Ages 1 - 100 Decide Who Wins $250,000

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- Once again, behind me are 100 people, and they range from the age of one all the way to age 100, and they're all gonna be competing for $250,000. Everyone go to your cubes, and unlike any of my past videos, these 100 people will decide themselves who deserves the 250 grand. Everybody, enter your cubes! The challenge has officially begun, if any of you decide to leave or even touch the red line, you will be eliminated. How far do you think you'll make it in the challenge? - I intend to go the whole way. - All right, let's see how the one-year-old's doing. Do you think you'll win the money? All right, have fun with the tablet. - This is the line that's gonna make it all the way to the end. - 48, feeling great. - It was clear from the beginning that the middle-aged people were the most focused and determined, but that didn't go for everybody. If you step out, you lose. Okay, the two-year-old is now eliminated. As you'd expect, the first to leave were the youngest, Did you have a good time? We'll ask in a year when he can speak, and some of the older folks. - Yes sir, I'm ready to go. - All right. - And already, by hour one of filming this video, six people have been eliminated, and even more are about to be. Unlike this video right here, that was more of a last to leave, this challenge is about making friendships and convincing people to like you. They decide who wins the 250 grand and I didn't know it yet, but this video was by far the most intense video we've ever filmed. - Shame on you! - Are you serious? - You're a kind person, don't eliminate me. - Attention everybody, over the past hour I hope you've all had a chance to make some friends because you're going to need them. Throw 10 minutes on the board. In the next 10 minutes, I need 10 of you to leave. - Literally can't. - And ultimately it is your responsibility as a group to convince 10 people to leave their queue, and if you're not able to accomplish this, we're gonna randomly eliminate 25 of you. Good luck. - My gosh, I don't wanna do the 25 random. - We need somebody to leave! - I'm not leaving! - If you're past retirement age, you gotta go, if you are not above the age of 12, you gotta go! - Already a minute's gone by and no one's left. - If seven people leave with me, I'll go out! - Please! - Help! - Please! - I cannot be kicked out this soon. - Please, guys! - Kids, you can come out! You gonna take one for the team? - I can't do it, I came here for the long haul. - Yo, do it for the greater good! - 53, go! - No. - No! - Are you gonna get out? I'll buy you Roblox, I promise. We have one, we have one! - And even though 89 decided to take one for the team, we still need eight more people. Nobody, no takers? - Not to be rude, but like all the older people should leave, they got like retirement money. I'm in college, I'm struggling right now. - Five, four, three, two, one! - You all were unfortunately not able to come to an agreement, which means a random group of 25 contestants will now be eliminated and to ensure it's random, we're using this machine to pick the contestants we're going to eliminate one by one. Chandler, grab a ping pong ball. Our first elimination is Number 18. - Oh, that sucks. - Please, almost, no! - The next elimination is 85. Remember, you guys chose this. 82. - Oh. - Number 80. - I'm sorry, boss. - Okay. - 99. Don't worry, we only have 19 more balls to go. 12, 24, 22, 19. - Oh, this is brutal. - 29. - Boom. - I'm sorry, son. - And our final elimination, it was 13! - Oh, oh. - Chandler, look at all the people you eliminated. I'm sorry. - We just lost 25 people. - Grateful that it's not me, though. - Still here, but I don't know if I feel good about it. - Every number that came out, "Is that gonna be me? Is that gonna be me? Am I going home today?" - 67 of you remain, congratulations! And as always, once someone is eliminated, we obviously destroy their cube. and after the onslaught from the last challenge, I thought I'd give them some time to recover and so I let them hang out in their cubes for a bit, which ended up being a challenge of its own. - Hey, if you don't wanna spend the night, all you gotta do is just step outta this cube. - That's what I'm gonna do. - Because by the time Day Two started, so many people had been eliminated, we were already down to 55 contestants remaining. We're gonna start the new day by seeing if you can all unanimously agree on who should win this $250,000. If all of you can agree on the same person, they instantly win the $250,000, but if only one of you vote for someone different, we're gonna do a challenge and eliminate a bunch of you. Who do you think should win the 250 grand? - 14. - Who do you think should win the 250 grand? - 11. All right, well it's already ruined. You all cannot unanimously agree on who should win that money, so we have to do a challenge. Each row now has to decide on a captain and that captain will then represent all the contestants in their row for the next challenge. Please make sure you trust whoever you pick, it will all make sense, but it's gonna be very ruthless. For the next 15 minutes each row tried to decide who their captain was going to be. - Do you wanna be the captain? - If you don't want to. - As long as you choose to not sacrifice us. - I will not get y'all out. - What age do you want to represent your row? - 30. - 30. - 30. - We got it! - Hey, do one of y'all volunteer? - I volunteer. - 64. - I'm okay with 64. - Who in your row do you want to be captain? - Me. I came here to fight for this thing and I'm gonna win it. - All right, your captains have been chosen. This is where things get interesting and a little cutthroat. We're gonna offer money and if any of you captains take the money we offer, you and your entire row are completely eliminated. My first offer is a $1,000. - Stay tough, 42! - I ain't going nowhere. I'm not eliminating my row for $1,000. - I'm not moving! - 14, please don't. - Y'all are safe, I'm not doing it. - Offer Number Two, $5,000. - Don't do it! - If one of you step out, eliminate your entire row, I will give you this $5,000. - No, 42! - Don't eliminate us, 42! - Don't expect me to go anywhere for a while. - Don't do it, 30! - I just hope my wife agrees with every decision I make. - Our next offer is $10,000. - Don't do it! - 10 grand isn't worth hurting these people, I like them a lot more than 10 grand. - 20 grand. We're going until one of you step out. - That ain't enough, that ain't enough. - We're now at $50,000. At this point, all the captains have been holding strong, but it was clear once we had $50,000 on the line, some of the captains were having a harder time than others. - Don't do it, 42! - Geez. - All right everybody, let's really have some fun. The next offer is, that puts us at $80, that puts us at $90, we're not done, put it up there. The new offer is $100,000 for the first captain to step out of their cube. 14, 30, 42, 64 or Mr. 100, I just need one of you five to step out so I can make you rich. - No, 30! - Really starting to feel the pressure now. - No, 42! - Dude, I'm gonna be hated on so bad. - Oh, I see 30 about to crack over there. - Don't move! - Don't you dare! - Oh, he's doing it! - I'm doing it. - Oh, oh! - I'm sorry. - Are you serious? 30, what the heck! - I'm shocked. - Shame on you, Shame on you! - That's crazy. - 30 has stepped out, All of the 20's and all of the 30's are now eliminated. You guys should have picked a better team captain. - I can't, I can't look. I gotta think of my son. - You lied, 30! - This line right here- - This is the line that's gonna make it all the way to the end. - Everyone in the 20's, you can leave, everyone in the 30's, you're all eliminated, I'm sorry. - What's going through your head right now? - That we got screwed! - I kept thinking, like, that sets my kid up for a long, long time. - Because of how much betrayal has been shown so far in this video, the 40's made an alliance to try to keep any of them from getting out, no matter what. - 40 alliance hung together, there's four of us. - It's that time again, cast up your votes and see if you can all decide on a winner, and like usual, they couldn't agree. So, we'll do a challenge and eliminate some more people. I'll be right back. The next challenge involves a spinning wheel that has all the remaining contestants ages on it. So go ahead, Chandler, spin it. Currently there are 36 of you remaining and we're gonna spin the wheel until we eliminate 16 of you with this challenge, bringing your total down to the final 20. All right, 67, I'm coming to your cube, and while I'm walking over to his cube, Chandler, spin it again. That wheel is going to land on another person's age and when it does, you're going to have to decide whether or not to eliminate them. - 55. - The challenge is simple, 67, you could choose if 55 is eliminated or stays in the challenge. - Before you decide, it's only fair that 55 gets to say his piece. - Thank you everybody, it's been a great time, good luck, guys. - You don't wanna ask to kindly not be eliminated or anything? - No, 'cause if I was in the same position, I'd do the same thing. - I mean, he's giving you a pass to eliminate him. - Uh- - His choice. - Wow, okay. - Somebody's got to go- - So, is that saying you wanna eliminate him? - Yes. - Okay, the decision is final then. - All right. - Sorry, boss. - Thanks, guys. - Chandler, spin the wheel. - I mean, he gave me the leeway to let him go. - That was an easy first one, surely they'll all go that well. Ooh, 47, now we're gonna give her a chance to talk to you before you make a decision. - Have peace of mind, I would love to stay, I don't wanna go. - What is your decision? - She'll stay. - You survived. - Ooh, ooh! - And because she did not get eliminated, she now decides who stays and who goes. Technically you could eliminate the next 15 people and be safe. No risk of elimination, but that'd be very cruel. - It would be. - 43. - Would love to stay on our little team, but it's ultimately up to you. - We're staying together. 43 is staying. - Woo! Love you girl! - The 40's alliance was determined to hold strong. - You know what this means, right? Now you are in charge. - You are one lucky person. Chandler, spin the wheel! 66. - Oh. - All right. - Right over there. - 43, I know it's a hard decision for you, but I'd like to stay. - Oh, that's gonna make me cry. - If you let her stay, she gets control. - Oh. - It's up to you. - 66, you are so sweet and it's been a pleasure getting to know you, unfortunately in this game we're trying to stick together and I've enjoyed you but unfortunately you're eliminated. - Thank you, thank you everybody, it's okay. it's okay. - Thank you for coming out, 66. Oh, brutal. - I'm so proud of you. - With 42's influence over 43- - We gotta keep control or we'll be eliminated. - We're at war. - I know. - Nobody outside the 40's was safe. 57. - I mean, you don't even know 57. - 57 you're eliminated. - 40's, watch out for the 50's 'cause they'll come back after you. - 65. - Oh, that's me. - It's for the game and I'm sorry, you've also been eliminated. - Oh! - She just took 65 out of the game and I know it's breaking her heart, I know it is, but we cannot lose control. - 43 knows that if she stops eliminating people and gives up control of the wheel, the next person could potentially eliminate her. That's a big one. This means a lot to Gio. Don't take this decision lightly. - Is it, is that 11? - Gio, don't cry yet, it's not over. I want you to listen to me very carefully, the next few seconds determine a lot. I'm gonna hand you this mic and it's up to you to convince that person not to eliminate you. Do you understand? - You are a kind person and you are kind enough to not eliminate me. - Save Gio! - Save Gio! - Save Gio! - Save Gio! Save Gio! - Oh, my gosh. - Don't do it. Now is not the time to develop a heart, okay? - Okay. Gio, I admire you so much- - Yes. - You are literally the coolest 11-year-old I've ever seen. You've got tons of energy and spunk and your future is super bright, but unfortunately your time here is over. I'm so, so sorry. - All right. - Everyone was absolutely speechless. Everyone, round of applause. I felt so bad about this elimination that I actually had age 11 come up and help me on stage. Give it up for Gio. - Gio! - At this point, everyone outside of the 40's knew they were in big trouble. - She's gonna eliminate everybody. - If you're not on 40, you're gone. - Once again, I don't think it's safe for our side at all. - 17. - 17, unfortunately you are eliminated. - Thanks. - The 16-year-old. - I have a great-grandmother, she's not doing too good health-wise. - I'm so sorry, but you're also eliminated, 16. - Ah, wow. - I am so proud of you, I'm so proud of you. - Believe it or not, for some reason the wheel just kept missing the 40's alliance. - 52. - You're eliminated. - Oh, my God. - Until this one, and now the hardest decision of the challenge. Are you gonna eliminate yourself? - I think I'm gonna keep spinning, Jimmy. - Okay, give us another spin. - You've also been eliminated. - Ooh. - Unfortunately you are eliminated. - All right, 75. - Brutal. - 62. - See ya, you ain't even gotta say nothing, bye. - 62, you don't even wanna at least try to convince her? - Nope, bye. - Hey 62, I just wanna let you know I'm gonna miss your snoring. - What did you say, villain? - I said I'm gonna miss your snoring. - I'm not mad at you. 43, no, I started feeling your pain, but you're just cruel. - I miss you already. - Bye, y'all. - Without even making 43 decide, 62 left her cube and with only one elimination left, let's see who their next victim is gonna be. All right, it landed on Feastables, that means all of you get the world's best chocolate. - Milk Crunch, that's my favorite. - Oh, Crunch. Thank you, Jimmy. - No problem. Even though he's eliminated, we'll still honor him. Make sure you go to Walmart and try our brand new formula. Anyways, when the wheel finally landed on someone else in the 40's alliance- - 41, I love you and that's why I'm gonna pass it on to you. - We finally have somebody new. Depending on who it lands on, this just might be our last spin. - All right, Mr 100, do you have anything to say to the person attempting to eliminate you? - I hope that you will not eliminate me and I ask you not to vote me out. - Mr. 100, I am so sorry, God bless you, I hope that everything works out for you. <i>AdiĆ³s.</i> - Oh, no. - I understand your response and I congratulate you on what you do. - Let's give it up for age 100. - Everyone was absolutely heartbroken to see our oldest contestant be eliminated and because he was clearly a crowd favorite, I couldn't let him leave without something extra. I'll give you $20,000 for coming out and competing. - Thank you, I've enjoyed being with you. - It's been brutal, we just watch a lot of people get eliminated, I know everyone's probably very sad right now. - Specifically 43. - Eliminated, eliminated, eliminated, eliminated, eliminated. - We don't need to say specific numbers. - True. - How do you feel after the challenge? - I've lost the love for the 40's, I'll say it out loud, they decimated my group. - The 50's don't seem to like you guys. - 'Cause we knocked half of 'em out. If they had gotten the mic, they would've knocked half of us out. - I agree. - The moral of the story is trust no one. - And after letting the contestants recover for a few hours, we held another vote to see if they could decide on a winner. Looks like literally none of you can agree on anything. It's time for another challenge! It'll be intense. - Good. - If you look over here, you'll see $250,000, not to be confused with the other $250,000, and one of you could walk out with this one right now. - What? - Oh, Lord. - But before I tell you how, we need to black out all your rooms, bring in the curtains! - He doesn't want us talking to each other. - Which is tough 'cause we're such a strong team, so- - That really antes up the stakes a bit. - We have officially blacked out all 20 cubes. If only one of you voluntarily step out and eliminate yourself, you win this $250,000, but if any more than one of you try to go for it, you'll be eliminated and win nothing. The timer has started, let's see if someone wins $250,000. - I literally missed out on $100,000 today, this time I'm gonna get exactly what I came here for. Just letting you know, I will be stepping out, so if you wanna join me, then we can be losers together! - I think I might do it. - 64, you going? - Yep! - Well, if you go and 42 goes, you don't get nothing! - That's right! - It was abundantly clear that age 42 was going to do everything in his power to secure this challenge's prize money for himself, which means while they're deciding if they wanna step out of their cubes, I wanna tell you guys about "Top Troops". "Top Troops" is a free to play mobile game where you battle enemies, conquer lands, and unlock new characters. - Are you in this game? - I haven't got to that talking point yet. - My bad. - With Top Troops, I can literally train my own army to fight in massive epic battles. That right there, Mack, is actually my very own character in Top Troops. - He's really handsome. - I am, bro, I'm in a video game, and for the next 14 days to test out my character, they gave me my own battle challenge. My new character can literally lower the enemy's damage and if you use it in my challenge, it gets even more powerful. - That's pretty cool. - Download Top Troops now by using the link in the description or lemme see that, scan the QR code on Nolan's face right now. For a limited time you get a king's chest and 15 shards on me to help unlock exclusive troops. - Please get this thing off my face. - I got you. - Please. Oh. - I'm walking out. - 60 seconds left! - There's only still one person out. He's literally gonna win the same amount of money as the grand prize. - Someone can leave with this money right now and if you do decide to leave, you must remain silent. - Nobody's gotten out on this side. As of right now, 42 is gonna walk away with a quarter of a million dollars. - 50's, hanging tight? - Like a rock! - Casey, you sticking? - Casey's staying. - All right, bud. - Three, two, step out now or forever hold your peace. One, time is up! Let's see if someone just won a quarter of a million dollars! Guards, drop the curtains! If you look around, you'll see that 42 was the only one to step out. - Until two seconds remained and someone all the way over there stepped out at the last second. - Oh, my God! - What? - Sorry, 42. - As they say, "Go big or go home." - 40's just lost their leader. - Oh. - And you guys are still playing, just remember that. - This is tough. - You both have rolled the dice and it didn't work out. - I made my voice very loud and clear and you knew what was gonna happen, so you basically said, "Money, I don't like you." - It happens. - That's okay. - I think that's enough stress for today, make sure you make lots of friends tonight. - My neighbor is gone now. - I made it very, very, very loud and clear, with my voice telling everyone, "Listen, there's only one winner here." It seemed to have worked until the last two seconds. - Sorry, two seconds count. My decision was made before the clock started. - It looks like the 50's were not so quickly going to forget the damage that they took yesterday. - All I gotta say, 40's, watch out for the '50's, 'cause they'll come back after you. - And thanks again to "Top Troops" for making this video possible, make sure to go download it after you finish the video. So far, 82 people have been eliminated from this challenge, but we're not slowing down anytime soon. Good morning, everybody, do you think you're all gonna agree on who should win the 250 grand? - Maybe. - Throw the votes up on the tablets, surely everyone voted for the same person. - Let's be honest, should I just get the next challenge ready? - Yeah. - Yeah, I figured. - It's getting less unanimous as we have less people. All right, time for the next challenge, bring out the briefcases! At this point, all the people older than 40 began to pick up on what the next challenge was. - There are cases with numbers on 'em, like "Deal Or No Deal". - Oh my goodness, this is "Deal Or No Deal", I think it. - It almost looks like the "Deal Or No Deal". Um... - Our next challenge looks really similar to the very popular show "Deal Or No Deal", and so we brought out the face of the show himself, Howie Mandel. - Oh wow! - What up, Howie! - Everyone over 40 really loved How. - Thank you, please. - 14-year-old, you might not have seen it. - Do you know me? - Wait, wait, wait, I might know some of, is it music, are you a music artist? - And if you're also under the age of 40 and haven't seen "Deal Or No Deal", don't worry, I'll explain the rules along the way. If you look at those 18 briefcases over there, half say eliminated and half say safe. I need you to pick a number. - 14? - Makes sense. Open this briefcase where no one else, including me, can see what's inside. Do you know what's inside? - Yes. - Who is the next youngest person here? - [41] I think it's me! - All right, now I'm going to 41. 41 now has the option to steal 14's briefcase for herself or choose at random one of the remaining briefcases. Let's see how well they're able to read each other. - Hey, what's in the case, Number 14? - It says safe. - I'll steal it from you. 41, open the case. - I love it, he's having such a good time. - No, I am, this is like I'm reminiscing. Open the case. - Safe! - Oh! Wow. Why wouldn't he just lie and keep his safe case? That means everyone's odds just got worse. It's time to pick a new briefcase, what number will it be? - 13. - Lucky 13. - Onto our next youngest contestant, age 43. - Hey, 14, what you got in your suitcase? - It says eliminated. - Ooh. - I- - I'm gonna be honest, at this point I didn't even know if he was telling the truth or not. - 14, do you pinky swear that it says not safe? - It says not safe. - Whoa, is this a strategy? - I think I'm gonna pick my own suitcase today. - 14, open your briefcase! - All right. - Eliminated. - Oh, 14. - Oh, no. - I'm so sorry, buddy. - Also another person on your elimination list, it never ends with her. - See ya, buddy, you're the best. - Thank you. So, I wanted to be honest and I was and I got eliminated. I feel like what I did was the right thing. - There are 16 brief cases, pick your number. - I'm gonna go with lucky number three. - We don't even need a microphone for this one, they're side by side. - We still have an alliance, you can trust me or not. If you are safe, I'm gonna let you keep your briefcase. Are you safe? - I am not safe. - Ah, now I have to make the hard decision. No steal. - Okay. He chose not to steal 43's briefcase. Open it up for us. If she is lying and this case does in fact say safe, the 40's will not be able to trust each other any longer and their alliance will be broken. - Oh! - Oh. - That is a strong alliance, I'm so sorry, 43. - We love you, 43! - This is almost worse than being buried. - It's definitely worse. 15 cases are left and only eight of them are safe. - I'm going to tell you the truth, I'm eliminated. - I'm just gonna go with the fates. 44, he is eliminated. - This is brutal. - Good luck, man. - Pick whatever number you want. - 10. - 10. - Make sure no one sees it. - I didn't walk in here with money, I walked in here with integrity, it's says safe. - Are you telling the truth? - You are making the biggest choice of your life. - Whoa, he adds suspense. - And that is, steal or no steal? - I'm gonna take it. - There's no turning back, your future lies inside this case. - I can't, ah. - Open the case. - Oh! She was telling the truth. - Thank you so much. - Let's see if at some point she decides to move on herself. - No. - What do you want him to think is in your case? - Eliminated. - I'm gonna believe you and let you keep your case then. - Open the case. - While her honesty did in fact get her eliminated, it did save two of the people in her alliance. - Thank you. - Are you honest, 48? - I've always been honest with you, 51, you know that. I'm gonna make it easy for you, it says eliminated. - Howie, I got this one. Steal or no steal? - I love that! - Anyways, quarter mill on the line, 51? - I am going to not steal. - Let's see if 48 was telling the truth. Three, two, one! - He was lying! Well played, that was well played! - I hope you all learned. - That's how you lie, folks. - You made it to the top nine, let's see if 51 does, as well. 17, Howie, here we go, 17 is coming up. - I'm gonna trust whatever he says. - It says eliminated. - Steal or no steal? - No steal. - No steal, all right, let's show her. - He was honest. - 51, you're now eliminated. - That sucked. - Even though 54 just dodged a bullet, she's now faced with an elimination. - Hi 54, I am ready. - I'm honestly gonna tell you that in box number seven, it says eliminated. - I know you are giving my ticket outta here because you won't lie to me. - This is a tough decision, steal or no steal? - And now I feel like there's a whole world sitting on my shoulders right now. Um, ah, steal. - All right. - Even though she said it has eliminate, you're gonna steal it? - That that is what I said, yes, steal. - He's jumping on a grenade for her. - Do you believe her? - Uh, I do, I want the best for her. I mean, I'll see my grandchildren. - Oh, my gosh. Wow, that might be the most selfless thing I've ever witnessed in my life. - I feel like I'm gonna trip over this thing. You gave me the easiest choice I have made. - God will bless you. - You have a chance to give something, give that to that person and I did win, I met Howie Mandel. - And when faced with yet another elimination case, she chose honesty a second time. - I'm just gonna tell you that it says eliminated. - No, I'm not gonna steal it. - As the game neared it's end, we were running out of safe briefcases. - I got one of the safe boxes. - I'd like to steal, I believe him. What? - Oh. - Oh, no! - And once we got to the final two briefcases, we had no idea if they were going to lie or tell the truth. It's between 67 and 96, one is safe and one is eliminate. Do you wanna pick the briefcase or do you want 96 to pick the briefcase? - Go for it, 96. - It's amazing that you're here, I hope I have the energy at your age that you have. - And I wanna downhill ski next year. - Okay. Which case do you want? - 16. - 16 it is. - We're gonna open and look at the case so nobody else can see it. - What's in the case, 96? - Eliminate. - My dad is 96 years old, he done told a whole lotta lies. - Do you want to take the last case on stage or steal 96's case? - No steal. - And because these are our final two briefcases, we're gonna take the drama up a notch and open them both at the same time to see who's moving on. Top nine for $250,000, I'm gonna give us a countdown, three, two, one. - You're staying. We're staying! - The 96-year-old lied. - I'm alive and kicking. - That is why he's the oldest person left in this challenge. - Woo! - And with that, we are now down to the top nine. The next challenge will be even crazier. - It's end game, we're down to the final nine. I am planning on winning this game. - Super nervous. - 40's alliance holding strong, woo! - Emotions are running high, I think it's gonna get pretty crazy soon. - And as we rolled into the final day of this video, the contestants trust for each other was running thin. - Welcome to my humble abode. - Around you is just a sea of red X's. - A sea of blood. - Do you trust those people over there on the other side? - No, I don't. - Out of every single person left in this room- - Okay? - Who do you trust the most? - 47, 100%. When we got into this it was entirely about, "Let's see how far the two of us can get", and if it ends up being the last two of us, that would be amazing. - What's your strategy? - I don't have a strategy. - Since you cannot agree on who wins that giant wad of cash over there, you are now going to choose four people to eliminate from this competition. The way that you'll decide is simple, all of you will tell the room why you think you deserve the prize money, and as a group you'll have to decide whose story is worthy and not worthy for continuing this challenge. Every decision you have made this entire video leads to this moment. Let 'em know what you'll spend the money on. - I've got a son who's got pretty significant special needs. - We leave everything back in our country, Philippines. - I have no health insurance, I have horrific neuropathy. - My cousin, she has lupus, so I wanna help her, she has three little ones. - This is so hard, y'all, I also have an autistic, nonverbal daughter who will be seven at the end of the month, she needs so much work and we've got so far to go. - No, I'm crying for everybody, it breaks my heart. Just wanna give all my money away to everybody. - How can we possibly rank somebody's wishes and hopes higher than anyone else's? - Invest the money for 90 to 120 days on my mining platform. - It's so unfair to say, "Well, your charity's not as important as this or that", it doesn't seem fair. - Almost lost his business during the pandemic- - We'll vote one at a time for who's not moving on. - Okay. - Okay, let's start with the obvious. - I wanna give it to my daughter 'cause I'm living with her. She took me in when I could not- - This is getting harder and harder the longer it goes. Let's make our decision to move on because it's not getting any easier. - Now that you've heard each other's stories and now it is up to all of you to decide who will stay and who will go. - I dunno what to do. - Let's start with 61. - The people on this side of the room have decided on 61. - After hearing everybody's stories, it's time to see who you collectively think should go home. Reveal the results. Wow. - Who was it? - Aw, 61. - That's me. - She's a troublemaker, you know what, so long, goodbye. - Three more competitors need to be voted out, it is up to you to decide. - I don't know what I'm gonna do. - We can do 46 if we need to. Do it now. - Oh. - 46, he wasn't very convincing with much. - The votes are in, all right. - Nervous? - Extremely, I'm about to knife my alliance. - You voted, let's see the results. Every vote was on a 40-year-old. I thought you all had an alliance? - Bro. - Whoa, all right. 46, you have been eliminated. - I cannot believe that just happened, the entire 40 year old's alliance just imploded. - Who's next? 96. - I can't do this anymore. - Let's see what you all decided. Whoa, 96 year old. - Good luck and I thank everybody, I'm happy I was on this show. - The final vote coming up. - 72? Do it now. - We're ready for the last elimination of this challenge and this time I'm gonna have you tell me what number you voted for. Who did you vote for? - I voted for 72. - One vote for 72. - She's a sweetheart. - 72, who did you vote for? - 41. - One vote for 41. Who did you vote for? - I voted for 72, so we're even 72. - Who did you vote for and why? - I voted for 41, it was more wants and dreams- - I will help my twin sister to get a house- - Instead of needs. - That ties it up. Who did you vote for? - 72. That's three votes for 72 and two votes for 41. The deciding factor here, who did you vote for? - 72? Do it now. - I voted for 72. - That means 72 received the majority of votes. I'm sorry, you are eliminated. - Only one person gets that money. - Unfortunately, we knew we had to make some cuts at some point. - It's now time to play the game. - Attention final contestants, again and again you have failed to unanimously vote for a winner and now you no longer have a choice. I don't like that you guys are so far apart, especially 56 over here, doesn't feel fair, so boys, I think it's finally time to reveal the biggest twist in this whole video. For the first time since this video began, you may now exit your cubes, you will not be eliminated, and make your way down to the giant cube for your final challenge. - Wait, I was just in a cube. - As I've been saying this entire video, the decision of who wins this money is ultimately up to you, so we're gonna throw an hour up on the screen and when that hits zero, whoever's left in this cube will win the $250,000, and if for some reason there's more than one person, boys, come on out. You'll notice Mack and Tareq are holding flamethrowers and they will not hesitate to engulf this money in flames upon my command. Time is ticking, best of luck. - Only one of us is walking away with that money. - I feel like there is not one person here above anyone else. - Amen. - That goes from one to 100. - We all deserve this money. - It's not deserve, it's win the game. - Any thoughts? - If we cannot agree in one person, then we gotta find ways to get there. - Any ideas on that? - I would've much rather they told us what to do. - Is anyone willing to leave? - That is a fair question. - I just thought I'd throw that out there, why not? We haven't discussed that. - Mm-hm. - So, none of us wanna leave? - So, I'm kind of at a disadvantage with y'all, I don't know your story. - If she tells you her story, that money's gonna burn. - But my story is me, my story's my life! - I have struggles, she has struggles. - I have struggles. - So, do we not wanna share anything or do we just make it as we know right now? - We can't share, we got 15 minutes- - We only have- - We're just killing time right now. - Time is dwindling, someone needs to start leaving now. - I can't breathe, I'd just rather walk out. - Don't, you deserve to be here just as any of us. - If you're not strong enough to sit there and say that I can stay, I don't see how you can vote somebody out. - This isn't a fight, okay, this is life. - It is life. - Do I wanna pick you out? No, I don't want to. - You're not the one that can't handle it and wants to walk out. - But I'm not gonna let her walk and that's it. - All five are still in the cube. I can literally feel the intensity. - What about ranked choice voting? - Quickly write down in paper what ranking looks like. - This is how it would look. - 48's idea is pretty simple, everyone chooses in order who they think deserves the money the most and whoever appears at the top of all of the lists the most consistently will win the money. - So it would just be one vote and we're done, that's ranked choice voting. - I'd say we do that. - Do you wanna collect them and tally it? - That's what I'm doing, if you wanna come over and show me, then I'll start writing. All right, we're ready. - You've come to a conclusion? - Yes. - Whenever you guys are ready, feel free to step out. - 56 was in fifth place, 41 and 64 tied for third- - Oh, my God. - I knew it. - Come on sister, I need somebody to hold on to anyway. - And now it's come down to 47 and 48, who have had the strongest alliance in this whole video since the very first day, but as you know, only one of them can win this $250,000. - I came in second. - 47 is our winner. - That's crazy. Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Lord. - Congratulations, 47. You struggled to eliminate other players, you built the strongest alliance and even to the very end, you fought for those around you- - I'm not gonna let her walk. - That is why 100 people ultimately decided that that is your $250,000 and don't worry, all four of them are gonna walk away with $10,000. - It's been absolutely amazing. - This is crazy. - 47, we have one final surprise for you! Come on out. - Mommy! - You made it, sweetie! - Yeah! I can finally help you, Mom! - Oh, yeah. - I can finally help you. - This was definitely one of my favorite videos to film. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the longer video format, we're trying it out to prepare for our Amazon Prime show dropping later this year, but I'll tell you more about that later on.
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 128,448,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l-nMKJ5J3Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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