part of worship but the majority of places in the bible you see worship it actually is better translated serving or service is how much are we serving him what are we doing for him how much are we obeying him that's our worship is how how well are we serving him and what are you serving god are you serving your flesh if you're serving your flesh you're actually an agent of satan that's what first john talks about right he says you know if he who sins is of the devil your father is the devil you're not you're not sons of god your sons of satan is what john says if we take these passages seriously we it should really cut deep especially when we have sin in our life or even considering the sin that we've done in the past thinking about man i you know i screwed up so many times i don't deserve to be in his kingdom the bible says he has grace for us but the grace comes when we repent and repentance is turning from sin it's not just saying hey you know i did it again forgive me and then just go back to doing it again that's not repentance repentance is man i don't want to do this again i never want to do this again this is something that that i know repulses god and i don't want it in my life i'm going to do whatever i can to not do it like yeshua said if your hand causes your sin cut it off right if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out whatever it takes to avoid sin in your life is what we should be doing i'm not advocating mutilation of your body but i am advocating take whatever measures are necessary to prevent yourself from going down the wrong path let me finish galatians though says but the fruit of the spirit i'm going to end on a positive note here the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are christ have crucified the flesh with his passions and desires see if we belong to him we've crucified our flesh we've killed that fleshly desire that wants to lead us into those ungodly passions those who are christ have crucified the flesh with his passions and desires if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not become conceited provoking one another and envying one another would you buy your heads with me corey you can go ahead and make your way lord we lord we want to be people who please you we want to do what is right we want to obey you we want to serve you lord as we are approaching the day of atonement as we're approaching your fall feasts lord i pray that you would show us areas in our life that need to be changed areas in our life that you are not happy with reveal them to us lord show us our sin show us our rebellion show us our idolatry show us things in our life that need to be destroyed things we need to repent of things that we need to make right help us to come before you clean help us to come before you as a spotless bride prepare your bride lord that we would come before you the way you deserve the people that you deserve people who who love you and serve you with all their heart people who are not double minded lord if if we displease you please help us show us what we need to do to please you to make things right lord we don't want to be left outside the kingdom we don't want to die in the wilderness we want we want to hear those words well done good and faithful servant so lord we pray for your wisdom we pray for your leadership we pray for your guidance of your holy spirit and lord we pray that you would transform us with the washing of the water of the word purify your bride lord we look forward to your return we praise you we love you in the name of yeshua amen all right corey it was like five minutes wouldn't it i figured with lex doing the tour i thought i could shave a good 10 to 15 minutes off of my message meant less note-taking for me um did everybody have a um yeah this is true did everybody have a good day of trumpets good celebration everybody got to blow the shofar and make a shout i wanted to extend a thank you to the carters for allowing a herd of messianics to come trample their front yard [Applause] it's really a blessing and a gift to us that we can go and have a place to safely celebrate and to be our wild and crazy hebrew selves out there in the in the cow pasture and uh blow our shofars and make a lot of noise and uh so again i just want to say thank you to them um well shabbat shalom to everybody here and listening online uh let's start with the word of prayer please our father our king thank you for this day thank you for this shabbat thank you for taking care of us all week long for providing everything that we've needed and father i thank you for the season that we're in what a joy to celebrate your feast and father i just want to say thank you for opening our eyes to see these things how many years did i just never see them and i'm so very grateful that not only are you teaching us through them but you allow us to celebrate and to take part father that's a gift and i'm very thankful father is um we go forward tonight i pray that your spirit would be with us and that everything that i say would be edifying that it would be a a correct um message and and to that end father if if you need to correct me then i i just i freely give your spirit permission to do that father we love you and father we we thank you for your written word we thank you that that we can read and study and get to know you father your kingdom will be forever and ever and we thank you for your anointed salvation yeshua hamashiach amen so i wanted to to start tonight with a little bit of scripture so i want to read out of matthew 24 about the faithful servant so matthew 24 starting at verse 45. it says who then is the faithful and wise servant this is yeshua speaking whom the master put in charge of his household to give them food at the proper time blessed is that servant whose master finds him so doing when he comes amen i tell you his master will put him in charge of all his possessions i'm sorry but if that wicked servant says in his heart my master is taking a long time and he begins to beat his fellow servants and he eats and drinks with drunkards the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and he will cut him in two and assign his place with the hypocrites where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth now my plan tonight was to speak on being prepared for yeshua's return this is what this parable is about it's the context of that chapter but that last verse he will cut them in two and assign their place with the hypocrites where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth that's that's a pretty severe word right there and it was enough to make me think that one i don't want to be like this servant that gets cut into and tossed out into the outer where there's weeping with the hypocrites i don't want to be that guy but then i was wondering well who are the who are these hypocrites who are they because i don't want to be them either the word hypocrite appears in the king james new testament 20 times and every time it's coming from the mouth of yeshua every time that word is mentioned it's yeshua speaking and judging so i titled the message tonight us hypocrites i didn't want to say you hypocrites because i seem to be a little bit uh like putting myself in the place of yeshua because only he knows the hearts and the mind and us hypocrites because i am guilty of this i have done this i have walked this role so i am not going to stand up here and say like you hypocrites get it figured out get it right as though i've always walked it out right because i have it i'm guilty of this behavior and i would say that probably every one of us have played that role of the hypocrite at some time the word hypocrite is a greek word and it means to be an actor under an assumed character or a dissembler i never heard the word dissembler before hypocrisy is the sin of pretending to virtue or religion and that word dissembler in hebrew is alam and it's to hide or one that hides or keeps a secret one who conceals his opinions and character under false appearance one that pretends that a thing which is not is someone that tries to conceal what he is to seem better than he is now another reason for titling this message us hypocrites is because i don't want anyone in here to look around and say that hypocrite it's us hypocrites it's not for you to judge other people and say well that person is a hypocrite it's so that we would look at our own life and our own walk and make sure that we're not guilty of these things especially in the season that we're in and the day that's fast approaching i don't want to go to yom kippur as a hypocrite i don't want my messiah to return and say you're a hypocrite so the point is self-evaluation the point is let's make sure we're not guilty of this so i want to look at how yeshua used this word who did he call hypocrites and why so in matthew 6 it says beware of practicing righteousness before others to be seen by them otherwise you have no reward from your father in heaven whenever you do righteousness do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets so that they may be glorified by men amen i tell you that they have their reward in full but when you do righteousness do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your righteousness may be in secret and your father who sees in secret shall reward you when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogue on the street corners so that they may be seen by others amen i tell you they have their reward in full but when you pray go to your inner room and when you have shut the door pray to your father who is in secret and your father who sees you in secret shall reward you and when you are praying do not babble on and on like the pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him and moving down in matthew 6 starting at verse 16 it says and whenever you fast do not become sad-faced like the hypocrites for they neglect their faces to make their fasting evident to men amen i tell you they have their for their reward in full but when you have fast anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting won't be evident to men but to your father who is in secret and your father who sees in secret will reward you so this first hypocrite is the glory seeker examine yourself do you act a certain way do you talk a certain way or say say things in order that you get attention um do you present yourself as something you're not for the purpose of getting approval from men now you may think well this probably only applies to teachers and leaders but no one we all are leaders we all are teachers how do we act are we seeking approval and glory for men from the people around us or are we seeking god's approval if we are seeking that approval from men be careful because according to yeshua that's the only reward we'll get again that's a really harsh word our messiah who sometimes we love to to pretend is our best friend and a pacifist is telling us don't be like these hypocrites because you won't be in the kingdom in matthew 7 starting at verse 1 it says stop judging so that you may not be judged for with the judgment you judge you will be judged and the measure you use it will be used to measure you why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but do not notice the beam in your own eye or how will you say to your brother let me take the speck out of your eye and look at the beam is in your own eye hypocrite first take the beam out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye this is also repeated in luke six so this is the belittling hypocrite the belittling judge have you ever pointed out somebody else's flaws just to make yourself look better have you ever used that as a defense in an argument you turn to personal attacks if you've been faced with correction have you thrown other other people under the bus say well sure i did that but they did much worse you will not be judged on a sliding scale you will not be judged in comparison to other people this act may work before men but it will not work before god now i want to address something here with this this idea of correcting our brothers i mean if we we go and we say well we can't correct anybody because you know you've got a speck in our own eye or we can't like because i'm not perfect how could i ever bring correction to somebody else that's not what's being said here notice that there's a speck and there's a beam right like he's making a pretty dramatic point here like the person with the beam in their eye is obviously in trouble they've got a problem and that problem is is that they're trying to go around correcting people when they need to address their own life they're going around looking for specs in other people's eyes instead of dealing with their own issues with their own sin with their own problems see as a brother i'm supposed to come to any one of you and love and say there's a problem here and you can do better like that should be mutual we should all be able to do that for each other but if i'm just going around finding the specs in everybody else's eye pointing out their failures but never addressing my own that's hypocrisy that's that's a problem that's using even the word of god as a weapon against people pointing out their sin and failures not for the purpose of of love and and wanting to see them improve or get help but simply to elevate yourself in matthew 15 starting at verse 1 it says then some pharisees and torah scholars came to yeshua from from jerusalem they said why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they do not do the ritual hand washing when they eat bread and answering them he said to them why do you also transgress the commandment of god for the sake of your tradition for god said honor your father and mother and he who speaks evil of the father or mother must be put to death but you say whoever tells his father or mother whatever gift you might have gained from me is a gift to god he need not honor his father on account of your tradition you made the made void the word of god hypocrites rightly did isaiah prophesy about you saying this people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me teaching his doctrines the commandments of men this is also told again in mark 7 these hypocrites are the pridefully obedient they use obedience as a means to elevate themselves for instance if i say we keep sabbath we don't do that sunday church that's not said in love it's not said with gratitude for our messiah showing us the beauty of sabbath it's used to to run down other people if we're keeping commandments with a holy spirit if we use our keeping of the commandments as some means to elevate ourselves and bring glory to ourselves forgetting that we once were slaves to sin forgetting that we needed to be saved from our own egypt then we're hypocrites we used the word of god to elevate ourselves and not him we bring glory to ourselves through our obedience and not to him you hypocrites right us hypocrites in matthew 16 starting at verse 1 the pharisees also with the sadducees came and tempting desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven he answered and said unto them when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowering oh you hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky but you can't you can can can yet not discern the signs of the times a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet jonah and he left them and departed this hypocrite is the unrepentant the don't judge me you're not my judge hypocrite instead of knowing what the season is instead of knowing who was standing in front of them and who they were talking to they were demanding signs and miracles prove it prove who you are instead of being able to receive correction no show me who you are show me that you're this son of god show me that you're this prophet who are you to say these things to me who are you to judge me we should have a heart that desires to receive correction we should have a heart that desires for one for god to correct us and to for us to be teachable and humble and for him to be active you know sometimes that correction comes from unlikely sources but if we're just looking down our nose at everybody who are you to correct me you know my young daughters have corrected me they didn't know they were doing it per se but i've received some correction from them and that's okay people in the world have corrected me and that's okay do you have a spirit that that's willing to accept and say you know what i think you're right i'm failing at this i should do better or do you say don't judge me who are you don't be that hypocrite either correction can come from many different sources if somebody tells you you're messing up be humble receive it you may not agree with it they may be wrong but don't be a jerk about it don't be a hypocrite listen they're right take that to god and pray and ask for forgiveness ask for help and change matthew 22 starting at verse 15 it says then the pharisees went and plotted how they might trap him with a word i want to stop just right here for a second um when when you hear me say the figure you know scripture says the pharisees did this or the sadducees did this that's no different than saying the messianics did this or the baptist did this the pentecostals did this it's just a a group of people don't don't make them out to be the the boogeyman they're just people they they had some things wrong obviously as as all of us do but don't don't make some huge judgment that all of these people are evil people because they weren't and they sent him some of their disciples along with herodian saint teacher we know that you were honest and teach the way of god in truth and what others think doesn't concern you for you do not look at men's appearance tell us therefore what do you think is it permitted to pay taxes to caesar or not but yeshua knowing their wickedness said why are you testing me you hypocrites show me the tax money so they brought him a denarius and he said to them whose image is this and whose inscription caesar's thinks to him then he said to them give sister the things that are caesar's and to god the things that are god's and hearing this they were amazed so they left and they went away this hypocrite is the schemer he's the one that's he's got a plan have you ever planned on how to win an argument i have arguments with myself all the time i'm not crazy or asked i don't think so but um if i know that i'm going to have an argument with somebody i i play that out in my head over and over and over and over and over and over and i most certainly used to be very guilty of this but i'm gonna find that one scripture that that proves me right and proves them wrong and this will shut them up have you ever used scripture as a weapon on purpose or if you know you start losing that argument then it starts to get personal start to drag somebody's honor and reputation through the mud see this is the person that only cares about winning about proving his point and being proved correct and right in matthew 23 starting at verse 13 but woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer you them that are entering to go in woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you devour widow's houses and for a print a pretense make a long prayer therefore you shall receive greater damnation woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves further in matthew 23 it says woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith these ought ought you to have done and not to leave the other undone you blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter but within they are full of extortion and excess thou blind pharisee cleanse first which is in the cup which is within the cup and the platter that the outside of them may be clean also woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you are like un unto whited sepulchers which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and uncleanness even so you also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites because you build the tombs of the prophets and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous this is the vain hypocrite their appearance is the most important thing how they appear before men how they appear are they honored are they being given praise are people acknowledging them when they walk down the street so is it more important to look right or to live right is it more important to have the admiration of the people to convince them that you are a good person that you're wise and all-knowing or to have the approval of god your father in luke 13 starting at verse 14 but the synagogue leader indignant that yeshua had healed on shabbat started telling the crowd there are six days in which work should be done so come and be healed on those days and not on yom shabbat but the lord answered him and said hypocrites on shabbat doesn't each of you untie his ox or his donkey from the stall and lead it away to give it drink so this one a daughter of abraham and kept incapacitated by satan for 18 years shouldn't she be set free from this imprisonment on yom shabbat when yeshua said these things all his opponents were put to shame but the whole hope was rejoicing at the glorious things done by him this hypocrite truly puts himself over the people what he wants is far more important than what the people need this reminds me of um see casey is 27 so probably 20 22 23 years ago i took her out to eat her and i took my mom as well and ordered our dinner and her side dish was green beans she took one bite and decided she did not like those green beans but me is the loving father i said you need to eat those green beans and her is my stubborn daughter and at that time said no now at some point in time this became some kind of challenge to my authority and nothing to do with green beans so we went round and round for what seemed like 30 minutes until i realized i'd made a spectacle of myself inside of this restaurant i'd begin raising my voice at my daughter to eat these green beans simply because i had said to didn't matter that she thought they were gross and she was probably going to throw up if she ate them that that point was gone long time ago as i looked up and my mom was just staring at me like what are you doing see my daughter had taught me a lesson there and i'm not about kids being rebellious you know this i want children to be well behaved but at some point the green beans just don't really matter that much you know it's just not that big of a deal and i was still going to be her dad when we went home whether she ate the green beans or not i'm still going to love her and she would still have respect because those were staples of our home but i quit caring about her and started caring more about my rules and my authority that was being challenged and just like this this leader in the synagogue who gets upset because somebody gets healed on a shabbat see his authority had been challenged and yeshua rightly calls him a hypocrite because he overlooks the humanity that was served the the person that was helped and again i'm all about rule and order i'm a rule following kind of person but sometimes sometimes you need to look at the people and say what's best for them how can we help them don't be the hypocrite that puts your authority above the humans it's meant to help i want to read again matthew 24 it says who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the master put in charge of his household to give them food at the proper time blessed is that servant whom his lord when he comes shall find him so doing verily i say unto you that he make him ruler over all his goods but and if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delays his coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and eat and drink with the drunken the lord the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looks not for him and in an hour when he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint his portion with the hypocrites where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth so let's make one thing clear being a hypocrite implies intent so if i'm up here and i say this is the man i desire to be i desire to be a godly man and god is pushing me to that but yet i still stumble when i fall does that make me a hypocrite it makes me human it makes me a person that's in the fight but if i get up here and i say that i've got it all figured out that i no longer sin i no longer miss the mark and all of you need to figure it out follow me praise me then i'm the hypocrite see there's intent there's intent to deceive intent to rob honor and glory from our god and take it for ourselves so do you see the danger of being a hypocrite do you see the damage that that it does when we rob from our king and do you see why the punishment is so severe i mean we're talking about eternal death we're talking about being placed outside the kingdom at that day we won't be able to rob from him we won't be able to steal his glory and take it for ourselves we won't be able to demand worship of people and lead them astray because if you're worshiping me you're not worshiping god and if you're looking to me you're not looking to god and i'm not okay with that and he's not okay with that and you shouldn't be okay with that now all these seem like they're pretty extreme but actually they're pretty easy to slip into if you're not careful they really are just like me yelling at my daughter to eat green beans in a restaurant making a spectacle of myself i had no intent of doing that when i walked into the restaurant i just wanted to have a nice meal but we can slip into this pretty quickly i mean i i'm guilty of using this this word as a weapon i've done that when we first got into this i was ready to thump anybody i could i'll show you about galatians i got the scriptures i can prove it what for god's glory nope that was all for mine so how do we how do we fight this how do we combat this how do we avoid hypocrisy in our lives well we become that obedient servant we serve in humility being humble honoring our brother more than ourselves as james says yeah we keep shabbat and that's beautiful and wonderful but that doesn't elevate us god elevates us we don't eat pork anymore that's great but how much of our tithe did we hand to a widow if we by keeping commandments think we're greater than we're hypocrites if we by seeking our own glory rob from yeshua or rob from our king we are hypocrites our whole life should point and glorify our king our walk should glorify our king and not ourselves but i'm telling you it's very easy to get that slipped up just a little bit to get a little bit prideful and to think yeah i'm getting this right and god up above is saying yeah but you're getting so much else wrong last time i spoke i spoke about that we are his treasurer and i believe that wholeheartedly i really do but the treasure is not greater than the person that created it he's the one that sets the value not us he's the one that paid the price not us if i'm anything of worth to him i'm grateful if i'm anything of worth to you i'm grateful but if there's anything good in me it's coming from him because i'm battling my flesh every day i'm seeking to crucify that flesh and put it under me i don't want to be a hypocrite i don't want to be that servant that when he comes back he cast out taking advantage of his absence we should be blessing our king and not ourselves as we enter into yom kippur let's examine ourselves and let's examine our motives okay examine your motive for why we do the things we do i don't think that's a bad thing to to question am i keeping sabbath for the joy of it and to honor my king or am i doing it to one up the you know the sunday christian as though that's some kind of thing to esteem to am i eating a clean diet to to honor my god and to be walking in obedience or just a thumb my nose that my co-workers are eating pepperoni pizza on pizza day they don't care they don't care that i don't eat pork they're all very considerate but what they care about is am i kind am i respectful do i reflect the nature of my king am i graceful to them it means more to me when they come to me and ask for prayer than than anything else if nothing else it means that they see me as somebody that they can trust with those things don't let even a little bit of hypocrisy slip into your life but that's that's an examination that we have to do often don't sit here and say well i'm good i'll be good for you know from here until the end you need to examine yourself and yom kippur is the perfect time to do that just like passover when we search out for the leaven this is a good season to search for hypocrisy because i don't want any of you to be cast out i don't want anyone in here to hear those words so i beg you please search out your walk examine your motives in your heart to why we do the things we do we should be joyful about keeping commandments not prideful so i'd like to close by reading a scripture i want to read isaiah 58 1 because it is timely to yom kippur but it's also timely to what i've talked about tonight so isaiah 58 starting at verse one it says cry aloud do not hold back raise your voice like a shofar tell my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins yet they seek me day to day and delight to know my ways as if they were a nation that did right and had not forsaken their god's decree now did you hear that they seek out to know god's ways as if they were going to be obedient as if they were going to honor his decrees i would suggest you that's hypocrisy are we seeking out knowledge just to have knowledge about god are we seeking out knowledge to walk out this walk with god they ask me for righteous judgments they delight in the nearness of god why have we fasted yet you do not see why have we afflicted our souls yet you take no notice this is this people speaking to god behold in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure and exploit all your laborers behold you fast for strife and contention and to strike with a wicked fist you should not fast as you do today to make your voice heard on high is this the fast i have chosen a day for one to afflict his soul is it to bow down his head like a reed and spreading out sackcloth and ashes will you call this a fast and a day acceptable to adonai is not this the fast i choose to release the bonds of wickedness to untie the cords of the yoke to let the oppressed go free and to tear off every yoke is it not to share your bread with the hungry to bring the homeless poor into your house when you see the naked to cover him and not to hide yourself from your own flesh and blood then your light will break forth like the dawn and your healing will spring up speedily your righteousness will go before you the glory of adonai as your rear guard then you will call and adonai will answer you will cry and he will say here i am if you rid the yoke among you finger-pointing and bad-mouthing if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will be like mid-day then adonai will guide you continually satisfy your soul and drought and strengthen your bones you will be like a watered garden like a spring of water whose waters never fail some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins we'll raise up the age-old foundations we'll be called the repairer of the breach restore of the streets for dwelling if you turn back your foot from shabbat from doing your pleasure on my holy day and call shabbat a delight the holy day of adonai honorable if you honor it not going your own ways not seeking your own pleasure nor speaking your usual speech then you will delight yourself in adonai and i will let you ride over the heights of the earth i will feed you with the heritage of your father jacob for the mouth of adonai has spoken so many times when yeshua calling out hypocrites he's quoting from isaiah read the notes in your bible if you've got a good study bible it'll point you back to isaiah over and over again i can't truly judge your motives uh your heart or your intent and all things sometimes it's pretty evident but i can barely even judge my own intent sometimes but i do know i don't want to be a hypocrite i don't want any of you to be a hypocrite yeshua takes it very seriously and so should we remember it's the intent that i would tell you matters in this we all slip we all fall we all make mistakes we all miss the mark that doesn't make us hypocrites because we want to do better we desire to walk godly lives it's when we pretend that we don't have sin it's when we pretend to deserve honor when we don't deserve honor it's when we seek to block other people from entering into their kingdom when we seek to have people follow us that makes us hypocrites we're a few days away from yom kippur i'm going to ask and i'm going to plead that you pray about this between now and then you evaluate i'm going to be doing the same thing because i i need this as well i don't stand up here as one that's got it figured out telling you guys how to get straight and get correct i'm just trying to figure this out along with all of you pay attention to your motives think about why you do and why you say the things you say even our obedience can become problematic if we're doing it for the wrong reasons if you join me in prayer please my father are king at first i just want to repent and apologize because when i was reading these words i knew and saw that i've done these things i've done some of the things i've acted this way and in so doing father i know what i deserve father i thank you for your grace and your mercy i thank you that you would highlight this message to me so that i would see it and so that i could say i'm sorry so that i could examine how i act and how i talk i can even examine the very acts of obedience father and remember that all of this is a gift from you so father i'm sorry for the times i've used scripture against a brother or sister i'm sorry father if i've ever tried to steal your glory if i've ever tried to be esteemed to something greater than i am so father i pray that your holy spirit would be with each and every person in this room tonight and those watching online and they would say the very same thing examine us father examine our ways examine our hearts examine our motives and where we fall short father please tell us please please bring it to our attention so that we can take action don't let us be like the hypocrite that says we're okay and everybody else is not father i thank you for the season i thank you for your feast days father i love you and i want earnestly with everything i say and do to bring honor and glory to your kingdom i want to bless your name thank you father it's in your precious son's name yeshua hamashiach that we pray tonight amen thank you [Applause] um i forgot to mention this earlier but amanda wanted to let everybody know that she wishes she could be here but she still wasn't feeling great i told her she needed to stay home and rest but she said tell everybody hi and that she misses you and she can't wait to see you guys would you go and stand for the aaronic blessing [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] shalom [Music] may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace you're dismissed if you would like to help with any of this setup and tear down stuff talk to billy and as always he would appreciate it if you guys would get your stuff out of the chair so he can move the chair out from under you that's billy's words not mine [Music] so yes oh tomorrow so hey uh we're still live streaming for some reason somebody want to go turn that off there's we're just live streaming the wall
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 612
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church online, sermon, Bible Teaching, Grafted Church, yeshua, messianic, hebrew roots, sabbath, torah, Lex Meyer, live sabbath service, sabbath church, Bible teaching, torah thoughts, Corey Haynes, Greg Stuart
Id: 0m3HIzu1mVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 38sec (7418 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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