People Share Their WORST Instant KARMA Stories (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit today I quit my job of six years effectively canceling my boss vacation plans reddit what stories of Instant Karma do you have I'm a [ __ ] terrible storyteller but alright I'll go first I've worked at the same company for over six years I was loyal good employee with a perfect track record over the six years I've only called in sick twice I had the best results the least amount of errors on top of work in the whole region and quite possibly the whole country my new boss decided that that wasn't enough he minimized my hours they get a bonus to keep lay below expanded my workload and never had anything nice to say he seemed to think ruling with an iron fist is the way to go about this even after all this I'm the one who kept his head above water fixing his errors along the way so today I resigned my position with immediate effects which in terms canceled his vacation plans for next week on top of that there is no one to fill my position as soon as I mouth the words I quit you could see the terror in his eyes he realized how [ __ ] he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week I've never felt such a sense of instant cameras today I never meant to cancel his vacation but I wasn't going to put his needs before mine I have bills to pay I'd feel bad about it if he wasn't such a dick but he's a dick I worked as a database administrator for a community center for one summer in university basically I created a database for them to track who was donating to them and how much they were donating and who was volunteering at the center and for how many hours very simple work and despite being the youngest person on staff by about 25 to 30 years I got along well with all of my co-workers except for my immediate boss who was a total [ __ ] the next spring I was applying for jobs and emailed my old boss to ask for a letter of recommendation much to my surprise she told me that she didn't write recommend a let us out of principle I was pretty pissed off about it because I was finding it very difficult to find a position and not being able to count on my most recent employer for a reference was a definite blemish on my resume however in spite of this I managed to land a decent job lo and behold my old boss emails me on day one of my new job begging me to come in because she had somehow ignored all the warnings in the user documentation I wrote and moved some files around rendering it impossible for her to access the database she asked if I would come in and I emailed her back and told her I already had a job and couldn't do it out of principle effectively rendering my entire summer at the center a waste of time from their perspective I worked for Goodwill quite a few years back as a supervisor because my mother and I had really fond memories of treasure hunting there and I wanted to try and build up some management experience with a reputable company I thought it would be my dream get for a while even though I knew it would be hard work except it was anything but the manager was an all right lady but her assistant manager was a tyrant every day she would threaten too far the employees if they didn't do their work right I took offense to this because as a supervisor I wanted my team to be in good spirits and wanted them to love coming into work and doing good things for the mission I wanted this to be a great place to work but because every single day they were being told they could be fired more all with rock-bottom people were afraid for their jobs every day I had a meeting with the manager and I said I don't want to step on any toes I know you run a successful store and I really admire that I would appreciate it if you could ask the assistant manager to tone down the firing threats because it makes my team nervous and I'd like to have a chance to improve productivity in my own way she said she understood and I felt good about the conversation the next day she called me into her office where her and the assistant manager were both waiting for me they asked me to lock the door as soon as I did I got the most hateful verbal lashing of my entire life they started screaming at me you think you can turn us against each other you are worthless you just do your f I'm job and don't tell us how to do ours who do you think you are this went on for about 20 minutes I'm a grown man and I nearly started bawling right there I told them to take this shitty job and shove it I was the only supervisor they had on a team that required at least to the manager and assistant manager were already working 60 hour weeks to make things work on a skeleton crew and when I quit they were going to be working 80 hours each with no weekends until they had at least a month to find someone else they told me how much of a scumbag I was for not giving two weeks notice and ruining their month I wasn't really concerned about it my karma comes from my last few days at secondary school we are all around 17 over 18 years old and have been in the same morning registration class for six years every single school day everyone seemed to be emotional about it with most of the girls crying even a couple of the guys the head boy in our year who was in our registration class had a surprise and had hired a bouncy castle just for us now I had always been the biggest guy in school six foot tall and around 20 stone 300 pounds - you Yanks that I was also one of the quietest and I only went on after most of the other folk had their turn and gone to do something else I pluck up some courage because this looked like so much fun and I start bouncing and bouncing higher and higher and then this prick Paul pushes me when I'm at my highest and I land on my side on the ground which was thankfully grass I slowly sit up in a little pain and Paul is laughing his head off and pointing at me trying to get as much attention so other folk can start laughing at my misfortune I get up and go back inside and sit there on my own while I think about how she'd school has always been nearly on the brink of onions here comes the , the head boy comes in a minute later and tells me he saw the whole thing and that he knows how to get my own back Paul is still bouncing around like a prick and I get back on at the furtherest end of the bouncy castle I get into a bounce which is timed slightly behind poles and then I did the biggest jump I could curled up into a cannonball and hit the castle thrall with all my weight Paul ended up bouncing right over the wall of the castle and landing hard on the other side he was ok though only his pride was dented but everyone who saw it was in absolute hysterics everyone started to tell the story of Paul flying over the wall of the castle and classmates who I had never really gotten on with came up to me and told me how awesome it was it was the only day where I felt accepted at school just a shame it was one of the last when I graduated high school I moved about an hour north of my hometown to attend a small community college and got a job at a local Walmart and despite three years experience at RadioShack which at the time was basically just RC cars and verus and cell phones was assigned to their dairy department working dairy at Wal Emirati is probably the worst job I've ever had when the job goes as planned you should be spending about half your time throwing milk and the other half refilling cheese / eggs / yogurt / et Cie however when I got hired the dairy supervisor we will call him bill was from what I understand new and mildly [ __ ] which caused a lot of people to quit or ask to be moved to other departments eventually it got so bad that I was actually the only person in the dairy department besides my manager throwing milk is the worst part of the job because about 1 in 20 gallons of milk are defective and leaked on to other gallons of milk when you have a room with a couple hundred gallons of milk it means a pool of milk in your work area which gets in your shoe / socks and on your pants which smells fantastic at the end of an 8-hour workday people quitting at one that wouldn't normally be interesting most people at EE way LMA RT call it friday but a week after i started the only two other grocery stores in the town went on strike now this WOM had served about a 50-mile radius of probably about two hundred thousand people back in 2003 when this happened the statistics were that for every ten people that walked into Walmart six walked out with a gallon of milk meaning that I was now solely responsible for up to 120 comma zero zero zero people's milk needs basically my job became throw milk for eight hours I could start throwing as fast as I could from one end and by the time I got to the other the site I started it was empty while that would have sucked enough as it so happens it's a requirement in the retail world that you be an idiot to advance to management and Bill had that in spades the SAS hull would come screaming at me that I needed to fill the egg / yogurt / et Cie that wouldn't help me or get help for me for the 120,000 needing their freaking milk after three months of getting yelled at for putting in 100% you tend to get a little bitter but also pretty good at whatever you're being yelled at for I developed a style of throwing that involved grabbing two gallons at a time each crate holding four gallons and using my knee to kick off an empty crate I also happen to develop crazy upper-body strength from this repetitive motion anyway I get a call while on break from corporate RadioShack that they spoke to my ex boss and really wanted to get me on board to help open a new store in a mall after I confirmed this was a job offer and not just an interview I told them might be available in two weeks after I resigned from Walmart and they agreed fresh off break and in a great mood I decide to finish the shift and put in my two weeks after but not 60 seconds after I clock back in I'm told by someone in infantry that bill is looking for me and is pissed no [ __ ] are given and I get back to work tell the inventory guy to let bill know I'm back on the clock and in the fridge about five to ten minutes later bill slams opened the door to the fridge where the [ __ ] have you been to which I reply I was on my break and go back to double-fisting gallons of milk like a champ don't [ __ ] ignore me to which I reply with know what Bill I just got offered a job from a corporate office I was going to finish out my two weeks but instead I'm gonna put in my two milk notice and I softball underhand two gallons of milk about 40 feet at Bill which hits the concrete floor and sprays him from the thighs down as I was walking out I could watch the look on his face move from rage to terror as he realized his new job was now throw milk for eight hours I'm a net consultant and have a rep of being really competent with Microsoft Exchange Server a couple of years ago I bid on but did not get a project to upgrade an exchange 2003 environment to exchange 2010 multiple servers multiple sites and right up my alley the firm that won the bid did so by pricing it extremely low about 40% below my price which was on the low end to begin with totally and realistic pricing but they thought they could pull it off with their people their people the good generalists but did not have a handle on exchange 2010 I told the customer who I'd done work for before and who I had a good relationship with that it was not going to end well for them they took you to sour grapes on my part fair enough I had plenty of other things to do anyway so I just moved on two weeks after they started the implementation phase of the job the other consulting firm organ in the entire email system stopped working no mail coming in or out no mail flowing between any of the exchange servers everything just dead in the water I find this out when I get a call late one evening at my home from the other consulting company begging me to pull them out of the fire I told them no thanks an hour later the owner of the other firm is it my front door trying to convince me to help them for sake of the customer this is well after dark and the conversation does not go well he ends up screaming at me and I slam the door then call the cops because I'm tired and afraid that I'll do something stupid if I continue to interact with the guy cops come he loses it they arrest him for disorderly conduct and I have his damn car blocking mine in my driveway I have it towed off I had to pay for the privilege to he spends the next 24 hours in jail about average for getting through the Dallas County Jail I'm told the customer called me the following day and I again declined to fix the mess by this time I'd decided I didn't want any of that [ __ ] on me period the customer rents up getting microsoft services in to fix everything cost them about five times what I was going to charge by the way the customer sees the other consulting firm which promptly files for bankruptcy / closes its doors rather than deal with the lawsuit don't know if this was Instant Karma or not but it's the first time I've had the opportunity to tell this story on Reddit I was an assistant supervisor at a factory our department had about 30 people it was a very fast-paced department and even the most minor mistake could cost someone their job we made brake pedals stressful as [ __ ] worse the supervisor the one I was assisting was a lazy [ __ ] she would spend 90% of every day sitting at the computer looking busy but I know she wasn't doing any real work one day I observed her getting on some news website reading an article then printing off that article walking over to the printer taking the article back to the desk and reading it again she also spent a good amount of time texting her boyfriend but if anyone else whipped out a cell phone even if it was just to check what time it is she would confiscate it like we are in [ __ ] junior high she would leave and take days off constantly now using your regularly scheduled vacation days is no problem but she found a loophole she would come in for an hour then leave after her boss went home so he would think she was there all day and she wouldn't use up a vacation day there were a lot of times when she claimed she had a family emergency and left in the middle of the day and never came back I don't know if there really were emergencies or not but I know she's single and has no kids she took 21 breaks one day someone counted the rest of us only get three breaks 15 minutes each and she yells at people if they are accidentally out there for 16 minutes god forbid people who sit in the outdoor smoking area said that her boyfriend would come visit her and they would just hang out in the smoking area while I'm left doing all the work of course a few years back when the economy was really bad the company was trying to save money on overtime so she told me not to clock in until 3 p.m. sharp when our shift starts so I clocked in at 3 o'clock exactly and walked out there she yelled at me for missing the department meeting I told her I had to wait until 3:00 to clock in just like she said she replied now my watch is synced up with that time clock out there you should have had plenty of time to get out here for the meeting there was a period of six months where we had to work six days a week to catch up on some production she stayed home every Saturday and made me handle everything myself we get a lot of 18 year old girl temps straight from high school so consequently we have a lot of stupid drama in our department the supervisor really doesn't do anything about any of this so people come asking me to do something about it I've herbally reprimand people for it but sometimes they don't listen so then I go to the supervisor to request that they be written up because I'm just the assistant supervisor I don't really have the authority to do anything besides [ __ ] people out and tell the supervisor but she never addressed it directly the only thing she ever did was made a speech to the entire department reviewing the company policy on harassment instead of dealing with the problem directly so the drama continues and look like a jackass who can't do anything about it I could go on for pages with all the crap she pulled but I think that's the gist of it anyway I transferred to another department the supervisor was mad when I brought her the transfer form to sign at first she tried to tell me that I'm not allowed to transfer but after I got management involved she signed it I was only getting an extra dollar per hour to be the assistant supervisor so I took a pay cut but it was well worth it now I just run a little machine by myself in this area with two other guys who are cool as [ __ ] there's no official supervisor for that area because it's just us three guys so it's pretty lacks if we get our numbers done ahead of time which is easy as [ __ ] to do we can take extra long breaks there's no mandatory overtime except a Saturday now and then it's great we just get our parts done and joke around over there meanwhile my old supervisor has to run the entire area by herself and do all the overtime herself as well she's working at least ten hour days month free plus the whole eight hours on Saturday I heard things are not going well over there since I left people tell me it's mayhem the best part my new department is right across the air away from hers so I can sit there and watch her pull her hair out from the stress wasn't Instant Karma but whatever a couple years ago I had a job for a company where I worked in the estimating department and would occasionally do some accounting work and anything else they needed me too all for minimum wage I always did my work quickly and efficiently knew more about my department than anyone else there and even taught the guy they hired to run the estimating department after the previous manager left how to do his job one day a couple days after I had totaled my car I got done with my work and was waiting on a ride home normally I would have just gone outside and smoked a cigarette until my ride got there but this was a couple days after I had decided to quit smoking so I decided just to wait in my cubicle instead another employee there who was above me in the company who didn't like me at all walked by and started berating me for sitting in my desk and not doing anything I went on to explain to her that I had done all the work available for me for the day wasn't on the clock and was just waiting on my ride she starts yelling at me about how there was trash in the break room to take out which was never one of my responsibilities at my job because we had a cleaning company to do that I told her I didn't think to do that because it wasn't part of my job that I complied anyway well apparently that was enough to get me fired however instead of doing it themselves they decided to make my dad who also worked at the company fire me they didn't say they were firing me just that they didn't need me anymore a couple months later the other guy in estimating who I trained how to do his job quit without notice that's when they realized no one there knew how to do his or mild jobs so they called me up begging me to come teach them how to do everything he and I did there I just replied by saying oh no you don't need me and hung up after I graduated high school I worked as a pastry chef at this little French bakery slash restaurant in a shopping center originally I'd been a cashier for the bakery's front but the former pastry chef had put his two weeks noticing the owner was scrambling and panicking because there were only two bakers in the workload required them both I volunteered to train with the departing man for two weeks and help his assistant as best I could until they found someone new since I had some baking knowledge I have something of a creative streak so I took to baking and decorating like a fish to water at the end of my two weeks of training the owner pulled me aside and asked me to simply take over as the executive pastry chef she gave me a massive raise and allowed me to work overtime whenever needed and let me pick my schedule mornings afternoons overnights whatever I needed as long as the bakery case was filled and the orders were finished in a timely I also am something of a workhorse I loved this job so much and at one point was putting in 50 to 60 hours a week during the holiday season and not thinking a thing of it because it was so wonderful the owner of the bakery loved my work we were doing new cupcake flavors checks based pastries and even French macarons that I would paint or draw on the macarons especially were a hit in the shopping center and around our part of the city getting some major traffic on their own I was given additional responsibilities as the front-of-house Bakery manager and another raise at this point I was the backbone of the bakery portion of the restaurant I know it may sound conceited but I felt like I'd finally found a niche and I was proud of the hard work I put in the owner and I became really close friends other and she was going through a divorce with the co-owner she was in financial trouble but he offered to buy out more of the restaurant and bakery he would own the majority but was still going to let her on the show however her husband decided he would now take over operations I got my pay cut in half my hours were sharply reduced and I was written up if I need overtime I was told I was easily replaceable and my managers card was revoked I got written up for another stupid reason and decided that was it I turned in my two-weeks but I just decided not to bother showing up after week one I left and took my macaroon and sharks recipes with me and the wife who I still loved to death said she'd give me a glowing recommendation anywhere I applied fast-forward six weeks they've had four Baker's come and go the cakes are very poorly decorated and the icing has this aspartame like dark oak aftertaste as of last week there's no manager and hardly any service and a former cow or cat told me that he quit because they were handing out paychecks a week late the owner was paying out of pocket because there was no money left in the business even more amusing more than one customer had gone into a rage over the lack of macarons and none of the other bakers could make them properly the husband finally asked me to help out on major holidays and I told him I was sorry that I wasn't as easily replaced as he thought and that now I would not be returning to assist him he then asks if I'd teach the current Baker to make the macaroons and eclairs / profiteroles ya know when will people learn that mistreating a good worker gets you nowhere P this just happened recently I've been working at Sears for the past eight months and it's one of the most oppressive horrible atmospheres I've ever been in while working retail it is extremely metric based they don't care if you are a hard worker or have great customer service skills unless you get them to take the customer service survey every day I have to update every single one of my 15 metrics on the board so that my manager can't sit on his fat ass and stare at them all day and hound me and my team on the metrics we're down on I also forgot to mention they have insane goals for everything so it's literally impossible to make them happy the other day a customer was looking at a $3,000 zero turn tractor with a $650 protection agreement and my boss kept calling me on the phone while I was helping him to ask how the sale was going and if he was being receptive to the PA he told me that everything was on my shoulders and that I could not fail finally the guy ended up just leaving a day later I had to do my coaching while I was talking to my department manager the store manager popped his head into the room and starts saying you need to take the heart out of the sale stop caring so much about the customers feelings leave your heart at home and get those protection agreements it got to the point where I was absolutely furious but held it in the next day I talked to a customer on the phone who was looking for a tractor gave them some pricing information and they said they'd be in within the hour when they walk in they point at the tractor and they're like alright let's ring it up normally in a situation like this I'd pitch the protection greement at the product but I did not have a chance so I figured I tell them the benefits of it at the register and if they didn't want it I wasn't going to push them because that would be crappy customer service they end up saying no and they leave the store with their new tractor about two minutes later my grubby manager walks out onto the floor and motions for me to follow him we walk over to a secluded aisle and he begins to attack me for not getting the protection agreement I tell him that there wasn't a good chance to get it because they were set to go and had the price fixed in their head he replies well did you tell them everything that can go wrong with the tractor that it uses cheap parts by not telling them these things you're giving bad customer service at this point I snapped I looked him in the eye and said don't pretend like you give a [ __ ] about customer service his eyes widened I kept going all you and the store manager care about are your stupid metrics and instead of trying to help us you harass us for not meeting these insane expectations why do you think people are quitting this stupid job left and right we end up retreating to his back office and exchange her words for literally an hour the best part is that he couldn't fire me because he needs me it felt liberating to say what I had wanted to say for the past four months and know that he was basically powerless and dumbfounded [ __ ] you Sears I was flying cross-country on a space available ticket and ended up having a layover in Chicago I was walking around trying to find a restaurant close to my hotel and I passed this dude on the street begging for some money to buy something to eat now I'm used to seeing people with a cardboard sign or work net but actually approaching people was pretty new to me I thought to myself man this guy's probably just looking for drug or booze money and I'm going to call his bluff so I walk up to him and say tell you what I won't give you any money but I'm on my way to get a bite to eat and if you want you can come with me and I'll get you whatever you want I was feeling pretty cocky and figured he would turn me down with some excuse absolutely I was not expecting this so he picks up his stuff and starts walking with me and we settle on some Ruby Tuesday or a pleb is ish place he says he can't decide between a big steak or ribs and I wave him off with my hand and tell him I have no problem buying him both as we eat he pulls out the biggest knife I've ever seen in person I'm talking like Crocodile Dundee shirt he puts it on the table and says to me I can't tell you how [ __ ] hungry I was everybody was passing me on the street some of them would glare or ignore me some would talk [ __ ] or toss in their two cents because I just wanted drugs or booze I told myself the next [ __ ] who had something clever to say to me was getting cut I was [ __ ] frozen conversation eventually moved on and we both finished our dinners and I talked him into desert in the process I told him I was extremely interested in his knife and was in the market for one and I offered him 250 bucks for his he was ecstatic and sold it to me I just figured that you'd really didn't need a knife on him like that and he could use the money I gave it to a cop and said I found it on the street maybe some life was saved who knows life taught me a few lessons that night don't judge people aren't always who you think they are be nice last summer I was driving home from a friend's house and I saw a thorn on the side of the road I slowed down and saw that her tail was moving I threw on my hazards AMD sat with her she must have just been stunned and maybe lost a tooth when she hit the pavement since there was blood on her mouth I pulled her tongue out he swallowed I felt her legs no soreness or Heat she was just in shock I called my uncle Det as I'm a horseback rider and I know my basic first aid but he said his trailer wasn't available and try getting her in my car so I can let her rest safely at my house AMD she can freely wander back into the woods I only lived less than a mile from where I sat with the fawn and I contemplated it I could hear the mother bleating and the fawn was reacting she was alive and responding I helped her up on her wobbly legs she was still shaky and could only walk a few steps without tripping I brought her back down to the ground and I sat with her for at least 45 minutes pet in her head and feeling her heartbeat calm she was ready to stand as she was pulling herself up when suddenly a cop car come flying down the road lights sirens the whole shebang the fawn tried to run and drop to the ground all my hard work for nothing the cop was an [ __ ] and told me to leave no hello or anything just you can leave now I told him the vet I called I told him the fawns progress and that she's fine I'm just going to pull her into the woods her mother was still bleating for her and the phone was still responding the cop told me to leave again and as I got in my car and turned around I heard his gun go off he killed a healthy deer who was unable to escape from him I was bawling in my car the next morning I called the local police who won't give me the time of day okay that's fine I'll just call the State Police they care that you're illegally hunting while on duty and they did care they later fired the cop as he had a number of complaints against him it was the saddest moment of my life thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 12,693
Rating: 4.8173518 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: NsmoYbXwZv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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