Waiters, What's The WORST First Date You've Witnessed? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit waiter slash waitresses what is the worst first date you've witnessed this is off-topic as I was never a waitress but I was the person on a terrible first date it was unusual because he picked a very fancy location that was way out of town like an hour drive I normally prefer casual dates like walking in the park or coffee but he insisted we go I arrived first and when I sat down I ordered a drink strawberry lemonade I don't drink alcohol and was talking to the waitress saying I was waiting on a date she was super nice to me and said oh I hope it's fun good luck once he arrived suddenly her mood shifted she gave him an attitude when he ordered he was trying to bully me into getting some alcohol but I was firm and said I would stick to my strawberry lemonade throughout the date he kept trying to order me vodka waitress was being really weird and kept complimenting me and giving me free lemonade's refills every two minutes and basically giving him dirty looks and stayed close by always watching the guy was being a prick about the situation and started acting rude I hope she's not gonna charge for those he looked incredibly angry and uncomfortable I was starting to wonder why this waitress was being so mean so I went to the bathroom and waited to flagged her down she told me he goes there every other weekend with a new girl and that the girls would walk out of there acting very drunk she suspected he roofied them and wanted to make sure I was okay and kept changing my drinks to make sure I wouldn't get screwed up I did confront him and Amonte empty his pockets he didn't have anything but admitted he gets girls drunk to sleep with him with pressure tactics I took off right when he said that and the waitress took me to my car I made sure to give all the cash I had as a tip I seriously love that waitress and I'll never forget her I worked as a waitress in an Italian restaurant while in uni in 2006 obvious first date comes in he's booked it and requested a table in a secluded area of restaurants because the acoustics would be perfect she arrives and asks to move table two by the window no big deal he's annoyed this they ordered a carafe of the house red with their meals anything she said he turn it into some achievement he'd already accomplished he kept making comments about her order such as how fattening a dish would be et Cie and then proceeded to say his family owned a vine yard and he knew a good red wine when he smelled one he then asked for the most expensive wine on the menu and to take away the what he called this of a house wine then talked about how the bouquet was different and the clarity was so much better on the expensive wine when it came to dessert she had enough of his [ __ ] and flipped when he said that she shouldn't have any or she'd end up with stretch marks she was a bit overweight but not overly so she stood up and yelled at him for being a condescending piece of [ __ ] for knowing [ __ ] all about wine and dropped the kudi grass that her father was our wine supplier and that the house red was exactly the same as the most expensive wine all of which was totally true he was left speechless with the full check to pay I had the shortest date table once I knew it was a first date because I'd greeted the lady and directed her to the bar while she waited for her date to arrive and then saw them introducing themselves when he finally showed up they ended up in my section her with an almost empty martini him still ringless looked like the small talk was going somewhat well normal first approach good evenin bla bla what can I get you to drink sir he orders a Jack and Coke or something similar I can't remember exactly and I asked the lady if I can get her another before she has a chance to answer the guy interrupts and says the water will be fine for her normally I'd ignore a comment like that or pretend like I didn't understand and ask her directly again but didn't even have a chance she went off on him how dare you et CET CE and stood up apologized to the small dining room and to me and walked out though clearly embarrassed and speechless the guy stayed and continued to order dinner for himself anyway super awkward tipped me well though if I remember correctly I work at a cafe where we make cakes sundaes etc it was a Friday evening not to mention Valentine's Day was around the corner and we get the usual busy crowd of couples and dates coming in for the some desserts after dinner I was bringing some food to the tables when I noticed a couple coming a woman dressed in a black dress her hair done up all nice and fancy makeup looking absolutely best she's followed by a guy dressed casually on his phone and isn't paying attention to where he's going stopping every frw minutes to text the girl makes her order and every time she orders something she looks angrily at the guy who just looks at his phone me and the cashier share a confused look at each other she must have ordered about 10 things and then went to go to her seat as a prepare the slices of cakes and dolls of ice cream and look over at their table everyone once in a while the guy's slouching in his chair still on his foam and the girl is looking across the table at him with the glare of death I bring them their cakes as I set down the tray the guy finally looks up from his phone he opens his mouth to say something then just goes back to staring at his phone I go to turn to walk away when I get back to the counter the cashier put a hand on the shoulder and points over to the couple I look back to see the woman gobbling down all pieces of cake she's ignoring her provided silverware and I don't even think she took a moment to breath I had never seen anyone devour so many pieces of cake like it before in my life the guys watching with as much shock as ass my guess is the woman snapped and began to give zero [ __ ] anymore she walked to the counter with chocolate and cheesecakes me red on her face looked at the cashier with crazy eyes before slapping a fifty dollar bill onto the counter she left in a hurry and the guy sat there for what felt forever with his phone down I worked at a diner and this guy came in to try to hit on one of my fellow servers I was the only male server apparently they were talking that she was too nervous to wait his table so she asked me to he made some joke to me that I didn't care about that she thought was demeaning so she started yelling at him not really raising her voice but very irritated as soon as she finished she ran off again and hid in the back he didn't really know what to do so he finished his meal and left a huge tip for me to impress her apparently she had an on-again off-again boyfriend she had kids with him which made dating hard for her because he was black and she wasn't and apparently guys didn't want to date a girl whose kids obviously weren't this I wouldn't have wanted to date her either but not for that reason she was pretty crazy and had to hide in the walk-in freezer her last day at work so her manager also a female wouldn't beat her up I will look like a piece of [ __ ] but [ __ ] it this was about 15 years ago I was a trendy restaurant late at night with a friend and besides us we had a couple that was on their first date the girl was hot and had a very sexy voice which captivated me I kept staring that voice at some point you could tell she was not interested twice she took calls and left the table you could also tell the guy had figured it out so he asks for the bill girl was still on the phone later I found out with a friend begging for a ride so dude pays for the villain vanishes on our way out the girl was still waiting for a friend I started she'd chatting and and did we connect and we mostly connected at how cringy that date was she almost pissed herself we laughed for like an hour I mean me and my friend were half a feet away it was like we were the third and fourth wheel and that date was awkward as [ __ ] so she eventually tagged along we met up friends at a nearby nightclub and we ended up dating for like three years I don't know if this qualifies however I had to wait on a table of some pretty pretentious types I have a really good memory and if you tell me something I will make a mental note and remember I could serve up two tables of eight without messing up their orders even not writing things down so I get this couple and I tell them the menu / special / drinks special / et Cie and the guy starts hassling me about not taking notes I told him to not worry and there won't be any errors he continues to harass me then he told me he'd only tip me if I didn't [ __ ] up his order I look at his dates she won't meet my eyes and I just tell him if there is a problem my manager is up in his office it was literally two drinks two appetizers and two entrees if my recall is that bad I shouldn't have ever worked in customer service but it wasn't everything came out on time and is requested he told me I didn't win his date just looked mortified don't the rate your waitstaff to sound big or important you only end up looking like an ass not first date but worst couple experienced a young man maybe 19 or 20 rents out out private dining room it seats about 40 people and invites his entire immediate family and his girlfriend's immediate family to dine they are secluded and by themselves in the dining room he then proposes to his girlfriend who is the same age as him in front of both of their entire families the girlfriend obviously has no idea the boyfriend was about to do this and runs out of the room screaming and crying her mother says she'll never let them marry and the would-be groom's father says some unkind racial remarks about the girlfriend's mother both sides of the family are completely baffled as to how to react and just stared AGA's at each other from their respective sides of the dining room then the girlfriend's mother decides to get blackout drunk and falls over knocking over one of the tables meanwhile everyone keeps ordering food and drinks expecting the boyfriend to pay for the meal since he brought everyone there for his big surprise proposal but because he's only 19 / 20 and mortified that his girlfriend rejected his proposal he decides to bail and leave the bill for his dad to take care of needless to say there were many split checks and very little in the way of tips it was horrible and traumatic and a night I'll never forget when I was the host I sat a couple in their mid-forties at the bar their server was my roommate and she comes up to me saying how weird they were same siding making out at the table etc a few minutes later a pissed-off looking man comes storming into the restaurant and stands at the hosts stand just looking around I asked him if he needs a table and he gives me a death glare and then marches over to the couple in the bar and sits down opposite of them the woman looks horrified the pissed off guys whisper yelling at the woman all I could make out was that she was on a date with a man she works with in the pissed-off guy was her husband who found out through another friend now I'm just standing at the host stand five feet away watching all this go down I grab another server walking past me and tell them what's going on the husband had the bus start getting louder so my rumour gets the biggest kook we hadn't had him go to the table and tell them to leave the woman and husband leave leaving the other man they're just looking confused he sits there for a few minutes just kind of staring down at all the uneaten food before getting up and coming to the host stand to ask for his bill I go get my roommate so she can print the check when I come back the pays and just says I'm sorry for the disturbance I didn't know she was married and leaves I felt so bad for the poor guy he seemed very into her up until her husband showed up couple in their mid-twenties comes in it's obviously a first date but they seem to really like each other and are getting along well I wasn't serving them however I was serving the table next to them about halfway through their meal I noticed them holding hands over the table cute then the guy lifts her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it a bit of an outdated gesture but still cute I guess the woman seemed slightly confused but goes along with it a little while later I see the I'd do it again okay dude then again woman is confused and looks a little uncomfortable they are no longer holding hands I go to serve my table and see the dude full-on making out with her hand tongue and all woman looks extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable looking everywhere but at her date I go over and casually ask if they need anything and the dude stops woman Yanks her handbag she left pretty soon after this probably doesn't compare to some of these freak show stories but I'll tell it anyways I worked for IHOP for a very long three months most of my experience is what he sent on one occasion one of my acquaintances came in with a date we had been friends as kids and still sometimes chatted amicably at this time I had a stutter that would happen if I spoke too quickly was stressed or just trying to speak hard words I went up to their table said hi to my friend and her date and instantly flubbed the greeting with a stutter honestly my stutter has never bothered me never felt like a bad thing until that moment her date look at me did that little condescending laugh that we've all heard before and then repeated what I said while mocking my stutter I could see my friend physically recoil from him her face clearing showing her did you really just act that way expression at the time I just brushed it off it bothered me for about two seconds in the moment but even years later I still haven't forgotten still I could tell with that one little moment of a celery my friend was not gonna go on a second date with him oh man thanks for asking this one I've got a great one happened at my former restaurant reservation for six o'clock young guy comes in a few minutes early tells me he's kind of nervous because it's a first date and he hasn't had many before blahblahblah kind of sweet really anyways girl arrives about half an hour late and proceeds to get very very drunk about midway through the meal she answers her phone takes the call and starts talking about her date in front of her date saying stuff like well he's not usually my type I don't exactly like him but I felt like why not right in front of him young man looks so discouraged walks up to me pays his bill and leaves he's a really nice guy he's come to the place I work at now a few times bartended for a decade for a while I was at a medium-range Italian restaurant more than once I saw her first date go awry because one of the two drank too much most memorable was a woman who started downing rum punches they were at a table so I couldn't see them and I guess the waiter had forgotten his red light yellow like training I don't know if they still do that after the sixth one I asked if these were all going to the same person and he said yes I was like oh [ __ ] sure enough girl ended up puking all over my bathroom and locking herself in when we got the door opened she was passed out and there was puke everywhere including all over her no cab would touch her so the guy ended up taking her home he came in a week later and said they were going on another date I was skeptical they've been married for about 15 years and are absurdly happy she avoids rum punches I work at a pretty high-end Steakhouse I got sat with a table of two and when I greeted them I assumed they were a couple it took them quite a while to order their food I had to go back quite a few times and asked if they were ready after an hour of them talking ordering cocktails and looking at the menu they finally ordered the woman ordered a filet miglin and the guy ordered our most expensive steak right before their food came out I saw the guy get up and walk towards the bathroom my Calchas ran their food to their table and the woman sat there with all the food in front of her I thought he was coming back soon but around 20 minutes went by and there was no sign of him my manager walked over to me and asked me what was up with them I said the guy was in the bathroom my manager went and asked her if she wanted us to keep the food under the warmer she said yes and the food was under the warmer for maybe an hour while she sat at the table alone I walked over to her and asked if everything was all right she immediately broke down said it was their first date and that they met on tinder apparently she told him that a stick house was a little much for a first date and suggested coffee instead but he said no as they were sitting there talking he looked at his phone and said my daughter has an emergency and he quickly got up and left she was texting him after and he never replied this girl booked on me for 20 minutes repeatedly saying what's wrong with me and I had to reassure her he doesn't know what he's missing blahblah I went over to my manager and asked what we should do about the check he said he was stuck because it was a $250 tab and that's too much to just not have her pay after a few minutes of convincing him I got him to take everything off the bill I boxed up all the food including his steak insides brought it over to her and told her to enjoy the night she stopped crying thanked me and left after writing this I'm now wondering if they swindled me not a waiter but me and my GF sat next to an obvious first date at a pan Asian fusion restaurant Zen and Durham UK she comments that her main course wasn't quite what she expected and thought it would be spicier he then snaps his fingers above his head very loudly so half the restaurant turns round to look and a waitress rolls her eyes and goes over he demands that they cook it again and make it hotter next thing there's half a dozen tiwa traces around the table calling him worse than [ __ ] in Thai might i GF translated causing a massive scene while her face turns red and they take her plate away she then has to sit with no food while he continues eating he eventually realizes he's [ __ ] up and stops eating that she saw cast Akali tells him to enjoy his food they brought her a fresh plate and they eat in silence first and I'm sure the last date couple years ago I was tending bar at a high-end steak joint a pretty brunette walked in and sat down at the bar after fixing her a cocktail I asked if she'd like to see it in a menu she explained that she was waiting for a date a few moments later the guy rived carrying a large bag it was immediately obvious this date was their first their conversation was lurching from forced to down right painful when he reached into the bag and pulled out an album containing his Pokemon card collection he set the book on the bar and thumbed through each page thoroughly and lovingly describing every card attempting to educate his date in the ways of Japanese Pocket Monsters I'll be fair to the guy dude was passionate she feigned an emergency and called her friend to pick her up he stayed and ate of plain hamburger at the bar edit both of these people were in their mid-30s work at a bubble tea restaurant right near a college it's a nice hangout spot with dim lighting comfortable furniture and board games a lot of first dates happen here probably the worst I'd ever seen was this guy that looked somewhere between 17 and 19 years old who met up with this girl around the same age they got teased and took a seat at a table and played a board game and talked his mother sat at the table next to him the entire time and just stared them down it made me feel so bad for him but the icing on the cake is when she goes up to them at 8:30 and tells them that it's time for the two of them her and her son at ease to head home the guy is visibly pissed but says goodbye to her and follows his mom out girl comes up to order another tea and I asked her about it she was more than happy to fill me and the other girls in this lady had essentially injected herself into the date interrupting their conversation and critic wing her son's behavior I had a two-top in a small booth and across from them was a family of six the tip top was in their mid-forties maybe 50 I was delivering food to the sick stop and I was being berated for not use legs with my big trays so I grabbed a pair and headed off when I was setting them down a stacked plate on my tray shifted to the side and the whole tray pitched toward the six talked I panicked and tried to stop it from falling and it'll went backwards off the tray unluckily I didn't hear a single plate shatter I turned around and the woman at the tip table had red sauce on her face mashed potatoes in her bust and broccoli all over her lap I started with I'm so sorry ma'am please stand up and we'll get you cleaned up my sick stop was forgotten at that moment I pleaded with her to get up so we could clean her off someone produced a towel for me I had two managers trying to help she was so polite and insistence that it was nobody's fault her husband finally said at least wipe the sauce off your face and she laughed and got up everything was comped on their ticket including alcohol it was the only trail I ever dropped and they never made me use legs again they came back in and asked for me the next week the husband told me they were celebrating 30 years together that night I felt horrible then he told me on their first date she made spaghetti and accidentally dumped it in his lap he told her it was karma and they had a huge loss and a free meal bartender here so I used to work at a place that was well known for our wings not vww I had what was obviously a tinder date belly wrap I greeted everyone and got the bull rolling after W few drinks I could tell they were very obviously into each other I was happy that they were happy but as we all know [ __ ] happens and it was about to happen literally I make a pass back their way and ask if they want to do another round they both eagerly agree and while I'm making their drinks I hear the guy say what do I have to do for a kiss aaww cute the girl thinks for a second and then says eat a spoonful of their spiciest sauce when I come back with their drinks he asks me for a side of our hottest sauce I tried so hard to toe came out of it when that didn't work I did the only other thing I could do and grab my [ __ ] to witness this idiotic move cook brings out the sauce and gives it to the guy we want him one more time that this is an awful idea guys rugs us off and tips back the little Ramkin things were fine at first tears were streaming down his face I got him some milk I think we are over the worst of it after five minutes pass I was wrong dude kicks off his shoes stands up and runs to the back of the bar as he is running who starts escaping his pant leg and leaves a trail all the way to the bathroom i couldent believe it he refused to come out until his date left he never got the kiss I just cannot believe this guy had the forethought to take off his shoes before he publicly [ __ ] his pants to be fair they were really nice kicks thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: N7zUtoocIl8
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Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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