how Yandere Simulator ENDS if SENPAI REJECTS your RIVAL... they go full SNAP MODE!

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I'm intruding yes I am intruding don't worry about a thing though this is about to get really really spicy we aren't from Alabama you in for jumping boy what do you need yeah I'm kind of needing something to help but senpai to sleep if you catch my drift but if it info chance if you do me dirty again and give me something absolutely clean oh you think you're funny you think you're funny don't you sending me something like this I have to wear this it's funny you're real funny you're real real fine so uh hey there do you like despair my stomach really hurts all the sudden because this bear like a you stop it you delicious creep why are you not in my best friend well there's your daily dose of crunch ladies and gentlemen you are so very welcome why why do I let you guys have any input on the channel the thing is this about to get even worse oh my lord my goal is reached on yet another video so now we are stuck making a bowl D swimsuit baldy baldy on up on a swimsuit [Music] holy so you already know what that means if this video hits 10,000 beautiful legs tonight and yes it has to be tonight I will wear the baldy swimsuit in tomorrow's video once again I will humiliate myself for your enjoyment but you get a hit the likes though and it's a high goal so I'm not sure you're gonna actually do it the proof is already here you can do it yeah I'm a little worried now I have to wear this tomorrow oh I am that's heartbreaking so I'm gonna do you a solid my girl I'm gonna make sure that that crazy orangutan doesn't upgrade from best friend to boyfriend because hand-holding around here that's just a no no no would you please stop quick baiting my face you are not clever cringe boy [Applause] salutations my cheeks may I ask why when I've joined this club can I not put on the maid uniform do you not think I would look good enough I know for a fact I would look good in a maid uniform Pierce I'm never wearing a maid uniform again not even for 15,000 likes will who ever wear these gloves yes I look sleek and unique time to perform a prostitute no that's not what I'm gonna be doing today I'm going to be framing me Lana Bruce Anna's untimely never so tragic demise it will be the saddest event on the calendar this year well that is until I get rid of Hanako hahaha oh you didn't hear anything baby girl would you like to assist me looking looking for trouble no unfortunately trouble always finds me as you can see from the outfit I'm wearing today you guys you guys are trouble we just we just love you so much this love this vest case I don't want to be loved anyway can I get your help please teach oh oh oh oh no must yeah I do what do you think you're going meda I need your help please please sorry maybe later what you mean sorry maybe you liked her now now is what I want you to do it I see what's happening I see what's happening you're gonna spy on my senpai well I'm not gonna be having that am i I love how they're all nervous because they think the teacher is not there and then she's here she's got no respect she's got back though wow I was a boss to some supplies I'm a boxcar I got stock can you help me please yes yes take out take out there we go meet her Anna okay friend girl get framed gonna be brilliant okay so I need to grab that stick it but Rick's my cheeks definitely not gonna hurt right now how do I get rid of Rai Maru how do I get rid of Ribery okay okay there's got to be an opportunity there's got to be an opportunity in here in which she does not see what I get up - can I speak - can I speak to Anna just now where are you going over san where are you going a frame leader Anna it's for science I'm something of a scientist myself so that when the game comes out we know exactly how to eliminate her Oh again you didn't hear nothing Mira we've heard to go around this corner no she didn't come and shake that out she's gotta come and shake that out though she's definitely gonna come and check that out perfect perfect perfect right there come around the corner Lera come around there come around where is she where's she worship she's just there I need to completely round okay there she is there she is there she is she's gotta come around she's gotta come right she's gonna come right together come on whoa whoa okay this is the perfect opportunity this is the perfect opportunity she's a flowing could I just push her off no no I can't - - quick quick quick quick quick and just just just do it just do it quickly what no I didn't do nothing and it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me you couldn't see anything you're even in the right room he's very same fine get out of here no you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know Joe up do you know where she wears me I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I've dropped that I've dropped my box cutter as well this is bad this is bad this is bad is it really bad a totally messed up a nano from class to one knew she didn't wish evidence where's evidence where she evidence maybe I wish your proof there's no proof there's literally zero proof well I didn't work out the way I wanted to do it I'm it's a little crazy huh speaking of crazy in the previous video I asked you to capture this image right before your beautiful eyes and this message this message and this comment really tickled me in a way that was family friends I I laughed I laughed a lot thank you thank you for sending them dirty one seriously though what damage have you befallen in your life that you thought this was a good idea you typically type this away on your phone and thought wow what a great message to say happy like like you like I'm being serious now are you are you okay is there something you want to talk about seriously though every time I upload a video I love going through the comment section because you guys make me laugh so much so if you would like to be featured in the next video yourself caption this image right before your beautiful eyes make me laugh because I already know it's gonna be one of them videos in it right let's be smarter about it this time okay we would have gone away with it if it wasn't for that pesky right guru and the fact that if we wore ourselves a little foxy mask yes we would have definitely definitely got away with our little prank and by prank I mean casual bit of elimination hey baby girl I'm gonna need you to pull this old sorter at the stone if you know what I'm saying that's not a euphemism okay don't don't touch that wait weep Widow right Beru go Reiber is just disappear drivers just disappear quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly go go go go go go go go go go quickly Oh Lord all those people have read this people everywhere because people have no no no oh my gosh is that I didn't okay okay I might have gone away with it I might have gotten away with it nobody knows it was me nobody knows it was me at the moment okay go go go go go go go go go go drop okay okay this fight is fine it's fine don't panic don't panic don't panic adjust each gonna have a shower I just need to go and have a shower and we're gonna be fine just needs a shower and we're gonna be fine okay let me just drop the gloves off drop the gloves off that's fine that's perfect then I'm gonna go in here we have to get the safety I tell the police oh no not the boys in blue whatever will I do so let's just drop this here so let's just drop this here so let's just drop so let's just drop it the boys blue rival school ready to solve a crime that is the face of determination right there that's the face of sadness and that's the face of a man whose wife left him because he couldn't solve how to please her in the veteran the police discovered the body of the San Andreo they discovered the Boxcar with the tomato ketchup of Osan and najimi are you kidding me I know what happened there I think I've just worked out I took the gloves off first and then got rid of the Boxcar meter pink eyes I really shouldn't help my soul because I yeah I'm a broken broken human okay let's see if we can do this properly hold on a second this might be interesting this might be worth a little go ski I'm gonna play Oh sauna my mixtape I'm gonna turn the radio on a su she goes round the corner there we go oh this is perfect oh this is absolutely perfect quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick Coco Coco quick quick quick before she got over there I paid you for that okay I'm gonna drop this real quick drop now okay this is brilliant this is well Wow that was the fast mixtape the loudest partisan mixtape ever we're gonna watch ever I pants though buckle your eyesight's based off a movement like a t-rex so we can go this way perfect yes gotta make sure nobody else is around this won't go unpunished waving it wait wait wait wait wait please tell me they're not after me we still be they're not after me okay oh no no no this cupcakes this cupcakes and there's a Colts this cupcakes Oh they've seen some dark stuff they'll probably be cool with this I start soon with horrible injuries I think they're oh yeah yep yep they are yeah I think the III a doctor or a medical person but yeah they gone bye-bye right now I've gotta be careful gotta be careful to My Chemical Romance Club might not appreciate no no no no is that is that somebody seen me what I'm up to no I don't think so I don't think so okay I'm gonna go up around here let's go around the side the school run this hall get really nervous I'm getting really nervous there's paparazzi everywhere okay now I just need to get rid of the gloves I just need to get rid of the gloves and we'll be all good okay she's there and she's probably gonna be a little bit of an issue I need to wait no no no spot me don't spot me don't spot me DOS spot me you're looking at my ankles yes the god okay ankles on me senpai does not like that I gotta get rid of these gloves gotta get rid of these gloves they're a little bit moist what come that we didn't use a mask this time so we're okay that's it perfect that's as good right that's just good at no cheats just epic yandere simulator I'll take that like let's subscribe and that thank you Pappy in the comment section below the boys are back in town ready to solve a fresh crime and this time they're not gonna be able to solve it because I've been too clever okay we've been - there we go the police discover the fingerprints of mucha keen ma and the nurse went from saving lives to end in lives well lock her up boys that guy's looking a little bit you thirsty for my liking like seeing the nurse in Hanko saying hey it's the boy no blaming though oh I'm gonna be sleeping good tonight actually let me hop on the kayo book wait a minute I can stalk people online stroke Hanako spend the rest of the night cyber stalking the student to learn about their interests okay I'm gonna be learning what Chanukah likes it's literally just gonna be energy of 1,000 I submit that all that is the ass sugar energy levels means Lin you've been exaggerated then look no further than gu upside down now I have the energy to do 1,000 dabs a day energy levels means Lin you've been exaggerated use code daddy hmm yes daddy for 30% off your order today you enjoy your daddy juice what I just sold my soul please use code daddy no words can express the sense of loss we feel as a result of this terrible tragedy I think I speak for everybody here when I say this what's that I'm hearing she's already gone I'm glad you asked so as I was saying it's punishment time baby but not for who you think oh no no no no no it's for Chanukah Imagi and what has she done I hear you say will well be boohoo sad about her brother came together with those Santa well she basically signed the warrant the same Oh Santa the orangutan up to the same pie-in-the-sky and you know the rules and it means she was the original and actually the blackened so we're gonna get her back getting her to get rid of her brother she loves him so much that she's gonna remove him from the planet so he cannot get together with any other girls but then again he might get together with some hot angels moon she didn't think of that one in fact I didn't think of that one plate myself again haven't I that is mine this is mine hey you your soul is mine is it weird that I really do think you look like your brother yep I think that is weird SMI why am i taller than you I will only date a man over six foot I am gonna I am really gonna regret taking her out in the game when it comes out from realsies this is just a test and purposes I have no soul I have no feelings right now but when I when she has voice lines properly in the game I've got to feel what a feel bad about just dragging her across the floor just breaking every bone as I move and then dumper unceremoniously into a box with little to no oxygen but she'll have enough I I have an oxygen tank in my basement I come prepared Ino waits until midnight sneaks inside the school and guess Hanako out from the little case she's got like a little suitcase coz panic oh so compact why are you doing this probably because you've taken the phrase love thy brother a little too seriously and it's verging on Alabama ask all right it's nasty remember guys I'm only joking I don't actually believe she loves a brother like that she's just jealous she's green like the Hulk she wants to smash oh no she's so sad oh it makes me feel so bad look at tiny Sheila no no my plan work though never think of sue she has the hots for her same perfect I would want to get heat things up just there just a little bit I absolutely love being creative with my eliminations bling that it give me your powers wait wait what you got an eyepatch you've got it you didn't even see me you were walking this way and somehow went home I can hear the flame okay I can literally hear the flame as we're having this conversation oh no no no no no excuse excuse can't get excuse for it please please please get me out with this right they're all they're they're all they're they're all they're none of them are gonna see me right and none of them are gonna see me I just need to quickly let me pick up let me pick up there we go to shove it but style there we go perfect perfect perfect okay now I need to quickly run over to Anika because the lessons a star and everybody's running about like nutcases where's Ana go come on where are you with this that guy loved his run this the best runner The Lying Game okay here she is here she is I need Shu Hanako no you're not worthless I've got something very important for you to do get rid of your how happy she is she's like banks on fire and she's like yeah this is a good the good day to be alive well you know gonna be laughs along though Aria maybe she's got a long way to go senpai is on the third floor we are we even gonna get there in time wait he's gonna be halfway through a lesson as well this is gonna be wild well it's gonna be no doubt who's done this one I can't believe you would do your brother like that I can't believe you can think about gotta stop don't what is around people gonna get so mad at me the Hanako Stan's gonna come out the woodwork complain and a Pappy over here oh there's a double teacher as well oh this is gonna be good I'm intruding yes I am intruding don't worry about a thing though this is about to get really really spicy no gran chaco is not she just took a photo she literally just took a photo this is wild Saint by an anaconda leave it over already both teachers are checking about check for a pulse this is absolutely fantastic Oh naw this Buddha this Buddha just don't care just doesn't care oh that was brilliant that was brilliant they could hug in the afterlife together that was probably the nastiest elimination I've ever done to to set Hanako on a brother like that now man I don't think I can actually get any worse if you do think it could get any worse let me know down in the comment section below and I might try out for another video I got a plan in full China I want you to help me out I want you to put a little bit of sedative inside this sarong that I've got I'm gonna give it to Hannah Cole and then we're gonna see if that works at all I'm guessing it's not but that would be interesting sedate your brother today in forever about to remove our brother from the face of the planet mental that's your Robert Little Miss Alabama nice they may they written piece together brother and sister gun up to heaven and I've just realized I completely played myself the objective of the game is to actually win senpai not uses now to use his own sister against him hey guys don't worry don't worry about me I'm just dead removing her wait wait watch we hold it a second how did she survive by a bow will never go ladies and gentlemen it was another yandere simulator video with monokuma that's right you guys voted for it and with 10,000 beautiful likes on today's video tonight but it has to be two nights I will wear the Baldy swimsuit which I've ordered tomorrow in tomorrow's video is but ordered first class was getting here early you guys need to like now just just blank this video alright doing it tomorrow I have to do it eventually I don't as much give in the beautiful raspberries as always for watching and I love each and every single what are you give I I don't know I don't know if that worked
Channel: Razzbowski
Views: 370,527
Rating: 4.9422512 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, yandere, new yandere simulator update, razzbowski, razzbowski yandere simulator, yandere simulator new update, yandere simulator razzbowski, yandere simulator kidnapping, win senpai, yandere simulator senpai, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator osana, yandere simulator end, yandere simulator eliminating senpai, yandere simulator snap, snap mode, snap mode yandere simulator, yandere simulator confession, confession rejection
Id: mvaiUmn1M00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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