Yandere Simulator has an Official Ending Now...

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all right sorry I was late I was late I sincerely apologize my scrubs out there I was late to this new bill the be on dairy simulator sometimes I just don't get shut up sometimes I just don't get emails and I didn't know it was out but here I am we're played the new billet of yandere simulator and from the looks of it from what I saw in the emails it adds it's actually adding a really interesting feature that's a young Jerry I made young Ginny young Ginny simulator what did the caption say this time sometimes that YouTube captions are literally just like YouTube employees smashing their head on the keyboard or something I don't really know oh there's Ginny hi Ginny I don't know why her name be Ginny is just so hilarious oh no I forgot to turn the graphics back up you undertale fans are really gonna love this one because this one's called saving a loading and genocide now youtube I just want to let you know right now yes I am saying that word but it's related to the game undertale which you all know and love undertale I'm sure that's the reference are going for so nothing else that's just it so firstly it looks like we have a safe and loading which is we already kind of did have it but I guess it's been improved I see which is really interesting and I think what Jalen the Cub Scouts is probably really gonna love from what I've been seeing on his YouTube channel you can save your current progress in the alphabet killer challenge okay I think like maybe we need to give it another try because that is just a major step forward in the ABC killer challenge and even a little bit of bugs may be happening in that and the saving a loading thing alright moving on to the genocide Andy right here he talks about how far cry 4 has a secret ending well that's the sort of thing I want to include in my games which brings us to the new future it is actually now possible to get an ending and yandere simulator for the first time ever we can get it actual ending other than like yo your senpai decided to move to Hawaii simply wait hula-hooping with coconut in Hawaii and now they lived happily ever after you did not get your rival earn your love whatever so what exactly is the criteria for this ending I'll give you a few clues if I must remain inside of school I mean why it's pretty obvious I'm already by the name but the task must be completed over the course they the first day the first day of gameplay it will not trigger if Easter eggs are activated or if the ZD by I know my secret weapon it's called the genocide ad for a reason well if you're a fan of a turtle you know exactly what that means we have to eliminate everyone in this school I'm excited we're gonna give it an honest-to-god try I don't know if we're gonna beat it because it might take forever so don't know don't know guys oh my god I needed my key to fix the graphics yeah be careful when you mess with the graphic settings because like it I don't know what it does it does something to them it just turns everyone to like Christmas lights as you can see is they go off the screen they just kind of start blinking whatever that's that's okay our goal is to kill apparently every student in the game and we can't use this is gonna be insane alright well I guess let's just get started and the crappy part about this is that we don't as far as I know we don't have any help that we would in the epc challenge which was already very hard to begin with but at least now we don't have to eliminate them an ABC order which is a very very good thing but that doesn't change the fact that this is still gonna be extremely hard will not only eliminate them but not get caught but the good news is that we can actually save the game every time we eliminate somebody so it's really a it's a give and take situation kind of thing no I don't have any sneak bombs or amnesia bonds okay okay well the first thing I'm gonna do is join the arc Club that way we know we can have blood on us and no one will even bat an eye and party does what I joined the science club as well because I want that little robot but we can't do that so I think the best course of action just so people won't stare at us all the time and ask us like why we got all the ketchup on us we're gonna join the art club so that's exactly what I'm gonna do joining us yeah boy it works I don't think it an apron I thought you had an apron when you join this ok well let's test it out is this weird it what's weird oh my god I did I didn't mean to do that jump-scare tell you accidentally after activity stir eggs all right well I gotta say this challenge is not starting off on a good foot so far I still have hope though that we could complete this Oh oh my god I forgot to change I it's been so long since I joined this all right give me a break all right now when we have the red paint on us we'd be good we should be good good good now they really won't suspect a thing all right well I mean we get so easy bug commands to sell parts of the roof and you know great Midori is already up here now in case you guys didn't know I actually tried this challenge like oh where where is she how am I supposed to complete this challenge when there's literally go staring at me this is why I didn't want to do the ABC challenge well we already got our first bug of the day apparently I'm just gonna throw her over the roof if she leaves the school I can't complete the challenge oh my gosh she's leaving this school get a hey no you don't I will use don't make me use the demon powers I will use the demon powers right now come here come here you I mean that is that couldn't use this here that's right whoo stop it's the hope I got she's scary stop it wait oh my god I can't do anything okay that's just even more scary this really turned into a horror game like real fast I'm here shooter just slide with her wheels why giggles oh come on listen I know you you guys you yeah you yeah dairy gamers out there are thinking oh you're cheating you're cheating well when the game cheats me I'm gonna cheat the game all right that's just how we go Dee if the game is not gonna play fair I'm not gonna play fair either why should I odd Oh someone found Midori they found Midori again not the best start to the challenge but I remain optimistic maybe that was just a little tiny bug that probably won't happen again after all I only have to kill them I don't necessarily have to hide all of the bodies right so I think we need to keep that in mind and just remain optimistic for this challenge it is possible let's say together it's possible we can do this together with the power of Technology and love disregard what the challenge actually is it's love it we need love to complete this okay all right that's two down already hey nice so now I'll just save the game how do you save our there it is so now if we get caught we just got a restart that's that's gonna be easy maybe this isn't gonna be as hard as I thought it would be but I will put everyone over here this is gonna be my pile wait the kool-aid pool is don't actually save right so that means if we reload the game the kool-aid won't be on the ground oh okay all right you know let's let's try that because if that's the case and this will be actually really easy and I was worried about this for nothing oh oh oh just like that no I'm not in a club oh my god hey what when did she see it huh this is a disaster I'm not even in my club anymore yandere dev was right about the bugs because there's definitely bugs in here okay and I'm just not even in my club anymore they forgot I joined apparently and now I'm stuck at a time loop of one of the bullies I take it a picture and now I don't think that's ever gonna go away it says right here it is now possible to save and load in the middle of school game play it expects the game to create a fairly accurate reproduction of the school scene who is alive who's dead where the corpses are whether a yandere chan is wearing her uniform or club attire it says right here the game is attracting the existence of kool-aid pools or kool-aid I gotta stop bloody footprints to loading a save will cause all played in the school to disappear that's a pretty significant exploit I can't apparently you actually got it to work just fine yandere dev because it's all still here MIT - Mike Leavitt Eyre which is actually supposed to be here so it's like working and opposite let's try loading it again maybe just load right she did not see me when I left the game I know that I know she didn't see me it's saved look at the flowers but she isn't calling the cops no so I guess that's a good thing I I don't really know oh no that frickin lady from the old lady thing for spongebob that use the chocolate saw me crab I need to get an apron on stat come on you don't remember me no good what does that mean that's like the worst insult you can give someone just take no good oh no he let me join alright he looked past the flowers on me okay now I can't change this is a big problem I think the game believes that I still have the apron on when I clearly don't though whatever I'm just gonna eliminate as many of them as I can I'm pretty certain I'm gonna fill this oh my god what happened what did they do that oh you don't know you don't oh my god she's just frozen oh she's still talking am I being detained all right I gotta try something else yeah don't dev seem to be applying with that exploit being used but of course with my luck the exploit was almost impossible to do so maybe perhaps there is another exploit that I could use to my advantage that I hope he overlooked because if he did then this is gonna make the challenge very very easy wait why do I have my a fur on now alright you know we're not gonna question it technically this would be an easter egg but I'm gonna see if we could use the bike to eliminate the students because that's gonna make this pretty easy I don't think they're gonna be pepper spraying me while I'm going a million miles an hour haha alright alright thick wait this is gonna be so easy haha you should have never gave me the power you built this you built your own destruction that's what I'm talking about yeah and they'll never suspect Yui cuz I'm wearing an apron the apron cancels all outs I'm just gonna shoot in every direction think this is all we'll need actually even better yet we gonna sell ports to the beginning of the school and no one will be able to leave this is a solid proof plan I really hope this doesn't count as a nation Rea because if it doesn't really waste you buy time it's like shooting fish in a barrel oh my god run along sit I know supplies gotta be here doesn't eat no no pause pause pause timeout timeout i get a timeout it says right there say if I must okay all right you know what that's fine that's fine we can just stop him oh no if I stop it get out get help me get out go go go go okay I think I did it all right again a game cheated me okay no I don't god I used the wrong debugger bands at every start of the whole game I actually have an idea what if we were to use the debug commands for Z this is just this is just a test it out right and then we save the game and then load the game will the game know that we use it you see you see what I'm doing Oh everyone pitches off all over no wait wait wait wait wait what up this is because the teachers maybe the teachers are here wait a minute it's Friday no wonder why it didn't work it's Friday why is it Friday all right maybe can we just change the day what depot commands if you couldn't tell already I'm really trying to get around this challenge because I know it's gonna be so hard and now I just because I think it's hard itself but the bugs itself what the heck oh wow okay so don't load the game while you had to Easter rig it's just yonder each ant but without Easter eggs oh we got to try that again that's hilarious alright so it is Monday I have my hypothesis so if well it's not really a hypothesis it just didn't work but I am very oddly shaped okay maybe it's cuz I accidentally activate Easter eggs I still holding on to hope that I could cheat my way out of this I gotta wonder though does snap mode actually work for this challenge you didn't say that that was against the rules I feel like we can't do anything around here surely we could snap it up but I don't think that would work because maybe maybe maybe if you have like a few students left but I think eventually you would just end up killing senpai which would break the rules so maybe not the hardest part of this challenge is really gonna be killing the student council because they're so annoying they are just very very annoying all right I'm gonna I'm gonna give this another honest try alright first phase of the plan eliminate all students on top of the roof they are the just issues at the moment with the help of this apron they should never notice that I do this Oh get her before she goes to the door hurry okay all right that was easy all right the only people that should ever come up here now is the boss's sisters right right but if they decide to see me through walls then I don't know what I'm gonna do all right I'm gonna go and save it I'm gonna try save every kill or every few kills just to make sure that we don't lose our progress yeah it totally saves the the blood pools every time there's no getting around I don't know why you said it did it no hey we're still good we're still good I'm pretty confident in this this is a good run this is a very good run oh my god okay where where oh okay every era bro come here bro all right that's your full frame you guys didn't even give me my eyes that time she pepper sprayed me in my stomach I don't have eyeballs they're two hours later who knew a challenge would be hard what the heck oh wow okay so this is what happens when you hold the bat and then you save it and loaded the bat will just float in midair yeah that's my problem I should have been using the back is in there there would be no any red kool-aid anymore dang it yeah I know I can't drop the bat all right after much trial and error I think I found a very very important development in this whole project the student council is the biggest problem right well I found out when they actually see a body they go to try and tell the teacher and when they do that they're actually very easy to eliminate allow me to demonstrate using majority as a test subject there now all we have to do is unlock one of them they'll seer shall run to the teacher who actually don't exist but you don't know that right BAM it's that easy Wow I've been making this so hard it's as simple as easy as two steps like they get they have tunnel vision I love it yes I think we figured it out guys well we're about to find out if it works with these with it with it with a diamond I guess something called the debug demon but I didn't say but couldn't use it I mean look out easy and simple this is now whether it works is still up for debate right but you gotta say this is a pretty efficient method to do this if it what if it does work that is I feel like I deserve a prize just for that just for coming up with this simple solution took lots of brainstorming you have no idea no that was everyone who is he I did it I know I did so fine he look it he's there this is actually counted was that was that was that recognize this cheating I mean fair a fair enough but come on okay okay guys unfortunately that's all the time I have right now I'm gonna give this another shot tomorrow and we'll see if we could pass it I'm well I will pass it eventually but right now it's just way to break it heart but anyway I'm gonna go edit this video now it's smash like to be enjoyed and and I'll see you scrubs the next one bye guys [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 285,217
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator end, yandere simulator genocide route, yandere simulator genocide
Id: O66FgziOi6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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