I Waited 5 YEARS For My NEW Best Friend OSANA | Yandere Simulator Official Demo

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Can I be you're friend? Are one of these for me? Hi! I love you too. Oh god! What did we just talk about Osana?! You're ruining our friendship right now Osana. [intro music] Five and a half years ago. Five and a half years ago! I played this game for the first time. Senpai, I'm a kitty! Pet me! Pet me Senpai! Oh my gosh, look at cute baby Youtuber Lauren! Five and a half years of waiting, Has finally come to this. The official Yandere Simulator Demo with Osana. So I don't think I've played this game for at least a year. There's been a lot of minor updates here and there, That I have not seen. So I thought that the best way to play this game would be, Coming from a person who has not played the game in a long time, Because I mean...that's what's happening. But of course I saw Bijuu Mike, And Jay from the Kubz scouts, And Razzbowski And even Corey Kenshin putting out videos about this already. And they have been following every little update. I have not. So I'm gonna play the game how I would play, If I downloaded this and had no idea what was going on. Because, that's basically where I'm at right now. So if you're looking for me to deep dive in to every little detail of the new demo, This is the wrong video for you. If you're looking to get some laughs, And some perspective from somebody who hasn't played it in over a year, Then you're in the right place! Also make sure to leave a like, For having our five and a half year wait finally pay off! Oh I'm so excited! OK! Let's just start! We've been waiting long enough. This is so cute. New game. You know what I've never done? Made my own Senpai. I think we're making our own Senpai today! Cause that's what I would do, if I was playing this game for the first time. Think I want crazy hair Senpai, Oh! Oh let's go with the Kokona hair. Kinda digging the teal eyes, 3D glasses cause he's a little bit of a weirdo like me. Oh facial hair? Oh, oh, oh! Yeah! Let's give him an evil french mustache! Wow! He's gorgeous! Oh my god, he looks like a hot mess! He looks like somebody that you would run the opposite direction from if you saw him in the street! But he is my Senpai, and I love him. Oh my god, I can't get over Senpai, What is wrong with it? I don't even know what I should name him. He needs a different name. There's an intro? Oh! I've been away a long time! It looks so bad cause he's so creepy! Oh my god, he's so creepy! [laughs] The creepiest guy at school! Oh look at him and his beautiful, purple, crazy hair, His french mustache and goatee, His 3D glasses, he's so weird and quirky! I'm not like other boys, goodbye! Really girl? Did you see him? [gasps] Not 3D glasses man! Damn you Osana! I love the intro! Oh.. Oh no, she got Osana's head! Oh my god, that's amazing! This is so good! Yeah! YEAH! Lets get her! Let's get Osana! Alright, room still looks pretty familiar, Oh! I have not been to the town yet. I know that's been out a little bit but - [gasps] What?! Oh my god, what do I do? I'm so overwhelmed by all the new - ew! Oh my god, it's best friend! Best friend, what are you doing? Gross! You're disgusting, best friend! This is why you need me in your life! Can we see anything in the boats? Why did the music stop? There's ghost boats everywhere! Who's driving this boat? Wait a minute, this is a... [gasps] Wait a minute... Who are you?! Hey! Oh. I think he spotted me. Who is this sketchy person? Alright, guess we'll find out later. A gift shop? Oh, hello! Ugh, a customer...wow don't turn me in to a Karen, you don't wanna see me as a Karen! Electronic store. Oh my god, why do you work at every store? Oh OK, thank god it's a different person! Oh! These might come in handy later! Alright, guess we'll go home, And finally go to school, I don't know if I'm prepared! I don't know if I'm prepared to see Osana! Oh my god, there's no D-bug menu? There's no fast-forwarding time, This is like the real deal now! How am I gonna play? [gasps] There she is! Sneaky sneaks! Hey! Stop peeping behind me! Can't you see I'm listening in their conversation? Hmm...school roof top... Oh my god, look at her! Hey, you spying too? This is my spying spot, OK? Oh you wanna spy-off? I'll give you a spy-off. Cause you're the worst! No it's not! I have been waiting for you For five and a half years girl! Five and a half years! Alright, I made Osana blurry. I need to see you in all of your terrible glory. So, I guess I just follow you guys? Is that what I do? I don't know what else to do. I can't speed up time! Urgh! I was so spoiled before! Put your stupid shoes on. Oh do I have to put my stupid shoes on? Oh, I changed my shoes - I'm so much quicker than you! Girl, back off! I don't even care about Senpai, I just wanna beat you! Osana is gonna be my new best friend. Raibaru... You can kiss my butt. I will be between both of you at all times. That is my new role in life. Get out of our way Raibaru! We don't want you here! Can I be your friend? Are one of these for me? Can I eat one? Yeah, get outta here! Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, Can I do something to them? I thought I could do something to them. I want to poison - Oh I don't have poison! Well that makes sense! I can't just conjure up poison out of thin air, Ah! Ah! I have to be between you! OK. You guys almost left without me, You're new best friend! Oh! There's a new option! Raibaru, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE WAY! Oh I hate her. OK. I will get it for you. Yes,I will do anything for you Osana, You're my new best friend. CAUSE I HATE THIS FRIGGIN' PIG TAILED BLONDE GIRL SHE IS MY NEW RIVAL! Not you Osana, you're totally lovely. Raibaru, you will die. Alright, we gotta go to the maze. Oh! Oh, I saw something. [gasps] There we go! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie! Learned new topic: Cats I learned what a cat was! Yay! Oh god I'm gonna - Oh I'm gonna die in here. I'M GONNA DIE IN THIS MAZE! Oh my god. What? Help! Am I just really dumb? Help me! Somebody help! Oh my god, did I find the...Oh thank god. Oh my life flashed before my eyes. Ah! Senpai looks like there's legit something wrong with him, Like I think I'm taking the better option of trying to become friends with Osana than trying to be with Senpai. I mean, look at him. He looks like a crazy person! I just don't know where Osana is right now, where is she? I've lost her. What is happening at the end of the hall? No! I missed something! What was happening? What were you doing? Osana, I have your kitty cat charm! I'm gonna swallow it if you don't answer me soon! Why won't you talk to me? Osana, I have your kitty cat charm. I have your frigging kitty cat charm. Can I please just give it to you? Oh my god it's crazy Senpai. Raibaru where are you going? I'm just gonna go over here too. I'm gonna block your view, there we go. Hey I have your kitty cat charm, Can I talk to you? Excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me? It doesn’t say I'm eaves dropping anymore! Lady...I have your kitty cat charm. Hey! Lady! Oh she's staring at me. Oh she loves me. Hi, I love you too, Oh god! Oh this is... This is getting naughty! I hate what's happening right here, Raibaru get out of here. [gasps] I have your kitty cat charm! You're welcome. Are we friends? What? We're not friends. Oh hey Raibaru. Are you sitting over here alone? Oh, well that's too bad that you're all alone over here. Are you telling me Osana doesn't wanna sit with you? Well, she'll let me sit with her. Oh! Ah! Sorry! No, no, no, no! Oh I've ruined our relationship. OK fine, she doesn't want me to sit with her either. I'll sit over here with you with the loser club. Oh! Fine, I won't sit with you either! I hate all of you! I HATE ALL OF YOU! Alright, what are we doing now? Oh my god, it's giving me the option to dr- I don't know! I love how nobody's stopping me. Nobody's stop- oh! Wait..Oh she's alive! Damn it! Damn it! I didn't think that it would let me do it, I thought it would like, be like 'No, you can't do that!' But it let me do it! Nobody stopped me! Oh we chasin'! Oh we chasin'! Oh, we gonna spy? [whispers] Go spy! [whispers] Spy! [whispers] Yes! Hee, hee, hee! There's no way Raibaru didn't see me go in here. Oh who are you talking to? Who are ya talking to? Oh god. What? What? What are you guys doing? I can't hear! What the gaming squad coming in here and ruining everything? Yeah, get outta here! Get outta here gamers! Oh, where are you guys going? Why didn't you invite me? I'll help you! I'll be your best friend! Creepy! I can be the only stalker! Oh! I wasn't listening, I was just... I love fans! I'm just... Looking at this fan. Oh god... just looking at this fan! N-nothing to see here! Alright, let's go home for the day and then tomorrow I may or may not have looked up how to... Officially befriend Osana. As an elimination. Which I feel like is the best fitting scenario for this first play through. Because my whole thing in Yandere Simulator has always been making best friends! Oh, what are you guys talking about today? No! [laughs] There's no way that he doesn't see me! Look at me! Crazy purple haired man, I'm her best friend, stay away from her! She's mine! Alright so apparently what we need to do is look at the bulletin board. Ah, ah! Find locker. Yes. I want to speak with you about...stalkers and blackmail! Very straightforward! Please meet me on the school roof top, At er...four PM! Hee, hee, hee, hee! Alright, and now we wait till four PM! OK, I just saw them go back here. Yes! [whispers] Yes! Offer help? Yes! I did it! You finally acknowledge me! A hostage? HOW DARE HE?! Are we going there? Are we going there? I will prove to you, That I... Will be your best friend. Alright, are we legit going to this persons house? Raibaru, you just stood around and did nothing! Oh it's my old best friend! Oh well, I have a new best friend now! I've been waiting five and a half years for her! I'm sorry! Sorry Kokona! OK so, do we go visit this guy now? [gasps] I did it! By cheating and looking up what I needed to do! Hee, hee, hee! Oh it's a whole new cut scene. Yes! This is what I wanted! I wanted something new! Something completely new! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! We goin' stealth baby! Anything for my best friend I don't even care about Senpai anymore! I realised, That I've been waiting for so long for Osana, That I now love Osana. Cause I've just wanted her so bad! Oh! How convenient! Right to the window and everything! I'm scared! What happens if he sees me? Can I kill him? [gasps] Ew! Osana kinda looks like his sister. Gross. What a creeper! I mean, I shouldn’t be talking but what a creeper! Am I going downstairs? Who the heck is that? Somebody else robbing the house at the same time? Stealth! Stealth! Down the dark hall way! Yes. [door creaks open] What did I just walk into? How did he not hear the door? Where's this cat? [whispers] Oh there's the cat. Oh, he thinks Osana looks like this - [gasps] Argh! No! No! I will though. No, we're destined to be together! Yes I can, I'm about to do it right now. Come on kitty! Aw, look how cute it is! Oh it's so cute! It's got a little bow and everything! OK. Oh am I just walking out the front door? Let's just walk out the front door. Nobody here. Yes! YES! I got my new best fiends cat! Aw! It's so cute! Oh! Oh you welcome! Just be my friend! Osana is eager to report her stalker to the police, However, she knows that the process could take a long time, So she decides to visit Ayano's house and get her cat back before contacting the police. The next morning, Osana arrives at Ayano's house... We're becoming friends! This is all I've ever wanted! Oh what do I do? If I serve her the drugged tea I can take the cat for myself. If I serve her the normal tea she can be my best friend. What happened? I didn't make a decision. I didn't make a decision! I'm guessing I gave her the normal tea? I guess we're doing the friendship option, Because I took too long to decide. [gasps] Did I win? Yes. Yes. But I still want you to be my best friend. Also can you give me your cat cause it's really cute? Cause...cause we're best friends? Wow! I win? I win Yandere Simulator? Five and a half years later, do I win? I win! Oh. Girl, I thought we had an understanding. I'm just running through the rest of the week so I can confess my love. What are you doing? I should of killed her. I should have drugged her. Hmm... If you ruin our friendship that's what's gonna happen to you. Wow, he doesn't like your hair! He doesn't like your hair. What did we just talk about Osana? You're ruining our friendship right now Osana. If she confesses her love to him still, I swear to god! I'm just trying to make the days pass so we can get to Friday, And I can find out if I won. OK, so today's the day! But I'm now just realizing I never told Senpai to come out here. I don't know if that matters, We shall see. Let' see, will he show up? I don't even want Senpai actually, This is just a test for Osana! [gasps] He's coming! Is that...wait that's not him. Uh-oh. Who the heck is that? Er.....hello? I'm kind of scared, Who is this? Hello? Who are you? Er...I got scared there for a second I thought he was gonna come profess his love for me. Oh there's art over there. Great! Oh god, there's a bunch of people coming over this way. Say I'm just now realizing I don't now how to win in this actually! Oh it's all the art students. Oh no, is he not gonna come? [laughs] Oh no! I mean, as long as Osana doesn't come here, And try to profess her love after I asked her not to. [sings] Lonely! [sings] I am so lonely! [sings] I have nobody, [sings] To call my own! Oh what do I do? Ayano no longer has to worry about competing with Osana for Senpai's love. Yes! OK! Our friendship is true! Ayano considers confessing her love to Senpai... But she cannot build up the courage to speak to him. Ayano follows Senpai out of school and watches him from a distance until he has returned home. Then, Ayano returns to her own home, and considers what she should do next... Is that it? [laughs] Oh Jesus! Alright, what happens if I go to bed? Saturday?! The following cut scene does not have any animations.... What is the next cut scene? What is this? You are not looking...What is this street wear that you have? [whispers] No, its the next one! No! He looks terrible! He looks awful! She has cupcakes. I feel like she should be my new best friend. She shall be my new best friend. His mustache is so bad! So bad! Yeah, she became friends with me, that's what happened! She don't need you anymore Senpai! I'm gonna get all these girls that love you to become my best friends, So you can be alone. And I can have all of them. I want cupcakes. [sings] She shall be my best friend soon. Look at all the bread! You can not resist! I mean, Amai's definitely the best rival, I would pick her too. She comes with a bakery so... She's number one on my list! Oh that Senpai booty though! Am I there? Who...Oh Info-Chan! I was like who's that? Oh!! [whispers] No! What happens on Sunday? What with all the cut scenes? [you're safe now] That's how I spend my Sundays! Oh, what? Mmm thanks! Friendship, friendship cur- That's the lesson to today’s video, Friendship conquers all. Oh, what's that? [gasps] Argh!! And there's bread everywhere! No! I don't want him. Oh! I got an end credit scene! My first official Yandere Simulator Demo play through! And that is how I chose to do it. Friendship! Through friendship! I mean it's kinda fitting because, I grew the most with Yandere Simulator from all my best friend stuff, So I just put all that onto Osana this time. But yeah! If you want to see me play more of the Yandere Simulator Demo, There's literally so many different elimination paths, That I haven’t even touched on, There's so many different little like cut scenes and chatting sessions, So, we'll see how this video does, If you want me to continue then make sure you leave a like so that I know, If you're new to the channel, Why not hit the subscribe button, That's over here somewhere. Also, there's some other similar videos over here that you can check out, If you made it this far in the video you'll probably like these. And there's some merch over there too! And as always, I will Z you guys soon!
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,017,862
Rating: 4.9654417 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere simulator update, laurenzside yandere simulator, yandere sim, yan sim, new yandere simulator update, funny moments, new build, yan sim myths, osana, rivals, yandere simulator official demo, yandere simulator demo, demo, best friend, reaction, first time, rival elimination, friendship
Id: vLu4FPf90lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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