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- This is "Sidemen Rates Themselves"! [Sidemen cheer] Yeah! - For certain questions we have experts or challenges that will help sort out any differences the Sidemen may have. But before we start, be sure to subscribe and help us reach 20 million subscribers. Thank you. First up, which Sidemen is the most fashionable? - Go, go, go, go, go. - I think you should go this way actually. - I'm relying on others for- - I'm staying here man. - I was about to say, you are not fashionable. - If you dressed yourself, you could be. - I'd send you to the bottom. - I'm below Rick? No, let's be honest. - Ethan comes this way. - I'm happy to move, bro. - Brother! - Bro have you seen the fits you used to wear? - I think I should be up there. - Okay, you know what I'm doing? I'm pulling up the picture on the side here. It's you here in the white outfit with the gold headphones. That was you. - That is- - Okay, that was me. - Now this is me now. - That stains your reputation. - You have stylist tax, you don't do it yourself. - Yeah. - Yeah so? - If you did do it yourself, you'd be in big trouble. - You might be below Harry. - No I think- - No, no, no. - I shouldn't be up here [laughs]. - I like your tracksuit, I think it's a great tracksuit. - Start walking down. - No I was just starting up there. - Start walking down like- - Do you wanna swap? Simon let's swap. - You can't swap, stay there. - I feel like I'm so bang average. I don't go too far on either side- - I don't think I should be here then! He says he's average! - I'm happy at four. - I would swap you two. - Yeah. - I would swap you too yeah. [Josh laughs] When was the last time we saw Josh and went, "Ooh, that drip is actually sick." - Now JJ, I think the stylist tax puts you further that way. [Sidemen laugh] I think like Harry, had a better outfit. - If I had a stylist, I'd be there as well. - You know what, I would say he should go down. But Harry, those are the most tired things I've ever seen. - These the only joggers I own. - No, 'cause that's dreadful. - Vik? Vik? - Look at that. - So you what? You put me there! - Those are the most tired- - I'm coming to Vik, I'm coming to Vik. Just for that comment, just for that comment you can go to three. - No I'm saying, you're fine there. I just said you shouldn't go below Harry because of that. - I would argue, yeah. That because JJ does pull off the stylist thing. He should go higher because he does pull it off. - I agree. - That's what I'm talkin' about! [Sidemen arguing] - So, so, so, so this is pay to win. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Move! [Sidemen arguing] - Move! Move! [Sidemen laughing] - I like your tracksuit, should switch to four. - I agree. - Yeah, I'll swap I'll swap. [Sidemen laughing] - Damn it! - You were doing so well. - I was just hanging out. - Look who's number three. [Sidemen laughing] - I was livid. - Yeah get wrecked! - I was livid. - Nah, I wanna be above you. - What? Why! [Sidemen laughing] Brother no! - Hey I'll back you, you know. - I think we should get decided. - I say you battle for it. - All right we now have two stylists that will help determine who is actually the most fashionable. - You're the top two? - Well... - He's number one? - Number one is number one, you can't- - Why? He's like a smurf man. [Sidemen laugh] - He's not even in the question. - Also, jacket's coming out a bit weird at the back. - Oh no! - Brother leave him alone. Tobi, turn sideways. - Let me go to seven, let me go to seven. - No. - If you wanna reorder them- - Yo, do you wanna reorder us? - Do you think he dressed himself this morning? - Yeah, but it doesn't matter. [Sidemen groan] - He's the only one of us with a stylist. So you just have to keep that in consideration. - Also, I'm unsure about the shoes. - Those shoes... - They're his dad's. - They're not my dad's. - Grandad's. [Sidemen laugh] - Top two definitely. - Okay, everyone move down. - Should I drop to like four? [KSI laughs] - But Ethan's giving dad vibes and I'm here for it. - Is that what just like, is that what I just put out into the world now? - So he definitely, he definitely- - I didn't know! [Sidemen laugh] I would've styled myself better if I'd have known. - He's cool, he's cool. He's cool where is. - Are you anti-Supreme? - No he's just dead. [Sidemen laugh] - I don't know if my ego can take this today. - I'm not here for the jacket. - It's just dead. - Stay there. - I'll stay, I'll stay here. - I think the only reason you're there is 'cause of the jacket. - I take the jacket off and I still look good, what're you talking about man? [Sidemen yell] - I'd just wear that in my yard. - Cool. - Just wear that watching television. - You don't wanna look good in your yard? - It's cool but, I swear it should be you two up there. - Yeah, you two. - If it wasn't for JJ's shoes, top 100%. - It's gonna have to be you two, 'cause those air forces are busted. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! - Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you had better shoes, I was ready to call you fashion neek. A hundred percent. - Fashion neek. - A hundred percent. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. So, what if I take off the shoes? - That might be better. - Try it. - You're risking what all- - Nah it might give- - Red socks. - That pushes him up there. [Sidemen chattering] - Yes! - Yeah. Yeah, I think so. It looks like it's all, you know, all matching. Wasn't even expecting that to be honest with you. - Yeah see, it's the details. - You need to be slid down a bit... - I don't mind that, I don't mind. - Life is pay to win. - It's simple. - Life is pay to win. Thank you guys. - Thank you very much. - Have a good one guys. - Cheers. [everyone claps] - Oh this should be a good one, which sidemen is the best YouTuber? [Sidemen groan] - Respectfully, I'll make my way. I'll make my way. [Sidemen arguing] - No, no, don't. I think even you. - Zerkaa Thursdays? - It doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't exist anymore. - Yeah but like, my channel doesn't exist anymore. - Is it current? Or is it all time? - I think all time. - All time. - We almost stood in order of views. Probably quite close. - Total views. - Or subs or views. - I wouldn't judge it on that though, I wouldn't say judge it on that, it's gotta be like- - If it's on subs remember I'm down here mate, I'm living. Total subs, actually total subs I'm here. - Roughly, subs we've done it as- - All right no but tell me, what do you think your greatest video ever was? - I'll go back down there [laughs]. - I mean... - There's one answer surely. - The saxophone one was pretty good, but then- - You're going down there mate. [Sidemen laugh] - What do you mean? Golden sax? - What is the obvious answer then? - The "Race to Division One" finale. - That was awesome. - Culture. - What's yours? - The Ronaldo one or the- - That's a good pick. [Sidemen chattering] - I would argue... - Harry, have you tried to be one easy- - Yeah. - It is what is is man. - Does that mean he's not there 'cause he didn't try? - Yeah. - But does that mean he's so fantastic he doesn't even need to try? - I can take, give me two, give me two. - You're guaranteed two. - Based on your video, you should be there. - Why am I here? I feel like I should swap with you. - No 'cause you still done- - You had a grand year. - Every game you've been big. - I would swap Josh and Vik because Josh for the culture. - That's what I say. - For the culture. - Zerkaa Steep. - Okay, okay. - Legacy kind of, Modern Warfare 2 montages. - For that yeah, maybe. - Racer Star, proper like- - I'd back it, I'd back it on that basis. - Okay. - But then- - 'Cause we made channels after you, we watched your videos and were like, "Ah, that's a good vid". - I think I'm the worst Tobi, and I will stay here. - I think we should swap. - This is like the reverse, everyone is trying to move themselves down. It's like the opposite of ego. - I'm just trying to be honest bro, I'm trying to be honest. - Put me down there. - I'm trying to think like, are Ethan and Tobi like, are either of them good enough to move up? [Sidemen laugh] - That's horrible. - Sam you didn't have to do us like that, bro. - I think this is all right. [Sidemen agree] - Oh boy. Which Sidemen is the best looking? [Sidemen groan] - Pain. - I don't like this. - I need to ask something. Does height come into play? - Do we have to? - Yeah, yeah. - That was a good little sprinkle by Simon. - Someone let me in. - Everyone just keeping moving up, keep moving up mate. - You have one of the most aesthetically pleasing faces, go back up that way. - Aw thank you, but I've walked myself here. - I would say right, based on- - I feel big, I should've walked past you. How have I walked past everyone else, you're the only one that stopped me, Tobi. - I would say based on female viewing, female audience. You know like TikToks I see of like, simp pages kind of thing, I'd go Harry and Simon, one and two. [Sidemen agree] - Yeah, I would say Ethan as well. - It could also... - I've seen a fair few Tobi TikTok. - It could also be like, just because they're white as well. - Yeah this is looking, this is looking- - I'm not gonna argue- [Sidemen laugh] - Are black people not generally better looking? - Bro, bro- - What are we basing it on? - I'm literally, the only one I've seen is Michael B. Jordan. But asides that, there's no one else. - Light skins, surely light skins like... - Yeah light skins, yeah fine but... - That there's no other good looking black people? - That I'm seeing like, of like montages. - Why are you here? - I didn't have a place to stand! - When was the last time you saw a montage of, I don't know... Michael Jordan. [Sidemen argue] - Michael B. Jordan. - Yeah, but not Michael Jordan. - If you asked me this question a year and a half, two years ago, I put myself second. However, I think I'm passed my peak. - Are we doing on our prime, or we doing now? - Now, now, now. - We gotta be doing now. - But then, but Vik's moving up, right? - Yeah I'd say Vik, Vik should be yeah, Vik should be there. - Whoa! - Keep going, Vik. - Top best photo grrr. - If we're including like physique. - KSI's got a nice body. - Yeah I've got a nice body right now. Are we also including clout and fame? - No, that's a whole different question. - Money? - That's sex- - Yes this is sex appeal, this is. [Sidemen laugh] - I would sleep with Harry more than I would sleep with JJ. - Why though? [Sidemen laugh] - It's a safe space, it's a safe space. - But is that because he'd be less aggressive in bed? - No I feel like, he's just hot man, he's hot! - Harry, I'm sticking with him there. - He's a hot man. - Yeah there's something about him. - I think he's number one. - Interesting. - I don't, I don't, I don't... I think I'm hotter than Vik man. [Sidemen laugh] - That is part, that is part, that is part of the confidence right. - You've been on Men's Health and sh*t lowkey before. - Yeah yeah man. - To be fair, you body is- - Yeah, I think yeah boys. - I will swap, I will swap with you. I will happily swap with you. - Yeah, yeah, appreciate, appreciate it man. - I'm, I'm not gonna- - Attractive men. - Well Men's Health is fit men. - What's for attractive men? - Wait JJ, JJ can you take your bandana off real quick? - No look look... - No I just wanna check something. Back it off! Back it off! I'm coming up! I'm coming up! [Sidemen laugh] I'm coming up! - Bruv, nah this is outrageous. [Sidemen laugh] - He got nerfed. Bro the new patch and everything. - You can't nerf me like this, man. - Vik's like haircut, and his beard. - Vik is chiselled. - Like if Vik was tall? Dangerous. - I'm moving all over the place. - If Vik was a bit taller, I'm putting him here. - Should I get some stilts? - You got a handsome face. - Boys! I'm seventh! You're saying I'm the ugliest? [Sidemen laugh] - This whole video's beat when you put it like that. - I want to challenge. - JJ who would you want to challenge for position here. - All right, you know what I'm gonna... - Who'd you wanna fight? - Pick your opponent. - You know what, I do pick my battles. [Sidemen laugh] - Tobi first. - You wanna fight him first? - You wanna fight me? - Bro no, I wanna challenge. - You wanna challenge me? - Yeah. - Do you wanna fight everyone? - I mean, eventually. - But, this is the way it works, if you lose to Tobi, you're done. - Then it's an out, yeah. [Sidemen laugh] - Can I have the bandana on or off? - No. - Okay. - It's a natural look. - Natural look all right. - Bro called me the ugliest, bro. He said, "I pick my battles", it was me. - That was unbelievably big. - We now have some women that will help us decide who is actually the most attractive between KSI and Tobi. - Oh, I just have to pick between the two of you? I don't know. Personally, neither of you are really my type. [Sidemen laugh] - That was unnecessary. - There was no need. - This is nuts. - Not bad looking, but like, you're not someone I'd personally go for. - Fair. - Red. - Okay. - One red. - Okay, okay. - Purely based on height morely. - f*cking height thing bro. - One red. - Yeah I agree, neither of you are my type at all. [Sidemen laugh] - We're actually all ugly YouTube boys aren't we. - We're average boys, we are. - I'm gonna go based on probably whose face is more symmetrical. - Ooh, okay. - I'm gonna go blue. - Ooh it's one all, it's one apiece. - Okay. - Yeah, I'm gonna go... You know what the eye contact, is giving me something. - Oh nice. - No it's hard, I'd say like your, like you said, symmetrical, your hair is giving me little bit Miss Trunchbull vibes. [Sidemen laugh] - Ms. Trunchbull. - Oh god. - I'm gonna go for red though. - Okay, two one. All right. - She's into that. [everyone laughs] - Got a bit of beef with you. - Oh god why? Oh no. - No it's just, I was a ring girl for your fight. - Oh! - Yeah, and you kicked us out our changing rooms so... - Did I? Oh yeah but- - You're ugly to me. - I'm sorry! - I was hoping Harry would be up here but... [Sidemen yell] - He might, he might get there, he might. - To be fair, you've embraced the non-bandana vibe. - Okay. - He was forced. - I'm gonna go with you. - Yes! [Sidemen cheer] He's done it! He's done it! Yes! All right, I'm challenging Vik! - KSI wants some more, he's now going up against Vik. - I'm still gonna go with red. - I can't, I don't like short guys and you're five foot nothing so, sorry. - Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. - Five foot nothing? - So many unnecessary violations. - That's two red man. - He's looking, he keeps looking, he's wanting it. Go on red. [Sidemen cheer] - You're on, you're done. - Yes! It's Ethan, it's Ethan. - Why don't I get challenged? - All right, sh*t. f*ck it, let's go Ethan. - Oh KSI is cooking, but has he bitten more than he can chew? - I've got a little bit of a thing about like the tattoos, and the like slightly gingery- [everyone laughs] Quickest strip tease ever. - He did the Andrew Tate pose as well bro. [Sidemen laugh] - What do you mean? - He's channelling, he's channelling. - I'm gonna go with you. I think you look more like my type of, if you lined my ex-boyfriends up, you're more my type. - Oh god damn it. - Might not be a good thing, to be fair. - Save us Ethan, save us. - I like a bit of Prince Harry, so. - Okay. - I think, you sold. [Sidemen cheer] - I knew it, I knew it. - He bagged a hat trick. - I knew I was pushing my luck. - He saved us! [Sidemen laughing] - He saved us, this is our saviour. - Which Sidemen is the best dancer? - Move all the way to the top. - Yeah yeah yeah. - That's fair, that's fair. - I'm thinking, Josh two. - Yeah I'll give Josh two. - Tobi one. - Tobi one! - What does Josh do? - Josh is a good dancer, he's a good- - Dance battle please, don't allow any of these men- - Okay wait, ignore that. What about the rest? - You're good. - I'm not. - You're good, no you're good. - If you think I'm good then you have to put Josh there. - I got a few moves. - You've done it all, you've been dancing. I see you- - He's got some moves. - No, no, no, no, - I'm settling in happily here. Don't talk to me, don't talk to me. - Okay we're happy here. - Is KSI better than us though? Because I once donny on that TikTok thing yeah, you looked bare awkward. - Simon JJ swap. - When you try and dance you look bare awkward. - I would put Simon up there. - I'm telling you, Simon's up there. - Nah man. I think I'm second. - You think you're second? - I think I'm second. - You wanna shut the f*ck up? [Sidemen laugh] - Shut the f*ck up man. You think you're second? - You realise if you keep arguing this you're gonna have to prove it? - Oh yeah of course. - He wants to, he wants to. - I wanna see Josh prove you're second. There's no way- - I'm not saying I'm a good dancer. - We now have a dance floor to see who truly is a Jabbawockee in disguise. - Ayo, play the music man! [Ethan laughs] - DJ spin that. [Wii music plays] - Ooh! - Okay. - Oh! - No, no, no. - There's no movement there. - Ooh Simon's got them, turn it up! Oh hang on a minute. - Ooh! - Okay that's- - It's a powerful move. - It's a bit stiff, but it's a move. - What's Simon got for us? - I'm waiting for the next bit. Ay! [Sidemen laugh] - Whoa! - Whoa sh*t! - JJ just done a step over. - We can decide off that, it's all, alright man. - Put me in fourth man. - I want you both to know... - That was the worst song, like. - That we're all embarrassing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's why I was like, what am I supposed to do? - We've done it, we've done it. - In number four, it's none other than, JJ. [Sidemen clap] - Step overs might've lost that for you. - None of it was in time so. - You didn't hit a beat once, you're just doing sh*t. - In number three, we have Josh. Meaning number two is Simon. [Sidemen clap] - Well done, well done. [Sidemen laughing] - That was the best thing I've ever seen in my- - You men were doing like this yeah, and then I looked to JJ, JJ's going. [Sidemen laugh] - Bro that was the worst song. - Hang on, so as we said, they still gotta do last place playoff. - Yep. - Yep, true. - Fine, if you want last two brain cells. - Am I involved in this? - Yeah, go on bro, go on. - Yeah, you know what, yeah. - Yeah, f*ck it. - Just to clear up by the way, if any of you do impress you can move above JJ. [Sidemen laugh] - I don't want to. - Here we go. [rap music plays] [Sidemen laugh] - See that's all right, he's all right. - Yeah, okay, He's got moves. - How do you do a- - Whoa. Keep playing, keep playing. Ooh hang on, get skankin'. [JJ laughs] Let's see a skank, let's see a skank. Yeah, ay, ay, let's get that skank, knee's up. Oh he's getting sturdy. - Okay, okay, okay. - He's getting sturdy. Vik get sturdy, Vik get sturdy. - I can't. - Try. Yeah! Yeah! Oh sh*t. [Sidemen laugh] [Sidemen clap] - That's good, that's good. - Jesus. - Who is the fastest Sidemen? - So, who's the fastest? - Yeah but that can be like, who can come the fastest? - Brother who's the fastest. - And like, on a good day. - And I'll tell you. - If the wind change direction, you know, it could go. - I think- - You think he's faster than you? Or just faster than me? - He's faster than you, and depending on distance, he's faster than me. - Okay. - He's quick off the line, he's quick off the line. - Bro, I'm slow off the line. - I'm really quick to get to top speed, it's just maintaining. - I think I'm faster than Tobi. - Shut up. - Damn. - No honestly, - He's lost a lot of weight since he did it. - I've lost a lot of weight, I was 100kg before, I'm now 80. - In that race tho, you and Harry were super close. - You're f*cking, you'd toast him. - Yeah me and you are super close. - What I'm saying, one and two to decide, and then three and four decide, 'cause we not seen Ethan run in the thingy. - All right. - Okay. - Let's see it. - And then if you beat Ethan convincingly, then Simon's faster than you. - I think it's obvious how we figure this one out. It's time, to race! - Are you ready? - Yes! - On your marks, get set... - Bro. - Ethan's gonna, Ethan's definitely gonna have first step. - On your marks, get set, go- - Bro, nah brother. - Bro just wait! - I want the best start, I want the best start. - That's criminal. - On your marks, get set, go! [gunshot sound] [intense music] - Oh god. Oh god it's close you know. Oh sh*t. That's Harry. - Harry's won it! Harry's won it. - Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? Who's the quickest? Tobi or KSI. On your marks, get set, go! [gunshot sound] [Sidemen laugh] - You know what, Harry verse JJ real quick. - I think Harry might beat you. - Yeah, yeah, all right, then do that. - All right, here we go. - On your marks, get set, go! [gunshot sound] - Oh sh*t, oh sh*t! - JJ, JJ for sure. - So close though. - JJ just got it. - Harry was almost falling over at the start. - Who is the best musician? - Well I mean like, if KSI's not first then it's stupid at this point, isn't it? - It does have to be- - Yeah KSI has to. - I'll take that, I'll take that. - Like literally. - I'm not last. - I think I'm here. [Sidemen laugh] - No 'cause Vik can play music and sh*t. - You can play piano a little bit. - Okay what does that give me, like middle of the road? - And he can now DJ? - Oh yeah. - What is a musician? - As number one, can you define musician for me? - If we're talking about rapping, it could be just bars, you know flow, cadence. - But I feel like it has to be everything, it has to be like- - Yeah, but then that's what I mean. Singing as well. - Yeah, everything. - Based on his newfound energy. - Even if you're able to play an instrument, that also helps. - Do we get writer's tax? - Ooh. - Ooh. - I'm happy to admit I can't write a song without someone else there. - Same. - I can just feel off bars, that's all I can do. - I mean same, so. - So you two, first and second. - Vik can play piano. - I think, and the DJ stuff. - That does, that actually does, yeah actually. - Then what do us four do? 'Cause we're kind of just in the middle. We've all made YouTube music, so I think you three just have to- - Yeah you play something. - You three just have to rank. - Hear me sing first though, hear me sing. [Sidemen laugh] - We did. - Okay. - Why are we hearing your singing? - Keep your hands out your pockets, confidence, confidence, confidence. - ♪ I can be your hero baby ♪ [Sidemen clap rhythmically] ♪ I can kiss away the pain ♪ ♪ I will stand by you forever ♪ ♪ You take my breath away ♪ [Sidemen cheer] - You know what, he's confident, confident. - Is that gonna be copyrighted, or? - He's secured himself. - f*ck it, take number two bro, take number two. [Sidemen laugh] - I wanna put Simon in fifth for his diss track on Deji. I think it was very- - It was iconic. - Yeah, a lot of people say it was one of the better, better Simon diss tracks. - It's the most viewed one I think, isn't it? - But I'm just thinking because of Josh's like, how he sounds. - But he never did a diss track, he never did a diss track. - I know, but it doesn't matter it's just who- - Yeah but, me and Simon write your best bars in your diss tracks, so. - Ooh! - Go down to number six. [Sidemen laugh] - Nah it is Josh, it's Josh then Ethan right? - JJ, you're number one you decide, just go you pick. - All right, I think Josh then Simon then Ethan. - Harry still there? - Yeah. - Cool. - There we go, decided. - This is f*cked. - This is f*cked. - This is f*cked. - Who is the best footballer? - Ooh wow! - That's a top debate. - Nah it's Tobi then, it's Tobi. - What are we saying overall, oh you said- - Oh that's the ego truck here, look at this, look at the ego thing. - Nah the thing is, as an athlete, I'm above. - That's not the question. - I could be first. But I know, I know. When it comes to skill, I'm actually not as good as him. - Sorry if you're talking athlete bro, you should be above me. - You'd be number one if that was the question. - If this was best boxer mate, you'd be first. [Sidemen laugh] - If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a bike [laughs]. - Are you not comfy with that? - Nah 'cause the way you putting Vikkstar with two goals. - Two goals, in big games. - No guys, guys [laughs]. [Sidemen arguing] - Wait, wait you're only saying above Josh? You guys let in quite a lot of goals. - Yeah you were centre back, you let a lot of goals. Where's your clean sheet? - I have scored. - But, if you're saying Vik has stats, he comes up. - I mean if we're looking at stats then... - No, no, no, no, no. Tobi is above. Aaron Ramsdale said so. - Would the whole world agree with Aaron Ramsdale, though? - I would say, if we're talking in a match, a hundred percent have him above me. - You're more clutch though, you're more like, you're like Drogba. - This is the Ronaldo, Messi of the time bro yeah. - It's like Berbatov. - You said you're lazy bro. - Ronaldo, Messi to Berbatov. - No, no, no, but you do have a Berbatov touch. - I know, I know- - You're a Berbatov-esque player, no? - I know, but after Ronaldo, Messi- - I'd say more Haaland, he's a bit- - No, no Haaland's far- - No, no, he's a lengthy player. - No, no, no, Haaland is too hot strong. - Wait, no, no, no, no, no, brother. - No I am, I play like Berbatov. - No there's no way. - Who is Tobi, Tobi you are... - I don't think I should be sixth. - You are a Rashford. - Little Vini. - Vini, Vinicius. - Ooh I like that. - Vikkstar's gotta come up. - Well there's a five, six, I think- - Nah brother, brother, nah there is no way. [Sidemen arguing] - You are so out of the game, yeah- - You think he's better than you? - I think he's better than you. - He thought he was better than me, so I don't really care. - Oh okay. - That wasn't fun. - I think I'm better than Harry. - You're not though, you're not. You ain't play ball in time yeah, I guarantee- - Well then let's go, I challenge! - Vik would do better than you nowadays. - You said Vik? Oh no, no, no. - I don't agree, I don't agree. - I mean, if it was up to Ethan. - But him with a player, I can see it's interchangeable. When you're led- - Yeah, I need a big man to tell me what to do. [Sidemen laugh] - And you've got one, forever. - You two are sorted, so come here, come here, come here. - You, join us. - They're valid. - What's happening here, boys? - Do you know what, yeah? I can't ever erase the image of Josh [indistinct] from header. Ever. - The second goal? - That, and also the Castro one. There's no way, on god's green Earth that Castro should've scored that goal. No way. [KSI laughs] And I'll stand, I'll die on that hill. - I would honestly, I would put JJ fifth and I'd put Vik sixth. [Sidemen laugh] - You'd put JJ fifth? - Yep. [Sidemen laugh] - I'm not mad at it, I'm not mad it. I'm not mad at it. [Sidemen laugh] - I also feel like, in a football challenge, Vik's more likely to hit a shot than Josh is. [Sidemen laugh] - He's already dead, he's already dead. - Ladies and gentlemen, I think we need a 1v1 to decide who really is better. - Go! [whistle blows] [Sidemen laugh] - Ball's still in play, ball's still play. - Yes Vik! - Well Vik is gonna just stand in front of the goal. - Defence! Vik, come on. Go on Vik, go on. Yes Vik, spin him. [Sidemen laugh] Come on Vik. Meg him. Meg him, meg him, meg him. Yes Vik! [Sidemen groan] - This game doesn't end. - He just keeps booting it. - This game is so stupid, why are the goals so f*cking small. - Oh here he is. Oh he's got stuck in. - Oh! - He's got it, he's back. [Sidemen laugh] - That's how they're playing, JJ. [Sidemen laugh] - All right when Vik says go. - All right three, two, one, go. [electronic dance music] [Lionel Messi commentator] [Sidemen yell] - Who is the funniest Sidemen? - Well, I'm just gonna live my life that I always live over here. You can start there, I'll just live my life down here. - I think JJ, Harry have to be top two. - Yeah, I agree. - You know what, I'm gonna put you number one. I think he's naturally funny. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm happy here though. - Simon you're witty, I'd put you three. You're very witty, you're quick, you got clever humour. - No, no you are witty. - No, no Sam you're top three, you're top three, you're top three. - I'm happy in here. - I don't wanna move from here. - Go three. - I'm happy here. - I would swap me and him. - No Ethan comes out about weirder stuff. - And he makes stuff funnier. - 'Cause he laughs. - But you're greater like, fueling fire. - Once something goes, I can get it, I can blow into it. - Simon has a lot of his humour go under the radar, 'cause it goes over peoples' heads. - But then, you could argue that it's too smart. Your humor's too- - Remember that right, if we talk about intelligence like, remember that. [Sidemen laugh] - Go on, knock me down, where should I be? - I'm thinking- - But I feel like- - I'm thinking fourth because there's more funny moments of Ethan than Simon. If there was like a montage of funny moments- - This might sound bad, right? I feel like I have more fun, so it might not- [Sidemen laugh] - I have less fun than a man who tried to kill himself. - Oh Jesus! - Less fun than a man who tried to kill himself. - I would put you there. I would swap us. I agree with this, the funny moments. I ain't in it, I ain't in the funny moments. - No you are, you are, you are. - What're we doing about the bottom there? [Sidemen laugh] - Just pretend we're not here. I don't think I'm intentionally funny, but I think people laugh a lot when I'm just living my life. - Do we laugh at you, more than with you? - Yes, but that's fine. - That's kinda bad, that's kinda bad. - No but, it works as well. - Dude I think Tobi's really weird. - Yeah but people don't hear me say it, it's about delivery. - Josh can you speak this round. - Bro, my life is boring over here. All I've played at is that, so I'll stay there, I know my place and I will stay there. - No, you put that to bed. You became more joyful. - It is all subjective, but I think in a general consensus, I reckon most people would go with like, this list. - No, you know what, I agree with you. - I don't hate this, I don't hate it. - Harry as the funniest. - As the funniest- - As the funniest... - What would you change? - What would I change? Tobi's funny man, Tobi's fun- - You don't sound convinced. [Sidemen laugh] - I got some last minute, let me move up, let me move up, let me move up. - Nah, nah, nah swap back, swap back. [Sidemen laugh] - Can't stream, I'm ugly, I'm not funny. - No but, you're great in so many ways. - You're a nice guy. - No, I'm happy with the list man. - Which Sidemen is the strongest? - Whoa. - What are we saying? Are we saying like- [crowd applauds] [Sidemen arguing] - Is it pound for pound, or is it- - Oh, as a percentages. - If it's purely on how strong you are, then it's like JJ, Harry, Ethan. - Nah Ethan's above me now. - I raise a point, what about mental strength? [Sidemen laugh] - Well then you two need to come down. [Sidemen laugh] - I say just like, strength. Like how strong are you. - How far are you willing to push the boundaries? - Nothing to do with how big you, how small you are, how whatever. - Wait, wait, wait hold up. - I get what Josh is saying- - So you think you're weaker than Vik. - Yes. Brother I'm the only one that doesn't go to the gym. - Who could [indistinct] more? - I reckon Vik's having his way with me more than Simon. [Vik laughs] - He's got a lower base- - That's what I mean, yeah. I think if he were to double leg, and get me down, he'd f*ck- - He's a little Carlos Tevez. - But like, Simon's leg strength. - Yeah, crazy, crazy. - Yeah, I think your power. - Like if you kicked someone, I feel like, I might break it off. - Yeah if he kicks you it's gonna hurt. - But is that leg strength or is that power. - That's technique. - Yeah I think I got technique, I don't think I have that much strength. - I mean have you seen how he kicks a ball though? - Yeah technique. - He kicks a ball fast. - That's literally technique. - That's it. - But it's power, it's power. - Why are we focusing on this end? [Sidemen laugh] - Also, okay then, I think Vik is also stronger than Tobi. - Ooh. - Ooh. - Why you looking at me like that? - It depends, the thing is it's a hard question. - 'Cause I disagree with you. - Can I feel you both? Can I feel you? - But why are you doing this? - Oh! Chiselled! - f*cking hell. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Vik, backing it off. - Okay, okay. - Back it off, Vik. - Jesus lord, have- Okay no, no, it's looking nice now. - Now tense, is it softer? - Tense brother. - Oh, pretty f*cking- - Ready? - Ooh. - Go on mate, I have no business. I have no business here. - But Tobi's got the six pack. - Yeah, and he's got the athletic- No Tobi's stronger. We've been to the gym together, Tobi's stronger. - So it's just that, it's just you two. - Let's go. What'd you want? Do you want to squat? - Oh. - What you wanna do? - Let's do deadlift. - Oh okay, you'll probably beat me. [Sidemen laugh] - There's only one way to settle this, with a deadlift-off. - JJ don't f*cking injure yourself bro, you gotta spar Jake Paul this year. [JJ grunts] - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't like that wobble though. - What wobble? What wobble bruv? - Here comes 'Zinga. - Oh look at that clean form. - Thank you for letting us go home early bro. - Go on! - Up it goes. - Oh yeah. - Struggled a bit with that. - In a turtleneck as well. - Can you stop doing that bro? - It's not actually a gym. - Do you know what, funny enough, when you slam it it doesn't add weight to it. - Okay. - All right. - Nice. - Controlled, controlled as well. - Go KSI, lift that weight! - God, there's so much testosterone in here. - Bro, this is not a gym. - There's gonna be dents in the f*cking studio- - Crack the f*cking floor. [Ethan grunts] - Whoa, the control as well. - That looked easier did than you. - Oh really, oh great. - Serious now. - Up it goes, son. - Take your top off. [Sidemen laugh] - Don't tempt him. - Yep, up it goes. - Good sh*t. - Bro please- - f*cking hell. - Now you get into, like your brain goes "woop". - That is heavy. - Wow. - Aw he makes it look easy. - The chest comes up here? - Bro, chest is out. - I'm not gonna lie, he made that look clean. Form, everything, better. - Do it as safe as possible, boss. - Up we go. Yes! Oh she's moving, she's coming. Good man. - f*cking hell. - Come on, just give up bro. Oh for god's sake, man. - Clean and controlled every time. - You know what, he puts it down as well. He puts it down. - I'm not gonna lie JJ, you might wanna throw the towel mate. [JJ groans] - I don't know if it's worth it, JJ. That last one looked shaky. - f*ck, my f*cking ego! [Sidemen laugh] - Come on boss. Go on. Get it out. Need some f*cking umph, go on. Good form, lock in. [KSI yells] Here we go, go on, lift! - Oh nope. Nah, nah. You got it off small, I couldn't do that. - That was good. Ethan you got a child to think about. - Dad strength, dad strength. It's a thing. [Sidemen cheer] - He is the strongest. - My alpha male. - Fair f*cking fight. - Oh my penis is so small! Oh it's so little. - Now, this could be very interesting. Who is the meanest Sidemen? - Ooh. - So number one is the meanest? - Yeah. - Oh sh*t, oh okay. [Sidemen laugh] - I was gonna say, where are you going? - Tobi's gotta be, Tobi's gotta be seventh. - I would argue that my bluntness... - Are you okay? What're you doing down here? - Is rude, not mean. - Now JJ come back, JJ come back. - What're you doing? - No I don't think, I'm not that mean. - No you're up with us bro. - Come back, come back. - What? - It's between us four, us four here yeah, this is where it goes down. - You three, are definitely there. - I've got issues with you in four. - I'm not in four, I'm just here. - I think, I think, sorry, when Harry is drunk- - Yes, that's what I'm about to say! - His true intentions, might be the meanest. - As soon as he's had a drink, yeah, he's a f*cking wanker. - I will accept that, but is that- - JJ's nicer than you. - That's not a bit- - But that's your inhibitions. It is, it is. - Inebriated version of it. - No, drinking reveals your... - Does it? - Your inhibitions. - Your true character comes out, so I think JJ's nicer than you. - I'd agree with that. - I'm not gonna lie, he might be my number one. - The meanest? - I feel like you have the least happiness for other people's things. [Sidemen laugh] - Oh it's like a lack of empathy, for happiness. - Okay, okay. - Wow, oh wow. [Sidemen laugh] - The truth all comes out now. Let him cook, let him cook. - Let him cook. - I think mine is bluntness, and comes across as rude. 'Cause his is aggression, sometimes. - Yeah, his is just like, stubbornness and like, is just, yeah, just gonna be blunt and like- - Well he has done a lot of nice things. - Yeah exactly. He's got charity, I don't have charity. - Yeah, Harry hates charity. - Aye yeah, put Harry top. [Sidemen laugh] - I wouldn't be opposed to go to one but... - But what? - I'm not that bad. - No you're not, you're not. - Not that bad. - But compared to us. - You're no f*cking angel. You're no angel. - I've also, I think Vik might be the nicest. - No. - No, no, - TBJZL is a different animal when someone cuts him up or something yeah, he goes nuts! - Oh no, no, no, but Vik- - He emails. - Customer service. [Sidemen laugh] - Trustpilot, Trustpilot reviews gone nuts. - Should we ask the crew? [Sidemen groan] - Ask the audience! [Sidemen yell] - Would anyone from the crew... Do we have any volunteers? - Yeah, we've got a lot of rearranging to do. - Oh! - A lot of rearranging? - All right, so. - Jesus! - Tobi, you stay there. Vik take a step back. Josh you stay there. - Why me? Why me? [Sidemen laugh] - Ethan to number three. - Me? - Wait. - No, it's all good, it's all good. - Harry to number one. - To number one? - Vik to two? - No! - Wait, it's not even done? - Is that the order? - I can't believe this. - Was this order agreed? - I can't believe this. - Oh sh*t. - Yeah! [Sidemen cheer and complain] - You don't bring out the bad part of me. - Also we said that Ethan, he just gets angry not mean. - Yeah, Ethan's just grumpy. - That's what I'm saying. [KSI laughs] No you have like, an aggressive side. But it's not mean. It's not mean. - But what did I do? [Sidemen yelling] What did I do? What did I do? - [indistinct] [Sidemen laugh] And you called me four eyed. [Sidemen yell] - Wait what? - Wow you're abusive! It's all coming to light, it's all coming true, it's all come to light. [Sidemen laugh] - H.R.? H.R.? - H.R.! - You look the most upset, please don't be. It's because you stand up to everyone and you take the Karen position of sticking up for people. - So that makes me mean? - You ruthless bastard. - All right, thanks crew. [Sidemen applaud] - Which Sidemen has the best rizz? - Tobi. Rizz-JZL. You're the rizz king. - Tobi get up here bro. - Rizz god. - I don't say anything. - I can back Josh having negative rizz. - I think I've got the most minus rizz on planet Earth. - I'm very happy, this end. - If we're talking heyday... - Yeah? - You know what, I might argue Harry has- - I've got autistic rizz, genuinely. - Yeah he does, he does. He does, he does, he does. - Sometimes it works man. - I think you need to go lower. Considerably. - Yeah. - I think your chat's sh*t. - I think you use your status as a crutch. - And if I get you your dubs- - You use your status as a crutch, you don't need rizz. - This man has been on dates, he got experience. - But it's a waz. - He can talk- No, no, no, I don't think he's waz anymore. - Nah, he's got a bit better. - I think back in the day, he used to waz. - Remember that cheeky message from the Brits', yeah? You showed us the- - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That was some of the most dead sh*t ever. - Yeah, you actually might have negative rizz. Like if you weren't famous and rich, it could be a bad day. - I don't think it's that bad. - It's not that bad, but it- - All right you know what, fine, I'll step third. - So who's above it? - I think Ethan. - No, no, we've got a dark horse here. - Vikkstar, yeah. - Rizzstar, rizzstar. - In his heyday... - He's been exposed already today. - In his heyday, in his heyday. - Nah, he's too mean, he's too mean. - The thing is, you are sociable. [Sidemen arguing] - Yeah, I think you have to go up. - But Josh don't rizz bro. - You have to go up. - I don't try rizz. - No but he, no one, like- [Sidemen arguing] - In my heyday mate, I'd go right down here. Get the f*ck off three mate. - Do you think you should be higher? - From the bottom of your heart. - If I wasn't KSI I'd probably be around here, if not there. - Olajide Olatunji, where is he? - JJ Olatunji is probably there. [Sidemen laugh] - Oh I don't know. - The rizzipedia, go through the rizzipedia. - Who's a really rizzly bear? - Yeah. - I'm trying to think, I've seen you like, talk to women. Which is why I wanna put you there. - Which you haven't seen me do that by the way. - That's awhile, back in the day. - Thank you. Many moons ago. - Many many many- - Many moons ago. - Many, many, many, many, many moons. - Thank you boss. - I don't remember seeing Harry talk to a woman, ever. [Sidemen laugh] - Here's the thing, only when I was drunk, I'd be able to. If I was sober I can't hold a conversation. - Is that rizz? - Oh, then he should be last. - I should be, I should be going down. - Harry if... - Oh actually, you've done the toilet leaving thing haven't you? - I have. - Oh! - Yeah you do have to stand there, unfortunately. - Toilet leaving thing? - On a date with a chick, and just will get up, go toilet, and just left. Went home. [Ethan laughs] - His confidence highers him above me. - Yeah, half of rizz is confidence. - Back in the day right remember, his Instagram, just see like three million follows. - Can you see that? Can you read? - Wait does that work? - That takes confidence. - Aw, 'llow it bruv. - That was his whole game back in the day. - That was my game back in the day. - Whatever strategy you gotta use, you gotta use all right. I think this is good. - I think that's a good, that's a good list. - I think, yeah. - What we taught the viewers, I f*cking got nothing. At least I was like, "Yeah man, back in my day", but nah no. [Sidemen laugh] - Oh my god. I can't believe I actually have to read this out. Which Sidemen has the hottest mum? - Harry get up there man. - Harry's got a [indistinct]! - I would never, my mother is a beautiful woman, and so I will take it. [Sidemen chattering] - Whose mum is clapped? - Vik's mum is quite- - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Careful what you say on the internet. - Brother, I'm happy here. I'll take it. - Know what I'm gonna do? I'm not gonna class neither mums as hot or ugly. I think they are just... [Sidemen arguing] They're just lovely people. - Yeah I'ma be here, I'ma be here. - I think my mum's beautiful. - My mum's beautiful. - My mum's a great person, but I'm not gonna judge her as hot. - I think Harry is the winner. Harry's the winner, nothing else is to be discussed. - Everyone else stay here. - Nah, nah, if you wanna play this f*cking game, boys, we'll play this f*cking game. Does the winner make the order? - You're all calling your mum clapped, 'cause you are all last right now. You're last. Your mum is clapped. This is last by the way. This is clapped mums. - We're in the middle, we're four. - What was the question? Why is this a question? [Sidemen arguing] - Harry's mum is a lengers. - The time to celebrate themselves. - And you know what, JJ's mum? Confident yeah, she's out here. That's a powerful woman. [Sidemen argue] Yeah two! - You're number two. - Two, two, two, two. - Wait what did your mum say again? "You want this pussy?" [laughs] [kettle whistles] - Your mum said, "You want this pussy?" so number one. - And you know what, yeah? Vik's mum is affectionate. Vik's mum's affectionate. Number three. [Vik] What's going on? - I'm just saying if I had to marry anyone's mum, it would this man's mum. - So I go there then? - So he should be number one. And you would as well. - She's a lovely person. - You would as well. - I think, no, no, I think, I think, lets go with this. - I'm in the middle, I'm in the middle. - No, no, no, I think your mum's hot. [Sidemen laugh] - Think about the words that you said. - This is a horrible question. [Sidemen laugh] - This was awful. - No, I can't let Ethan be at the bottom. - I can't 'cause she's not at the bottom. - His mum's lovely. - That's why this whole thing is awful. - This thing's f*cked man, this thing's f*cked. - Who is the most intelligent Sidemen? - Intelligence works in many ways. - I agree. - What is intelligence? - Nah, nah, nah listen, listen- - Bro I'm so dumb, I'm so dumb. - I am so f*cking stupid. - Guys, guys. - Are you trying to make out? - This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. - Who's the dumbest, bruv? - Whoever kisses the other one is dumbest. [Sidemen laugh] - I've seen JJ do more like... - Dumb things. - Dumb things, yeah. - But as an intellectual, I'm f*cking stupid [laughs]. - Yeah you're horrendous yeah. So I don't actually know. - This is all sorts of intelligence. - What, all intelligence, yeah? - You got like emotional intelligence, you got like actual intelligence, from like, say like, book smart. You got street smart, common sense. - Ball knowledge. - Social sense. - Ball knowledge, ball knowledge is in there. - Ball knowledge is in. - That alone has put you down. - Wow, wow. I mean I know that stuff about my balls. - Yep, that's good. - Yeah, you're down there. I'm gonna throw it out there, I think Josh is number one. - Yeah, yeah. - All around human smart, you are the guy. - So then, I think you're the most intelligent book smart. - I think Vik has book smart, but... - No, no- - No life smarts, no life. Zero smart in life. - But that's life book smart, that's like economics and... - Tobi's emotionally intelligent. - And actually intelligent. - He knows how to tame a bad b*tch too. - Bro stop this, please, please. - What did he say to him? He'll tame a what? - A bad b*tch. [Sidemen laugh] - You know what? Rizz is intelligence. - This is what I would do, yeah. That's what I would do. - Oh dude, just stop being the humble, boring loser. - No I'm being f*cking honest. - Stop it! - That's what I- - I don't agree with that. - And you're good at school. - You're telling me this man's not smart? - He is! - I'd put Tobi above me. - But he also, he also just said, "Oy f*ck uni, this criminology sh*t is dead". - But he made a smart decision. - Sorry, would you argue that's not the right decision? - Exactly, YouTube's smart as well. Look at his YouTube channels, that's intelligence, that's not luck. - One in a million. - No, no, no you stay there. [Sidemen laugh] - No but like, Harry you're actually a genius. But I just can't work out where you're a genius. - Yeah, but that- - That's why I'm trying to place you, but I can't work out where I wanna place you. - I'm gonna use a big word, he's so multifaceted. - Multifaceted? - Ay come take Harry. - Swap Harry. - Come up, come up right now. [Sidemen laugh] - I'll tell you how we know he's not smart, is 'cause we all cheered when he said a big word. [Sidemen laugh] - Do you wanna have a stupid-off? - No, no [laughs] - Should we have a stupid-off? - Yeah I guess so. - All right, let's have a stupid-off. [Sidemen cheer] - I think we need a 1v1 general question battle, ladies and gentlemen. - Okay, so first to get three quick questions. Question one, what is the capital of Italy? The answer is? - Sicily. - What'd he say? - Sicily is incorrect. [Sidemen laugh] The answer's Rome, very sorry. - Aw, he was about to... [Sidemen laugh] - He was gonna say Milan. - I thought it was too obvious. - He was gonna say Milan. - Were you gonna say Milan? - I was gonna say Milan. [Ethan laughs] - All right guys, not a good start. Question two [laughs], what colour is a sapphire? - Uh that is, is it blue? - Correct. [Sidemen cheer] One correct answer. Next question. What kind of food is penne? - Pasta! - Straight and edge, so you're correct. [Sidemen cheer] - He's f*cking whitewashed it. - Look at me you idiot. [Sidemen laugh] Look at me. - Okay. - I'm in your head, idiot. - What is the fourth planet from the sun? - My very expensive, Mercury? [Tobi yells] - Brother. - So close, it was Mars. - That's good though, if you buzz it he can't answer. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's smart, that's smart from you. That was smart. - Next one, how many Harry Potter movies are there? - That was me by the way. Is that eight? - Correct. - He's won it! [Sidemen applaud] - It's a whitewash. - Yeah! - I would say if that was the challenge Harry should be at number one 'cause he loves that kind of stuff. - Wait, wait, can I challenge Harry? - You'll lose, there's no point. - If you want to. - Yeah screw it, I challenge Harry. - First to three, here we go. What are the four oceans called? - I've no f*cking idea. - No idea. - I'ma say Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and... f*cking ocea, I don't know. - No! [Harry] I don't know! Mediterranean? - So close. - I'm here, I'm here bruv. - Indian. - Oh the Indian! - Three out of four, not bad. [Sidemen laugh] What is the currency of Finland? - Euros? - Correct. - Oh! [Sidemen applaud] - f*ck! - Harry, you just went- - We went there, we were there. - We went there Harry! - I thought it was krona. - Nah, that's Denmark. - That's the Scandinavian one. - What is the chemical symbol for hydrogen? - H? - He's in there! [Sidemen cheer] - Well played. - JJ he's gonna do it! - JJ come on! - He's gonna do it! - Come on, JJ. - Call him an idiot, call him an idiot. - Idiot. [Sidemen cheer] - What sport did Babe Ruth famously play? - Baseball. - The comeback, the comeback. [Sidemen cheer] - What four-letter word can come before fly, place, and ball, to make three new words? - Oh! [laughs] I know it. [Sidemen laugh] - Tree? [Sidemen mock] - Fire. What does IPA stand for? - Indian pale ale? - I'll give him that, it's India pale ale! Well played. [Sidemen cheer] - All right the tiebreaker, the final one. - Harry, call him an idiot! - Not yet, 'cause we're drawing still. - Okay, tough one. How many bones are there in the human ear? - Ear? There's three. - Bang on. [Sidemen cheer] - You called him an idiot too. - And that is it ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for watching. Be sure to subscribe and get us to 20 million subscribers, also check out Sidemen Clothing, go eat some sides! Also, if there's anymore Sidemen questions you'd like to know the order of, comment down below and we'll make it happen. Especially if this video gets one million likes. Take care, and peace. [electronic music]
Channel: Sidemen
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
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Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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