OSANA ELIMINATES RAIBARU - Yandere Simulator Official Demo

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rybaroo she's like a tank she's the tank of yandere simulator nobody can beat her not even blue eyes white dragon oh no no no no no if there's an arm opera if there's an arm out there she'll break it oh i guarantee you she'll break it her favorite game arms that's the only game she plays it's all a game to her i had a really weird idea what if osana killed rybaroo that that might actually work guys this is revolutionary this has never been thought of it's definitely not a scheme that we can do she may break my arm she may break clarence's arm she may break your arms but can she break her best friend's arm i gotta see this i really don't know what happens and she could be like no sonic what are you doing to be honest i don't even know if we can do this but i just thought it would be super evil can we get osana to kill rybaroo thus eliminating two it's two birds with one stone i don't got a lot of times so i need them both out of here last episode in case you guys missed last episode we did the um i'm um match make obama hello my fellow americans i'd love to go on a date last episode we met to make obama it was crazy guys you see it check it out if you missed it all right but in order to do that we gotta kidnap uh osana right wait a minute hey where's my debug commands no where did they go they're gone it's like they recognize it's like i didn't even beat the game i totally did oh this ain't gonna do there we go that's what i'm talking about huh that's the stuff right there all right we're gonna start the kidnap osana joining the gaming club and use the computer to boost your biology stats still surrendering the infirmary okay get rid of rybaru that's easy i know how to do that all right we gotta get osana to drop the sedative pleasure doing business with you thank you it's so messed up she's so supportive of her but yet she's gonna kill her you can do this you know they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer except sometimes your friends are your enemies yeah i just i made them better so now you gotta keep your friends closer than your enemies by your enemies even closer everyone's your enemy there oh there's the stuff thank you thank you info chan love you all right the nurse is over there great good to know can you still make her like super thick by doing the j cheat wait doesn't it work it's like you have to put like that dude that's a thicker we gave the nurse instant plastic surgery i guess i'm yuno gasai now all right wait wait a minute we need to bring something back that i totally forgot about hey look we go in the mean closet now look at that oh it's been upgraded and everything look at that scrumption there you are buddy where is that little piece of crap okay guys if you've seen scrub chan please contact the authorities i do not know where scrojet is i swear i it's a wrestler i swear i had it hey speaking of scratching you hey what's the merch huh this shirt is the most comfortable shirt i've ever worn i'm not playing it up at all it is it is nice though i like it just saying damn get it down below just saying all right so now that we have the syringe and the sedative i think all we actually need to do is go and distract rybaroo in order to do that we talked to buda boy her lover oh there he is right now my arm still isn't the same wait okay wait we need to get osana to follow us but i forgot how to do that like we need to do her task too right uh now i remember i think i tried to do this for me but it was a problem no we can do this we can do this come on me look at me i'm so cool you come on oh all of a sudden she loves me now hey guys i didn't cheat all right i didn't cheat there's no cheating here normally we would have to go and talk to everyone we already did that with uh rybaroo basically but we just did the opposite hey i've put in my dues okay okay lead her to the gym storage room with a large black box i have something to show you but i must say you might get so bored you'll fall asleep she's like i don't understand what you're talking about that's that's okay that's okay nothing not doing anything over here keep acting please wait wait wait please tell me this works wait do we have our biology up oh no okay that's that's that's a bad thing i think we need our biology i almost killed her that would not have been good now that i've done all the requirements oh she's dead she's asleep right i've made a terrible mistake no wait no i went to the wrong room i made a chair i went to the wrong room dega i was one of my flowers came out of her neck ah no ah jeez i'm freaking messed up man oh my god oh her lover followed me oh my god and he attacked us he's like you killed the person i was talking whoopsie whoopsie sometimes you mess up don't worry i will not make the same mistake twice that's crazy even if you kill osana he'll still follow you and then tackle you i'm sure osana will be fine by herself oh santa will be fine but not you okay now that we're in the real room that we're supposed to be in this should all go so smoothly guys knock knock [Music] there was no punchline to that joke oh my god oh my god it's like she's gumby or something all right so now we just gotta dump her in here i really want to know though she actually says anything because i know obviously we've done this a million times other people uh i sound awful but but does anything change with asana that she has like special lines now that's one thing i really wanted to see wait is he gonna go to her he's like i could sense her my sentences are tingling how could he know where she's at it's like he could smell her what a weirdo look at him [Music] he knows that she's in here but yet he doesn't want to rescue her maybe he's into that i don't know now all we have to do is end the day yeah can't forget scrub chan ayana waits until midnight sneaks into school and returns to the musical instrument case that contains her unconscious victim she pushes the case back to her house and tries and ties the victim to a chair in her basement hello how's my little orange experiment doing i haven't been out here a long time so she still has coke in his lines okay so that part is obviously not done all right all right what do you say osana one hour torture 18 how about 18. what are you doing don't come any closer stay away stop no that's right we forced her to watch all of nikata avocados videos i personally have nothing against them i just thought it was funny i just know that some of the videos she does is crazy okay we forced we forced her to watch my videos that's torture enough right i forced her to watch every young dairy simulator video i've ever done rybru is probably so sad right now [Music] all right her sanity is 55 we got to get it all the way down right again it's the last time i'm going to play yandere simulator before osana comes out whoa the [ __ ] the schooling hey they set the school i came to school an hour late and yet everyone else did too aren't they supposed to be in school already you're telling me every single person was late what is this the truman show are they have are they all waiting for me alone i was really disrespectful or shut the gate here don't worry i'll i'll do you guys a favor let me open it back up for y'all see i'm not a bad person i'm a good person how is right brew taking that uh osana's not in school all she's saying she's like i don't feel like breaking any arms today i'm just not in the mood hospital's like oh thank god what about her lover where is he did he did he not come to school too oh but it was lunchtime i think he eats lunch on the roof right oh he's not sad when has he moved on has he moved on with his life uh oh do you think i'm doing something weird uh you're just watching wait you want me to matchmake you with osana but she's not here oh but don't worry you'll see her soon enough soon enough my dear osana look who i brought all right it is now officially friday and i think she's ready oh she's ready all right ryberu's time is coming so will rybru just go to her be like what's wrong you seems different today i'm useless osana come on hey surprise hey here she is she's just like oblivious and she's like oh thank god you're finally here i want to see if her lover will follow her still all right first now we need a weapon well i guess we could just go to the roof huh now that we got some debugs otherwise i just get scissors but whatever all right so she just doing the moonwalk okay there we go give weapon you think she would have took this away from me huh does she not care oh i feel so evil do i not have i don't okay i don't have rye brew on my pokemon uh uh it decks pokedex hey say cheese don't worry no strings attached there's nothing wrong i don't know why it does this can't freaking see her it's too bad we can't get her to kill senpai that would have been so cool oh it does work osana is not jimmy's best friend the two of them spend almost all their time with one another and they'll have plenty of time in the afterlife too you better run run right brew that wasn't very nice who taught you this so why didn't she break osana's arm huh oh crap she see it oh she seen it oh no she saw the flowers i've been instructed to call the police if i find blood on school premises i wish i didn't have to do this maybe a violent amendment academy high school i've never heard that voiceline right now did she what she just told osana to come here but osana's dead or well sorta she actually didn't die what the heck happened where are they going she's just scared now this is an older build so i don't know if this bug has been fixed oh he has not found out yet he has not found out yet you did that's gonna that's gonna be a tough one what they're talking how are they talking osana where's your son she's supposed to be dead i am so confused what the heck well that's what happens okay now we know like i said this has probably been fixed in the newer build but i don't know because i haven't tried it in the newer builds here let's see if we can move asana let's teleport her here and see if she starts talking she'll be a zombie wash caesar talking what the heck guys we just did an epic zombie glitch that was sick what the heck we're gonna end the day and just see what happens i don't know what's gonna happen the police are ripe at school the police discover the corpse of osana oh no well she she was standing she looked fine i don't know what you guys were talking about oh no they found the match of osana on there they cannot solve this mystery [Music] i'm pretty sure my fingerprints were on there but oh well the police are stupid all right what does simp i have to say about such a heinous thing my childhood friend osana she was murdered i can't believe someone could do this i miss her so much i don't understand how i could possibly go back to my normal life after something like this has happened the most devastating thing in my life just happened cake today's script of the day goes to [Music] fishy style bug hunts are next who knows guys leave some bugs down below things you want me to try and you might be in next episode we'll see but i'll see you scrubs in the next one bye guys [Music] huh me
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 383,391
Rating: 4.9605207 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, osana yandere simulator, osana release gameplay, Yandere simulator demo, osana is complete, bijuu mike osana, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana is out, osana is here, osana najimi yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere sim, yandere, sim, osana gameplay, osana, osana befriend betray, osanas cat, cat yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, senpai, senpai yandere simulator, osana matchmaking demo
Id: -CuCloasPH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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