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that's a really really weird way to get back to your class I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm frantically doing circles breaking news hello I am Beecher breakfast brunch Scouts and today we have a breaking news story I had to make an emergency episode of Jerry's essential later wait no I'm sorry excuse me we're not playing garrison chili we're playing non-dairy simulator that's what we're playing so probably vegans out there don't worry we're playing non-dairy simulator today and it's an emergency episode so if you guys are ready let's just buckle into it so why am I making this Albury / Alvaro Fabian posted a video says yes it's possible to frame the teachers so for all you haters out there they told me it wasn't possible Alvaro Fabian proved you wrong okay so that's the news that's the news in today's news I will link them down below because credit goes to them and I was so surprised yesterday we tried to frame and ascend the teacher to jail but it wasn't possible or so we thought and of course that's why you're subscribed because it is non-dairy after all so yeah you're welcome town ok hurry red red fast it's emergency this needs to stop oh it's a ghost town in here you and your stupid black hair I'm trying to just buck away to a tie and you won't let me yeah everyone's alive again ok so guys all right let's not waste any time so apparently if my sources aren't correct you can actually buckle into it bring me the teachers of course I know exactly what I'm doing which I do find this really interesting because the Andheri dev didn't know that it was possible but guess what Easter eggs there's so many Easter eggs in the game that things get very very unpredictable so at least one of the ways that's Alvaro Fabian made that I guess a glitch technically it's a glitch work was he went into cyborg mode which is what we will do I haven't done this one a while is it C no that's cirno mode sy promotes white whoa whoa what is that listen I'm only censoring it because I think I have to it's not even nothing bad there's literally nothing there but YouTube's algorithm says no no no there's nothing there we'll come on to theis you it happened yesterday drove me freaking insane hey wait why can't I walk into the girls locker room what the heck okay that was weird that's better all right family friendly now I forgot how hard cyborgs mode slaps so looks like I'm already part of the drama club which says save this time because that's what we got to do we got to join the drama club and we have to use the box cutter technique the box cutter method in order to frame the teachers I don't know exactly how this is gonna work but we're just gonna give it a shot and hopefully it works out for the best we're sinica JEP we're sitting up we're sitting a gazelle the teacher today what give me bad grades once you go to do all right guys step one go to the art room masking tape box cutter check awesome sideboard gear check buckle into it on top of the box cutter stuff we have to get an actual knife go over there I'm a cyborg woman I just can't get it my box cutter out of this tape shuts box it's got like Gorilla Tape on it it's very hard you can hear her cyborg steps but yes she's still too weak I need help someone help me please okay so like there's a prompt asking for help will actually work it's time for class it's not it says right there specifically but go into it okay so I think this is where we need the knife Easter eggs actually like makes it to where people don't get mad at us like simple I can't catch us that's the good thing about Easter eggs you don't have to worry about normal things that you would worry about if you didn't have these two rings so we got to get their attention they got to see that knife that's what they gotta do that's easier said than done they won't do it come here welcome here hey look something weird okay she's coming over here she does not see the knife maybe we actually don't need the knife here ask for help oh I was in boxes of supplies of my buckskin I gots though can you help me sure oh yeah by the way thanks for that D you gave me she's like excuse me oh nothing toodles and with this she's gonna go to jail I've been waiting for this day all the times that she's chased beat it all ends today I wonder if we could frame stem fights you simply goes to jail all right well guys we know it's due buckle in - where's contestant number one follow me bully girl you better post on Facebook one last time why you can do it a radio she's like about to get like stopped right now lol leave a like please oh there's my slave here all right we got to dispose of that evidence we gotta take a cyborg shower you think it's good for my circuits probably not wait a minute that's not a pink sword you know why I said that because like an episode or two ago we actually submit a pink sword is there a secret Easter egg that I don't know about okay anyway let's just buckle into it all right now it's time to go home oh my god what if there's gonna be a memorial for the teacher moment of truth here the police arrive at school the police discovered the corpse of Kashyyyk Oh Murasaki the police discovered a box cutter that is stained with the blood of Kashi ko Murasaki the police bad were homophobic tweets on Twitter and now she's going away for good yeah I read em to make that a legit method because it actually works too these days you said something a slightly edgy ten years ago we go to jail she's like I was I was stupid I don't you remember it Nana you're going away fer of 100 years I can't believe this actually work though Rana Nana is arrested by the police okay cyborgs girl watch out for her the tweets were in my database they were unable to link I an out to any crimes they believe they have arrested the perpetrator of the crime the police investigation ends and the students are free to leave please notice me senpai the new Yan dairy spin-off my cyborg is a stalker sounds like a legit anime and it's all in a day's work it would be such a realistic thing is you can hack like someone's Facebook or something like that and make this a some like crazy stuff I think that would be good bully elimination okay I'm just saying and I haven't covered this but while we're here the anime has voices now which is really cool the young woman struggled to calm her trembling hands I think Android have also like adjusted her appearance and things like that I'm not gonna go through the whole thing but basically you guys get the point I like this feature a lot which she knew exactly what she wanted to write down she had rehearsed it a dozen times no more stalling petition right now to get yandere dev to put some shifu's on there and have her say I'll take this chip ooh and eat its only death no people know what I'm talking about I just remember the Smosh did a thing called life note as well featuring Smosh buckle ah can we please get a memorial for the teacher I wanted to be all sad and stuff no words can describe come on come on no words yeah [Music] well she had some pretty bad tweets but she was still a person though we know she's not dead she's alive I really thought they were gonna do a memorial for an alive teacher that went to prison never mind now obviously what we gotta do now is try it with the student council the interesting thing about that is that they won't accept anything from you but maybe with Easter rinks is there actually anything stopping us from sending everybody to jail I'll hack everyone's Twitter so just as an extra caution extra security I decided to put on this mask that way they won't know who I am oh look there's a counselor now come on I need help please wait suspicious request asked for someone else huh maybe you actually have to distract them and that's how you do it all right let's see if we can do it while she's distracted can you please help be no dang it it's not working with her at least we try distracting we tried dropping the knife but that ain't working so far you know all right we must do research so again going back to Alvaro Fabian's channel he says yes they will regret it I don't know if that means yes or no but people ask the same exact thing so it's a maybe I don't know so okay as of right now even with these rigs it doesn't look like we can buckle and do that but will it work on the delinquents we gotta try hey are you all right it's a really really weird way to get back to your class I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm frantically doing circles okay what you just saw leave you alone let's go get another weapon apparently that didn't work okay first let's try normally well they say the same thing of course they don't care about scissors on the ground they're delinquents they have weapons on them at all times I picked up a rich I can't put it down I think that was actually one of the bugs the Android dev fix in the newer builds you cannot put the wrench down at all that's not scissors that's a wrench uh okay I got my rigid box cutter receipted the liquid scared like this it's so odd he's shaking in his boots okay I think we've officially messed up the game now we can't even talk to anybody except for the teachers if I did I would wonder what kind of video game that is remember what I said about that Easter Egg it's an actual Easter a nevermind I thought I found something cool there it goes my clickbait lollipop says if you take a photo of yandere chan in selfie mode and show it to a mind slave will the mind slave kill you I can't believe I never thought of that actually I can it's kind of hard to think of you know I kind of doubt it because I don't think we actually get ourselves in the photo what happens if we sin disinfo Chan see I don't get what you're trying to send me yeah that doesn't actually work well so that didn't work uh that was really fast but yeah that didn't work next thing I'm gonna try is this kind of random can we frame a mind slave can't we frame my mind slave yeah that's it since when does ot HECO just watches school something's not right about this it's 7:15 dude he's walking to school he's like yeah actually I'm not late today max you're on time for what I'm so proud of everyone right now say how proud you are of all Tico in the comment section if he falls that would still that would be so hilarious no he's like no not falling today Wow much respect please help me a hush does it work ah I can't say I'm surprised we can't offer her a weapon that's fine I think we can make this work all right we might need some outside source help but I think we can make it work all right you can have the weapon go after coconut chain whoa why'd you get backup episode you move her from her spot oh that was funny okay you want to take my weapon now okay no she does it so here's the thing I think maybe it's possible to frame her because the thing is we have to basically end the day to eliminate somebody with the knife that she has before the days over right now how could we do that when she's holding said knife I think there might be a way it's a stress but I think there's a way using the pose Maude what we're gonna do is duplicate her have two of them and see if it's been possible it's tricky though I don't even know if it's gonna work all right is she holding the knife because if she is this should work oh it's it's a hard to train all we know she puts away the knife doesn't she this is weird a little bit weird I didn't even think of that I thought she like held the knife I know Saki used to technically she has two doubles right maybe she'll be still considered alive I don't know okay so 100 stop stop okay okay stop right there I command you to stop oh hey okay I don't know we did oh she's even got the knife she's totally breathing - okay so think about she's sitting there holding the knife I didn't do anything well she get arrested let's go into it goodbye that was not how that was supposed to go all right she is off to do her thing mm-hmm we also have another Haruna that's right here I'm interested to see how this is gonna play out now that this one's actually not moving I decided to try it here as you can see she is talking can we even take a picture of her yep it should work so can there be in a live one and a dead one we'll see oh is that coconuts Destin I hear alright do we actually even have to get rid of these gloves I mean all we did was touch the knife we'll dispose of them just to be safe wait it won't let me is it cuz it has that blood on them so they're probably good then right all right the option to give her another weapon is not there so you know it's anyone's game at this point alright here we go I'm hoping that there's gonna be a memorial and he she goes to prison the police discovered a knife that is stained with the blood of hora de Perez and coconut Haruka hmm the police find the fingerprints of Haru tipper is a purpose buckle into it her ass ooh on the weapon Oh Haruto is dead the police cannot perform it arrest oh wait the next day Horan is right here nobody shocked that she's here alive oh but when I do it when I do it everyone's although for me they tackle me arrest me throw away the key another interesting thing about this is the fact that they did not have a memorial for anybody today's for the day goes to serenity Reynolds serenity wrote me this beautiful beautiful poem I love it so much you guys enjoy that I hope you did drop a like if he did as always subscribe for more stuff like this okay I have another cool yeah Jerry simulator video coming up something I'm really excited to do but I ain't gonna tell you check out other videos all right I'll see you scrubs to the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 668,272
Rating: 4.9284005 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, yandere simulator, framing teachers, framing teachers yandere simulator, teacher yandere simulator, teacher gets arrested yandere simulator, bijuu mike, yandere dev, yandere sim
Id: 1t6Wg2xGUPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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