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all right it's time for a tier list and this week we are doing a tier list of uk fast food now there might not be everything on here but this is the ones that everyone suggests it's good so the tears are god my mouth is wet yeah i won't say it's bad to protect a future brand deal and i'd rather eat poop all right okay so the first one we have is subway it used to be good subway is like a holy grail i think no no i think it's called i think it's fallen really what somebody was watching my uni every subway saved me in uni man i was living off subway points it's like a pillar of the sub world it is just but nowadays nowadays if you had an option of all of those down there like no one's picking subway no one yeah no one's ordered that subway recently where was the last time you guys had the subway i made it two weeks before locked down i went to get one [Laughter] well every time i have subway i get ill so i wouldn't rather i actually i actually had that as well jj definitely did that i'd put it in the second one from the bottom it's fallen off yeah it used to be like back in the day do this three years ago and i'd be saying i'd be saying my mouth is wet but right i don't think it's i don't think it's eat poo level i think it is won't say yeah i won't say didn't you say it was the holy grail my mouth is going back in the day i said that's it back in the day it was a pillow i guess i feel like the standards have gone down though i feel like their their stuff is not as fresh anymore it's like yeah well we might get a brand deal so i feel like i feel yeah it's going to get really good next minute hey guys today sideman sunday's watching my subway everyone's like hang on a second all right papa john's this is interesting i had it last night you look away you look like this one i don't like it my throat is oh yeah man it's just there back it's just there i'll i'll go with it yeah but i don't like it yeah honey and last night i've got to grab i'm just waiting to see where you put the other pieces that's what i'll wait for so oh once the other three pizzas when the other pizza places are in there then we can have this conversation okay that's what i'll tell you if this is fun i can't wait for when this video comes out my week would just be [ __ ] ethan bro the [ __ ] pizzas are fine you [ __ ] broke all right now some of these like prep some people obviously don't consider them to take away but i did see a lot of people saying they worked rather than in just uh just to try and draw what pretzel i think i've bought from maybe three times in my life well then you can't speak on it then practically i haven't enjoyed it that's why i don't get it ethan every sidement shoot you get given stuff yeah and i'll eat it and throw it in the bin i have a little bit of it i'm throwing the bin i think he's around a minute so why do you keep ordering it because that's the only time yeah if [ __ ] tp's going to get you a lot of [ __ ] food and i'm starving i'm not going to say you know what i'll sit out with this one tp is our assistant manager yeah and if you are all getting it i'll just say you're going whack me little [ __ ] something on the side for me it's poo oh i'm not gonna rave about it but it's it's not below average i'm i'm going mouth is wet i'm not gonna i'm not gonna make it yeah like let's say yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm more with ethan than yeah yeah you haven't had taco bell in the uk i have never had taco bell ever how would you how are you speaking on it what because it apologizes it's amazing bro taco bell in america is [ __ ] i've never had it either in america either you know oh my god yeah yeah but but none of us have tried it in the uk the uk will be put in like what's the uk one saying then it's still good yeah it's not as good we could say we could say won't say because we're just that we don't actually know unless we just we get golf people eating it i'm happy to go with i mean i still order it so yeah but yeah i don't get the shits from it so yeah that's the win it's a win-win yeah you know sometimes it's a sticky one is it done right no no it stops but if it's done right it's right you ever think how many times you've been even messi has a bad game that's true that is true and i'm looking at the rest of this list and i can't see anything really that even messi has a bad game lads it's fine i'll becca this is morleys six wings my mouse's pretty wet too i don't like chicken shops i don't like chicken shops i i got the [ __ ] someone once and i've been shook ever since we should take care of the chicken shop where are we going here it's yeah i think well vic's not going to pass no i can't i've had like a couple i can't believe that's pretty wet thinking about molly's right now yeah yeah my mouth is wet my mouth is working very well yeah jd was saying god yeah but it's jj i do okay let's do mine he says he's like he's not argued i guess if i just went there more but it's there's not enough how does one have you had mortys like i'd say like five six times bro he heard storms he rap about it no shut up and it's crept actually no storms he didn't have hurt [Laughter] all right shake shack math is about math is all burger places make me [ __ ] my whole body goes into shutdown my question would be though i don't know what was between shakeshacker five guys what's the is that this is what i'm saying about it this is what i'm saying about pizzabug places i mean i i think it's over hyped but anyway whoa well we could go off as wet then because if we're not all agreed on well like where the [ __ ] is gbk it's not fox it's a restaurant brav just because you got it on delivery these are these ones that you can take away essentially yeah just because you've got it on delivering central doesn't mean it's far sweet suddenly that rocker's on here hang on wait so we're leaving that in god or we're coming back to us okay dominoes oh i don't know between them i put malfoy's well i prefer yeah i'd go there wow i can't talk to you anymore are we gonna like are we gonna decide where domino's papa john's and then peter goes and then i'm sorry like no no no no no no i'll wait i'll drop an opinion now i know pizza hut is way better than all the pizzas it's in the restaurant the restaurant in the restaurant this is faster in the restaurant but takeaways takeaways i don't know no donald's just not that who knows better sides no no no no no no no no no jj you don't eat dominoes in store no no no take well as in just take away anyway even pizza i feel like he's just a bit more fine domino's cookies you get the fluffy doesn't mean who has better size that could then decide who goes higher and lower just dominance i'm saying i'd prefer domino's we're not we're not we're looking at pizzas i just want i just want you lot to know that when the pepper james box comes through and the domino's box comes through one is significantly sweatier than the other and i just think in the grand scheme of health i'm choosing papaji yeah we're not talking about but i'm looking forward to it i'm going to get a job i want you to put shake shack in god yeah yeah believe it boys all right all right i'm gonna play a pod papa john's v-a-l-v-a-r don't worry you lost your head all right wing stop it's a simon loves being stuck right you bang wigging stuff i do love wings i don't like you know yeah personally i would go god but i i understand it's not to be fair now when they when we filmed there and they gave us the wings they were pretty banging they won't lie like well they didn't ask us they didn't take away though i think mouth is wet it's fair i won't how is wing stop worse than shake shack [ __ ] off what that's ridiculous anyway no i i agree with that yeah yeah i would put it above shaq but you know i think we have to say god for mcdonald's because mcdonald's i was kind of expecting everyone to just go yeah yeah the breakfast the breakfast is unrivaled the breakfast the milkshakes mcdonald's milkshakes hit just so it's just it's just the like the safe one as well did anyone have a mcdonald's party yeah yeah i've never had one yeah i got a girl's party very off-topic you have a goals party yeah i never had one of those either i went to woods i never had one of them should come down and sit next fire relegate it really i'll back that i'll back them off for shake shack like shake shack what between none those are my daughters it's not on the same level get out it's not all right yeah sometimes five guys to chill with it yeah domino's and papa john's challenge together shake shack and five guys can chill together that can be free i have interest jj where would you put shake shack in five guys i'll put five guys like ravi poo really great wow brother so nice i just i'll put both of them at yeah i'd maybe rate shake shot higher because i do enjoy shake chat higher than five guys five guys ain't that which one does the [ __ ] uh cheesy chips shake shack shake shack shake shake okay five guys i'm like i'm down here with five guys i could i could i could put five guys in yeah to be honest i'll relegate it to a year i wouldn't yeah i do get really yeah she's in the battle it's in the battle it's really good i think it's like the thing is american five guys is different like americans will be watching this and getting triggered but it's yours is different american shake shack is different also true great a little bacon cheeseburger with cajun fries on the side even your beers as well harry harry you think that fireworks is better than what shake shack no no i just i i i have a five guys but just that everyone is saying five guys yeah yeah but i still think guys down there still think it stays in the mouth as well yeah is it still good i think we could bring it down my mouth i'm hungry [Music] vote for relegating five guys i'm yes yeah i'm yes yeah yes all right they've been nice to us in the past so i put them won't say but yeah i don't know i feel like peter i haven't been around what literally oh lately they've been about pizza restaurants is restaurants delivery is a bit i would genuinely say in the last year i've ordered more pizza hut than dominoes and what are you saying what's your verdict i would i don't know what i'd agree because it's on delivery now my pizza yeah it's it is good it's it's it just suits me in a restaurant i feel like it's not a if it was if it was restaurant i'd go like my mouth the salad bar bro the unlimited salad bar at the right ah would you go lower salad yeah salmon i'd say i'd say yeah but if you guys want to go here i think but yeah lower side i think stick it there to be honest add some add some balance to our uh balance give me that normal distribution yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah chicken cottage is is that if i gave you both of them would you be a blind taster there's a video idea harry test it test it we'll test that out next time i'll get you a morning check it out let's do it let's do it i'd happily put it yeah i wouldn't say you know you can just you know float around there i won't rather eat poo for any of them no you're a bit mad if you're saying you're really maybe leon's getting shifted to poo by pizza hut is definitely better yeah that chicken cottage was my kfc replacement in early lockdown yeah jeez all right what are we saying about my mother's wedding that's where islam is that's it's it's mainly it's the [Music] [Music] i feel like molly should go down that's relaxing i think kfc is better than wing stop and shake shack as well though well yeah it is yeah [Music] josh josh what do you get from leon get hillary right now or you get there chicken and chorizo box meal don't bother go home yeah everything you're saying my head is hot anything else my head is hot it is odd but i'd rather go prep than either leon is dead i think it's too healthy for fast food if you're getting in fast food then it literally it literally has fast food in its slogan naturally naturally fast food yeah bro them nuggets ain't natural i'm telling you now and i'm like yeah can i get it without pickles and they add pickles they'd like there's more normals sounds like a huge problem about two spring steak steak chicken beans baby steak fake as even said that the snake bake isn't even as good this is what i mean back in the day yeah likes would have shot straight up but i don't know if you're talking like old school steak bait old school sausage i'd go yeah yeah yeah yeah turkey twizzlers all right i'll take a leon right now i got a controversial opinion coming up guys what about burger king buy everything i think burgers can be the best price out of any files for you that you used to oh no wait i was about to say i did man i was about to say it's poo i don't know your opinion is now [Laughter] tell him tell him preach bro i'm sorry mcdonald's is mcdonald's burger king okay if it was between you going to a burger king or mcdonald's you're always going to no i'm actually nervous he's lost his head i'm genuinely i will go get an xl double bacon yeah yeah yes yes yes i'll get that and i'll get the chips and i'll get some onion rings the only thing is the chips aren't as good as mcdonald's the lower side of the glass relax relax relax relax yeah the rest of us said god but you're not accepting my mouth as well wait wait wrong who [Laughter] this table has more variety now doesn't it like you have chicken stuff as well bro to be a god to be a god it's got to be it's got to be like a pretty unanimous way yeah so that's why i put it here but harry's disagree i just think it's [ __ ] all right put it put it at the end of my mouth as well like if i was changing this the ones i'd change are more leaves and prep or you take them both down yeah you hate pretty much i would agree with those changes but i do also think burger king is better than what's in that right yeah yeah premier league it is it is about if you keep it like what is your allegiance if you're stood at the the fast food uh vacancy right and you're looking at the board right bro burger kings just makes my head explode with the grapes yes rather than shake chat bruh like shake check i think i haven't i've had chase more recently so that's why i like it more but i actually feel more deep out on that burger king is better and it's been about it's been about so long on the burger king is culture it's been here look at jj's facebook bro i'm just i'm annoyed at this shooting college no now chincott should be in brother eat poo that's your heart that's your that's your whole life if you have that's what's uh really this is [ __ ] because no no no also but i don't know why burger king's so hard i backed that i thought he bought those kings adjudicator an outside opinion i've come and i tell you it's [ __ ] oh you know what you know what at the end of the day it's a shared list it's never going to be to everyone's exact taste it's an average of beside men's opinions this is an accurate representation of all of our opinions no one's calling leon anymore yeah i feel like this is one of the least [ __ ] lists though yeah yeah yeah this isn't one we're all like wanting to kill each other because we put castro's goal in yeah yeah that was outrageous makes you feel sad about leon that was outrageous next time we get next time we're out i'm gonna hold a leopard one you have to do i have deep poo in the chest you know what you don't watch this [Music] no the premise yeah the premise still stands i'd rather eat food but why would i not just order something else those are your only options you know what you know what i don't know i'll put in the pin i can't wait for right this is what i can't wait for the next bad sidemen holiday all right guys i've prepared you dinner it's leon they deserve it if i like [ __ ] i would rather [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,107,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: YJxcTMumi0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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