Trumpets, Pay Attention | by Lex Meyer

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the heavenly father uh we thank you so much so much for your words you've given us father we thank you so much for these choices that you have given us um and we we thank you for for the opportunity to serve you and to make those choices to make those choices with our hearts father i i ask that you open our minds and you open our hearts to make the choice to follow you father lead us and guide us let our let our speech inspire us and inspire others as we go forward in this week in yeshua's name we ask these things amen i have props tonight i don't know if you guys recognize me or not but uh i haven't seen in a while my name is lex missed you guys it's good to be back it's good to see you guys all right so i'm gonna do something different tonight as you can see i've got a few different props with me actually [Music] they're going to come in to play here in a little bit some of you may be already guessing what i'm talking about did you buy your heads with me heavenly father we love you so much and lord we thank you for this opportunity to come and to worship you lord we pray that our worship that our praise is pleasing to you and exalting to you lord we pray that you would receive this offering of worship and praise and lord we ask that you would send your holy spirit to come and speak to us minister to us i pray that you minister through your word and let us pray that each person who has gathered here would be touched by you tonight lord we love you so much we praise you in the name of yeshua amen all right so next or this coming week thursday right there's something going on in there wednesday evening begins but thursday day is the the sabbath right it's the high sabbath so wednesday evening begins the feast of trumpets we're gonna go to billy's house and blow some trumpets and have some good fellowship and then thursday day the daytime portion is the the day of rest the high sabbath so we're beginning the day of trumpets out of billy's wednesday evening hopefully you guys can all make it so yom teruah the day of trumpets is what is called yom teruah a lot of people want to call it rosh hashanah i mean it's the head of the year that's a tradition that's been developed over the years from what i understand came out of babylon from what i understand the babylonians began their year in the fall and when the jews were exiled into babylon they started keeping the same calendar as the babylonians and so they began their year in the fall that's that's my current understanding of why that began so we don't refer to it as rosh hashanah rosh hashanah is actually in the spring the first month of the year is when we celebrate passover we're now in about to enter into the seventh month so the feast of trump is the day of trumpets begins the seventh month and the seventh month is a month where we have several feasts we have trumpets atonement and tabernacles and you know for those of you who have been around here for a while um you're kind of familiar with those things but for those of you who aren't very familiar with it maybe uh [Music] maybe this will be helpful for you just to give you a little background but um i'm actually going to be talking about probably a little bit of stuff that is new to everybody and a little bit of stuff that's old hat to some of you so uh hang with me and uh i need you to pay attention tonight okay pay attention it's a word that um it's actually the title of this message just pay attention okay when i say the word teruah you guys familiar with that word teruah it means trumpets shouting loud noise the day of yom teruah the day of trumpets the day of shouting when i say teruah i want everybo everybody who has a shofar holds you so far up okay keep it close by because every time i say the word trua i want you to blow your shofar okay count on you guys so you got to pay attention all right so let's go ahead and practice tarua [Music] [Applause] all right uh i think we need to practice one more time tarua that's a little better thank you all right so we're going to start in leviticus 23 we're going to be jumping around a little bit but i want to start in 23 just to give a little bit of background for the feast of trumpets for those who are not familiar with it leviticus 23 23-25 says then the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a sabbath rest a memorial of blowing trumpets a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the lord okay so on the first day of the seventh month you would have a memorial of blowing trumpets and it's a sabbath rest you're not to do any work and it's a holy convocation you're supposed to gather gather together assemble the people okay so those are the things that we're told to do specifically on this day blow trumpets have a day of rest a sabbath day of rest where you do no work and have a holy convocation where you gather the people assemble the people together and do something okay that's what we're planning that's what wednesday is we're gathering everybody together for a holy convocation we're gonna blow some trumpets and then you're resting from that point until thursday evening so from wednesday evening to thursday evening is your sabbath let's go and jump over to numbers 29 verse 1. it says and in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a holy convocation you shall do no customary work for you it is a day of blowing the trumpets it is a day of blowing the trumpets so i you know i don't know if that's ever caught your attention before it's not just you blow the trumpets when you see the moon it's a day of blowing the trumpets you blow the trumpets throughout the day you ever thought about that says thursday you know it doesn't mean just you know have it in your mouth all day blowing it constantly but throughout the day just pick it up and blow it you know make it part of your day make it part of your celebration throughout the day but what is the purpose of blowing a trumpet there are if you look throughout scripture there are a variety of different uses for trumpets we're gonna we're gonna i'm gonna mention several of them and we're gonna look at a few specific but trumpets are mentioned shofars and trumpets are mentioned approximately 80 times in the bible and that's quite a bit of there's quite a bit of things that it it is connected to and so we see trumpets announce the call to assembly for example and that's we do that tonight right before we get started we had the guys line up here with the trumpets and blew the trumpets and everybody came in because they know oh the trumpet sound it's time to gather it's time to come in sit down and be part of worship it announces the call to assembly in the wilderness trumpets were used to indicate the time to pack up their tents so when they were camped for 40 years in the wilderness when it was time to pick up a move they blow the trumpets and they use trumpets to guide the camps to let them know when it was time to pack up when it was time to stop when it was time to go uh even direct which which ones to go where trumpets were used for giving guidance and direction why well because they're loud you blow a trumpet you can hear for a long distance right it'd be hard you know you think of thousands of people gathered in the wilderness and there's no microphones there's no there's no speakers there's no pa system right how do you communicate with that many people quickly how do you get their attention quickly well you blow a trumpet also served as a warning for danger we see this throughout the bible as well when an enemy was coming blow the trumpets the watchmen on the wall were armed with trumpets let them know you know there's there's danger ahead there's danger coming the trumpets were used to proclaim an announcement right you blow the trumpet to get people's attention so that you can make an announcement trumpets were sounded at the inauguration of a king this is this is one we see several times in scripture when a new king is uh inaugurated and set in place trumpets were sounded it's a it's a celebratory thing it's an honor it's part of that announcement they they blew trumpets when dedicating a building for example uh temple trumpets are blown trumpets were used as a call to battle you sound the trumpet when you want to call the troops to battle and you know if you're familiar with the story of gideon gideon won the battle with the sound of the trumpet right they had their lanterns in one hand and trumpets and the others and 300 men right and the enemy just ran away because the trumpets trumpets were also used to sound the victory after battle so it's a celebratory thing they blow the trumpets in celebration of the victory they've won trumpets were used in worship as a sound of rejoicing we see this in the psalms where it talks about praise with the trumpet and the liar and various other instruments right trumpet is one of the instruments listed as part of worship and all these things the primary purpose of the trumpet was to get people's attention okay the shofar calls god's people to turn their minds and attention to him the trumpet is to get your attention and to focus your back on the lord that's kind of the purpose of it to to give your attention to god and so no matter what the specific use whether it be war or warning whether it be announcements or coronations whether it's proclamations or worship whether it's signaling the camps or calling the people to assembly whatever the scenario whatever the use is to get your attention to get your focus off whatever you're doing whatever may be distracting you and to get you to focus on what you're supposed to be doing to get you to focus on the lord get you to focus on what he wants you to do so the trumpet can mean a variety of different things but it's always a call for our attention tarua [Music] pay attention teruah [Music] pay attention i would argue that the most important use for the trumpet is to call the people to assembly to call them to assembly to hear god's voice specifically again that's why we blow the trumpets at the beginning of service it's to call you to assembly but for what so that you'll come to worship so that you'll come to give god your attention so that you'll come to hear from him and we see this modeled in exodus chapter 19. right before the giving of the ten commandments god spoke to moses and he said when the trumpet sounds long they shall come near to the mountain when the trumpet sounds long they shall come near to the mountain tarua that's the long one good job is that bear good job bear pay attention the shofar is a called assembly and a call to draw near to god god wanted the people to assemble at the foot of the mountain god wanted them to draw near to him and to hear what he had to say he was calling them to come to the mountain and he spoke the ten commandments so that all of israel would hear it he wanted everybody present to hear his voice as we approach the day of trumpets we need to remember this is one of the primary uses of the trumpet it calls us to draw near to god now listen to what happened next skip down to verse 16. then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud in the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with god and they stood at the foot of the mountain now mount sinai was completely in smoke because the lord descended upon it in fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder moses spoke and god answered him by voice then the lord came down upon mount sinai on the top of the mountain and the lord called moses to the top of the mountain and moses went up i don't know if you noticed that but it said that the trumpet got louder as it got longer that's not normal usually it kind of trails off the longer you go because you have less breath right you have less strength you have you know you're getting you get tired the longer you go and so you get quieter the longer you go so it's it's not normal for it to get louder and louder and louder so that's that's interesting to me i think that's points to the the supernatural of this event this was not a normal trumpet this is a trumpet that was coming from heaven and it says so we below the shofars because we want to draw near to god we celebrate trumpets because we want to draw near to god we blow the shofars because we want to assemble to hear his voice it's a call to assembly it's a call to hear to pay attention to listen one of the best ways to show love to someone is by giving them your attention right giving someone your attention is more than being physically present right it requires you to be mentally and emotionally with them as well you have to be paying attention you have to be engaged focused how many of you guys have ever [Music] been out someplace and you see a couple on a date maybe at a restaurant or something and let me get another prop out for you what oh am i giving you my attention is that person giving that other person their attention no they're distracted completely distracted you're trying to have a conversation with them and and they're too busy playing on facebook or playing a video game or talking to somebody else reading their email whatever they're doing that's not giving some of your attention is it but how many of you seen people on dates that are doing that and sometimes you even see both people doing that they're on a date and neither one of them are looking at each other they're both looking at their phone it's like are they texting each other what are they doing here you know they don't even understand how to have a relationship with each other and they're sitting right next to each other have you ever have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who's doing that where's isaac i want to pick on isaac did he walk out it's a great time to pick on him then huh he comes over to my house to hang out with me and he'll pull out his phone he'll start playing a game i'm like if you're going to play a game just go home i want you to i want to talk to you i don't want to look at you playing with your phone right i mean do that to somebody i dare you hey talk to me if you're not going to talk to me just leave don't waste my time sitting there playing on your phone and i'm kind of giving that as a warning to you guys if you come over to hang out with me i want to hang out with you i want you on your phone and i'll tell you that i'm not afraid okay i'll send you home for real you can leave right because i it's frustrating isn't it you're trying to talk to somebody and they're not even looking at you because they're too busy looking at their phone it's one of the most frustrating things in the world pay attention god wants your attention giving someone your attention is important paying attention is a conscious decision that you have to make right it's easy to get distracted you have to consciously divert your attention back to where you're supposed to be especially you know in the world we live in with all the distractions that are around us we have to be aware hey i'm getting sidetracked here i need to divert my attention get my attention back where it goes my thoughts are wandering you know there's something going on over here that that's taken away my attention i gotta go look you know see what's going on over here what's so important over here right it's easy to do we have to consciously refocus worship is one way that we give god our attention right we set aside time we come before him when we give him not only our our our vocals you know by singing or our dancing we give our time too right we set aside this time where we say this this is a time that's dedicated to coming to the lord but we we also need to engage completely don't be distracted in worship put your focus on him put your attention on him it's easy to get distracted anybody who knows me knows that i get distracted real easy right you know i see somebody walk in hey isaac you know it's easy to it's easy to get distracted right he just turns around in worship we need to give our mind our will and our emotions to god give him our full attention the sound of the shofar reminds us to forget ourself and remember god putting his agenda at the front of our mind tarua [Music] you guys are getting better pay attention the interesting thing about this feast is it says that it's a memorial a remembrance of blowing trumpets right what is this remembrance what are we supposed to remember it doesn't say this is the the most curious thing at passover we're told it's a memorial as well but it tells us what we're supposed to remember right you remember what happened in egypt you remember the salvation that he gave the lamb the blood on the doorposts the death angel coming through egypt the twelve pray the the the twelve the plagues actually i think it's 9 wouldn't it is it 9 or 12 10 somewhere 10 plagues that's why i couldn't say it right i was saying the wrong number the 10 plagues right you're supposed to remember see i can't even remember how many there were we're supposed to remember him we're supposed to remember the salvation in egypt we're supposed to remember that he brought us out a bondage not just in egypt but the bondage in your own life as well the salvation that came through yeshua the lamb of god at passover you remember what he did for you the blood that he shed on the cross the salvation that he gave and how he saved you from bondage and brought you out of out of your misery and suffering and out of your sin passover we know what to remember we're told yeshua said do this in remembrance of me in exodus he says do this and remember so what god did when he led you out of egypt we know what passover remembers trumpets we're not told he says it's a memorial it's a remembrance but for what and i think that there's i've two things that i think it might be pointing to like one of them is something we need to remember and i think one thing is something god needs to remember and that might be puzzling to some of you some of you have heard this before probably i think we need to remember god and trumpets remind us to get our attention back on him to remember him to turn to him and i think the trumpets are a reminder to god don't forget your people act move save deliver them and we're going to get into why i think that here in just a little bit but there are two types of trumpets in the scripture one type was made from a horn so we have two different horns here typically in scripture it's ram's horn though so this is this is what when you see a shofar in scripture this is typically what it's referring to as a ram's horn but we also have other types of horns too that are animal horns this is i think a kudu but there are very variety of different kinds of horns there are certain goats that you can get horns out of a variety of different types of instruments they make different sounds different noises uh they're used for different purposes and then there's also silver horns and so this is this is kind of a representation or replica of what may have been the silver horns that they used in the old testament something similar to this and the silver trumpets were used for assembling the people for battle and directing the camps these were used specifically by the priests so let's look at numbers chapter 10 starting verse 1 it says and the lord spoke to moses saying make two silver trumpets for yourself you shall make them of hammered work you shall use them for calling the congregation for directing the movement of the camps when you blow them all the congregation shall gather before you at the door of the tabernacle meeting but if they blow only one then the leaders the heads of the divisions of israel shall gather to you when you send the advan when you sound the advance the camps that lie on the east side shall then begin their journey when you sound they advance the second time then the camps that lie on the south side shall begin their journey they shall sound the call for them to begin their journeys and when the assembly is to be gathered you shall blow but not sound the advance the sons of aaron the priest shall blow the trumpets and these shall be to you as an ordinance forever throughout your generations when you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets and you will be remembered before the lord your god you catch that sound the trumpets and you will be remembered by god have you ever caught that before when is this happening when they're going to war let me back up just a hair and read that one more time when you go to war in the land against the enemy who oppresses you when you go to war against an enemy who's oppressing you then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets and you will be remembered before the lord your god and you will be saved from your enemies this is this verse i think is very important as we're looking into end times what's coming what's coming up down the road in the last days there's going to be a time of tribulation a time when we have enemies oppressing us coming against us trying to put us back into bondage trying to kill us trying to enslave us the bible talks about all kinds of things that are going to happen during this tribulation time it's going to be a time of persecution when an enemy comes against you to oppress you he says sound the trumpet and the lord will remember and come and save have you ever thought about that verse before in connection with the end times or in connection with the feast of trumpets let's keep going also in the day of your gladness in your appointed feasts and at the beginning of your months you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings and they shall be a memorial for you before your god i am the lord your god okay again these trumpets are called a memorial i think that's curious right here in the same context the silver trumpets were used for calling the congregation directing the camps and gathering at the tabernacle meeting and sounding the advance that's what these trumpets were used for so i'm gonna i'm gonna give a try see if i can blow this all right i'm not a trumpet player i'm not even very good at blowing up so far so if i don't do good please forgive me [Music] okay it wasn't terrible but it wasn't great all right so the silver trumpets are a little bit different than shofar and actually let me just go ahead and blow these just so you can see the difference right so they all have different sounds they all have different purposes and you notice that the the ram's horn is a really high loud sound right i think there's a reason why they chose a rams horn because it is a very piercing sound and when you think about calling people to war sounding an alarm letting them know the enemy's coming that would be something that would get your attention right but the bible says trumpets are a memorial a remembrance and like i said verse 9 just kind of stands out to me when you go to war blow the trumpets and god will remember you he'll remember his people and he'll come and save he'll act he'll move he'll intervene so why am i linking this with the day of trumpets i mean it specifically says when an enemy when you go to war an enemy is oppressing you why why am i connecting this with the feast of trumpets i'm going to show you some things in scripture consider what the prophet said about the day of the lord and the great trumpet tarua [Music] pay attention the prophet spoke about the day of the lord have you guys ever heard that phrase the day of the lord it's it's a day that's speaking about the day when the lord comes to judge it's it's talking about end times it's talking about an event that hasn't happened yet and you see it several places throughout the bible it talks about the dreadful day of the lord the terrible day of the lord but it's the day when he will come and slay his enemies and judge the world and listen to what isaiah said about this day isaiah 27 verse 12 and it shall come to pass in that day and unless he's speaking about the day of the lord when he says in that day it shall come to pass in that day that the lord will thresh from the channel of the river to the brook of egypt and you shall be gathered one by one you catch that you're going to be gathered when he when he comes when he threshes you'll be gathered one by one oh you children of israel so so it shall be in that day the great trumpet will be blown they will come who are about to perish in the land of assyria and they who are outcasts in land of egypt and shall worship the lord in the holy mountain at jerusalem says those who are about to perish and those who are outcasts are going to come they're going to be gathered they've been outcast and they're about to perish what is that they're they're under attack by an enemy they're about to perish and the trumpet's going to sound and they're going to be gathered does that ring any bells anything you may have read in the new testament possibly but it says on the day of the lord on that day that great day the day of the lord that there's going to be the sound of a great trumpet this is i think significant prophetically listen what the prophet joel says joel chapter 2 verse 1 blow the trumpet in zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming for it is at hand again we have the day of the lord associated with the blowing of a trumpet blow the trumpet in zion sound and alarm and it doesn't let everyone tremble and that you know kind of reminds me back of exodus 19 right it said that the trumpet sounded and everybody trembled everybody was terrified at the sound of this trumpet when they were gathered at the mountain it was a terrifying sound skip down verse 11 joel chapter 2 verse 11 the lord gives voice before his army for his camp is very great for strong is the one who executes his word for the day of the lord is great and very terrible who can endure it the day of the lord is terrible who can endure it this is the way the prophets speak about this day it's a terrifying terrible day why because god is coming down to destroy his enemies to slay the wicked it's a terrifying day especially if you don't know which side of the line you're on right is he coming to destroy me or is he going to rescue me wouldn't that be a terrible thought and people talk about the fear of the lord and they they say oh just it just means to to have reverence for him we've talked about this several months ago you know when the bible talks about fearing the lord it's talking about trembling being afraid because he is so powerful recognizing how powerful he is and what he could do should terrify us but most of the time it doesn't most of the time we just continue doing our thing and don't even worry about it you know people joke about well i'm not going to stand too close to you because you know you might get struck by lightning right god might just you know bring down the roof on top of you so i'm gonna get away from you jokingly people say things like that but that's seriously that could happen i mean god could just disintegrate you spontaneously he has the ability to now we trust that he's not going to we believe that he's good and that he's he's just and he's not going to just you know snap his fingers and wipe out half the planet right it's not what he's going to do but he has purpose and he has patience peter talks about the you know don't take advantage of god's patience right he's long suffering for a reason is so that his grace can abound so that people can turn to him but don't count his patience as long suffering as slackness peter says i miss you know it's not an exact quote i'm paraphrasing because it's not in my notes but you know what i'm saying don't count as slackness don't count as patience as slackness don't don't think of him as weak don't think of him as not coming back you know it talks about those scoffers in the last day who are going to say oh you know you've been saying for all these years that he's going to come back and people are going to be scoffing and saying yeah where is he when's he coming back you keep saying he's coming back but when is that going to happen right we see that all the time don't we scoffer scoffing saying yeah right he's not coming back this myth that's fairy tale don't be a scoffer let me go back to joel chapter 2. uh i don't remember where i left off so i'm going to start again at 11. the lord gives voice before his army for his camp is very great for the strength the strong for strong is the one who executes his word for the day of the lord is great and very terrible who can endure it now therefore says the lord turn to me with all your heart with fasting with weeping and with mourning okay this terrible day is coming upon us and joel says turn repent right turn with all your heart with fasting with weeping of mourning surrend your heart and not your garments return to the lord your god for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and great slaughter anger and of great kindness and he relents from doing harm who knows if he will turn and relent and leave a blessing behind him a grain offering and a drink offering for the lord your god blow the trumpet in zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly do you see the pattern here blow the trumpet in zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly what is the three feasts in the fall trumpets atonement tabernacles you blow a trumpet at trumpets you exact you sanctify a fast at the day of atonement and you call an assembly at tabernacles you see that he's tying the fall feasts in with what he's saying here blow the trump into zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children nursing babes let the bridegroom come out of his chamber you remember yeshua called himself the bridegroom this is a messianic prophecy he's talking about his return joel chapter 2 is telling us about yeshua's second coming and when is going to happen gather the people sanctify the congregation the symbol the elders gather the children nursing babies let the bridegroom go out from his chamber and the bride from her dressing room who's the bride the bride of christ those who belong to yeshua right let the bride come from her dressing room the bible talks about you know he's wanting to prepare bride beautiful for himself right sanctified her by the washing of the water of the word let the priests who minister to the lord weep between the porch and the altar let them say spare your people o lord and do not give your heritage to report that the nation should rule over them why should they say among the peoples where is their god then the lord will be zealous for his land and pity his people so what is he saying here he says we need to be fasting mourning repenting blowing trumpets and calling out to god to remember your people [Music] these are the things that joel says we're supposed to be doing in this last day event that he's speaking of leading up to the great and terrible day of the lord this is a call to repent it says turn with fasting weeping in mourning rend your heart not your garment he's talking about let it be sincere right anybody can just tear their clothes and act like they're repenting it says rend your heart let it be sincere let it be from the heart let it be true repentance not just a show not just going through the motions not a spectacle for others to see what's hidden in your heart only god can see right so let it be from the heart true repentance and joel says blow the trumpet and the bridegroom comes out from his chamber what is this it's messiah coming down yeshua returning the bridegroom coming back for his bride joel's talking about the second coming but it says after the repentance and the trumpets that god is going to act on behalf of his people he's going to come and save remember the covenant that he made with him remember the land and come and redeem come and move destroy his enemies so the days surrounding the fall feasts are days of fasting days of trumpets days of assembly days of celebration and do you see the connections that i'm making here why i think that these fall feasts are connected to a second coming do you see the connections i'm making does that make sense why the trumpet that's being spoken of at the return of yeshua first corinthian in matthew 24 first corinthians 15 first thessalonians 4 revelation right all these different places were talked about the trumpets being sounded it has returned the resurrection the dead why i think that trumpet is connected to the fall feasts the feast of trumpets specifically that makes sense for for those who are maybe new and haven't heard this before you know many of you probably heard this before but some of you may not the spring feasts are tied to yeshua's first coming he died on passover as the passover lamb first corinthians chapter 5 paul says let us therefore celebrate the feast because christ our passover was sacrificed for us right he died on passover as the passover lamb of god he was buried during unleavened bread it says that he was without leaven he was without sin without spot there was nothing wrong with him he was pure undefiled he had no sin he had no false teaching has no false doctrine he was unleavened he was buried on unleavened bread his body was broken and he was beaten and and uh bruised isaiah 53 right he was bruised for our transgression the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes were healed he was bruised and striped for us as unleavened bread and he rose from the dead on first fruits as the first roots of the resurrection first corinthians 15 paul says he was the first of the resurrection and then 50 days later pentecost comes along the feast of shall vote and the outbreak of the holy spirit takes place all of this happened as his first coming the last thing he did was that point of the holy spirit right he said wait here until i send the holy spirit this was his final act as he was ascending he says wait here in jerusalem until he received the holy spirit and in acts 2 we see that the holy spirit was poured out on pentecost on god's timeline according to what he has said in place back in exodus back in leviticus back in the torah god has these special days and times in place for reason they're not just random he didn't just say hey you know i think we ought to have a feast day sometime you know man let's do in the seventh month that sounds like a good time to do it oh there's a reason for it there's a spring feast and the fall feasts first coming second coming the spring feasts were tied to the first coming fall feasts are tied to the second coming it talks about the the spring harvest and the fall harvest right the spring rains and the fall rains those are all linked seeing that he fulfilled the spring feasts in his first coming it only makes sense to realize that the fall feasts are tied to a second coming and i think we should expect that he's going to fulfill them on the dates that they are established you know not just well you know he's going to come with trumpets so it'll be like the feast of trumpets but who knows when that's going to happen maybe it'll be in december no it's not going to be december it's going to be on the feast of trumpets just like he died on passover and he rose on first fruits he didn't just die like passover and rose like first fruits he died and rose on those exact feast days god set his timetable in place for a reason now we we don't know what year maybe this year maybe next year maybe 10 years from now maybe 100 years from now we don't know what year but we know that he's he's going to fulfill these feasts on the appointed times that he's set in place trumpets is the beginning of the fall feast and trumpets announced the return of the king of kings he's returning in the fall for what the great harvest at the end of the year where he's going to gather in all of his people the dead and the living all those who belong to him he's going to gather think about the the parable of the wheat and tears right he says let him grow together uh you know the enemy comes in and sows terrors among the we he says let him grow together until the end of the age and then he's going to send what his angels out to do the harvesting and they're going to what gather the tares first toss them in the fire just about knocked it over gather the tariffs first and toss them in the fire and then go gather the wheat into his barn the people who talk about a rapture don't understand that parable we're not going to be raptured we're not going to get taken out of earth and go up to heaven that's not what the bible says it says the meek are going to inherit the earth he says don't when when she was praying what did he say he said don't pray that the lord would take you out of this world he said that don't pray that the father would take you out of this world pray that he would keep you safe during the tribulation you ever thought about that when's he coming back it says after the tribulation those days then you're going to hear the trumpet and he's going to return the people who are going around saying that there's going to be a rapture and all the all these videos online of people trying to predict the rapture and they're trying to tie it to the fall feast you know a lot of them and they're saying you know because they see the connections with the fall feasts and they're saying oh he's the rapture is going to take place at the visa trumpets no the rapture is not taken place of the feast of trumpets yeshua is returning at the visa trumpets not to rapture his people to destroy his enemies to slay his enemies and establish his kingdom on earth tarua [Music] and we look forward to that trumpet when he returns pay attention listen what yeshua said in matthew 24 verse 29 through 31 immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dark and the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from the heaven the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of earth shall mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other again it's after the tribulation of those days when the trumpet sounds it's after the tribulations days when yeshua returns it's after the tribulation of those days when he gathers his people and it's at the sound of the trumpet that those things happen at the sound of the trumpet the elect will be gathered from across the world or around the world whichever you believe let that sink in for a second all right see i can be funny sometimes paul explains that those who are gathered at the sound of the trumpet will consist of both the living and the dead first corinthians 15 20-26 says but now christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep for since by man came death by man also came the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ all shall be made alive but each one in his own order christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are christ at his coming okay the resurrection is tied to his return then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to god the father when he puts an end to all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that will be destroyed is death okay why is that because no one's gonna die anymore at that point the resurrection takes place he slays all those enemies he casts what happens in revelation 20 right he takes death in hades and cast them in the lake of fire death is no more a great white throne judgment revelation chapter 20. you guys familiar with that right he judges he resurrects everybody judges them some are given life some are given death everything that is not given life eternally is cast into lake of fire and destroyed death is destroyed there's no more death everyone from that point forward lives eternally death is the last enemy to be defeated but it says his people will be gathered at his return the dead will be resurrected at his return those who are alive at his return will be transformed and be given immortal bodies when does this happen let's look at verse 51 behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where's your sting oh hades where is your victory now this is one of those verses that the rapture people like to say is a rapture verse right oh and twinkling of an eye will all be changed see it's talking about the rapture no it's talking about the resurrection at the last trump when yeshua returns the dead will be raised and those who are living will be changed and transformed with immortal bodies that's what he's talking about is the resurrection that takes place when he returns with this resurrection this transformation takes place when at the sound of the trumpet first thessalonians 4 16 it says for the lord himself with the sin from heaven with a shout with this the voice of an archangel with the trumpet of god what is teruah true means trumpets and shouting yeah i think david was the only one who actually caught that in time everybody else just followed him you you being the leader tonight david but it's the hebrew word don't blow your shofars this time the hebrew word teruah means shouting and trumpets right so let's read this again for the lord himself will the sin from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god he's coming with teruah right shouting and blowing shofars blowing trumpets to rua teruah go ahead pay attention the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words there's another one those verses that the rapture people like to to use and they say see we're gonna be caught up into the air what that what does that mean are we getting taken out of the earth no why are we caught up he says that he's gonna gather us from all over the earth and bring him bring us with him to jerusalem where he's setting up his kingdom as he's coming down we're going up to meet him we get to fly isn't that cool and it's not like superman this could be better but yeshua comes down from heaven with the sound of the trumpet and the dead are resurrected with the sound of the trumpet and paul says this should give us comfort right he says therefore comfort one another with these words he's talking about the resurrection of the dead and the last day when yeshua returns the trumpet sounds the dead are raised he says therefore comfort one another with these words they should be comforting to us why it's not just the idea that well you know your dead relative is going to get resurrected someday and you'll get to see them again yes that's comforting to know why else is this verse comforting i think it's especially comforting for those who are going to be in the last days because as you are in the last days and you're facing persecution tribulation these words need to be comforting to you knowing that whatever trial tribulation persecution i face even if i go to death i have comfort in knowing that my lord's coming back and i get to see him when that trumpet sounds whether i be dead or alive when that trumpet sounds i get to see my lord face to face that should comfort us right and so as as we enter into tribulation when that when that day comes and tribulation begins remember that let that give you strength to endure whatever the situation maybe you're going through let they give you strength to to stay firmly focused on your savior to know that whatever enemy i may face whatever trial i may face whatever difficulty whatever persecution even if they say you know what we're gonna just chop your head off even if they say we're gonna we're gonna stand you before the firing squad whatever that might be right face that enemy knowing that your lord is gonna raise you from the dead knowing that whatever may come your way if you if you are faithful to him he is faithful to you that should give you hope that should give you comfort no matter what situation you face she'll also give us comfort knowing that he is coming back he is coming back those who scoff and say he's not don't listen to him he is coming back we see it all throughout the bible the old testament new testament both tell us he's coming back i showed you in pro joel that he's talking about it isaiah talks about it jeremiah talks about it all the prophets talk about it even in the jewish writings the non-biblical non-canonical jewish writings they talk about two comings of messiah messiah and david and messiah and joseph what is that talking about they don't understand it but it's in there it's two comings he came the first time as joseph right what happened with joseph joseph was handed over to death basically by his brothers right they took him they beat him they threw him in a pit left him for dead and then these merchants came by they sold him off into slavery took him to egypt they told their father he's dead years go by his father thinks he's dead they end up in egypt what had happened at that point he'd gotten thrown in jail eventually and then he finally got out and he was exalted to the second highest position in egypt and he was in charge of everything he made all the decisions this is joseph what do we see with jesus first coming he was rejected by his brothers beaten and hung on a cross thrown in a pit just like joseph was thrown in prison and then he rose from the dead resurrected ascended up into heaven to the highest position second in charge of everything he makes all the decisions he's seated at the right hand of the father ruling in heaven this is messiah and joseph the first coming but then it says he's coming again the second time like david what is david david is the giant slayer david is the conquering king david is coming to establish his throne on earth it says that he's going to have his throne on earth will be established forever it's prophesied to david where is that king david's lineage passed away a long time ago nobody even knows really where his lineage is what does it mean that david your throne is going to be established forever was because yeshua is coming to reign on that throne forever and to his kingdom and his reign there will be no end it says so even the jewish sages under uh they they wrote about this they prophesied about this and they don't even get it it's right there in their writings but they don't see it there's two comings yeshua came once already he's coming again knowing this knowing that he is returning should do two things for us one it should comfort us if we know him it should bring us comfort in knowing that he is coming back for us and we look forward to that day but two it should also terrify us to say you know what am i ready for his return am i looking for his return am i am i going to be prepared when he comes back because he said when the son of man returns will he find faith on the earth he gave us that warning he said many will fall away many will turn many will betray him and so we need to pay attention and and make sure that we are ready make sure that our hearts are right make sure that we're living for him make sure that we're following him that we're ready when he does return trumpets should get our attention every year at the feast of trump it's it should be a wake-up call when we hear that trumpet blast we need to say is this the one is this the year when he is returning am i ready for his return every year at the fall feast that should be something that gets our attention knowing that trumpets are coming up and thinking man is this the year is this the year when you was returning at the sound of that trump when that trumpet blows is he coming back and am i ready for him when he does come that should be on our hearts and our minds every year at this time but this is our great hope the hope of his return the hope of the resurrection this is our hope this is this should comfort us paul says now let's let's look at the book of revelation and connect a few more dots revelation chapter 1 i was in the spirit on the lord's day now the catholics want to tell you that means sunday that's not what that means nowhere in the bible do you see the lord's day means sunday that it doesn't exist that's something the catholics invented the lord's day is refer a reference to the day of the lord it's the day when he returned he says i was in the spirit on the lord's day what he's saying is i i had a vision i had a prophetic transportation to the future right i saw what was going to happen on the lord's day on the day of the lord when he returns that's what he's saying i was in the spirit on the lord's day on the day of the lord i saw this i had this revelation i had this experience and i'm going to tell you about it that's what he's saying here okay i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me the sound a loud voice as of a trumpet huh on the lord's day he heard a trumpet saying i am the alpha omega the first and last what you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia to ephesus to smyrna to pergamos to thyatira to sardis to philadelphia and to layout to see it and you know he goes through these seven letters these seven churches he talks about some of them some of them did were doing pretty good and encouraged them most of them were doing really bad and he scolded them and he warned them he said if you don't straighten out you're not going to make it your lamp is going to be put out okay he's writing to the churches to warn them he's in the spirit of lords he's seeing what's happening in the future he's given a prophetic vision of the future of the return of the lord and he sees these events taking place and he's giving a warning to the churches let's skip down to verse 11 and chapter 19. so towards the end of revelation chapter 19. now i saw heaven open and behold a white horse he was sat on him was called faithful and true and righteousness and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire in his head and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god okay you know who he's talking about right john chapter 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god the word became flesh and dwelt among us he is the word of god yeshua his name is called the word of god and the armies in heaven clothed in fine land in white and clean followed him on white horses now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the wine press of the fierceness and the wrath of almighty god this is a terrifying description isn't it this rider on the white horse has a sword that strikes down the nations and he treads the winepress of the wrath of god people want to paint yeshua as like oh you know he's just this nice guy you know turn the other cheek lay down your life yeah he did that he said that but he's also coming with a sword to slay his enemies okay he's not a pushover he laid down his life willingly yes that i mean is a pushover and i think i think christianity has kind of painted him to be kind of a wimp he's not a wimp he's a conqueror out of his mouth goes the sharp sword with which he should strike down the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron and he himself str treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of almighty god and he has on his robe an honest thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords then i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather together for the supper of the great god that you may eat the flesh of the kings and the flesh of captains in the flesh of mighty men the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them in the flesh of all the people free and slave both small and great and i saw the beast the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army then the beast was captured and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image these two were cast alive into like burning uh the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the rest were killed with a sword which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh this is a very descriptive passage i mean he's calling the birds to eat the flesh off their bones right this is describing the great and terrible day of the lord that the prophet spoke about isn't it that's why joel called it a dreadful terrible day because what's happening all of his enemies are going to be slain the blood is up to the bridles of the horses the birds are coming to eat their flesh this is a terrible day the wrath of god is poured out on the earth but it's also the end of tribulation what happens after this we see in revelation it talks about the resurrection it talks about those the saints coming being of immortality and dwelling for a thousand years with yeshua that all the enemies are conquered all the kings are destroyed that he is king of kings and lord of lords that he reigns supremely sovereignly over all the earth for a thousand years there's peace satan's bound up for a thousand years all these things are being described in revelation 19 right and satan's release for a little while tempts the nations to rise up against the kingdom what's that mean there's people in the nations who are not part of the resurrected saints i don't know if all of you have ever thought about that before who is satan come and attempt to come against the king and his saints there's still people on the earth he leads the rebellion fire and hail rain down from heaven destroy the enemies and then there's a great white throne judgment the second resurrection takes place all the dead at that point are judged reading the book of life and then death and hades are cast in the lake of fire but it all begins with the sound of the trumpet tarua [Music] pay attention every year at the day of trumpets we're commanded to blow the shofars god is calling us to be his trumpet blowers you realize that we're commanded to blow shofars every year at this time god is calling us to be his trumpet blows to sound his trumpet to sound his alarm have you ever thought about it that way he's calling he wants us to call others to give their attention to god that's what the sound of the shofar is right pay attention listen to the word of god a symbol come and hear the word of the lord and he's telling us to blow the trumpets every year at this time why he wants us to get people's attention to call them to repentance to call them to hear his word to call them to turn to call them to assemble to call them towards him to gather near the mountain our duty is to sound the alarm right those of us who are here tonight those who are watching online it's your duty to sound the alarm you are informed you understand you've been shown these things it's your duty to sound the alarm to wake up those who are sleeping it is your duty to wake those who are asleep say wake up do you not see what time it is do you not see what's going on around you do you not hear the trumpet it's your duty to get people to pay attention pay attention to the word of the lord we below the shofars because we anticipate the day when yeshua will return right that's why we blow these shofars that's why we blow the trumpets because we're anticipating the day when he will return at the sound of the trumpet every feast of trumpets should be in anticipation and expectation we should be thinking to ourselves is this the year when our king will come back is this the year when the trumpet will sound from heaven and he'll return that should be our motivation that should be our anticipation every year at this time will it be this year will it will it be this year i don't know but we're called to sound the alarm each year at this time we're called to sound the alarm we're called to blow the trumpet teruah [Music] let's try that again tarua [Music] one more time tarua pay attention pay attention every time you hear the sound of that trumpet that's need to be your thought pay attention each year at the day of trumpets we are reminded to pay attention to watch for his return pay attention to the signs around you pay attention to what's going on pay attention to the weather pay attention to the news pay attention to the politics pay attention to what they're saying what's the propaganda right pay attention to what's going on why so you're not caught off guard so you're not asleep pay attention would you bow your heads lord yeshua we praise you lord you are
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 719
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church online, sermon, Bible Teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, yeshua, messianic, hebrew roots, sabbath, torah, live sabbath service, sabbath church, Bible teaching, torah thoughts, Corey Haynes, Greg Stuart
Id: Fxq5olbwkRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 24sec (4584 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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