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right guys we have to eavesdrop i know santa nope i'm not doing anything suspicious what the heck is that i don't think you'd want to have a private conversation if you saw that happening in the wall [Music] guys it's a special occasion i've even dressed up for it but yandere dev has finally released the demo that's right osana is here and oh boy am i ready for this i think it's been about two years since i last played yandere simulator let's do it i'm ready yandere simulator demo oh it's been so long so the aim of the game if you didn't know is to end up with senpai by eliminating your rivals and my rival today is the one and only of sana i am going to eliminate osana from the game by becoming her friend yes you heard me right there are so many different ways how you can get rid of asana but i'm gonna do it the good way and by good way i mean not completely evil way okay here we are oh sana is talking to senpai let's go look at what they're saying i'm gonna spy you can't rely on me to wake you up every day why is she shouting at him if it bothers you so much maybe we should stop walking to school together yes please do no that's not what i just forget it okay anyway i want you to meet me on the school rooftop at lunchtime why huh why that's what i'm wondering so difficult just be there all right don't keep me waiting okay okay i'll be there don't do it senpai don't go what if she confesses to him she tells him that she loves him and then he walks away from me we can't have that she's going over here now to speak to a friend so you know what that means we're gonna spy on her again get behind this bush don't you think you were a bet harsh i know i feel so bad about it but i didn't do it on purpose it just happened every time i think he's about to realize how i feel about him i get afraid he'll reject me i hope he does it makes me feel so scared i start saying stuff to make him think i don't like him that's such a weird plan that's never gonna work just be mean to him don't beat yourself up over it osana it'll be okay everything is going to work out fine no i don't want it to work out fine i love how i was just creeping behind that bush okay so what i want to do is this scheme befriend or betray osana this game would teach you how to eliminate your rival through friendship or betrayal and it's going to cost us 10 points so i'm gonna go get some points and how we do that is by laying bugs for info chan because you know info chan wants info on people so if we go bug down here we'll get ourselves some points it's right over here where everybody hangs out at lunchtime so you know they're going to be lots of conversations happening and if i just plant a bug on this wall nice work i should have points now let's have a look i now have enough points so yes i'm going to purchase it we're doing business with you all right now we have steps on how we can befriend her step one eavesdropping osana's 7 30 a.m phone call to learn important information i do actually remember this from all those years ago so let's go and find osana and then we can go and follow her when she's having an important phone call girl we'd be sneaking and listening on everything senpai have you seen osana oh no i have some too close to him otherwise he'll think i'm a widow there she is osana right guys we have to eavesdrop on osana nope i'm not doing anything suspicious nope this isn't strange at all you can't see me where are you going osana over here about the boy you like what made you fall for him oh it's funny actually i nearly got caught it's not my type at all i just develop feelings for senpai this can't be happening we have to stop her you mentioned that you like guys with tans but what else do you like to see in a guy well i think it's kind of hot when a guy has a ponytail i think boys with glasses are super cute and if a guy has piercings i feel wrong like listening to this conversation right now i can't get along with someone if they're dumb as a rock so really the most important thing is intelligence oh and he has to love cats if he's a dog person where can what if he likes dogs and cats though okay we have 10 minutes until it's time for her phone call and because i've had to do this lots of times in the past i know where she has the phone call so i'm just gonna go there now and wait i'm saying i know where it is but actually i'm a bit foggy and hazy when it comes to remembering things from this game because it's just been so long but here we are this is where we have to wait and she stands at the bottom of the corridor to take a phone call here she is here she is oh my gosh oh my gosh she didn't see me she didn't see me she's on the phone i told you to stop calling me you creep how many times do i have to say it i'm not interested if you don't stop bothering me i'm gonna call the cops and ooh drama wait what are you serious okay okay fine i won't call the police look this is a bad time for me we'll talk about this later don't do anything rash okay why did something like this have to happen poor osana sounds like she's going through a lot all right she's just gonna walk on by past me that's good because she didn't see me and i'm just gonna get out of this and walk away like i hid and saw nothing is everything okay let's just walk by no oh i'm eavesdropping i really shouldn't be sorry about it i might be ready to talk about it when classes are done for the day somewhere private maybe the rooftop oh the rooftops well i guess we'll be listening in on that the next step is to eavesdrop on osana's 335 rooftop conversation to learn more important information okay well it's only 7am so we have a really long time to wait around to make this faster i might just go and start the classes so that we can skip to lunch time okay i found my c all right let's just do biology okay osana it's time oh yeah you can do this she's gonna go up to the rooftop with senpai isn't she i guess we'll just have to follow her up there i wonder what's gonna happen if she ends up with senpai right now if he tells her he loves her i'm gonna be so sad also why is rainbow just following her around like this everywhere that osana goes she'll always be watching i'm here oops just like you asked what's this stupid you made me lunch don't get the wrong idea i didn't make it for you i just made too much food this morning she made him food oh cool oh no we have to stop this she's making him food that's when you know you're in love he's going in for it he's gonna have some she basically forced him to wow this is delicious really you like it no yeah it's great i wish you hated it you should be grateful but don't expect me to keep giving you free food and unless you you want to eat my cooking every day oh my gosh someone stopped her i didn't say anything i'm gonna have to stop her she cannot take my man not our sister back away i wonder if i can talk to her now she has a task that i can do yeah there is something i need help with i lost my phone charm it's in the shape of a cat i know that i lost it somewhere in the hedge maze but i don't want to go back in there it's scary i'm worried i'll get lost and be stuck in there for hours i feel bad for asking but would you be willing to go into the hedge maze and get my phone charm for me i will do that for you yes it's in the hedge maze you'll do it you're a lot more brave than i am i am so brave sis i'll go in there and i'll get it for you and then you'll be my best friend i played this game for about five years and i still don't know where anything is which is great hedge maze hedge maze where are you i think the hedge maze is up here all right so now we just have to try and not got lost inside which i don't know if i'm going to be able to do this properly yes all right i found it oh my goodness it's adorable now i have to get out of here i remember it is this way no am i lost i i feel like i'm lost already why am i so bad at this why can i not do this i got in here okay why can't i get out it's got to be this way it just has to be there's no other option it has to be this way out it's not it's actually not oh no i'm gonna ring my mom i found the charm so easily and this is what i get that i can't find the way out wait have i found the way out oh oh my goodness thank gosh for that i was going insane that was so traumatic right i have to go and give rosanna this phone channel back i hope she appreciates what i've been through because i've been through a lot hi osana your task has been completed i found it wow that's amazing you're so welcome task complete oh yeah osana is slowly learning to love me the next thing i need to do is to eavesdrop on her conversation and to skip the day forward i need to find my class again my class is here all right let's go and skip time all right after school school is out ladies and gentlemen and apparently 3 30 is cleaning time is that a thing that japanese schools have or something because i think that's really cool if they do they'll stay behind and help your girl walks so slowly i'm gonna go there now and i'm just gonna meet her this is where she's going to have her private conversation and we're going to listen in like little spies so i'm just going to crouch here i don't think you'd want to have a private conversation if you saw that happening in the wall i think they can see me oh i nearly got caught all right let's go walk back now that they've gone around the corner but i overheard your phone call earlier today oh you sounded really upset is something wrong what's going on osana well yeah i do have a problem but i'm not really sure come on come on spill the tea we want to know what's going on tell me what's wrong i'll listen a few days ago and she said to town this weird guy approached me and started flirting with me okay well that's not too strange really creepy and gross that is strange in him at all took forever to make him leave me alone the next day i started getting text messages oh my gosh even though i never gave him my phone number how is that possible how has he got her phone number he keeps texting me pictures that he's taken of me it's like he's just falling oh my goodness this is terrible you've got a stalker oh my god that's horrible you need to tell the police you need to go to the police this is not okay no i can't do that he told me that if i go to the police he'll he'll well what will he do what what will he do oh i just said that i don't want to tell him but but calling the police is not an option what of course is an option is he blackmailing you are you hiding some kind of secret no it's nothing like that oh just tell us we're desperate to know try to avoid talking about this but i'm actually very strong are you tell me who is doing this to you because you don't like it i really don't imagine her having fights like no she's too cute for that if you say so but now i'm really worried oh well that was a spicy conversation there on the rooftop so now step four is to use the bulletin board near the shoe lockers to determine where rosanna's locker is well we're gonna just do that aren't we let's go down to the lockers and check out which one is hers all right here is the bulletin board find students locker let's have a look and then we have osana she's a little smiley face on a picture for some reason does that mean she loves me now does that mean we're bff goals e to find her locker oh look at that there's a big old love heart arrow pointing to it step five is put a note in osana's locker to arrange a rooftop meeting about stalkers and blackmail let's go ahead and leave her a note i want to speak with you about doctors and blackmail please meet me on the school rooftop at 4 30 p.m step six is to speak to asana and tell her about the note that we've put in a locker can i speak to you i can send it to locker hey i saw someone put a note in your locker really that's weird i guess i'll go take a look then follow asana and offer help when the opportunity arises ooh what's this what is it who put it there was it me no totally wasn't me oh oh where did they go where did they go oh they're just there oh i thought i lost them it's 4 29 and she's still gossiping girl you're meant to be meeting me oh she's running all right well i best run after her do i not look super suspicious just following her around right now are they not even gonna question it let's go over here oh for help you're the one who wanted to meet me it was me all along asana your notes said that you wanted to talk about blackmail yes i've been listening in on your conversations i heard you talking with your friend totally not weird at all and i know that he's blackmailing you no you've got the wrong idea i mean yeah someone is stalking me but he's not blackmailing me oh then why don't you call the police he's got a he's got a hostage a hostage who could he have like her parents or something what who is being held hostage that's intense a hostage situation seriously after you hear this it's my cat oh my cat he kidnapped he stole the cat what the heck this guy is crazy he says that if i want my cat back i have to go to his house put inside of his home he won't let me leave has he given me his this is worrying well yes but tell me where he lives why because we're gonna do it we're gonna go and we're gonna rescue the cats i'm going to rescue yes i loved it he's a dangerous person we don't care if he's dangerous is he really more dangerous than others just hand over his address oh my goodness we're gonna go into this guy's house i just want this horrible account how are we going to do this one way or another i'll text you his address oh my goodness but don't blame me if you get hurt and don't let anything happen to my cat don't worry we won't don't worry leave it to me okay this is interesting we're gonna rescue a cat so he says step eight is go home and use the door in your room to travel to his house let's go end our school day because we have a rescue mission let's go let's go we've got a cat to save here we are it's night time and if we go to the door over here it should say that we can travel to his house what is happening this is so interesting because i don't feel like we've ever really left the school setting i mean we've been in the basement but this is new look we're snaking around like a ninja it's time it's time to rescue the cat i am so into this where do we have to go can i run oh yeah that's good so we need to find a way into his house and guessing like through a window through a door oh wait it takes climb i'm gonna guess i can climb up this then to like get in the window i hope this was the right choice and there wasn't like multiple different things we could do and i've chosen the really hard one or something because that's usually what i do in games but we have successfully entered the guy's house and now we have to find the cat it could literally be anywhere there's so many different rooms wait what you have no idea what is going on oh my goodness is she going to see me about the creep i have to live with he's that's his sister what's that word i'm gonna try to get by the door while she's on the phone right well she's explaining how he's a weird person so it doesn't sound very good does it where do we have to go oh gosh there's someone over there i'm gonna just run oh no where did i put that cake mix cake mix please don't come out here please don't come out here i'm trapped between two people i'm running by i'm running by oh gosh his corridor's a bit dark isn't it e to open what's down here what is going on that dot opened very slowly what the heck is that what is this is this like a shrine this guy is so strange oh there's like things on the floor can i go around oh my goodness he's so creepy if she dyes her hair look at him he'll be able to he's like rubbing the posters is he okay all right i've got the cat oh my goodness he's got so many action figures of this character own all of you from the top of your head oh oh i've been caught i'm running oh my gosh bye see you boy is he gonna do anything about the fact i just stole the cat or not like does he not care can i get out of here is there a door let's go let's leave i have the cat in hand we're out of here i don't want to spend any more time in this guy's house oh we sent her a picture god that's my cat i can't believe it you really rescued her yes i did finally report that scumbag to the police i need to return your cat and i need to have an important discussion with you but it's too late at night right now please meet me at my house in discussion what are we gonna say to her that makes her leaves empire alone thank you you're welcome anytime i love cats so i'm always down to rescue them osana is eager to report her stalker to the police however she knows that the process could take a long time so she decides to visit iana's house to get her cat back before contacting the police the next morning osana arrives at ayanna's house we're going to tell her to back away from my man i'm going to lay down the law you have a nice place yan-chan thanks where are your parents overseas awkward don't you take care of yourself that must be hard i manage i want to thank you again for rescuing my cat and saving me from that stalker that was a horrible experience i'm so glad it's all over oh that must have been horrible oh we got their tea on the go the tea is ready i'll be right back feel free to keep talking i can't imagine what it's like to become obsessed with someone after meeting them for the first time it doesn't make any sense that's exactly what ayano has done okay um normal tea or drip tea normal tea definitely i don't want to drug her what the heck he said he loved me but trying to befriend her not trying to kill her big twisted obsession that he believed was love it makes me feel but starting today i won't have to worry about it anymore it's all thanks to you here's your tea it's not drugged i promise you i just realized i've been rambling this entire time you said you had something important to tell me right yes it's about the boy from class three two senpai leave him alone huh i don't have a crush on him he's just my childhood friend that's all you liar if that's true then you wouldn't mind if i confessed my love to him oh confess here oh my gosh what are you doing asana is quaking you have feelings for him yes deep feelings really deep feelings never felt this way about anyone before and i can't bear the thought of seeing him with anyone else i know that you love him and i know that this is a selfish request but please don't take him away from me let me try to win his heart what are you gonna say girl yes or no yes she's gonna leave him alone but after everything you've done for me i could never take someone away from you okay i'll do as you've asked i'll stay away from him thank you but you'd better take really good care of him okay oh don't worry i will that's not creepy at all nope not creepy at all so now if we skip to saturday we should get another cut scene oh here we go the following cutscene does not have animations it doesn't matter i'm excited to see it anyway oh it's senpai oh he looks so sad also what is he wearing yellow undershirt what is that senpai fashion sense is not good sweetie not at all he's feeling so sorry for himself as well oh hello excuse me why does he look like that i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amaya odiyaka we go to the same school oh my sorry i actually recognized her so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong what's going on senpai why are you so sad childhood friend osana she doesn't seem interested in spending time with me anymore she tells me that i haven't done anything wrong but i don't believe her i can tell something important it's all our fault as well she won't talk about it it's heating me up inside oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment oh oh my goodness they look delicious thank you go ahead take one hmm she took the cupcake she took the cupcake nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad this means that she's going to be the next rival i'm heading to my parents bakery right now girl back away from our man oh no it's okay i wouldn't want to be a bother yes senpai turn her down it wouldn't be a bother at all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you you just met why would you worry about him i guess it would be better you don't know him okay no sure i'll come with you we just worked so hard and now there's someone else in the way can't believe this look at them they're actually adorable together and i hate it i hate everything about it look at this bakery as well it is so cute oh my goodness the bread rolls and everything what the music's changed oh it's info chan she's watching are she taking a picture she is so sending that to yandere oh the drama the drama the t i can't believe it you're safe now okay stroking a photo that's not weird at all info channel has sent a text message congratulations on eliminating osanachan thank you i worked really hard i didn't expect you to get rid of her that way but i suppose it works disappointed were you hoping to see something more violent i wasn't in the mood for violence to be honest in photon disappointed wouldn't be the right word just surprised that's all you can be surprised that's okay but that's not why i'm contacting you today i've learned something that i think you'd like to be aware how is iana going to react to this take a look at this oh no it's going to be the picture it is as well oh my goodness who is she oh you can hear it in her voice she was like who is that her name is she's the leader of the cooking club at academy and she's been getting quite cozy with your senpai lately we've got to sort that out for him hard she's quite enamored with the cherry tree myth so i'm pretty sure she'll be confessing to him this friday they just met brought in luck huh right after saving senpai from osana another girl shows up to steal him from me how many girls are going to try and steal senpai i'm genuinely curious get to the point no games it's simple i want to see am i suffer why you think you're the best person for the job has am i done something to info channel is that really what this is all about you just want to see girls suffer it's a bit more complex than that hmm i wonder if we are ever going to find out the reason as to why infotron is doing this because she's obviously doing it for a reason but what why does she enjoy making girls suffer remember you have until friday to deal with your new rival eliminate her or senpai will never belong to you he already belongs to me no he doesn't you guys are not dating he just doesn't know it yet oh wow oh wow that is so weird girl calm down good evening sir thank you very much for setting aside the time to take this call what is it i know that you're a busy man no no there haven't been any complications i just wanted to confirm that i've been following your instructions properly what is going on i'm glad to hear it are you satisfied with how events are unfolding ah that's good to hear so who is this talking i must confess i'm still worried about the students is this a head teacher casualties necessary sacrifices the price of progress what i see sir i wish i could view it from your perspective but the thought of bloodshed in my school still makes me quite uncomfortable as it should that's intense no of course not sir i'll i'll continue doing precisely as you've asked yes sir no sir yes sir yes sir no sir yes sir what is going on who is he talking to mr psycho mr psycho his name is even scary mr psycho so intense but yes that is the end of the demo which i thought was super cool the final game will feature 10 rivals to eliminate across 10 school weeks wow higher quality models and animations more weapons and tools to eliminate your rivals with a story line with law and plot twists and more anyway guys that's where i'm gonna leave it today please leave a like on the video if you want me to play more of this and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Yammy
Views: 185,487
Rating: 4.9418993 out of 5
Keywords: yammy, yammyxox, yammy xox, yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana, yandere simulator update, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator demo, yandere update, osana yandere simulator, yandere simulator new update, yandere simulator senpai, yan sim, osana reaction, yandere simulator osana eliminations, funny moments, senpai crying, yandere simulator senpai crying, new yandere simulator update, video games 2020, win senpai, yandere simulator demo ending, winning senpai
Id: u-EAQ6h8cxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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