I Interviewed Youtubers 1 Year Apart...

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welcome back to one of my favorite videos every year I've managed to get a group of YouTubers to sit down and react to themselves exactly one year ago there's going to be some familiar faces and also some new faces let's get this going does my posture look okay and I hunched hi I'm Kum McGinley or callx I'm Grace or GK Barry thei my name is Simon Simon Minter my name is jji also known as KSI it is the year 2024 and my job role is podcaster Creator skinny Legends professional boxer English Cruiserweight Champion YouTuber still and I am a YouTuber entrepreneur I hate it no I'm not a YouTuber and my job role Entertainer and I am now a YouTuber how is life it's good uh I feel feel like an adult now you know lots going on uh feel less like a bedroom creton uh I think the last year's been potentially extra kind to me with the whole moving and everything that's come with it and everything but it's not kind to the bank account so yeah it was not out to the bank account how the bank account recovered uh through some smart ways it's not recovered it's just healing it's busy but it's pretty D why I'm just doing a podcast every week that's my version of busy is that it yeah no cuz I am doing other stuff I'm doing stuff for foot Asylum yeah that's absolutely hilarious cuz the fact that I thought I was busy then is really really funny I just got out of bed once a week and filmed my podcast and a few shoots tired it's just cuz I just work so hard like in everything where it's me trying to think of a new C idea that you know I'm in charge of or whether I have to train everything single day or whether I have to work on your new music you posting on my YouTube channel bro I was so bro I rinsed myself last year and the years before that man I was just always working man it's nuts so like this is like the first year where I'm like allow me man I don't want to work all the [ __ ] time I want to actually you relax and I still got everyone on my ass like yo what's going on we got [ __ ] to do developing anywh that's kind of tiing with developing progressing hey I'm boring in it a boring guy every year there's been a a growth in some way do you know what I mean whether it's Maybe YouTube has taken a bit of a slower year but then boxing's had an increased year or music's had a Improvement like I always feel like something is heading in the right direction I don't feel like and everything stays the same or is regressing I think think it's been good I haven't uploaded enough YouTube videos which has really got to me and there's been like a bit of a an effort towards that recently you know what it's funny I look look at that and I'm like yeah you were good but now you're good and I think that's been like a a theme of the years going on what is or has been your favorite moment you've experienced in your life oh it's got to be that knockout the phase temper knockout something to look at he hasn't seen I think because I trained so hard and it probably didn't even look like I trained that hard cuz I just did it so quickly but I trained super hard for that fight I know I think last year I was very like work work work work work work and even the year before that and the year before that it was all just work what whereas this year I've told myself I kind of want to relax on the work thing because I've just R it I've just gone nuts for so long and it's like all right let me find time for myself and actually enjoy my riches actually so far I'd say locked in that was loads of fun and I learned I'd never want to do that again I'm glad I did it yeah yeah I've got loads of followers out of that so that was great I did locked in that was so long ago I always forget that I did locked in as well I can't believe that was my best life experience as well I really didn't leave the house did I and that's fine do you still look back at locked in and think of it as a good time or your thoughts on it change no I think locked in was really good I think it was good for me good getting with the brand but um I don't know if I'd ever do that again as much as a good life experience that was who is the most famous person that follows you I'm still going to say JJ man now you know why cuz he don't vanish he didn't vanish unfortunately he didn't vanish he didn't he's still here he's still going strong man but he's still pretty you know what I mean we got to give him his props where props is you and he stays he makes sure he stays current I should have said this for the past three years Mr Beast yeah true scw JJ Mr Beast is think he unfollowed me though I don't know he probably unfollowed me I don't know got Jemma Collins phone number oh J oh yeah that's the that's the level we've got yeah that sounded rude love them both um but yeah still the exact same so that's good I think it's the same I haven't really been begging it that much this year like or at all kind of giv that up now but KSI Bella Thorn Rio Ferdinand Aaron ramsdale yeah same people message Bella Thorn uh um have I messed her in the last year no I had a video idea and then because she hadn't replied to my last message I sacked it off so um yeah Bella's Bella's Bella doesn't count anymore I think it's Logan Paul yeah okay it is Logan Paul well you don't have Gordon Ramsey doesn't follow you uh he does follow me does Gordon Ramsey still follow you uh I don't know if he does I don't know why he would to be honest does still follow me have you ever messaged him uh I think I messaged him about wanting to be on a s men Sunday video but he wasn't able to do it are you still living at home yeah but I'm looking to move out in 2 months I did that moved out yeah move your own home you happy with your home do you like it yeah I love it although I don't have any Neighbors at the minute so it's just a bit scary and apparently the man that lived in my house now died and I have a door in my dressing room that always opens and shots randomly so he's still there I don't blame him what has been your favorite career fight so far my last one my last one um anise touch so he was seven and two going into that fight yeah and the reason why I enjoyed it the most is because he tested down that I feel like the atmosphere was popping the most it's ever popped for any of my Pro fights it was the latest I was on and I had to face some minor adversity how did the second one compare to the first one uh second one I pieced him up I appeased him he got me again though he got me with a good bang again like but then same round I finished him I said no we're not doing this again how much do you think Prime just as a guess how much do you think it'll be worth in a year's time so I'll say over a billion over a billion over a billion yeah which is pretty nuts for a drink a drink comping only appeared for about two years world win three at the time next year yeah proba done very well wow 1 billion but then I was there like yo hopefully he reach something I think so so you hit you hit a billion yeah yeah yeah Way Beyond that do you recognize more now than you did last year yes like a lot more I feel like now we've somehow got like somehow we've got older people to watch us or at least know us cuz every single cab I get into now it's like some old guy being you're one of them side men aren't you did you get on the way here I actually didn't he didn't look at me too would you classify yourself as Rich no def for not def for not I don't know what I said last year but hopefully it was along the same lines otherwise I was lying yeah I keep that one I'm keep it true I not cuz I got a I got a net worth in it online that apparently is I'm like I got like 2 mil allegedly in it this is far from the case like I wish the Googles was act active and accurate you know what I mean but yeah we'll get there man it's a journey would you classify yourself as Rich no rich in mindset no I say me laughing at my the average person i' got a bit more money but I'm I'm going to yeah she was less humble back then wasn't she do you have 22 million no I don't have 2 mil not yet are you currently a millionaire no no blessa I know the answer to this question but like now I feel a bit funny answering it yes there you go have he was look it's so seeson at the moment we're doing all right how wealthy do you think you will be in a year's time um I think my valuation will go up crazy because of like all my businesses okay yeah so I think at the moment what I'm I'd say I value myself at what eight figures yeah yeah oh wow whereas next year I can see myself being nine figures okay yeah my valuation is going to be 10 next year probably are you valued at over a billion now do you think if I sold every probably yeah yeah if I sold literally everything that is to me like Misfit siden Prime Etc yeah yeah yeah okay what's your current relationship status I hope this doesn't change but I am in a relationship oh well that aged like [ __ ] cheese didn't it so that's really good um yeah that lasted long what can you do over and out if I get into another relationship in the next four years I need shooting in the head I cannot physically ever do that again have you got any plans coming up I think he I think well we're going to probably live together when I move out this is horrible so really let yeah yeah so uh yeah seriously let's hope we're together going to next watch this this is horrible to watch yeah well we didn't move in together and we didn't stay together so that's really good oh [ __ ] that is awful I actually manifested that let's hope we're still together ended two months after do you know what yeah next question I am engaged uh yeah we got engaged last J June July August I have no idea and we'll be married in a couple months we made it we surviving where does um your wedding route in your life's like best moments I it's number one it's yeah it's number one it was like I didn't think I would like like I knew a wedding is obviously going to be amazing but I didn't think it would be as good as it was I kind of thought oh yeah we'll go up we I do and that'll be it what is your current relationship status yeah yeah I'm in relationship yeah yeah right now Rel very very happy yeah she's actually moving into my house oh W this moving in full time yeah full time you excited about that I'm very excited no yeah no it's it because I mean she's basically live there her moving in has been so blessed literally like no problems it's been like so smooth seamless so yeah and you know as long as she has her cat or she tries to push cats you've got a cat uh she has a cat but now she's moving in she's moving in so it's our cat yeah but I'm probably going to have a cat as well two cats as you will have two cats and leave at that that's it no more than two no more than two cats yeah so I have three cats God [ __ ] damn it man I think over the last couple months it's been complicated it was but in a month it may not be complicated it was complicated for many many months after that and then I met someone else and it became uncomplicated and it became so incredibly uncomplicated oh current relationship status is is not the same as it was last vid um yeah things went down things happened but I learned a lot I learned a lot what do you reckon in a year's time in a year's time probably won't know me mate probably won't be single hey I ain't lying see see I said no me mate in a year time probably ain't going to be single yet well that's what happened so you found someone yeah yeah yeah not just a someone we got to say the special someone specialist yeah what's the best thing about your job all the free [ __ ] you know way more humble if I randomly put on my story oh would love a set of eyelashes I could get a set of eyelashes I come across such a knob that came across as an odd there as well yeah you still do that yeah yeah definitely although I don't do that as much now you've got Joe forer yes in May how's that going to he's Joe for is getting knocked out I'm going to knock out a 9 and0 Pro [Applause] simple and if you don't well it's not possible yeah yeah yeah it's not possible I love the mindset I mean one way or another he got knocked down one thing you'd like to sck off your bucket list um I'd love to get a hole in one that's so funny I thought I look really down there for a second I was like what am I going to say a hole in one did you get a hole in one yeah I uploaded a video actually where I got a hole in one from 143 yards on a PA three congratulations thank you last year you said you had a home gym yes and have you been using it for the last two weeks one thing you wish you could say to yourself a year ago oh go to the gym you stick yeah I I I keep telling myself I say it every single Year everyone knows like I'm sure everyone says it but I mean I literally haven't acted on it I have a wedding in two months so it's yeah it's it's goam and hopefully by the time my wedding comes around I'll be in like such a routine that I carry on at least a little bit I did not I did the two months that was all right and then uh I need something like imminent you know I would say to that Videl that there's going to be many things that be popping up but keep your concentration and make sure yeah you you dive deep into whatever you're choosing to do at that time facts yeah 100 man say the same thing this year who's one person do you'd like to have on your podcast in the next year Alan Carr on the Pod I want Alan car any comedians basically I have them all I don't care who it is I have any comedian on there I did have Alan car in uh and then I was really unwell and I had to cancel and then he never rebooked so I mean technically that did come true but I just ruined that for myself as usual so that's good what's one thing that you would have like to have accomplished this time next year um oh yeah I want to knock out J Paul yeah I want to fight Jak Paul that's the soul he oh bro don't get me [ __ ] starred on this [ __ ] man now that Jake is like ducking me it just doesn't want it I'm there like bro this guy's fighing Mike Tyson bro bro why I like he don't want to fight me he wants to fight these [ __ ] oaps do you think that fight will happen in the next 365 days yeah no I I believe the fight will happen in the next 365 days ah rip well a lot has happened in the year man I tried I tried and I had to fight Tommy I had to fight Tommy instead because I was like all right I'm not waiting on this [ __ ] [ __ ] how do you think that fight will I'm going to knock him out yeah yeah yeah I train too hard I work too hard I'm I I'm like scary like I Spar pros and beat them so it's it's scary for him yeah bro I was and I still am like dangerous it's just yeah I'm kind of just just chilling now but one place you'd like to travel to I want to go to the moldes I want I want a holiday doing absolutely nothing and I've been hell yeah that was our honeymoon we went to the MDES went for 12 days and literally did nothing would you go back yeah 100% that's actually the issue with it I was talking to Josh about it and we were like the issue is once you go now I only want to go there yeah so I will go again you know what I want a touchdown in the Middle East man I want a touch down in I did I did I went to I went to buer I went to buer so could you potentially see a fight happening out there I could I can I can I can um I'm open to it no no opportunity has been presented to me on on fighting there but but I know I I know the people who could make that opportunity present itself yeah that's true I have I I did have a potential opportunity to fight there right recently actually but you know didn't materialize and stuff but yeah it's that is still on the cards that's on the horizon to happen could happen this in the it could happen it could happen yeah biggest regret you've ever had the biggest regret I wish I could [ __ ] say that there would be all of my past boyfriends especially one with half a tooth and I don't change being a little bit too open my [ __ ] issue think I could have kept some things private do you know what's funny since coming out of a relationship I feel like I'm more vulgar online now I say the most outrageous stuff now um and my parents know and they F I think they've accustomed to it so it's fine what's one thing you'd like to accomplish by this time next year if we're going like if we're going like statistics and stuff love to get a million on what's good did you we have a million finally New Year's Day loved it I think that's been a goal for your yeah yeah to have uh a no two ways collaboration with someone crazy yeah we've got like five collaborations at the moment that we're talking about but they're not out so I failed how's it doing really well as good as it ever has been and pushing on and we're hiring aggressively at the moment and it's all super exciting still did you hire super aggressively we hired super aggressively yeah and we found some good people assuming once the Jake Paul fight happens assuming it does is there anybody else that you would like to fight in the YouTube scene maybe so happy but honestly I just feel like after me you know beating Jake in the way I want to be in I'll just be in an area that people don't want to touch that's like K go I ain't find any influences man I look I would obliterate them all I'm not touching that I'm on a league above look if you can find an influencer that will happily fight Tommy Fury then fine then I will fight you one thing you'd like to take off your bucket list do a Skydive did I [ __ ] say that if someone pays me a lot of money why on Earth would I say that I probably won't do that so maybe like going on a long haul flight without taking a lot of pills oh I did take a lot of pills but I did do the long ha flight and God I don't know why that was a lie by the way I've never ever looked at skydiving and gone let me on let me do that that would be really good I want to do the three Peak challenge what did I say that last year climb all three mountains in 24 hours I blame the sidan for this you know I've been holding off I said it and we were like oh that a sideand video and then about 3 days ago I put it in the chat like maybe we should try it and everyone we're not going to do it so I've take it up on myself I'm doing it I'm doing it for my channel so it's it's defin going to be next time you sat here yes the way things are going and the direction I'm heading in my rankings and everything like that by this time next year I should have had a belt and hope hopefully defended it at least once and I did I have a belt and I've defended it once so who did you defend it against against Mel lell so I won yeah I won the belt in September and then defended it against him I'll be wife up like 100% yeah yeah 100% 100% the way we laugh about it it was so unrealistic but I did it you did it I did it yeah yeah wife up with um a wonderful girl that I don't know if the internet will ever find out about we'll find out I think I would have more freedom uh more time to just you know not do as much work yeah sick smashed it yes you smashed it JJ let's [ __ ] go who would you like to meet I'm still going to stick with David Beckham you know I think I probably said that last year yeah you meet him I have not met David Beckham I I've accepted that is a maybe I shouldn't meet him Romeo ref followed you though and you know he watches these videos yeah but I that is like my nightmare is asking yo can I meet your dad no Romeo yeah Romeo If you are watching though we need Clos this chapter of this series like he said David Beckham almost every single time I know that would be amazing what's been your lowest moment in life so far skiing skiing if I ever have to go skiing again i' rather behead myself I hate that and people that go skiing want to die have you skiing was horror have you been skiing no I will never go skiing again I keep seeing people at snow boxs I'm just think grow up absolutely no way yeah [ __ ] that for a f what do you think your boxing record will be in a year's time uh this time next year what be in March I should be on about 1213 and off so I'm on 11 I'm on 11 why were there fights that didn't happen that you thought would happen how come you didn't get to the 12 13 number yeah there's a few fights that I thought were going to happen that didn't happen um so man it's just a game I've realized to not have an expectation but my personal goal boxes are tited I chose a more difficult opponent in order to to make the win more you know worthy I didn't need those two fights that one win is like having two fights do you think Arsenal will win the League this season without a doubt 100% there's there's no two ways about it yeah you didn't have to show that bit you can actually just cut that bit out the video if I was holding a bottle yeah we bottled it massively but we won't this year we won't this year how much do you think Bitcoin will cost this one next year Bitcoin how much is it now what do you what do you reckon the price will be next to you wait what why is it going back up wait is the ball Market is time again I'm not saying anything oh I don't want to even touch it bro I don't want to yeah yeah gas 2023 oh I hope it goes to the [ __ ] bin I hope it's at $3,000 could [Music] you I know it's 70,000 70,000 plus yeah like I was still burning from [ __ ] Luna man a what would you rate your happiness right now out of 10 do you remember what your score was like I think it would have been higher I think it would have been like an eight or a nine solid eight and a half yeah eight and a half yeah any reasons for that like I'm very happy but we have a lot of filming with siden uh a lot of people have stuff on like JayZ obviously has boxing Harry has holidays Vic has holidays we have the wedding stuff like that so we are cramming stuff in whereas I prefer to do filming like here and there 100% I I stick to that we could get siden done like two weeks and have a whole two weeks off but they won think will ever change no no I want to go for a probably said five I'm going go with my number seven all right I'm going go with a seven all right anything more than that you're going to probably slow down your work rate cuz it means you're too gased anything less than that then you're going to shave off all your hair well I've recently discovered Cals so I'm say about an eight of my life what's Cals the the what are they called you take them one a day and when you burp it smells like lavender he does do you think that person was telling the truth I don't know that's [ __ ] hilarious that I said he and calms don't do any they don't touch the sides anymore so I feel like uh yeah that was nice to see I feel like I've been potentially happier in the past but um like there's stuff I want to work on or or like be more settled or something like there's stuff that needs to be done um and it's just [ __ ] stress at the moment so um an eight he looks like an eight doesn't he you think this person was telling the truth I think they're telling the truth yeah yeah and you would say you're happier now than you were than that person way happier yeah I'll say eight okay but I am happy I am happy oh he was not happy happy like honestly if I wanted to say [ __ ] all of this I could and be blessed and I'll be at 10 forever but and I just piss off a lot of people and [ __ ] off like a lot of businesses or just yeah a lot of people be like the [ __ ] going on two questions do you think you were actually looking back do you actually think you were an eight out of 10 no no no I'd say I was a about six yeah I think I was just overworked so I'd like to portray that it was an eight but I was definitely I'd say about six back then whereas now I'm a I'm an eight so you say you're happier now than you were yes yes yeah yeah yeah then I was just it was just work work work this was the message to you that's okay I I don't remember this firstly stop doing these Cal frezy videos and go to the gym failed both of those secondly organize more stuff with the boys like do do more troops meals do more I don't know activities organize a holiday just just something just do something to see everyone well I I'm here doing another video with you so no I haven't gone to the gym much so no and I didn't really organize most of those meals so no but um yeah we I in a roundabout way I've done some of them I hope you finally learned how to not make your eyes look Bonk wearing eyelashes issue for me right now and I hope that I've not been cancelled and are you still friends with your group right now from Tik Tok I'd be so interested to know I think I am I haven't fallen out with it I'm definitely not as close with a lot of people but yeah I'd I'm still friends with them Look At Me Maybe to be more confident I'd say doesn't matter you've got a flat ass it does actually maybe it's grown no no that was really bad actually it's gotten flatter so that's really good um yeah what's [ __ ] advice um I didn't get more organized I did just get a PA so maybe I did stay on the goal stay on the ball concentrate downtime is down time work time is work time I've done that over the last year I had to I had to I feel like I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't activate that manset like lock in do you know what I mean if something is too distracting or the any energy that's too distracting you got to go uh next weekend you should um go skiing cuz your hips are a lot better now and um um make sure you actually do it cuz I know it's going to be busy time of the year and you're not going to take any time off so just go for the weekend with her I wonder if her would still be the same her or could be [Music] anyone that is so good was it the same her it was a different her as everything in life you just got to leave it up to the universe and whatever happens will happen whatever meant for you will find you am I right hi future me how you doing um I think you're smashing it right now uh touch with no one Close to You dies um yeah just just keep doing you man just keep going seeing how see how far you can go and if you feel like you've reached that point then finally relax and I have I have relaxed yay amazing all right thank you very much yeah thank you yeah till next year that's it thank you very much appreciate it brother love that was sick appreciate man thank you very much brother that was a sick one amazing thank you very that was horor so horor
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,280,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: WYeDKZ2xy6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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