Armed and Dangerous | Pastor Keion Henderson

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go up there cuz I don't even want to be tempted to preach I need to teach you something today 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 1 verse 4 the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty here is the through God to the pulling down of strongholds may be seated in the presence of the Lord tell your name I'm armed and dangerous very few people know who you really are partly their fault partly yours their fault for not getting to know you intimately your fault for not being real at all times when I say you're not being real I'm not talking about being a fake person it's it's like shenna losing her brother and being hurt and when I call her and say how are you she says fine that people don't know how to minister to you if you're not vulnerable enough to say you need to be ministered to if I call you and ask you how you're doing and you say fine and then I say okay and I move on you can't blame me for my lack of ministry because you were not transparent in your reality so you need to put some new stuff in your vocabulary somebody asks you how you're doing I'm terrible I know they're gonna tell you don't claim it you can't claim something you already got I got the flu but I can claim it you don't have to acclaim you gotta be real I'm angry I'm confused I'm stressed Church work I'm bewildered I don't know what my next move is I never thought I'd be 55 still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do I'm frustrated because I have a job that has no growth opportunities I need more income but I didn't prepare myself in my strengths years I didn't educate myself and now I'm at a roadblock because they require an education and my life is too full of responsibilities to go back to school to get it and if you do have the time to go back you don't have the money and and and you don't want to get another loan because you already swallowing the you you want to be a nurse and and and and you want to be a nurse practitioner and you want to do all that kind of stuff you want to go back to cosmetology school but when they tell you how much it's gonna cost to do it you got to weigh that up against the fact that you don't even have enough money to make it through your current reality and so the devil uses all of these things as weapons he uses all of these things as weapons and so very few people know you and then to add injury to insult as a Christian they really don't know us because you know our Bible teaches us to turn other cheek but that's what the Bible say that ain't what your mama said your mama said if somebody hits you I don't know what kind of house I grew up in but we me and my sisters we did not we didn't never lose a fight it wasn't because we was tough we just knew that the fight at home was gonna be worse than the one in the street so we knew we had to come home winners that meant if all three of us got on top of one person because see in our house you can't just fight one of us you got to fight all of us do I have yeah you fight Danielle Dan Keanu and Keanu here we come week I mean we're coming but but very few people know us it because when we get angry we're told not to cuss but that's in your spirit ooh you can look at I see when Christians we can't you know when you get to the dock and they say do you drink you can't say yeah you guys say on occasions you know yeah you drink what's the occasion Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and what's the occasion so we are hiding we're hiding in plain sight very few people know who we really are and the person who knows you the least is the person who should know you the most and that's yourself you don't know you if you knew you you could cut you off at the pass if you knew you you would know what makes you angry but you just be angry and don't even know why you don't know yourself you don't know your buttons you are not self-aware and so that the world doesn't know you you don't know you God knows you but you don't talk to him enough so that he can tell you be angry and sin not and then on top of that your kindness is taken for weakness humility is taken for stupidity and they think that just because you haven't said and then it means you don't know nothing I haven't said nothing because I'm waiting on an opportunity when I say something that's gonna make sense is this word for anybody so far all right so when I looked at this text the Lord showed me something that I never saw in this text before and this is one of those ones that all of us can quote together right for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through the pulling down of strongholds people can be in church that's a few weeks and know that one that that's one of the ones that everybody knows well let me give you the backdrop let me paint this picture so you can understand what's happening at the time Paul who wrote this letter to the church at Corinth at the time that he wrote this Judaizers had come into the church and tried to infiltrate it and to dilute the message of Jesus they tried to come in heretical people skeptical people you know those people that that kind of look at your faith and and and they think oh well if your faith was real then why is bad things happen to good people in and why our children in Afghanistan hungry and you see they use all of these negative things to dilute your faith and so these Judah Judaizers had come into the church to dilute the faith of Paul and and they wanted to make sure that they set up a false pretense in the scripture and Paul says something in verse one that's amazing and I knew Paul was a Christian when I read verse one this is what Paul said he says I'm meek in your face but I'm bold in your absence and ain't that Christian talk like when we and people face we just we just meek and and we cow but when we get away from you they don't know who I am and they they don't know I almost got I'm making your face but I am bold and your absence and everybody in who who has ever been a child to a mother knows that you you in front of them they say take out the garbage you say yes ma'am and when they leave you I'm making your face when I'm bold in your absence he says I'm making your face everybody say that I'm making your face bold in the absence Paul was not one to brag about his physical stature don't miss me on this Paul had a big vision but he was a little man in fact the word Paul means little one so imagine this huge personality of a preacher showing up in somebody church at four or five he I mean Paul was a look at big intellect small stature some water please he's a small guy he's a small guy so he walks in and he says Church today God told me to give your word y'all ready for it says I got a word and it's going to help you to change the trajectory of your life see the devil don't even want me to get it out now I'm telling that's how good it is I can't even have you all excited because you're gonna miss it in the shower I'm gonna stay right here so you can look me in my eye and I'm gonna take the excuse away from you nobody ever told me that nobody ever told me that what I'm getting ready to give you right now is going to if you allow it open up your mind and show you the reason why you have lost every battle you have lost and to have lost a battle against an enemy that's already been defeated as a shame go to state loss to the Rockets yesterday without James Harden they had all of their they had their whole team God been averaging over 30 a game at least 30 points a game for the last 32 33 straight like that's killing ain't nobody done that since Wilt Chamberlain and we're chairman was nine feet and the rim was seven feet so he's a small man he goes into the church and he overlooks the fact that he's small because he doesn't let anybody judge him based on his size you know a lot of people in here you care more about your physical appearance then you do your spiritual development you will spend sixty minutes in a spin class but won't pray for an hour [Music] and your body will be in shape but you don't even have enough spiritual stamina to handle one attack from the devil I want you to think how much money in 2019 alone have you spent on the physical and then I want you to calculate how much you spent on the spiritual get you cut out wait how many times you've been in the beauty shop this year it's just February I want you think about sickening this is it's just February how many times have you been already how many times you been to the nail place fellas how many's phase you got I mean sometimes you got your toes did somebody actually what you want for your birthday well when is the last time you say at a Bible a ticket to a conference I'm gonna slow off this thing today y'all gonna y'all y'all gonna get this we we care more about our fiscal than our spiritual no wonder the demons don't know you no wonder you keep prophesying and decree and declaring and nothing happens because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal and you spend all of your energy on the carnal the flesh nothing in the spirit so you can't command anything in the heavens the Bible says in Acts chapter 17 there was a man named Stephen who has seven sons and the seven sons went to a man and tried to call the demons out of the man and the demons look back at the seven sons and says Jesus I know Paul I know but you I've never heard of I wonder how many demons you have tried to cast and they said who are you y'all don't yelling go to your Bible it's an X after 19 right now a man has seven sons they try to cast out a demon the demons looked at the man who says oh Jesus I would listen to and Paul I will respond to but who are you you have no spiritual authority and you keep casting out demons and they're not going to where they were like under what jurisdiction under what power what prayer life what fasting what what have you done that I should listen to you so so my youngest daughter Caitlin she had a rash and my wife called the doctor and and they gave her a prescription and they put the ointment on went away I mean there is nothing that can happen that child that that woman know how to handle I mean she puts echinacea in the child and all kind of green leaves and tea trees and the oils and I may be a goat milk and all kind of stuff all on the baby no real goat milk for real she dog in the fiscal what if she goes up to that child who has a spiritual situation and has not any spiritual authority because you can't call no doctor and ask them what to do when your child is dealing with a demon that there is no penicillin for you can't Google how to deal with a child whose hormones are outweighing the spirit and and and you've got all of this physical stuff and all of this physical knowledge but my question for you is I know what you can do when your child has the flu but what can you do when they're dealing with the demonic depression Jesus I know Paul I know but you I don't know you I don't know you when I look in Heaven's registry I don't see you as a threat so I don't have to leave your house I don't have to leave your children I don't have to leave your marriage alone because you don't have the authority to cast me out of the house why because you are trying to fight a physical or spiritual battle with physical weapons and the weapon that you are fighting is not carnal so eating right ain't gonna solve this one and having a kale salad and drinking alkaline water and being vegan sometime if I'm vegan but I eat stop it vegan but it's over weapons of our warfare or not what but what my tea are y'all getting this so far and I'm just talking I even got into the sermon yet because I'm trying to find out who I'm talking to you keep for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through the pulling down of strongholds Paul says I may be small but I've got Authority Jesus I know Paul I know you I've never Paul was so spiritual that every demon that lived in his region knew him by name I know you may know your next-door neighbor but do you know the demon in the house you you got to have so much spiritual prowess that even demons know you by name like like the demon ought to be able to say oh here come kion I got to go I got to go hit here come here come Nick I got to go here comes sister Charles I got to go here comes Raja like I got to go you ought to have so much power that will you go into your child's bedroom the demons ought to be leaping out of the window can I tell you something when demons into your house and they don't leave when you come in they're telling you I don't know you have you ever had a person that whenever they walk in the room everything changes have you ever had a like when we were here Sunday night and we were all sitting there but didn't when Bishop walked in because you feel that what you felt was demon saying oh oh here he comes and the reason why praise broke out the way it did is it was proof that no demon survived the shift had there be any demons that survived the praise when they went to the level that it went to you gotta have that same kind of power and authority when you get to work tomorrow if you work with Devils you ought to have so much power that when you walk in there they just fit Nick is she coming Jesus I know Paul I know but you ain't I don't even know who you are it's time for Christians to stop acting like victims we walk around here hi how you doing well what you want me to start all we do is complain have you ever had a real conversation with a church person lately how you doing we and we supposed to be the ones with a victory how you doing well job ain't give me enough hours husband won't tell me he loved me wife ain't cooking got a bunion on my toe shut up we don't even want to talk to you Beth we wasn't depressed until we started talking to you about time we finished with you we both depressed that's how my friend is talking about here I got problems too you right let's just go to the altar together we talk so defeated but here's the proud of my guy with the Christian that tops defeated you got the weapons did ever done have any weapons he's a roaring lion all he got is a sound he's a roaring lion he doesn't have claws he doesn't have he doesn't have a bite he doesn't have teeth all he is is a roaring lion you got weapons for the weapons weapons come here Paul Ephesians six the full armor of God I've got I've got the belt of truth I got the helmet of salvation just in case you try to get in my head I got the breastplate of Russians just in case you think you're gonna break my heart and walk away and get away with it and then the Bible says I got the shoes of the peace of the gospel oh I need to tell somebody pieces of gospel Oh y'all missed what I just said peace is the gospel how do I know in order for us to have the gospel in the earth then people have to die for it people have to fight for it people have Jesus have to be crucified for it see if you're gonna have peace you got to fight for it ain't nobody gonna give he'll peace you gotta take it ain't nobody gonna just let you the devil not gonna just let you be peaceful you gotta take it somebody say I gotta have my peace you can have my money but you can't have my peace I give you this house but you can't have my peace you can have this car but you can't have my peace you can have all these clothes but you can't have my peace do I have anybody in here to tell the devil you cannot have my peace full armor god the swore of salvation the Word of God when I hear people quote the full armor of God now I understand why the devil still attacks because we know we got the helmet we know we got the breastplate we know we got the sword we know we got the law and Girt girdle we got all of that and we miss Paul's last weapon the last weapon in Ephesians 6 and verse 18 was prayer and the reason why the devil keeps attacking us is because we got our mind protected we got our heart guarded we got our sword in our shield but we don't pray and prayer is a weapon the Bible says some things only come by fasting and praying so you can keep on worshiping but if you don't say father I stretched my hand to thee how many of you ought to be honest and say I don't I don't act I'm not asking you do you pray let me ask you this question do you have a prayer life do you have your prayers scheduled like you do football practice do you have your prayer schedule I mean if you're gonna work from 9:00 to 5:00 well I just pray whenever you feel like your prayers have to be scheduled and you should know when the devil attacks and you ought to have your prayer schedule why he's fighting some of you all know that when you go to bed at night that's when you start feeling depressed that's when you need to schedule prayer then when you get up in the morning you're not a morning person you wake up dragging every morning that's what you need to schedule your prayer you got to schedule your prayer according to the low points in your life it's called a strategy that's what I really want to talk about today for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal the weapons of our warfare point number one the weapons number two the warfare the reason why you're losing the word warfare Stratta cos in the Greek watch this it actually means strategy that's all I want to talk about today you are losing not because you don't have a weapon but because you don't have a strategy I mean you got a sword in the ceiling of the helmet and all this other kind of stuff and that's good but you don't have a strategy some of y'all are old enough to remember and not through experiential nasteria the war in Vietnam thousands and thousands of American soldiers lost their life to the Vietnamese the Vietcong a small nation smaller than every state we got in the Union they killed so many American soldiers and I like soldiers from Europe and all over some estimates fifty to seventy thousand some all the way up into the hundreds of thousands yes they were just killing Americans go back and read it in history it was one of the darkest moments in the history of America they were sending people off to the war it's what made Muhammad Ali famous he was like I'm not going over there I'm not going over there it was what made him famous and and and and this this war was going on now America had f-16s b-52 bombers all kind of jets all kind of rockets nuclear weapons and lost a war to a small country that had a strategy Isis has been bombarding America for the last decade they have no nuclear bombs they have no planes but they've been killing Americans why because they have a strategy in Vietnam it was called guerrilla warfare the devil is beating you and you got prayer you got worship you got fasting you got the church you got all of that stuff but you don't have a strategy you got to get a strategy everybody say a strategy the word strategy strategy strategy it's two parts one strap means to spread out stratosphere strap to spread out a G means to lead are to drive see the reason why you are losing is because instead of leading your emotions you are being led by them god help me everything you should be leading in your life is leading you you should be telling your money what to do not doing what your money say you are being led by everything you ought to be in control of not your mind is not even listening to you and it's yours God help me in this church today you you can't even you can't even tell your mind what to do you you before you know it you don't snapped and then you got to come back later and say I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that you know why every person I see fall apart is a person who I see that doesn't have a strategy Bob says be angry and saying not in other words you need to have a strategy for anger so that when somebody does make you angry you can follow your strategy and not your impulse so you need to be telling right now if you if somebody says something to you you need to be saying to yourself right now this is how I'm going to respond if this happens to me this is what I'm gonna do if I lose my job this is what I'm gonna do you know what that man who went and shouted all all those people up he didn't have a strategy he just he just went crazy and he went in there and started shooting people and the reason why he killed himself is because he didn't have a strategy had he had money in the bank had he been saving had he known that eventually he was going to lose a job he wouldn't have lost his mind why when you don't have a strategy you're erratic [Music] for the weapons of our warfare you got to have a strategy that's your weapon that's your weapon you got to have a strategy what's the strategy for getting married because if the strategy is not being alone it won't last if you and that man and you and that woman don't have a strategy watch this if you don't have a strategy then anytime they do something that you don't agree with you're gonna fall out a lot of women say I want a man that make a lot of money well let me tell you any men who make a lot of money don't have a lot of time what's your strategy for being alone oh god y'all don't want to hit me in here today he's not gonna make a million dollars a year and be at home every time you walk through the door that's called you you are the Lord I didn't matter spend time with me there's a whole lot of brothers under the bridge right now they got a lot of time they got all they ain't got nothing but time but if you want a baller and a shot-caller you gonna have to have a strategy for being alone sometime [Applause] women look Oh TV they see they see men they fall in love with like what's that Darcy and ill dress whatever his name is and settle down that's my sister she needs to settle down y'all can get excited she need to stop didn't sail and all that yeah yeah okay you won't Denzel but but what you gonna do in here in the movie kissing you ain't got no strategy for that you ain't set up for that yo yo you're fusing ain't you ain't right you'll be on the set I know I know how the bear didn't just kiss me get off the set ma'am you got to go home everybody say strategy you've got a half a strategy you've got to have a that's what makes you armed and dangerous Colossians chapter 2 verse 15 says having spoiled the principalities of powers he made watch this a show of them openly in other words God actually defeated the devil openly and that we should triumph over it that he that he spoiled the attack of the enemy over you openly which means that God is saying that you need to get ready because whenever you have a strategy you always win publicly watch this and the strategy that God is gonna give you I hate to tell you it ain't even gonna make sense Abraham take your son your only son the one you waited 100 years to get now I want you to take that little boy at 17 I want you to walk him up Mount Sinai and I want you to sacrifice okay Jesus you sure all right as I said yeah what we going going we're going up here to do this in a sacrifice thing that we always do every weekend all right yeah that's my question cuz last time we did it we had a yeah we had a lamb and daddy has just got a question I see the knife I don't see no lamb now if it's me and you going up there and you don't plan on committing suicide I can only through deductive reasoning think that I'm the one that you're gonna sacrifice Abraham looks at his son and says don't worry about a son the Lord yeah I know but can he do that before we get up there what happens if God gives you a strategy that doesn't reveal itself until you've already gone too far most of us want a hint while we walk in all right God tell me how many fellas in here ever try to surprise your wife or your girl where we going woman if you don't are we there yet daddy what a land man but God had a strategy his strategy was that there was a ram that was going to be trying to eat the berries off the bush and he was going to lure it in with something and and he wasn't gonna be able to get out because his horns were going to be caught in there and God had a ram in the bush but sometimes God doesn't reveal the strategy until you've gone all the way matter of fact Abraham was so far into the strategy that he had already lifted the knife and was getting ready to kill his son and right before he did it God said Abraham sale hand Israel you you Israel you you got a battle to fight they got sorts they got shields they got an army here's your strategy March around the wall okay March how many times seven well what about on Sunday seven times then what's the strategy blow the horn that strategy don't make no sense but gotta give you a strategy that doesn't make sense jehosophat got all these people coming up against them guess what God told your host of fact to do send the choir out there they like wait a minute hold on Lord now I signed up to sing but you don't bring no knife to a gunfight don't I know y'all care knives in me but anyway he said I I he told the singers to go out there and fight the shooters now if I told you all that that there was some gunman storming the house and I said now we got a security team but the gunmen were coming I said praise Him go out there and sing and so they laid a weapon down how many that's gonna be our last day in the choir I understand cuz I will quit - I would - I would - God ain't in that but the Bible says because they follow the strategy the Bible says that they started singing and all of a sudden they started dying and here's my favorite part of the text - Texas that after they died God gave them all of the silver and the gold and they had so much silver and gold that it took them three days to collect it all let me tell you I'm talking to somebody here today that if you'll follow the strategy of God he's going to make sure that whatever area of lack you've had it's gonna take you three days it's gonna take you three days to get all that he has for you I don't know who I'm talking to but God told me to tell some of y'all take the next three days and get ready what what you'll give your strategy don't make sense and the reason why most of us lose our battles is we're always looking for God to make sense God don't always make sense the strategy don't always make sense pastor I needed to make sense to me if you needed to make sense to you then you are in the wrong religion this thing don't make sense it don't make sense that I got to forgive somebody who lied to me it don't make sense that I gotta be the bigger person it don't make sense that I gotta overlook what they to me you don't make sense if you look at for it to make sense you're in the wrong religion I was telling my wife this yesterday it didn't make sense John chapter 2 didn't make sense to me because they said you know Jesus we ran out of wine and they asked Jesus to turn the water to wine it don't make sense to me cuz why you asking Jesus to turn the water to wine why you ain't go get it from the same store you got the other wine from you know why because they had a strategy to go get the wine but they had no strategy if they ran out and most people have a strategy to start but they don't have one to finish and the reason why some of us are struggling is because you had a struck you had a strategy to get married but you ain't have one to stay married oh y'all ain't gonna say man just say ouch your strategy was to cook for six months and clean up and act like you was clean and once you got him your strategy stop cuz you ain't no cooker you a fixer come on it's a difference there's a different somebody Nordic cooking somebody wanna fix stuff some of y'all fix stuff you got about three dishes macaroni green beans that's a pizza [Applause] how many fixes I got in here today I can fix you something to eat but a sister who not to cook you something to eat she start cooking at nine o'clock for six o'clock Oh y'all ain't healed me today she'll give you a bagel to hold you over to see finish cooking how many cookers do I got in here today when you cook you start yesterday for the next week go to the store make sure they got your tomatoes right and make sure that they got the right tomato paste cuz you got to have a certain kind when you are cooking when you a fix that you can go to store the same day and cook oh you hungry I'll be back mr. say you're gonna eat that's all that matter ramp that's all that matter you gonna eat you're going to eat so I'm I'm the kind of brother I don't complain whatever my wife cook that's what I'm eating I don't care she cook the same thing twelve days in a row I really eat the same thing every day to be hungry when I get hungry the devil get on me oh yes he do when I get hungry I just start seeing stars and I feel like biting people for no reason and kicking them in the ankle just get out of my face I'm hungry and then when I eat up like let's pray we triumph triumph see the devil tried it but you try out the devil tried it but you triumph we don't fight Reggie for victory we fight from victory we triumph he he pour down the principalities in the open and then made us triumphing over them and then he gives you a strategy that don't make sense to see if you need it to make sense to follow him you don't follow God until it don't make sense it's you haven't listened to God until you've had an instruction that didn't make sense you have listen God will answer your prayer and you be like is that an answer it you have you ever said that is that means that God anybody because sometime I'll be like that got to be God because that ain't really what I want to do has God ever disagree with you love them anyway no god I love them anyway uh uh know what I ain't gonna look nobody anyway how many other angle let nobody just keep doing me like that I got to stand up for myself and let me tell you every time you stand up for yourself guys sit down you need Bible vengeance is mine saith the lord of hosts stand still and see the salvation of the Lord it's not your job to stand up for yourself it's your job to turn the wicked over to the Lord but if you don't have that as a strategy if you don't have a strategy you're just reacting and let me tell you something everybody who reacts is behind the person who acted because we always has to come 2nd rewind reverse anytime you react you're behind the person with the action a strategy doesn't react a strategy anticipates when you anticipate you already have a strategy for what's coming for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through the word pulling down of strongholds the Holy Spirit give you a strategy it don't make sense so if you came here today looking for clarity I don't have any for you I came to tell you that you know God is acting sometime when it don't make sense it amazes me how people when they are reacting to her won't clarity but they don't ask God for clarity on anywhere you bless me you don't need no clarity when it's coming in you just need clarity when it's going out I don't kick you don't care how God bless you right now if God was gonna give you a million dollars you don't need to know where it's coming from if a voice from heaven said I'm getting ready to give you a million dollars you're not gonna say from who God say imma give you a minute I'll Oh Lord I knew what's coming I've been going to church and faster to pray that's my season who will admit that you've been lacking a strategy you don't just have kids you have a strategy for them you don't have chosen because you're getting older you haven't because it's a part of your strategy when you have children they don't have no strategy now you're stressed you can't find a babysitter your life ain't even set up for a child right now you you don't even live near anybody who you trust watching them y'all not listening to me you don't just get pregnant you got to have a strategy you don't get married because you wrote in the journal by the time I'm 25 I'm gonna be married and so you just accept anybody that means you're gonna have to readjust that journal block you know what devil you try it and you're gonna have to read readjust stop just leaving jobs cuz you're mad you leave strategically you start putting a couple of checks back come on talk to me you start hole you start putting a couple checks back you start packing your lunch for a few months and you have a strategy so that way when you leave the job if you don't get a job right away you ain't got to go big no buddy you'll just go back to school because you feel like I'll just feel like I need to go back to school that's crazy you got to have a strategy going back to school to finish your degree just to say you finished it that sound good in theory but if it ain't gonna get you more money on your check all you got is expensive receipt I have a master's degree right now everybody always keeps saying you need to go back to get your doctorate for what just to walk around here say it I'm dr. Henderson they call me that anyway I'll go back and get it when it's a part of my strategy I got too much going on right now to be writing a dissertation and be sitting somebody classroom I'm already a doctor I went to the school of hard knocks I've been through hell and high water and I got a degree to show for it I got I'm going back out 17 letters behind my name and still broke I never will forget when we were doing the album Yolanda Adams she told me she said she said nephew she said make sure that that all of these people in the industry don't drain you of your money trying to get you to drive yourself to number one he said she said something me to change my life she said because I know a lot of people with number one records they're sleeping their cars number one records can't pay rent got to have a strategy people come to me all the time and they say you know such-and-such said that they could they could build a church just like you they could preach like you they may could they make him preach like me and they may be other priests better cuz I think they're good they may be do everything better but the one thing that I got that they don't have I got a strategy I got a strategy I got a strategy and and I pay attention to the people who God gave me I know who goes where I know what goes what I know when to hold him and win the folder I don't know when the speaking when to be quiet I know win the spin and win the whole bag I know when the so since I have a strap whenever you have a strategy are y'all listening to me somebody say Lord show me a strategy said again Lord showed me a strategy Lord showed me strategy coming coming Matthew let me show you something I was y'all be surprised how many how many of our members y'all wouldn't think I talked to this many of our members but I talk to a lot of them they called me he called me yesterday asked me for something I want to show you in person what you asked me yesterday he talked to me yesterday about about going to the next level and correct me he was talking about elevation and one of the things that people often assume about the strategy the elevation is that they have to start a quarantine e are protecting themselves from people having access to them and I told him I said don't make my decision in your position he said I see you having monitored access to you I said that's what you see after 10 years but for those of y'all who was here when I started I started pastoring amongst the people and if you elevate too early that's arrogance so so I started a myrational II I started our pastoring in and standing here with our members and touching them and holding their hands and walking with him and going to the hospital and hugging them in and I heard you in the beginning - I remember I was I was holding and then God blessed us to get to a certain place now you go from among the people to away from the people you go from because at first the reason why you have to always start out amongst them is because sheep won't follow you unless you smell like them so you start out among them and then when you get now there's going to be a certain time where it's going to get to a certain place that you cannot be amongst them so when Jesus first started out he was among the twelve but when the crowds grew he had to use the twelve to lead them because the bigger it gets the crowd becomes the mob so when the crowd becomes a mob then you have to back up and then you have to be like a conductor at an orchestra but Moses started out among the people and then away and then when God got ready to transfer to Joshua he took them up a mountain because the last step is you have to go up from the people but you can't go up until you've been in and away the problem with most people is they don't have a strategy for elevation they just want to go up but you got to have a strategy to go up in the beginning I did all the hospital visits in the beginning I did all of the weddings in the beginning I made all of the phone calls to every new member that ever joined our church I did that well we had a thousand members am i right if we had a hundred people joining church I called every one of them so what I did is I showed the sheep my work ethic I showed them my heart so that way if somebody says he ain't like that they got experience with me here's the problem most people want elevation without experience you got to have a strategy to go higher you can't just go higher because you want to go higher you can't just go up because you feel like it's time you got to pay your dues and you got to follow a strategy notice they what I'm saying and the strategy came before the exaltation now here's the other part of the strategy I knew that the more known I became the more attacked I would be so then I had to insulate myself with people who really knew me so that I could draw from the people who know me so that I'm not confused by the people who don't Oh y'all in here with me today um you can't imagine how many people on the internet who've never met me told me what kind of person I was oh he just like the mother preaches healing here he got a plane and all that counts up you fool my plane was delayed 9 hours yesterday what playing I got cuz if I got it I need you to show it to me he liked her mother preaches he got a mansion I don't live in a mansion I live in the house the probably the same size as the rest of y'all come on talk to me somebody that so I don't drive a Bentley I don't drive a Rolls Royce I'm going to now don't write don't don't get it twisted I ain't gonna be holding down failure before y'all y'all gonna have to grow up come on now ain't gonna be I mean and I heard it I ain't worked as hard to stay in this place now be it one day I'm a bus up in here with one but right now imma hold it down but y'all need to hurry up [Applause] I'm gonna hold it down I know we've been in a new church and all that kind of stuff but eventually I'm gonna have to be okay anybody who's been preached in 25 years ought to have something to show for it [Applause] follow no pastor or the Rolls Royce and then come up here and ask me to pray for you to get a new car now what kind of stuff is that you could have had a billy right now you just didn't have a strategy if you'd have the strategy is you know because this is how our minds so messed up we see Christians were crazy we're crazy you rather go buy for $60,000 cars that would only last two years well you could have went and bought one for $200,000 there were the last of ten and you could have sold it back for 50% of the cost but in the name of Jesus you go get your Toyota that lose 60% of the value by the time you get off of the floor that ain't God that's stupid people will be telling the hook man you know they look at rich people and they say see rich people have a strategy they'll look at a rich person say it don't take all of that I can't believe a spent $100,000 on a car do you know what I could I did with $400,000 you would never find out because you don't have a strategy for one and the person who spent $400,000 on the car probably only spent point zero zero one percent of their salary on the car and you wouldn't bought a car for sixty thousand and that's how much you make a year so you tell me who's smart why don't your car cost point zero zero one percent of your salary that's called a cash card so the truth is your car should cost you about $800 let me step up here so you can see me if you see the MBA athlete with a $400,000 car and they got 20 million that year and you made 60,000 this year and your car costs 60,000 you tell me who's smart i'ma let y'all go Quezada add enough let me finish for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through the putting weapons of our warfare in our car no carnivore meat flesh plainly stated you will never find the strategy in you for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal if the strategy came out of yo head it ain't gonna work if the strategy came out of yo flesh it won't work the strategy mighty through God instead of putting down the stronghold the strategy has to come from above the Holy Spirit has to give you the strategy that means it's gonna come while you're praying it's gonna come while you're in worship it's gonna come while you're fasting it's not gonna be a compilation of all of the knowledge and all of the experience that you had over your life because guess what your knowledge got you where you are and if you use your knowledge that's gonna keep getting you where you are because you cannot go higher with the same knowledge the strategy that God is gonna give you has to be a spiritual strategy and it has to confuse your flesh because I promise you that when God gives you the strategy your flesh won't agree with it when God gives you the strategy your body got your mind you'll ever think about you like it's gonna fight it because it's not gonna make sense it's not gonna be fair it's not gonna be equitable it's not gonna be pliable and you're gonna be fighting it cuz you're going to be like I can do it better than that why should I have to stand there and take that watch that I have to do that in God says the strategy it's not gonna come from you is gonna come from above that my friends is what separates the wheat from the tear strategy if you were in a lottery what you're gonna do because you know 75% of them end up in the worst position than they were in before they won the lottery why because it's dangerous to give somebody a large sum of money that doesn't have a strategy there's a woman she was on TV the other day she just won 26 million she was one of the fellow government employees did y'all see this I wish I could call her and give her strategy I'm already afraid for it ask her what's she gonna do with the money she said i'ma go to Italy and then I'm gonna take care of my family and then I'm about harmless ain't you gonna be broke cuz the truth is your family should already have a place to live and you get in 26 million dollars don't mean they need to move I have I went 26 million dollars in the lottery right now first of all you should know I'm not gonna turn it in cuz I'm a preacher thank you I'm ocassion so it's a fall ya'll who came follow me not if somebody I'm not gonna go bad a lottery ticket but if somebody give me the lottery ticket and I win I'm not gonna come on TV and say in the name of Jesus I'm gonna say the wealth of the wicked has been lit up for the righteous I'm gonna speak a tongue on Fox head over Shonda the Lord is a reward of those who diligently seek after him yes indeed and I got all my sisters sitting right here and I got all my family this is my sister Dee right here if me and Felicia win twenty six million dollars in the lottery we might give us some but I ain't moving on this job to work now I might get a couch I'm gonna put a little change in the pocket to make sure her my niece's all right but I ain't bout to find her where you wanna live what's your dream uh-huh it's your dream house you got to dream it up I got mine [Applause] I'm gonna break him off with a piece don't get me wrong but I ain't gonna give him the whole thing and God can't trust me with 226 million why cuz I already have a strategy for it first thing I'm gonna do with the 26 is give God his ten [Applause] second thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put 50% of it and something that's interest-bearing because the problem most people make is that whenever they receive extra they spend it which puts them back into Lac stand to your feet
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 39,421
Rating: 4.8892508 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, Weapons, Warfare, World, Armed, Dangerous, Spirt Filled, Equal Opportunity, armed and dangerous sermon, sermon by pastor keion henderson, Pastor, Pastor Keion Henderson, church, faith, lhhouston, LightHouse Church, trust, how to trust the process, why do things happen, Sermon Highlights, Instant Inspiration, Latest Sermons, Waking Faith, Sun Stand Still, study bible, children's church, pastor appreciation, Bishop, god is awesome, God
Id: mDU3aCSxz0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 18sec (3618 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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