Teacher Share WORST CASES of Helicopter Parenting They Ever SAW (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit teachers slash child care workers have read it what is worst case of helicopter parenting / my child can do no wrong you've ever seen while I was student teaching I had a student and his mom was the art teacher the student was a straight-up douche would cheat on any assignments the little classmates etc' anytime the student got in trouble or called out he would run to his mom the art teacher and she would fight for him all the teachers and the schools were afraid of her since she has been in the district for a long time and was thought to do no wrong by the administration the student ended up plagiarizing an essay in class I gave the student a zero as it was stated in the assignment sheet that old plagiarism would be an automatic zero and all hell broke loose meetings with the principal were set up mom would come in during my plan period and rip my ass for failing her kid and the student would come fake crying to class the work the essay was a large portion of the grade and would mean he would fail the class after about two weeks of the mom coming and I finally told her if he turned in USA and to me by the end of week he could get 50% credit on it would move his grade to a D if he got a 100% the student comes walking into class on Friday and hands me his essay after quickly scanning the essay it just seemed off after a quick google search the student took the entire Wikipedia page and copied it for his essay after school I went down to the art room to talk to the mom I still remember the conversation like it was yesterday me an asterisk asterisk asterisk did a great job on his essay mop great he was locked up in his room all week working on it me when I looked at his paper I did notice there was an odd section though mom what do you mean me this section has a superscript number on it and I don't see where he's sitting it mom that is odd I'll ask him about it me pulls out the printed Wikipedia page over his topic that is word for word here is the Wikipedia page over his topic if you want to look at mom scanning over both interface turns goes white will he be able to make sup me with a look of disbelief on my face hell no the student ended up getting suspended and mom tried to fight the suspension she even went as far to look into the legitimacy of the grade since a student teacher taught the course all in all the mom is no longer a teacher in the district and the kid is in jail for selling drugs the rest of the staff loved me for standing up to her and her so first grade my second or third year I had a kid whose mother was my first lidget extreme helicopter mom she would walk him into the classroom every morning and put his backpack and folder away for him and then sit at his table with him and he would cry and cry for her not to leave the crying is normal at the beginning of the year but at this age they don't cry for very long once the parent has left after about five minutes he will be fine but she would take 20 minutes to leave because she didn't want to leave him like that I asked her a few times to let him get his things ready by himself but I was young and this kid was a surprise kid had brother and sisters with kids of their own and parents were older she didn't give a flying [ __ ] what I would say that's when I started rationalizing with a kid much easier do you see how all of your friends put their own backpacks and folders away every day you're a big boy too you don't need you mommy to do that for you do you worked like a charm after the second week I started physically blocking her at the classroom door I'm a big girl have them say their goodbyes and have him go in the room by himself the first time this happened he snatched the backpack from her and said I can do it I'm a big boy she was pissed one morning during the third or fourth week I had a meeting and it wasn't over before school started the person covering my class didn't know to block her and she let crazy moment when I came back the kid was crying his eyes out chasing his mom around the classroom and she was smiling and giggling about his fit that she caused around December mom had told the kid that he was going to be homeschooled and wouldn't go back to a school when she dropped him off the next day he cried and cried and we could not console poor kid she left him at the door and smiled at me because he was so upset when she left after a few hours he had finally calmed down enough to tell us the problem my mom said I was going to go to school at home and I wouldn't have to come here today but she lied she told him she was going to home-school him so that he would cry when she left him at public school WTF he had one friend in the class super sweet boy who would play with anyone the crazy mom kid would punch other kids if they got in the swing next to his friend no one else was allowed to swing next to him crazy mom called me and asked if I could just let them to play inside alone so her kid could have him all to himself not in those exact words but that's what she was asking nope not an option cut to April and we had a zoo field trip our whole class had our lunches in a cooler that was in the bus in the zoo parking lot accepts his and his mom's she insisted that she carry this and she doesn't want them in the cooler whatever we had a meeting time and place for lunch because parent chaperones took small groups of kids around we didn't stay in one big group had to wait about ten minutes for a very nice dad to fetch the cooler with the lunches perfect waited on the stragglers and let kids use restrooms and wash hands while waiting during this time kid comes up to me and asks if I have a knife to peel his Apple yeah I always bring a knife to the zoo know the kind of knife you need to peel an apple isn't allowed in the zoo just eat it with the peel on you'll be fine he walks away lunches get to us and I make sure everyone is eating and accounted for come too crazy mom who is peeling her kids Apple with her car key what when she saw me walking up she said it's better to eat the peel separately it's healthier with that smile I say I hope you sanitized the key before you started otherwise it won't be healthy at all then I returned the same smile at this point she hands the Apple to the kid and he said he didn't want it she was flabbergasted why not I just spent 20 minutes peeling it for you he said that's gross used a car key and walked away to play with his friends there are more stories about this parent from other teachers as he moved through the school she once snuck into the school to get a picture of him taking his first standardized test this is / was literally against the law in TX photographs during state testing and they had to contact the testing officials and fill out tons of paperwork and our school had to reschedule the testing dates all because crazy mom wanted a picture of her baby taking his first test for his scrapbook didn't mean for this to be so long sorry that mom still pisses me off when I think about her and how she effed up her kid's life TL DR crazy mom wanted her kid to cry every day when she left him at school and when he didn't cry anymore she would lie to him to get him to cry for her not to leave she also made a whole school stop and rescheduled a state standardized test because she wanted a picture of her baby for a scrapbook preschool teacher here but one that comes to mind is this one particular one we told this mom for years her son needed to be seen by a doctor for his behavior that she rugs wept and a night and blamed we went around in circles with her from the day he began up two years old until he went to kindergarten actually we still do now and he's in first grade and in our after-school program these are actual quotes that flew out of Mom's mouths as soon as we told her her son's behavior for that day well he had two servings of fruit last night with dinner when she was told he had an awful day and could not keep his hands to himself nor listen to directions this is my favorite excuse of all time he had a playdate on Saturday there's always rile him up when told about similar behavior on a Tuesday well he's been with his dad for two days now this one dad did not mess around this child listened to and respected dad much more than mom because he disciplined him he held him accountable mom's interpretation of his behavior was his dad's fault not a son flying off the handle in her care because he knew he'd get away with it unlike a dad's well when he's with that child his behavior gets worse no it doesn't similarly well what did that child any child do to him when told about altercations with other children you see the point nothing was her son's fault nothing and he knew that when she told me he had been diagnosed with ADHD I wasn't nearly as surprised as she thought I would be he's now in our after-school program and our driver overheard his first-grade teacher oh thank god when she saw that she van driver was there to pick him up even his school teacher can't handle him in class I have heard from the grapevine he also had a younger sister who's been kicked out of another school and was well on her way to being kicked out of Oz when I left for her behavior also she's only three examples include being honor teacher when she didn't get away hitting and kicking other staff etc she is her brother except worse in some ways I have more stories about more children and this child if there's interest I'm an ex friend of the mother when our children first started reception aged 4 to 5 she would hang outside watching and wringing her hands she would pick him up in a buggy and she would force feed him jam sandwiches as he is too tired to walk and was so hungry this happened for two years till they told her he shouldn't be in a buggy at 6:00 and due to the UK regulations they also had to tell her her son was obese it didn't go down well as he is perfect she is in and out of the school a lot complaining about one thing and another but she is neurotic she is scared of water so he wasn't allowed to learn to swim she offered to go on school trips and the one time she went she sat next to her son and ignored all the other children when they refused her going on future trips she wouldn't let him go either the school did little activity breaks away two nights to start and by the time they left to go to secondary school it was four nights nope never allowed to go this kid was superior and his mum had begged him up to believe he was a genius in the UK they have grammar schools which you have to pass an exam to go to and we have three local grammar schools in a ten-mile radius that are brilliant she was horrified when he got into the bottom of the three obviously they didn't grade his test properly et Cie obviously not his fault now I was the only person who'd call her out of the [ __ ] and funnily enough she liked me my son also got into this school so she desperately wanted my son to pal up with her son as throughout junior school he'd been bullied and my son doesn't like bullies and stood up for him it didn't matter who was getting bullied he just flat-out hates it he also passed his adult black belt in kickboxing at age 10 so this mother was desperate for our kids to be together we go to the cinema quite a bit and I offered to take him and it turns out at 10 years of age that he'd never been to the cinema and his mum all but had a panic attack as we went to see spider-man gratuitous violence in her opinion by the way he is on his gaming station every evening playing halo and that was okay he also lies about everything every time he lied I'd called him on it he hated it but one time she was desperate for child care and I said I'd have him but the condition was he couldn't go out in the clothes he likes to wear tracks had bottoms that were too small stained and had holes in with a hand-knotted jumper that was way too big he looked a state and I was taking them to an event about 20 miles away she said that is his favorite outfit and he has loads of nice clothes but doesn't wear them I explained that as a parent she needs to tell him what is appropriate and what isn't and at the age of 11 he should not rule the roost then I picked them up clothes marginally better and we went to said event she had a panic attack as this kid had never been out of our County ever he was a pain in the arse I get wise his mother is neurotic but I told him if he lied one more time I would drop him home he also didn't know how to converse you'd ask him a question and he would never ask anything back as the world revolved around him I asked him what his favourite film was and he said a film I knew wasn't out yet and also a 15 certificate I called him on it and I got him to admit that he hadn't actually seen it but knew it would be his favorite so the boys start school and thankfully they are out in different classes now this school is all boys from age 11 to approximate 17 and there is swearing sexual references et Cie etc both her and my son are short and in the dinner queue the older boys started my son laughed it off but a child went running to the teacher all upset that night she is ranting on fats a book about how bad the bullying is obviously I say it isn't bullying it is their first day and it's almost hazing the more he shows a reaction the worse he'll be tell him to laugh it off and they'll leave him alone it doesn't help that she stands outside the main entrance to the school and grabs his hand to cross the road as he can't be trusted to cross the road without her the next day one of the kids swore at him and he is distraught and he called him a mummy's boy according to her post she is messaging me asking if I'll complain with her nope and that it is ridiculous the school are doing nothing and she is going to take it further ATC etc at the same time this kid needed a tooth out and it turns out he has a condition which is hereditary something to do with his jaw so after 3 weeks in the school she takes him out for the operation he doesn't want to go back as he doesn't like the name-calling and mummy can't protect him so he faints that his mouth is hurting him a lot etc he is off for 3 months the school sent a get-well card back and she put on FB that he is universally loved by all that meet him anyway it turns out they'd been sending him homework home throughout this time and he wasn't doing it and all of a sudden he had to go back to school so he has a breakdown and she takes him out of grammar school and puts him in the local comprehensive school which is failing and has some really rough and badly behaved children in it apparently his first day is hideous if he thought the name-calling and swearing was bad at the grammar school it was 100 times worse here but he can't tell his mum all the kids from his junior school are on snapchat and he hates this school hates it so badly because he has no friends and his old friends from their junior school don't want to know him mummy still waits outside for him now age 13 he has been physically bullied I do not agree with this little but the school has this reputation and be she is crowing how much better this school A's and has a nicer caliber of child in the school listen when she goes in and takes her concerns seriously my friend works there they don't they just humor her as we know she is a fruit loop as for the son he is still pushing boundaries not doing homework et Cie because he is the genius and doesn't need to because his mum tells him so oh and he still hasn't been on a school trip as mummy wasn't allowed and they can't be separated as she suffers from super suri and anxiety can't wait till he goes to college oops sorry for the length back when I worked with mentally handicapped children there was this one little boy sometimes cute and adorable most of the time and annoying brat the kind of child that would steal another child's toy hit the other child when it demands its toy back and when being called out on it the boy would fake to cry and he was a terrible actor and when that didn't work throw a temper often including broken doors and bruises he'd do that basically every time something didn't went as he wanted it to always wondered where a child would learn this kind of behavior but after a round of Yahtzee with his mum there were no questions left as you can imagine spoiled brat wasn't a fan of losing even more spoiled brats goal when playing Yahtzee always was to wrote a double with sixes so far so unrealistic when spoiled brat enthusiastically shook the dices in his last attempt to get a boxcar you could already see a glimpse of pure madness in his eyes you knew he desperately wanted the dices to bend to his will and if they won't somebody is going to get hurt the dices fall and they're to disappoint me and my cow Walker's look at each other knowing we now see another performance of the well-known play he's screaming jumping up runs into the kitchen buries his face in his hands and starts to moan and cry proving a talent for acting that wouldn't even have landed him a role as a tree in a kindergartens play as I'm nearest by I know it's now my turn to navigate him through the stormy sea of emotions with just the right amount of strictness intransigent and leniency in hope to get him to calm down but suddenly there comes my alleged Savior my life boy his moment as the Rome released I think to myself okay this little [ __ ] it is your [ __ ] problem now see how we'll handle this I'm out and then I overhear a real gem of parenting news sweetie don't cry just to mention it again and I can't point it out enough he wasn't actually crying just horribly acting it's fine you'll win sweetie don't worry come back and we'll see if you'll get your box car my car walkers and I look at each other stunned whether this woman has ever even heard of the theory of educational Fairplay or anything like that they go back to the table that she doesn't like expected give him another try no she skips that useless part and directly starts to rearrange the [ __ ] dices turning all the sixes up and cheers with just the same amount of talent in acting we witnessed in her son many times before Leah ah you got it we just didn't watch right you had a box car all along again me and my cow walkers look at each other knowing that someone should teach that woman a lesson but also knowing that that is not our job nor are we allowed to so in pure despair we just accept that most of our work and effort in educating that child is in vain as long as master mummy is still in charge unnecessary to mention every time we told master mummy that her son has again crushed a door 11 in one year bTW or his radio or beaten another kid or one of the cow hawkers or took a [ __ ] in the sink she would just not believe it and be like new oh my little angle is always so sweet and lovely he would never do anything like that TL DR spoiled brat throws fake temper because of not winning Yahtzee master mummy rearranges the dices high school English teacher I've had a few helicopter parents but since I mostly work with a per classmen and our population is from a largely economically underserved district the most heartbreaking stories are usually about the parents that couldn't give a [ __ ] less about their kids I did have one and that desperately tried to project herself as a helicopter mom she came to assemblies after school events etc always taking tons of self eyes with her daughter and talking about how proud she was I had the absolute privilege of teaching her daughter a couple of times I know teachers aren't meant to have favorites but [ __ ] that this girl was and still E's amazing and every one of the school knew it she was on student council president of a bunch of clubs hell of an academic even worked as might are for a year beyond that she was just a great person smart funny considerate strong you get it one day during the end of her senior year I'm chilling in my room during my planning period and the student comes in tears streaming down her face never seen that before I have her sit down and drink a bit of water before she tells me the problem she had been in a few sports that year both for the camaraderie and for potential scholarships did I mention that she's smart and her mom had continually refused to pay for her sports fees I know how this whole thing works and I know that the fees were always very clearly stated before any student starts a sport I also know that this particular mom who have to brag about how awesome her daughter was at so-and-so sport but because the fees remained unpaid at the end of the girls senior year that would mean she couldn't walk at graduation with her peers unless she paid them that day daughter had already been telling her mom for weeks that this would happen mom didn't give a [ __ ] she wasn't going to pay them now here's the worst part of the conversation I had known that this student had been diagnosed with and beat skin cancer in her sophomore year and so she tearfully tells me that she would be happy to pay for the fees with her own money from her weekend job but can't because she is still paying her mom back for her own medical bills and doesn't have any money yeah seriously I was so [ __ ] pissed my hands were shaking trying to keep my voice calm I tell this student to take a long bathroom break to calm down go back to class and leave the rest to me I'll let her know she was absolutely not to worry about this she would be walking at graduation and that was that girl is much karma not even smiles a bit and departs I marched to the front office like a [ __ ] bull in a china shop and I fixed the situation I make sure she is going to be able to participate at graduation and later in the day I let that student know her fees are no more queue lots of hugging which I permit for once and happy crying cut to the graduation ceremony this girl is winning a woods left and right and getting standing ovations from the staff and well-deserved - she is definitely having the time of her life the infuriating part her designer purse gold bangles cake massive mother is hanging off her arm the whole time who hing annoying over her daughter and talking about how proud she is of her and how much she loves her that night I drink a lot one of my very close friends will call her s is a 3rd grade teacher at a dual language school in my state she's super white but speaks Spanish fluently and teaches mostly kids from central / South America while speaking solely in Spanish this past year her second year teaching There s has had one particular child whose mother and grandmother have aided this child in being s his worst nightmare bTW this family was white the child has behavioral issues in part caused by being somewhere on the autism spectrum but the school and district has no action plan for handling the child's outbursts the parents never filed one after ignoring calls from s for several months at the beginning of last school year s was finally able to get the mother in for a conference the mother sat down to face s and started rattling off all the ways in which the school wasn't helping her child blaming s for allowing her daughter to be bullied s tried to explain to the mother that in fact it had been her very own daughter bullying kids in class she would insult her classmates throw things around the room stand on her desk and shout take other student stuff and hide it just all kinds of stuff s tried repeatedly to explain to the mother that the reason this conference was called was because her child had been acting out inappropriately and s wanted to discuss why there wasn't an action plan for the child the mother went off on ass cursing and at one point threatening to pull her child from the school exclaiming things like my daughter doesn't lie to me and this school is terrible they don't even know how to deal with a child properly it was such a violent outburst that s refused to meet solo with the mother ever again either always having her counterpart teacher the one who would teach s his classes in English the other part of the day or even the principal she was forced to meet several times with this woman over this child and each time she left the meetings beaten down and exhausted so much so she's considering never teaching kids again when her contract with the school is up in a couple of years eventually the grandmother of the student got involved and in one instance at least came by the school with the child's mother - shattered s calling her incompetent for not managing the child the way they like despite no one knowing the way they like since they never filed an action plan they degraded her until she simply started ignoring the child's antics and tried her best to teach on while the child acted up the child alienated most of her classmates and towards the end if the school year the mother followed through on her threat to pull her daughter s was so relieved to be back to teaching her class without constant interruption it only lasted two weeks the mother was forced to re-enroll her child if she wanted her daughter to have a chance at moving up to the next grade level for the next year I've never seen poor s look so miserable in her life honestly s is a saint and I'm crushed that this experience has her question in even being a teacher she was always so dedicated to her kids I used to love going shopping with her for new classroom stuff picking out carpets for her kids to sit on in the reading corner and plushy versions of science stuff like atoms and new books and colorful pens for her kiddos its parents like that who force good teachers to stop teaching I worked in preschool once we had a kid transfer in towards the end of the year I worked in the three-year-old classroom and he was an elder four but he ended up in my class after about day two there are kids with behavior problems and then there was this psychopath he was incredibly aggressive and had a temper that could rival a ride it out bodybuilder didn't hand him the snack first he'd punched the kid with a snack and take his food someone got the blocks first he'd hit them in the head with the biggest block he could find he had no qualms about challenging adults - and he was a massive kid it was like taking on a small adult end-of-day was his power our once our numbers were down we'd start combining classes while parents came to pick up so luckily there were other teachers in the room to witness his behavior a one shining moment of glory he chokes out an openly gay little boy because he was wearing a dress and playing tea party with the other little girls we had to pry his fingers off this kid's neck I confronted them on once when she came to pick him up this kid started running around the room screaming his head off and throwing chairs and then he ran back towards mom and promptly kicked the baby carrier holding his newborn sister then he attempted to punch and kick me I moved myself just in time to miss him mom's response she laughed Oh Johnny sweetie stop that you're being a meanie weenie laughs laughs laughs it was then that I concluded that mom was also mentally unstable I went to my director and insisted on him being removed from my classroom if he was going to hurt me or someone else it wasn't going to be under my watch but it gets better years later I moved to a new neighborhood I take my own kids out to meet the ice cream and who should be at the front of the line sweet little Johnny for some bizarre reason the ice cream truck guy looks up at me and says you know this kid he keeps coming to my truck every day with $50 dollar bills he doesn't know how to make change so he wants me to take the whole $50 and keep it I think he's stealing it from somewhere to which I replied yep wouldn't be surprised still not done because fate apparently has tied me to this little demon I take my dog out on a walk my dog is very large and not very nice to strange dogs as I'm coming down the street I spot this kid at the end of the block he's dragging this little pug behind him he sees me and books it straight for me my dog's hackles go up either this kid is going to lose a face or the pug is going to be dinner I turn and start to head in a different direction but he's running at me now screaming hey hey get back here I want to see your dog I told him now my dog is not nice stay away then the dim bulb flickered in his head hey I remember you I hate you ran all the way home thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: HvWpZ3bF33Y
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Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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