Women, What's The Worst Thing a Female Friend Had Done to a MAN?

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our slashes credit women have read it what is the worst thing a female friend has done to a man did you speak up about it I'm a woman I've known this girl almost all of my life we grew up down the street from each other both of our parents moved into the same subdivision back in the early 90s and we played together as kids and went to school together k12 from about 7/8 grade on this girl almost always had a boyfriend you know the type she is not only almost never single but she usually has a new guy lined up before she dumps the old one she does this a couple of times in high school but I didn't say anything then her worst instance of this happened in college our freshman year of college she meets a guy at a Halloween party he is about five years older than her and doesn't go to the college they met at they hang out more and eventually he is her boyfriend the guy's nice very goofy but a good guy he seems to take good care of her around a year later I see on FAFSA book that she has changed her relationship status to in a relationship with some guy who isn't her boyfriend i text her and ask what happened to her actual boyfriend she laughs and says oh it's nothing I'm just doing it to mess with my friends they think I like this guy and I'm just getting back at them kind of weird but whatever then about a week or two later I Skype with her on a weekend morning it is normal enough at first she is talking to me while seated in a chair says she is in a friend's room and they are watching a movie then the friend walks in frame it's a shirtless dude the same dude from the fafsa book relationship change he sits on the chair and she is sitting on his lap it is weird at this point I don't really know how to feel about it considering he is not her boyfriend and they are touching and tickling each other and then he starts feeding her chocolate and at this point it goes from weird to super weird not long after that we end the call and I immediately text her actual boyfriend telling him I think something is going on with this guy he totally brushes me off saying that they are just friends and referencing the fafsa book thing and how she is just messing with friends I tell him every thing I just saw and what she is doing he is now properly concerned and confronts her var text I believe I like he let it slip that I told him and I was worried my friend was gonna go off on me for ratting her out but she didn't and never really brought it up they ended up staying together and actually just got married this past summer so I guess it worked out I just couldn't let her do something like that when it was so unfair to her boyfriend he was a good guy and didn't deserve that [ __ ] do you want to hear something [ __ ] up I'm going to tell you about Lucy Lucy isn't her real name obviously but she was an abusive manipulative controlling anger issues problematic come throughout high school and throughout college and throughout every point of her life this is the story of her marriage she married a friend she had for eight years they have been through middle school high school college etc they were very close it was obvious he was being abused though his response always made me worry she isn't hitting as hard as before they got married and everything was fine there were no more bruises on the husband and he was much happier they got a lot of pets though a lot every week on FAFSA book he would post a new cat or dog they would adopt most of these would run away a few years into the marriage Lucy announces a pregnancy everyone is instantly worried because of their aggressive FAFSA book posts such as I'm the number one in my man's heart no animal or another girl will change that Lucy is also crazy jealous of everything she refused to let her husband watch any film with an actress that she thought was more attractive than her basically any women and some men my girlfriends and I made an agreement the first sign of abuse we call CPS this isn't up for debate change or anything else first times we call CPS the rest of the year goes off without any problems the usual stuff happens new pets they disappear Lucy can't hold down a job and husband is working crazy hours at his dream job game designer baby comes and everything seems happy happy pictures on Fassa book some celebrations and other pleasant things after Lucy is back home things take a turn for the worst apparently Lucy and husband got into an argument husband went to work Lucy posted the longest message on FAFSA book I've ever seen it had her to be continued multiple times everyone was concerned most people usually ignored her when she went on these tangents the last message put up a lot of red flags though the last message was he will be sorry for loving anyone more than me we thought the husband was cheating and she found out we were concerned called the police and well she killed her baby as a means of getting back at her husband apparently she was going to blame the husband but because we called the police they caught her in the act also those pets that kept running away Lucy would get angry and hit them sometimes killing them in the process most of the remains were buried in their backyard husband confessed everything husband was shaken up completely and just a wreck for a few months Lucy is going to jail and he is freaking out some friends try to comfort him a lot of people gave him the i-told-you-so speech which was [ __ ] up in MO given what he was going through and his family as well as Lucy's family were trying to support him he ended up committing suicide a few months later Lucy and I weren't close but I wouldn't call us complete strangers but I do regret not calling her out for her actions and behavior a lot of people did and that just made her angry according to her in any situation her actions are completely justified no matter the circumstances results or who they hurt it has been a few years since this happened Lucy and I are no longer friends on FB and I believe she will be in jail for quite a long time hopefully life I have a internet friend who manipulates guys she's not malicious just lonely and messed up brain-wise the issue is she leaves a so of heartbreak in her wake I haven't known her long so I don't know how many times it's happened she has a boyfriend iral who she doesn't talk about as such I know this info through her on she has a queue of guys ready to go admittedly an assumption I'm making based on the fact that every time she's done with one guy she already has another in the discord server that is obsessed with her I can't bring it up to these guys for a few reasons one she is so careful about the situation you'd think she was a sociopath only gives the public internet friends discord server enough information to make conjecture so she can easily say are we wearing together after she gets rid of the guy meanwhile a friend of mine who is closer to her gets more detailed information the dumped guy was talking about moving in with her getting married et Cie that proves otherwise too the next guy doesn't [ __ ] care at one point my friend the one who is closer to her had enough and pretty much popped off in a public server about how a guy was being used and the guy was literally like nope I'm not they think they are the one to change her or like she's leaving slash cheating on the other guy with the next guy cus the next guy is definitely the one in this can't be a pattern of behavior and the selfish reason 3 she controls a lot of stuff public images of people pass guys and also past friends who spoke up about her behavior and video game related stuff I'd get ostracized quick unless I had really damning evidence slash people even cared at this point I try to drop hints whenever possible currently tagging the current soon-to-be past guy coincidentally when she's alone with the next guy not official but it's obvious when she's bracketed in a discord channel bringing up the current when the next is in the voice Channel but again it's sad these dudes just don't [ __ ] care man I don't even touch the subject of her I rule the earth cus that's technically information I don't know not supposed to know and can't be substantiated long post but this [ __ ] has been grating on me for weeks at this point it probably doesn't seem like it but it's a complex situation I want to tell people that I can't because she has room to deny / people don't care if she totally publicly shells the current guy he just got deployed or some [ __ ] so he can't play video games / beyond voice 2 4 7 anymore and Bracci it's I'm gone have to say something cause it'll be the last straw I hope she doesn't know my read it account haha a little late to this thread that I have something worth sharing I met this girl in fifth grade and we became inseparable she was my best friend all the way through high school she was always so much fun and just a really good person she was a little insecure about her weight so she never actually dated in high school flash-forward to our graduation and she's lost a lot of weight she looks absolutely amazing she's always had a beautiful face and long blonde hair anyway she starts getting a lot of new attention and she is loving it I'm happy for her but also a little worried since she's kind of going after the bad boy type we have a lot of fun that summer then I move away for college I try to keep in touch as much as I can but she's busy with boys a few months later I hear she's found the one and I'm actually pleasantly surprised when I finally meet him because he seems like a really polite guy even though his outward appearance seems to still fit that bad-boy type a few months later and she's pregnant again I'm happy for her he wants to be a good dad and marry her baby is born and he is the happiest thing in my life I get to babysit a lot and I'm pretty much his arms they ask me to be a bridesmaid at their wedding it was a simple ceremony but watching my best friend take her vows and seeing her start her own family was something we only dreamed about as kids and now it was happening for her here's when the fairy tale kind of ends I hear they are having a few problems but she is keeping it vague and I just summed it up to the stress of having a kid at 19 and only having her husband's income support their family I moved back to the city we grew up in after two years of college find a job meet my boyfriend and move into an apartment not too far from hers we become inseparable again either I'm at her place or she and the baby are at mine she starts telling me how boring her husband is now compared to when they first met I tell her that's understandable since he works really hard but that excuse isin't enough for her she tells me she cheated once before and felt alive again he knew and forgave her I didn't think that was in her character but I summed it up to marrying the first guy that came along and being young but that was when I started to realize maybe I didn't know this person as much as I thought one day a few months later she causally mentioned she had a threesome without her husband this time my criticisms are not welcomed she gets mad at me but I still promise not to say anything after that we drift apart not physically as I'm still over at their place quite a bit helping with the kid but emotionally the friendship feels forced we aren't into the same things anymore but I love their son so I hang around one day her husband gets home from work and she hands him the toddler and just leaves didn't say anything to either of us he tells me that this is what she does now and that she's hanging out with a guy friend he's not happy but still gives her the benefit of the doubt four weeks after I don't go over there but her husband asks to hang out with me and my boyfriend at my place a few nights a week he is such an emotional wreck and confides in us every time I tell him that she's probably just friends with the guy even though I know she's leaving every night to cheat but I don't want to like kick the guy when he's down one day I get a call from him freaking out wanting to know if I can watch the kid the next couple days because their place isn't good for him right now with all the fighting I asked what happened he tells me she calls him crying one night from Jude's place saying random dude broke up with her he had to come get her and comfort her while she cried couldn't believe what I was hearing over the next two years she's cheating on and off with yet someone else and I still can't bring myself to tell husband I can't imagine being the one who breaks up that little boy's parents at one point she gives him an STD but accuses him of bringing it into their marriage himself he believes that she didn't cheat while also knowing he didn't either and sums it up to it not being an STD at all I tell my boyfriend to convince him to go to the doctor anyway he gets treated for certain STD it clears up but he still can't put these two things together fast-forward to summers ago I'm watching their now four-year-old kid during summer break while they both work since I'm awful summer also the environment is toxic to say the least everyday husband gets a Starbucks before work she ignores him one day she throws it at him shit's getting stupid the kid is mimicking their behavior and starts regressing talks less has more accidents goes back to wearing diapers this kid is so stressed out and he barely sees them in a vicious cycle of watching the kid all day trying to sleep on the couch at night while they fight literally until 4:00 a.m. waking up with the kid at 7:00 and doing it all over again I hate it but I can't bring myself to leave the kid in that environment in my friends deffence she did just learn her mom had breast cancer and I knew that hurt her and freaked her out quite a bit one day she causally mentioned she's going to someone's court hearing to support them I don't even ask her but wait to ask her husband later on he says this guy has been in jail for a little while now waiting his trial but before that she was going over to hang out with him every night of course I had heard this before I asked what he did to get arrested and husband tells me some fight with his ex we immediately look up his criminal history and not only do we find domestic violence but we find out he's also a sex offender when I tell my boyfriend about this new fling he gives me the ultimatum of either you tell her husband or I will I sit on it for the next few days she comes back and says something about how the trial was pushed back and starts bitching about her new lover's ex and saying she wants to put her husband's truck up for bail obviously that's a no from him and she storms out and gets picked up by some of sex offenders friends she comes back drunk wakes up her kid with all the noise and brags about how they went and loosened the lug nuts or whatever I don't know the first thing about cars and don't remember what it was exactly off of his ex-girlfriends car to teach her a lesson this is a very first time in five years that her husband just goes off on her he's yelling at her saying she could go to jail for murder if that woman was killed to drive her car in that condition my friend is completely shocked that he's yelling at her and doesn't know what to say she ends up staying she was just kidding and things calm down and I put the kid back to sleep and try to sleep myself I'm woken up later that night by hearing loud screams and banks he takes off in their truck she accuses him of pushing her down the stairs and shows me a little cut wild tears are streaming down her face she was lying I always knew when she was lying she wanted me to comfort her after she looked me in the eyes and told me something so horrible I look at her and can't believe what she's turned into lying vandalizing cheating not paying attention to her son etc I half-heartedly comfort her she tells me it will all be better soon when Jude gets released from jail when she went to work later that day her husband came back shortly after her and I decided to tell him everything it should have been obvious that he needed someone to say it I told him how she's been having sex with all these men I tell him she gave him the STD he even tells me about more guys she was hanging out with and says he never wanted to face the truth I tell him my only concern was for their child he tells me these big plans about how he's finally done and will fight for partial custody and that when he has the kid I'm welcome to see him all I want I apologize and tell him I can't watch the kid for the remainder of the summer like I promised because I can't stay there a second longer that I can't luck my friend in the eyes anymore that I can't even trust her not to get into a physical altercation with me after I told all her secrets little boy's grandma the one with breast cancer comes and picks him up and I go home a few days go by and I hear nothing from either of them until one day I get a long text from her saying I got my facts wrong and bitching me out a few weeks later I see on her face a book that they are just wonderful again don't know how she convinced him I was lying but I'm sure it was creative now it's a whole year and a half later and her faso book is full of vague quotes about significant others not putting an equal amounts of effort into the relation ship that he doesn't deserve her blah blah back to the same old [ __ ] excuses for sleeping with others behind his back so I assume she's still cheating and stringing her husband along but I really hope she's not for their child's sake I miss their little one so much still and I really hope he gets a normal childhood I lost my friend a long time ago and I don't miss the psychotic but she turned into a former friend of mine started dating a new guy and her philosophy was and I quote when you start dating a new man you have to start training them as soon as possible that way they know how to behave and you won't have to fix it later so we will be hanging out while he was out with his friends and she would randomly just start picking fights with him about anything she could think of and as she was doing this she was completely calm and cold it was just her way of training him to respond whenever she was potentially upset and then she would brag about things she prohibited him from doing such as he was only allowed to hang out with his childhood friend for four hours on a Saturday morning while he was in town and he had to get her flowers by a certain time before a major event anyway I felt so bad for the guy because he clearly liked her and was going along with it they got engaged within eight months of dating she even went as far as to call his mother and ask that she mail her a family heirloom engagement ring well fast forward a year later he moved to another city for work and became distant then as she was planning her dream wedding he calls her up and asks her for the ring back because he found someone he actually wants to spend his life with she was devastated but secretly I was proud of him and happy for him edit since many of you are asking yes he did get the ring back but first she made him pay back her portion of the rent she paid while they were living together she said her only mistake during that relationship was that she paid part of the expenses and going forward she knew that the man should pay for everything and she should keep all her earnings for herself and in turn he gets her a surprise she felt this was the reason he took her for granted because he did not have enough invested in her yes she is still single four years later last I heard she got a dog as a means to appear more nurturing to men I feel sorry for that dog guy here good ex friend had been dating my still good friend from since middle school until after we graduated from high school they hadn't slept together she wanted to wait they were planning on getting married after college and she was keeping her vCard until then her parents line up a European trip for her and two of her friends six weeks traveling around my friend her boyfriend isn't invited girls only for the first week she calls and what not after the second week she calls less frequently and by the fourth week he hadn't heard from her her parents had heard from her and assured him that she was okay but didn't know why he wasn't calling him she comes home with no friends and shortly afterwards loses her boyfriend turns out that she went on a six-week [ __ ] fest starting on dates who of her arrival in Europe according to her former gal pals it was a different guy almost every night total disregard for her bf talked [ __ ] about him after a week or so her friends tried to make her come clean that she said he didn't need to know and she wasn't going to tell him they did in the airport apparently he left alone she had to get a cab my friend recovered fairly quickly and ended up marrying another girl from our high school days who had been crushing on him hard for years they have two kids I don't know what happened to my former friend girl rumor was that she picked up the gift that keeps on giving herps from one of her European guys that was 25 years ago who knows edit a word female here my ex was an all-around horrible person and I honestly am mad at myself for taking so long to see it aside from ruining my wedding she ruined a ton of guys the standard treat them like crap pretend to be interested and then make them pay for everything she's move on once she found something better around the time we all turned 20 she started dating our friend and she claimed to love him and had a whirlwind romance but after moving and together and raising about a billion animals she would start fighting with him for no reason talk [ __ ] about him and put him down manipulate him to do whatever she wanted during this time she began to talk to her old high school boyfriend on some furry website the talking got serious and she straight-up bragged to me about it and made it sound like whoever was new would treat her better she cheated on her boyfriend for months until they finally broke up then she started doing the exact same thing to her new bf he lived overseas in the UK made him visit a few times then he moved over here and they got engaged ruined my wedding in the process because she wasn't the center of attention so I cut ties last I saw she was dating random [ __ ] again so I can only assume they got divorced or maybe the wedding never happened in my mind she cheated on her fiance too she was a terrible person who manipulated and put down everyone around her she had something terrible to say about anyone to anyone who would listen and had an excuse for everything to blaming her parents most of the time her mum was indeed crazy but her dad was a sweetheart honestly I don't see her ever changing I feel for all the guys she used and abused made a throw away because people will know my main and recognize the participants and I might be making actionable statements not a woman here but I was friends with a girl who I'm pretty sure attempted tubes one of our mutual friends she had a crush on it's well known he could hold his drink and liked the party pretty heavily see rack despite being big on gym and general fitness but at a group gathering that evolved into a small house party she offered to grab us drinks and not long after smashing down his third beer he was having a rough time of it first and second were fine but 20 minutes after the third he was very intoxicated despite not having had any prior substances she offered to take him home as she'd arranged to be Lee so in case we went out but since she's not very strong and he was beginning to stumble besides not having her first aid service we all decided that would be a better idea and shortly later a bedroom in the back of the house when we decided we needed the catch for sitting on another friend later found her giving him a [ __ ] when they went to offer him water and check he was in the recovery position yeah that bad which we sort of expected and winked at her about what wasn't expected though was finding a condom wrapped and tied in toilet paper in her handbag when I went to get another case out of her car since she's picked us up bathrooms and bins on the way back to the lunch room where we were but it still found its way into the bottom of her purse hate to say it cos it still feels gross but I stuck it in my pocket and decided to feign drunkness so I could keep track and make sure she didn't find it again before she went home ended up sleeping on the other side of our drunk friend's bed - as a prank so he'd wake up to my beautiful face but worried that something worse might happen if she was got the opportunity to make it I told him the following day after we stumbled into a MacOS on the walk home and he was very confused about how the whole night played out as he could remember some details but not all and nothing past getting very drunk really quickly I've never been close to him cause he's a bit abrasive and overbearing but seeing him a 100 kilogram brick [ __ ] as scared as he was after he realized what I was implying was just I dunno as uncomfortable as I've had a conversation with another guy B cuz I didn't know how to offer any help I gave him the condom bag which he took in his stride and actually thanked me for and told him to be real [ __ ] careful around her and so he steadily distanced himself from the group over the coming months wasn't withdrawn thankfully but he seemed more cautious so I hoped he's doing all right lot of dudes here I'm also a dude not sure if it's relevant and it's not the worst thing a long way from being the worst thing feels pretty minor to me at least but I was in a pub a few years back standing at a reasonably busy bar waiting to get served and a 20-something girl from a hen party just walked up next to me reached around and grabbed my junk like a full hold and squash then without saying anything or making any eye contact went off giggling back to a group of other hen party girls whilst they laughed I kinda took it on the chin my girlfriend was there but had arrived earlier and so was sat upstairs with friends whilst I was getting a drink I didn't even mention it until a few months later and I think she was more offended than I was but how I felt about that happening in that instant was confusing it was weird being the butt of a joke played by a group of girls a group of girls who all seemed to condone it and I didn't appreciate that but it was also just really weird being treated in such a way that had the roles been reversed I'd probably be thrown out reported to the police and end up with a conviction of something I honestly felt that in that moment if I'd have said anything I'd have been ridiculed and that made me feel weirdly vulnerable being a six foot five gym monkey of a guy I wasn't really in a position to feel threatened but it was just really weird I was really surprised that her female friends enjoyed it and seemed to applaud that sort of behavior it was a bizarre experience like I said not the worst thing imaginable but I like to think there was someone in that group who was offended by it I doubt it though seemed like a group of very like-minded individuals maaan here I took my oldest Kidder's G Evan oldest kiddo is an gender but erm AB treated her like the daughter I never had let her move in for four months after her dad supposedly tossed her out bought her groceries clothes for work gave her rides home from work it allows etc basically everything I'd do for my own kids even bid my tongue when kiddo proposed knowing they were way too young the laundry list of her sins which came out after three years of the relationship multiple fake suicide attempts verbal / psychological abuse gas lighting controlling threats to out cater to school etc ruining all kiddos friendships cheating accusations for watching porn while refusing to have sex with kiddo until err married attempt to install nanny software on kiddos phone repeated lies about her family background race nation of origin history languages spoken et Cie and then the coup de grĂ¢ce her boyfriend showed up at our house to warn my kiddo - back off his girl Kido responded you mean my fiance for the last three years rather than come to blows the two did some digging and figured out she had at least three guys plus my kid on the hook I didn't have to do much just sat back and watched my Kido burned down her house of cards like a pro with a few texts to the right people over about 15 minutes she lost her apartment her job and all the guys she was playing all her stuff still at my house some clothes stuffed animals et Cie went to Goodwill kiddo blocked her number and on all social media told her if she showed up at the house cops would be involved had to move back in with her alcoholic father last I heard ran into her at a shopping center not long after with a guy she'd always told us was her brother I have my doubts my son Kidder's younger sibling had to physically haul me away because I was two seconds from a serious battery charge he told me later I had murder in my eyes Kido is much better now we've talked a lot because the gaslighting had kiddo believing I'd never take their side or believe this much BS was going on in the relationship now in a much healthier relationship with a very nice girl met playing overwatch in high school my best friend was pretty much obsessed with one of our band directors he was pretty hot so I understood how she could be attracted to him but it was still weird she would attempt to flirt with him show off in front of him dress in really revealing clothes etc she even walked up to him while he was talking to another student and kissed him on the cheek he didn't react at all to any of her attempts to seduce him my friend went between being pissed off and thinking that he was just playing hard-to-get about two months after her infatuation with the band director started he was gone for about a week and my friend didn't say anything about it which was weird usually he wasn't in the band hall she'd asked where he was but not this time even after a week now the band director also taught a music theory class which I was in and we had had this awful substitute all week so I asked the head band director where our teacher was the head director said that he couldn't talk about it right now and said he'd give the substitute some musicals for us to watch he wasn't there the next week either I finally asked my friend where her boyfriend was and she said oh he totally had sex with me and raped me so I had to tell the principal when she said this she used quotations around the words had sex with me and raped me so I knew she was lying I immediately thought or hell no and marched myself right down to the principal and said that I needed to speak with him immediately I explained that my friend had had a crush on our band director and had told me that he had had sex with her and raped her in quotations as well as all the other weird stuff she did to try to get his attention I was in there forever trying to remember as many of the creepy ways my friend had interacted with the band director the next day the bank director was back and my friend was not good riddance thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
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Id: VTNGQhyT5rg
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Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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