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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Sidemen Rate Six Different YouTubers. Deji, Callux, Theo, Chip, Randolph, and ChrisMD will all be judged brutally! I hope you're ready because this video is gonna get juicy. Be sure to subscribe. Now, let's start off with the first topic. Which YouTuber is the best looking? - Oohhh - I don't like it already. - I think I know who's gonna be last. - Wait, who? Say it. - Oh no. - Yeah, that's mad. - Theo - Yes! - No, no- I'm not- No offence. What? I'm sorry. It's out of the group. - I would say, oh no, I wouldn't agree with that. - What? Okay. - There's a couple of mouth breathers in this line up. [all laughing] - Mouthbreathers! Alright. Who would you say is last? - This is the meanest video. - I, I'd rather go first to last. - Aight lets start at the top. We'll start at the top. - Who's the best looking here? - Who's top dog? - I got my number one. - I got mine. - I'd say it's Chris. - Chris Mdizzle. - Chris MD is mine. - Ay, I'm throwing Deji up there you know. - As number one? - Think he's a good looking guy. - I don't wanna say it, but I'll put Chip at the top. - I'll put Chip number one. - Chips up there. - I put Chipper at the top. - Thank you. - Yeah I'm not. Chip's, Chip's low down for me. - Hey! What the f*ck? - Chip looks like a rat. [everyone laughing] You look like a rat! He's got that rat look. - In the rat versus frog, he's more rat. - Chip, the mullet is doing you no favours here. - I hope he gets DQ'd I swear. [all laughing] - No, but he's got the lightskin look, he's a bit of lightskin though. - What? Chip? [all arguing] Yeah, olive, olive. - I got, I got the pass. - Woah whoa. - I don't think you do. So we're saying Chris and Chip can come up maybe? - Yeah, yeah. Lets shuffle em. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is so f*cking mean. - You two just move up this way. - Top three is, is Chris, Chip and Deji. - Yo. No, no Randolph. Randolph. - I was just being- I was just swapping. I was just swapping. - We're just reordering. - Okay - We were reordering those three. - I'd put you above me. - I'd swap Deji and Chris. - I think so as well. [all arguing] - Based on haircut. - No, no, we're not. I'm not letting him go below Deji. - To be fair he can't rate his brother can he? - Hm? - He can't say his brother's good looking. - Yeah, that would be mad. - It's a bit incest. - That is mad - I would switch Deji and Chip. - Nah. - What? No? - Nah. - Well what do you wanna say he is your, he is your own blood. - I think he should be last. - What about Lux? - Maybe we should swap? [everyone laughing] - This video hurts. - I'd say four for Cal. - Wooh! - You can't put a mouth breather at four. - Why? - No, no, they picked. They picked, they picked. They picked. - Theo six. - Yeah. Swap around him and Theo. - Nah I can't put him six man. I can't. - He looks like Paul Breech, of course he's six! - What do you mean? What do you mean? - Harry, Harry speak louder. - I think Lux has bus case here somehow. [everyone laughing] - Okay. Let's hear your whole order. - In my honest order. - Harry, we live together brother. - I know. I'm sorry. - This is so petty. - I'm gonna go, I go Chip Chris Deji. It's all, it's a mess down there. [everyone laughing] - I'm with you. I'm with, I'm with you. - I think Randy is, - Randy needs to move up right now. - Nice try. - We can't give up now and get out of this. At that point it's gone too far I think. No. - This is a horrendous video. - This is awful. - This is, this is, I hate this. - First question. - No you don't. You hate this? This is your f*cking video. - Do any of you feel this is horrendously wrong? [everyone laughing] - Why? - So where do you think you should be? - It's up to you guys. [everyone talking] - No, I do think we've done Theo dirty here. He doesn't deserve rock bottom. I I, I think maybe you should have a category seven and put Theo there. [all laughing] - That's Freezy. - Aw. - Oh! - Oh. - Well no. By default he didn't show up. - Yeah. Fair. - Your lookalike cannot be Snapshoteye and you can't come any higher than the last place. - You put a man that's five foot four first. - Where do you think you should be? - One above chip. - Really? - Okay. Let's behave. Let's chill out. - Really? - Chip you gotta walk to the front bro. - Yeah. I agree. - Ohhhhh. - That's what I said! - He is beautiful man. - You guys move down one. - Chris didn't wanna budge. - What? Are we happy with the end? - Yeah. - This guy, - I don't know. - This guy wants chaos. - Well, we can sort this. - Don't start maybe. - Theo there is a chance for you to be saved. - Yeah. - We have some guests to come in. - Woooow! [all clapping] - Welcome guests! The professionals. - Hello. - Wow, you all look so lovely. [all laughing] - Now I don't wanna be number one. - What an awful decision this was man. [everyone laughing] - I think number one's good. - Yeah! [everyone clapping] - Thank you. - I don't agree. - I'm here for the mullet and hair- like, dress sense. - No, I'm sorry. - The mullet is in! - You should meet Chris though. [everyone laughing] Super so single. Very single. Very single. - Chris you're just a bit short. - Ohhh! - Thank you. [girls laughing] - Keep your head high short kings. - I don't want sound harsh but just a bit, just a bit basic, you know, like number one's - That's so fun. No, I'll just cry myself to sleep tonight. That's so fun. - Can we swap three and two? - Yeah, three and two over. - Three and two over. - So fashion comes into good looks? - I don't think number six should be where he is. - Ohh! - Really? - I dunno. Do you guys agree or disagree? - Why did you all go really? [everyone laughing] What the f*ck? What the f*ck is going on? - You're just wearing jorts. - You look like you're going to the gym. - I've just come from the gym. Oh, that's bullsh*t. [everyone laughing] - I like the trainers though. The trainers are nice. - Thanks. - They did not move you by the way. You are still there. - What? So if I was dressed like him, I'd be higher. Oh, silence. [everyone laughing] - Top three can stay where they are. - Yeah. Okay. - I agree, bottom three are a bit of a muddle. - I think five to four. - You look great by the way. [everyone cheering] - It's the LV that's done it for him. - Thank you. Thank you. - He's 48. [everyone laughing] - Is it done, is it over? Is the question over? - Theo is burning! - Can we move on? - I'm happy with that. - Yeah, I'm happy with that. - He's turning red! Don't do it to him man. - We're happy with that [everyone clapping] - Ah it's okay. - Are you wearing two watches? - Are you wearing two watches? - No. One's actually a whoop. - He's got a whoop device on. [everyone laughing] - It's a whoop. Anyways. Next question. - Thank you girls. - Which YouTuber is the best YouTuber. - Oooooh. - ChrisMD to the front. - Are we including like is it Legacy or is it current? - I think a mix and match. - Oh yeah, a mix of both. A mix of both. - Theo might be taking two sixes here. Let's be honest. [Tobi laughing] [everyone arguing] - Nah, Theo- - Name a Theo video? - Name- Yeah, what's your favourite Theo video. - The marathon video you watched the other day? - Apart from that one. - What about- err. - Yeah, you might have to stay there actually. - The Iron Man video. - Yeah. - Would anyone disagree with me if I said the top two is Chris and Lux? - No. [everyone arguing] - No, no, no, no. Does Chip make- does Chip make videos? - Chip makes bangers. - Chip makes bangers. - I'm saying Deji in the legacy- - Yeah I think you're doing Deji dirt. - He's not far off of second place. But- - I think you're doing Deji dirt though. - Hang on a minute. - You're fighting for fifth place at most. [everyone laughing] - None of you watched my in Mbappe and Neymar video? - No, that was a banger. - Yeah, because of Harry. - He edited it. - Harry edited it? - Harry literally wouldn't let him edit it 'cause he didn't wanna see him ruin a video. - This is- this, - And your thumbnails are horrific. - Oh actually they're not, actually they're not. Ethan, I want you to go on my channel right now. And and rethink about your life when you read it. - I would say Chris number one. - Yeah. - 'Cause he makes, I'd say he makes the best videos. I then go Deji, just 'cause of the, the breadth that- he's got 10 million subs. You can't deny that. - The streets don't forget Deji. - I think on his day, Chip makes a better video than Lux does. - Nah! [everyone arguing] Lux has made more bangers over the course of his whole career. So I put him above Chips. - Yeah, I I back that up. - Thanks for, - You not watched the Iron Man video? - You d*ckhead! [both laughing] - I'd put Randy Bottom. I'm sorry. - I would agree. - I just wanna put Theo last just for the sake of video. [everyone disagreeing] - Ethan, if you, you watch the Iron Man video and I bet you shed a tear. - Shed a tear at how f*cking awful it was. - He was just running. - Top Randolph video. Oh wait. - I don't really make videos. You know what I mean? - Deji man child. - Yeah. Oh wait. [laughing] - Do any of you guys disagree with anything? - I think you've got it. Yeah. Pretty bang on. - You would say that. [everyone laughing] - Nah I can't lie. He was one of the goats back in the day. But the craziest fall off of all time. So. [everyone laughing] - Unless you've got a rebuttal for that. - So is this making videos? Yeah. - Yeah. - I think maybe Deji is a bit high on that front. 'cause I would argue his best character comes when he's in other videos instead of the production. - f*ck you mean? [everyone laughing] - Whoa. You're not even that tall. - But then again, you're also looking at Theo. - My videos are sick! They're actually good! - He doesn't have to edit a video massively. Yeah. And he can still make it as entertaining. That's better at YouTube. - Yeah. - Work smarter not harder. - YouTube is about you. - He's got 10 mil. You can't argue with 10 mil subs. One of the goals. - Wait, wait, wait. His brother's KSI. - He stole my best series. - And made it better. - It's not about who did it first, its about who did it right. - That's a good point. See you later buddy. - Which YouTuber is the best footballer? Theo get up. - Let me go down there. - No, no, no, you're wrong. You're wrong, you're wrong. Theo is top. - Yeah Chip has to be at the bottom. - Why? - I'm just f*cking stinky at football though. I swear to God. - I did the penalty. I did his video taking penalties. He kicked it twice and had to stop. - Hey, when was that? [comical rubber squeaking] - A long time ago, but - Hey, hey pipsqueak, - you can't kick a ball. - that didn't happen. - Randy has got to be at the bottom. - No, I'm better than all of these- - How? - No, no I actually think I'm better than you. - Not in charity match. Not in charity match. - Are you actually good? - Yeah, even- with ball control I'm all right. - Okay. Alright. - You're just taking his word for gospel. - Randall step up. - Step up? - Yeah, you've gotta stay there. You ready? - Yeah. - How's your touch? - Oh sh*t! - Lux. You're down to four boss. - No, no no. Give me a go! - Right, lets see your touch. - Yeah, I'm calm. I got this. Might even no look. Yeah, do it. Do it. Do it. - Little bit further back tho. - Try Deji maybe then. - Bro the shoes are doing the work I'm telling you. - That was quite a better than him. - It felt like Bambi, it felt very [comical bongos]. - I think that was all pretty similar. - Yeah, the shoes. - And he dropped the phone as well! - I think post-injury. I think Chris take might take the cake. - I'm sorry what? - I dunno if you'll see him ever play again. - That's it. I don't know if you can play play. - You not seen my latest TikTok? - Oh no I haven't. - Good TikTok. - Good TikTok! Chip let's see the touch. - I'm gonna volley it. I'm gonna volley it. [everyone talking] - I think we need keepy-uppies. - I'd swap these two around. - Actually no. Theo's got the best goal in Wembley. So yeah. - Cal's never run away from Noah Beck. - That is true. Cal also, Cal also does his shopping in Crocs. - Oh yeah. Actually, go last brother. - What? - Can you still do that trick where you roll the ball off your heel? - Yeah. Yeah. This is my, this is my route to the top. Ready? - Don't do your hip again please. - Oh it's actually not bad. Can any of you lot do that skill? - I can't do that skill. - You wanna try it Randy? - Nah. - I wanna do it again. - Here he goes. - He did a rainbow flick to be fair. - Cover the cameras! - And the phone, and again. - Deji you might have to go last. - Wait, wait, wait. How was I in your last video? Did I or did I not save the video? - He did actually. Honestly, put a f*cking performance in. - No, not above him. You can stand next to him. - Your videos do normally get saved by other people. - Right, I think we're on him. - Can we see a keepy-uppie competition between you two? - Yeah. - No. Please respect me. Please respect me. No, this doesn't mean anything. If this man runs the length of the pitch, he has a cardiac arrest. Come on be serious. - Can't we do the bottom four. - Bottom four. - And then we order it on that. - Four and five you guys both showed promise. - Deji, do you think you should be above Randy? - Yes. - Okay. Okay. He thinks he should. Yeah. - Whoever gets more gets a promotion. - Alright let's go Randy. Come on. - 3, 4, 5, 6. Yeah! Seven. - I will say, he went left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. - That's true. - You got this Deji`. - But I don't think this is going either foot. - Let's see it Dedge. [everyone talking] - Phones out again. - Do four and you're fine. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! [everyone cheering] - Yes! Got myself up one. Sorry bro. - I think Chip's four. - Chip you're getting promoted. Move to four. Sorry Randy. - Couple people rimming me now. Eh? - We'll leave that. Happy with that. - Thank you guys. - I'm gassed. - It is a miracle with you. - There's a couple miracles today left. Chris, can we see some kick ups? - No. - Let's go mate. - Shut your fat little mouth. - Which YouTuber is the richest? - Oh, Lux and Deji I think. - Yeah. - I'm in two overdrafts. - Deji and Chris gotta be top two. - Chris got a $30 CPM. I think he's a player. - Have you got tax? Jersey don't have tax as well, right? - Yeah, I had a good five years without paying tax. - Wow. - Wait, he fought on Misfits? - Yeah. - Where's he sitting? - Is he getting paid well or no? - He got paid decent. - Clearly not with the way you dressed. - Yeah, but did he get paid? - What you mean? This is Prada. This is Balmain and this is Prada. - What is going on? - He did fight Mayweather too. - He did fight Mayweather. - But Randy's got his f*cking- - House. - Does that do well? - Yeah. Yes. - Well there we go. - What? What do you have? - Paid off my student loans the other day. - Huh? - Oh, he stays six. - Yeah. Yeah, he stays, he stays last. - Lux's got some crypto money as well. - Lux has gotta be a little bit higher, man. Notwoways as well. - Are we doing net worth? - Might put Lux at the top of it's net worth. - If we're doing net worth, Lux is first. - Can we ask Chris how many, how many views your channel has? - I actually don't know. - Don't pretend you don't know the number. - No, I actually don't - Also if we do net worth, Chip's got a part of Fellas, which for the f*cking evaluation I had to invest in, it's not bad. - Think let's do top in whole of net worth. - Chris has has 1.5 billion views. - Ohhh that's good. - Brother get down fam. - Yeah, that's, that's low. - Notwoways is above that. - Put Lux at the top. - Crypto notwoways. - But has he ever had a Lamborghini? - You hear that? [both laughing] - Yeah, but that's not net worth movement. - That brings net worth, you buy a lambo, and your net worth goes down when you buy a Lambo. - it's contentious at one and two. - I know Chip's dire financial situation over the last few years. [everyone laughing] - Randy go above him. - I'm in by overdraught. - We need Randy above Chip. - Yeah, yeah, I think Chip should go down. Yeah. - Join me brother. - f*ck, I don't wanna be stood next to him. Is there anything we can do? - I'm not mad at this list. - I'm okay with this. - I'm okay with this. - Yeah. We can't really have a true- - Yeah, we'll never know. - Do we do we all have seven figures in the bank? - You can't ask that. - I'm in two overdrafts. If that's... Does that help you? - You can still see her if you want. - No f*ck that. - I think that's good. - Alright. Do, do any of you disagree? - No, this looks all right. - I think that's okay - I like, I like it. - Did you lose half? - Oh you're a d*ckhead. - He kept the cat Simon. - Just the cat. Just the cat. - That's really mean Simon. That's really mean. - You lost half? Why? - Don't f*cking act like you don't know. Like why are you trying to make this big thing. [everyone laughing] - Genuinely, it's Deji he does not know. - Deji, he got dumped. - She left him buddy. - She left him. Let that be known. - Single life. - Come on boy. - Which YouTuber is the funniest? - I think despite being bottom of every other one we got. Give him his dues I think Baker is up there. - Theo's gotta be near the top. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was gonna say Chip number one. - Yeah, Chip. - I find him hilarious. - You won that fight buddy. - Thank you bro. - Clear as day No, I think he's hilarious. - He's joking again. - Honestly, I think he's one of the funniest people I've ever met. Chip, Chip, I want you number one. - f*ck man! You know what I think you beat Jake Paul now as well. [everyone laughing] - The glazing's crazy right now. - Yo, you keep going baby. Yeah! - Well we, put one two for now. Shift the rest down - Can you two come one, two, and then we'll figure that out. - Are you lot disrespecting Dedge right now? - No, no no. Cal what the f*ck are you doing there? - You didn't tell me where to go. - Not here, that's for sure. - I find Randolph very funny. - Same. - I am very funny. - I think Randolph's hilarious. - No, I think he's more cool. - You think Randolph is cool? - Randolph is not cool, but he's very funny. - Ayo chill Josh. - What? - We have to order them. - Deji Three. - Deji, can you go three and everyone move up one. - Yeah and then I'd put and then Randy behind 4. - No, Chris is, Chris, Chris is funny though. - How does this look? - I disagree with- - Nah nah stop. Stop. His banter is dead. It's dead. I'm watching his videos. I'm like, I'm not laughing. I'm entertained, but I'm not laughing. - It's, it's too smart for you. - Wait, who are you talking about now? Chris? - Is that not why he invites Harry? - It is too smart for him. - Yeah, you have someone writing right. - Chris. People don't like smart humour. - Work smart. Not hard. - Yeah. Connor writes them. - No, but his videos aren't funny. - Chris gets people to write his jokes for his videos. - Okay. No. Stay there. - Okay, you stay there. - What? Actually? - I could not rest happy at night knowing Chip goes home number one on this. - I don't mind. I said, I said - Can you two swap? - He's up there but he ain't one. - How about this? - Deji's been disrespected. - Deji is hilarious bro. - Deji is hilarious you lot. - But he's just naturally funny as in just cause. - Oh no. - He just f*cking, he laughs at everything. It doesn't mean that he's funny. [Deji laughing] - Yeah, yeah. Look at him. [Deji laughing] - His laugh makes you laugh. - Yeah. He's never said something funny. All he does is laugh which makes you. [Deji laughing] - Step up. Step up - I think you could take two. - Well, I, I am not moving. [everyone laughing] But, you're my guy tho. - The glaze tho. - That was funny. - We're trying the funniest of all time. If we're choosing our FOAT, yeah? Deji is higher. - Nah. - Nah, nah I'm putting Chip man. - JJ f*ck you bro. - What you mean? - I'm your brother. - Yeah. You are funny, but not funniest here. - This is just a who's who of laughs. - Funny looking. I'll stay here. - Chris, you've gone further bro. - Go behind the wall [everyone laughing] - I can live with this. - You could make me live with it. But I'm not happy. - Who is it, Theo, you're not happy with? - I think if Chip and Deji just swap. It's not much in it, but I, I just think that you have to swap. - Do any of you disagree? - I agree with you I think. - I feel like Chris has been done dirty but... - No, out of this lineup. - Yeah, I think if you put us with you lot, by the way, I reckon we clear all of you. - Oh you do. You actually do. - You actually are all funnier. - Maybe not Chris. - How did you make it? - I feel like people laugh at me. - Yeah, but it counts. - But you lot made the argument that because we're laughing at Deji, he has to go to three. If we're laughing at Theo, why's he won then? - Theo's on purpose, Deji's just bounced in. - Yo! - I think Chip should be number one. I think this is outrageous. No offence. Theo. - No. - Get up there, try make us laugh. - Give us a joke. - What the f- no. No. - You're number one. - No, surely I wanted to swap with Chip. - If you're funniest - If you're the funniest. - I think you need to move him down with that reaction. - Yeah. To be honest. - All the top three need to do it. - Oh Chris do you wanna replace me? - I'd do better than you mate. - Alright come on. - Go on then Chris, go on. - If you do it you'll move up. - I helped shoot my sister's [beep]. - What's the link? [everyone laughing] - Welcome to our brand new show called Chatting sh*t. [opera style singing] [glass shattering] You know I've seen my brother's dick. [screaming] - No! Boys! [toilet flushing] - Okay. [everyone laughing] - Does this come down guys? - It's a good start to his act. - Why do Sweden have barcodes on their, on their- - No hit, next one. - No, I dunno. [everyone arguing] - I wanna hear it. It's all about delivery as well. - Why do Sweden have barcodes on their battleships? - Why? - So they can Scandinavian. - Oh nice. - Yeah, no. - You wanted to hear that, yeah? - Yeah. I wanted to see his delivery. - I dunno if you heard it. I'll say it again if you want. - The delivery was f*cking sh*t. - No no, come on. One more, one more. - Try again. - That's all I've got. - By the way, just so you know, he has to go higher if no one else is willing to do it. - Yeah true. - Go on then. We'll move up. - Okay, here we go. - Here we go. - Have you guys heard of the blind prostitute? - No. - You've really gotta hand it her. - Oh nice. - That's a good one. - Delivery was better than Chris. - What the f*ck man? It was beetter than Chris so its working somehow. - Here we go. - This is gonna be the roast all over again. - Dedge I backed back to you, yeah? Don't let me down. - What happened to the last black man that had a dream? - What? - He got shot. [gunshot] - Randy? - Claim that's a joke? - That's crazy. - He's still there. Nah nah nah already higher. Don't you guys think that God keeps inventing new fish? [everyone laughing] - Six, six. We used have cod we used to have like haddock now we've got- - You're stealing the whole f*cking thing. - Six. Six. - Plagiarism! - Play-ga-rism! - Yeah. You've f*cked yourself though. - I don't wanna drop it. It's their mic. - You could have told a knock knock joke and you would've gone one. - Oh chip! I'm rooting for you. Chip. - Okay. [beep] - Chip, that was, that was f*cking awful mate. - That's the only joke I know. - I was rooting for you! - Theo's on Google. - Yo by the way, if he don't go up then it's all gotta move. - If he's got delivery, it's, - He's been Googling jokes! - I don't have jokes on. I am the joke. - Go on then. - Oh no. - I'm so sad. - Look at the slow walk. - But the argument is- - The slow walk over. - That's how you walk. - Is that the hip or is that like? - Currently, yeah. - That's how you walk at the moment. - Not the leg over. [everyone laughing] - See? everyone's already laughing. - You see what I mean? - What do you call? No, what do you do? What? No. Hang on a minute. [everyone laughing] - He's number one. - What? No. Here I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. Give me one second. - Wait, what? - It's part of the theme. - What do you get when you jingle a man's balls? - What? - A white Christmas. - He's he still number one by the way. He's still number one. - We just put them all at six. - I think the order's fine. I think the order's fine. - Achieved nothing. - I think we're good. - I feel like there's been a hate train towards me today. - You're number one. - You're number one! - You're the funniest. - You were number one twice. - Yeah, but also the ugliest. - Yeah. You may be the ugliest, but you make up for it in funny. - I wouldn's say you're ugly. You're just ugly amongst this group. [everyone laughing] - That wasn't supposed to be funny. It wasn't intentional. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm just saying that we we're leng. [everyone laughing] - Then he is funny actually. - Am I leng? - No, yeah you're leng. - Am I leng? [everyone laughing] - You're just the least leng amongst us. - I'm a lengers [everyone laughing] - Which YouTuber is the meanest? - Oooooh. - It's gotta be Deji surely. - Wait, am I? I'm not the meanest. - Deji's not the mean, he's honest. - I think anything he says, there's no mean intentions. - Chris is number one. - Chris and Callux. - They're definitely up there. - Yeah. Chip is also mean. - Yeah. Chip can be mean. Theo's really nice. Deji's really nice. The rest of you, the rest of you lot are- - Randy's nice. - I don't think Randy's mean. - It's, it's for comedic effect you know. - No, Randy is not. - You are a horrible piece of sh*t. You know that? - Nah, Deji's not mean, he's kind hearted. - I'll say Chris is the meanest. - Just be quiet for now. - Just shut the f*ck up. - We'll do our bit. And you disagree innit. - If you piss Lux off, it's a long day. Which is the only reason I- - He's vindictive. That wouldn't be mean. But just, I wouldn't wanna be on as bad side. - Yeah, I wouldn't wanna go on your bad side. - Is Theo nicer than Randy? - I'd say Randolph is nicer. I'd. - I'd say Randy is nice as well. - Yeah. - Yeah. Randy five - Chip, Chip can be very mean. - It's for fun. [everyone laughing] - b*tch. - Yeah. Yeah. But I just like making fun. - You tell me every day to just top myself. - Yeah. I love, I love you all infinitely. - He does shower me with affection. Yeah. He has a lot of love. - And spit. [everyone laughing] - I never- Hey! Well they, he's in the right spot, isn't he boys? This f*cking guy. - I actually feel like this is all right. - Behind closed doors its different. I hate every- I'm not even friends with them. - Chris hates on everyone. - You're not friends. - Just here for the views. [both laughing] - Since the breakup. He's not said one positive thing towards anyone. - Since the breakup, he's a demon. - Also. I would, I would go to Lux in like an hour of need. [everyone agreeing] - What the f*ck? - Oh my God. - Thank you everyone. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks guys. Thank you. - Maybe even below Chip. - I would've put you lower man. - I'm on my way. - Wait, swap with Chip. - Yo. What the f*ck? - Yeah, swap over. - Yes! - I don't know if I agree with that. [everyone disagreeing] - Whoa, whoa. - He's more emotional. Understands people. - No. I don't give a f*ck. He's horrible. - That's like certain times. - You say horrible things. - Well you're on his good side. Imagine you're on Lux's bad side. - There's no one on my bad side. - Guys remember something mean I've done to you. - When you're drunk, bro. - Yeah. But that's not me. That's, that's Chippo Crimes. [everyone laughing] - I would switch them two, back again. - Yeah, yeah. - I think Lux has to be higher up. - Lux can be mean. - Wait. How the f*ck is Deji down there? He literally ruined this guy's life. - He did make JJ cry. - Oh sh*t. - That's what I was saying. He made JJ cry. - Number one. - And that wasn't good intentions. - Get to number one. - It wasn't good intentions either. - Nah, but you, you. - but you started it though. So. - Not all the way at the bottom. - And Randy also made it worse. - Yes. Sorry. - Theo. Go, you're the nicest. - Theo, go to the end. - Theo, go to the end. - These two both, both were involved. - He may be ugly, but he's funny and nice. - Do you want, do you want to be nice? - Ah yeah. Swap with Randolph. - Deji swap with Randy. - What? - Randy felt bad about the diss tracks. - You don't wanna be nice. - So did I! - Wait no, all right Deji, compliment Randolph. - I like your beard. You got really nice eyes. And yeah, you may be fat but you're not- It's not a big deal. [everyone laughing] - Oh my God. - All right, no Dedge, number 1. - What the f*ck? - How is that bad though? - I genuinely think there's no part of him that thinks that was bad. - How was that mean? - It came from a nice place. - But he does it on purpose. - So true, it's mental. - Why am I here? - You are outrageous. Yeah. Yeah. That's better. Much better - Deji man I'm f*cking disappointed. - I would put Lux above Deji. - Yeah, I'd swap them too. - You know what? Swap them. And then I'm happy with it. - Swap them and it runs. - This is outrageous. - No, you are horrid though. - I'm a lovely guy. - On your day, you are. - Chris the little demon in the corner. - Shut your mouth, you balding ginger. - What did you say? Oh my days! - Yo, I just heard some crazy sh*t. - You are a very mean little man. - Shut your mouth, you tall, spindly twat. - You are! He is mean. - Which YouTuber is the strongest? - Oh. - I'm gonna put Deji at 1 straight away. - Yeah. Deji's gotta be top. - And 'cause I know he comes from that genetic makeup. - Put Chris at the bottom. - That man broke an arm, he broke an arm the other day. - This is crazy. - Theo Breaker is high you know. - Are we talking about like raw strength or like, - Everything. - I think he could bench press more than Deji could bench press. - Everything. - I think Callux should be last. - Yeah, I don't, I don't hate it by the way. - You're gonna regret that in about two minutes. - Chris is stronger than Chip for sure. - Yeah, but Randy, Randy, I, he must be strong. - I'm not bad. I'm not bad. - The common rule is weight, lifts weight. - So yeah, he must be. - By default if we're doing it relative, like Chris is probably quite strong for his height and weight. But you'd rather rather fight Chris than Randy. - You know, Chris can't do a pull up. - I'm literally fighting your corner. - I can't - Lux has a lot of raw strength by the way. - I put Lux five. - I could, I could put Lux over Chip. Yeah. - Theo, you go to the gym quite a lot. So we're gonna put you number one. - And he's on creatine. - And you've done like, the Iron Man and stuff like that. - Damn, got that sleeper build. - You're still least attractive. Mental. - I did snap a human bone in in half to be fair. - Real quick. - Oh you did. - Oi, Theo flex. - Don't need to flex. - No, I've seen it though. Go on, do it. - I actually have to do this. - No one asked Deji. - Have an arm wrestle you two. See who wins. - Don't just stop at the jackets, you know. - They both thick arms. - Can you get your trousers off too? [everyone being amazed] - The tricep crazy though. - Theo's tricep looking quite nice. - I think we have to swap 5 and 6. - No, I don't agree with that but- - You don't agree with that? - I will end this round, on number 1. - Callux, swap again bro. - No, no, no. Lux is strong! Lux is not stronger than Chip? - Nah, Lux is pussy bro. - Lux is stronger than Chip. - Can we hear from Lux? - If I beat Theo Baker in an MMA match right now, on the floor, can I go number one? - The battle of the hips? - In a bit mate he's crippled already. - Oh he's cooking. - Doctor's orders mate. - And if you pussy out, you are, gone. - I'm not allowed! - He's got a new one. - Come on then. - Oh, what the f*ck mate, are you, you a f*cking psycho. What is wrong with you? - Come on. - Here's the, here's the thing. I, I think you could beat him. - Yeah. - But it doesn't mean you're stronger. - How does it not? - It just means you're more of a crackhead. - Yes it does. - Yes Deji! - Oh sh*t. Oh sh*t. [everyone laughing] - Do I take Deji's place if I beat him? - Yeah. - How do we decide- - First one to tap. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Or pinned. - Yeah, or pinned. - Do we have insurance? - No, no, no, no. Make me tap. If you can - No, no, you'll break something. He's gonna- be nice. - Lux you've got f*cking issues man. - Alright. 3, 2, 1 go. - It's gonna end in tears. - All started like this. - This is gonna end in huge tears. - I don't like it! I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. - Oh he's got full mount! Full mount! - He won't tap! - He's tapped, he's tapped. - I haven't! - He just won't tap. Like he's objectively, like he's objectively not the strong- - He's gone full mount! - It's done, it's done. - He's done nothing! - He could have just elbowed you. - Look at the position you're in. - He's done nothing! He's a fraud! - He could have just elbowed you- - He had full mount. - I usually skip that part. - Hey Lux? Hold that. - Have we got a decider or not? - We do have a decider - We have a decider! - I wanna see one and two go at it. - One and two. - You want me, to outbox a boxer? - Not only that, he also just fought. - It's also just one punch. - Got a bad hip though, haven't I? - Oh, Jesus Christ. - Sure. - Does it hurt your hand when you do it? - Oh my God. - Right, that cannot be first. - Yeah, you might have to go down for that. - Theo, don't do glove. - You don't need a glove. - Brings back memories though dunnit. - Well, you've lost, by the way. - Here we go. - No run up either, just a straight. [bell ringing] - Ow f*ck! - I think I beat him there. - He's hurt himself. He's hurt himself. - I've got a tennis elbow. - That was one of the worst things I've ever seen. - He has got a dodgy elbow as well. - 513. - That says 619. - That's the high score. - I got. I've got bad elbow as well. - He's got strength, but he's got fragility. Like his body just doesn't work. - It's an equilibrium with him. - 3, 2, [bell ringing]. - Good Lord. That's scary. - Yeah. That was nish to him. Didn't even try. - Yeah. 6, 7... 678. - Good try though. - Yeah, Deji's number 1. [applause] - Very good back power. - Oh f*ck man. My elbow hurts. - Wanker! Wanker! Wanker! - Don't talk to me little man. - Sorry. - Is that sign of a strong man though? Can he belong in two whilst he's complaining about this. - Yeah. I'm not sure he's complained about every challenge. - Honestly. I don't f*cking want to hear it from you. - Which YouTuber is the worst drunk? - Oh, I gotta be f*cking right here man. Oh, sorry. No, there. Yeah, yeah. I accept that a hundred percent. - But Theo tried to finger my arsehole. - Well that was not needed. - Well Vic, - I know it wasn't. - remember what this boy did to you. - Chris is quite like a funny, he's a very funny drunk. - I'm a lovely drunk. - He gets, he gets nicer at the more drunk he gets. - Lux, Lux is scamming. Look. Lux get up boss. - What is it five? - No! - 2, 2, 2, 2. - When was Deji drunk? - No, Deji's been drunk a couple times, but you- he just hugs you. - Yeah. Yeah. - Deji shift. - That three I'm fine with. - I might swap Chris and Randy. - Randy below Chris. - Okay, fine. - I've never seen Randy be mean when he's drunk. - Deji has only hugged us. - Yeah. Randy wants a cig-, Randy wants a cigar. That's all there is. - That but Randy's also more fun. - All he cares about is whiskey and a cigar. - I do, that's all I care about actually. - I think he, I think he instead of just, just hugging, he's great. - Who's the best drunk? Yeah. - You know what, Randy? - Randy, you're the best drunk. - You don't wanna be around me. That's for f*cking sure. - He'll chew your ear off. - Especially not on a. [everyone laughing] - Oh Ethan, not the- is massive- - See when he's drunk, he's, he's, he's fine. - He's all right. - Keep this order? - I actually like this order. I think it's fine. - Anyone disagree? - I would, I would wanna swap me and Chris around, personally. - I can see it. - In what, what element? Why? - Sometimes it's just, it is just like move on to the next conversation, kind of vibe. - Oh, that's, that's actually fair. - Can I ask a question? - Yeah. - Out of Chip and Harry, which one would you say is worse drunk? - Harry. Harry. - It's not even close. - Harry even put his hand up. - I'm just a waffler man. I waffle nonstop. - Chip tells the truth in his drunk. That's what he does. - But the truth goes on for a long time. [everyone laughing] - Get a side of spit when Chip talks to you as well. - Well, you know what? I can't help that. That's my teeth. You can't help your f*cking your receding hairline buddy. - Which YouTuber has the highest body count? Alright. Dedge number one. - Dedge one! - Randolph has been a relationship. - Randy you stay there. [JJ laughing] - Don't laugh at him, that's a good thing. - No, no, it's not funny. - Deji just accepted it. - Yeah. I think Chris has got to be higher. - Chris has gotta move. - Chris been a dog. - There's a dog in there. It's not a huge dog. - Let's be honest. - And when there's dog, when there's a dog, there's a Callux. - No, no, no, no. - So I'd put him higher. - Yeah. I think Lux is higher. - I think you're up here, 'cause you're like, it doesn't matter what they're like. You know? - You do like a Centerback. [Randy laughing] - That's outrageous. I have choice and taste. - Yeah, for centrebacks. - You go for centrebacks. - I'm not here. There's no way I'm here. - I think it goes Deji, Chip, Chris, Cal. - Yeah, I agree with that. - I don't know how much of a demon Chris has been. - No, honestly. - He's a recent demon. - Alright I think you should be fourth. Chip second. Aight, you two swap. - Love that. - Nah nah nah. No way. No way. - No? - Not yet. But potentially, not yet. Does Livvy's sauna count? - You saw what I looked like in 2015. - How are you putting Chris above Chip? - Now. But that's a good point though. Like Thai massage. - Does Livvy's sauna count? - What the he- what's Livvy's sauna buddy? - Actually, Chip. - No, no, no. I swear to God. I actually reckon I'm low. - Really? - Just based off what I know about these f*cking dogs right here. - Where would you place them then? - Let's see. - Oh, they're not good looking but there's a lot of them. - I didn't- you guys are crazy. Come down right there. Theo. - You're higher than me. - You're low. [everyone laughing] - What about Chris? - Would you put Chris second then? - Chris has been on a rampant streak of women. Every time I see him he is like, I was on date last night. - It's true. I did hear that. - That's recency bias. - It's recency bias. - Recency bias - And a date's not a guaranteed body. - No, no. He's been shagging. - Oh so he pulls through. - He might have been shagging, but not past Lux. There's no way. There's no way. He's gone past Lux. - You need to put Chip second. Lux third. - That's, it's just not true. - Chris fourth. - Oldum Chip is high. Oldum Chip is high. - No, but that's the thing. Oldum Chip was clapped. I looked like that. - Chris has got to go down. [all arguing] - I know Chris's number and it's less than Chip. - Yeah. - Is it actually? Do you know my number? - I think two and three could switch, but I think that's okay. - No one even argued Deji. Are you arguing Deji? - Deji knows. - You know what you've done. - Wait. Deji? Are you like an animal? - Yes. - No, let's not talk on camera. [everyone laughing] - Does Theo's mum count as a human. - See that's just horrible that is. - That's your type of joke. - No that's terrible man. He's being mean now. - Which YouTuber has the biggest ego? - Oh, I don't think my ego's that big you know? - Number one, get number one. - Chris. - Do you think I have an ego? - No no no. Chris, Chris what do you say about Premier League free kick takers? - And I, I f*cking stand by it. - Number one! - To be fair the thing he said about it made sense. What he said out of every Premier league player. So, keepers, defenders everything. - Yeah, but I can say that. - I would agree, but I would agree with him. You're not. - No, but whether it makes sense or not, it's still an ego thing. - Yeah, but it's more valid. - If it's unrealistic. That makes a difference. - Chip, I wouldn't say has much of an ego. - Chip's quite low. - But Chip as a persona has an ego. - Chippo Crimes is like- - That's Chippo Crimes mate, that's Chippo Crimes, man. Yeah, exactly. Who do you want at your wedding? - I would put Chip, I would put Chip at five. Chip, can you go to five please. - Thank you, thank you. - Honestly, this top four is a hotly contested battle. - Does Deji have an ego like that? - I don't think Deji is first. - Deji's not first. - Deji ain't first. - Who's first? - Lux. - Lux and Chris I'd take one and two. - I'm telling you Chris is first. - It's been a bad day. - This is a f*cking sh*t video. - But it's a good thing. You back yourself highly. - Sometimes too much. But, for the most part. - With us, he's clear one. - Oh, yeah easily. - But it works. - Yeah, you're a CEO man. - Thank you bro. Thank you. - Deji has it there. - Deji has one but not that much. - Chris's is just getting outta hand though. - Chris has the bad kind of ego. I'd say. - What? - Yeah. Sometimes Chris is has some splurges that are bad. - It has been known to happen. - I'd bump Chris up. Chris, Chris talks as if he's on camera, off camera. [everyone laughing] - Wait I've got something to say. Theo claims that he'd score eight goals in the prem. - Hang on a minute. Arteta literally agreed with me. So. - Are we including pens? - Bro I watched the video. - If so yes. - It's still an ego thing to say. - It's possible - It's not. - If we're including pens I think he has a chance. - He does not get 8 goals in the Premier League. - If he's including penalties I think he does. - Oh my god. - This is crazy - That's outrageous. - Well nah 'cause if Theo got eight pens, he'd score em all. - I don't think he would. - I would. - Nahh. - How many taps ins has Haaland got this season? - No, but your hip won't get you there. - There is no way you'd be in the position to score that many goals. - Yeah. - Well let's prove it then. [everyone laughing] - Lemme just put you in a Premier League club. - That answer he just said, "Let's see then." he's gotta go up. - Maybe swap with Deji actually - And that I can, - I can live with this. - Deji is not like I'm a nightmare. Is he? - Yeah. Yeah. - I don't, I don't know about this. - That's, but I said that. - I actually don't think Lux has a big ego. - It's Chris. - It's just the big head. - Yeah, maybe swap with Chris then. - Yeah, I think he needs to swap. - Just, just one place. - But Theo is... - Theo just bump up. - I think you two swap. - Yeah, I swap again. - Ah for f*ck's sake. - Randy, what do you think? - I think it's all right. Yeah. Well Lux is unreal. His ego's unreal. He thinks he's the best shooter out there ever. - I, I think Lux is second. - I agree. - Okay, we'll put him back. - I think the football is like a small part of it. Yeah, - It's a good thing, by the way Lux. - Thank you brother. - But it's also not true. [all laughing] - Which YouTuber is the smartest? - Oh, that's what this is. - Right, Deji's good where he is. - Lux number one. - Imma throw two people out there. Randy and Lux. - What Randy? - I'm putting them two top. - I reckon I have. Yeah. - Randy's been business grinding from early. - And I do pretend to be dumber than I am. - Lux number one easy. Why are we still doing this? - Yeah. Lux number one. - Could you move down please? - I got an A in GCSE Maths. - That's not very good. Is it? - I think Randy's gotta go two. - Yeah, I'm for Randy two. - How many people have been on celebrity Mastermind? - You were on Mastermind? - Chris is smarter than Theo. - Yeah, about birds. - Yeah, all he knows about is birds. - And got them wrong. - Ay Theo, move down. - Why do you know about birds anyway? - Huh? - 'Cause he's a nerd. - I think Chip sits. - Chip is smart, socially. - Yes, here. - But in every other facet. - No! I would say no. - How many other facets? - All that exist. - Every other one. - Okay. You know what that's fair enough. - You'd swap Deji and Chip. - Chip and Deji. - Yeah, I think, yeah. - I'll go. - Okay. - I think, yeah. - Deji's smarter than he leads on. - And he wears glasses. - That's not hard though - It's not hard. - What do you guys think about this order? - Oh, actually I don't know about Chip. - I reckon, I reckon Chris or Theo could beat me. - Look at the way Chip is looking around the room currently. - I don't give a f*ck. - I think you're giving Lux too much over us. - I'm just about to be exposed though. - No, Lux is one of the smartest people I know. Genuinely. - I think this is fine. What are, what school grades do he get? What were your grades? - School grades do not matter when you're, he's now 35. Like it does not matter. - 31. Respectfully. We're not gonna take your opinion into account. - Let's correct that. - The only questionable one, two and three. - I think Chris knows like weird facts and sh*t. - But that's it. - Poor Chris, he's a Pub Quiz merchant. - I'm terrible at pub quizzes. - Chip. - Theo who do you wanna switch with? - What's up? - I wanna be, at least second. - Chip's not in the room. - Second? - I think you lot are doing a disservice to my brain. - Chip and Dedge. Do you, are you agreeing with your position or not? - No. Of course not. - I don't but I'm not really- - No? - Oh you think you're higher? - Where do you think you should be Dedge? - Honestly? Top three. - What? - Okay. Theo, where do you think you should be. - Top two! - Top two. - Chris? - So you can see the intelligent ones actually know where they should be. I would say. I would say, I think I'm in the right place. - I think we gotta see a, a little 2v2. - Need to see a triangle of it. - 2v2 and a final. - 2 and 5, and 4 and 3. - Yeah. - Deji v Randy. Can we have you go over there. - Okay. After McDonald's, which fast food chain has the most worldwide locations? - KFC. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Starbucks? - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Oh, right. - Oh, burger King. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - I know the answer. - I don't actually know. - Theo with a steal? - Subway. - Yeah. - Whoa. - They both, okay, they both- - Okay right. Next. What plant is tequila made from? [buzzer] - Tequila. - Oh dear. - Pass. [incorrect buzzer] - Eucalyptus. - No. [incorrect buzzer] This is not going well. - Brosky said eucalyptus. - For a steel? Anyone for steel? - Didn't know it was made from plant. - Uncultured, swine. - Oh, you know this one. What rapper's real name is Jacques Webster II or "Jackes" Webster II. - It's called, it's pronounced Jaque. - Randolph you should know this. - Should I? - Yeah. Come on man. - It's Jack Webster II. - Quavo. [incorrect buzzer] - What is this? - You lot ain't got a question right have you? - No. - What kind of questions are these? - It's best of three. - Travis Scott, right? - Yep. Yeah. - First to a point. What is a group of elephants called? - Elephante? [incorrect buzzer] [everyone laughing] - Put him last. - He said Elephante. - Randolph? - Elegant an elegant. [everyone arguing] - A herd, its a herd. - I think they're both forfeit. - What's the easiest f*cking question on here? - They need one question. - All right. What number is a Baker's dozen? [buzzer] - Twelve. [incorrect buzzer] - Six. [incorrect buzzer] - Thirteen! - It's thirteen! - Honestly Chip, honestly Chip, you might have to go up here. - Yeah nah. You two got- - You're both at six, bro. You're both at six. - Yes. I got myself a space. - Holy sh*t. - I think after Elephante though, he's six. - Okay, fine yeah. - Randy five. Chip four. - It was a poor showin on that one. - We had Randy in second you know. - Why don't you ask me how many planets there are? - How many? - Seven. [incorrect buzzer] - Oh my God. He said there's seven planets. I can't be arsed. Get out. - Randy shut up bro. - Bro, stop man. - He might be right. [incorrect buzzer] - I beat you in the last quiz as well. Just now. - Oh, I can smell your BO this close. - It's quite nerveracking here, isn't it? - Is it not 9? - It's 8. - It's lonely at the top. - Here we go. Here we go. - I beat Chris on that last quiz FYI. - I beat your mom last night mate. - Best of three again? - Yeah. - You ready? - Just get one right please. - Okay. How many strings does a typical guitar have? [buzzer] - f*ck off! - Six. [correct ding] - Six. - How are they getting these- why? What's going on? - Pipe down. Pipe down. - Would you have known that one Dedge? - Yeah of course! Six! - Can I just say, I think it should Hands behind the back. His hand was literally here. - His hand was also on the table. - That was unfair. - Not fair man. - What is going on? - How many elements are there in the periodic table? [buzzer] - 147. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Deji is really angry by the way. I wanna hear his answer. - 72. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Can we hear Deji's answer? - 160? - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Oh, is it not? - 118. - I didn't know that. - Let's take is easy again. How many days are there in February in a leap year? [buzzer] - That was me. Hold that f*cking L. 29. - Nice. - Wow. Okay. - That's not it. That's not, That's not fair. - What is the most sold flavour of Walkers Crisps? [buzzer] - Oh bollocks. I'm gonna go with ready salted. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - Salt and vinegar. - No. [incorrect buzzer] - It's cheese and onion - Okay. Next question. - Whoa whoa whoa. What is it? - Cheese and onion. - Deji got it man. Deji got it. - f*ck, f*cking weirdos, man. - Right, the question to win it! What mountain range separates France and Spain? [buzzer] To Theo. - Separates France and Spain? - Yes. - Oh, you dirty dog. Oh, that is, that is rude. It's the Alps? - No! [incorrect buzzer] - Oh it's the, it's the Oh! I know what it is. - Is the... - Is it the Pyrenees? - Yes! - Wait was that the first one right? - No. - No, second one. He wins. [triumphant trumpets] - Cheers, man. - Yeah, you didn't shake my hand at the end. - Well done Chris. [everyone clapping] - Most bullsh*t questions ever, by the way. - No, no. Chris. Chris, you're up there, man. - Oh of course. Yeah. Well that settles it. - Well hold on can we get Chip and f*cking Lux together cause that was like, - No, no. You bottled it, boys. - Then they have a chance bottle it. - Chip stayed so quiet during all the questions. - 'Cause I'm just smart. I'm just smart. - That is true. 'Cause you're smart. 'Cause you're smart. - So guys, this has been an amazing time, an amazing video. Thank you for watching. We'll see you Side+. [electronic dance music]
Channel: Sidemen
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 2devYlXkTJQ
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Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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