Redditors Found UNSOLVED Mysteries With No EXPLANATIONS (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what unsolved mystery has absolutely no plausible explanation so my mom's dad died when she was two my grandmom never remarried or dated so my mom grew up without a father figure in her life it really affected her in a way that's really hard to describe and still does to this day she talks about it a lot attempts to be very dependent and fragile I think because my grandmom raised her very sheltered my mom kind of has this obsession with her dad and is constantly asking my grandmom and other relatives about him and what he was like which is understandable but still sad he died a long time ago 50-plus years so she only has a handful of pictures of him which she really cherishes all black and white one of these few pictures was a small black-and-white picture of him sitting on a porch with his mam ekam my mom's grandmother or my great-grandmother in the picture they were seated about five feet apart from each other each on one side of the picture the picture itself was in a small frame on the dining room on top of this weird desk slash cabinet thing it was on a shelf pretty higher up 5.5 feet off the ground and recessed by about two feet because of the desk I note this to emphasize that it wasn't like on an end table or something it wasn't easily accessed behind it in the frame was a baby picture of my brother you know how people will put a picture in a frame over another one but for whatever reason leave the previous one in there behind it anyways one day on my way home from work I got a call from my mom she was really quiet and distressed and asked me hey did you do that to my picture I had absolutely no idea what the [ __ ] she was talking about so I said so we moved on hung up and I drove home when I got there I asked her what she'd been referring to and she showed me the picture holy [ __ ] someone had cut out her dad and his mom and placed them side-by-side together in the frame it was done very sloppily and the rest of the picture was gone the picture of my brother was nowhere to be found we looked through the trash for the pictures my brother and the rest of the pic of her dad and they weren't there it was really bizarre and they weren't like lovingly cut out when I say sloppy just imagine when you were a little kid and had to cut something small out pretty fast so you basically just got the general shape and that was enough I mean a section of the man's head was lopped off after investigating and asking questions this is the information we have it wasn't me unless I just randomly got completely black out one night retained the motor skills to do something like that and for some reason covered my tracks according to my mom it wasn't her according to him it wasn't my brother it wasn't my mom C&K additional info the four of us are the only ones with unrestricted access to the house that is have keys only my brother and I have a drink my mom occasionally has a glass of wine or something but she's really tiny and medicated so she gets trashed if she drinks any more than that my mom and dad both think it was one of my friends from when we pre gamed at the house one night but hey I asked everyone it could have been in a completely neutral way and they were all baffled be none of them were ever alone long enough to do that let alone find scissors pick out a picture SDS SD zcm one that is so clearly important nice frame black-and-white not immediately recognizable people to non-family and do the deed without being noticed see the sloppy cutting and the way all the evidence was disposed to Sam makes it seem malicious but they were slid closer together so someone presumably knew they were related none of my friends would have D none of my friends would have [ __ ] done that because it's rude presumptuous and weird as [ __ ] and we are all in our mid-twenties E we pre gamed at the house once over break one time and it was a pre game there's no way anyone got drunk enough to accidentally [ __ ] that up or like I said was alone long enough to do that actually just recently something really odd happened to me I have a good friend let's call her Joe Jill and I have no each other for 20 years since childhood our families know each other she was over at my place I was over at hers etcetera so I know her pretty well I even know about her friends I have never met but that she's talked about etcetera so two months ago Joel tells me her brother is getting married and I know her brother's she has to let's call him German Tom Jim is the eldest so I said Congrats who is Jim getting married to she's like it's not Jim now tom is too young around 13 so I was super confused and she's like it's let's call him John John I was like WTF since when does she have another brother I laughed rather awkwardly and said how old is John again she said he backquote s 21 I have never heard of him before though but I thought while I'm such a density and it must be my memory playing a trick or something here's where it gets weird I told my mom about the wedding she had the exact reaction as me she's known the family even longer than me and my mom is a teacher she used to be her student mom doesn't remember John but at all I found that super odd but at this point I'm still blaming my own and mum back quote s memory so I asked my best friend let's call her Ellie who grew up as a next-door neighbor - Joel both were born there and never moved out of their homes so they see each other quite often on the street he TC in that for almost 30 years now Ellie has the memory of an elephant she remembers every little unnecessary person and detail in our lives she even remembers substitute teachers we had 15 years ago for just one lesson frankly I don't at all I told her to hate old that quote s brother John is getting married silence then she says jump do you mean Jim and I'm like no I mean John and then she says listen Gwen ik Jones Jill only has two brothers and her other brother Tommy's a kid you must be mixing something up I had to show her a screenshot from a Ward's app chat between me and Joel to prove I wasn't bullshitting her until he believed me she was super upset so I guess the mystery is how did John pop up out of nowhere to be the middle child until their quote s family that nobody remembers sorry for the long read TL DR childhood friend has a brother that nobody remembers edit I have also met German Tom both at Joel's place and randomly on the street et Cie but I have no clue what John even looks like XD edit to update not sure if anyone still cares but here is an update we had to postpone the initial dinner plans we had because Jill's grandmother passed away so we met today instead so Jill and I went out for dinner today and being socially awkward as I'm about keeping things from my friends I blurted out that I needed to tell her something the minute I saw her I told her I don't remember her brother John she is like what do you mean you mean you forgot what he looks like me no I literally don't remember him ever existing until you told me he got engaged please don't be mad she starts laughing her ass off and can't stop for a good 10 minutes and then she says you did act a bit odd when I told you about the engagement but I thought you were just tired or something me the thing is mom and Ellie don't remember him either she laughed some more and says man this happens to him all the time apart from my family and my best friends she has a close friend circle of about 4 people who are her bestest everybody seems to forget John people keep on saying I have two brothers or are super surprised when I tell them about John she did show me photos of them together photos of the engagement party and family photos on her phone with him on but at this point she is also taking the piss out of me because I feel like actual [ __ ] for absolutely forgetting poor John I can honestly say though I have never seen him before he does look similar to her older brother a tiny little bit but apart from that he doesn't look like anyone but then again she looks even less like any of them so idk then we tried to figure out why that may be the case guys I asked her everything you suggested but she said it is her brother by the same father and mother and he was like 9 when we were going in and out of each other's houses as teams and he never lived abroad or stayed in hospital for long anything people just seem to forget him before we said goodbye I couldn't hold it in any longer and told her I posted whole thing here she is not on her did though and she started to laugh her ass off again I would now say it is the middle child syndrome which I find super sad from now on I will always remember people's middle children / siblings and forget the first and last bones to make up for my memory crime I was working at a summer camp in Maine had done the drive back home to NH more than a few times took about three hours as it was over 120 miles away technically a bit shorter but it's New England roads twist and wind like crazy so I call my parents a little after 9:00 and tell them I'll be leaving soon get my stuff and head to the car pulling out perhaps ten minutes later everything's going fine at first but then I notice my GPS flicker and died I hadn't taken the highway for fear of Friday night traffic and I'm mostly passing through small towns with no real directional signs a minute or two later I figure out the plug in my car isn't working and thus my GPS hadn't been charging oh well I think I'll just use my phone's GPS I'm in the backwoods my phone isn't getting a signal so Natalie panicked I just keep driving on this road winding through the trees it's paved but there's nothing out there a few turns off into dark woods with no buildings but no towns and not a soul in sight I occasionally pass an old dilapidated house or a couple abandoned looking gas stations that seemed decades old but the only time I see lights was when I passed this strange building sitting at the end of a long driveway it had floor-to-ceiling glass windows and I could see inside what looked like a country club or ballroom perhaps a car showroom with no furniture or anything I could really make out inside all the lights were on though eliminating the empty field surrounding it and the rows of silent cars parked out front something about it terrified little 16 year old me and I kept driving I was going about 70 to 80 right now as fast as I felt safe driving on the slowly whine ding Road almost hoping a cop would pull me over so I could ask for help just as I was starting to actually freak out I see lights up ahead on the right and turn onto the little dirt road that appears out of the treeline I turn onto the road figuring I can probably find the gas station or something to stop at takes me a minute to recognize one of the buildings and to realize I'm about three minutes drive from home just across the lake I drive across the bridge pull into the driveway and walk inside as I do my parents come downstairs looking confused after a few confused comments they say they thought I had left around 9:00 and I say I did at which point I look over at the clock and realize it's just past 10:30 my GPS had died around 10:30 - 45 minutes into my drive TL DR I somehow managed to get home impossibly fast on a road I was never able to locate again and to this day I can't figure out how as I know I wasn't going 95 miles per hour the whole way home this is gonna sound absolutely nuts this is a personal mystery of mine that has always kind of perplexed me when I was little maybe 6 or so my grandpa bought one of those cheap plastic snakes you know the kind it is coiled up and the bottom of the snake is like blackened hollowed out anyways he bought this snake and told me that if I was ever being bad and doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing this snake would come to life and bite me I remember kind of rolling my eyes and going about my day because of course toys never came to life and hurt you for being bad so some time passes and one day I'm sitting in our Sun room playing when I decide to write my teacher a letter but couldn't find a pen or crayon so I decided to use my aunt's nail polish this was a big no-no but I was pretty much left to my own devices so I didn't care I remember about halfway through writing the letter I look up and notice that plastic snake coiled up a foot or so in front of me this was weird because I hadn't seen that snake in forever and definitely hadn't been playing with it I picked it up and throw it further away from me remembering my grandpa's warning that it will come to life and bite me if I was being bad ya know like I was currently being I remember taking note of where it landed because this thing creeped me out I go back to my letter and promptly forget about it a few minutes later I hear an odd noise that I couldn't place and saw some movement out of the corner of my eye where I had thrown this cheap plastic snake was now a very Weiland a live snake I flipped my [ __ ] and climbed a bookcase in the room screaming for someone to come help me my mom rushed into the room just in time to see the snake slither out of sight she got my grandpa and my uncles and they hunted for this snake for what seemed like hours while I stayed perched on the bookcase they finally find it take it outside and promptly kill it the weird part besides that it was in the exact spot I threw that plastic snake was after that day I never saw that plastic snake toy again it just straight-up vanished I'm sure there may be a reasonable explanation hell I was young and kids are kind of known for their vivid imaginations but it has always kind of unsettled me how much of a coincidence is it that this snake just happened to get in our house that day just happened to be in the spot I threw that snake and out of all the rooms in the house managed to coil up right in front of where I was being bad my wife was born under complicated legal circumstances that is a distracting side story but the only reason I mentioned this is because she had her original birth certificate and was told keep this safe you will never be able to get a duplicate so we kept it in a safe one day it disappeared we are not sure how or why but it was gone the safe is the size of an office box it's not big and we gleamed through every piece of paper no one had access to the safe but my wife and I and I had the only key on my key chain well we needed it for her to get a passport in 1995 so she called the records place of the state of Kentucky and found out that she could not get a duplicate because they had no record of her birth and the original Hospital cords have been destroyed I forget why but there was either a bureaucratic issue with a closing of the hospital due to a County dispute who actually owned the property or the hospital burnt down or both lots of phone calls she called her mom and her mom said I told you not to lose it she called the Social Security office but they couldn't help despite having a valid social security card and driver's license she was realizing she was becoming a nun person every place she called pointed to another place phone numbers she was given either went to the wrong office were disconnected or nobody answered the majority of this [ __ ] was definitely the fault of Kentucky state offices who were staffed by incompetent uncaring and overworked personnel at the time she had case numbers but there was no central authority to link them together months and months went by where she was often put on hold for hours and then hung up on then one day I was getting something out of the safe and there was not only her birth certificate with a folder of papers but two of them not a photocopy but the real certificate and all two embossed and notarized documents on copy proof paper with the County seal dated on her birthday in 1970 two identical originals we never figured that one out I suspected a vortex or wormhole to a parallel universe opened up in that safe took her birth certificate and then returned it later but an error occurred where the birth certificate from that parallel universe also ended up in that folder so now there was a parallel universe married couple who were now missing the birth certificate just so weird the case of the racist barber I moved to a new area and needed a haircut went on Google found a barber easy-peasy it was in an l-shaped strip mall father was an old man and during conversation I mentioned that I was a veteran and he said he was a veteran too at first I was enjoying the conversation because veterans can have a lot to talk about across generations but this conversation quickly devolved into racist nonsense we are both white his stories were anti black I didn't call him out on this just result that I would never go back to this bother again haircut ends and I go to pay with my debit card he can't take cards but says I can go to the bank at the other end of the strip mall so I do for whatever reason I don't bother going inside the bank and I don't want to get in my car because I don't want the barber to think I'm driving off without paying so I just walked through the bank drive-through ATM and get the cash I start walking back to the barber but I hear a voice behind me it's a teenager waving my ATM card apparently I left it in the machine I thank him take the card back pay the barber and leave some time later I need another haircut I go on Google to find a new bother again but despite the fact the racist guy used to be the first result there's no longer or listing for him I figure he retired or died or maybe his races and put him out of business and I don't give it another thought at the time it's not a mystery at least not an interesting one small businesses and strip malls come and go but shortly thereafter I Drive by where the strip mall was and it's gone the entire mall it's all gone now just an overgrown field no hint that anything else used to be there at all no hint that the land is for sale or any other indication of what might have happened this has been a full strip mall just two to three months earlier and the barber never mentioned in our chat that he expected this to happen the attached Bank had been part of a major chain they don't usually disappear could the strip mall have gone out of business sure but then who would pay to tear down the building if the building did have to come down then why did someone also take the trouble of turning the paved parking lot into an overgrown grass field the most obvious answer of course is that I'm simply wrong about where the strip mall was located I admit this almost has to be the answer however a few points to consider one the strip mall had a strange layout unlike any I'd seen before this was due to the strange parcel of land the strip mall was built on parcel that perfectly matched this now grass lawn - the whole thing became a bit of a I don't know if it won't is the right phrase here but the more I thought about this the more that didn't add up so I became very interested in solving this and the most obvious way to solve it would be to simply find where the strip mall actually was but I explored the area by car and by Google Maps repeatedly although I knew I hadn't driven far when I found it the first time I expanded my search once after I posted about this online someone seized on the racist part and found a yelp review accusing a barber of racism in my area and yes the barber was next to a bank on Google Maps this was more than an hour from my home but the rest seemingly all fit aha case closed but when I dropped into Street View it wasn't a strip mall at all the bother was in an entirely separate building from the bank absolutely nothing matched at all 3 this could easily just be my brain playing tricks now that I consider it to be a mystery at all but suddenly the whole thing has a rolled to me feel to it when I look back someone being blatantly racist in a place of business an inability to pay by ATM card even the teen who found my card and gave it to me suddenly feels like Richie Cunningham happy days in my memory do I believe I actually somehow time traveled to an era where that strip mall existed of course not I'm a rational person not prone to believing things like that but I've spent years trying to find a rational explanation and have never managed to do so edit this done gone went and blew up every time I finish reading the replies there are dozens more to answer the most common get your bank records this is probably the best answer but it was 8 years ago so I don't know the day or month so I don't believe you ok this is the truth but I don't have anything to gain by begging you to believe it 3 you were dreaming my hairs were indeed cut 4 go to the town hall slash ask neighbors I do realize now that asking the business is nearby about the strip more likely would have resolved thing at the time if it was raised they'd know about it if they didn't know what I was talking about well I guess I'd be right back where I started but I had long since moved away and even if I returned was there a strip mall here about 10 years ago would not be as product if a question as was there one here two weeks ago five just Google Bank locations in that area and use Google Maps Street View to find it already did that came up mt6 use Google Maps history view I didn't know this was a thing looking into it update though I could not remember my own address from when the story takes place much less the address of a random lot I was able to remember enough landmarks to find it again on Google Maps I moved away a long time ago but according to Google Maps Street View the overgrown Lord has now become a paved parking lot for a new outpatient clinic for a major hospital chain in the area the actual clinic was built next daughter the lot from my story so perhaps that's where the story ends maybe the mall was purchased and raised for a hospital that was built eight years later I happened to work in PR for a different Hospital chain and building a clinic takes about one year not eight but it's certainly more plausible than time-travel I couldn't find a way to do the Google map history view thing on my phone but for anyone who wants to play along at home here's the address to the hospital the mall from my memory was located next door in what is now the hospital's parking lot 4490 Mount Royal Boulevard Allison Park Pennsylvania TL DR sisters alarm clock picked up a radio signal with no AM / FM features thought it could just be a case of wandering signal but was able to backroads turn it off by pressing a random button not designed for that function that coupled with the device not being built to channel a radio signal in the first place causes head scratching confusion another personal mystery only ever happened once which makes it a bit odd for me and harder to explain a way logically like I usually would in this type of situation in my childhood home at around the age of 16 I was going through motions of getting ready for school before going downstairs to eat breakfast one morning as I was putting on my school uniform I heard music coming from my sister's room being the only one upstairs and knowing that no one else was likely to come up again I quickly finished dressing and walked him there to turn it off upon entering I made a beeline for her digital alarm clock as the back quotes radio morning commute music was most definitely originating from there I had never had much to do with her alarm clock so I spent about half a minute looking for the button to tell it that my sister was an idiot for leaving her snooze on and that we were all awake now I couldn't find it so I picked it up to get a better look from different angles I distinctly remember the music warping as I turned the device over in my hands eventually I gave up looking and started to just press random buttons successfully turning off the music I promptly went downstairs and told my sister what I'd done and that she should probably have a look at it later because I had no idea what I pressed in my impatience she was sat at the table drinking a cup of tea in my mom was also there standing in the doorway of the kitchen as I'd been talking my sister hadn't said anything which is unusual believe me and as I neared the end of my recount she'd developed a puzzled expression I noticed my mum also looked confused my sister then informed me that her alarm clock didn't have a radio what she assured me it only had an alert tone I still have no concrete explanation for this we are not about quotes radio family so there actually wasn't one in the house I surmised there could have been radio waves or a radio nearby that was somehow channeled through my sisters alarm clock we used to live in a very rural area however with neighbors far away on one side no local station emitting a signal and farmland for miles on the other side even if a picked up signal was the case the biggest issue I have was making that explanation plausible is how was I able to turn it off by pressing buttons not available for that particular function I distinctly remember it immediately stopping upon my pressing of a certain button why would my pressing a button have any influence on radio waves that were stubbornly being broadcast through this particular device not designed for that anyway was it all a coincidence I was so freaked out by it all that I refused to talk about for the rest of the day when I got home from school though I immediately examined the alarm clock because I became convinced my sister was messing with me no built-in radio never picked up a signal again personal mystery my dog was old 17 and she got out the back gate one morning when my dad let her out to pee I was around 27 to 28 at the time I came over to my dad's house when my brother called me and told me she had gotten out early that morning and they couldn't find her here is a little back story I found her in Baltimore in the blizzard of 96 I brought her home pleased with my mother and she gave me the OL it's up to your father he can home and I asked if we could keep her he said no so we naturally she became our family pet we did put up lost dog fliers but we received no response the vet aged at her at around nine months she was a collie slash whippin mix and she was the sweetest creature you'd ever meet and she knew how to open the back gate and would escape regularly she would do her escape act at least once a week we would chase her for ten minutes until she decided she was ready to come home and she would stop and let us catch her she would even sometime escape without us knowing that she knew her home and would later be out front on the porch scratching at the front door she had even got him out once and was gone for five days she came back to the front door pregnant the little hooch she became the best mama though near the end she hadn't escaped out back for a long time six months to a year maybe she had a brief bout with seizures a year before we changed her food slash diet and they subsided flashback to that morning I got the call that she got out and they couldn't find her my dad wakes up between five to six every morning to start his day his story was that he let her out back the gate was open and she took off my theory is he came downstairs and found her unresponsive and took care of her himself to spare the family's feelings of losing their beloved pet of almost two decades it would be easier to cope with her getting out and us never finding her than to deal with the heartbreak right then and there that she was gone I got the phone call around 8:30 I came right over we looked for hours we drove everywhere we scoured miles and miles we went down every side street we parked and walked calling out a name we never found her we would kind of look everywhere we went for the next couple weeks the pain of losing her was lessened over those weeks we put up fast to no avail so either she did get out and never came back or my dad quietly laid her to rest in the dark hours of that morning I just hope that she went peacefully wherever she was and I hope she knew how much we loved her we still do thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Top Post
Views: 60,018
Rating: 4.8177967 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: jdHJe_WHkAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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