The Most Powerful Handgun Round Vs Human

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Dirty Harry famously said that the 44 magnum was the most powerful handgun in the world show them around however there's now a new boss in town Mr Clint Eastwood and that is the bridge the Raging Hunter raging Hunter anyhow so here's the 44 Magnum and then here is the 500 Smith and Wesson now there are more powerful pistol cartridges this is the most powerful production handgun round currently made and the question in my mind is it's made for hunting big game but what if you're hunting people yeah we're like big people like what if they're really big we're not saying that but make sure we bleep that out are saying that people are getting kind of big so maybe you need a bigger round and when you're hustling bustling just to get the remote you're probably gonna die but before we get into that we of course have to thank the biggest sponsor of the channel who is whom Charles scamming dumb Indians the snoring desert Institute has been a big sponsor of the channel for a long time we can't thank them enough what are they good for they're good for Metallurgy spells guns archaic magic if you're looking to get into Gunsmithing they are the people to go to we cannot thank them enough sponsoring the channel go and give them some love and of course who can we not forget Kenny charms what else about primary arms Kenny they have cool stuff they have cool stuff to be to be to be clear Micah is with his baby because he has had a new baby so we have kids so he's pretty selfish with his timer yeah he's very selfish primary arms has awesome Optics awesome prices we love them we love the uh what's your favorite thing my favorite thing is if you if you send an email at 5 30 a.m and P.M you might get a discount don't do that my favorite things are one to eight compact we love that optic go and give them some love and of course we cannot forget mantis if you're looking to enhance your dry fire a little bit they make some awesome products of that allow your your gun when you dry fire to shoot a little laser there's also programs that go along with it we do a lot of dry fire training here in Grantham we're big Believers in it and they make awesome products so we're really happy to have them as a sponsor go and check them out big love to them and unlike the TV that you're watching this on or the phone you're watching this on AAC ammunition is made where in America that's right because America is better than literally any other Kami or socialist or just crab country south or north yeah France is doing great right now oh yeah it's pretty lit do you think the uh Democratic party would uh be okay with like a revolver uh probably not if they actually knew how guns work maybe maybe their Position will change after they watch this video and complain about it to their wife's boyfriend so anyhow right here we have a ballistic Dummy from ballistic dummy Labs uh these are a very good analog for humans and we know that these are not human correct Charles and then we have uh human analogs for organs and bones and those do pretty well these do fairly well we also have fluid in here as well to simulate the fluid dynamics that occur in the human body so overall we have a fairly good representation and we should get fairly realistic results because as many people have told us they have a little bit of PTSD from watching this if they've seen it actually happen so that's pretty cool yeah I wish I had PTSD uh we want to congratulate Charles he's actually graduated from fake medical school and is a fake doctor now yeah I've been going around and diagnosing people with Leprosy just because they're homeless is leprosy still around I don't know I tell people so I've actually never fired the 500 Smith and Wesson funny enough have you fired one Charles no never there you have it so this is gonna be my first time firing it and we'll be doing a gut shot as long as I don't Flinch like a [ __ ] [Music] oh I actually kind of hurt a little it actually wasn't pleasant at all wow holy [ __ ] okay let's uh let's see what that did oh so what's the best way to say this perfect size pistols typically behave in a certain manner which is they typically don't do anything crazy in the human body they typically enter and exit around the same size and they don't really do much so let's take a look at this guy right here so this has like the flowering and the the opening effect that we often see from extremely good pistol rounds or uh rifle rounds the flowering you can see the kind of wound Channel through there is pretty intense it's a fairly large entrance wound and then if we come to the back zero problem punching straight through and blowing straight through the spine which would say that it blew it's back out it behaved very similarly to a shotgun round like a slug it just it was a pain train what are you doing are you trying to connect your fingers right now I'm trying I can feel something in there is that called the uh it's the Adele the hello from the other side next shot is going to be uh Center on the chest we have the slo-mo set up behind so we can watch the exit um what do you think is gonna happen Charles honestly I'm hoping that you shoot it and it just hits the camera that'd be so sick [Music] yeah so let's take a look at the front first um so we get the left lung and uh we actually slip between the ribs but it looks like it's still shattered the bottom rib despite that it utterly crushed through the lung there's no problem there and we come to the back once again it displayed little care for the spine pretty disgusting overall again another absolutely killer shot yeah I think honestly if it's big game or um that one species that complains about not having enough seats on an airplane it's going down dude next up we're going to be doing a oblique shot we'll do uh both lungs and through the heart hopefully and this is going to be a lot of tissue we'll see how it performs [Music] oh fudge dude this thing has such a crazy report to it after it after it left you can see the trail of the round as it continued for another 15-20 feet it was wild holy [ __ ] okay let's take a let's take a look so to be clear this is one of the more difficult shots or anything to do um shots typically Aren't Dead on you typically have a lot of tissue like arms so it entered right here underneath it would have gone through it the arm had we had one entered through the lung continued through you can kind of see the uh amount of damage and then just exited completely through the lung again that's a lot of power absolutely Wild next up we're going to be doing back of the head because well we know it's going to kill I just just interested foreign oh my God can you show that on YouTube that's the gnarly shot I've seen on one of these dummies so far yeah do you like the the tank like obliterated it but uh no more Minds I'm gonna meet my ex-girlfriend dude let's do a student Bleak shot through here I think that'll be perfect [Music] oh that was a wild shot look at this look at that expansion that's like look you'll come over here to this side I have never seen expansion like that I've never even seen a shotgun slug do that look at this so it traveled straight through took taking tons of bone fragments with it and it just exited no problem wasn't it David Hogg who is like if you need more than like seven shots you're a bad shot or something like that I think he he either said that and or please somebody couldn't put my girlfriend [Laughter] what does he say was he an ethically non-monogamous relationship AKA a cuck [Music] [Music] look at that so medically you're going to start having problems right there that's going to cause some issues I would say this guy's dead I don't know if there's much more we can do at this point yeah I would uh [Music] I don't think I'd try and resuscitate at this point can you imagine if they found out about this round in Chicago or Baltimore hey do you want to try firing it yeah let's do it do you yeah dude as a quick note with these uh High uh recoil revolvers if you're not prepared for them you're not familiar with them you can actually double fairly easily have you ever seen that where like a person fires in The Recoil causes their finger to hit again that fires again yeah do you think you can hit the target out there the target out there yeah absolutely all right did you load two or one just one okay good yeah there's a Target about 180 yards it's kind of small but it could reach it you ready for this I'm gonna hit it super high really yeah you were like probably 12 feet high 12 feet high yeah we aiming Dead on and dude how was The Recoil it sucked yeah it's terrible I don't enjoy it at all oh so we've gotten to the end 500 Smith and Wesson being the most powerful commercially produced handgun round uh obviously it's going to perform fairly devastatingly on a human analog I think we all expected that I think the thing that needs to be said is how horrible it is to shoot this thing consistently it kind of sucks it's not you get you get two or three rounds in and it's just it's no fun man I get I get there's gonna be guys out there like I shoot 500 Smith and Wesson all day every day practice like you know you probably don't I'm sure there's people out there but I would much rather carry a uh a 45 a nine because that makes much more sense to me uh that those both perform extremely well uh and are proven Stoppers I get it this is going to be much more devastating I don't know a lot of guys carrying this unless they're in the Alaskan back country idahoan or you know Montana back country where they need protection against larger animals like Bears or moose or what have you otherwise I would consider this completely unnecessary as a uh kind of concealed carry weapon if you pull that out in your home obviously you're going to stop the threat of wherever you're trying to get in just think about that clean up after like no nobody sends a cleanup crew for you yeah it's all you yeah you want a little bit simpler you know I will say this the this was awesome it was really fun to fire in terms of watching the effects on those ballistic dummies but not a gun I'd like to fire all day if you guys are wondering what this is this is a Taurus um uh Taurus firearm it's the Raging for aging what is that name sounds so wrong What If instead of a raging Hunter it was in Raging Motors the best Motors in the world in any case we're glad you guys could join us as we uh as we tried this guy out it was really cool effects on dummy and probably one of those violent shots that we've seen and uh it was a good time but in any case guys uh we appreciate you guys GO train or something a little bit more uh I think adequate or GO train something that makes a little bit more sense uh Glock 17 Glock 19. train I'm much more concerned with a guy with a you know 18 rounds in his Glock 17 than I am with a guy with five rounds of 500 Smith and Wesson especially if the gothic Glock is training every freaking day oh yeah no absolutely all you have to do is Dodge that once if there's one thing we we have realized I understand a lot can still carry instances are typically ended in a few rounds but uh I like having that extra insurance on me thank you guys for watching um as always uh safe training have fun and we got nothing else for you guys all right final thing for you guys um this is something that I was taught when I first got to my first unit so uh my uh my staff sergeant slid over a glass of water and he said put your finger in the glass of water so I put my finger in the glass of water he said all right take your finger out so I took my finger out of the glass of water he said what happened to the level of the water and I said nothing he goes that is your impact on the Air Force go home to your family so it's something that I've always considered when it comes to work make sure that you are not sacrificing so much that you lose your family because that's never worth it work will always be there um but your family is what you're doing this all four so make sure to put your priorities straight and do the right thing so appreciate you guys thank you for watching we got nothing else for you stop I'm just glad it was uh a glass of water dude I didn't know where that was going
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,963,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most powerful handgun in the world, 500 smith and wesson vs human, most powerful handgun in the world vs human, 500 S&W, most powerful handgun, most powerful gun in the world, most powerful handguns
Id: ImwYMXFiTxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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