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hey i'm jay from the cub scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator back-to-back yandere simulator episodes because osana is officially in the game in the last video i showed you guys some osana eliminations but we got a lot more to go through i'm really curious about the method where you sneak into osana's house so i'm gonna check that one out right now because cool that you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cause here we go okay so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna fast forward the time till about 7 40. i think that's when osana takes her phone call because to get this started i think i got to listen to osana's conversation that she's having with that creepy guy who's talking about like doing stuff for money and then i'm gonna befriend osana that's how i'm gonna do the waikiki sneaky into her house and we are gonna get this started oh wait the conversation's already happening oh come on bro really don't stop bothering me i'm gonna call the cops and bro i think i'm too late wait wait what are you serious oh come on man i think i'm so late that i'm pregnant okay okay oh i learned new info i won't call the police okay cool so i learned new info so i still got it like that look this is a bad time for me we'll talk about this later just don't do anything rash okay who's talking about rash i got a rash i'm not gonna tell you where but i gotta rash so we learn new info that means we can still do what we gotta do hopefully we just pop out of here acting like i've been here the whole time and then i think that we just gotta eavesdrop with rybaroo and osama's conversation so i don't think anybody can see me here osana is everything okay there you go there you go look at these gaming geeks but i'm not sure if i should say anything yet i need some time to think i might be ready to talk about it when classes are done for the day somewhere private maybe a rooftop behind the air vents actually you know what okay i don't think that this is what we do would you like to take a stroll around the school to take your mind i was thinking that this is what we need to do but i think what i have to do is i have to meet her on the rooftop myself so maybe i have to do the task for her get her to be my friend and then we have a conversation on the roof kind of like what we used to do with kokona before actually i was right it says eavesdrop on osana 7 30 a.m phone call to learn important information eavesdrop on osana's 3 35 p.m rooftop conversation to learn more important information speak to osana and complete her task use the bulletin board near the shoe lockers to determine where osana's locker is put a note in osana's locker to arrange a rooftop meeting about stalkers and blackmail speak to osana and tell her about the note you put in her locker follow osana and offer help when the opportunity arises go home and use the door in your room to travel to stalker's house oh that's what i get like i said in the last episode the only thing that kills me and makes me want to die in a slow death is the fact that they walk so freaking slow what are you looking at i was literally walking up the stairs open your freaking eyes before you test me like that you stupid redhead i apologize guys i know osana's an orange head that's not too far from red but i'm triggered right now like i'm not in a happy place because these people walk like they got 10 pound rocks right in their butt cheeks maybe they do maybe they don't but hurry up please please hurry up and have a conversation you're gonna make me lose my freaking mind here osana rybaroo right now please three two one or i'm gonna start blasting i'm throwing both of you in the fan i swear okay there we go but i overheard your phone call earlier today you sounded really upset is something wrong hell yeah something's wrong i keep stalking me can't even let me breathe yeah i do have a problem but i'm not really sure if you'd be able to help me yikes basically saying that you're useless i'll listen a few days ago and she said to town this weird guy approached me and started flirting with me he was really creepy and gross and i wasn't interested in him at all it took forever to make him leave me alone the next day i started getting text messages from him even though he never gave him my phone number the worst part is he keeps texting me pictures that he's taken of me it's like he's just following me around and snapping photos all day you've got a stalker oh my god that's horrible you need to tell the police before he does something bad no i can't do that he told me that if i go to the police he'll know what he'll what he's captain what will he's baseball capping right now but he should go to lids with all that cap but calling the police is not an option man you know what let me handle this is he blackmailing you hurry up so i can befriend you hiding something kind of secret i am the best friend look at me no i'm grateful osana i try to avoid talking about this but i'm actually very strong if you tell me they not only walk slow they talk slow how am i stuck in this double whammy talk slow and walk slow look i appreciate your concern but please just let me deal with this myself deal with this yourself that looks like i say so watch me watch me just step into her life like bam watch me just step into her life like wham bam watch this task time now that you mention it okay so i did this in the last episode if you guys want to know what our task is you guys can watch that video can i just say that i'm really loving osana in this game guys like i am so happy that osana is finally in this game and not only that there's so much content for us to see i remember when there was like a osana cut scene video i stayed away from that like i was going to react to it but then i was like nah and i ran in a circle okay my candy ho ass ran in the circle i twerked it in a circle how the hell do i get out of here hold on wait i gotta find my way out here before i start talking there we go no wait i went in circles again bro oh my god i'm about to get a headache running all these circles yeah oh my goodness hey osana what are you cleaning huh what are you cleaning right now we need to talk we need to have a talk come on oh drown whoa whoa i wasn't trying to drown there was like a thing that said i could drown her i'm not trying to do all that i've come too far to be drowning you right now maybe later okay let's talk to osana complete the test oh my gosh you actually found it wow that's amazing no i'm amazing i'm amazing so in order to do this guys you got to find the locker right there and not only that you also have to get a service from info chan and provide dark secrets but i have no points to do that but i want to show you guys a little trick that i've been doing all you got to do is set the bug wait i thought i set the bug oh wait i bought um the step-by-step tutorial of how to befriend her okay so wait where else can i place a bug i think i could do it inside of oh wait i think i can do it inside of the student council room so yeah if you just set bugs guys you get 10 points so set bugs to work and then watch this we get the service and i have 10 points right there but i can't do the provide rivals dark secrets porque all right i think i gotta find the locker one more time for the one time so let's find the locker and let's see if i can do it now i can't do it now wait wait wait wait wait wait why why oh i already have that option unlocked that's weird i guess it's because i eavesdropped on a conversation so let me see it's 404 so let's talk about stalkers in blackmail meet me on the school rooftop let's meet at 4 30 pm and bam so now i just got to talk to osana she's right here please tell me yes okay so i got to talk to her right here and then send to locker and let's freaking do this huh what's this you know what time it is you know what time it is oh sunny maybe i should meet them yep all right i'll meet her on the roof at 4 30. all right here we go hands on her hip like a true karen and offer help right here let's go you're the one who wants you to hit me your note said that you wanted to talk about blackmail yeah but when i said that i didn't know that mr wheel here would be here dear friend i know that you have a stalker and i know that he's blackmailing you oh he is actually a she and she's right there with the blond people i've got the wrong idea yeah someone is stalking me but he's not blackmailing me bro robert would want to put some a1 sauce on you and eat you look at the way she's looking at you he's gotta he's got a hostage he's starting to harm them if i go to the cops what who is being held hostage i know you're not gonna be able to take me seriously after you hear this it's my cat my pet cat he kidnapped her and he said he's gonna kill her if i call the police he says that if i want my cat back i have to go to his house but i know that if i step foot inside of his home he won't let me leave has he given you his address interesting well yes but tell me where he lives i thought we were gonna go to osana's house bro why what are you planning to do i'm going to rescue your cat oh okay okay okay don't try it he's a dangerous person so am i woohoo just hand over his address and let me handle it hell yeah dude i'm hyped up for this i just want this horrible experience to end one way or another i'll text you his address let's freaking go thank you all right i'm ready for this don't blink you get hurt hurry up and don't let anything happen to my cat don't worry leave it to me okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on go home and use the door in your room to travel to stalker's house what a name guys stalker's house that guy doesn't even have a name it's just stalker's house alright so now we're in our pajamas we are gonna sneak to stalker's house and here we go yo me gusta me gusto oh dude i am so hyped up about this let's freaking go come on y'all got the sneaking gear on too oh let's go dude i'm so hyped up about this all right which way we gonna go into can we go through that way no oh dude this is so sick yo yonder dev you gotta put a lot more sneaking stuff into games like this because i love this kind of stuff before we climb this let me just see if there's any other ways that we can go into oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that did somebody see me yo why'd that vibrate so hard that kind of scared me well i scare myself sometimes okay i can't go through that way the only way wait wait oh i thought i could maybe cut the power do a little snip snip i've been watching too many movies guys all right but this is the only way that we're gonna be able to enter so let's climb up here and let's get it started by the way if you guys want to sneak into somebody's house gotta make sure you have the jorts on gotta make sure you have the jords on and some tights on too who leaves their window open at night though stalkers that want to get their ass busted that's who whoa whoa okay hold on let's see who's over here can i do my yandere vision no that'll be the perfect time somebody's talking you have no idea great value osana let me tell you about the creep i have to live with whoa he's a complete what's that word hekikomori hikikomori no friends no school never leaves the house stays in this room all day long it's been this way for over a year now and he's like oh shoot stuck ass i did not mean to step over the chippers how did you get in here my bad guys hopefully i can start right from the stalker's house okay try again yes i don't know why guys this gets me so freaking hyped every time i do a sneaking mission no matter what game i play i love games like this like metal gear solid hitman what else do we got we got the game thief dishonored everything like i love the lord brother's bad you have no idea turn around let me tell you about the creep i have to live with okay so she's talking about her stalker brother what's up warren hekikomori hikikomori what does that even mean guys why does she look like osana does the brother have a weird fetish with osana because he kind of imagines his sister it's been this way imagine the lord imagine how deep this rabbit hole goes okay wait can i go in here no we gotta find the kitty right we gotta find the kitty we are the leader of the kitty committee oh there he is what the heck who the hell is that guy bro that's the dad you can tell by the suit and the handsomeness what's he doing oh he's fixing the tv he's fixing the telemundo these people just leave bags of chippews on the floor how rude how dirty of you let me see who's over here nobody where did i put that cake mix damn there's ma i mean that cake oh extra frosting definitely not out of that cake god damn okay all right can't forget the chocolate chips can't forget the buns too carrying juice i wonder if i should use butter or margarine i'm gonna spread some butter on something you really need almost out of sugar all right let me listen to what i have to remember to pick up more flour yeah you're gonna go to town i'll meet you there i hope this doesn't add too much to my figure oh i hope it does no cat oh it's pretty dark over here what we got over here what we got over here yo what we getting into what the yo what are you watching why is it blood out what the oh what up my love i knew we'd finally be together one day bro you a little too close to that area right there what the who are you yo you want to fight in here you want to go are you one of my sisters let's go let's go let's go let's go what do you want we got the cat we out of this [ __ ] is he gonna come for me oh he's not wait a minute put that down before we go don't let me see something like that what are you gonna do to me you're ruining everything oh you're not gonna do anything to me get away i knew it knew you were just like the animal in this cage you're not gonna do anything to me i'm out of here where's the mom mom dad hey nobody's here what the i could just leave okay wait everybody just disappeared after i grabbed the cat hold up hold up i can't go back up and i can't go in here let me try going in the kitchen i just want to see guys i want to see how sneaky and freaky i can get nobody's here damn who the hell eats at this table bigfoots look how tall these chairs are what the yo they're at least five five because look yan-chan is not even taller than the chair all right let me get out of here guys no more talking that mess we gotta return osana cat tour let's go mission accomplished you guys already know what i freaking do oh my god that's my cat yes sir i can't believe it you you really rescued her you know what i do now i can finally report that scumbag to the police i need to return your cat and i need to have an important discussion with you i will and one last time thank you no problem okay so i'm assuming that at the very end of this whoa osana is eager to report her stalker to the police however she knows that the process could take a long time so she decides to visit ayano's house and get her cat back before contacting the police the next morning osana arrives at ayano's house yandere simulator is still under development the following cut scene does not have animations there is a possibility that the final version of yandere simulator will only have animated cutscenes if the crowdfunding campaign is set up you guys know what i was trying to say there i got tongue tied at the end you guys got to give me props for talking that fast i was trying to talk like i was one of those bidding guys two for five dollar five thousand ten dollars can i get twenty dollars you have a nice place yan-chan thanks where are your parents overseas so you take care of yourself that must be hard i like that they speak telepathically it's really cool it's a new form of friendship everybody thank you again for rescuing my cat and saving me from that stalker that was a horrible experience i'm so glad it's all over the tea is ready i'll be right back feel free to keep talking i can't imagine what it's like to become obsessed with someone after meeting them for the first time it doesn't make any sense i'm shocked that they're interesting serve drug tea or serve normal tea okay let's serve normal tea this is just a sick twisted obsession that he let's go to the good ending because i'm in a good mood i feel sick but starting today i won't have to worry about it anymore it's all thanks to you here's your tea thank you oh i just realized i've been rambling this entire time i don't know but this whole thing going frame by frame and being really choppy it just gives us some kind of charge about the boy from class i don't know how to explain it tell me you guys feel the same i have a crush on huh i don't have a crush on him he's just my childhood friend that's all i don't have feelings for him at all if that's true then you wouldn't mind if i confessed my love to him would you huh confess your love are you saying that you have feelings for him yes deep feelings i've never felt this way about anyone before and i can't bear the thought of seeing him with anyone else i know that you love him and i know that this is a selfish request but please don't take him away from me let me try to win his heart you got me it's true i do have feelings for him but after everything you've done for me everything you've done for me i snuck into the stalker's house and stole the cat all for you okay i'll do as you've asked i'll stay away from him thank you but you'd better take really good care of him okay don't worry i will if i was osana i would not trust that i will that was the most sinister sounding i will that i've ever heard in my life but since it's a new day let's see how osana reacts with senpai because i know every day of the week they have different conversations in front of the school so let's see if she just completely avoids him or if she still talks to him and it's going to make yon-chan mad oh she's still talking to him this it's a very special book it's about a book to me what's it called what's it about if you're really interested i'd be willing to let you borrow it but you have to promise to take good care of it but really you you'd let me i mean of course i take good care of it that's obvious all right then i'll let you borrow it return it to me when school's over okay yeah i will okay let me see something real quick let me check the schemes that we can do we can do report theft nah that's lame let's see tuesday ruin book this scheme will make 20 progress toward making senpai reject your rivals confession okay i have 10 points so let's just look at it wait until lunchtime wait for osana to step away from senpai's book push senpai's book into the fountain go to class and wait until 5 15 watch osana return the book to senpai all right let's do it actually before i do anything i know you guys want to hear the conversation osana has with rybaroo because she always seems to talk to rybaroo after she talks to senpai so let's hear what they have to say how did it go osana it actually went surprisingly well he let me borrow something a book it was a gift from his sister wow really way to go are you going to read it right away nah i'll wait until lunchtime i'll read it at the fountain in the same spot where he spends most of his time it'll make me feel closer to him so the whole time we were talking to her in the house it was just a bag of cap like she said she would stay away from senpai but it was all one big lie all right time to ruin that book cap cap cap cap cap cap cap okay so this is where osana is gonna what's so special about this book it's just an ordinary book and then raibaroo doing her little whack ass stretches right in front of osana so when would be the right time to strike when rybaroo is not looking huh because she's gonna whoop my ass like she's stretching to whoop on this ass i promise you that is exactly why she's getting those limbs nice and warm because she's ready to do what she got to do so it says wait until lunchtime and i did there's a good stopping point there we go time for a break that was it you read like two words all right oh no i gotta wait until they're both not looking okay there you go no oh nice okay we did it no the book somebody's gonna be so mad ha ha loser that's what you get for lying to me right to my freaking face too let's wait till 5 15 and let's see senpai's reaction hey osana so what'd you think of the book senpai i'm so sorry the book osana how if senpai was a cool guy he would let it slide i don't know i'm sorry let's see his real personality come out tomorrow i thought he was gonna roast her i actually thought he was gonna [ __ ] on her but he's actually a nice guy okay we're gonna do one more thing of today's episode before i end it and leave a like on this video if you guys want me to do more osana eliminations because there's actually a lot more that we got to get through but what we got to do we got to splash osana with water so we can steal her phone so let's just hurry up and get this started okay here we go this is the perfect time to set this up so set up the trap and osana better walk through here first or so help me god come on walk through here what are you doing how bro how yo how like no freaking way how i set up the trap go here come on come on walk through walk through come on thank you how did it not work the first time that don't make no sense this isn't funny okay now i gotta jack her phone while she changes her clothes and then i gotta put some weird stuff on her phone then she's gonna give her phone to senpai how many times did i say phone in the last five seconds alright so here we go we're gonna steal the phone that's just resting right on the locker she was asking to get jacked like no cap she was asking for us to steal that phone now we just got to put some weird stuff on it then we got to put it back on our desk and then let's see what happens when senpai sees it hey senpai i want to show you something take a look wow these pictures are great you have a talent for um what what is it what's wrong gosh i really didn't think you'd do this sort of thing what are you talking about let me see [Music] what the what is this how did this get on my phone i guess there's a side of you i never knew about wait i didn't take these pictures i swear you gotta believe me ayano no longer has to worry about competing with osana for senpai's love ayano considers confessing her love to senpai but she cannot build up the courage to speak to him ayano follows senpai out of school and watches him from a distance until he has returned to his home then ayanna returns to her own home and considers what she should do next yandere's simulator is still under development the following cutscene does not have animations there is a possibility that the final version of yandere simulator will only have animated cutscenes if the crowdfunding campaign is a success all right let's check out this cut scene ladies and gentlemen senpai with the ultimate non-matching outfit got the plum colored pants light brown boots and a blue button up okay that's not drip i don't know what is um excuse me damn she sounds confident i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it what huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry every woman knows his name we go to the same school i'm sorry if it's strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong my childhood friend osana she doesn't seem interested in spending time with me anymore she tells me that i haven't done anything wrong but i don't believe her oh so we have to go to the very end for osana to reject senpai talk about it because we had a deal you know when they were talking about at the house earlier okay so this makes sense oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment oh um thank you don't do it they're drunk go ahead take one that white powder ain't what you think it is big dog it's good and senpai was never heard from against better pastries than my mom and dad actually i'm heading to my parents bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while okay so i'm assuming that this is the segway to the next rival no it's so when osana isn't going to be with senpai now she's the next rival that's up she next up bother it all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you well i guess it would be better than moping around okay sure i'll come with you then let's get going that's cool then so once you deal with osana now you have the cut scene so you deal with amai and then i bet you yan-chan is watching from outside the window clenched fist too like arthur fist come on tell me tell me it's so tell me she right outside sweating ass [Music] yup i knew it wait what what a twist it's infochan oh bro little instigator you're safe now oh here we go congratulations on eliminating osanachan why thank you you've successfully gotten away with murder that's quite impressive i didn't kill anybody though what is this exactly are you threatening to expose me i didn't murder nobody i did the pacifist route absolutely not i simply wish to express my respect for your talents but that's not why i'm contacting you today i've learned something that i think you'd like to be aware of take a look at this come on man who is she her name is amayotayaka she's the leader of the cooking club at academy and she's been getting quite cozy with your senpai lately she's fallen for him hard she's quite enamored with the cherry tree myth so i'm pretty sure she'll be confessing to him this friday rotten luck huh right after saving senpai from osana another girl shows up to steal him from you stop playing games get to the point no games it's simple i want to see my suffer and i think you're the best person for the job that's all is that really what this is all about you just want to see girls suffer it's a bit more complex than that but remember what's my bad guys you have until friday to deal with your new rival eliminate her or senpai will never belong to you he already belongs to me psych he just doesn't know it yet all right there you go that was one of the endings of yandere simulator i think that was the pacifist route even though infochan said that we got away with murder that wasn't true but there are more endings and more eliminations to get through with osana if you guys want to see another part of the asana eliminations make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that jay from the cub scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 2,456,910
Rating: 4.9621992 out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, yandere simulator, yandere, simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yan sim, yandere simulator myths, osana, osana yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana, reaction, kubz scouts osana, osana reaction, video games 2020, yandere simulator osana eliminations, funny moments, japan, japanese, anime, sneaking mission, yandere simulator sneaking house, sneaking into house, osanas stalker, good ending
Id: CQvyeGvFJco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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