The Grossest Of r/AskReddit (Dirty Restaurant Secrets And Gross Clients) [Compilations]

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what disgusting secrets does your employer keep from its customers I worked for a gelato shop that made us dig through the so called recycling bins to fish out used plastic cups and spoons to wash and give to new customers even if the spoons had bite marks from other customers and were coated in chewing gum we were told to wash them up and only throw them out if they were really unpresentable because these things are expensive furthermore all the other stuff in the recycling bin that people so good heartedly placed there yeah all of it got thrown in the dumpster customers ate IT up and told us regularly how glad they were that we are a green business who cares about the environment enough to recycle it didn't take long before I just couldn't keep doing this with a clean conscience and I turned them into the health inspectors who were absolutely horrified this was happening about two months later I got laid off and the business closed its filthy doors forever also I work in a similar business I get 1,000 spoons for less than $10 they probably paid more in labor for people washing the things than it would cost to buy fresh spoons the fajitas sizzle because we pour oil and water on a hot plate not because we grilled anything I once Tempe datte a customer survey marketing firm when they tested a variety of coffee and lattes from a popular Canadian chain the studies showed that the customers rated the beverage higher if they heard the milk being steamed you know milk was ever being steamed the Machine just made that noise former employer was charging clients for a one backup solution that wasn't even running I was still actively developing it when I quit client cooled up and asked to see the records of the backup I said it wasn't running in that we didn't have any to my knowledge client flips out calls boss Baz flips out at me from not lying freak that crap and this is why restore tests are so vitally important still selling something that doesn't exist whoa I used to work in a major movie theater and we would recycle hot dogs basically if the links were on the spinning rack all day and didn't get purchased they would be thrown in a bucket and refrozen we poked a fork hole in one to see how long it would stay in rotation seven frickin days I remember I saw an Orange Julius open once the guy opened up the storefront and walked over to the hot dog roller and switched it on there were already three dogs in there worked for a self-storage place in Rocklin CA they made every customers sign a lease agreement that said that you wouldn't hold them responsible if your unit was broken into and things were stolen I found out that we had 7-8 burglaries a year the owners would get sued but they would always get off because they'd produce the lease agreement in court and the judge would dismiss the case one day I came in from vacation to pick up my paycheck and I found the owner in the manager loading up a truck with the contents from a unit that wasn't theirs I went around the corner to an area where the fence allowed me to look in and saw that they went to another storage space cut off the lock and proceeded to load up the truck with a telescope big screen TV and some power tools I came back the next day and asked one of my co-workers he told me that the owners of the storage space would sell the stuff they stole from renters and that the manager and owner did the same thing with another property that they owned in Granite Bay I quit to go back to Sac State I called the Rockland cops to tell them what the owners were doing and they said that there was nothing they could do unless they were caught in the act Tim Hortons smile cookies pay an extra dollar for a Chocolate Chunk cookie with a smile drawn on it all proceeds go to local charity unfortunately store owner would just go into the system void all cookie sales and replaced with regular Chocolate Chunk cookie sales I want to know where this is no one pricks with my smile cookies a small business owner for whom I worked several years ago kept deducting the employees health insurance premiums but never sent the payments into the carrier after 2-3 months of this our insurance was cancelled right before one late his teenage son was in a fairly serious car accident she finds out at the emergency room during what is of course an extremely stressful time that she has no insurance whatsoever when she and her dependents had been fully covered the next day she went into his office very upset to find out what happened he gave his usual song and dance and made excuses for not having been able to send it in and this normally mild-mannered lady picked up a stapler and threw it at him he wasn't even injured while doing that was of course unacceptable I totally understood her frustration with this weasel he spent thousands of dollars a month of company money coding it to company expenses at Sam's Club on groceries and big-ticket items for his house on top of his already generous salary then to top it all off he actually took her to court for the stapler throwing incident after hearing the story the judge dismissed the weasels case and made a comment to the effect that if he were in the same position as her he probably would have done the same thing used to sell cars at a major dealership the unofficial sales contest was to see how much over MSRP they could sell the car for by confusing the customer on the price with payments financing manipulation of trade value and sometimes outright fraud like promising manufacturer rebates then not applying them the winner for the two months I was there was over by $10 K selling a car that should have been dollar sign 20k for over $30 k the sad part is that customer might never even know because they still got the payment they wanted please do yourselves a favor and don't shop solely based on payments and if you are financing then make sure you are aware what the final selling price of the car is there is a major difference between $400 mth at 60 months at 0% interest and $400 per month at 84 months at 0.9% I used to work at Frisch's as a hostess busser drive-thru attendant that place was filthy and corrupt as frig no one in the kitchen wore gloves in the cooks loved making people eat old food food that had been dropped on the disgusting floors the manager loved to steal the waitresses tips and blame the customers or the sketchy looking buses the most corrupt thing the awful manager did while I was there was around Christmastime he would take $100 out of each of the new younger employees cash drawer call your parents saying that their kids stole the money and they needed to be brought in to be questioned when I went to work the next day I found out the same crap happened to a few of the others we all got peon snagged the key that locked the box to the camera controls Wray wounded two the following day and watched until we saw the sucker start doing his thing every single one of us reported his ass he got insta fired it was glorious I do music for various media around Tokyo from big corporations too sketchy dirty production basement deals sometimes I walk by a shooting or get a glimpse of an active set I have seen some P were Caswell not as exciting to experience system may imagine once I witnessed her director who is notorious for being a poopy butthole threatened an actress that if she continued with her gloomy face during the shootings he would take her child away as he slapped her on her head it was all very serious and cold the look on her face as she quietly agreed with him ate into my very being then I thought how in a few weeks hundreds of people will sexually get off to her in that state without actually being aware of the reality of the situation seeing P again after that I can't help but look into the eyes of the girls and wonder what's really going on I sure felt disgusted getting paid by the same company we charged 150 dollars labor to replace a battery on a laptop we charge $200 for a service call to determine that the batteries freaked then another $200 to come back with the proper battery I worked for a vet in Vancouver and I ran a whole month of raffles nail cuttings for donations and pet pics with Santa for the SPCA when we added up the last of the money from the month I put it in the safe the practice owner's wife deposited the money and bought herself some new Chanel makeup WTF I quit and discussed if I worked at Bedford comm a British gambling company that received two Queen's Award for enterprise it operates a world only decent sports betting exchange we lost all of customers credit card details and didn't tell them our exchange was broken by a rogue programmer who managed to bypass all the account balance checks and their millions on a horserace awhile ago - oh sweet Jesus I think I can hear the Daily Mail's comment section already fight work out a frozen yogurt shop where the raspberries are always moldy and when bugs get caught in the toppings I have to fish them out and leave the topping there we have a roach problem and gnats are everywhere customers can see the gnats flying around the salads fruits and pies we had out but I guess it doesn't disgust them enough to not come back more than a few times customers have complained about bugs in their drinks that ended up there after they died in our ice machine the worst was a live cockroach in someone's salad that was on the fork as they went to take a bite hole cooked turkey breasts and roast beefs have been dropped on the floor and served without any of the managers and employees giving to Frisch's I've realized most restaurants are so much more dirty than shown but I've eaten out my whole life I guess my consolation is that I'm probably building up some immunities to all the IQs out there I used to work for a local children's charity where a good majority of the money was skimmed to pay for the owners for-profit business Sears pushed and encouraged to sign you up for things without the customer's consent phone number and email is all we need to sign you up for shop your way rewards w I thought without your consent we will do it diem tells managers to tell us to do it because it has worked so well in other stores to keep numbers up Wells Fargo all around shady straight-up lie to people to get them over to a banker to open up checking accounts by telling them our policies are changing and they have to do this making sure they have every single product whether it will actually benefit you or not we will not give up until you have them all one time a blind lady came up to my window with three separate checking accounts under her name and she didn't even know why she had them it turns out a banker had opened them all up for her to meet quota so once I quit WF I moved all of my accounts elsewhere I just want to say that if you have ever worked at a water park it will turn you off for visiting any kind of public pool or park for the rest of your life the crap we pulled out of those filters man no just pour so many chemicals into the water that literally nothing can live in it and call it a day Macy's doesn't donate crap to charities they practically force their employees to encompass a donation I worked a Dairy Queen the collection box supporting children with cancer hanging out the drive-through window was a discontinued charity my manager pocketed all the donations disgusting in a different sense a nice story to balance it the McDonald's I worked at didn't even have the key to open the charity boxes the only person who did is a man from the charity who takes every last penny for its intended cause once a month or so my last job we held a Venson tree filled premium liquor will house crab and during events charged consumption tabs with 100-plus people extra shots and bottles that were never ordered so the event holder can pay for something never even used at the end of the night and that's just scratching the surface my boss refuses to hire anybody but white women and he uses rubbing alcohol to wipe the expiration date off off product if it expires he just puts it back on the Shelf including dairy products I hate him I won't purchase anything that doesn't have an expiration date especially things that normally have them this happened years ago but I was a receptionist for a chiropractor for about six months one day our first appointment came in I went in the back to look for him I walked in on him having sex with a co-worker on the table the same table the patient's sometimes would lay facedown on I went back to the front and said he'll be with you in a couple minutes god I was disgusted he was married with two young kids I didn't work there long after that worked store security there are people's above the ladies changing rooms at several major retailers supposed to be for female security agents to monitor the dressing rooms but we had no female security agents lots of creepy ver ism fapping going on that's definitely illegal private company I no longer work for the company list of vehicles included two four-wheelers a Corvette a hammer to a brand new Jeep and oh right a 20 feet fishing boat also frequently bought company furniture which he would then sell to himself government contractor and a weasel to a certain extent I feel like this should be reported I mean you're dealing with people's tax dollars and waste in government needs to be controlled I work for the state so I see it every day and do what I can to prevent it I worked as a supervisor at a water park and just before inspection by the owner the director had me go around the park and paint all the rusted metal silver to look like new some of those bolts were nearly rusted through and were crucial to the rides construction that's not even remotely fun seriously report the director Valley here I've seen a number of occasions in which rubbing compound was used to cover up mild to moderate scratches coworkers have stolen things out of cars from spare change to a handgun on one occasion if valet is an option don't do it just one to add I've never stolen anything out of someone's car also yes all valet companies are different just like not all restaurants spit in your food I've attitude my car one time I thought now they won't steal my crap wrong they still lots of crap barbers stylists hairdressers overed it has anyone ever sat in your chair with a head so nasty that you didn't even want to touch them what is your horror story long time ago but I had to wash and cut a teenager that hadn't washed his hair in what looked like months salon policy was to wash after a men's cut and the smell was awful after his cut I tried to wet his hair in the shampoo bowl and the water just ran off his hair because of all the oil buildup I had seen a lot during my years as a stylist but that was the worst experience imagining water not being able to penetrate oily hair is the grossest thing I've heard of in this thread older ladies that came in for a wash and the water without had a helmet of hairspray or four weeks old was pretty normal had one client that had really bad psoriasis and no hairdresser wanted to help him he was also very ashamed so we made the deal that he could come in after closing time it was really bad and most of the equipment combs clips eggs were disposed instead of disinfected as someone with this condition thank you for not turning him away it's not contagious at all but can freak the heck out of people I've been lucky that when mine has been pretty bad on my scalp my hairdressers were still okay with working with me but I think the longer hair helps mask the problem a bit my sister is a hairstylist in got scabies once from a kid apparently the mom knew the kid had it too just didn't tell my sister until they were leaving yuck my husband is a barber one day he had a guy come in with dreads wanting them all shaved off he parted his dreads looked at his scalp and noticed it was green he touched it in soy drip off to ask the guy when he'd last washed his hair he replied about three years ago my husband realized the guy's whole scalp was covered in a layer of pus sent him straight to A&E to have it drained and treated with antibiotics by for a story of mine I used to Babis it for the neighborhood one day I got these kids that were scratching at their heads after taking them outside but because they were playing in the sandbox together 13 and 8 I figured that there was sand in their hair and reminded them to shower when they got home go to get my hair done the next day hair was down to my mid-back and I asked for a short bob just below my ears halfway through the hairdresser stops and loudly announces to everyone in the shop people I knew were there that she could not continue to cut my hair because I had lice I was so embarrassed you could have at least taken me to the side and explained instead of making me feel dirty if I had known I would have dealt with it especially if someone was gonna be dealing with my hair I still blush when I think back on it sound like the time a bank teller shouted at me I couldn't hear her through the thick glass in tiny holes drilled for her voice that I had bounced check the entire lobby hurt her because she not only turned on her little microphone but shouted into it as well my dad was a hairdresser before he passed when I was young I had really bad psoriasis on my scalp my dad has been the only one to ever cut my hair past three months ago and I can't bring myself to get my hair cut even though it's desperately needed in my 25 years on this planet and I can remember a few times sitting in his chair where he was literally combing and cutting out large chunks of dead flatty skin it was the most embarrassed I have ever been in front of him because no matter how many topical remedies I tried I couldn't get it to go away eventually grew out of the psoriasis but I still hold on to this moment as one of my favorite moments where the love my dad had for me really shone through my mother was a hairdresser in the 1960s for Vidal Sassoon during the time of the Beehive customers wouldn't wash their hair for weeks they just keep spraying it to keep it in place as it was such a complicated do this meant a lot of fleas lice and on one occasion cockroaches that had to be washed out for some reason this never bothered my mother all that much but hearing about it made sure I never ever wanted any kind of hands-on customer service job I used to work as a receptionist at a high-end salon one day a lady called and asked if we had anyone who specialized in cutting curly hair I matched her up with someone asked the standard questions and made the appointment which turned out to be for her granddaughter when the family showed up the mother and grandmother were white and the granddaughter was african-american they obviously didn't know and didn't bother to learn how to take care of the girl's hair because it was in a giant waist-length ponytail that was completely matted she also had a bit of a developmental disability and they claimed she would not wash her hair herself I could smell her as soon as she walked in but when the stylist got her hair wet at the shampoo bowl the smell quickly permeated the entire salon it was like a punch to the gut the hair stylist had to keep coming up front for fresh air she said giant flakes sheets of dandruff and build-up were basically crusted to the girl's scalp and throughout her hair the matted ponytail was the worst tobot what should have been a simple 45-minute service ended up taking over four hours the girl looked great when she was done I felt terrible for her because it was pretty obvious at her mom and grandma had no intention of keeping her hair maintained I got the impression that they basically only took her for a haircut when things got completely out of control I was horrified that they apparently weren't even bothering to wash her hair at home they bought a bunch of products at the stylist recommended but ended up returning everything a day or two later that poor child my hairdresser says she had one lady who brought her kid in for haircuts and the mom never brushed the kids hair ever so my hairdresser had to spend upwards of 45 minutes trying to comb the knots out of a squirming kid's hair I think she eventually fired the client because it wasn't worth the cost of a kid's haircut to spend the better part of an hour just on combing we had that happen in a salon that I worked in because of the way that the mom treated the little girl we ended up calling CPS I left that job before I ever saw any resolution though I think about that little girl all the time I had a young man come in with his mother he was about eight years old and had tight curly hair his mother asked me to shave down to a zero zero zero zero zero that is the shortest who can go with clippers I said sure it was my last cut of the day and I was eager to go home I stopped the service and noticed barely one stroke three rd in that he had a license fest station under the tight curly hair I mean these guys were huge probably why his mother needed me to shave it off so I discontinued the service and spent the next three hours disinfecting everything in sight the boy's mother called the barbershop later to complain because I wouldn't finish shaving her son's hair we tried to explain that it was illegal for us to continue the service as it might spread lice to others and recommended a specialty shop that could take care of this for them but she demanded that it was because we were racist that was fun I once had to turn a lady away after she booked in for hair extension removal the micro bonded type your stylist should tell you last three months maximum nobody told this lady they had been in for seven months my boss books are in with me the extensions weren't done in my salon I took one look at it and told her I couldn't help there was a chunk of hair about six inches wide that was matted with bits of hair glue not what we use poking out to me her options were shave it or cut it almost to the scalp some hairdressers shouldn't be allowed bit of a different horror story but my stylist once had a woman with hair past her butt who wanted to donate everything to Locks of Love everything this woman with hair down nearly to her thighs says she wants a pixie cut and is donating everything else after checking multiple times to see that she was positive she wanted a pixie and not a short bob or anything the stylist starts cutting and the woman sawed the entire time like shoulder shuddering sobs in the dressing chair with her sad little haircut cape on stylist kept asking if it was okay but the woman was determined to help people with cancer and told her to keep going and to ignore her tears my stylist said it was the most Awkward experience of her life other customers kept coming in and probably assumed she was maiming this poor woman side story when you donate hair to Locks of Love the hair doesn't go to cancer patients it goes to make high-end wigs that are sold in the proceeds of the sale go to buy wigs for cancer patients know that this is bad just the fact one of the first shops I worked and there were two individuals who would regularly come in for cuts both of them were physically so dirty it changed their skin tone and they absolutely wreaked off cat pee being close to them made my eyes water and it was extremely difficult to breathe as the smell of ammonia was just plain overwhelming we never turned them away and we were always as polite as we could be but Frick if those haircuts didn't feel like they lasted three hours I've always heard that meth users often give off an ammonia cat pee smell I'm not a stylist for humans but I do groom dogs and I have seen some things that make me want to never give these dogs back their owners my worst experience was when I had someone bringing their two-year-old Shih Tzu she was down as a mini groom that's where we only trimmed the face feet and private areas so I'm thinking this will be an easy groom wrong this women walked in with her dog wrapped in a towel because she doesn't want to touch him and I can see why the dog is a mess the dog's hair is one solid mat including his face and there is a deep giant hole in his coat where the poop has exploded through his hair meaning he has been pooping into his own hair for so long the buildup finally busted a hole through his hair so I have to shave him before he can get any kind of buff so I find a spot I can break through and start shaving this is very bad on my tools by the way once I finally release this dog from his mat prison which came off almost in one solid piece he ends up having so many sores on his skin he was shaking his head so much he was starting to cause hamartomas on his ears his butthole was infected and he is infested with fleas I'm so upset at this point I feel so terrible for this poor dog that all I can do is bathe him get rid of the fleas and inform the owner that he needs to go to the vet ro I didn't even think about pet grooming I bet that can get crazy I feel bad every time I take my dog to the groomer and there's a small match somewhere my cousin is a hairdresser one time a woman brought in her special needs son he had some hygiene issues and his ears were covered in black hairs while all the other hairdressers recoiled in horror my cousin gritted her teeth and gave that kid the best haircut she could I really respected my cousin after that that poor kid I wonder if his mom just ignored it or if she couldn't do anything about it because of his condition way back in the day my mom was a hairdresser she told me a story once of this guy coming in who heard bird poo all over the top back of his head I guess he got pooped on and didn't notice or something when I was an assistant at my first salon right out of school we had classes every Wednesday night but well one week I couldn't find the model in time so my mentor had someone she knew come in and be my model so the model comes in seems perfectly normal she sits in my chair I start the consultation and start looking through her hair to see what I'd need to do apparently this young lady had not washed her hair in what I'm assuming with weeks because her hair was so greasy that every time I touched her hair my hand came back drenched in grease and the smell oh man I never forget that smell it was the worst thing I've ever had a displeasure of working with I asked my mentor if I could shampoo her before starting and was told that I couldn't so here I am working on this girl who almost literally has grease dripping from her hair I must have washed my hands ten times that night needless to say I had my own model for every class after that one when my sister was young elementary school-aged she didn't like to brush her thick hair and it was always a source of grief my mom took her to get her haircut and after the hairdresser tried to brush her hair for a minute she said that sister needed to brush it herself so my sister had to sit in the lobby with a brush until the tangles were gone it was some pretty effective social shaming lol I hated brushing my hair as a kid but it never got that bad if it had I'm pretty sure my mother would have just cut it all off herself I'm a hair stylist pretty new still in school you can't really turn anyone away I had a prostitute sit in my chair tweaked out of her freaking mind without pimp telling us to dye her string ly fried hair blonde and cutted to her chin she didn't speak for herself at all she wouldn't even look in the mirror he gave all the instructions he definitely had a specific look for her in mind he was a huge butthole to everyone and she left the chair to go cry in the bathroom a classmate went to go check on her and she had just walked out of the door he left really quick after that I think about her sometimes and I hope she's okay I wish I had gotten the chance to make her feel beautiful so that was a pretty nasty expediency even though I didn't have a chance to start the service besides that I was pregnant throughout school and gagged quite a bit of the ladies who would come in for a wash blow-dry and style after weeks of not brushing out their hair or washing it I always suggested braids for these ladies since they obviously for whatever reason chose not to maintain naturally curly hair but most refused and would be back in 3-4 weeks for the whole process again this was a very time-consuming process with tons of detangling rats nests and dreads that invariably ended in zero tips there were also really creepy men that would come and for five dollars cut and say very sexual things and enjoyed the shampoo a lot my school was basically just a mill of free labor and we had to accept every client no matter what and it sucks but I'm enjoying more creative freedom now that I have graduated and I'm in a salon I still volunteer for events where the homeless get free cuts and there are quite a few very dirty people there but I don't mind because it's not a daily basis situation like it used to be and I like making people feel good if you are even remotely thinking that a customer is under the influence of a pimp call the cops he is human trafficking 1 800 3 7 3 7 8 8 8 National Human Trafficking Resource Centre what's the worst snow that you've ever experienced my mum had bought farm-fresh eggs one week I remember grabbing one to fry and make an egg sandwich i heated up the pan and crack the egg in there what came out of the egg was a black cross and mess that smelled of pure evil I threw up like a second after smelling the rotten egg and seeing the black mess rise and heave in the pan my puke went all over the frying pan and stuff creating a horrible fusion of fried rotten egg and sick that was the worst smell I've ever smelled I'm guessing you wouldn't like the Chinese delicacy thousand-year-old eggs then the burn unit of a hospital burnt flesh and disinfectant unforgettable yes I was an intern and attended surgeries where they amputated legs and welded the end of the arteries the smell of burnt human flesh is so disgusting tonsil stones dang that craps nasty those friggin bile fossils are disgusting my roommate once kept one in a tiny bottle and would waft it under sleeping people noses I feel sick just thinking about it opening of an XP and coffin six months you can't describe it death and decay it's a smell that lingers it stays in your nose for also pretty bad butyric acid recreated that scene from Family Guy where everyone is puking in my kitchen with my husband myself and my child after finding four plus month-old rotten chicken in a Tupperware that had fallen down behind the drawer in my fridge I don't know why I opened it it was like opening a portal to stench Shack the smell was indescribable it demanded you vomit you had no choice I puked so much I felt like my stomach had been turned inside-out and scrubbed with steel wool okay I'll bite I've worked in a wide number of medical settings and smelled it all vomit crab raspy abscesses gas forming anaerobic bacteria that one can knock you down dead bodies that have been baking for a while and nothing compared to a Doberman Pinscher who swallowed an entire bedspread hole I was working my way through college as a vet assistant at the time I am not joking exaggerating or making this up I have no photos this was long before cell phone cameras this dog was really neurotic and her parents were getting a divorce somehow she had managed to work down an entire at least double size bed spread in one piece we could not understand how she circumvented a gag reflex and didn't choke to death mom notices the dog isn't eating and is a bit bloated so she brings her in her collar sucks and we are thinking stomach toshin which is a very bad scene for dogs we open her up and get nailed by the most god-awful smell we've ever encountered rotting putrid I burning blow your hair back way worse than any crap I've ever smelled poor rotting body for that matter the vet is an old farm boy he laughed at us while he pulled this sucker out one of techs ran out and pooped in a sink we also had a bottle of peppermint oil for the inside of your mask for such instances and the sucker was empty I nearly killed the tech who didn't replace it later it was one of those old chenille bedspread with those weird Tufts all over it I would not have believed that if I hadn't seen it for myself I know you're going to tell me it isn't possible but we saved the bedspread for the owners to see because they knew they wouldn't be leave as either the dog lived what I thought was bizarre is that the owners are getting a divorce so their dog eats a bedspread ha great story there was this beneath mountain dog that lived down the street from me growing up who used to eat full bath towels I believe on two occasions fried cat pee let me tell you a tale when I first moved in with my so we were also living with another couple who happened to be very good friends of ours now my cell had a cat and I had a cat that I had yet to move to our new apartment because I needed to set aside an exorbitant amount of money for the pet fees before I could do that the roommates bought a cat of their own now we would have three cats in a two-bedroom apartment three cats two of which had never lived together and were male this meant a knuckle fur apocalypse for four months when I introduced them they hated each other my son's cat took two using the restroom in strange places out of stress and one day he decided to climb up onto the counter and pee on the toaster yes he pee on the toaster so one day one of us went to make a bagel and suddenly realized something was wrong we'll be being attacked by terrorists this had to be mustard gas or some biological agent meant for mass murder try to imagine cat pee that has sat for at least several hours and then think about reheating it to reactivate its pungent nature our house smelled like some kind of hateful acid gas for several days and that was the worst smell I've ever encountered I love this story for the mental imagery of a cat contently taking a pee on a toaster rotting potatoes it's a disgusting cross between a skunk spray a dead animal and crap it's a toss-up between rotting potatoes and soured chocolate milk for me but the potatoes are pretty dang bad found one so rotten that it had turned into a black liquid I have a strong stomach but I could not clean that mess up a 5 plus year old egg that was hidden for Easter that my friend found and threw on our basketball court by threw up for an hour not lying here's hoping that afterward you threw your friend on the basketball court I was a plumber for 25 years I have encountered numerous auto fare offenders including dead bodies rotting animals in sewers and attics grease traps sewer filled basement rooms and morgue run offs the most memorable smell for pure unadulterated offense to my olfactory senses is the smell from inside a soda station drain system inside any fast-food restaurant you want when I was an electrician we had the massive Mickey Mouse looking rubber gloves one time my coworker found a dead bat and put it in my rubber glove it was in my job box for the weekend and just turned to stew Monday morning he pretended like he had an emergency and yell get your gear on now so I ran over ignored the smell and forced my glove on spraying dead bad juice all over my chest and face literally everyone threw up an empty train car at Russia it smelled like a planet made of crap powered by a sour milk son with an atmosphere full of pee clouds I know that smell exactly I love when conditions are just right in the summer to create matte blue feta cheese smell OMG several years ago now during my plumbing apprenticeship schooling our instructors took us on a tour of the wastewater treatment facility in our city suffice to say it was the most disgusting smell I've ever experienced I don't know how people work there my clothes stunk when I got home from school I actually ended up throwing out the sweater I had been wearing even after a wash it still smelled like raw sewage there's nothing quite like the poignant aroma of a city of 1.2 million people's sewage I can only imagine what it must be like in some older cities of the world places with 10 or 20 or 30 million people disgusting good thing I'm not in the field any longer your good friend when I was a teenager I think about 14 maybe 15 my grandfather was supposed to come over for dinner but he never showed up my dad called him and he answered the phone said he wasn't feeling well and we said we'd just do it next weekend unfortunately he died that night and since he lived alone in a remote area no one found out the next weekend comes along and he doesn't show up again and again my dad calls but no answer him not answering the phone was a common thing we assumed he wasn't feeling well and let it be but after he hadn't returned the message for a few more days we went up to his house to check on the old man well we walked into the house and there he was in his chair TV on dead over a week middle of summer no windows open or air conditioning I will never ever forget that smell it was kind of sickly sweet but in a very very wrong way I don't know how to explain it but freak me was it terrible people soup usually when someone dies in the bathtub or shower at home or any body of water really and decomposition takes its course there much quicker to ripen during the summer Hawk I just threw up in my mouth thinking of it sometimes I really don't like my job you never forget the smell of a hoarders house especially one that has cats the cats used the shower as their litter box the house was infested with roaches there was rotting food in the kitchen and I was forced to spend the night visiting my grandma's farm as a child was awesome and it made everyday normal games so much more fun there one day my sister and I were playing kitchen outside and I got ahold of what I thought was a fake egg on accident I dropped this egg and instead of it bouncing like plastic it exploded and let this rancid mind clouding awful smell onto the porch and into the rest of the house apparently the farm was home to wild ducks and this egg had been confiscated from its nest and somehow ended up on the porch I have never wanted to not breath so much in my life I don't drop eggs anymore my dog once managed to get a jar of horseradish open he ate the entire contents describing the smell of his farts crap would never come close to the reality grease traps I worked at a cafe that would hire people to clean the grease traps during the lunch rush I sit next to this girl in two of my classes and she always has deadly breath what's worse is she never sleeps enough so she is constantly tired and therefore yawns all the time every time I hear her you and all I can do is brace myself for the eye-watering pungent odor that's going to hit me in a few seconds not the worst smell but perpetually terrible and there's nothing I feel comfortable doing about it and before you guys suggest offering gum I've done that a few times and she never takes it a bedsore roughly the size of a basketball absolutely putrid close second is about 150 pounds of goat cheese that sat in a dumpster in 90-degree heat for a good week and a half sir strumming or something like that a Swedish specialty it's fermented fish and it stinks like heck lived here over five years and have yet to smell it it's the stuff of legends a thousand pounds of burning sugar at a molasses Factory honestly a stink bomb craps freaking disgusting after Hurricane Katrina I went with a relief group to clear homes this meant taking everything out trashing it and tearing the house down to the studs we went in July the year after and the house we had was owned by a former catering business owner he had three industrial sized freezers of the garage that had been flooded and baking for nearly a year we couldn't get into the garage through the house and had to break down the garage door the smell that came from that place was enough to make everyone in our group literally vomit grown men doubling over even before the door was down the freezers had been full of beef and pork then turned into a soup with floodwaters then boiled in 100-plus degree temps for a year to stroke 10 would not smell again I got to know those smells well myself thanks for coming down though I used to work at an animal hospital one early morning after taking my coat off a co-worker pulls me aside and says hey I need your help with something outside right away I knew it was bad the only thing we keep outside our hoses pooper scoopers in the freezer the freezer is where we keep recently dead euthanized pets for they are taken by pet sematary service they come every Tuesday to empty the freezer it's Tuesday outside the driver of the removal truck is smiling nervously in front of the pad locked freezer but something reeks it wasn't so bad we pop it open and witness one of the few spectacles that I might never forget the freezer light which is designed to turn off when the door closes has malfunctioned it has remained lit for days not only burning the plastic body bags containing the carcasses but also burning large amounts of fur and cooking some flesh it was the most putrid and outright dizzyingly disgusting odor I've ever come across the combination of burnt rotting flesh singed fur and melted plastic created a pout poori of the most vile stench is known to man my disgust is plastered on my face as I stare into the frozen stink tub I look up at the truck driver and he grins chuckling that'll wake you up in the morning I got a valet with the worst vo of all time attached to my clothes infected my friend Alain got my car details didn't help I had to sell my car the Beast nice try Seinfeld maybe not the worst ever but the most powerful was taking one step into the leather factory in Fez Morocco when he opens the door the smell almost knocks you out and you wonder how are all those people actually working in there I was repairing the phone lines in a leather factory it's a smell that lingers for weeks a dumpster filled with old deep fryer oil the phlegm I was regularly coughing up when I had pneumonia my girlfriend said I smelled like the Cryptkeeper I went to recycle the aluminum cans from my grandfather's bar the entire shed behind the bar was full 50 60 garbage bags full of cans must have been five six months worth it was the end of summer so the bags had been there through the he--they of summer the smell of moldy beer baking in the summer heat with basically zero ventilation was easily one of the Fallas smells I've ever encountered that was ten years ago and I still remember how putrid the stench was anyone who owns a bar has probably dealt with this at some point the first part was probably dripping be a juice on my hands arms it took everything I had not to vomit continuously through the entirety of the day but I know he appreciated it so I suppose it was worth it I cooked a big-ass leg of beef for our 30 birthday I was 45 kilograms of aged goodness that I spit roasted over a charcoal fire the party was in the woods and once everyone had eaten their fill we put the remaining half a leg into the back of my cousin's van to stop foxes getting at it I was so hungover that I totally forgot about it until mid-afternoon the next day it had been festering and there at a perfect 34 TC all day and was turning green very much like me when I opened the door a large amount of rotten meat is quite hard to get rid of as it is classed as toxic waste so I had to chop it up and bury it in various places I held several times and ran a fairly good chance of getting arrested on suspicion of murder not sure if it was the worst smell of the worst state I have been in smelling something bad the bottom backside underside adjoining sewer drain of a dumpster at the fast-food joint I used to work at we had corporate coming in for an inspection and my boss thought of the most asinine places to clean up places they would never look or even think about one of those places underneath the dumpster you know just in case Bruce Banner was on the inspection team and decided to lift the dumpster for a quick peek he assigned an assistant manager myself and two other guys to the task we had to come in at 4:45 a.m. on Saturday when the garbage company came by to ask them to leave the dumpster out of the bay so we could pressure wash and scrub it clean shoulder seen the look on that guy's face something akin to why you sure you want to do that and you poor bastards they pulled out the dumpster and just I can't describe there was a drain underneath which helped sort of it was just years of caked up food and animal waste several dead rats and other animals and some live ones which scurried off we couldn't pressure wash it we had to get shovels and just start picking up and dumping it well into the dumpster where else after about an hour and a half of shoveling ranking and scrubbing it was clear enough on thick layers that pressure washing actually did something not even the longest or dirtiest day of my working life but definitely the smelliest dead people in summer 96 hours decomposing dead people in summer this sounds like a great song a raccoon died in our attic and the stench traveled throughout the entire house sickening I worked in my dad's company and one of the things we would do regularly was to clean and empty grease traps we got to in Chinese restaurant where that was this grease trap in the basement that hadn't been emptied for eight months couple that with the fact that there was 30 degrees down there worst smell I've ever encountered I don't think I've ever been so sick because of a smell before went to Alaska we were driving from Anchorage somewhere down the Kenai Peninsula and saw a dead gray whale washed up so we decided to stop for a picture Mother of God that thinks tank like heck from 100 yards away and only got worse as we got closer I don't remember the smell being that different from a normal rotting animal just much much stronger my roommate you have a smell up to believe it exists nobody can blame their farts on my dog it didn't wake me from a deep sleep give me some side lurches and force me out of the house for half an hour definitely not a dog fart the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center after 9/11 one windy night the smell drifted up to the Bronx and I started choking and had to shut all of my windows no wonder a lot of first responders there got cancer a slightly opened can of cat food that I forgot about I spent days looking for a dead animal in my house convinced my cats had dragged one in but then I found the can the tab had broken off but I was still able to get in and it sat for about a week it was so bad I threw up three times washed my hands six times couldn't get the smell of my fingers off and I only touched the outside can for about five seconds it was the smell of straight-up rotted flesh and death in a can worse than a staph infection or an open septic tank rotted wet cat food never again onion decaying inside with worms so I didn't realize but I cut an onion and almost fainted it was all empty from inside with worms and a putrid smell which is worse than a fresh crap taken by a man who ate a decomposing skunk I smelled it four years ago in thinking about it still makes me want to throw up I once found an old can of fish oil or something whilst cleaning out the garage my olfactory nerves held a union meeting and went on strike until it was agreed that opening old fricked up things and smelling it was no longer in the negotiated contract you have been visited by the money massage therapists of Reddit what are some of your most awkward or disgusting experiences with clients my mother has been a massage therapist for over 20 years she's in her 50s and she loves it she massages a lot of elderly people doesn't mind massages a few obese people doesn't mind to her people are people and she's not easily disgusted but when people proposition her for s she Minds one particularly troubling encounter was when she was massaging a friend's husband and he thought it would be appropriate to ask for s UAL favors I had a very eccentric read creepy as Frick client who came into our clinic one day wanting a tui na massage type of Chinese massage we usually leave the room to let the clients trip down into underwear before we commence but with the sky I had no chance to get away before I had time to give him a towel he dropped his pants to reveal a sparkling blue g-string that barely kept everything in place the guy was about 58 huge bo got grey hair gold earring and hairy like Robin Williams as I started the massage the guy started to tell me that he worked as an erotic masses specializing in body slide massage this is where the masses gets oiled up and rubs his body and genitals all over before freaking the client at the end the whole time I was massaging him he kept telling me that I was really good with my hands he also repeatedly told me how good he was at his job and plugging his business with a-hunting turn a very awkward session I read this in post thinking this guy was a pirate I was getting a massage last week in the little room next to mine was a talkative older gent he was chatting away to his massage therapist then it went quiet after a little while I heard him whisper do do you do this for everyone you got the wrong massage therapist I've had clients asked if they could massage me specifically my ass while I was working on them one woman tried to put her face in my crotch and told me she would love to eat me out for the record I was wearing yoga pants as I am also a yoga instructor many people are surprised how strong I am and comment on it and how small my hands are that's not odd what was odd was the guy who followed that observation up with telling me that I also had he like a Wolverine not sure if that's a good or bad thing he like a Wolverine oh my god my mom is a massage therapist she used to work out of our house she had a studio downstairs where she would have people over for massages one day a woman came over who was probably in her late 60's oldish slightly overweight woman now my mom as his standard procedure asks this woman to disrobe and get under the covers while my mom waited outside when she came back in after a few minutes after asking if the woman was done the woman was standing in the middle of the room completely naked the woman said honey I'm sure you've seen more than this in your day she had not call me bubbles dilling everybody does I'm a massage therapist dealing medical type work my clients are all super nice so not many good experiences but I'll share two one I came back to change the sheets after one client had gotten dressed and left and found that he'd had some diarrhea on my table luckily our laundry service treats all our linens as biohazards anyway but yuck - I came into the room after washing my hands and letting my client get undressed and she realized she hadn't been specific enough about how she'd injured her back so she got up stark naked and proceeded to demonstrate the motion she'd been doing when she hurt herself not disgusting bodies don't scare me but definitely felt Oh awkward that's about it I love my job I definitely suggest going into massage therapy if you're compassionate and can handle a good amount of physically demanding work if you're worried about sexual comments stick to medical settings if you're worried about bodily fluids and/or smells go the spa route good luck my brother is a massage therapist for a side income and has tons of horror stories one of the strangest ones as a man came to their studio he shared one with others and specifically asks for a man well he is left in the room with the typical instructions undress and get under a sheet and when my brother comes in the guy is sitting on a couch cross old naked as the day he was born anyway wigs out my brother who apologizes and asks him to again get under the sheet and leaves for about five minutes he comes back and begins the massage apparently this guy had a huge penis tattooed on his back and kept hinting for more the guy even started slightly pulling the sheet off his butt with his hands they were by his sides and saying things like it's just the two of us in here what happens here stays here I wouldn't say anything basically all this unnerved my brother a good bit who was all too happy when they guys time was up but like a champ ikan tin you to do massages although they did that guide to their watchlist worked as a receptionist foreign massage service facility every masses was licensed in the business was legit but I guess having an all-asian staff gave creepers the idea that we provide extra services one day a rather large white man requested one of our longest massages two hours Swedish massage I instructed him to disrobe and lie beneath the bedsheets typical procedure while his massage therapist prepared for the massage and wrist stretching hydrating et Cie he seemed like a decent guy so I wasn't expecting any trouble until the masses that had just entered the service room stumbled out backwards shouting profanities and slamming the door apparently he was sitting stuck naked at the edge of the bed with his Wang out upright and at full attention to make it worse when the masses walked in and gave him a startled look he gave her the creepiest smile according to her anyway and jumped off the bed as if to approach her we threatened to call the police and he left though he had already paid for his service so - dang bad for him handing me his unused towel over the counter and asking me to fold it yes there is at least one massage therapist on reddit I've been doing massage for ten years have worked on several military bases Sedona and Lachlan you see some strange tattoos some really interesting scars some insane back hair smell's some pretty nasty feet if you like helping people and aren't into it for the money especially in this economy then it's definitely worth it I'm a beauty therapist and do massage - I once had a girl roughly the same age as me 20s come in for a body massage as a present from her boyfriend whilst doing the massage I could see the oil looked weird like a streaky brownish color and it smelt weird well the client smelt weird after the massage we chatted for a bit and she mentioned that she'd spent the morning fake tanning herself looked at my hands and they looked like I had just dip them in chocolate so so Brown either had to explain to her that it wasn't the best idea to do that if she'd now be one big streaky mess tan fail I know some girls have had creepy guys in for massages in the past but luckily I haven't nothing exciting to tell though I'm afraid although one girl had a guy in for a massage and when she told him the massage was over he offered her a 24 special extras she ran off crying I'm really starting to think there should be a sign at all places that offer massages if you in any way asked for a happy ending you will be promptly removed in our services will no longer be available there must be places that have this I was still in school and I was giving this guy a massage towards the end he started shifting around a little and acting a bit awkward I didn't think much of it he said it was his first massage and finished up as he exited the room he got all shifty eyed and awkward and seemed a little embarrassed he didn't want to talk to me he just paid as quickly as he could and got out of there I went back to change the sheets and there was a nice little present sitting under the top sheet a shiny little globule I didn't know what it was though I had an idea so I leaned over to sniff it just to be sure yup that there was a pile of the worst part he didn't even tip just left something from his tip that bastard why the Frick would you smell it my karate jujitsu instructor is one back story he is a small guy and kind of brownish he walks in late to under and has this odd look on his face I don't think much of it and we finished the class as I was about to leave I figured I should ask what was wrong I did I regret it he takes a deep breath and says are you sure you want to know I felt obligated to listen to him he is a great guy he then begins to tell me about his day everything was fine until his last a nap he had he in the nicest way possible described a lady of about 200 300 pounds she had just got from the gym I laughed at that part but she's trying so good for her and was wanting to cool down and get relaxed he said the lady was very nice but he wasn't prepared for the job he was about to take on he had to give her everything massage under the lovely sweaty rolls hot rocks steam room this lady had money but that's not really the bad part the lady was done with her massaging and the works and went to their bathroom he said she was in there until just five ten minutes before they closed she left and he said he wanted to wash up as he was walking towards the bathroom he said he smelt the worst smell he opens the bathroom and sees this lovely painting made from her crap of him he still doesn't know why he couldn't smell it before and for about a week or two was scared to go to work they got her picture from the camera B got her crap back I was not expecting that poor guy till you're supposed to tip massage therapists while this is kind of a reverse on the massage therapist weirdo story my friend recommended a place near me I go in and this smoking guy comes out and says that he is going to be my therapist for the next hour score however he had like magic hands thing I hear how guys can get aroused by massages but I never thought it could happen to women well the weird part comes along as I am having the greatest massage of my life I feel him leaned into me and he has a giant boner lol I don't know what the proper way to ask for a happy ending is for a woman but I got a little unnerved great massage left there a little more frustrated than when I walked in in that situation I believe the world's been completely proper to bring up the boner since it just touched you had a woman that had explosive diarrhea during the treatment I didn't know what to do so I ran out of the room probably the best thing you could have done female therapist here and surprisingly nothing too creepy or weird so far I once had this client while still in school who really wanted extra focus work on his toes awful things after spending my time on his toes blegh he wanted glutes work pulled his tight shorty shorts down and barred his hairy bum not exactly what I was expecting being so innocent and new to the field needless to say I pulled his britches right back up since then I've had a few clients make sexual references try to give me hugs afterward he no blatant here's my penis you know what to do with it sort of things a lot of boners though every day all day all I see is a clock and boners alas I do love my job it's easy but hard work at the same time very rewarding I think it depends on where you work what area of town and who you're employed by but but I personally love what I do not a massage therapist but when one of my friends brother was 15 he looks much older the masses tried to give him a handy he said number the masses said yes he threatened her and she finished the massage in peace it's worth making it a career choice if you have the feel and the passion for it if you're looking at it just as a money-making job you're better off doing something else the money is no huge reward for all the effort you need to put into it if you want to become good and have repeat clients and not rip people off that said the I've had to put up with was a huge guy in his 60s he was like Fat Bastard only old he says please don't use any scented oils on me I have to go to a construction site after this no worries halfway through the massage he turns or moves in the towel half comes off he's wearing a black lacy g-string I never WTF as much as in that moment this thread has reminded me of the last time I got a deep back massage I've had them in the UK and never be nude if this was on holiday in Croatia at the hotel spa the lady masses popped out of the room while I got on to the table in Dobbs I took my top off but left on my bikini pants I don't really have an issue being naked in front of strangers so if she told me to take them off I'd have been happy to however I discovered Howard Lee violating it is when you're lying on your stomach with your eyes closed listening to the plinky plunky music and a stranger suddenly Yanks down your pants and starts messaging your butt cheeks still the best massage I've ever had my girlfriend does waxing as well as massaging she was being very careful waxing this woman's crack and she had a big mole right near her butthole she accidentally got too close and ripped it off it wasn't a mole it was a chunk of crap enjoy your career my friend made a girl have an orgasm during a massage in the middle of the class and he always felt uncomfortable when he would leave men with raging erections I guess he was good at what he did subway workers overheard it what's the grossest sandwich you've seen ordered had to make when I worked at Subway there was a family that came in the parents in their two sons they would always order meatball footlongs and want all the veggies twice you could never pack on enough lettuce either you couldn't cut the dang thing good luck trying to smash it down enough to even rap that times for every time they came in plus a ton of mayo we used to do rock paper scissors in the back to see who had to deal with them the guy had some kind of intellectual disability or something he ordered a footlong meatball sub with extra marinara and extra every other source which at the time would have been yellow mustard brown mustard ranch Chipotle light Mayo regular Mayo yes both and sweet onion he had a companion with him who kept asking him are you sure you want all that that doesn't sound like it will taste very good are you sure but he was not deterred the companion came back up to me later to thank me and let me know he ate the entire thing and loved it this mom and her kid would come into my store every Wednesday and after the mom ordered something normal the kid who would always order himself would ask for a plain sandwich the first time I had to ask but after that every Wednesday when I saw them walking up I'd start working on that little guy's toasted bread and ketchup sandwich super gross sandwich order but those two customers were always a bright spot in my week double salami and pretty much all your igano in the house no cheese no sauce no shame behold the power of an old Italian man's soul only mayonnaise toasted it wasn't the grossest sandwich it was just the way she ate it tuna with ketchup she then removed her false teeth licked the tuner out and left the bread for us to clean up my old boss took a trip to Hawaii to surf rented a jeep and ordered enough $5 footlongs to last the week that's all he ate all week apparently stored them in the Jeep no cooler no refrigeration all of those sandwiches were gross after a week in Hawaii temperatures I don't know if they still do the seafood salad sandwich but when I was a teenager I had to prep that crap in the morning it's a five-pound bag of imitation crab and a gallon bag of mayonnaise mixed with my gloved hands the smell and texture was awful anyways had an elderly gentleman come in on my Saturday shifts and get the seafood salad footlong double meat with shredded cheese toasted old guy tipped a dollar every time some lady asked me to scoop out all over bread leaving just the crusty shell and fill it with mayonnaise it was like a disgusting cream puff it is time for this story to be told when I was a stupid high school boy my buddy Rob and I used to go to the same subway at least a couple of times a week there were two workers there Mary and Roland and whenever they transferred we'd follow them to some other subway because they were nice to us and sometimes gave us deals one day I went in there and said Roland I bet you can't make me a sub that I can't eat Roland goes in the back and comes back with two big freaking slabs of processed turkey when you order a normal sub that turkey is all sliced up this was not sliced it was just a goddamn brick of meat about an inch and a half thick he loaded it up with all the regular toppings no screaming hot sauce or anything and said there you go stupid high school boy me thought this fool doesn't know who he's dealing with I asked for an edible and he gives me extra meat ten minutes in this thing is down the belly hatch but a strange thing happens when you have to chew large portions of processed meat for a long time you realize why they slice it up like that it's because it's full of big disgusting chunks of gristle globs of fat probably a beak or two whatever made it into the turkey blender before it was pressed into a can I can't remember whether I puked stupid high school boys puke a lot but I do remember that I didn't even finish six inches of that sucker god bless Roland wherever he ended up not only did he win the bet he made a sandwich that still haunts my dreams 25 years later okay check it dude comes in like he's never been to a subway before which that's okay I'm ready to help but he also acts like he has never had nor heard off a sandwich before he gets the honey oat footlong and that is where the logic stops this joker asks what's good and I tell him that I like the meatball marinara he gets that with extra marinara mind you and before I can even ask him about his cheese choice he points to the tuner and asks cww what's that I tell him what it is he takes a bit minute to think and then he's like okay I'll get that too I pause for a second trying to process what he is asking me let me tell you I take the title sandwich artist seriously and I did not feel like an artist while spreading pasty tuna on to a marinara soaked honey oat loaf I felt dirty so to follow this nut bowls tray not logic he has me extra toasted without cheese take it out and he says two words that shook me to my core honey mustard I am an honest man I like to think a good man if I'm being generous but I cannot think that any God wouldn't make me suffer for helping craft this abomination I squeeze the bottle and give him three thick lines of that tangy God sauce he says more I give him more I close it with an audible squelch emitting from the sub I wrap it up and when I look up to accept his money I see his face I see the excitement of a child about to go on a roller coaster for the first time the guy's giddy practically electrified with glee I give him his footlong effigy to sin incarnate he leaves the store and I go in the back to slice bell peppers and try to forget meatballs teriyaki chicken and salsa with all the salad and all the sources no he wasn't high and he ordered it like three more times when I worked at Panera a customer once ordered a tuna salad sandwich on a chocolate chip bagel for breakfast egg whites American and shredded cheddar a double portion of seafood salad toasted oil no vinegar it's healthy because egg whites had a few people that would order a double meat tuna sub and then want a ton of mayo added to it those sandwiches were already half mayo to begin with I felt fatter just touching the thing also another store under the same owner would regularly get people wanting cookies added to their subs I'm pretty sure I was told the reasoning was that they thought it would count as a topping so they wouldn't have to pay for the cookies not an artist but was in line behind a guy he got a chicken bacon ranch double meat and cheese nothing weird yet no toppings whatever a lot of meat and cheese all the sources WTF the subway gal put a two line of each one on not good enough we wanted to drenched in every source he got a faint glob for each source plus had their mad marinara when they tried to close the sandwich and cut it it was oozing he grabs it and sits down basically slurping the frickin thing I was planning on eating there but just couldn't got it to go and got the Frick out of there one of the grossest things I have ever seen there was this guy that I think was messing with me and the other girl here but he ordered a footlong wheat bread with every flavor of cheese we had on it along with every condiment we had then the man used a ketchup bottle he brought himself and used it all his friends recorded him eating it and I feel sick remembering it obligatory I don't work at Subway but I do work at a place that serves subs had an order a while back for our chicken finger sub with hot sauce tuna pickles and double mayo felt like I was preparing for a wreckless eating video they were hungover this lady would come in every day and ask for a 6-inch honey ant and made it very apparent that he wanted the bread soft she had me put triple American cheese on it in three tomatoes and an ungodly amount of mayonnaise on it and that's it made me cringe watching her eat it hated that lady pickles seafood salad corn bacon bits olives sauerkraut barbecue sauce what on earth are you thinking mate not subway but in high school I worked at [ __ ] Yogi which does sandwiches and teriyaki bowls I had a teenage girl come in and ask if I could make a footlong pickle sandwich so I took a small handful of pickles and spread them out over the bread can I have more she asked I took another slightly large a handful of pickles and spread then over the bread can I have more she asked again I dug into the bin with both hands and spread two heaping piles of pickles across the bread which was now soaking in vinegar is that enough I asked I thought I was calling her Bluff yet that's good I folded the sandwich down as best I could the pickles were stacked too high I rang her up for a veggie sandwich watch to take it to a table and sit down to eat the whole thing the bread was dark and soggy any pickles that fell out she was quick to scoop up it was gross but fascinating at the same time here's a few I can remember this obese guy would walk in a couple times a week take the cold cut combo he asks for a ton of lettuce followed by the largest amount of mayonnaise you can imagine he always emptied half the cup of mayo it was probably more than enough Mayo for 1215 average customers he then added a few other vegetables and was good to go it always made me sick making him such a sandwich as I knew I was killing him then I've seen two normal-looking persons take every single source on the menu not like a very thin line or anything extra dosage of every source while looking at me to make sure I put enough of each at Subway you can ask to grill vegetables with your bread cheese meat I always grilled onions and peppers with mine for the flavor multiple people were doing this then this guy walks in and asks me to grill his sub at the complete end after asking for lettuce pickles and sauce on it this guy ordered a rat with eight portions of bacon and two portions of steak cheese over the entire thing no vegetables and toasted yup a toasted wrap footlong subway club I think double meat wanted extra cheese x4 so they could have every single type of cheese on it every single vegetable every source and I mean every source even Mayo and light mayo together olive oil vinegar salt and pepper oregano Parmesan cheese not only was it disgusting but it was a pain to actually wrap the thing up I once had to make someone a black olive sandwich like three handfuls of only black olive on Italian bread with extra olive juice I ordered that once I was 6 and it was my first time at Subway so I panicked and refused anything other than black olives this is hands down the worst sandwich I ever made dude comes in orders a six-inch cold cut white bread as I'm cutting the bread he asks for mayo on both sides before the meat so I do the all back and forth both sides he looks at me and says not enough man I want like an inch on both sides I used about a half bottle of mayo that sandwich put the meat on and closed it up he told me at the till that he lets it sit in the fridge for three days before he eats it I worked at a sub shop in a Zed and this wasn't really gross just peculiar a girl would come in every Monday Wednesday and Friday and order a 16 inches sub with all the white cheese except yellow and a 16 inch sub with four orders of bacon and no bread I thought she was joking when she first came in but I was subsequently reprimanded by the supervisor for laughing meatballs extra tuna I was very new at the time so I didn't realize till I got to the till that such a monstrosity isn't on the menu I had this one guy that would come in frequently and ask for what he referred to as a salty sudden surprise which was Italian bread with both sides totally covered in salt with an entire can of sardines between them we used to get into a lot of fights over the sardines since we didn't have them but one day I bought a can of sardines just to take him by surprise he didn't react in the slightest when I made the sandwich the next day I go to my cousin's deli and he tells me the same guy came in that morning ranting about the best salty surprise I ever had goddamn it reverse my friend used to work at a chain sub shop and I love Mayo to Frick with him I would always just ask for unreasonable amounts of mayonnaise on my stuff cause he thinks it's gross he was about to ship out to the military so before he left I had him make me a meatball sub but with no red sauce all the red sauce had to be replaced with mayonnaise he cringed I ate it it was a good day a lady in front of me orders a salad so far so good nothing to worry about then she says she would like it claimed the worker asks what she would like on her salad she doesn't want lettuce onions or spinach she orders one slice of ham in the middle of the plastic barrel then she asks for pickles the worker puts a handful on but the lady wants more I'm perplexed in line behind her and it's starting to get hard to keep a straight face the worker piles on another two full handfuls of pickles on the lady pipes up can I just get a nor the worker gives her a wary eye but submits and adds one final handful to her bail she proceeds to pay her final order being one slice of ham and the remainder of the bowl filled with pickles used to work out a sub shop local to New England and this guy used to come in and have a scrape the grill with this blade that got the burnt meat and cheese off the grill he would then have us top his steak and cheese with that crust he would say it's all flavor dude comes into my work every so often for a flatbread footlong one egg white and one egg yellow add doublemeat tuna toasted in nothing else I do not work nor have ever worked at a subway however I was the main instigator in what I deemed one of the most memorable sandwiches of my life it was in my late teens and with a bunch of mates I was last in queue behind them and with something to prove I decided to go the whole hog and more the poor girl behind the counter asked what I wanted footlong Italian herbs and cheese she bought over the sad-looking baguette and asked what filling I was after all meats no fish I thought I was prepared for it but my god there were a lot of meats that I was not aware of meatballs chicken Filat pork riblets salami et Cie I was ready for but I just kept coming shaved meats diced meats poultry lamb cow in more ways than I could imagine it ended up being so full she couldn't close it I topped with a proportionately pitiful mayonnaise and barbecue sauce it ended up being around $50 NZ one of the worst things I think I've ever done in more ways than one however I do not regret it I am now a vegan my quota was reached we had the guy who ordered the seafood grouse in its own right and would then ask for black pepper he would then say put pepper on until I say stop he would let you shake on pepper for a good 15 30 seconds the sub was just a pile of mayo and so it surprised I never sneezed maybe that's what he wanted if I worked up Jimmy John's but there's one dude would order a gargoyle which is all the meats but bacon no veggies extra extra Mayo had bacon like every day I'm honestly expected him to just drop dead of a heart attack one day after eatin one of those bad boys not a subway worker bit ordered enough weird sandwiches to be rightfully judged my brother and I used to have this ongoing competition well he would order the grossest sandwiches and see who could actually eat the most of it whoever ate the least had to pay for both sandwiches the next time we came to Subway the grossest sandwich I ever ordered was a footlong with that weird artificial fish and mayo stuff spinach olives tomatoes bacon avocado honey mustard and barbecue sauce to be honest it was actually pretty good despite the texture so I won that competition I worked in NW Iowa very agricultural lots of cold cut trio on white bread with a crap ton of mayo in that citee I hated making it I did not graduate from the Art Academy of Subway sandwiches still unwrapped Turkey plastic and splurge mayo up and down the block you have been visited by The Hangover popper comment do a recover popper an ad you will never suffer from hangover again if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 644,108
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, gross, disgusting, bad food, food, restaurant, fast food, askreddit food, reddit food, reddit food poisoning
Id: xDFur0t8s9c
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Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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