"X" Marks the Spot | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] some of you come into this room today and you are believing God for a miracle the scripture declares that some trust in horses and some trust in chariots but I will remember the name of the Lord for the name of the Lord is a strong tower Laura hey trust you I trust you it's a declaration see Laura I trust you hey trust you all over the room declare it you know I trust you [Music] I trust I trust her and you will live move and have a B C Laura I really do come on give me three all over the room lift it up say I trust will you trust he's the secret place he's a strong tower tonight I trust you I really do too come on all over the room Victorino I trust you ha I trust you sometimes you got to go to bed with tears running down your face but you gotta remember Jesus the secret where these babies up 15 up up all over the room the comparator I trust you [Applause] I there's some things that you can tell nobody about ah but you can learn the cheese [Applause] it's a decoration let's take it out on follow me we'll say [Music] [Music] [Music] holy ghost no other car they did for me when nobody else Savior say get muscle brother I love you I love to listen my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood pants righteousness and I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name say on Christ the solid rock I stand I stand all of the ground all of the ground all of the ground I love the ground home right this shake is saying [Music] Nadira say actress trust you all over the room let's declare it he's a leaning post a hiding place a secret place my Tabernacles he's Emanuel Shiho / Tyra he's Shama he's Gila he's savior is keeper sustainer miracle wake up less time lifted up saying sing Church make that declaration again tell them Lord I trust you [Music] well let's lift it one more time last time say Lord come on let's give God some praise in this place [Music] give it up for Jay dismays all the way from Orlando Florida [Music] we met in Lagos Nigeria and he was singing while I was preaching and he did such a phenomenal job he called and he said listen man I want to come to Houston he said you all don't have to fly me in you don't have to get me a hotel room I just want to come and minister to the people of God so he came on his own and what I wanted to do in exchange for that he's brought product with him can we just buy it out before he leaves just for that kind of spirit can we just buy it out before he leaves so he'll be out back after both services signing product and let's make sure that that will just clean them out when you get home to pass the parlor white he'll just tell her they just brought everything hey man so we thank God for him one more time for JB's Mays [Applause] second Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 verse 7 [Music] but we have this treasure [Music] in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us for we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroy [Applause] go back to verse 8 for we have this treasure treasure treasure in earthen vessels I want to talk on this subject x marks the spot you may be seated in the presence of the Lord x marks the spot I begin this conversation with a bit of regret not regret in the text but regret as it relates to our Grammatik approach to the scripture for as I have shared with you on several occasions the original text of the Bible was not written in chapter and verse form the Bible as it is transcribed through the writers was originally penned in paragraph form the Bible was put in chapters and verses because once the church became commercial and the Bible became a product translators then split the scripture into chapters and verses so that when we read together we will be able to read in the same place at the same time God did not write Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 4 God wrote in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and it would be difficult for us to say go to paragraph 1500 go to words 62 nobody would know where to go so when we translated the Bible a foremost in the King James Version of the scripture we put it in chapter and verse so that when we read together we can all read in unison at the same place but that is cultural that is not scriptural in God's mind there is no chapter 5 there was one story he died he got up and he's coming again and every story you read is nothing more than a plot twist on the original story for there is a shadow and a type and every one of the stories you may like the story about the water being turned to wine but it's still a story about salvation for the Bible lets us know that he shows up for a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee for people he did not know the scripture doesn't tell us their name but he shows up and he performs a miracle for them and says to them or his mother says to them whatever he says do it and he looks into the water pots and turns the water into wine and he saves the best for the last it's the salvation story whether it's Jonah in the belly of the fish if you read it transliterated it literally says he was in the belly of Hades it was in the belly of hell that he was in it's nothing more than a type and a shadow because it's all leading back to the fact that we need Jesus Christ as the propitiation of our sin and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after him and so while I read this text and it is one that is arousing and met with a unanimous applause and is one that most of the church can a repeat verbatim I began with a little regret because because our Bible is in Chapter form most people read second Corinthians chapter four because we typically start our biblical studies at the beginning of a chapter and sometimes you'll start at the beginning of a chapter not recognizing that because of our grammatic language and history and culture that what you have done when you have reading a chapter is you have perhaps started reading a story right in the middle because God did not write are you with me so far in chapters and verses so when we get to second Corinthians chapter four I begin with a slight ask you of regret because chapter four being separated from chapter three is a malfeasance of character for the Bible says in chapter four verse one that we have this ministry but if you don't go back and read chapter three you don't know what ministry we're talking about you've got to go back to chapter three verse seven to find out that he's talking about the diakon ayah the day the d Iconia are we were called the diakonos he's talking about the Ministry of the Deacon and so we have this ministry I don't want to get too far off subject without letting you know that what he's really talking about is service we have this service we have this service everybody say service we have this service we have this ministry we have we have this this this ministry by which the scripture says we have obtained mercy don't miss that we have this this this di Canio this this ministry but we have obtained mercy do you hear Paul I've got this ministry but but it's in an earthen vessel well you are you getting this I've I've got this ministry I'm I'm a great singer I'm a I'm a great preacher I've got I've got a great business I've got a great family I've got a great job I don't know what you have I've got I've got great connections but but but God has put an expensive gift in a cheap vessel I've started churches in Asia Minor I've I've started the Church of Ephesus I've started the Church of Corinth I started of the church at Rome I've gone all over the place and and I've been shipwrecked and and I've been bitten by a snake and I shook that off in and and the scales came my eyes and while I was on the road to Damascus going to murder people and and I've done all of that and somehow he still gave me a ministry and and somehow he gave me a ministry and and and what Paul is recognizing as something that that we ought to recognize is that that God puts extravagance and cheapness but that we have this treasure this expensive thing but it's in an earthen vessel do I have any witnesses in here today he says he says we've got this thing and it's it's in it's in an earthen vessel and Paul says no matter how many applause I get no matter how many people show up to the church no matter how many followers I have on Instagram no matter how many people follow me on Facebook no matter how many people say they love me at the job no matter how many people call me in the day no matter how many friends I have no matter how many compliments I get I will not allow my emotions and I will not allow my highs nor lows to trick me into believing that it's about me it's about the treasure god help me it's about the treasure and and there ought to be at least a hundred people in here today that understand it ain't about the vessel it's about the treasure we have this treasure in earthen vessels earthen vessels claim thou art the Potter I am the clay and and and the Bible says that that when the potter had the vessel on the potter's wheel he looked at it and it was marred with stone and so he had to throw it down and pick it up anew and put it back on the wheel there ought to be somebody in here that'll say you're looking at my second spin know this this is not the original vessel that this this is the vessel they got another chance this this ain't the original made do I have anybody and you understand that you're not perfect and you have problems but but God gave you another chance I wish I had a hundred people we'll just give God a praise for a second chance now those are my second chance praises but there's another group that understands that you're not only a second chance you are another chance slap three people say my second chance was in 95 I can't even tell you a chance I'm on but I do know every time I turn around he keeps on blessing me slap somebody say I thank God that he puts extravagance in cheapness oh god help me in this place [Applause] Paul says that I will never forget that it was mercy that I obtained I wish the church will get excited about mercy [Applause] mercy is when I look back over my life and take reconnaissance and recollect oh what I have done and then I measure that against what God did anyway then I recognize that mercy is when God gives me what I do not deserve do I have 500 people that know that it was mercy that brought you safe this farm and it will be mercy that will keep you going lamentations 3 says that we have obtained the mercy of God help me in this place he says it is the Lord's mercy are y'all praying with me so far that we are not consumed in other words he is saying to us that it had not been for the Lord on my side I don't know where I would be if some of y'all would just stop being err gonna go ahead beyond us and stop sitting in church and acting like you in here because you kept all the commandments and stopped sitting here acting like you have done everything that God told you to do slap somebody say it was his mercy that kept me from being consumed and the greatest thing about God's mercy is that it always has an alarm clock cuz it wakes up and it's new every morning do I have anybody that glad that mercy don't sleep Oh somebody oughta just think God for 30 seconds that even when you were in the wrong bed you still got out of it that even when you spit all of your money God didn't let you be under a bridge that even though you're in the wrong relationship God lets you survive it to him that even though you got a divorce God didn't kill you do I have anybody here that's glad for God's mercy [Applause] but do you know my favorite part of lamentations 3 verse 22 yes his mercies are new every morning but here's my favorite part great is that faithfulness Lord I could shout all de l'homme cuz ain't nothing like being connected to somebody who's faithful when you not Oh God i'ma talk to somebody over here see it's one thing when I give your faithfulness I have a right to expect it back but when I don't give it to you and you give it to me I better recognize how blessed I am anybody glad that God has fidelity that God is faithful and because of his mercy we're not consumed consumed by what the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life Paul says the first thing I'm grateful to God about and this is something you need to know Paul said the mercy of God kept me humble when I was hurting that's enough for somebody in there said it kept me stable when they were stoning me it was his mercy because Paul said I know me I know me I know me I know me and I don't have to go that far back I was on the road to Damascus I had a different agenda I was going to kill people and God stopped me while I was that's God ever stopped you when you own your way to do something you ain't had no business has God ever stopped you when you were about to say something oh do I have it do I have it you are about to say something something got ahold you said you're lucky Oh Lord you lucky I went to church to Z cuz you you lucky the preacher just preach the word I'm trying to get delivered from custom do I have anybody in here that God ever came upon you and kept you from doing what you planned on do me a favor because some of y'all neighbors ain't said I tell them they be fake at the eleven o'clock nine o'clock be real you if you're gonna be fake you gotta come later if you're going this is the real sir we talk real and here do I have anybody do I have any real people in here [Applause] Paul is shocked they gotta use somebody like him anybody shot that you have the job that you have are you shocked that you drive the car you drive are you shocked that people like you see some people think that people should that best show representative up talk about the real you anybody shocked that his mercy and His grace still covers you are you shocked that you still bless are you shocked that you are not evicting are you shocked that they didn't repossess it are you shocked that you a healthy come on talk to me you haven't made all of the best eating choices are you shocked that your blood pressure is still low are you shocked their cancers about to skip a generation are you shocked [Applause] somebody say I'm shocked I'm shocked not at God but that he will put this treasure in an earthen vessel Paul says I'm shocked that God would even trust me with ministry so you can't serve God until you shock that he'll pick you see see that that's the problem a lot of people will see people do great things and they'll think that they can do it and the only one that God can use is the one that will be shocked at him anybody shot I'm in awe I'm in shock I'm in awe every day that every time I turn around he keeps on blessing me Paul says he trusts me with ministry but then I started to think about it God came trusts us no no he can't let me just go and keep it real he can't trust you no come on now I hit I mean I start out good he could trust me in the beginning but once my flesh takes over so he can trust pastor Henderson his Keon he got to worry about I'm gonna be real with you he can trust this dude up here all day and this guy's cheeky but when I come out of this and I put my Nike shorts and my flip-flops on in my church socks and my wife beater that's the dude he got to worry about [Applause] huh he can trust the one that was born again it's the one who was born initially he got to worry about yes it's his grandson that's got the problem so then I recognized rod he didn't trust him he set up a trust in them there was a difference between being trusted and having a trust a trust is a fiduciary a responsibility and relationship between a trust store and a trustee whereby a third party is the benefactor of the trust so what God actually does watch this is he sets up a trust in a person he cannot trust we have this treasure in earthen vessels y'all not prayer with me today he sets up a trust in him watch this we have this treasure now don't miss this because you got to understand what the word trust is we have this trust echo men echo men in the Greek where we get the Greek word echo echo echo echo echo echo what what's an echo and echo is when a sound leaves a cinder goes and hits a surface and returns to the cinder we have this held in earthen vessels god help me in this place we have this echo this treasure in other words when God set up the trust in Paul he says Paul I'm going to put the treasure in you and the only thing I expect in return is an echo echo what I expect is when I put the treasure in you coming from the cinder when it hits you which is the surface I expect to hear a sound help me in this church somebody to get it on your way home God says every time I bless you the only thing I want is a neck hole if I give you life I want to hear sound if I send you a blessing there ought to be something that bounce off of you and goes back to the sender do I have about 500 people who will send out an echo thank you for the blessing thank you for the hill thank you for the treasure thank you for the blessing let everything have an echo God says that's the problem that's the problem that's why the gifts are scarce because the echoes are scarce every time he blesses you there oughta be an echo echo echo echo when you wake up in the morning thank you lord let's see that's the treasure that's a blessing it hits the surface yet every time you pay a bill lord thank you Jesus every time you eat food lord thank you for this food it's not about the food being poisoned it's about an echo because there's somebody who did not eat this morning I'm trying to tell you that every time God blesses you there ought to be a sound let the redeemed of the Lord say so if God has done anything for you over the last 23 days I dare you to have an echo [Applause] Paul says angle let God bless me and I don't bless him I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth now somebody say you just told us to give our neighbor high-five you just told us to tell our neighbor this and that and I'm tired of doing it well what if God says I'm tired of sending the treasure every time he sends the treasure they ought to be a echo I don't praise like that you don't get to tell God how he gets it in return matter of fact slap your neighbors say return the cinder god bless me and I'm about to send a sound up and I am of the opinion that when praises go up blessings come down now God has done anything for you you gotta give him about 15 seconds of crazy [Applause] gentlemen Arco God told me to tell you for every echo he's don't give an encore for every echo he's gonna give an encore somebody shout God do it again do it again do it again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have we have X we have this treasure see you didn't know that the Devils a treasure hunter the devil is a treasure hunter we have this treasure in earthen vessels x marks the spot x re s [Music] are you talking about X are used to be [Applause] so you tell him he can bless her ex con ex [Music] you mean to tell me he's got he puts a treasure in an ex-wife you mean he'll still bless an ex-husband you mean to tell me he'll still make you an example [Applause] slap your neighbors say I'm not anything but an ex I'm an ex liar I'm an ex I'm an ex this I'm an extant and that's exactly where he hides the treasure Oh y'all didn't get what I'm saying you trying to act like you all good God ain't looking for a perfect vessel he's looking for an act special in fact the vessel determined who got the oil come here David come here saw both of y'all got oil but both of you all wouldn't God's choice the choice can be traced to the vessel one of you were anointed out of a flask the other one was anointed out of a horn watch this we have this treasure we're in earthen vessels notice that the Bible says that when Saul was small in his own eyes he got the oil the reason why God puts expensive treasure in cheap vessels is because he does not want a competition between the contents and the container and he says so when you were smaller your own eyes I gave you treasure but when you exalted yourself I had to remove the treasure because I could not have a competition between the contents and the container I don't know who I'm talking to in here today but it is Paul that says that out of all sinners I am the chief and it is because of that that God can use me that cheaper the vessel the more expensive the gift humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God God can't use anybody who keeps their nose up in the air won't speak to anybody walk it around acting like they stuff don't stink walking around acting like they better than everybody walk in church and get mad cuz nobody speaks to you sit down and don't speak to your neighbor won't give anybody a high-five won't bless them won't say nothing to them go back to the parking lot complain all the way down there complaining traffic get home complain when you're walking the dog have a job tomorrow and complain about having to go to work God says I'll take that job and give it to somebody you will be grateful [Applause] somebody shout you ain't know that you are an earthen vessel that happens to have a treasure in it we have this treasure I told you it ain't but one story earthen vessels John chapter two water pots Callay vessels water in it the Word of God changed a wine means joy do you see that water turned into joy in the vessel it didn't happen in the pitcher it didn't happen in the scoop it happened in the vessel cuz let me tell you God's about to change some stuff [Music] in a vessel and he puts the treasure in an earthen vessel a fragile vessel a vessel that's easily broken if the woman who had the alabaster box had had a strong vessel then when it came time to anoint the feet of Jesus she would have spent more time breaking the container and when Jesus showed up she didn't have time to have a strong vessel she needed one that would break easily because when Jesus shows up you don't have time to be beating the vessel so the reason why God put the vessel to be fragile and put the treasure in earthen vessels is because God made sure that when he needed what was in you to come out it wouldn't take a lot to break you Oh God that's why you got friends that have broken you that's why you got jobs that have broken you God said I needed you broken coz in order to get the oil to flow the vessel has to be broken I came to tell you that this break in your life was not punishment it was about flow oh god help me in this place slap somebody say there's a flow coming there's a flow coming I don't know who I'm talking to but there's some about to come out of you there's about to come out of you when you get to work tomorrow there's a flow that's about to start when you get to the next Bank appointment there's a flow that's about to start snap somebody say flow flow flow I decree in LeClair and prophesy of flow in this room somebody shout through nan is getting rate of flow to you opportunities getting rate of flow to you somebody shove [Applause] Oh y'all don't believe it do me a favor tell your neighbor you standing next to a Flo your mess around and get blessed sitting next to me you gonna mess around and get favored sitting next to me your bills gonna get paid cuz you sit next to me your family gonna get heal cuz you sit next to me what God has done for me you'll do for you and the oil always somebody shout Flo matter of fact if you standing next to somebody who don't look all they move find you somebody who look like they got a flow up found you somebody who's got an echo find you somebody who's got a praise find you somebody who's gotta wash up and shout neighbor let me collect my floor with your floor somebody shout yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody shall fill the first thing God put him over in the garden was slow he put him over the rivers before he put him over the animals why because you need flow before you need company you set up a trust in you where he benefits from the FO he created you to praise him so he put a trust in you so that he could send the treasure to the vessel hit the surface and it sends back clothes miles can't get fed [Applause] you shouldn't just be praising them at church don't mess with me I lack of food at Kroger I need some ladies and say I'll shout at forever 21 I dance in sorrow do I have anybody in here you don't even need to hold it goes to dance in sorrow do you have you start praise and when you get in there sets up so he puts a trust in you and then he puts a treasure in you you have to study the word treasure to know that he is not talking about a physical possession everybody say context alright let's go back to chapter 4 beginning at verse 1 therefore sing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not in other words the mercy keeps me from getting tired but but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost God always reveals himself to those who have found the only people here who will leave confused are those who are lost when they came huh what what I'm trying to get you to understand is that when you are saved for real God gives revelation even when you don't have understanding God will show you what to do with this worry even if you don't understand what it means yet in whom the god of this world recognizing that the god of this world is lower case he's not talking about himself for we wrestle not against flesh and blood he's talking about the god of this world watch this that have blinded not the eyes but the mind sometimes the devil will leave you with your eyes and you'll be talking about I can see it but if he blinds your mind the way the devil can attack you is not with your eyes it's with your thinking as a man thinks first five four we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness have shined in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the faces of Jesus Christ but we have this treasure in earthen vessels the treasure is the Holy Spirit the treasure ain't no Birkin bag the treasure ain't no Gucci jacket the treasure isn't a big bank account the treasure is an influence the treasure is the gift of the Holy Ghost now think about this he put his spirit in an earthen vessel and the reason why the vessel is fragile is because he knows it has to break every Sabbath I can't give you a fortified vessel because it's gonna take too long to break and the reason why some people don't start praising God to churches almost over it's because your hate and your jealousy and your attitude has calloused the vessel and gods gotta break through too much to try to get his spirit out of you but there's somebody in here that says I came to Jesus just as I was I was weary broken and sad but I found in him a resting place somebody say there's a blessing in the breaking God couldn't feed the 5,000 until the lows were broken you will never go as far as you can go until your first broken destiny always starts in the cracks so why are you around here trying to hold it together God says I'll hold it back as long as you can hold it together but when you break down when you finally just give it up when you finally just throw in the towel and say father I stretch he came blessed because you trying not to cry he came blessed because you trying not to show pain you can't get over the relationship because you keep acting like it didn't hurt you I'm a preacher up in here whether you admit it or not you keep on going on Facebook some bad things may happen and God got a plan in people come and they go and it didn't bother me sometimes you need to be honest and say I'm told up from the floor up I never thought that Joker was gonna leave me I gave him I said I was gonna be celibate for a year and I gave him when they showed up and I'm hurting I'm depressed cuz I broke the promise I made God at the altar and I'm broken I'm broken gah see as you are can today for the treasure he puts the treasure in you the third person of the Holy Trinity goes by the name of the Holy Ghost the resident president the one who leads us in God's us the one who protects us the one that he left when he went back to be with his father the one that he left in the earth as a representation that he was coming again now you got to understand that he's coming back not for you but for the treasure God he's not coming back for the earthen vessels if he was coming back from the earthen vessels the in scripture wouldn't say that this vessel is going to return back to the dirt he was coming back for the vessel he wouldn't give us new skin and new incorruptible flesh he's not coming back for the vessel he's coming back for the treasure he's coming back for the church that doesn't have a spot or break or wrinkle or crack why because he's coming back for the treasure anybody glad that you got the treasure inside of you earthen vessels earthen vessels are struck in us in the Greek means chamber a place for safekeeping that God has literally dub you a chamber a week the check the vessel is so weak that disease can kill it the disease can kill it stress can cause it to have a heart attack and that's where he puts the treasure I don't know about you I wouldn't put my valuables in a cheap vessel you wouldn't you wouldn't put $100,000 in your sock drawer when a safe is available a p.o box would be better safe deposit box even better you wouldn't you wouldn't put valuable pearls that your grandmother left you in a bowl right now if I went to your house something that is a value to you is in a safe place in a safe place now don't miss that it's in something that's somewhere else you put it in something safe and then put the thing that was safe don't let you get in trouble you got that free you don't come like oh look Troy I got they're coming over by the house hold this for me I'll be back to get it in about two months oh no act like you ain't never put your car in somebody else garage when they was coming to report you know what I'm talking about don't y'all setup in act like you know if you don't if you ain't done it you know somebody who has and look I'm a park this at this Buick Regal in your garage I'll let you know when it's safe don't open your garage but twenty nine and five make sure it's dark before you open it you park outside I pay you put the treasure treasure I'm almost finished he put he put the treasure in him James four and five says this is let's put that up on the screen because James four and five do you think that the scripture says in vain that the listened to this that the spirit lusts to live inside of you have you ever had lust I'll get on my nerve so you've never lusted after anything anybody you ain't never looked like [Applause] two ways you know when women lust after things they look at it before they see it so the thing that a woman lust off they it'll be all the way down there and they'll see you want to get close enough of you they act like [Applause] listen brothers don't get it twisted a woman see it before she see it she doesn't saw it she doesn't mention it she know how much they weigh how tall it is how much money and make and ain't even had an introduction well he make now sixty five thousand dollars a year he driving brothers wait that good we stupid we'd be like bro dongers then your woman look at you you act like you ain't looking she done seen it before you saw it out and told you and she know what she likes so she know he bout to look at her let me just act like I don't see this fool so he can go and get this look out of his system let me just act like I don't see this fool looking at the rearview mirror he ain't looked at the rearview mirror and made 12 times and not he all of a sudden want to look out the room go look i'ma just act like I'm on my phone you stupid fool women ooh slick she saw you and it [Applause] ladies am i right [Applause] he lust he lusts to live in you do you know how bad God wants to be inside of him he wants to be in your heart so bad that he equates it to lust he is looking at you now Wow managing the earth and making sure gravity stays in its place making sure the Sun is in the sky making sure the moon is in this place making sure that the stars stay in the galaxy and yet if its eye is on the sparrow he loves to live in you so bad that he left heaven to do it ain't that love the Jesus went to Calvary to save a wretch like you and me that's not a lot of people cried in church about bills and all this I'll cry about that stuff when I think about Jesus see because my hope is built on nothing less I I'm not crying about the bills I know God will make away bow and I think that I have this treasure in an earthen vessel that he would trust somebody like me to hold a gift thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so you know you're gonna have to be broken to get that treasure out you know why because we have to partake in his suffering Isaiah 53 verse 5 says that he was wounded for our transgressions the Bible says that he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement switch was placed upon him and by His stripes we are healed so the original vessel had to be broken for the holy spirit to be released do you know why the Holy Ghost keeps visiting our church every Sunday that's because we're all broken we're all broken we're all arrests undone there's a story about a man who had a farm and he was extremely wealthy but he gave his sons everything when they were growing up and when he got old they wouldn't help him work the farm because they were spoiled and when he died he told his sons he says I'm very disappointed in the effort that you put in helping me maintain this field and I'm not giving you a your inheritance I put your inheritance in a box and I put it in the field and he died and those same boys who had never dug a hole in the field their whole life went out in that field and started digging looking for the treasure and after several years they finally found the box and inside of the box was a letter that says now that you have dug the whole field you can sell the grapes that grew because I'm not leaving you a treasure your digging has produced it and I'm telling everyone of you God has put something inside of you and it's not going to come easy and you're not going to stumble up on a pot of gold if you do the digging and if you start getting the stones out of your heart if you start turning over the jealousy if you start plowing through the anger then you will grow and the treasure will be you stand to your feet I told you x marks the spot God says you need to first of all learn that execute if you execute you'll find the treasure and you got to do it even when you're exhausted are you listening to me he says if you do it when you're exhausted I'll make you extraordinary there's got to be some effort on your part you got it you just got to keep digging that's inside of him it's inside of you you you you haven't found it yet because you don't want to go beneath the surface you got to dig you got dig you got to dig down deep you want to find out your purpose you don't do that in a seminar you do that digging most people want to know that purpose and they think they can come to church one time and hear one sermon and all of a sudden they'll leave the the symposium wouldn't know if you're gonna find out why God create you got a deal and it's years of digging and and and coming up empty and digging and coming up empty and digging and sooner or later you'll dig deep enough and then the vine will grow this is your digging season to dig down deep have you ever dug in the garden I remember we didn't have much but my momma had this look garden out front and I never knew why she did this but my mom used to feed her garden with spoiled milk and eggshells anybody else anybody no no I didn't know I I didn't think that that was smart at all growing up and I can say that now but it always grew it's equivalent to if you have ever drove our driven pass of farms farms a field or something like that you ever notice it always smells they use manure because soil stinks and you have to smell like you've been digging it takes rotten if you drive if you look at a waste management truck right now it'll say wouldn't it be amazing if nothing was waste or wouldn't it be amazing if your waste fuel this truck you see you've got to learn to turn the waste into fuel don't waste your waste don't throw it away it has usage x marks the spot we have this treasure in earthen vessels and every human in here if you're human and I assume you are if you don't think you are time will prove it to you there's something valuable inside of you never think too highly of yourself because God doesn't want a competition between the container and the contents you don't have to be in a hurry to be something you are not he thought enough to hide the treasure in your present form that's something to thank God for God we thank you today that you have placed this treasure in earthen vessels thank you God that you love us so much and that while we were yet sinners you committed your love towards us we pray God that you would help us to see who we are and what you have put in us and when we discovered that prize we'll give your name the praise in the name of Jesus we pray if you love the Lord say man if you're in this place today and you've never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior we have a group of counselors that would love to show you and and teach you how you can accept Jesus Christ so perhaps you came and you said this is a church I want to be connected with this is a church where I want to grow this is what I want to serve this ministry I want to be a part of this ministry wherever you are if you're in the back just come just come and we're gonna god bless you my sister come on lighthouse make it a big deal [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 16,494
Rating: 4.888412 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, keion's korner, pastor keion henderson, waking faith, Pastor, worship, Bishop, faith, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, jesus worship, prayer, amen jesus, amen, joy, believing in god, sonofgod, preaching, christianity, evil spirit, god's word, Disrupting, parents, pleasure nature, god, atheist, Marks, Spot, church, sermon series, Marks the Spot, pastor speech, lighthouse sermon
Id: vfQmE2QUO_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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