Women, what important thing you think men really cannot understand about you?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar etic by planet reddit women of reddit what's something important you think men really don't understand about being a woman period cramps and how painful they can be some days I'm literally writhing on the couch from the pain and not even ibuprofen or ice can help it can last house and it feels like someone is constantly chewing my uterus with sharp fangs if I say I'm staying home from work school for period cramps I'm not being a wimp I cannot even think through the pain it's not every period that I get them that bad but when I do and boy I'm a lesbian and I don't think my own girlfriend understood how much pain I was in during my period because I have endometriosis I had exigence surgery last year and it really sunk in for her when the surgeons showed images of my ovary fused to my abdominal wall holy [ __ ] I knew endo is bad but literally fusing across organs is a king and say mother nature fix you gals bad yes my uterus and intestines were fused together had to have free surgeries that the threat of being physically overpowered feels very real not just in the context of being sexual oriented but in general the lingering feeling that if this dude really wanted to he could kill me with his bare hands I guess this could be gender nonspecific but being generally on edge and female doesn't help with the sizing people up in case they try to lunge a me or something issue just being smaller than anyone sawed-off puts me on edge and I've heard from other women they have similar thoughts I encourage every woman to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu it's not a miracle pill that will make you invincible but mo it's the only martial art that gives the smaller weaker person a real shot at not just surviving a violent attack but subduing their attacker I've been training for around two years and have gotten my behind kicked by women plenty of times I've also seen a lot of beginner men with fragile egos quit because I've gotten choked out by women smaller then I'm a purple belt and honestly I can say that the fear of being overpowered is still there if anything it's more real now than it was before I've been injured so so many times by spazzy white belt guys who just straight-up don't understand that they can easily break something with they're flailing I know that despite all my years of training all of the sparring all of the competitions in my featherweight and in absolutes a big enough dudes could easily hurt me anyway sure I have a much better shot now than I did before but that fear doesn't go away although I do enjoy crushing the occasional ego and I'd like to encourage men to do better the real landmine that is responding to Diaz if I ignore you I'm a B CH if I'm friendly I'm leading you on if I tell you I'm married right off the bat I'm conceited for bare handling that you were trying to flirt with me even if you very clearly were that sucks baby I would never do that to someone as beautiful and smart as you yes see guys see that's how obvious it looks to every woman they've consumed an entire smorgasbord of flirting by the time they're out of high school they know what you're doing [ __ ] stop it this this is so true wait why are people coming you to begin with is that legitimately something random redditors do if so that sucking weird it's like walking up to a stranger and trying to strike up a conversation without any prompting edit some of these responses are surreal I knew this [ __ ] happened someone but not that it was I guess so commonplace that sucks and I'm sorry to hear it for anyone who has to put up with that [ __ ] pads don't literally attach to your V and period pads are not the same as bladder pads I have seen women post about their SOS making that mistake I'm a woman and I don't know what bladder pads are Lord helped me just ask my husband way he thinks pads go and he confidently said the wing stick to your thighs they really have no clue god forbid he'd have to teach our future daughter these things the pill isn't just to prevent pregnancy it makes your periods more manageable some of us bleed heavily enough to be anemic without it me I am one of those I used to pass out from bloodless and pain every months of just thought it was normal you should get checked for endometriosis if you haven't already one out of ten women have it so it's stupidly common but one it's a woman's illness and two it's connected to menstruation meaning it's easier to tell women that's normal take a painkiller and suck it up yes yes and yes I love the pill I have such quick and pain-free periods on them but off the pill I often have to skip work my period pain is so bad how scary it is every time you go out at night alone whether it's walking to your car or getting gas how expensive bras are the first bra I've ever had that's been fully supported was 105 dollars my others that don't do [ __ ] are $30 60 what's with the luxury tax on tampons and pads how are those luxuries how are those considered luxuries but condoms aren't people aren't gonna stop having sex but there is no easy way at all out of your period plus the ruined clothes and sheets oh and I can't forget about my chronic back pain from 10 percent of my body weight being on my chest a slash a bra that fits for you ladies that haven't seen it finding a good fitting bra is hard when you haven't been measured correctly measure yourself and see my most expensive Brys 125 dollars my best fitting bra was ordered from Poland yes - from France Victoria's Secret told me I was a 32 dd turns out I'm a 32 F makes a lot more sense oMG you poor thing that is a lot of weight to be hauling glad you found the right supplier we are not all the same we have different opinions and tastes I met a lot of men over the years of think that we are all kind of similar women are like this women like that no for example some women like shopping other don't if we try to know each others as persons things would be a lot better this I get sucking mad when I hear the stereotype wo men are bad with money why no [ __ ] some women can't budget and some can I feel that this stereotype doesn't apply a nation but I have heard of it a lot and it was said to me even by women the one that gets me every time is how are you that good with directions women usually get lost they from what I understand in several Asian house souls I know for Koreans and s the husband's hand their paychecks to their wives and the wives handled the household finances how often we are called a B CH for turning down someone's advances or EE which I've never understood or just how scary it can be to be hit on by a stranger how will he react when I turn him down will I get a polite I understand or is he going to literally murder me yup I mentioned this in a longer answer above but when men hit on me in public and I calmly neutrally declined their advances over 90% of the time their reaction is anger sometimes accompanied by threats or following me it is just not fair walking alone in the dark and being yelled at by group of men doesn't have to be in the dark and doesn't have to be yelling just staring a walking behind or followed in a car in mycology as I had someone follow me on side streets my car couldn't handle the freeway so I took a long route home for almost 20 miles instead of going home I parked in the police station down the street from my house and the guy following me drove away one of the scariest nights of my life all walking alone and having a man follow you we are not your mom you can cook and clean your balls will not automatically shrivel up yes if you live here eat half the food take half the showers weigh half the clothes you should be helping out the home is not strictly the woman's domain like you're just a guest there I don't call it helping either this my ex got drunk on my birthday and forgot about it then later when I told him I was upset he tried to say that he vacuumed and cooked me dinner scrambled eggs and as he'd done that to make my day special no dude cooking and doing chores does not get you extra brownie points that Jay s the minimum that you should be doing as a room at partner needless to say him getting mad at me for telling him my feelings was the last straw broke up with him two days later and made him move out the nonstop mental energy we devote to maintaining our safety in public at work in every interaction we have with a man we don't know well and sadly sometimes also with men we do know well in our homes in our cars on the internet it doesn't ever stop I'm not saying I'll live my life in fear it's so engrained that I wouldn't even personally call it a burden but it's certainly additional mental red tape every single decision or circumstance needs to be evaluate often instantaneously not a person you're replying to but a 24 year old woman who can chime in with one of the things I personally think is pretty helpful it may not be not universal but you probably won't offend or intimidate anyone with this if you're introducing yourself to a woman in public the least threatening ways to introduce yourself and then give her an out if you're at a bar approach her and say hey I'm so-and-so I think you're really cute insert compliment of your choice here I'll be over there for a while if you want to talk basically introduce yourself state your intention and go away it puts no pressure on her if she's not interested but opens a clear opportunity achieves if it's not a romantic sexual attraction you can use the same formula and tailor it to whatever is appropriate personally any time a guy has introduced himself in public and left right away giving me the option for follow-up it feels much more comfortable then a guy who's just gonna hang around yeah that's a really good idea hanging around is always the part I feel the most uncertain about also I see how maybe it's not Universal but I think it's a really good way to let someone have a choice thanks for responding I never thought of this before very smart suggestion and not just for the security safety reasons outlined lifeline for all those nervous males out there without malevolent intent but who are too shy to say hello and you know who you are sex birth control specifically a lot of girls get on birth control b/c they want to have sex without getting pregnant birth control acts up your body sometimes I was on it for ten years and for a while I had to deal with weight gain bloating acne edema irregular periods and vinous in my V which made sex painful unless I had Lou and that's not even close to all of IT bTW if a girl suggests Lou don't take that as an offense my BC never looped me up enough even if I was turned on guys don't even acknowledge the struggle birth control side effects can have on a woman not to mention the health effects money birth control can be very III expensive much more than condoms and other male birth control and time taking it every day at the exact same time that's it's requires to be on it all they see is sex without a condom yeh I don't need to buy them anymore guys can just slap the half-assed damaged condom in their wallet and call it a day ofc the woman shows to be on B C and sometimes it's for other dilemmas but the fact that guys will never have to go through this and the fact that they will be able to get more pleasure out of the woman's expenses something they won't ever understand got this annoys me to no end I hooked up with a guy once a couple years ago but we didn't have sex because he didn't have a condom later he asked me why I wasn't on birth control I was flabbergasted like oh I don't know one I don't want to take it because of the side effects to I wasn't seeing anyone prior to this one encounter so pregnancy was never an issue and three uh coffin carry condoms because you're just as responsible uronic I didn't go out with him again I stopped taking BC because of the effects it took onto my body many girls I don't take it because of the side effects guys usually don't like condoms because they can't feel as much but I rather the use a damn condom that's in good condition instead of me losing hair and being moody 24/7 not to mention the amount of money I'd save half the guys I can't even find the yuck in Clinton when I tell them their egos get hurt I feel like a woman's pleasure should be equal to theirs we're having sex not one above the other and frankly sex is usually in favor of the guy in my situations the guts it takes to open up about being sexually harassed not saying guys don't go through sexual harassment it's just that I find that when I've opened about past experiences it goes in one ear and out the other or people don't want to believe you which is heartbreaking all they do believe you but think you're conceited for telling them how many times you've been hit on yes there are so many cases where they say that the victim was asking for it like no you just have no self-control and you're the bad guy here how often were silenced shut down or just never taken seriously whenever we seek medical attention we're told it's just how cycle and get sent home with Mitel whenever we speak up in the workplace we are told we are being to be shy whenever we try to seek justice or being behind altered our characters get eviscerated in court even here on reddit users will flock in droves to scream not all men if a woman opens up about being behind altered by a man all to deliberately divert the conversation away from very real issues that women across the world have to deal with if I had a dollar for every time I've been told to calm down when I'm right and frustrated that no one is taking what I'm saying seriously or don't interrupt me when I'm talking well if you would just take a breath and let me speak I could clear this whole thing up and end this miserable interaction in of five words I love the men in my life right now they're amazing people but the not taking a woman seriously things still happens and they're completely unaware of it even playing games they're overwhelmingly less likely to take my advice on a task I can call out a way to solve a puzzle or give an answer a trivia and they almost flat out ignore the suggestion unless another guy calls out the exact same thing or they spend five minutes trying to solve it then stumble upon the same thing I said after 15 attempts if I say yeah I said that I sometimes get the time being sensitive for even saying I knew like guys WTF if five plus people are ignoring you when you know you have a decent suggestion it is annoying and acknowledging I knew doesn't make me defensive I'm trying to let you know that even with a V I still have a functional brain the sexual revolution was about being allowed to openly enjoy any and all kinds of sexual activities it was not about being required to participate in any and all kinds of sexual activities but join our community discord link in description getting your period along with everything the hormones do to you oh god the hormones are so weird you can anticipate them coming but you can't make them go away sometimes I'll just cry when I'm literally not sad at all like to the point I start cracking up because I'm sobbing for no reason it's very startling to my husband lol I came here to say exactly this hormone suck we don't always know why we're upset if all else fails blame the goddamned hormones it's usually their fault anyway novelist Margaret Atwood writes that when she asked to male friend why men feel threatened by women he answered they are afraid women will laugh at them when she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men they said we're afraid of being killed the fact that at this time half the comments here have a replies under them saying actually men experience being scared walking at night having a thirst for him to meudon people constantly interrupting or not listening to you to being part of the issue when we talk about our problems constantly being minimized as soon as you bring up female genitalia mutilation in comes some guy talking about circumcision but they aren't even remotely close this one gets to me the most FGM is one of the most horrific things I can imagine and when you try to explain how FGM and circumcision aren't comparable and/or try to redirect the conversation back to the subject at hand you're instantly bombarded with accusations that you don't care about this horrible practice that so many boys are subjected to without their consent and again the horrors of FGM are completely ignored it's so depressing facts instead of taking the time to listen and giving us a platform they need to make the conversation about them it's not necessarily personal when we're weary or afraid of you it's the men before you that have shown that we need to be careful when you're as a physical disadvantage that fear heightens no matter the intentions of the other party hell yes I have experienced this even other women vouching for men they know he's fine I know he won't hurt a fly or I raised him he is a decent lad this is all fine and dandy but why is it problem if I take reasonable precautions for my safety how frustrating it is to have to have a guy explain a problem where experience into another guy because we wouldn't be seen as serious if it was us I recently had a potential date from a dating app he asked me to come to his house and I politely declined saying I'm not going to a man's home for a first date but happy to get drinks or dinner somewhere or even just go for a walk he responded is that just a baseless general rule or do you have a reason for it I responded a few reasons one it sounds like a hookup and that is so not me and to just safety wise you've never been a woman in the dating world but going to someone's home who you've never met on a first date is generally a no-no he went on a tirade saying I'm just about him doing the worst and if he were a woman in the dating world he wouldn't do that and I was being awful and short-sighted boy by how nice of him to show you how inconsiderate and stupid he is right away that public setting for the first date rule is not only safe and normal but also weeded out the us it's kind of astounding how much of our daily lives we plan around potentially being behind altered by a man I better not wear these outfits on the subway today because the last time I did a man kept pressing his erection up against me on the train I better not take these streets to work because the last time I did men working there yelled obscene things at me I better not leave work too late because the last time I did a man started to follow me to the subway I better not take this lyft uber alone because the last time I did the mail driver made uncomfortable advances I better not run errands after it gets too dark because the last time I did a man strangled me in my car in the store parking lot I better not drink too much because the last time I did a man took advantage on me I better not let my drink out of my sight because the last time I did I got roofied I better tell my sister to text me when she gets home in case something bad happens I better carry mace only in case something bad happens I better hold my keys in between my fingers when walking alone in case something bad happens these are things I have to tell myself daily not that men don't have things to worry about but they honestly have no idea I'm tired of constantly living in fear I'm so tired I'm tired of constantly living in fear I'm so tired me too I just want a break having big OS sucks okay yeah they're squishy sure and you can bury your face in them because for whatever reason you enjoy doing that but from my personal experience they are a goddamned nuisance it's starting from when I was a kid boys used to try to throw [ __ ] down my shirts it became such a big problem that the principal got involved in that was humiliating then in high school my best friend and I were called the DD twins that were sucking annoying but then also in high school I went to get my nails done of some nail salon and the two lady owners wouldn't stop grabbing them they also didn't speak English well so idk WTF they were doing a game in high school I was top student and won an award my parents showed up to watch me walk across the stage to accept it and last minute the principal told me I couldn't go get my award because of my outfit meanwhile other girls were wearing spaghetti straps my mom confronted the principal and he admitted it was because a shirt made my OS look too big WTF also I have to wear two sports bras to do any exercise after two kids that were near suffocated while breastfeeding my OS now practically touch my knees I can't ever find clothing that fits over my OS and isn't attend everywhere else the hurt after I take my bra off if I lay on my back they touch my chin and that's an awful feeling the list could go on forever seriously they suck just because we enjoy having sex and talking about it doesn't mean we want to do those things with you if some guys see it as an invitation to be creepy when you mention anything remotely sexual just because penetration is enough to get you off doesn't mean it's enough to get us off some women have to fake an illness such as a headache as no isn't good enough when it comes to sex I don't think they understand that if a woman isn't in the mood sex can be uncomfortable and even painful I too wish more men would take no for an answer that woman's general motivations in life are not significantly different from men's and that women are no more of a monolith or motivational drives and men are basically we're just like you in the brain with all the complexity that involves just how much pressure is on us when we have a family I feel like a lot of men think women should be the ones to do majority of housework cooking and raising kids it's a lot of pressure and women need breaks from it all to edit spelling during lockdown my pregnant friend worked from home full-time while trying to home-school her six-year-old she was stressed EF out with the teachers emailing her and she just couldn't keep up with it all her husband was furloughed so he was home and caught up on a lot of sleep I wanted to stab him I swear how cat calling is so uncomfortable when a man or several start whistling and shouting at me from across the street I feel so unsafe especially being by myself it's not a compliment like my body is not for you to comment on just because I exist thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
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Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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