Shake It Off | Pastor Keion Henderson

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Oh ruler over everything in all your ways [Music] [Music] yes yes you are [Music] [Music] behold the King G over range over [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] trust you she home [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody gonna stand to our feet in this place can we put our hands together for Jesus on this Super Bowl Sunday is anybody excited in this house is anybody anticipated [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] out of the ashes let's go thank you [Music] Oh God screen up - raaga got you [Music] our bodies [Music] Oh God 4 the trash [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no garage old let's go kinda like to hold up there's no cattle it--your oh but there's no cutlet to hold their Stoke they're stoked I like to hold up that stoke a light yoruba let's to God like Jehovah Oh Oh [Music] like No let's go no Holly what equator ohyes [Music] [Applause] how great it's our God wait [Music] I will see [Music] [Applause] great [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh trading on his way let's go one wise [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on up your voice in this place let's sound the alarm out of our student [Applause] how quick aside I lift up your hands sit with me helpless saga I will see how great how great is our God can I just hear the voices of the people how great singing [Music] that's it the worship belongs to your Lord all will see it's not God can we sing it one more time how queer nobody like you nobody knocking oh my god lift up your voice in this place come on let's reference the King of Kings let's reference the Lord of lords how's mission [Music] - violin ooh your god this is negative neighbor and say our God is great I needed to get somebody else saying he's greatly to be praised if you believe that put your hands together for great and awesome God that we serve he's amazing listen we want to move quickly because there's so much that the Lord wants to do in this Serbs on today so would you just be a prayer wire for someone on this morning just grab that hand or that person next to you they need you right now just grab that hand grab their hand because you're grabbing the hand of someone who God intends to do great things through they have not even seen the things that God has already imagined and designed for them so it's true that hand squeeze at hand because they need to know what greatness feels like yeah look at them and say I'm great the Lord made me this way yeah in spite of what you've done your greatest matter where you come from you are great in spite of what you did you are great in the sight of God squeeze at hand father God we just want to say thank you thank you Lord for everything you've done for us God we think that you have not left us that you are steadily being present in our life God we think enough for the hairs that you built around us they had to protect you that you consistently giving us on the day-to-day so god we thank you lot you're doing great things in our household you're doing great things in our careers but we think about what health is great our mindset it's great and because our mind is break my cover Satan is great thank God I thank you for my stance and even then it's great so lord I will not be moved I will not be persuaded God we thank you on this morning now Lord we ask that you bless this campaign God we're building something for your kingdom and God we asked her that what we do gark in the kingdom right now that an overthrow in our house what we do in this camp let's go let it touch my bedrooms what we doing this campus that it throw into my child what we doing this campers gonna let it touch the hospitals and God we just lift your name in this place and we say thank you touch our leader girl pull into him give him more wisdom more power more anointing gonna do great things in this work and God give him the words the same there are changes that register our life so how we live through this morning and when we touch our neighbor girl we pray for them that your love overflow in their life that greatness be abound in that life that grace abound in their life and God we say thank you how these blessings we ask in your son Jesus name Amen come give the Lord some praise in this house on this morning you can do better there he is great you can do better than these also there are some things that we need to communicate to you on this one you can be seated be seated in the house of God we are so glad to see your faces on this morning listen we miss you when you're gone we miss you when we don't but listen we have a few things we want to just talk to you about the younger dose would be hosting the 53rd Super Bowl watch party here at the church doors will open yeah that's good at 4:30 p.m. the doors will open at 4:30 p.m. come and join us for great fun and watching up the game and this is we're gonna have a great time out here tonight please if you need somewhere to go you just want to finish it with someone come out with us we'll be here waiting for you listen the life groups are open for its second session life groups are our version of small groups there are sessions all over the city we've expanded our light groups from 6 to about 12 so we're printed them all over the city right now we have people in the foyer out here who will connect with you we want to get you connected to that and give you some information about that all the details that you need they'll be right there waiting for you out in the foyer please go out these doors connect with someone right out there the lighthouse Bible College whoo come on put your hands in together for that yeah we're expanding elevating listen and we are doing great all at one time yeah the lighthouse bar bacala's announces two new classes Christian counseling certification and theology of pastoral care so if you want to be a part of those if you just feel like you have a calling on your life to just pull into someone do counseling or just doing some pastoral care getting their theology in that area we want to help you in that so if you're interested you the direction right out there and the fall you will have further information for you go right to get service they'll be able to give you all the details you need about that and listen last but not least do not forget to stop by khm and purchase a greater campaign t-shirt today it looks just like what I got on the day you'll see that scattered throughout the de st. you Eric and listen like I love to say what better come they started in the house some just tear it across your chest like this you know when I say what's greater you're looking at it already I'm walking in my greatness who who like me you walking in great up you walking and greater you refuse to take anything less than that you do like me amen so listen the last vote the next ones that you were here we'd be dead of pastor Qian Henderson right after these videos right after these videos get to the screen my eight-year-old is the one who really had an encounter Sunday so when we came back when we're back home Sunday he was telling nobody's experience okay we'll go back Monday and he came back Monday and we told my daughter about Sunday she was like well I want to come Monday and Tuesday my name is patience so it all started off when we were shouting and I was like asking God to let his Holy Spirit fall heavy upon me so while I was shouting I kind of like kicked my shoes off and I was like shouting and then all of a sudden I felt something just dropped on and I began to to fall but I can't we were actually landing on the chairs so I fell but my mom said when I fell the spirit had her and it just laid her down but to me I felt weighted down I feel heavy so I was laying there I had one arm hanging over the seats and one arm up and the arm that was hanging it felt weighted down and felt numb so like I really couldn't move it so as I was using this hand to still praise and worship it began to fall to like something was like pushing my arm down so I was I was sitting there and then all of a sudden I closed my eyes and I begin to drift she was just laying there she was just laying and I put my hand on her chest no snow and she said there's a heart beating I just began to pray and I was calling on the name of Jesus clean the blood of Jesus as I knew that's all that was on Vito's from this moment was Jesus and the nursing staff took her back to the nurse's station he was trying to get her read of signs and we wasn't getting good readings so they was like okay let's calling the ambulance so then all I know is I'm in the ambulance and they're getting my readings and then my eyes begin to open and I'm able to like freaking out but I can't speak it was hard for me to talk we went to the ER I said I told him what happened at church it was like I she ever experienced this before I said no not like this this is it had to happen to patients before so the dogs was like well what happened I was like okay if you understand worship she was worshiping she was speaking in tongues do you understand like okay she was at church and she just stopped breathing so they ran all tests all scans did lab came back and said we can't tell you why your daughter stopped breathing they said it was nothing wrong with she's fine she can go home and immediately I just started worshiping God I said God I understand what was going on now I know that he's always with you and as he says north of safety so I've been feeling him ever since then it's just like he's right here and I just feel like just feeling full of joy and happiness and just like not walking in like wearing anything I make sure I pray and just do whatever he he says to be just trying to focus on him and what he wants me to do thank you Pastor Keon for allowing God's Spirit to be present not quenching the spirit not smothering the spirit now putting the spirit on the schedule just letting it - letting it flow free flow and I've been in Houston almost 12 years now and I've been searching for what I found Tuesday night thank you that's the key on because you gave a great word and you just inspire this church so much it's just like I want to kind of join this church what I can't and I just want to thank you for everybody who was surrounding me and just praying for me and making sure that I was okay I want to thank the nursing staff were just doing their job and trying to make sure that I was right medically and I just thank God [Applause] Wow come on give God some praise in this place today anybody ready for greater listen today is a special day today is a special day some of y'all got y'all babies up here so get your camera ready I don't know y'all gonna be stepping over each other and if somebody step on you the next two minutes they trying to get they baby pictures so just forgive them now I know something y'all gonna run up here but please just be careful as you come up here we got James fortune in the house come on y'all pray let's go [Applause] listen we're getting ready to give we're doing two things today obviously we're going to give our tithe and offering and then we're going to come back after that and we're going to do our greater gifts today I had a meeting yesterday with about 75 leaders and you wouldn't believe what God did in that room you wouldn't believe what God did in that room and since we have started greater since we've started greater just four weeks ago nearly 500 people of joint church amen just this past Sunday 104 people joined church but that's not important what's more important is 19 people confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for the first time such a name say that's what it's all about we have seen cancer get healed in this place and God put his stamp of approval and say this is not about a building it's about the movement come on somebody say the movement the move so we're praising God in we're thanking God for so we're gonna get our tithes and offering if you need a envelope just a regular ties and off and just go ahead and get that right now our hostess are waiting right there and then we're going to do our greater offering now I see I saw some Dallas Cowboys jerseys up [Applause] now wait a minute let me tell you something I don't know if you know this or not but we got a real Dallas Cowboy in the house right now [Applause] he's the son of this church he's the son of this house DJ stand up come on give it up for real live in there Phil you can find them so that's the only cowboy Jersey I wear I will wear dorrance Armstrong on my back I will wear Emmitt I know him and I wear my colosi Jersey but after that so my son is here today so we're all cowboys fan today I don't want to hear no boom when they're coming home Cowboys today you hit me not today I don't care where you from and you Saints fans need to stop acting like that I will admit I will at me y'all got robbed let me be the first to tell you you got robbed it was helmet the helmet it was passing offense it was traveling it was double dribble it was awesome it was off sighs it was all lovely Jesus I said did he travel God Almighty did he go to first base was that a home run it was everything flagrant foul one two facemask offsides traveling malpractice oh my god - bad day how come they can't review that lord have mercy it's a sedative wouldn't it's a conspiracy they had to get Tom ready in there again didn't it now wait ain't gonna be none of that and gonna be none of that now we don't cuss in church come on let's get our tithes and offering together sighs an offering hold your ties it off yes you get that ready just stand on your feet y'all give our babies a hand look at that look at that look at the kids Discovery Zone I've seen some of these babies grow up from 2 to 10 from 10 and 18 just amazing all right ho you give up in the air repeat after me as I move towards greater I will accept all divine ideas thoughts or concepts that will connect me to my destiny I believe that what Jesus Christ has done for me it's bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me because of his full gift I will lend to many nations and will not borrow from any how many of you all believe it I'm gonna put a praise on it all right and I sent you all the many directions I would say to my right to my left but find to do with the basket in pointed his away hey man this section you're going to my left this section you're going to my left this section you're going to my right y'all in the middle just fine to do with the basket [Music] [Music] y'all give it up for creative arts department who put all this together [Applause] [Music] [Music] are one more time give it up for kids show [Music] I was trying to figure out what they were saying so I was like hey somebody tell us greater Jin o greater generation come on y'all give it up our young people are taking part in our greater generation back there they've been praying they've been given come on and praise God for them that's amazing and guys guess what we're doing this for you we are doing this for you everything that we're doing now everything that we've given towards everything that we're building we're doing it for you so that you can have a fighting chance because you are the next generation you are our next business owners you are our next entrepreneurs you are our next city officials you are next mayors you are next governors you have the cure to cancer in your brain and we are going to support that endeavor as we get ready to give today I want you to give with them in mind if you don't have one of these envelopes our hostess will get these for you over the next 23 months we're going to give to ensure that not only do we build something for them to be able to worship and learn and play basketball and play volleyball and do all the things that we're asking God to do but that we can teach them the ways of Christ in an environment that is safe and secure and that is dedicated unto the Lord can you say man on this envelope you'll see it just has your name and some other pertinent information yesterday we got together with 75 leaders let me show you how God works 75 leaders and we're already with 75 people 1.5 million dollars in oh you don't know how to shout you don't know how to say man 1.5 million 75 that leaves us with another 9000 people to take the rest I think we can do it what about you what about you so I want you to stand with your gift right now I want you to stand with your gift right now wherever you are just standing with it just stand with it just stand with it this is your greater campaign gift we're going to do this for 23 months but here's what I want you to know we're not going to give for 23 months and then build the ground is already broken we're hoping to have the foundation down in the next three or four months we're going to do this at the speed of cash come on somebody you're gonna do the second speed of cash which means this it is my prayer that the building is done before your friend is given so wherever you are I want you to stand with your gift and so this is super gold Sunday okay I want you to bring it because this is the gold I want all of you all to give here a gift over the gold because I'm asking God that he will help you to reach your goals that whatever your dream is that we're going to reach it through greater we're going to reach it through greater some of y'all be like what are you talking about pastor this this is going towards building a 37,000 square foot dream Center dedicated to our youth and you may have not made a commitment already and you may not be given a quarter million dollars or you may not be given a hundred thousand or 25,000 but if somebody hid it says you know a pastor I'm going to commit to giving five dollars a week let me tell you something enough of y'all give five dollars a week it'll make a huge difference the reason why I'm saying that is because some of you are may think well since it's not big I'm not going to do it I want you to pray and ask God right now that whatever he purpose is in your heart if you can do it on a weekly basis a monthly basis if it's five dollars if it's ten dollars if it's twenty dollars I want you to make that commitment right now and just stand on your feet it doesn't have to be a whole lot because God will bless he'll bless the Widow's mite he'll bless the widow's Mike it's not about the size of the seed is the size of the sacrifice and a $5 is a sacrifice for you every week I promise you gotta honor it and let me tell you when God takes that five and multiplies it a hundred times or y'all not here with me when he takes that $10 and multiplies it a hundred times when he takes that $20 and multiplies it a hundred times he'll say according to your faith not according to the denomination according to your faith not according to the dollar amount according to your faith what I bless the seed of your house so if you'll commit to something right now between you and the Lord I just want you to stand to your feet just something that you'll commit to to say God I want to take part in this god I don't have a child up there but those are my children that looks like my nephew that looks like my niece there are ways to give you can text 2 8 3 2 9 2 4 0 4 4 3 you can use the cold grader you can get by cash check please use greater on the envelope or you can go to our website all of the information is up there for those of you all who are watching online you are free to communicate with us and to take part in this according the Galatians chapter 6 the Bible says be not deceived God is not mocked whatever man shows that Shelley also read Amen all right we all got your gifts you got your greater gifts alright deacons have y'all put me some more baskets on the stage give me all of them give me all of them look at how look at the resounding response just look around alright every week we're gonna bring these a man we're going to bring them all right we're ready all right bring your gifts bring your gifts bring your gifts bring y'all give it up for first lady just bring your gifts a little [Music] got we praying right now in the name of Jesus that you would bless these gifts 1000 folk that you would bless them in a city left some in the field bless them as they come bless them as they go we pray God that whatever they need that you shall supply we pray that not only will we give the goal we will reach the goal we press towards the mark for the prize of the upward call pray that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against them shall be condemned we were once young but now we're holding never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread God turned crumbs and the loaves turn to fish into a banquet in a multitude God turned struggled in the strength turn not enough to more than enough he raised poverty and lack in the last name of these givers god these seas are not for them this is for their grandchildren their children's children God this is a proverbs blessing God wise men leaves an inheritance for his children's children we pray God that in 2050 these seeds will still be growing we pray God that A Thousand shall fall at the side ten thousand at the right hand but none shall come nigh these in Jesus name we pray everybody who loves the Lord releases shadowplay double you can do it [Music] lighthouse let me hear you make some noise you can do better than that let me hear you make some Jesus no ice how many of you are excited for this grater that we're about to receive we already claimed it done in Jesus name on the note that we were receiving greater Aaron came up with the idea he said man we gotta have somebody and at the last minute I said let me call my boy let me call my boy he come to church he be out and conspicuous and sit in the back I said James I need just come through man he said Omari I'm there with no questions come on stand to your feet lighthouse he's one of our own let's give them some love James lighthouse search make some noise for Jesus if you love now listen we we can't let we cannot let the Superbowl in Atlanta make more noise for the Patriots and for the Rams that we make for Jesus balls I make some noise machine come on has he given you some last-second victories in your life cuz he came in around all the time and in for the corn out of your life would it seem like the game was over but God gave it away innovative way out of no way and God said that please you wanna praise God right now every touchdown he made in your life Thomas seemed like it was over okay so so first of all first of all a lighthouse may y'all off the chain y'all pastor make some love for pastor first lady man listen because people know I'm from Houston I get it from people all over the country about this church about this ministry give yourselves a hand make some noise for you and your pastor for what y'all are doing across the world if y'all in Africa and and I think I'd especially way because he was there for me when nobody else was he was there to encourage me to live through what I was going through when nobody else was and he brought me to speak on the title destiny derail so y'all I didn't want to talk about it because everybody told me not to talk about it but but but Luke chapter 6 there was a man sitting the back of the synagogue with a withered hand and the Bible says Jesus said come to the front of the church calling to the fray said stretch out your hand hold up now I've been hiding this withered hand with my worship with my scriptures you want me to show people my issue you want me to stretch out my hand and show people what I've been dealing with what I've been working with and Jesus was saying well if you scared to to reveal it then I can't heal it and that's where God freed me to begin to talk about stuff that we don't want to talk about and so permanent from that time when he had me come speaking on God wanted me to help people and with this book destiny derail helping men and women all over the country all over the world and how to get your life back on track from whatever the enemy tried to steal from you on how to deal with rejection I know many times God Wells our people to exclude you before he exhausts you because everybody can't go to the next level with you how to forgive yourself how to trust God so we do have those books inspired by my brother pastor thank you so much this wouldn't have happened without you man I love you thank you so much how many of you know can't nobody stop the favorite is on your life they ain't gotta like it they gotta approve of it they got a cosign it but if you know can't nobody stop the favor of God on your life somebody make some noise right now Marty let's hit it man can we celebrate the favor of God I need to track this up here bring that track up y'all huh yeah free the drums in the minors [Music] Oh you gotta flavor you [Music] we go rut we like that Oh Marius - Rochelle [Music] Oh [Music] elevate you say even your family just like you say we don't see the first one top goes like this give it to me [Music] [Applause] greater on your Oh what good [Music] right address the way they had to do I see what I see buddy somebody screwed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No Kelly [Music] [Music] bless you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many know that God has great things in store for you considered by the excitement about what he has in store for you you just put your hands right now come on right here [Music] it's also Sunday morning let's do anything goddesu you see [Music] you see [Applause] snob [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Applause] Wow [Applause] come on put those hands together [Applause] [Music] my key [Applause] [Applause] come on let's go got a handbrake let's submit this space as we receive the men of God come on let's give God a handbrake let's pray God we trust you we thank you and we are excited that you have great things in store for us highs have not seen is have not heard but we thank you God that you're all-knowing and that you don't need eyes and ears that you can just make things happen in Jesus name we pray come on a shot a man in this place hallelujah I want to give it up one more time to James fortunately you are just a gift man incredible amazing also I've got a good friend of mine I don't know if you are how many Rockets fans make some noise if you're a rocket fan you remember this point guard he was cold war afro in the thousands y'all give it up with my homeboy big Moochie Norris come on y'all praise God boy me and mushi played golf together I can't play basketball with him boy he played basketball from morning tonight he calls he calls the gym the kitchen doesn't show you how long he'd be in there and I ain't got time to be out there getting embarrassed so I just take them whereas even a man let's go to Acts chapter 18 Acts chapter 18 verse number one give it up for this this praising worse administered thank you all excellent excellent acts 18 verse number one if you got to say I got it if you're still looking and say hold up if you're still if you got a neighbor still looking tell them to look up right he's right down the screening ain't hot matter of fact I'm a reader from up there which all right after these things paul departed from athens and came to corinth and found a certain Jew named aquila born in Pontus lately come from italy with his wife priscilla because that Claudius had commended all the Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them verse 3 and because he was of the same craft he abode with them see they they didn't connect over Christ before they connected over crafts the church is always trying to make a religious connection before it makes a personal connection for by their occupation they were tentmakers verse four and he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath he went to church every sabbath and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks and when Silas and Timothy will come from Macedonia Paul was pressed in the spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ verse six and when they opposed themselves and blaspheme he shook his raiment in other words he shook his clothes and said unto them your blood be on your own head I'm clean out in other words I did my job from henceforth I'm going to the world I'm going to the world I'm in the sanctuary I'm preaching to the Jews but some people are so saved that they don't forgot what they got saved from so I'm making an max exodus out of the church and watch this go back he says and he departed this and entered into a certain man's house named justice one of who that worship he wasn't in church but he worshiped God whose house was next door where the dream Center is you see until the church moves next door until the church gets out of the synagogue until the church goes out there and creates a space and and all worshippers are not in church lord help move and watch this when they built the dream Center when he went to Corinth and built a dream Center verse eight says and Christmas the chief ruler of the synagogue believed on the Lord which means that the man who didn't go to church was saved and the man who was over the church wasn't and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized verse 9 then strict the law to Paul in a night by and in the night by a vision be not afraid speak anyway don't hold your peace last verse for I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee if I have much people and I got people I got people in this city he got around those folks and and they wasn't hearing what they say a Paul just shook his clothes on I'm done with y'all let me tell you something you gettin ready to do something a whole lot of people not going to stand you getting ready to build something and a whole lot of people are gonna be confused I got three words for you shake it off that's what I'm talking about today slap three people to say shake it off shake it off you may be seated in the presence of the Lord don't shake the Mater zone ladies and gentlemen this is this is Paul's first time in Corinth Bible says look at verse one and and and you got to see this every time you read the scripture he says after these things whenever you see in the Bible after these things you have a responsibility to go find out what these things are if you just start with after these things then you're getting half of the story after these things after what well chapter 17 he's in Thessalonica in Athens preaching and a wholesome City the suburbs where people drink lattes for breakfast in the suburbs well they got tea in and and English muffins and and and crumpets and then and and tea with milk in it you know everybody's walking their dogs and and everybody waves at you when you passed by you ever been in one of those neighborhoods and everybody is so kind and and everybody's jogging in the morning even though it's 12 degrees they still have shorts on it's it's a beautiful place and and he's in Athens and the Bible says after these things Paul goes to Karev it's important that you know that Corinth and Athens ain't nothing to life right now Athens is this good wholesome suburb suburbian City where everybody pays their taxes and none of the lawns are overgrown and and the homeowners association makes sure that all the grass is cut you know this kind of place it's it's Athens but Corinth ain't Athens the Bible says that Corinth was a place of debauchery there are some writers that suggests that Sodom and Gomorrah were great places compared to Corinth that when you got to current they had male and female prostitutes at the church working the word orgy comes from Corinth this is the kind of church that these people went to this was this was a place of licentious behavior they had no moral compass no morality they they just did whatever they wanted to do so much so that they didn't listen to Paul the first time he had to come back and write them two letters that's what he got 1st Corinthians then second these are two of his longest letters you'll see Galatians when he got to the church at Galatia he was done in six chapters when he got to the church at Ephesus he was done in the few chapters when he got to Corinthian church he had to write 15 16 17 chapters and he had to do it twice because like many of them were just in the house trying to get it right and and and don't you judge Corinth because of that Church was alive today some of us would be good members they man somebody why you sitting up there looking down you'll know is acting like it hi how dare them how dare you Paul goes to Corinth and the reason why I'm talking about this is because the church just continues to sometimes we always want to find these great neighborhoods to build our churches in we want to find these suburbian areas where people have great financial resources and and and and ninety percent of the people in the area are graduating from high school and 60 percent of graduating from college and crime is low that's what we want to put our church but sometimes God sends the church to the highways byways and the hedges because how many of you know that people who don't have silver spoons still need a gold God and he goes into the city and he goes and he and he witnesses and and and he goes by himself and when you follow Paul normally he has a companion sometimes you see Barnabas with him sometimes you see Silas with him that's who was with him when he was in prison every time Paul went John mark was with him Luke was with him but when he got to Corinth the Bible says he had to go by himself and I don't know who I'm talking to but sometimes you got to go by yourself sometimes you got to go by yourself and I don't know about you but but but I'm not I'm not the person who's best alone I like company I like to talk to people I like to hear what people are thinking but let me tell you when God is building something in your life sometimes company gets in the way when God is building something in your life if you take inventory of your life right now you've lost more friends in this season than you've ever lost in your life if you've taken inventory of your life right now your phone is not ringing as much as it used to why because God is sending you to Corinth God is sending you to that place where you got to go by yourself and I'm talking to some ladies right now you love to have a companion now God says date yourself this is the season where you're gonna have to go buy yourself open the door for yourself clean up for yourself pay your own bills cook for yourself I know you want somebody around but God this is your selfish season not to be selfish but to be with yourself and Paul is by himself slap somebody to say I'm by myself in this season and but but what I want you to know is that that even though he was by himself here was the key he stayed faithful because I don't have much response or much respect for a call that needs company to activate God says he you gonna have to do this by yourself somebody say by yourself I know sometimes you can go to girl you want to go to church with me that's fine but sometimes you got to get up by yourself and when everybody else went to the club yesterday and you did too and you still got in the house at 4:00 and had to get up at 7:00 oh I wish I had somebody don't don't you look down your nose and act like I ain't talking to you walked in the house at 5:00 and have to contemplate am I gonna make it to the service yes you are sometimes you gonna have to go by yourself you gonna have to come in here with a hangover you're gonna have to come in here smelling like Boone's Farms I know anybody ain't no act like everybody in here is drinking 1,800 some of y'all drinking Arbour mist peach flavor how let your boy and you still gonna have to come tell your neighbors say you still gonna have to come and he went by himself he stayed faithful by himself and you know Paul wasn't he wasn't a good guy before this Paul was a murderer Paul was a killer he was one that vexed certain of the church he killed Christians for a living but where God got ahold of him he went by himself somebody say go by matter of fact somebody is in here by yourself today who in here by yourself right now just just look at something and just shout out I don't know these people day they sitting by me I just met him you think we're here together I don't know these folk I'm speaking to him like I know him I don't know them they don't know me I hope that that can change before I leave but I came by myself I didn't karuppu I drove here because I needed something from God I didn't get a ride somebody over to church today I came here because I was seeking something from God I'm telling you some places you're gonna have to go by yourself if I don't get anything else in your spirit some places you gonna have to go by yourself whole family and financial turmoil you're gonna have to manage your money by yourself everybody getting divorces you're gonna have to stay in your marriage by yourself you ain't gonna have no friends you're gonna call them Nigam girl I'm going through thinking about will leave no you leave I'm gonna stay in this thing because what God has put together all help me in this house Holy Ghost well God has put together let no man put asunder somebody shout by yourself so this after these things what's these things following the sermon that Paul preached on Mars Hill that when he preached and he told the church it was time to go in a different direction it was time to stand up for the word of God it was time to repent be baptized and be saved and he's preaching and he goes by himself and he walks 40 miles from Athens to Corinth walks 40 miles no Nikes no Reeboks sandals and he walks 40 miles in the heat no complaint have you ever noticed that James it don't matter what the weather is the weather is never right for people to go to church let me prove it to you if you're so ho girl I ain't going out there it's too cold if it's hot oh I got to stay here cuz they don't turn the air conditioned down enough up and then I don't be wrong to be around all them people and be sweating if you storm it oh no Jesus it's too wet out there people and you so don't know how to drive if it's a perfect day this weather too good to go to church I got to go [Applause] Paul pressed his way as he knew that it would always be something but he will let nothing separate him from the love of God he leaves Athens and goes to Corinth Corinth may be full of sin but it is a capital city if you study corinth they've got all kinds of comers Corinth was the first New York Corinth was popping before there was ever a London the Lords of London had nothing on Corinth it was a seaport they had merchants in fact the city was so big that they hosted the Olympic Games of ancient times Corinth was the city they had commercialism they just didn't have character they knew how to make money they just could have served the master they knew how to how to bling they just couldn't blend are you with me today they had brass in fact when you go to the gate called beautiful some say that the gate was made out of Corinthian brass because they had all kinds of money they had all kinds of wealth this was a wealthy city and he leaved the suburbs and he finds himself in Corinth and when he gets there he's confronted with all kinds of behavior that most churches would run from and he says this is right where I'm getting ready to start this church I'm getting ready to build this Dream Center in the midst of debauchery I'm going to build it in the midst of pornographic ideas I'm going to build it right in the face of orgies I'm going to build it right in the place of living that's beneath the standard of God and I am so sick of churches that only want to minister the people who look like they belong tonight just cannot just keep it real for a minute I'm not concerned if these brothers come in churches with hats on I'm just glad they in church and I'm so y'all looking at people here timeout they got they hat on in the sanctuary well what's worse handcuffs in the prison let them come with their hats let them come with their pants beneath their butt and you shut your mouth stop looking at these girls how about we look at her skirt you used to wear stuff like that too before you came to church and the truth is when you ain't at church you'll still wear it leave these kids alone they want to wear ripped jeans the church if they want to wear skinny jeans leave them alone cuz I know people with three-piece suits going to hell and these guys that you looking at with all flights on are you thinking oh my god they don't look like they go to church but but God never judged a man by the outside he just stood by the heart the church needs flexibility so she needs flexibility we are not going to reach the world staying in our sanctuary we got to move out somebody say move out sometimes you got to go to Corinth sometimes you have to go downtown and start a church next to a bridge shameless plug for the interviewer who haven't been the lighthouse central downtown any given Sunday we go down there there's a whole community of people who don't have rules over the head but are not homeless you've missed what I just said when Paul got there he went there and he hooked up with two people Aquila and Priscilla they first conversation what about doc what version of the Bible you got it I read the King James a rare what church you go to that wouldn't a first conversation first conversation what materials do you use to make your tense the Bible says they will connect it because they were of the same craft they connected over something other than religion and church if we don't connect with this generation other then if we don't find a way to find these young men at 21 years old and and teach them a trade teach them how to make money with their hands feed me before you give me the gospel show me how to make ends meet the church has to find something else to connect with this generation I know y'all can't say makers you so say but let me tell you something before you had Christ you had a problem and we gotta have classes where we teach men how to overcome their traps and teach young ladies about being pure before we tell him about being saved when he got in the city the first two people he met with we're tent makers now Paul was a tent maker but he didn't make tents nearly out of profit as he met as he did for necessity because Paul was a missionary Paul never had a house wherever city Paul winter he just built a tent and state there this preacher that you keep reading about he was homeless he lived in tents his whole life he would build tents and then he said you know what since I'm building tents for myself and I'm pretty good at I might as well make a business out of it so look at how struggle is the mother of necessity I want to talk to you all and and I did an altar call at the downtown Church I said how many of you all are entrepreneurs the whole church came to the altar all 200 people who were downtown and I'll be there at 1:30 all of them came to the altar I said Lord there is a calling on my life I saw all of those entrepreneurs came to the altar because we were connected we are connected by something other than the Bible we are connected by something other than our hands and our favorite songs we're connected by commerce and so now he's connected with people who understand him birds of a feather I'll stop talking about I hang with him but I ain't none like him the devil is a lie you're just like him you just won't do it in public how let your boy the Bible says the Bible says that Aquila watch this you can go and look it up in the Greek Aquila his name and the Greek means eagle birds of a feather flock together you will eventually find who you are so if you want better people in your life don't ask God for better people become a better person if you got people in your life you can't trust chances are we can trust you or you ain't gotta say man just say ouch but I need somebody in here to say God send me somebody who understands life on my level I'm trying to explain in vision to people I'm trying to explain in God to people I'm tired of explaining why I worship the way I worship God can you send me somebody who gets me I don't know who I'm talking to but high five and say God's getting ready to send you somebody who understands life on your level somebody ought to get excited about that because God's getting ready to upgrade you you getting ready to running and folk who understand money like you've been praying about you get ready to understand you get ready to running the people who understand family on your level you get ready to run into people who understand business on your level that doesn't mean you have a business on this level it just means you have a vision on this level God sent me someone who understands vision I'm tired of hanging around people who are defeated every day and who always got bad news you always said God they don't have to be perfect but let them be pushing they don't have to be perfect but let them be pursuing somebody say God send me somebody first thing I want to let you know you gonna have to shake off some of these old relationships because God's getting ready to send your divine connections somebody shout divine connections and your divine connections don't want to hang around your trifling connections you gonna have to make sure that when God sends you new people you either get rid of old people to make sure you don't introduce the new people to them because what God is getting ready to do with you people who are pushing ain't got time to be hanging around people who are standing I am judging you I'm just saying it's time to move forward do I have anybody in here somebody shout divine connections the kind of divine connections that you can walk into the bank and have the loan done before you fill out the paperwork y'all don't know what divine connections are I'm talking about divine connections that will need a permit pool all you got to do is make one phone call I'm talking about divine connections that when you need to get in an industry somebody will help you in that inner suggests because you are connected I'm looking at Tamela Alston right now just got a business at Whole Foods got a call from the governor asking in his State of the State address can he use her story y'all not here with me today you got NBA players and NFL players and businesses and Whole Foods all around you and some of y'all don't have sense enough to make a divine connection you walking in church with your nose in there ain't nobody speak to me so hang on speak to them and you go walk out broke busted and disgusted just like you did when you walked in here but God says you are just one connection away from something happening in your life matter of fact give your neighbor high five and say I don't know you but I need to know you because God told me to tell you that when I move your move God told me I'm your Aquila you're my Priscilla we can really connect together and make something happen we gonna make sense together we don't make cupcakes together we don't make business together we gonna make moves together snap your neighbor say we business partners you just don't know it you got to start seeing more in people than just an opportunity get to know people don't be so opportunistic that everybody you meet you're trying to figure out how you can get something from the best way to live life is to meet somebody and find out what you can get to them and hear what I'm telling you God will always give what you're willing to give shake off these negative gossiping relationships shake them off every time you call me girl let me tell you what I heard you know what bath time to hear what you heard let me can you help me with what you made can you help me with what you created girl I got tea I drink coffee by I'm on the strict water diet I don't need no tea it's a diuretic I'm going to the bathroom too much too much wasting my life out I drink water [Applause] trying to show you what divine connections will do in your life you can do more together than you can by yourself James called me about the book and we talked about it now look at what look at what connection does it wasn't my book it was his book but God gave me one sentence that helped him to write a paragraph do you understand just one word from the Lord this young man here who set it right here I met him at the goodwill last week we will connect it over junk they looked at me and he said I'm coming to that church Sunday he joined Sunday a man of this work connections now anything I have is going to the goodwill he work at may not mean none of you but it means something to help how do you how dare you sit in church 90 minutes and don't get to know the person they just give your neighbor high fashion Jesus all these are fires don't want to give my high five but you'll take a hot five if they give it to you you don't know who herring you ain't touching the old god I oh I can preach you don't know who's head matter of fact touch your neighbor say are you done messed up and then give me a high five you don't know who you sitting next to I'm a bowler I'm a bus I'm a shot-caller you don't mess around and look over me because I haven't made it yet I don't know waste somewhere and I ain't interested in you after I arrive you better get to know me while I'm on my way Brandon got some great richer ham Brendon this young man right here I was I was on preaching the other day on television and and I said an address that Felicia Knight used to live in not this address this is when we were struggling try to make it your door no I'm talking about we were all the way out there in in highway 6 area I gave the address out on TV and he text me on the phone and said hey man stop giving my address out I said I ain't giving your address I'll be I said that was my address he said you got to be kidding me me and my wife live at the same place you and your wife used to live in I said wait a minute this looks too familiar I said we had a baby sleeping on the couch how many kids y'all got he said one I said boy he bout to blow up I said boy you got to blow up guys about to take you out of that one bedroom with you and your baby in your life and God told me to tell you to connect with you because there's a divine connection coming and all of a sudden he gets a call that his business has expanded to Austin Texas I don't know who I'm talking to but God told me to tell you divine connections Oh God accordin Priscilla was running from the anti-semitic regime of Claudius in role running from something and they met Paul let me tell you something I'm here to tell you you ain't gonna run into it until you run from it see what some of y'all want is to run into it but the prerequisite before running into the next level is running from the previous one I know you want your future but are you tired of your past because you cannot be in between two opinions you can't be ready for tomorrow and satisfy with yesterday you got to want one more than you want divine connections God says but I'm not gonna give you divine connections until you learn divine communication divine communication now you may be thinking a communication like receiver Cynder I talk you talk okay are you gonna stop and let me finish speaking before you interrupt me how can you be listening to me when you're already thinking about what they're going to say before I finish does this sound like anything in your house how you listen to me with your body language like that you don't even look like you listening but not that kind of communication go to Galatians chapter 6 bring Galatians chapter 6 up on the screen I want to show you all something I think I think we're gonna go to Galatians 6 I think it's around his around verse 6 I think his Galatians 6 and 6 this is what the Bible says first of all when he went there the Bible says and when you finally keep it up the Bible says that he went to the Jews and he reasoned with him and he persuaded them and he went there let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things go to verse 7 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatever man sword that shall he also reap go to the next verse he who souls to the flesh shall reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall reap everlasting life see but ok well well what what are we talking about let's go back to verse 6 cuz always talking about communication I thought I thought we were I thought we were talking about conversing I thought we were talking about communication but when you live up the word communicate in the Greek it actually means let him that has taught the word share money unto him that teaches the word so in the scripture when you see the word communicate is not talking about talking it actually means currency see the reason why the word doesn't work in some of your life is because I preach but you don't communicate see when I give you a word and you don't give an offering you stolen oh god help me I just gave you Bible you don't have to believe me it's right there go home and read it I don't have to change it it's right there let him who teach us who has taught the word communicate bring it back up let him that is talk who is talk who is talk let heard that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things communicate don't me I say point a and you say Amen not in communication communication means to share it means to share so whenever I give you a word and you don't give an offering you've messed up the lines of communication and so the universe life God whatever you want to call it it's not working on your behalf because a monologue and a dialogue are different when I talk and you don't give I've been talking to myself but it is working for the ones who are communicating back somebody may say I didn't give a million dollars I gave one it was the best I have but I see something happening in my life is there anybody ever seen God do something in your life that you could not explain a five dollar gift for ten dollar gift for twenty eight what in a million dollars it was just saying God here it is here it is I understand that word and so building this dream Center is communication it's communication I am Telling You what God said do you give towards it it's communication God says you got to learn divine communication not divine praise but divine communication let let each one of us set aside a portion of what God has given us for the work and the cause of Christ nobody teaches us anymore because whenever you talk finances people don't go to church whenever you talk finances in church people get disinterested the bathroom all of a sudden becomes important all of a sudden they realized oh they got to go to work tomorrow but I guarantee you for a majority of us there is not one thing you talked to God more about than money and yet whenever he talks to you about it you stop communicating don't y'all get sleepy don't you start you on and now I come down there fight you well she are now he was just chatting about the connections I'm trying to show you how to have some money because you're gonna give us some connections and if you don't have no money you're gonna mess up the communication y'all so funny it's that search mouse you heard it everybody say divine communication Bible says that he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded the jews he reasoned and he persuaded he reasoned he went into the church with all the church people and they was all I am fully persuaded that neither death nor life yeah everybody know these scriptures right this it's like five of them everybody know right now I'll let nothing all teams what goes up that ain't in the Bible I'm so tired of people saying the Bible said what goes up and don't say that Bible says when praises go up lessons come down show me he reasoned and he persuaded see reasoned he was reasonable he wouldn't that church start talking to those church people about building the Dream Center and when he was talking about the law they was all in a sermon and without it thou shalt not your right rather now shall not show enough preacher the Lord says you should and I know that's right God hates the deceiver and I know he does God wants to save the whoremonger tell them fruit sure God said get off him [Music] I've said he's telling him and church folks got sleepy on them Bobby said he took his clothes they made him so mad he took his clothes off him said he'd do it a church tantrum took his clothes off and took him off I've says he left the Jews and went to the Gentiles in other words he left the church people because his message was more accepted by the world Pastor David then it was by the church admit a shame that the world loves our Jesus more than we do so much so that he left the church and he went next door to a man who wasn't in church but was worshiping I wish I had two hundred people who knew what a worship was like outside of church like do I have anybody and say I don't just do this in the sanctuary I do this every where I go I will come to your Catholic Church and to step with a rosary do I have anybody in him but do I have any real worshipers in here well let me test it they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and those of us who worship God we're not worshipping Him because of anything that he's given us we're simply saying God I'm about to do all this shout because I should be dead but you didn't let me die I'm about to do all this worshipping because I should be addicted to something that you let me make it that divorce tried to kill me but I'm still here do I have anybody in here that says God I'm gonna spend the next 30 seconds thanking you not for what you've done but because of who you are I dare you to start communicating with God right now open up your mouth and magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name or you better act like God's just caught a touchdown you better act like God's just got a first down in your life you better act like you're about to recover the fumble don't shout like you're Church shout like you had a football game and you're today you go give your God the real MVP a shout [Applause] [Applause] Bible says that they went against him so he was pressed in spirit what that means when you see pressed in spirit it doesn't mean he was he was depressed if you look it up in the Greek it actually means he was compelled to do it more I don't know who I'm talking to but God says the more they disapprove the more you do it anyway though the more they lack understanding the more you go after I think I'm speaking of somebody that you try to explain the vision nobody got it you try to say what God told you to do they didn't understand it and it kind of depressed you a little bit but God told me to tell you stand back up and go hard go hard go hard go hard there is something in football call yet something football call yet ye see watch this what it means is sometimes you catch the ball and this is normally on a slant route when you're in the middle and and when you catch the ball in the middle people are all around you safeties free safeties everybody's around you so when you catch that ball in middle you got to be ready you got to have your head on a swivel and and the best players they know how to yack it when they catch the ball people are only back but yack means yards after the catch that means that after they hit you you better not fall you better be determined to get at least one more yard touch somebody say the devil jumped on me but I'm gonna get one more yard after the catch the devil tried to kill me but I'm gonna get some yards after the catch sir give your neighbor high five and shout neighbor go shake them haters off if they don't understand don't shake it off if [Music] understanding [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll feel something happening I'll feel something happening cuz God said not only will I give you divine connections not only will I give you the bad communication number three years divine bonus imma give you a piece that's the passeth all understanding he said and don't worry if people are against you I've got people in the city about the city some help so tell your friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody shout touchdown I just got in the end zone the devil's been on my back my back was against the wall but thanks God [Applause] [Music] yes yes really [Music] just shake it off just nothing don't stop with nut can hold you just gotta keep going you just may take you 40 miles to walk from point A to point B but you still gather you may have to go by yourself but what you don't know is that equivalent Priscilla waiting on you to get there gosh he's not gonna leave you in this by yourself and you may be tired and can you imagine God telling Paul you're gonna have peace all night man I've been shipwrecked I've been beaten and left for dead snake bit me I had to shake that off people left me for soup me God said you have you've been through all of that but you still stay peaceful because sometimes the piece comes in to loss in fact sometimes the thing you didn't want to lose was the thing that was costing you your piece God says I know what's best for you I know what's best for you you don't do you trust me do you trust me to eliminate it and still hold you together I got you like I know it hurts I know it hurts but I got you and you may be by yourself but I promise you two people you've never met y'all got something to come and they'll be waiting on you when you get there and everything will be fine the Bible says that to meThe timotheus comes after that and now Silas and timotheus are now building the tents for Paul look at that Paul was building the tents and preaching now God sends him to more people first he sends some people who builds tents like ever meant now they're building together now God sends him people that will build the tents for him so he can go back and preach God's getting ready to send you somebody who will assist you in your vision so you can get back to doing what you were called to do Felicia and I are only here because of you that's it I I'm not smarter than you I'm not brighter than you I just I just have a good team if you find the right people you can do what we did you could do it stop trying to do everything yourself I'm just gonna do it alone listen nothing great happens alone nothing great and when people help you give them the credit to stop taking it the creativity of the people around you will be a byproduct of what you pour in them and when they become great you let everybody know Erin did this Jackie did this Jennifer did this captain did this it's it was Mike it was Mike that did that it was Drake I I couldn't do the camera it had to be tricked to do it George had to do it I couldn't do it it was it was Sarge that did it I did it it was Mary that did it it was brother Wyatt that did it it was brother Warner that did it it was it was the Humphreys that did it brother Leroy did it wasn't me I didn't I didn't I didn't do it all I just served the people that God gave me I just served everybody holds your hands towards that Lord you made away when our back was against a wall we thank you let you love us so much and we thank you God for the yards after the catch dismiss us from this place but never from your presence everybody who loves a lower shot a man folks about the way I'll tell them I love you and done you can do it [Music] outside [Applause] it was with my best Oh
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 24,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, Shake It Off, Divine Connections, Divine Communication, Divine Calmness, Super Bowl Sunday sermo, God, amazing story, relationship with god, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, grace, god sermon, power, strength, truth, universe sermon, amen jesus, amen, believing in god, son of god, jesuschrist, evil spirit, god's word, pastor, bible, what is god, jesus video, blessings, word, heaven, vision, rising, god's, america, destiny, prophesy, father, heavenly
Id: lmsW_aIXGgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 32sec (6632 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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