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- La, La, La, La, La, La, Ladies and gentlemen! We are dropping an absolute banger! For your foreheads. Massive foreheads. Yes, I'm talking to you, Charlie. And you, Sarah. Your forehead is massive! We're slapping this juicy ass video right on top of it. Welcome to "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts." Basically, each Sidemen will be asked a tough question. If they refuse to answer, then they ask must eat some absolutely disgusting things. I'm talking animal penis. That brings a whole new meaning to dick eater! [cymbal clashing] So, without further ado, lets begin. [upbeat music plays] [Sidemen groaning] - Okay. - Oh, it's my go. - It's dinner time. - Why am I first? - Because you were last here. You've gotta pay the consequences, my friend. - What's here? - Brother, just pick something. - You can choose any. - They all look the same! [laughs] - This one. [intense music] - Ooh. - Are you sure? - Tasty. - No, why would I be sure? - I don't know. - It's just silver. - Bro, he's shaking. - I'm shaking a little bit. - It is scary, it is scary. - It is quite nerve wracking up here, you know? I'm first. - If you picked a penis your first go, amazing. - Well I love a cock. [group laughs] - Should we see the food first? - Yes. - Yes. - Reveal it. - Single food, reveal yourself. - Oh! [dramatic music] Ooh. - What is that? - Century duck egg. - Oh no. That's one of the worst ones, no? - What is that? - What is it supposed to just be- - Give it a sniff. - Is it like a 10-year-old egg? - Can I have a look? - Whoa, it looks- - Oh, it's like a hundred years old. - Why does it look off? - Oh, it's like fermented. Oh, you know what, I reckon- - How does this work? So- - That should be all right you know. - Is there discrepancies on what I'm eating? [Ethan retches] - What do you mean? - Am I eating that, like- - You should have a whole half. - You have to have the whole- - A whole? I was gonna say a big bite. - No. - A big bite is fair. - A big bite. - Bro, you're setting yourself up. - If we wanna do this- - A whole half!? - If you wanna pussy around this one. - Bro, a whole half. A whole half. - A whole half I think. - You're a chatty wass. Give me that, give me Messi or Ronaldo. [giggles] - Okay, so there are 12 questions. - Okay. - You can pick yours. - And then I can give it to Vik. - I hope it's a good question, Josh. Or a bad question. - A bit nerve-wracking this, isn't it? - It is horrifying. - No looking, put that one back. - Why are we doing this? The first time was enough. - Such a bad video. [Josh groaning] - It got 30 million views, so... - For your question... - It smells like cats, like old, dead cats. - Smells like cats? - Like a dead cat. - It's a f*cking dead egg. - Oh! Oh, he's got off. - Right here, okay we'll see. - I would say so anyway. How much is your highest earning YouTube video? - Oh, for f*ck's! [Sidemen moaning] - Pish posh! Boo! - Yeah! - Pish posh. - Oh yeah. - Is he gonna do it? - Oh, I don't know. [sniffs] I might have to eat. [Sidemen laughing] Nah. - If you eat, you're a sick f*ck. - It's fine, I don't earn much money. - To the penny please. - What channel do you want? - No, your highest earning. - Just your highest ever, you. - Yours, ZerkaaHD. - That you've received. - Do we include brand deals or just the- - Ah, just eat the egg man, come on. It's what the fans wanna see. [Ethan laughing] - The fans tuned in for the egg, bro. - Don't you wanna stay humble? - My app crashes, so I can't do anything. - Well if the app crashes we can't- We haven't got any proof- - It doesn't smell as horrendous. It doesn't smell horrendous, but it could taste it. - You eating it then? - Well, I wish it was my go. I would be Googling. [Harry and Ethan laughing] Right, what's the video? What is the video and how much did you earn? - Okay, so the video- - Yeah? - I go into KSI's room. - Oh. - Then I just do a makeover on him. - Oh yeah. - Lovely. - Oh yeah. - How many views? - I remember that. - It's like five, six million views. - Ooh. - Ooh! A little double heater. - It's only like 40,000. - Oh, only. - Only. - Only, he just said only. - I'm not like you big boys, you know? You guys got big videos. - It's a yearly salary, brother. What do you mean only? [KSI laughing] - If you go through your ones, it's big, big, big, big. I don't know about you, actually. - I'd say that's a wasted question. - Ours are all quite humble- - That's not enough, that's not enough. - It's wasted on me. - Come back with more. - Yeah. [laughing] - He's got out of that one. - For that food item, that's all right. - But it stays here though. - Ooh, yucky pucky. - I think that's an all right one to get. I would take the fermented egg. - Would you? - Yeah. - What'd you reckon it tastes like? - sh*t, but like, its- [Ethan laughing] - Okay. All right, Vik. Your turn. - You know what, it landed here. - Ooh. - Okay! - Do I want this one? - What's he got? What's he got? - What's for dinner today? - Oh! [intense music] - Ooh. - Ooh, it doesn't look good. - What is it? - Bull testicle. [Sidemen groaning] Testies. And it smells. - Oh! - Oh, that's a rotter. And they're massive though. - Which one would you want? - No, just to clear up- - You know what, I think this one- - That's half each. As in one of that is half the testicle. - Bro they got massive balls. - Are you saying he's got to eat the whole testicle? - No, no, no. - I think a big bite. - A big bite, a big bite. - Yeah, a big bite. - Bro, look at that. That's foul. - Nah, I agree, but it's the sentence. - A big [retches]. - Bull testicles. - Yo, this video is sh*t! [Josh yells] - What happens when- - It's protein though. - That's probably really good macros in that, you know. A hundred percent. - I'm getting swole patrol. - Do you want me to pick for you or do you wanna- - Josh can pick for me. - Oh! [Vik yells] - They do smell. - Yeah, bro. Jesus. - The bull testicle does smell. - He might answer this though, who knows. Okay, you ready? - All right, I'm ready. - Bull testicle or this. - Okay. - Which Sidemen is the worst YouTuber? - The worst YouTuber... - Like they're f*cking awful. - He locked eyes with me. [Sidemen laughing] - I mean, Tobi as well isn't here, so... - Wait, are you saying- - That's a get out of jail free card. - What are you saying, JJ? - No, I'm just saying- - What are you trying to say? - There's anyone. - Again, it's just an easy answer. Just eat the f*cking testicle, man! I wanna see him suffer. - Maintain this energy, but for yourself. - I will, I will, I will. - You know what? I'm gonna go with Ethan 'cause he ain't been active in a while on the channel. - Damn, man. - Sorry, Ethan. [KSI laughing] - Ethan's got, he's got a lot of subscribers. - He does, everyone has a lot of subscribers in this room. - He has more than Josh. - I do have more than Josh. - They've literally both gotten away with it. - Josh, we survived! - More than Tobi, yeah. - Let's seal the bull testicles back up. - I think you're a great YouTuber. - Thanks guys, I appreciate it. - He doesn't give a sh*t. [Ethan laughing] - Just trying to get someone to like him to be honest. - I love you. - All right, who's up next? - That is outrageous. [upbeat music] - All right. - Woo! - Why don't you just like launch the table and see where it lands? - Because then they're gonna fly off! - Whoa! - All right, this one. - Oh, okay. - Open it, boy. - What's for dinner, Simon? [dramatic music] - Oh, duck egg again! - It's the duck egg! - Ooh. - The question is, is the duck egg kind of fishy? 'Cause that would ruin it. - It does seem quite fishy. - It is. - It doesn't smell of anything. Wait, does it? - You have Covid, bro. - It smells. - That's, yeah. - Like dead cat food. [KSI gagging] - You have to get right in there. - No, it does whiff, it does whiff. It does smell a bit fishy, actually. You know, it's got like a- - You're trying to put me off, I see you. - No, I swear to God. It's like a tuna-y kind of- - Aquatic animal. - Yeah. - A really fishy one. - Oh, please. - That's his question. - Some are easier than others and I beg this is one of them. - Okay. - Ooh. - Who has changed- - Oh. - The worst since you all got money? - That's pretty hard. - That is hard. - Who's changed the worst? - That's a hard... - Yes, who has money made... - Who has money made the worst? - Worst, I guess. - Ooh. - This one's actually like one of the ones that's like- - It could be a bit dicey. - Yeah. - But it's answerable. - It is answerable. - It's answerable, yeah. - Yeah, you can answer this. - Have you got an answer in your head? - I don't, but I could come up with one if- [Sidemen laughing] - If I was faced with a duck egg. - Yeah, yeah. [Sidemen laughing] - I could easily come up with one. So like, who was really cool, nice, humble little boy, and now he's like sucking, like genuinely unbearable. - Horrifying. - Every time you go to a shoot you think, ah, this again. [Simon laughing] Oh my God. - Money ruined this guy. - Yeah, like, tell you what man, I preferred him when he was poor. - But I just think it would be quite harsh to answer this. I think you should eat the egg. I think you should. - You better keep this energy! [Sidemen laughing] - I'm just saying, you will be judged as well with your answer if you do answer. - I think it's really deep actually. - Yeah, it might affect their mental health. - Oh, what a valiant point, man. - Yeah, I might have to see a therapist. [Ethan and Josh laughing] - The thing is, we gotta sit there again, so. - I know. - I'm gonna... - You're gonna do what? - I'm gonna answer it. - No! - No! - Here we go. Oh! And then explain why. - Prepare yourself, guys. - Explain why. - Is everyone in a good mental space? Are you in a good mental space? We should all prepare ourselves. - I'm gonna say... JJ. - Oh! - Oh! - He don't give a f*ck! [KSI laughing] - Please elaborate, you need to elaborate more. - Yeah. - You really gotta dig deep here. - I feel like, you know, we all got money. - Yeah. - Yeah. - As we found out by your extremely large amount from that video. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, bit too much. - And we still hang out. Whereas I feel like he doesn't hang out with us as much. - Oh! - Okay. - 'Cause I'm always working, but it's all right. - Fair. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I feel like, yeah. - Oh wow, aww. - Oh, that's quite harsh. - No, you know what? We'll hang out more, bro. - Yeah? - No, that is totally wholesome. - Oh! - Oh! [Sidemen laughing] - He should've left that. - Yeah, he should've left it. - He didn't invite us to his birthday party. - He did not do that. - That is true. - Yeah, because you guys were in another country! - Did everyone know that? - Yeah, I thought you'd be in another country. - Is that public info? - It is now. - Ah! - Well done. Well, fair enough. - Simon's through! - God. - No one's eating today. We're not eating! - Pick whichever you want. - Let's go for this. - I swear that's the same one. - If it's duck egg, I swear. [intense music] - Oh my God. - Is it again? - You lot keep doing the same sh*t. - I promise you there's other foods. - Bull testicle. Oh, it looks like there's actually a bit of jizz in it as well. - Well, there actually will be by definition. - Of course there will! - Yeah. - It won't be the first time you've done that, you know. - Oh, you're just going for the top. - Oi! - All I'm saying is for the sake of the video, someone's got to eat bull testicle at some point. [Ethan laughing] - It is your video, JJ. So, you should probably... - Which member of Beta Squad do you hate the most? - Ooh. - You have to elaborate on this as well. - And yeah, and why. - This little runt is doing my head in. - You say little runt, that means AJ only. - Well, whoa there. - Whoa! - Josh knew his answer to this question. - That's mental. - Well, you said little. - Wasn't your question. - I wanna be involved. - Who I hate. - Yeah. - Hate's a strong word. - And why as well. - Every time they ping your phone, you think, oh my God. [Josh laughing] - He probably doesn't even have this phone number. - Yeah, true, he ain't saving that. - If you don't give a good reason, you gotta eat as well. No cop out. - Oh, hey KSI, Niko here again. Can you film a vid for us? f*ck's sake. - Hey, knowledge. - You can't be answering this one. - Who do you hate the most? - You can't be answering this. - You're just causing conflict. - Yeah, it's too mean. - Yeah. - I actually like Niko. - Oh! - Okay. - Actually like him? [laughing] - A lot of people think I actually dislike him. - So who do you actually dislike? - Ooh! - That was cool. - I don't think you can answer this. - No, I'm probably- - This one's kind of peak. - Yeah, I think it's really unreal. - Yeah, I honestly, I wouldn't do it. - It would hurt them. - They're just like an up and coming group, man. Like, they're trying to do their own thing. - Up and coming? - And for them to be shat on by KSI. - Up and coming? [laughing] - I think they've come. [Ethan and Josh laughing] They've come very hard. - To be shat on by KSI though, is a whole new level of disdain. - Oh! - And you filmed with all of them as well. So, you can't even be like, I don't know that one. - I think it's testicle time. - Nah, I like all of them in it. - Oh, well that means one thing. - What have we got to do? - One thing. - Nibble, nibble. - Eat the sack! Eat the sack! Eat the sack! - There's one that certainly looks better than the other, by the way. - Which one? Don't say, don't say. [Sidemen laughing] I know. - Yeah. [laughing] - Is there? - Yeah. - There is, there is. - Have I picked the right one? - I dunno. - Which one do you want? - A big bite. - Oh, you've got like, you want jizz. - No knife and fork for this man. Ball in the hand. - Oh yeah. - Ball in the hand. - We eat it African style, baby. - Oh, look at it. Oh, the skin's flapping. - It's protein man, it's fine. - Yeah. - A hundred percent. - That's nut. - Bigger bite than that. - Oh, that's a nibble. - More cum, more cum. - That's a nibble. - More cum. - That's all right. - Oh no. - Fair dues, man. - Nah, you're a beast. - Fair dues. - He actually just enjoys everything. - You're a beast, you're a beast. [Harry laughing] - He's eaten all of them! [Sidemen exclaiming] - All right, all right. - It's not lunchtime! [Sidemen gagging] - What the hell? That's the one you said had jizz on. - Yeah. - Do you not have the thing where like your mental blocks like it from going down your throat? - No. - Because the fact that I know that's a ball- - That's grim. - Fair dues, man. - Well, there's bollocks on this now. - Yeah, maybe get rid of that one. - Oh, it does pong this table. - All right, let's get started. - Ah! [yelling] - I can see he's still chewing ball, by the way. - Yeah. - It's stuck in my teeth. - He's saving it for later. If you suck on balls, is that still classed as a blowjob? - No. - What is that? - Sucking balls. - I think I could throw up at the mere thought of one of these going down my throat. - This one. [dramatic music] Let's get it. - You ready? - There's one that- - Is there a really bad one? - Reveal it! [intense music] - What is that? - Oh no, no, no this is bad. This is bad. - What is that? - We had this in... - Fermented soybean. - Is that in Japan? - In Japan. - Yeah. - Horrendous. - Oh, it does smell like cat food. - Tastes like vomit. [Harry sniffing] - It's not great. [laughing] It's not great. - f*ck me! [Sidemen laughing] - I gotta smell this. - Do you know what that smells like? That smells like a football bag that's been left in the boot. - No, that is bad. You know what? I feel sick just remembering how it made me feel. - I'm like, you, you know. Every single one of these I look- - I'm already like [gagging]. [KSI laughing] - But it is- - You gotta zone out. - It's a delicacy somewhere, is what you're saying? - Yeah, it is. - In Japan, right? Wasn't it? - Yeah, it is. - Okay, that's all right, that's all right. [Ethan shuddering] - Please give me this one. - Although that for me feels like a... it's not an animal cock or ball. [laughing] Like that's more doable. - So, it's a soybean, man. - It's a soybean! - It's a soybean, it's a soybean. - Are you ready? - Yes. - Who makes the worst Sidemen videos? - Oh! Oh. - Can't answer yourself after recent performance. [Vik and Josh laughing] - Well, you know, it's genuine- Okay, right. So saying myself is a cop out, right? - I was gonna say, would you say yourself? - I think I would. - Okay. - I genuinely, I've had some f*cking hooners recently. - Don't wanna break up the group. - Come on, it will knock their confidence if you answer them. - Who makes the worst? - There's people who have got videos coming up, you don't wanna- - Yeah, you don't wanna- - Yeah, like... - This could affect the channel forever. - Have you gone on someone's channel, watched one of their videos and just gone, pause, I can't be assed, man. - Well, it's on our channel. - No, it's ours, it's like Sidemen. - When you take control of a video- - Oh! - That's what it is. - Whatever you say could leave a sour taste- - That's even worse. - In somebody's mouth. - That's really bad. - I think whoever you say is probably never gonna wanna make a video again. So you actually might disrupt the whole ecosystem. - You could end the whole Sidemen with this question. - Right. - Beta Squad could take over. - What I will do for you is I will say, I think Josh makes the best. - Okay. - No one asked. - I think- - No, let him rank! - Let him cook. [laughing] - Let him do his thing. - You know what? Rank everyone. [laughing] - Josh makes the best. I would say Simon makes the second best. - Ooh! - I would say JJ makes the third best. And I think me, you, Vik, and Tobi are all a bit sh*te. However, I don't want to single anyone out, so I will eat the fermented soybean. [everyone cheering] - I love how he just dragged three down. [KSI laughing] - You could've said nothing and just eaten, you know? [everyone laughing] - He just said, you know what? You literally answered, but a cop out. - No, I just, I haven't specifically said someone. - How many beans are we saying? - A fork full, a fork full. - What about that? - Oh! - Oh, that's quite a lot, to be fair. - You beast! - The stringy bits were bad. The stringy bits were bad. - That's from the testicle. - What is the residue? - No, it's bad, it's bad, it's bad. - Okay, here we go. - Oh, bog. - Oh, it's on his fingers. - Oh, it's really, oh, it's really gloopy. - Yeah no, it's not good. [both groaning] Flashback. - Oh! - Yeah, it's not good. It's worse than you think it's gonna be. - There's a, bro, look. What's that? Look, at that. Did you see that? - There's a bin to your left. - What is, oh. - Get it down you. - Oh, it's the texture. - Yeah, no it tastes like vomit. And it feels like- [Simon groaning] If I had to describe it, it's like chewing, like sick. Like imagine you've been sick. Don't say that, don't say that while I'm eating, man! - Man's midway eating it and you just said- - It's literally like- - You can see the vein coming out the side of his head. - Someone's vomited in your mouth, that's what it's like. - Yeah, and you've gotta chew it. - There's a vein! [KSI laughing] - It's really gloopy as well. - Now imagine someone literally vomiting in your mouth. - Please! - It's also like melted cheese. You know when you try to swallow melted cheese and it's like all gloopy? [Josh laughing] And you can't do it. - All right, it's done. It's gone. - Well done. That is- - Well done. - Fair play. I don't know if I could do that again, you know? - f*ck this video, man! [KSI laughing] - We had less than that. [Harry shuddering] [KSI burping] Oh, he's burping balls. - Bro! - Everyone's gonna be burping horrible stuff by the end of the video. - Come- [gagging] - All right, Ethan, pick one. - What do you want? What do you want? [Ethan retching] - This one. - He turned into a little man. - Right here. - Okay. - This dish. Right here, right now. - What could it be? - Boss. Oh, it's chicken wings, it's fine. - Hot sauce. - Oh, how hot is hot though? - You're good at this stuff though. - No! I nearly died! - He's just done it. - Do you remember his old videos. - Josh, I nearly died! - It's a confidence boost. - Oh, that's hot. - How hot is the hot? Can I? - Smell it, it's offensively hot. - Oh yeah, it's one of them like sh*t in your- - I would assume this is Reaper, right? - Ghost. - Oh, that's a day ruiner that one. That's a day ruiner. - My evening's f*cked, right? - You just start squirting everywhere. - All right, well now I've gotta pick a question, don't I? I'll take this one, please. - Ooh! - Not sure on that one. - Oh, there is nothing I want to see more than you suffer for the next two hours. So, let's see. - Is there milk here? - Oh my God, this is a great one! [Simon laughing] This is a great one! There's not many to choose from either, which almost makes it worse. Out of your friend group. So we'll say a bit of extended friend group. Who has the ugliest baby? [everyone laughing] - Every baby you know. [KSI laughing] - Like, who's baby would you think, that's a cretin? - You got Randolph. - You're like, what is that? - Randolph, Manny? - Yeah. - You, you're in there. - Me. [laughing] - No, he can't put himself in. That would be a- - Well, he has a child. - John has a- - John has a kid. - John has a kid. John has a kid. - Who else has a child? [Harry and Ethan laughing] - Oh, that's a really good one. - Huh? - Don't you dare. [Ethan laughing] - Which baby have you seen and gone, "f*ck me, that's a horror." - That is disgusting! - Actually, it's a narrow choice. You're singling out one of a few children here. - You can't name and shame a baby on the Sidemen channel. You can't do it, it's not you. You can't do it, man. [everyone laughing] - How have you lot created this? - A lot of these babies can't even talk yet. So, they can't even defend themselves. - John, how much can I pay you? [laughing] To say- - There's no price, man. There's no price. - Ugly motherf*cker. [laughing] - That is an awful question. - This is the worst! [laughing] - That's the worst, man. - I can't name and shame a baby! Poor, innocent baby. It's just babying. - I think one of us might have done it, but he won't. - Think about it, man. And that kid, people will then comment on that kid's picture for the rest of its days, like. - He said, I think one of us might have done it. I'm not doing that. - No, I'm eating, bro. It's an L. [laughing] - Right, how much do you want me on this? - I'd say clear the wing. - Clear the wing? - Clear the wing. - Yeah, a little. [sucking] - It's chicken, isn't it? - If it was a flat, I would do that. - That's a great question. - Oh no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go on. His poor insides are gonna suffer. - We do have milk, by the way. - We've picked the worst. - He's getting through it. - Yeah, we'll give you that. - Oh, it's coming, here it comes. Oh, here it comes. Have I just gotta sit here now? - Yeah. - Like, are you just gonna spectate the downfall or can we crack on with the video? - I think we let him breathe. - We'll let it marinate. - Let him breathe. - Breathe for a bit. - I don't need the milk yet, I'm okay. [Harry laughing] - He's fending quite nice. - It will creep up on you, I think. I think your belly's gonna start hurting soon. - I think he's all right. - I think he's all right, I think we move on. - He's okay? - Boys, we only saw four of the eight. - Oh. - Oh, okay. - So, we'll just look at what it could have been. - All right. - So, it could have been... [intense music] - Bull testicles. - The half eaten- - Oh, veal brain! - Veal brain. - Okay. - That's plus ten IQ. - Yeah. - Who the hell? [KSI laughing] - You could have had... - The beans. - The beans. - Fermented soybean. - The beans are back. [Josh laughing] - Oh. - They honk. - What, the beans? - The after taste is horrible, I'm not gonna lie. - You could have had, bull testicle. - Yeah, you know someone did. - He enjoyed it. - Quite nice. - Yeah. - He even sat there burping about it. - You could have had a fisheye. - Oh, that's bad. - Oh, that- - Now that- - Nah, you gotta save that for Simon. [Ethan gagging] You gotta save that for Simon. - Bro, best believe I'm answering. - I think that's the worst one, it's gotta be, right? - You could've had... [dramatic music] - Yeah, the duck egg. [group buzzing] - Three left. So we've seen everything, we, no, the wings. - Okay. The hot sauce. How you feeling, Ethan? You're looking... - I'm all right, but you know when you can feel- - The burning. - It moving through? - The burps are coming, that's what's next. - You could've had... - Oh, that don't look good. - Cow feet. - Are you supposed to eat a whole foot? - Oh, we had pigs foot last time, didn't we? - Yeah. - Oh, that is so bad. - And then the final one- - This guy's hungry. [everyone laughing] - The final one, you could've had... [dramatic music] - That's cock, innit? - Bull penis. If you wanna have a look at it. - I would love to. - Its actual willy's like that? - Oh wait, what? - With the foreskin as well. - What's going on? - So, that one's been circumcised. - It looks like a snail. [Ethan laughing] - Circumcised. - Bro looks like an elephant trunk. - Oh bro, I don't like... - f*cking hell! - Whoever gets the penis has to suck it first. - Whoa! [Josh and Ethan laughing] - No, that's a good deal. - If you choose to eat, you have to suck. [laughing] - Putting it in your mouth- - You have to suck it first. [laughing] - This is assigned you, so we know it's gonna happen then. - Just go [sucking]. [KSI laughing] - Now, things are gonna get a lot more interesting. The Sidemen will go in pairs and one person in each pair will choose a question for their partner. There are more tough questions ahead. What will they do? - Okay, Josh. - Ah! - What do you want me to, [retching] what do you want me to eat? - You gotta do it. You gotta do it to him. - Bro, you know what to pick. - Remember... I will get you back. - But he's going first. He was smart, he was calculating by the way. He's like, I'm first. - If you choose the fish eye, he's just gonna answer it. So you want to- - But I can't choose the question. - Oh sh*t, yeah. - Yeah. - So he could get an easy question. - Bro, fish eye, do it. - I'm gonna get cock back. - Bro, who cares? [everyone laughing] - I don't know if I want cock. - But okay, if you nice him and he f*cks you, then what? - What, if it's cock? - Then you've missed out. - Oh, true. I [quack] him, but he [quack] me back. - Yeah, yeah. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - You've gotta steal. You've gotta just steal. You've gotta do it. - We have to [quack] each other. - Whoa! - With the bull penis. - It's a joint effort. - Whoa! - We must [quack] each other. - What's that music group that's done that? Blue? - Jeez! - Fish eye it is. It's literally in place already. - It's got, come on. If there is a God, it's gonna be a question he can't answer. - Please, please. - The baby one now would've been nice. - Yeah, the baby's a great one. - Everyone just told me to- You all told him to choose this, okay? - Yeah. - So, I will happily be a d*ckhead to all of you. - No, no, no. The game's the game, man. Game's a game. - Of course. - Do what you need to do, man. - That one. - Oh boy. - Please, please. - Isn't that just you all the time anyway? - Yep. [Harry and Josh laughing] - All right, has he got a- - Please! - Thing is, you wouldn't have made that joke before money. - Oh! - He's done me! - Why did you dance? [laughing] He's done me. - He's done me! [claps] - Right. - Oh! - You ready? - Oh, boo. - Oh no. - It's a boo. - Rate these people from favourite to least favourites. - Okay. This is the JJ question. - Can we change the people? - 'Cause what is his question? You put Kai, Speed, and Adin Ross. - That's ass. - Like, he gives a sh*t. - Okay, okay. - Does he give a sh*t? - All right then do the girlfriends. - No. - No. - Rate these people from favourite to least favourite. - Okay. - Calfreezy. - Oh. - Callux, and Randolph. - Oh! - Yeah, there we go, that's more like it. Now we're cooking. - Now we're cooking. [KSI laughing] - Least favourite again, is like, they message you. [Simon laughing] - Yeah. - Stop it! - That's actually crazy you rated me last. - You gotta elaborate on this one as well. - That's actually crazy. - Why are they at the bottom? - Because you've been friends for years. - And now you just don't like one of them. That's crazy. [laughing] - Lemme just, I can feel it? - Feel it. Poke him a bit. - I'm allowed to like? - Yeah, probe it. - I feel like you're making it worse. I feel like you're better off if you- [Simon groaning] - Yeah, see? [Simon retching loudly] Do you see what I mean? Why would you do that? - Legit just went. [laughing] - Why did you explain it in twerk? - Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. - Bro just got up and went. - Now I've touched it, I can't eat that. - So, who do you hate? - Who do you hate, Simon? Come on. - Who'd you leave on read all the time when they message you? - All of them. - Oh, I think I know who might pick. - Oh. - If he does then this is crazy. - Is it? [Simon laughing] - So, we got Randolph. - I'm not, I can't eat that. - But that's fair enough. - Yeah. - But this question's gotta be answered with integrity. And reasoning as well. - I'm answering. - Oh! - Oh f*ck, I love all three of 'em. I love all three. - No! - You hate this person. - That's no integrity, you gotta no- - Well, I think it's pretty clear, Randy is... I'm closer with Randy. - Fair enough. - That's, I like Randy. - What about the Callum's? What of the Callum's? - Oh, the two Callum's. - What's wrong with the other one? What Callum is, you know? - Well, I know what's wrong with one of them. [everyone laughing] - You gotta say why. - It's well documented. [laughing] - Best believe they're gonna see this. - Oh, they're gonna see it. - Straight in the chat. - Bro, the f*ck? - But it's gonna be awkward. It's gonna be awkward. [Josh laughing] Really awkward. - Bro, what the f*ck? [laughing] - When you need to go to tee off, they're gonna think, this geezer hates me. [KSI laughing] He's invited me out, but he hates me. - Or you could just- - Could've just had a little- - I'm not, look- - Bro! [Simon retching] [KSI laughing] - Come here and just look. - That is really bad. It's really bad. - The eye is looking back. - So I've eaten eyes before. - What eyes? - Yeah, it's... Chicken eyes. - Bro. - Chicken eyes? - Why the f*ck have you eaten chicken eyes? - Bro, I'm African man, I eat everything. - Squidge it in two fingers. - Yeah, honestly, I couldn't do that. I dunno if I could do that. - It stinks as well. - You probably have to slurp it like... - I'm answering the damn question. - Okay. - Oh God. - I would go... - Randy's gassed right now. Instantly, it was Randy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who he is going to pick. - Who? - And it's going to be wild. - Yeah. - It's going to be- - You know why he's picking it as well, right? - Yep. - Same. - That reason, that thing that happened. - Oh, we can't bring that one on camera. Surely not. [KSI groaning] - Might actually have to put this on Side+ - Yeah, yeah. Oh God, Simon man! - I'm gonna say... - Oh my God, don't do it. - So, Randy. Freezy. - I knew it! I knew it! - Oh my God! - Oh my God! - I love them both. - Bro! - I thought you'd forgiven him for that. - Oh my God! Simon! - He's gonna be so upset. - I knew it, I knew it, bro. - After everything he's been through. - Nice ting! - You lot are safe 'cause you're over there. I'm sat opposite him. - I hang out with Freezy more on like a friend level than I do with Lux. - Oh wow. - So colleague level with Lux? - Well, a business partner. - Oh! - Oh my God! - We're mates, but like, I normally talk to, I'll talk to him more about like deeper stuff, but Freezy, I'll go get dinner with and play golf with him. - Oh, okay. - 'Cause you wouldn't wanna do that, would you? Because he is your least favourite. - I am gonna f*ck you up. [all laughing] - I don't like be opposite him right now. He's an angry man. - So, the penis is in front of him. - Yeah. - Part of me is tempted to put the fish eye in front of him. - Oh, you can do that, can't you? - Ooh! - Bro can reverse it. - You can do that, yeah. - But I lowkey want to have the penis have as many chances as possible to be done. - I think Josh kind of wants to eat the penis. - Yeah. - I genuinely like- - There's a dark horse within him. - You think I want to eat the [quack]? - What does he not wanna do outta this lot? - Josh come in this room knowing he was eating [quack]. - Ready to eat a [quack]. [laughing] Always ready to eat. - This is the worst. - Yeah give him the [quack]. - I think the [quack] 'cause then you might deliberate. - Hit him with the [quack] so he's debating. - Walked in the room, ate [quack], left the room- - Nothing changed. - Nothing changed. [laughing] - Is this like the one on TikTok, they eat saying 'cause it like squirts everywhere? - No, I think it's just gonna be really like- - It might do. - Stringy. - It might squirt. - It will squirt if you suck it first. - Okay. [laughing] Lay 'em out for me, please. - I've shuffled these again, by the way. - Lux, I love you man. - Nah! - You want that one, yeah? - Please. By the way, Randy, Ethan said your baby was the ugliest. [everyone laughing] Okay, Josh. - He's happy about this, by the way. You see that? - Yeah I like- - I'm just like, I'm interested to know whether you'll answer it. - Oh! - Oh! - How much is in your bank account right now? - Oh, see I've always wanted do as well about this old- - And prove it. - This old dog. - Yeah! - You've gotta prove it as well. 'Cause he never says, he never says. - The old dog in his tree. - We had a compare-off not long ago. - Wow! - Oh, it was, what, years ago? - Comparing with KSI? That must be big bucks. - Well, he got 40 grand for a video. - f*cking hell! - I wanna see. Load up the online banking, my friend. - Let's see, let's see, brother! Don't eat it, man. Let's see! - So the question is though, are you, like, you might have a compare off with JJ, but will you tell the world? - Yeah, will you show the world what's in your account? I wouldn't do that, man. I wouldn't do that. - I couldn't ever imagine comparing off with KSI, so you must be bloating. - Hmm. [laughing] - He's comfy, he's gotta be comfy. - Yeah, this is tough, yeah. - You don't wanna be flaunting your bank account to the world, do you? It's not right. - You're gonna say your amount and then all your employees are gonna go, "and all you pay us is this?" [KSI laughing] Crazy. - What, you're being stingy about this? - Is this in one bank account or? - Oh! - Or in all of them? - No, I wanna see all of them. - All of them, bro! - Multi currency account. - Log into that account! I know what it says. It says wealth overview. I wanna know the wealth overview. I don't wanna know specific accounts. - They're not all on that one. - Whoa! - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Well, add them both together. - That's a wealth overview. [laughing] - I wanna know the wealth overview, please. And whatever else you got. My stomach hurts down, by the way. That's- I'm not even joking. - He's really, really thinking this through. - Bro, we're gonna be here for years. - Either get your mitts on it or just say it. - What is it Josh? Just a little gobble on the gizzy? [everyone laughing] It's nothing you ain't done before. [KSI laughing] - Just a casual weekend. - Man's a real life dick rider. [KSI and Vik laughing] - Rider? - Eater. - He is! - You can ride it if you want. - Eater, eater, eater. [laughing] - I'm not eating a cock. [KSI laughing] - You can't be pissed on and eat cock in the same year. - In the same room as well! - In the same place! - And pissed on in a year. - What a crazy year! - This is Josh's degrading room. - Every time he's just getting a little bit closer to the cock. [everyone laughing] - I think it's more fun to eat it. - Oh! [everyone exclaiming] - Wow! - Bro's about to eat cock. - Whatever you need us to do, bro. [Ethan laughing] - He's locked in. - f*ck it, man. - Yeah! - Go Zerkaa, man. - I don't know why you keep looking at me! - Validation. I want validation from you. - You do you, innit. - Oh, whoa. It's crazy. - He's on everything. Now he's on everything. - I think I would answer it like three months ago before certain things I've done. - Well then I think if you don't- - Oh, before the scam! - Before the offshore account. - No, there's just some secret businesses I may have. - Oh! - Reveal them. [KSI chuckling] - Or eat some cock, come on. - Just eat the [quack], eat the- - Eat the [quack]. - That's the business. - Unravel the curly one and give it a go. Yeah, go on. [Ethan laughing] - I don't think it's a requirement to give it a go. - Is it too late to say it? - It's not great. - It's very rubbery. - Is it too late to say no? - No, you picked it up now. - No, don't do that! - Oh, don't flick it, don't flick it! - Are you okay? - I just need to like- - Sorry, but after I touched that you went, you shouldn't touch it. - But as I have to eat it now, I just wanna see how it like- - Stop playing with it! - He's pretty excited, man. - He's hoping he can get more out of it. - Yeah, try and make it hard. [Ethan laughing] - Imagine, it's a Sunday after football. Bazinga scored a goal. [everyone laughing] - Nah, nah, nah. - That's unnecessary. - Nah, nah, nah. - Unnecessary. Let him continue. [KSI laughing] - Oh, f*cking hell. - Oh, go on boy. I'm so hard. - I could do without the adlibs, I really could. - Yeah, boy. Get it in your mouth. - All right, I will. - Oh! - Yes! - Oh, he's done it? - I can't look, oh my God. - Yes. - Oh, that's f*cking grim. - Oh! - He's recoiling. - Keep it down, boy. - He's gagging. - You know what? Nature probably tells you there's somethings that aren't meant to be eaten. - Oh, he's got it down? - No, he's got it in his mouth. - You got, oh. - You can do it. - Oh, he's taken the head off. - Oh mate, that's grim. - Oh, I can smell it. It's like unleashed an almighty stench. [Vik laughing] - It's hard to eat. - It looks like it's a really difficult- - Oh, I might throw up watching this. - Oh, it's like gasping. It's so chewy. - I'm gonna lie, I might, if I get that, I might just deep throat it and just swallow it in one. - What if you choke to death on a bull penis? That's not what you want. - Don't put it down, brother. - He's getting rid of this bit first. - This is an ordeal. I actually feel for him though. This is an ordeal. - I'm enjoying him suffering. - Listen, and guess what? Money's not real. So no one even- [laughing] You could have just said- - I could have just said- - That's real, that's a real [quack]. - It's more fun, I think. - It is more fun, yeah, well done. - It's so chewy by the way. Can I use water? - Sure. - Yeah. Do as you please. - Someone had a sip of one of them. - Oh, f*ck it. I don't care. - Yeah, I had some of it. - I got [quack] in my mouth, I don't really care. - He's a better man than me. Josh, you're a sigma. - What? - You're a sigma. - I'm a sugma. [laughs] - Yeah, sug my penis. [laughing] - Get that dick down you, man. - I've got dick throat. - Yeah. - His face is like quivering as he speaks. - He can't even like eat Pringles quick. [Harry laughing] - Oh no. - It's so, I can't swallow it. - Yeah, but it's like juicy [quack]. - Was Freya a little bit disappointed when JJ peed on you? Was she disappointed in you? - He beat her to the chase. [laughing] - Yeah. - Because you now have penis in your mouth. [Ethan laughing] - It's fine, she'll be reacting to it. It's fine. - I mean, can we have a picture of a bull> Now, that is... [laughs] - You gotta look at that bull, man. - Josh is eating the penis of that. - Can we have a bull on the heat? - Yeah! [laughing] - I wanna see a bull on heat. - Bro, I can't swallow the rest of it. - I would say let him spit out the grizzly bits. - Oh, I wouldn't. - You wouldn't? - No, he's not eating the flesh then. - But when I ate the testicle. - Yeah, you loved that. - Right down me. - You loved it. - J, you loved it though. - You got the good part of the deal outta the combo on the table. - [laughing] He's going through it, man. - Retrospectively, would you have preferred the fisheye? - Maybe. - Josh, think about it though, you are cool. You are so cool. - Maybe that is the worst. - You're the coolest man in this room right now. - Boys, he's done it. Well done. He's done it. [everyone applauding] - Wow. - Wow, that was- - Was it worth it? - Ethan, smell his breath. - Yeah, come on then. Cock breath. [everyone laughing] - Why have you done that voluntarily? - I didn't think that would work. - We're boys, we're boys. - Well done. Well done. Well done. You're a good man. [upbeat music] - Try the cow feet. - There's a duck egg innit? - Nah, cow feet's like- - Cow feet is horrible. - The duck egg, yeah. - Now make him join me in cock life. - I wouldn't want the cow feet. - I'm giving Ethan the eggos. - Duck egg. - Don't believe him. [KSI laughing] - Duck eggs, all right. - Do not believe him. He's sat there going, I would not want the cow feet. He wants to eat them. - He's yearning for the cow foot, man. He's f*cking starving. [both laughing] - Cook me! - Best of luck, Behzinga. Here's your question. Oh okay, this is potentially manageable. - Oh. - Oh. - Who did you regret putting in the charity match? - Oh. - So, who was on the pitch and you were like, they just shouldn't be there. - They're just sh*t. - Not 'cause of talent either. - Yeah. - Like, not 'cause of skill. - 'Cause no one had skill. - Just 'cause they're a d*ckhead. - Yeah, you hated them being there. They were annoying. - We shouldn't have invited them. - Is this any charity match? - I'd say the most recent one. - The most recent one. - Oh, this isn't very nice. - Who would you say is the most pointless? - My breath smells. - Gimme your breath. - I have an answer. - Ooh! - That smelled like fizzy cock. [laughing] - That's bad. [laughing] - It is Simon's good friend, AboFlah. - Oh. - Whoa. - Now... - There better be a good reason for this. - I was gonna say, you do not want to anger the man. - I would just say, I would just say, he barely got any minutes on the pitch. I didn't see much sort of like promotional wise aspect. We was going for like a new territory to get- - Do you follow him? - I don't follow him, no, but I was- - Where would you see it? - On the buildup to the match. I saw everything on the buildup to the match. [Sidemen groaning] - But he barely played, he didn't do much promo. Come for a day out with the cowboy hat. - Yeah, that's my answer. - I thought he was great, as well. - You said that on the day. You both told me that on the day. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You both said like, I'm really happy he's here. - I thought it was jokes, but all right, bro. - Ethan uttered some horrible words. [Ethan laughing] Yeah, he's a bad person. - Do you, Ethan. - Thanks guys. - Well done, Ethan. - Well, he's avoided the egg. - What are you serving me? - Ooh. - He's had the fermented beans before. - Yes, and he hated it. - He did hate it. - So, do it again to him. - I don't want it again. - Would DJ Vikkstar eat a [quack] on video? He wouldn't, would he? DJ Vikkstar couldn't eat a [quack] on video. - Oh, it's true. - He can't. - It's awful for the brand isn't it? - Oh, good point. - Eater. - But a fish eye's also horror. Like he's not gonna wanna eat a fish eye. - Oh, fisheye. - Fish eye is quite good. - This room's bad, by the way. - It is a really bad room. I've been pissed on and eaten cock. - I didn't listen to them. - I've seen Harry do a fork full of beans. - Fish eye, fish eye, fish eye. - The fish, it's gonna be fish eye, my friend. - Whoa! It's a good one. - I wanna see someone eat it that's not me. - That's a horrible one. - Ooh. - Touch it, go on, touch it. - I'm not falling to that mistake. I'm gonna go for this one here on the end. - Hello! [dramatic music] - Thanks for that. I've heard they're crunchy, the fish eye. - Ooh! - Oh. - Are you ready? - I am ready. - If you had to remove someone from the Sidemen... - Aw. - To make better content... Who would it be? - Oh! - That's actually deep beyond belief. - See, that's actually quite a peak one. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like this could be the last time you're in the room with them and you think I'd off you, you're sh*t. - To make better content as well. - Like you're filming with them and you think that's dry. - Because to remove one you could always just get out of it with like, Harry was the last one, or you know? - Or like, you take a video and you think that's wofty content, man, I can't believe that. - And you can't say yourself either. - You're basically like, who adds nothing to the Sidemen whatsoever? - Who's added nothing? - Oh! - I wanna get someone else in so it makes things better. - Like it was a mistake adding them in. - Oh! - You said Zerkaa didn't do anything in ten years. That was crazy. - That was like, no, it was directed everyone that didn't have a trophy. - Oh, okay. - Which was almost me in the end. - Oh, I think you can't answer this. This is too much I think. - Ooh. - This one is bad. - This is fan base splitting. - This is big. - Yeah. - This could be the end of us, right? - Well, the safe answer is just go Simon or Ethan. - Like realistically, are you gonna eat the fish eye? - Probably not. - Oh! - You're about to break up the- - But we're family. - Oh my God! - We're friends and family, not colleagues. - I personally would never do that to one of you lot. - I wouldn't either. - Yeah, bro. - Bro, I'm eating all day long. Fully eating no matter what. - I'm eating. - Yeah. - Vik, man. I've lost respect, man. - I was Sidemen to the grave. - I've lost respect. - I'll eat cock for the Sidemen. - If you answer this, huge L, bro. Huge. - How bad can a fish eye be? - The hate train might turn away from me and Ethan after this. - Legit, legit, everyone's gonna be like- - Well, if it isn't Vik. - Removing one on the Sidemen? - Vik answered this? Wow, he fell off. - Let's get on the fish eye. [everyone screaming] - Oh yeah! - He's a good man! [KSI laughing] - Oh, it's leaking. - Actually foul, mate. - Evil, bro. - And I'm not gonna lie, the whole thing has to go in, mate. It's not that big. - All right, just commit to it. - Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. - This is the worst one. This is worst one. - A hundred percent, a hundred percent. - I might throw up, you lot. - Can see the optic nerve. - No, don't say that! - Bro, just put it in your mouth and just chew. - The liquid that's falling off it right now. - I can't say that, I don't do that either. - By the way, well done. - Oh yeah, it's gourmet. - Oh! What was that? - Whoa it's come out, no, the actual pupil's out! - Yeah, the pupil's gotta be eaten. - You gotta put the pupil back in, bruv. - I've heard these are crunchy. - You gotta do surgery. - The pupil. - No, grab that one now. - No. - Oh, I'm gonna throw up. - Oh! - He's eating it, he's eating it, he's eating it. - Ooh. [Ethan groaning] [intense music] - Oh no! - Get a pupil, oh [screaming]. - Oh my God. - Bro, use your fingers, just get your finger in it. - Get your finger in it! - Your fingers, bro. - Oh! [everyone yelling] - Oh no! - Use the bucket, man. - Bring the bucket to the front. [Vik coughing] - Oh no! [Vik spitting and coughing] - Oh, Jesus Christ! - Oh God. Well! - I'm crying, I'm crying. - Well. - All right, well. - You're a good man though. - Well, someone would've been crying if you answered that question. - Yeah. - You're a good man. Well done, Vikkstar, everyone. [everyone applauding] Vikkstar. [upbeat music] - Oh, goodness gracious. - You gave it a good go as well. - Yeah, well done. - I couldn't, it was crunchy, it was so crunchy. - You committed to the chew. - I'm sitting away from that fish eye, man. - Oh Vikkstar, you thought of everyone else's feelings. [upbeat music] - Please, oh bro. - I have- - Don't give me the cock. - What I'm thinking, right? The cow feet, he obviously loves the cow feet. - He loves it. - He loves it. - The bull penis- - He likes the meaty stuff. - Yeah, he'll firm it. How is he with hot stuff? - Fine. - Fine. - I think he can survive. - But he'll survive it. He'll go, "ah!" But he'll be fine. - Which leaves us with the brain, the beans, the eye and the- - The thing is, he has a really weird taste. - He likes meaty stuff. - I feel like the beans. I feel like he'll like- - I think duck eggs are a shout, you know. - I think duck egg or- - The duck egg could be a shout. - Duck egg or hot sauce is the two I would- - Duck egg or the eye. - Yeah, duck egg or eye. - Nah, he said he ate an eye. - Oh yeah, he done chicken eye. - So, duck egg or hot wing. - f*ckin' hell, boys! [laughing] - What? I had to eat a cock! - Brain or egg? - I'm gonna give you the duck egg. - Okay. - He's gassed. He's gassed. He's gassed. He's gassed, by the way. [Harry yelling] - Well done. - He's gone with the egg and he's gassed. - Yeah, that's vile. - He's terrible with heat. - I can't do spice, yeah. - Which one do you want to be asked? - I'll pick that one. - Can you pass that to Harry? [dramatic music] - Ooh! - Oh no. - Okay. - This would be quite, this wouldn't be very nice. [Ethan laughing] Rank the Sidemen from best friend to worst friend. [everyone groaning] - Holy smokes. - Okay. - And he says he'll just do it, - The thing is- - It's gonna hurt people's feelings. - You're gonna hurt a lot of people's feelings, man. - Does he like the egg? - Well, he was happy that the egg was chosen. - Well, I was gonna answer. - Oh! - Oh! - Feel free. - That's crazy, my friend. - Old KSI wouldn't have answered, by the way. - Oh my God. - That's the money. - Money changes- - Ever since that money, bro. - Yeah man, he just thinks people are discardable now. - Doesn't care for our feelings? - Discardable. - The adlibs actually make it hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Maybe we're all last. - I might go home crying. [KSI laughing] - This would hurt me to know. This would hurt me a lot, you know? I grew up watching this guy and f*cking- - Oh, f*ck off, man. [Harry laughing] - I think it literally, it goes myself, no one, no one, no one, no one. - You're all below me. I hate you all. [everyone laughing] - Maybe if you had more money. [Ethan laughing] - Simon. He sniffed it like wine. - Is that okay for you? - This is so annoying. - Oh, diddums. - f*ck you guys. - Oh! - He stratted. - Nah, that egg's vile. - It's a big old boy. - This could, this is an unknown, right? - It's just half we said, right? Yeah. - He's gonna eat it and go, oh, it's actually quite nice. [Vik burping] - It's not bad so far. - He has such weird taste. - Nah, f*ck this guy, man. - He's immune to the- - That's why he wanted to do this video, he's immune to it. - He can't taste things. - What the hell man? - He's eaten testicle and a hundred year old duck egg. - And he goes, oh they're both nice. - Oh, that's not bad. - It's actually all right. [laughing] - All right, if it's all right, do another half. - He doesn't have to. - No, he's gotta! - Nah, I was trying to test his- - Oh, okay. - He was going to. [KSI laughing] - Would you have answered it if it was the hot wings? - No. - Oh! - I mean, I wouldn't have done it. - You wouldn't have done it? Okay. - So you would've answered it? - Yeah. - sh*t! - f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. - sh*t! - You know what? No. - We didn't want him to! - Yeah, for the sake of our friendship. - I can't do hot sh*t, bro. - True. - Yeah, man. - Because now look, me and Callux aren't friends anymore. - Yeah that's true. [KSI laughing] That's your fault though. - It's a real sticky- - No, it's your fault! You gave me fish eye! - No. - I can smell my hands from here. - I want to, do you wanna smell my hands? - I'm okay. [playful music] - They smell like sanitised fish. - I wanna get rid of my own hands. [Harry laughing] - It's just like, yeah, it's- - That's what I ate. - It's just really like- - I just, I don't want my own hands anymore! - It is, the sanitizer makes it worse. - I know what I'm picking for you. - Oh okay, here we go. - Okay. [Josh laughing] - What's he choosing? Hot sauce. - Oh! - Oh my days. - Bro, out of all of those, that's the worst, bro. - See, I think I can firm the hot sauce. Yeah, I think I can firm the hot sauce. - It's too late now, you can't change. - Okay. - What's the worst one for you? - The worst one would be the fish eye. - Don't do the fish eye. - Yeah no, he's locked in. - Then it would be the bull penis. Then it would be the brain. - Why'd he say it like that? - Bull penis. - Then it would be the wings. [dramatic music] - Oh no. - Oh no. - Okay. - If you had to cut out one of the troops out of your life, who would it be and why? - Oh wow. - You have to cut them out of your life. - Cut them out my life, so I'd never see 'em again? - Never see them again. - That one's worse than my one. - That is worse, yeah that's worse. - And why. - Oh, much worse. - And you gotta say why. - Wow. - Ooh. - That is... - Is it better for the video if I answer this or eat the hot wing? I don't know. - Well, it's worse for one member of the troops if you answer the question. - It's peak, I will tell you that. It's peak on the one person. - I mean, if you pick me, I'd be really upset. - Would you? - Yeah, no I actually- No, no, no, no. No, I actually would because I consider us friends. - Yeah. - Well, haven't we always said that if someone left the Sidemen, the Sidemen would probably end, right? - Yeah. - It'd just be men. - So if you choose one of the six of us, the Sidemen would die. - You're saying they would be the reason the Sidemen ends? - So, it's gotta be Randy. [everyone laughing] - And you gotta say why as well? - Yeah, I gotta say why as well. - Do you have anything that can mask the smell of this? [everyone laughing] Please, it is horror. - What do you want to do? Gloves? - Just anything, man. - Bro! - Bro's just eating cow foot. - Bro! - Can't resist the cow foot. - Well, now whoever gets it has got eat secondhand eaten cow foot, which is almost even worse. - Just put it on the table. - Ayo, that's- - Oh, is this what the, is this what? Oh Jesus. - How much would you have to be paid to put that hat- - Up my bottom? - No, on the tip of your penis. - Oh! - Oh! - But when I say that, it's come straight from the hot sauce bottle. - Oh! - Do I have to peel back my foreskin as well? - It's gotta go on the, yeah. - Nah, f*ck that. - The urethra. There's a figure for it, definitely. [Harry and KSI mumbling] - Stop eating the cow foot. [laughing] He's still eating it. - Okay, it's between three. [Ethan gasps] It's between three. - That's worse, by the way. - Don't narrow it down. You don't have to say anything, if you're gonna eat, don't say anyone. - I'm pretty sure I have an answer. - Have an answer? - But it's a close one between three, for various reasons. - Just don't say who those three are if you're gonna eat, please, it's not worth it. - f*cking hell, bro. - That's horrible. - It's not worth it. - I couldn't even think of one, let alone three. - Okay, but I won't lie to you. You f*cked yourself because I would've said if it had been anything a bit worse than this. But I will eat the hot wing. - Oh wow. - Is this a win? - I would rather you eat the hot wing. - I will eat the hot wing. - I think this is a win. - For our friend group alone. I think it's better that you eat. - I will eat it. - Do you want the extra dabble on from JJ? - What if I just go like- - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just lick the picture. Oh. - So he's not, is he good with hot sauce? - I think so. - He did confess to putting something up his bum when he last ate hot sauce. [laughing] - What? No I didn't. - Yeah, you did. - You did. - You did. - I once put a finger up my bum to see if I liked it, so. - See if you liked it? - Brother, when was the last time you ate? 'Cause you are like feral right now. - I think just eat- - Okay. - Drink some outta the bottle as well. - Now wipe your eyes. Oh. - Oh, wow! [clapping] - Yeah, fair. - Brilliant, that was big cock energy. - I'll survive this, I will survive this. It's just not ideal. - That's a good man though. I'll tell you what, there's loads of better men in this room than me. You're all just really cool. - Do we have any milk by any chance? - Yeah, there is. - Any milk going? - I think anything except for the fish eye I would eat. [Harry coughing] - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, he is struggling. He's struggling. [Harry shuddering] - Yeah. - The fact you're okay is gonna make, like, but it's not nice. - You had more sauce though, to be fair. - You had a lot more sauce, bro. sh*t, all right, well. - My tummy does feel funny though, and I didn't- - Final round. - The final round. And we've made it hella spicy! Each Sidemen will have a question that is specific for them, so it's gonna be even harder for them to answer the question. [KSI laughing evilly] This is gonna be great! Sit back ladies and gentlemen and let's watch some chaos! [upbeat music] - I'm going first. - Okay. [sighs] - Can't see. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If there is a Lord in heaven, he'll get a rotter. - Why would you say that? - Because it's fun to see people suffer, man. My mouth is burning, so. - Let me know when you guys think it is... - It's up to you, isn't it? - I know, but as in like, any point now, can I stop? - Brother, you pick whatever you wanna pick. - You can stop at any point. - I'd stop there. - This one? - Ooh! Ooh. - Ooh, okay. - Long day. [laughing] - Join me, brother. Join me. [Simon exclaiming] - How are you getting on? You seem chipper though, huh? - It's not as bad as it could be. - I was gonna say, this isn't the worst, like- - It could be worse, it could be worse. - A hundred percent. So these questions are all targeted by the way. - Oh, are they? - So, this is a targeted attack? - As in, this was written for me. - By who? - He wrote this one I think. [Harry gasps] - Do you guys know what you wrote for each other? - No. - I don't know what he wrote. [Ethan laughing] - Okay, Simon. [dramatic music] Oh, this is, oh my God. Who do you- [everyone laughing] Who do you regret inviting to your wedding? - Oh! - Holy smokes. That's quite bad actually. - You'd hope no one, really? - Yeah, it's not, it was fairly recent. - No, surely there must be a few people. - Some might have had like a really special time there and then you're just gonna dunk on it. - They will see this. - Or it's one of us. - Also, you don't say why. - Just leave it up in the air? - Just their name and that's it. - That's almost worse, yeah. - Can't answer that, can I? - Well, you could answer it. You could answer it. The hot sauce is survivable. - sh*t groomsman. - It's not pretty, but it's survivable. - I could say a name. - Yeah. - And you'll all go, oh, we know who that is. But you want their full name? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - What do you mean? - As in like, if I said Josh. - Oh, so we can whittle it down to someone- - I'm already in his head. - First to mind. That's crazy. - First to mind, I was a groomsman. - Could've been anyone. - Not you. - Oh, another Josh. - Yeah, a different Josh, but that's what I'm saying, like I have to actually say their whole name. - What, Ellen? - Yeah, you have to expose them to the world. - That's crazy! - You got a friend from school called Josh as well, right? - I have to eat. - Okay, fair enough. But you have to give it a good old slobber. - You have to eat the whole thing. - Whole wing. - The whole thing. - Oh them wingy. - Ooh. - Long day, long day. - It's not a fun 10 minutes coming up for you. It's not a fun 10 minutes. - And then you have to slurp the sauce, since I'm- [intense music] - Oh, he's taken the grizzly bits as well, fair play. I'm gonna do it from my ass. [KSI farting] - Why would you do that? We're suffering enough in this video. Why would you- - He did it with his hands, so I did it with my ass. - Uh oh. [hand farting] - Yeah, one shift mate, and then slow pop that sauce, boy. - Oh dear. - It's not great, it's not great. - Oh, go slurping! - Oh! - That's the kill of it. That's the kill of it. - Oh, I'm getting hot just looking at it, the f*ck? - I think that was worth doing. - No, he's all like sweaty. - Oh, I'm not happy. [Ethan laughing] - I'm not happy. [laughing] [Harry laughing] - I've had it also for a week as well. - Oh! - Got like, ulcer in here. - That must, yeah, not be nice. - Yeah, you're gonna suffer. [Simon screams] - Okay. [Simon screams] - Give it a good starting spin. - By the way, we all know who I was thinking, right? - No. - No. - Okay, neither. [Josh laughing] - Yeah, who were you thinking? - He can't say it right now. [Vik burping] KSI. - Can I go with that? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, fine. - Okay. [Simon laughing] f*ck! No! No! - Well done, team. Everyone smashed it. - No! Yeah, I thought you lot were like- - Yeah, we like, yeah that's fine. [Simon screams] - Oh, f*ck's sake. - That's the wet one as well. Which I actually think will be better now. He'll be all right. - There's a new penis which has been introduced to the folder. - A new penis has arrived. - How many penises you think are in the building right now? - Including ours? - No, just edible ones. - They're all edible? - That one, looks- But see, I feel like there's less stuff on it, but that one is the worst. - At this point, I think I'd prefer to suck your [quack] than eat that. [everyone laughing] - You can't say that because I've had that cock. - Oh, but I'll tell you what, I've missed a fish eye by a smidgen. - Yeah. - Oh, he's suffering. [everyone laughing] - Man's not said a word. [laughing] - You know like the Vietnam flashbacks? - Yeah. [laughing] - Ooh! Oh. [dramatic music] - Oh no, see, I will answer most things I think to not eat a bull penis. - Whose wedding did you prefer? - Oh! - Oh no. [everyone groaning] - No! Oh no! - He lives for this sh*t, bro. He lives for this sh*t. [KSI groaning] [KSI laughing] - Was that throw up or was that? - I wish we had an ice cream right now. - So are we saying between Vik and Simon? Nice. - I think you're joining me in cock eating, I'm not gonna lie. - Is he getting on that cocky? - Do we have any ice cream? - No, you must suffer like we did. - I don't like milk. - So who do you think's wedding was sh*t? - Basically, yeah. - Both weddings had- - Bullsh*t. - I very much enjoyed both weddings. I actually had a very, and I think weddings in general are sh*te. So, I think the fact that I enjoyed both weddings is incredible. - You know what? He's like glazing. - He's glazing it. - But whose was worse? - Whose was worse? - He is glazing. - Whose was worse? - Whose was amazing? And whose was pathetic? - Pathetic display of love. - Measly attempt at a wedding. - That's crazy. - I'm lightheaded, by the way. [KSI laughing] - f*ck, I'm getting- - Wait, I'm inspecting it, but you can see the bloody, like the- - That's a new cut. - Yeah, it's new, you can see the thing where it's like attached and everything. - That one is ten times worse. - Yeah, I've- - Touch the end, touch the end. Rub just like, it's literal jelly. - Yeah, nah. - That would be nicer. Mine was like too chewy. - Touch it, touch it. - Give it a touch, Josh. [KSI laughing] - Brave boy. - The only cock I'm touching is mine! - Or one of yours. Genuinely I'd prefer it. - Yours, that one looks like a thumb. - You know what, boys? [laughs] I'm eating the penis! I'm eating the penis, I'm eating the penis. - I think you gotta eat most of it though. - How much did you have of the cock? - He did have like a good half. - That looks grim though. - Like a sausage. - Cocktail sausage. - Just imagine it's a bratwurst. - Yeah, it's an octopus. - It's not, it's not, it's a bull's penis. That's a [quack]. That's a [quack] You can actually see, look, you can see the sperm ducts just there. - Oh wow, you actually, yeah. - Just there, you can see the sperm ducts. - Is that chewy? You think it's chewy? - It feels like rubber. - Oh mate, it's- [KSI screaming] - There's bits that are like crunchy. - There's road cock somewhere. - Wait, crunchy? - You got crunchy bits in yours? - There's a crunchy bit. I think it's the bit, you know, where the banjo string attaches? - Oh no! - Go on, chuck it back here. I'll put it in there. - I'm not touching that. - I have scranned it though. - Yeah! - I have scranned it. - He's made light work of that. - Honestly, he has. - Respect as well. - It's not his first rodeo. - Yeah, I can nibble on the boys like that. - Oh! - What a geezer. - Gets it down in one. - We're done though, we're clear. - Bang! [claps] - Sheesh! [upbeat music] - Well done, boys. - Have you got gammy stuff in your beard or is that just like- - Yeah, you both ate. - Yeah, you got something here, yeah. - It's grey hairs, mate. - Oh. [everyone laughing] - Guys, guys, guys. - Sorry, I've not done it- - Harry, oh. Harry. - It's the light, it's the light. - Harry! - Harry mate, spin that table! - Get busy, my friend. - Oh, I like the speed on it though. - Yeah, this is- - Is it too much? - No, it's good speed. Really good speed. - I don't wanna completely like lose my senses. - Oh no, you should lose your senses. - Just give him something foul. [Josh groans] - Wait, you either need to move it a little bit left, okay, done. Have fun. - f*ck me! [everyone laughing] - It keeps striking. - Not cock again! [everyone buzzing] - This room and you and penis [quack]. - This is the worst luck out of all of them. - Look at this! Look at this! - That is so bad. - How is that a [quack]? - The foreskin is rolled back by the way. - That is so disgust- - Is he circumcised, what happened? - Mate, that is so disgusting. - Why is he going that way? - You've had two curly ones. - But, you never know. Maybe the question's easy. - He bends to the left or the right. Which way is it? - All right, Josh Zerkaa, will you... - Will I? - A, eat the thing in front of you... - Ooh, this is interesting. - Or B, grab KSI's dreads and suck them? - What the f*ck? - J, did you write this question? Grab those- - Oh, he's getting them ready. - And suck his dreads. - That's disgusting. - Like not just one noodle dread. - Whoa, whoa, so this is six plus years of dreads. - And you train all the time, oh sh*t. - Oh, sweaty dreads. - Sweat, blood, tears. - You don't shower much. - Do you wear a shower cap? - Can you explain what you mean by that? - Yes. - So, your hair doesn't get washed? - Wash it once every like five months. - When was the last one? - I couldn't tell you, bro. - He hasn't washed his hair in five months. - Oh mate. - How would you suggest he sucks them? I'd suggest- - I think get three... - No, no, no, no. - Yeah, like grab 'em, - Grab 'em like this. - That's disgusting! - And get your gob around it? - And put your whole f*cking mouth round it. [everyone laughing] - Why do I look like the weirdest sh*t? [everyone laughing] - Josh in this room is a bad reputation. - I hate this room. What is this room? I've been pissed on by you! And now you've just sucked you off. [KSI laughing] - It's the same guy as well. It's the same guy. - I've got cock your again. - His options are so bleak. - You know what I find so funny, right? - Why did you write that question? - If this is any of us, we're saying that's a forfeit for us. He is enjoying this. - Get your gob round it. [KSI laughing] - We've already seen what happened to the bull penis. It's not pretty. - Which one do you wanna suck? - That one is grim though. - That is the worst, f*ck. - That one is f*cking- - Oh, I'm gonna have to suck KSI's hair. [everyone laughing] - Oh my God! - By the way, you sucked this man's hair and had him piss on you. - He's the owner of Prime, I will hold is pocket money. - A hundred percent. - All right, front and centre. Get sucking. - Front and centre? Okay, I've gotta commit to this. I'm Josh, it's fine, we commit to this. - You are Josh. - I'm cool. - You sound cool. - So cool. - Why has he got on his knees like that? [everyone laughing] - Bro is ready. - Can I change my answer? - Come on, bro. - Nah, he's already committed now. - Sorry wait, are you saying that he has to have it like- - So what am I doing by the way? - Does he have it like? - All of that. Right there. Put that in your mouth. - That bit? - Put it in your mouth, bro. - So, gimme like a... - If it's like this- - Let's say it's this, right? - So, it's like this, right? - You see how it's like that's his hair, yeah? You have to go. - Just that, just that. - No, no, no. Suck it for ten seconds. [everyone laughing] - Bro. - I think he does that, like compressive like. - Ten seconds? - Yeah, I think just one big sucking. - I think one up and down. - Do you want like a- - Also, on, down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think that's fair. - Is it wet? Is it wet? - He's literally giving your head a blowjob. - You can spit on it if you want. - That's nuts. [Josh laughing] - You can spit on it. - Can you say something to him before you do it as well? - Like what? Gimme a... - Be like, yeah, you little, filthy boy. - Oh, I'm so filthy for you, bro. - Wait, what? Why are you starting already? [everyone laughing] - I said Josh say it, not you! - Why are you enjoying it so much? [everyone laughing] The "oh yeah." - Come on, bro. Do it. - You little filthy boy. [Simon and Harry screaming] - No! [Simon, Harry and Ethan screaming] - Again? - Yeah, go on then. Oh! Oh! [KSI laughing] - Six years. - You know the problem though? [KSI laughing continues] - That was horrible! - The problem is you're gonna have his saliva on your hair- - For like five months. - It's fine, I cleaned my teeth today. He didn't f*cking- - Oh, part of the legacy. [laughing] - Oh, that's made me feel really weird. - Your legacy by the way. - Yeah? - Has dick breath on it. [KSI laughing] The last thing in his mouth was dick. - Oh bro, it's been a crazy life. - I'm not proud of my compliments. [laughing] - Fair dudes, man. - Yeah, fair dues, man. - Oh, it's wet. [groaning] - I did- - No you went for it, yeah. - Spin that table! - You can spin, go for it. Get some speed, go on, get moving. - I respect that. I respect the second effort. - I'd say stop there. Stop there, stop there, stop there! - Keep moving. - Stop there, stop there! Stop, bro! - Nah, it was on that. - It actually was. - It was on that. - It was like that, From this angle, it looks like it's not. - Oh f*ck. I can't lose. - Look at Josh. - Okay. [everyone laughing] [playful music] - Even Josh ain't happy. [KSI laughing] - Been boys for a long time, I'm so sorry. - You made me eat a fish eye! - Who do you prefer more? Your mum or your girlfriend? - Oh my God. [everyone laughing] - Impossible. - It's just an impossible question. You've just stiffed him. You've just, the mother of his child. You can't, what can he do? - He can't do anything. - This is outrageous. - No room for middle ground. - This is an outrageous question, 'cause there's no out. - I like KSI's hair, now it's got a little bit [coughs] of a bad taste to it still. [KSI laughing] - Zero manoeuvrability. - Oh sh*t, f*ck that. [KSI laughing] - Zero room. - It's such a bad one as well. - I still got KSI hairs in my mouth. - Is there rules to this? - In what sense? - Can I like, pop it in and gulp water? - Nah, you gotta crunch. If you crunch it, I think you can do what you want afterwards, yeah. - Once you've crunched it, it's too late by the way. - What if he just swallows it in one? - You can't. - I wouldn't risk that. - It's quite, in, crunchy. - And then- - Or you could just answer the question, obviously. - Yeah, I mean you- Like your mum, knew her a long time. Faith, knew her less time. - But mother of your child. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But then, mother of him. - True. - Yeah, mother of him. [laughing]. - So, he surrenders. Which one do you just love and which one do you hate? [everyone laughing] - You gotta shoot one of them between the eyes. [everyone laughing] - Christ, we've got a bit dark. [KSI laughing] - That's not in the question. - I can't, man. - It's an L, it's an L. The worst question. - That's a horrible question. - When I went for the fish eye I thought, maybe it's not that bad. - Stop, stop, stop. - That's what I told myself. - Stop. - As soon as I touched it, I knew. - That one looks worse. That one's more grizzly I'd say. That one's more of a well-formed one. - No, the one I thought seemed quite liquidy, but it wasn't. - Anything else on this f*cking table. Anything else. [everyone laughing] - Why are you looking at us, man? - I'm just sitting here. [everyone laughing] - Just gonna sit here? [Josh laughing] You're the time waster. - I'd be paralysed too. I wouldn't be able to move. - Oh. - Oh, it's bad! [laughing] It's really bad. - Maybe the leaves help. Right. - Just think about something else. - What happens if like- - Think about something else. - What happens if my whole body just rejects it, bro? - Well then, try again. - Just a quick chuck in, crunch, and then whatever happens, happens. [Harry crunching] - He has to try. - Oh no, no, he has to like try any eat it. - You're Ethan, you're cool. - All right. - You can do this. This is light work for you. - No, it's okay. - Who do you prefer, bro? - Yes, well in. [Ethan coughing] Chew, chew, chew. - Go on, keep chewing! - He's going. [Ethan coughing] - Oh! - He did chew, by the way. He chewed a lot. - He did chew. He did chew a lot. - It's not an achievable thing, by the way. - It's still in my f*cking teeth! - I was gonna say, he chewed. - It's an impossible prospect. Having been there, it's just not something you can do really. - I watched him chew a lot. - No, no, that's fair. He's done his best. - I gave it a powerful one, it's still in my tooth. [KSI laughing] - The worst was as he was chewing, you could see all the liquid coming out. - Yeah. - The liquid- [everyone laughing] - There's the new meme. [KSI laughing] - f*cking hell. [Ethan spitting] - I need a tooth pick or something. - Nah, save it for later, brother. - He saved it for later. - It's not going. - No, yeah. - It's stuck on the inside. - I'm not happy to see this. - Oh, in the gap? - Floss, dental floss? - Look, I'm picking out bits of it, look. - [laughing] That's so gross. - I think just swish it as much as possible and then it should go. - The lens has gone through the teeth. - It will go eventually, don't worry. - Yeah, it's just about. I don't know if I'm over it yet. - I love them both very dearly. - Aww. - Yeah, of course, of course, of course. - All right. - Well done. - Final two. - Final pairing! [upbeat music] - Vikkstar, spin that table! - Sure he'll get it again, Vik, will you? - If he gets fish eye again- - I'm gonna cry if I get fish eye again. - Give it a real commitment to it. - I wouldn't stop there then. - Give it some commitment. - Oh! - I'm just gonna keep, how long can I go? - You can go. - You can go for a long time if you want. I think longer the better. - Ah! - Don't do that, I would do that, fella. Ooh! - Keep it going, keep it going. - Okay! - I'm stopping, am I on something? - Yeah, perfectly in front of you. - Oh dear. - All right, what is it? - Oh no. - Ooh. - A new challenger, right? - No one's had this, right? I will measure the quantity. - That's the tape worm one, right? - Yeah, that's the one that's gonna give you illness, big time. - Oh yeah. I mean, extra IQ maybe. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, maybe. - Are veals smart? - You might get negative IQ. - My heart is actually racing 'cause no one's had this. - Aren't veals babies? - Aww. - Are they? Baby deer, no, is it not a deer? - Baby cow. - Is it? - Yeah. - Brain isn't good. Texture's pretty... - Do you know what, I'm traumatised 'cause the fish eye. I was like, you know what, it's gotta be bad, but my body, [laughing] Ethan knows, your body just says no. [laughing] It says no. - Because it already knows what it is, yeah. - But another unknown quantity, okay. What's my question JJ? - How much did you spend on your wedding? - Oh. - Oh, he's happy. - Oh! - Oh. - Let the world know, bro. - I think that's, yeah, I can answer that. - Ooh, okay! - Little breakdown. Little breakdown. - It's about time you gotta answer something, by the way. We haven't answered in a while. - Yeah, you know what? There's been a lot of eating and gagging and choking and after the fish eye, I'm just... I don't know the exact amount because there's still- - Boo! - But I know roughly. - Yeah, sure. - Around I think like 120 grand. I think that's what the wedding was. - Oh! - So yeah. - That's quite humble that. - Oh, you know actually he got a pretty good f*cking deal with that, yeah. - The Maltese people, they're good people, so. - Wow! - There we go. - That's not what I was expecting. - Yeah! - Not what I was expecting. - Well, I guess that's a good sign, 'cause it appeared as it- I got my deals in. - And you got Afro Jizzy for free. - Well, the DJs were free. - Yeah, true the DJ set would've been- - DJ sets were free, that would've been- - What was the biggest cost? - The bar actually. - The bar? - Oh yeah, okay. - I'll tell you what, I had a go on them lemon drops to be fair. - Okay. - Fair dues. - My panic is over. - His best case, his best case. - My panic is over. - f*ckin' hell. - I hope KSI gets something he hates. - All right, ten, nine, eight, seven- - Hurry up, man. - Six... - Like the video before the end of his countdown! - I was actually done counting by the way. - Three, two, one. - You're in the middle of two. - Oh, he's gone back, roll back. - Yeah, you need to... - Ah, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, fine. - The fermented soybean! - It has returned! JJ, this is not really a question. You've got options here. - Oh wow. - Yours is more like mine. - Yeah, a bit like Josh's. - Suck Josh's fart. [everyone laughing] - Eat my ass. - Your choices are to, eat what is currently in front of you, or pick up your phone, find the contact for your ex, and text them saying that you miss them. - Oh, that's horror. - It's not really- - That's horrid. - That's not very nice. - That's really horrid. - Just wanna throw it out there by the way. - It is KSI's question. - He did write that. [laughing] - Yeah, but that was for everyone. - Oh well good, I'm glad you got it! I'm glad you got it, I'm glad you got it. - Or are you gonna bite that? - Sticky, sticky soybeans. - Gotta be the soybean, man, surely. - The stinky soybean. - f*ck! [everyone laughing] - Man! f*ck off, man. [everyone laughing] - We got him. - Can we go back to your text now being like, Sidemen filming, let's go! [laughing] - Only soybeans. - No, I definitely cannot. [everyone laughing] - I definitely- - It's him talking to himself. - Oh, he's getting in. That's no, no, no. - A little bit more than that. A little bit more than that. - No, no. [laughing] - You gotta do the Harry thing. - Harry should really get to decide this. Harry, come here and- - His fork was stacked. - It was about that. - That's about that. - Yeah, we'll give you that. - Okay, yeah. - That slime isn't right, by the way. - Why is it so slimy? - 'Cause it's got jizz on it. - It's like goosebumps. - Fermented, mate. Fermented with a special sauce. - He's fine with the smell, to be fair. - I think he'll firm it. - His silence is telling, he's not happy. - I don't, it's not pleasant, but you get over it. I feel, I dunno, are you over it? - You know what, JJ? We'll even let you wash it down with some cow foot. [KSI giggles] - Trying to see, we're in the stress zone. - Oh, he's going for it. - The strings are gonna come out. - He's yeeted it. - 'Cause it's the final- - He's gonna go, "it's nice, actually." - Does it feel like vomit in your mouth? - No, it's actually nice. - I knew it, I told you lot. I told you lot. - He's different breed, man! - His taste buds don't work. He's gone for seconds! - What could defeat him on this table? Like what- - The fish eye. - The hot sauce is the only thing. - The hot sauce, brother. - The fish eye. - Eat it! - No, he ate a chicken eye. He would do it. - That is crazy! - Even like more normal things would've been- - It's quite nice. Yeah, it's like, you know anchovies? - I like anchovies, I don't like that. - Yeah, but like on beans. - You need to check your- - You need taking somewhere. - Yeah, too many punches. - Guys, I'm sorry. - Tommy messed you up, bro. [KSI laughing] - Know what? Fair play. - Fair play, yeah. Fair play. - Is that it? - Well, that is the end of that. Tobjizzle, we're coming for you. - Oh yeah, we'll get him. We'll get him. - Oh, when I'm through with you. - Stay tuned for more Sidemen. The Tobjizzle edition. - Oh! [upbeat music] [car revving]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 9,238,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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