Simon’s Brother On Growing Up Together, Awkward Stories & M7Education! - What’s Good Podcast Ep106

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yo what's up guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast today we have two minters and i'm not really sure what to think about that overpowering yeah i'm overpowered he's only little though me half a minute no you're mini millionaire did someone say like that is somewhere that is an egg diss track yeah you're just a minute mini no that wasn't like wasn't that in like two hypes diss track you're just a mini mini mini mini mentor i was an american one yeah anyway sorry i'm sorry for this is that an insult or is that well it was because like i i think he was in one of the two hype ones and it was because they were a fan of me and then they said like you're just a mini mini mini mini minter or something like that as in like you're just a [ __ ] version of him oh but it was just a joke dis yeah but you are you are i guess you are that now you are i am now the mini mini mini yeah well minivans is because i was the youngest exactly but you're not the shortest no no the tallest amazing so you've won at that so wait our oldest brother would be mini mini minter i'd be your mini mini mini minter right were shorter than me until i left the house you never thought we were twins until we were like yeah until wow you look similar you actually do you definitely do look similar i mean you're brothers so yeah sorry also for those who are unaware this is nick this is the weirdest intro ever but uh yeah it's a simon's brother and he is actually part of the the what's called podcast team so you don't know so we have we have myself and simon obviously we have john filming but then we also have uh nick and joel joel edits and nick does like the you do everything really it's a pretty big team it's growing yeah and has now you've got as well yeah nick and joel were found in members yeah john's new john's really new john's the worst one by far and he's not gonna max so we kind of taught him yeah um what's that oh you agree oh okay through he's not not in his head but yeah the team's growing it's nice but um yeah so we thought we'd get you on the podcast uh just to chat to you most importantly but also just to maybe have some insights into the podcast behind the scenes as well well as a as a quick disclaimer i'm hungover and absolutely we both are so yeah you catch me at any point like so nick you might have been halfway through my story just drift off you have to carry this one i'm not tired i'm just yeah we didn't go out late no it was just i threw up a lot last night did you yeah you always do i don't think i can have you're like a there's a very fine line for you but i wasn't drunk like he was he saw me when i was leaving and i was very drunk though so compared to me you didn't look drunk but you might have been like tipsy i was i was like yeah a little you know buzzing but yeah yeah and then i got home chilled for an hour or two went to the toilet i was like yep this is my time we need to hang out not for videos so we can talk about when we hang out because we can't talk about the night now because it's gonna ruin whatever it was true let's move on yeah yeah that was just a disclaimer oh yeah it was a disclaimer actually that'd be a good clip for when that video does come out next week yeah what really happened yeah yeah afterwards thinking now maybe this one you can plant some maybe maybe you've already come prepared have you got any like things to drop in there actually a little notebook of titles well this is a good title um jd actually played us a lot of his music yesterday album i think i've heard every song i said that there was two one he wasn't refusing to play you yeah i think he played it to us yesterday was this when he was drunk he it's very good it was very good it was very very good yeah is it as different as he's saying so he's got a new one out that wasn't on the album on friday said two days time yeah sorry i'm tweeting that really yeah so he he had a single i think called you on the way and he tweeted saying that's not going out anymore and he said it's a different one and when he tweeted i don't know which one that is yeah but he also replies it's not on the album yeah and then his manager was like this kid gives me hearts take hard yeah okay it's the the one that he wasn't wanting to show us right and then he showed us and we're all like this is sick oh yeah that one okay yeah well yeah it's gonna it's gonna sound awful for you guys because we can't i mean it will make sense when the song's out does he does he get peer pressured easy yes very it was literally all sat there so one of his songs the most serious rando's ever yeah one of his songs leaked a little bit on tiktok it's like five seconds or seven seconds of it or something like that yeah leaks on tick tock and we're all like no no that bangs that bangs you're so good play it and he's like no no no no and he thought we were all taking the piss out of him saying it bangs yeah and then we were like no no we're being legit and then he played it and we all got gas we all stood up and started dancing and he thought we were taking the piss out of him yeah then we're like you don't understand we're all being firstly we're drunk secondly this is amazing but after a while he like you realize that we're actually being serious and he was just really happy he was like he was also confessing to his you know his crypto [Music] i'll just say i'll leave it that really i'm not gonna say anymore but he was confessing to his gains or losses i do follow that's the only twitter i log on and look because i used to look at yours yeah and then obviously yeah you mean bro still still active you can read his old tweets if you want to you can just go back to it you haven't seen these ones yeah you don't check my twitter to see if there's another ad coming in anytime but um yeah i do follow these okay yeah i love i love that twitter because i just love reading the replies yeah because they all hate him so it's so funny to see like he'll tweet everyone's like bro you're so strong at least he enjoys it yeah it's true and he's got enough to be able to play around with like it's not like he's he's brilliant he's bad it's still bad it's still bad it's still bad but yeah um he'll be on celebrity brother in about nine years time and trying to recoup the losses sway that's why you were like doing really well [Music] yeah um i i was an idiot once i actually followed one of his tweets as in like did what he's doing the same yeah yeah didn't work now i didn't like it [Laughter] but um no yeah anyway so let's let's let's get into let's get into something okay what do you want to get into politics no i don't really um i guess i guess let's talk about the podcast like how we started this you know how we got into this i actually did go back last week two weeks ago um before i knew i was coming i don't know that i was just i started rewatch because i do i enjoy it yeah yeah yeah and um a good friend the other day and we were talking about the podcast and both big roundoff fans but um oh my god it's amazing that's good it just happened a moment but um yeah no and i went because it was all the old ones were on your channels yes yeah they weren't interesting i posted one i think or maybe two and there was no eclipse it was like but it was only like a half an hour one yeah um something because it was you were speaking there was one that i watched whereas i think it was on your channel and it was about um drunk stories and stuff like i remember that yeah i think i think at the time i was really struggling for a video we used to do that a lot and like if we needed something we just need to take it from the podcast yeah yeah probably still could do that but i mean now that we've got the channel doing so well like thanks to yourself then um you know it makes sense just to keep it on one roof so you you didn't start with us at the start then i guess that's no because we did the we did the house yeah we did one that never was one that was audio only yes and that did it ever go out i feel like it didn't or was it just audio only i think there is there is one on spotify that isn't on youtube there was one that we were chatting about parties he's the very first listen and we were chatting about val's party it was at carl and carl's house and harry's house and we were talking about that on the first ever podcast oh but i'm not sure where it went or maybe there was an audio issue because it was the test episode it's just going to be one of those ones in like 10 years time it like resurfaced leave it maybe worth it sell it as an nft no we're not smart enough we're also too lazy i can't bother to figure out how that works but um yes we must have started on the channel then i guess when we moved to a new channel yeah that's when you guys came i think it actually was conceived um in your bedroom it was just after you did a you were conceived in my life no no no i didn't that's a weird one how was nick conceived um for it was just after a video where you donated to twitch streamers i think yeah you guys are sitting there and we're like we should oh wow because you were there around you you were all doing the dollars both of you right yeah you was on the bed yeah and i was on the chair next to you and that's what you guys like oh we're thinking about maybe click this going and you had obviously talked about it before yeah i think that's when like it started to to snowball it was a long time ago wasn't it i missed videos like that i know i missed the house that was a lot of fun then yeah she's like just film stuff randomly there was always something going on at that time oh yeah always something yeah that's right that's why i enjoyed it if it wasn't you it was like it was well it's always youtube it was mainly always me yeah i guess i think i went there to obviously see jj originally the starks used to film so for him but then he was always like i'll get there and film like for two hours and then nothing for the rest of like the next three or four days so don't mean you were just filming stuff but you had like it was it was almost called randolph's room the one it was next wasn't it yeah you got it replaced by the g yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's dead you came and lived there for however many months yeah so sometimes i would stay upstairs and say i was sometimes i'd stay downstairs sometimes lachlan was there sometimes like rackaracka were there um they didn't stay in that room though no they stayed there they're weird they say they love them they say they're in the film room right no uh one of them stayed in the film room so we had like the cinema room upstairs one of them would sleep in there and one of them would sleep downstairs in the living room that we never went in on the couch yeah or on the floor with a blanket or just did they just sleep why they they're so weird in a nice way like they had a bed and they yeah they thought nah like so they also when they came to england they felt bad about asking to stay with us so they stayed in a castle you know like just in a band like not an abandoned castle but just not a built castle yeah like really they just slept that yeah yeah they didn't like a room they told me that and i was like you guys realized you could because they were going to come to ours for a bit and it was you know like a few days and then i found out they were they were already in england and i was like oh what are you guys doing then they're like oh we're just staying in this place i don't know and then i was like just come here like now like and then i know we said we're filming for three days but just come for all of it yeah and they'd always feel bad about eating with us as well like so we'd order some food or something and then we'll be like what do you guys want and they're like i don't know we can't we can't yeah so they would have like a piece of friend he'd get he's no legit he'd get a slice of bread just check it out the doorway he gets sliced bread and then he'd spend the next like three minutes just doing this with the bread until it was in a ball then he'd eat the ball i say he there was two yeah and there was one time where we actually went out to um we went out to the to the shopping center and we just got drunk in the high life it's youtube we're going to a party or something like a saddlemen party or something like that or some sort of an event and then they needed some clothes for it because they didn't really bring any smart clothes yes we drove out there you drove it was me you jj and the racker guys i didn't get drunk just cleaning yeah he was driving driving it was actually quite soon after you got your car i think because you were showing an autopilot i was like oh my god this is amazing but yeah so we went there and we were like oh let's get some food before we go get the clothes or the shoes where we were getting and we just went and just had cocktails let's have another one let's have another one and then we're just wasting it so like walking from the shopping center trying to buy some food we were just gone and that's when uh that's when someone was prank calling jj's phone so they were they would take the phone and be like oh what's up man what the [ __ ] going on like this they've been australian um great accent and then one time it rang again and they gave the phone to it and it's like what the [ __ ] is this and it was chris eubank oh yeah yeah yeah they say to him like oh it's it's someone actually for you and they said something and then you're just like yes chris eubank and jade was just like yeah yeah but not even christie bank junior like you imagine that it's a bit bantery but it was like actually chris yeah really appreciate it like oh i'm sorry yeah two guys going like what the [ __ ] do you want yeah but i missed the house it was a lot of fun yeah i missed them as well are you sorry yeah like i don't miss them no i missed the house more than them yeah same [ __ ] them yeah um but no yeah so i guess uh yeah 2018 we started this right it's now 20 21 so technically is that three years the first the first like six months was quite sporadic yeah and then you guys got into a real nice rhythm of like everything which i'm sure you and joel appreciate oh yeah there's many times where you guys were like are you doing a podcast yeah yeah we'll do it later maybe we did a podcast yeah i guess one thing that you'd probably hate about the schedule now is that we post on wednesdays and we often film well today's a tuesday and then also what joel probably doesn't appreciate is we've got four cameras now and you know so yeah sorry yeah you gotta up the quality the other thing is we have to film on a monday or tuesday because everything always happens after we filmed that you know as well yeah well you know the curse i'll text you and be like oh have you just seen what logan paul's just said or something like that yeah we literally just finished it yeah yeah oh we've just we've just talked about how jake we don't know jake paul's next fight and then two hours later it's like jake paul's fighting this person we post it two days later and everyone's like yeah which means you don't know who's fighting everywhere especially when we also like make our opinion on something that are the super league exactly the information changes so like the jake paul situation is like okay they just didn't know yeah but it's stuff like the super league it's like people now think we're being idiotic because they have the information that we didn't have at the time and you can't really see like we can do a disclaimer but no one will understand because they know the information so they can't think so it's crazy really but uh john was assuming we had like a two hour conversation about football and he had to just sit there and listen to it it didn't even mean anything yeah not only do you have an interest in football you also don't like it do you but you dislike it yeah god he must hate those sidemen videos we're doing this week we don't invite him to those ones he doesn't come for those so it's like which angle guys where's the goal what what is a goal yeah well i guess venus we've got you on the podcast today and obviously you're you're so let's first of all describe what you do for the for the podcast okay um so i basically the thumbnails is probably the main thing um sorry chris md um [Laughter] do so i do those um tarly didn't know the other day because when we were at home and you said someone i needed a podcast oh nick does the yeah okay i've realized we can't have girls on the thumbnail on the podcast no i have to say all they'll just they all hate the thumbnails yeah even even lexi i think so really they'll just yeah they'll yeah for the main ones now i send like i do send it and be like can you i know and they always go yeah that's fine and then they go oh i hate it and yeah yeah yeah anyway but yeah so i'll do that as well um and then we come up with titles as well yeah the eclipse and the mains and all that but um it's more collaborative than just you know here's the thumbnail here's the thing and everything yeah we do all work together it's like i'll always ask like for the main one especially mm-hmm is it just an idea is this a good thumbnail and you guys sometimes be like no change this bit change this bit sometimes like my new little color changes and stuff so it's yeah yeah i'm always like more saturation more contrasting yeah yeah but um i guess your kind of roll is just to make sure that everything like gets posted and properly you know what i'm saying so you kind of like just make sure the whole channel runs um big if we didn't have you we wouldn't post we wouldn't post we'd film it and just forget we're like oh yeah we filmed one last surely we should have made some money from this yeah so since you do that since you're in charge of titles and the thumbnails i guess you want this podcast to do very well um so we'll probably let's talk about some actual topics that are going on in the world because often with often with guests we don't do that because that's true you know what i'm saying it's like like a lot a lot of stuff's been happening recently and we've not spoken about it so there's logan paul mayweather next week that is on the sixth so this is the last podcast before before okay let's let's get some predictions going we also have jake paul now announced he's fighting tyrone woodley yeah which is ridiculous they'll be doing a face to face face off something to do with faces right on friday really really when does fight meant to be happening they haven't announced yet but i think that's how they're going to announce it is they'll have a that's i've read that online i don't know how true it is because jake paul yeah like you never know but and then obviously the tyson fury or not furious the other fury tommy tommy fury that fire was never gonna happen do you reckon one day it might happen one day but it was never gonna happen now no cause it doesn't make sense for either of them really yeah because tommy fury might be very good and that would be risk for jake whereas jake beating tommy would stop his entire career yeah yeah but but i think it would i think tommy wants to fight more than jake wants to fight oh yeah yeah yeah a lot of money in that fight yeah like it's like i mean unless time he goes on to be like world champion is probably more money in that fight than any of the fight he'll ever have yeah potentially i don't want to you know presumably seems to be doing all right though yeah yeah for sure yeah the love island starts going well his relationship's going well it looks like so yeah congrats tommy if you're watching if you're watching this you smash live so what do you reckon logan v mayweather what's the prediction i'm still trying to figure out whether it is actually like a legitimate fight i know it is happening so it's exhibition so it won't count on the record yeah but as far as we're aware there's no head guards right and i believe the gloves i don't actually know if they're gloves but i assume it's exhibition they might make the gloves yeah slightly bigger bigger yeah oh i've just had brain freeze well from in my opinion it's like well yeah so it's not going on the record either way whatever happens if logan wins if floyd it's just an exhibition you know oh yeah that was it if it's exhibition and it goes all the way distant or like yeah i don't think there's even a winner yeah just like it's like the tyson fight right the tyson um but they'll both come out being like yeah i won that yeah i mean everyone everyone will still look at it i mean ultimately if it goes the distance logan's the winner the thing is if if logan yeah yeah if he makes it if he makes himself look good yeah he's a winner yeah if he wins but i think if he wins then it's like that destroys all sort of like my size people boxes because i right then it's like no matter how good you are at mayweather's size a big bloke can train for a couple of years and beat you yeah that's like that's the effect it will have that's what i mean you know how everyone always says like he's the greatest boxer of all time or whatever if logan puts up a good fight against him then just because of size the greatest boxer of all time has to be a heavyweight or like a heavier fight yeah i think yeah for sure definitely but and i guess that that's why weight classes exist really isn't it to make sure that people who are really good can still be really good in in their own in their own you know category but he's unreal though like floyd's just close i don't think logan's gonna win oh yeah anyway yeah i think it i reckon third or fifth round tko like stoppage yeah it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense that's why it's an exhibition match because like it would never make sense um not not only like physically but also like why would floyd take it you know and risk his record but he won't now because there's no risk to it there's probably a risk of maybe embarrassment but yeah the amount of money they'll make which i think is going to be a lot floyd's been saying 100 million i don't know if that's true but yeah i got no idea i don't know although i feel like his pride is his pride is like he is someone that heavily relies on pride so for him to lose that mayweather yeah yeah logan paul not so much he's quite i mean there is he'll make a meme of himself yeah but there is nothing to lose like if you lose the greatest boxer yeah yeah funny is like literally like the bell goes and mayweather just like ducks one and knocks him straight out it would be the funniest thing but he'll mean that himself won't you like he said i think logan won as soon as the contract was signed yeah as soon as the fight was announced but i think that's why they pushed it back because the hype wasn't really there which it was true wasn't it like there wasn't really much hype around the fight immediately they kind of needed the extra few months to kind of definitely yeah you can watch it yeah i'll watch it yeah i don't know if i'm going to watch it live though cause we've got cyber filming on the monday sunday night ooh it's like the sunday going into the monday can't you do sign memory acts and watch it live together well yeah we've got main sidemen video on monday so what are you doing i don't even know i don't remember oh i don't know actually i do know what we're doing i can tell you after you'll find it cool yeah but yeah no i i i won't stay up and watch it i i tried to stay up and watch the jake paul gibb fight and that's about the only one that had about jj yeah so all the guys went to miami to watch that fight and i didn't go i think at the time i was doing something that i couldn't really i couldn't really justify going um but obviously i wanted to support gifts i stayed up all night and obviously it happened so quick and i was like what the hell that was disappointing you know 5am it's always later than they say as well isn't it like because no one knows there's no one they're gonna go even they don't know when they're gonna fight so they can always give it like a they can only give a prediction but in america as we know in the uk fights and start at ten probably start like eleven o'clock half eleven but it feels so much worse when you think the fight's gonna start like at three a.m and you're there like 6am you're like where's the fight yeah especially with the jake paul and ben askren once it got pushed back as well and i was just sat there watching people perform like what what was going on the performances were better than i thought they were going to be but i was like why why why is this happening um what time is it meant to be the logan like on fire it's vegas right yeah i thought it was midnight but so it's vegas it'll be yeah yeah apparently it's like four yeah like that cause they're solid oh if it was an exhibition i would definitely um but it is so i'm like they don't make a much of a deal of it because obviously they can't really promote it as an exhibition all the time because then it's like well it's kind of promoting a fight that's got risk that has that under you know underneath hasn't got risk to it but um i think logan though he's gonna have a good walk-out song if he doesn't that's like he's got to like shorty it's your birthday whatever that song is yeah he's gonna have something short or like something related that's just going to goad yeah yeah i'm excited for it i think i think it's going to be a good event and i don't know if it'll be a good fight yeah that's i'm not really i don't know i'm kind of more excited in a weird way for the i don't know i don't know because i don't care about the main fight of that tick-tock one the austin room versus bryce oh didn't know them until the fight sorry i don't care but i still want to watch it so i actually think i care more about i yeah that one like that one i will stay up for sure but then gibbs one is an exhibition as well right yeah they're all exhibitions they're all yes that's what always puts me off i'm like i was trying to like that's why i haven't been enjoying jake's journey to be fair because like mission fights yeah so that's why there's an issue with give and taylor for the head guards right yeah so i think that's what taylor was saying he's like i would love to actually take them off but like we have we can't we're not allowed to because it's not profile no they're not wearing headguards but they changed that then it was it was either headguards and lighter gloves or uh no headguards and heavier gloves right i think they went no headguards okay yeah 16 ounces but i guess even that reason then is probably why they have to go with heavier gloves yeah because gabe was like oh you know i wanted to use 12 ounce gloves or whatever and no it does yeah no head cards and then taylor was just like i mean you signed what i signed it says yes we can't change it i hope gibb does a walk like his first fight like his ring walked down yeah yeah that was the funniest way you just like turned around oh this is oh i don't i don't like ah this fight is gonna hurt me well that's why we that's that's why we enjoy the jake paul of ash green logan paul floyd because we haven't we have no like involvement in it really like obviously i guess i guess it can be team youtube a lot of the time but it's still jake paul but with like even deji like you know we've all you know had issues with dead in the past but i don't want him to win i'll still be i'll be nervous for him you know um but yeah who do you want to win logan or mayweather just want to not think will who do i think will no who do you want who do i want to win i honestly i want mayweather to win oh see i want logan yeah i mean i kind of want logan to win because it would be a such a what the hell moment but i just think the repercussions will get so annoying so quickly like it will damage boxing is what you think oh yeah but i don't really watch too much box yeah that doesn't bother me i just know like you would then have jake would go on another level like in terms of ego logan like i'm i'm liking logan the last yeah yeah and you just know he would revert back to being a greatest boxer of all time yeah which i would be funny but then it would get like i don't know if it would i don't know if i'd enjoy it as much after the initial shock true because i think logan logan has definitely changed a lot recently but that's because it's had failures isn't it and like you have to change your the way you are seen because otherwise you look like so i find him so much funnier in failure yeah it's a victory like because he he gets a lot of dubs like yeah in life in like the pokemon thing yeah yeah like massive like he he does well and they're fun but he is quite funny when he you know mucks up yeah true true so i guess yeah if he'd be the greatest boxer of all time ain't too fair even if i if i beat the greatest boxer all the time i'll be letting you know every single day would be yeah i'm very sure i was like i beat full moon with it every day in my life yeah you'd be like jj after he beat joe yeah yeah um he's so mad though that that wouldn't even go on his record yeah logan has just been exploited yeah it doesn't count but yeah i think i want i want i have nothing against floyd you know i i enjoy watching him fight and i give respect to him for being so good um and his career a great career but yeah it'd be it'd be funny to see logan beat him just because it would shake the world but also i guess as a youtuber or as a content creator it would progress i mean boxing has progressed this whole space a lot even what jj and well jj and joe did well what theo and joe did then jj and joe and then jj and logan moved the space forward a lot really like like the amount of like even jj's music career really like took off as well thanks to his boxing because it just grew massively yeah people start to finally respect him on a mainstream level so if logan you know even logan fight in floyd is good for all of us really it gives like validity to um youtube yeah unless he stops calling himself a youtuber yeah which is what jada did well so thank you jj i'll respect that from jj he's he's going to save you ksi yeah saving the uk scene once again the global scene now as well um but yeah floyd will will win well there's no winner is there well there is still a winner like someone will win the exhibition and i guess that's the case yeah it's like a friendly someone will win a friendly match or their draw because that wasn't the case with mike tyson was it well they drew like if but if someone had got a knockout somehow like the other one had to retire right okay so i i always thought there was just no winner anyway well i don't think they floyd's had an exhibition against the was it japanese guy yeah and and he knocked him out in three rounds or something like that so floyd but i don't think again it doesn't count on his record it's not right okay but like you've seen it you saw what happened yeah adam randy moment then yeah yeah fair enough and then he'll call out jake if he wins immediately floyd yeah i think like i thought about this and i don't think jake would find that because it's an exhibition so well i was talking to my like live stream about it i was talking on twitch and i was like do you think he would and was like no i think it was just like a moment of anger and then he'll go you know what i just can't be asked like why fight jake money because that's that's why he's fighting logan isn't it yeah but that's why half the tick tockers would sit there fighting wasn't it yeah is it is it less interesting to see him fight jake because for example jj beat logan so surely jj should be the one fighting mayweather sounds like like a soap opera doesn't it they beat them so they should bite them and there well no but my thought is if you watched jjv mayweather yeah it wouldn't be as interesting because there's way more similar in height and like size whereas the only reason people are like logan has a chance if you think that is because he's so much taller so much heavier such longer reach yeah so if you saw jj fight maybe you wouldn't think everyone would literally be like he's won a couple fights why is he fighting but if he wins just because of that you've you've got the reach yeah i don't know whether yeah i reckon yeah you just definitely win yeah easy yeah and that way i teach every day yeah but i think i don't know i think after jake did what he did at the press conference as well there was definitely like precedent there to be able to like yeah promote a fight i heard by the way i think jake did an interview on a boxing channel or something where he did say to him like when he took the hat he thought in his head maybe that was a bad idea i started chasing he was like i think i think i [ __ ] up but i i enjoyed that like i hate to say i've said it for a while on the podcast like i i don't like jake jake paul i don't think he's a very good guy but i mean he's doing the right thing he knows how to promote yeah that's from right he's doing what floyd did and anne mcgregor did you know just being like a loud mouth being crazy you know getting the getting the headlines there's also being like the villain so people pay we've seen this last night people pay to watch jake paul potentially lose like that's what floyd did it 50 times you know everyone wants to see him lose but i never he never does he just can't it feels like he can't switch ox i don't know if you guys watch the logan paul podcast yeah impulsive impulsive yeah they did one after the fight i sort of i do dabble with them like when there's a good guest yeah yeah appley watch because he's a very good host yeah he's good but that one they had the date pull on after the ben askrem fight oh my god i've never seen something more awkward really like the most awkward podcast and it was like jake paul is like is he still playing this character or is is is it actually him like because podcasts are when you can be yourself yeah i think it's close i think he's i think he's close to that character he portrays but not not fully i think i think he's calculated yeah but i don't think he's like the greatest guy so i think it's easy for him to do that you know i just wonder what logan must think looking at him doing all this stuff considering logan knows like oh you know i was on this i was the same person yeah and then obviously all messed up yeah and obviously it's worked now but jake is him before yeah because he did didn't you know logan did that uh whole thing to david dobrik saying like oh if you carry on down this road like bad shit's gonna happen and then that happened and logan was like oh i told you yeah yeah yeah it seems the same with jake like eventually this is gonna come back especially in america it always seems that you grow and grow and grow and they're they're just waiting then they'll just pop that bubble yeah at the right time yeah but i mean i don't know i think jake did kind of steal the show for logan's press conference yeah that's everything that's what everyone spoke about but um but yeah jake and tyrone woodley is mental isn't it that is that's like actual that's that's you know i guess it's it's still like an mma fight it's still not a box of what everyone wants but it is a step up from from ben so i don't really know much about him all i know is he's lost his last four fights right and he has a rib injury i think so he does so he's i think he's a world champion so was ben yeah but i mean i think when i think he's like a ufc before you obviously he's been going on a long time but i think when it started to get kind of like really popular he was a is it like a main fighter then it's a very prominent fighter and i guess in recent years perhaps his name hasn't carried as much as it was back then but he definitely is more certified than just looks stacked yeah yeah he's like yeah big guy that'd be it's just crazy it is crazy to see where it's going though like with the whole space of like fighting and youtubers and stuff because it literally just did just start with like theo and joe it's actually mad that you can trace it back to that like if you actually think about it like you can trace it yeah all the way back of course video and just uh even they didn't envision this but it has it's like a butterfly effect right that's what they call it has happened you know because of this so he's pretty mad really i love the meme of like oh if theo just won that he could be fighting floyd mayweather yeah yeah yeah yeah imagine well jj must think like what's going on like i beat i beat logan why's logan fighting floyd no i think he's i think he sees what i said like it that fight doesn't look as entertaining to watch jj mayweather because it's not you know you're not watching two extremes one is like ridiculously skilled and one is just a giant yeah and also these these things don't happen out of pure like like they don't don't get pulled out of the air yeah if jj had like it wouldn't just be jj fighting because he's one he can't just go oh i want yeah yeah the team's behind exactly yeah like obviously logan would never afford jj if jade didn't call him out yeah you know so yeah you'd have to kind of like plant the seeds for these facts to happen and obviously if jj is working on music and not really in that space like youtube like from from an outsider perspective someone who's not in the bubble it feels like stuff gets plucked out of the air like when something happens yeah oh we're just dropping this it's like you guys might have been planning it for months but then it's like oh what what and not just the boxing thing like when people drop music like when the whole diss track thing happened um when jj left to america well that was that was just plaid yeah like something jason posted the video who went what's going on what is this yeah that's right did you not go in the room people were always like oh that was fake wasn't it i'm like well not really like it you know it was it became like a comedic thing eventually yeah but it wasn't like it wasn't planned in a room it wasn't our let's let's do this you know directly yeah is it just like a natural thing that happened i think that's why i took off so much more than others yeah because it was just it was legit mm-hmm all right no [ __ ] yeah exactly yeah but um yeah so i guess that's kind of like fighting what else has been going on champions league did you guys watch that i did champions league final i didn't watch the james final wow wow yeah did you watch the europa league i didn't even watch the europa league wow i was away i was on holiday you're a leads fan yes and i'm right and saying you're a united fan yeah and you didn't watch the final i do i mean it's it's not a major competition anyway so it's like when when the best thing city have done is making the league cup a major trophy like when they were like we won four major trophies this year it's like no charity shield and league cup you won two you won the double but um sorry john for talking about football but um but yeah no i was i was away for both of those finals so i didn't watch them but i wasn't upset because you know i'd lost last year have you watched but have you watched anything actually i did get home in time and i watched the penalties and only the penalties that was the interesting part well well the penalties were amazing i was like he's gonna miss yeah every single time you know like especially when i got to lindelof i was like there's no way there's no way but he buried it i think and then obviously de gea ball yeah i sort of started that he hasn't saved any of the last four never said he's been away none in the last 40. how great is that you really thought you would sub him off like if you know he's that bad but did you see they they found there was a picture of his cheat sheet or whatever right yeah where you write down who's going to go where and he just ignored it apparently i don't know if that's like one of those internet rumors maybe but like apparently he had it like for this guy go left go left for this guy and he was like if he had done that he would have saved like six penalties or something well damn yeah i don't talk about football too much but then we had we had chelsea as well into fear they played well they just deserved it yes so so much going into it i was like you just said you're gonna destroy them like four five nil or something like that or maybe not necessarily three one or whatever but i thought if chelsea went they would have done what they did before with di mateo and kind of like just look it yeah but they didn't they deserved like kante was incredible watching that game i was like werner was the only player i'd say that messed up because he missed like three chances oh yeah yeah yeah someone ticked everyone saying that he uh he did well to make a goal yeah she did that as well you know you have to give credit there yeah no for sure but it doesn't mean that he played amazingly he still missed multiple chances could have been three nil yeah for sure he could he might not have had to make that run because they could have already won it by that point it's weird how many like like world-class strikers have gone to chelsea and then just flopped it's weird isn't it like sort of mental thing but he's a good player that's the worst part about it he does every single thing well yeah until he has to shoot it's like sterling used to be as well as a striker but his runs are amazing yeah he's like his positioning his first touch everything then he just shoots yeah just for some reason and i think that's why we do see him miss so many chances because he creates so many chances like sterling back in the day as well he's so frustrating because he creates so many chances and always miss them he's better now but um yeah hopefully hopefully like werner just improves a little bit because he looks good to watch but you just get nervous as soon as yeah as soon as the flood gets open i think it will be yeah hopefully it was like horror as well just just fell apart when you went chelsea oh that was a weird one but kante i love that one unbelievable you can tell as well like at first i was kind of like oh he must just be like uh on camera he was just seemed like a like a shy guy but he is you definitely can tell he is that guy he wants to get on with it let me have a good life yeah it's been how many people i know as well that have run into him really yeah like um someone i know that lives somewhere apparently he lives in the same like apartment complex kind of thing and they would like he just literally goes on like jogs or whatever and everyone just smiles at him and he's just smiling the entire time get him on the podcast i don't know about that yeah maybe he probably wouldn't say much for it you know just how are you how are you i'm great yeah josh i think he's in the yeah tock where he says thank you and they changed to [ __ ] you so one of the one of the um the interviewers asked him like oh kante you've done a fantastic job you know well played and he goes thank you but it sounds like [ __ ] you somebody um i really want i mean obviously i want england to win the euros but i want france to win euros if we don't because of him yeah then he's won everything right he's one he's already winning the world cup yeah yeah yeah yeah he needs the errors it's the only thing he hasn't won yeah he's won everything you guys going yes got tickets yes but i also wanted to win the ballon d'or he should then then he's if he wants that in the euros he's won everything he won't though rare for a defensive midfielder yeah i don't know who would this year moderate got it once didn't he that was a bit like a weirdo i would love for him too by the way but i don't i just don't think he will i don't can't see lemondos you shouldn't win it because of his tech socks dancing yeah they're like dad tick tock and kante does own tick tock as well yeah what does he do on tiktok at least for me everywhere i go it's just kante now same and it's always like in places where you don't expect it it's like who's that pokemon and it's pikachu like it's obviously pictures and stuff like where someone take a screenshot i'm like who's that who's that in the corner and someone just zooms in and she's kante yeah just can't see his face and stuff like that oh yeah i love that man yeah yeah all right we paused this episode to tell you about our sponsor skillshare this episode is sponsored by skillshare the online learning community is offering our listeners a free trial of premium membership witness your own transformation as you turn small steps into giant leaps 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support yeah it was good but uh i was guided that i missed a lot of a lot of shots was it shots or like penalties and there's two penalties out of three i saw a comment where someone said you're a sensational well in the first challenge it was first team to score five and jj scuffs one scores then he scored one more and i scored three no one else scored they scored two i think the other team um but then when we did penalties we were all awful right everyone was kind of like yeah they were all [ __ ] yeah okay yeah so it wasn't then the free kicks as well i think ethan josh and harry scored so that was a fun day though like that was actually one of the best chemistries we've had with a football team or football player because normally football players are just like i don't want to be here yeah just you know fully obligated i'm gonna kick the ball in the net and then i'm gone yeah whereas that one was actually they were really they engaged they were like comedic themselves yeah yeah so that one yeah that one was a lot of fun um not much else has really happened experiences you get so so yeah it's crazy you do have to start like just being like oh yeah you know an average day but it is pretty crazy what you guys are coming numb to it now in our like family what's up when you like oh yeah i played with arsenal ladies or something so i mean enough it's ryan's face yeah yeah and now he's a champion's league loser oh yeah no it's just a delayed socket fracture it wasn't interesting champions league was it it was secretly yeah you did that i'm just saying ever since that ball hit him in the face he's turned into like one of the best players he was already like amazing but he turned into the best player yeah i'm just saying yeah you know i've always it compared to space jam you know when the monsters touch they they get the professionals to touch the ball they take the power so then the monster power yeah when i kick the ball all my football handling skill went into the ball and then it hit him how long ago was this four years from four or five that would explain it yeah yeah and that's why i miss penalties now because i don't have the skill anymore no no yeah you give it to him it all adds up the new um space time has come out soon isn't it yeah right with the rum i don't know if i'm looking forward to it it's one of those things it's a risk it's a risk but i think it will make a ton of money though yeah like lion king like you just gotta have zombies minded someone's in there like the new one obviously yeah yeah well get disney plus i don't know what that's not an ad i look at the camera like well it's not um but it is really good i yeah i got scared because it was like this could literally ruin lion king oh no because i think it is so different like you can still enjoy the other one as much you know and i was watching it man i spent the weekend with my um my brother and his kids and they were watching like some sort of like disney spin-off animated show of lanking so it's simba is like the dad night he's old now and he's got a new baby called kion yeah actually he's just wasn't lying too or was it no no no no it's just it's like a 20-minute show a series i'm mad actually i was actually good i was like watching it like i'm enjoying this yeah it's like it's like it's like it's like the next generation of lanking i bet having kids when they hit that certain age where you can watch the shows with them that are actually good yeah yeah yeah we're watching um the on a series of unfortunate events as well because awesome laura and i started watching that a while ago when it first came out and we got three episodes and then stopped because it is it is like you know it is kind of like for children but also adults at the same time but now i was watching it again i was like because you can you can watch it guilt-free yeah yeah you're like oh let's put on a little mermaid today it's been like yeah probably shouldn't do little as well you know robert downey jr did do little uh we watched that as well and i was like i'm enjoying this it was bad it was bad but you know you know the films that are bad but yeah because like you still enjoy them they're like like what's it like what'd you call it guilty pleasure it was it was one of those where i was like this does suck but oh also did you watch the friends reunion yes yeah yes what do you think have you watched it yeah yeah okay that's a good one to bring out yeah thanks i prepared i really liked it i went into it thinking this is going to be cringe and it was it was very cringe at times but it was also good i think it was i think actually well when i saw james corden uh james bond so nervous yeah hosting yeah well he i was the biggest fan of james corden i loved him in governor stacey thought he was super talented he is super super talented very tired but since he's going over to america and i understand he's had to change a little bit he had to change his accent to make himself more presentable like he has done a good job to make himself a tv a late night tv host but it's just annoying now i kind of this kind of annoys me but yeah anyway but you enjoyed it i've really enjoyed it i thought it was awesome yeah yeah it's quite it's quite like it's emotional yeah there's some bits i think for me the hard part is that like you know they're just doing it to get money you know that they wouldn't have done this if they didn't get like i need the money no but i did i heard it was like something like three million each for that reunion or something like that because so they make they made a million per episode towards the end of friends um they make 20 million a year each i think on like syndication syndication yeah like it being on netflix in every country in the world um so yeah they don't need the money but also at the same time if someone's like do you want to meet your old friends and you know for this three million yeah i don't know if it is familiar but it would have been a lot of money yeah um they're probably like yeah but it was look they didn't seem like they were all like friends still it it felt like it's like a front a little bit apparently because i was like matthew perry he's had a lot of struggles here because he was like leaning forward in it but apparently because he was all right when they were in the on the set wasn't he was joking and quite funny but he didn't talk on the couch and apparently he had had some sort and again this is internet rumors but like a dental dental center yeah major surgery of the day because i was like sitting there like that a lot of the time like i think he has struggled a lot with like you know alcohol drugs and et cetera she was doing drugs during the oh wow series how was he yeah he was like there's a whole season he doesn't remember he said oh wow because he was actually just off his face yeah they didn't watch like they were all like oh no some of them were like david truman was like i've watched every episode matt leblanc yeah puts it on in his kitchen but like it was it was um oh schwimmer said sorry and uh phoebe were like i haven't watched anything past season four yeah but it's the same like how can you not watch like i can't relate a little bit though i don't i don't know what to say i can't watch any videos i'm in yeah that's what that's what it is back like well i guess they're an hour long so it's a bit long but like i don't watch anything not even like when you know it's a banger you're like i actually kind of want to see that is funny like like the the the it's a pot in the bin well that scene the simon video oh the cheese part cheese part oh no you haven't [Music] if i have to watch a video i'll watch it like to make sure it's okay and there's no mistakes i'll watch through it yeah but uh if you don't need to do that then i wouldn't do that yeah post post it move on you know i can't i hate it i have to watch this back but i wouldn't watch it i would watch simon i think well i think i think i would watch seven if i was in it just to see like the other guys but not not myself because you were santa right yeah you watched that bit but no maybe it's just me being a bit late either i don't know if it's insecure or vain but i would watch it back yeah yeah one of the teams maybe to learn how to how to improve but um i think well wasn't it um matt leblanc he actually said it quite well really he said that you know he can't watch himself because he knows his acting yeah he said that right he was like he's you know i know i'm fake because i know why yeah yeah yeah but um now it was good i think out of all of them i feel like matt lebron or joey did seem like the most normal out of them all now yeah you know no like cosmetic surgery or you know it just seems like it is a bit bigger now which actually you know it's just which is good really yeah i'm locked down man yeah but he's just enjoying himself isn't it you can tell he looked like he's having the most fun there as well he was just firing jokes across he was just relaxed you know he was smiling he's the only one out the guys that still did a lot of stuff right like he no david did a lot of stuff did he did jennifer anderson did a lot of david was the giraffe in voice acting and he was no no he didn't oh yeah he was the lawyer in the o.j he was right it was kardashian wasn't he was the kardashian yeah yeah okay because matt obviously did it was directing matt did straight away did joey did joey then he did yeah no before episode so episode it's so good and then he's done one the last few years which has been cancelled now where he was like a dad in a family like that sort of sitcom i think they all have the only people i haven't seen ever is actually matthew perry chandler and then monica county cox 17 again was like the last time i saw him i know he did sunset on 60. i haven't seen him something like that i've forgotten what it's called but yeah yeah phoebe's been in quite a few things really yeah she's like i've seen her and she was like a head mastering one or a teacher yeah what film was that oh don't she was really funny in it i wanna say it's drill bit taylor you know i've never seen that film yeah it might be it might be that she's like head teacher but yeah um i've seen quite a few of them obviously jennifer frannison's been in everything yeah yeah you know she's been killing it it didn't make me realize how well it was cast though yeah because literally like when there's like a bug lance on phoebe and she's she starts freaking out as lisa but it's phoebe also when they show the tapes and like phoebe is basically phoebe as a waitress in her last show yeah yeah you're like that is literally yeah or um yeah matty perry and his space one yeah she looked weird but yeah i think yeah the rachel one they stole it this isn't this isn't the rare steak and she was like how often do we serve steak not very often well that's a rare state i was like you know what this is this is friends this is literally this is still rachel well i enjoyed on the reunion the fact that they actually did bring it they focused a lot of it on the creators of it yeah and they were they obviously that i know that the main cast are why friends is so good and it was cast well but i also think it was like molded to them and i think that's what the writers did well right they probably identified wow we've got a great group of people here let's like play to that yeah um but again like you know you say it was cast well someone has to do that right it's nice to be in charge of that oh yeah and they smashed that right i think and listen to them talk about how they reacted to certain episodes or how they came up with the idea they yeah how they took people from certain shows and stuff like some of them already on shows they can do it yeah yeah that's that's a frustrating thing like i guess you guys might get it in the youtube world where it's like you're booked into film with someone and then a better filming potential comes along and you're like gotta do that yeah i can't can't be there for that must be the most i found the the random cameos from people kind of weird the hand guy that was good no no no no no the celebrity ones the ones like justin okay it's a nice touch don't get it yeah beckham's like i like friends yeah and it would make me smile and laugh and i'm like yeah yeah and that's coming from you're a massive day yeah like i'll you know if you see this i love you yeah but yeah oh yeah he wouldn't turn it down wouldn't you i just didn't it didn't seem i thought i thought you meant like coming on it oh no no no no no he would definitely turn that down yeah but if you're if you want to yeah feel free feel free to kick him out yeah there was one bit that did make me a little bit bit teary-eyed was when they went around the world oh yeah and it was all the people that helped me through this time yeah yeah and it reminded me of when we went dubai and i was your cameraman for the time greatest job ever like cameraman in dubai like what do you need filming i don't really tell john [Laughter] john he's always like you know what working for you sucks yeah john really is a horrible guy i was gonna i can't even say that it's a joke everyone not really but yeah sorry the guy um the guy when we were out there and you were doing a meet and greet of like 100 200 people whatever and the amount of people that 200 it felt like a long time but um and i was filming and i started filming you like you kind of you filmed enough nick after like 20 minutes so i just put the camera down so i put the camera in there a lot the people then come over when you're waiting for their turn and they'd have a bit of a chat and they would all say similar things so it just reminded me of that and tear me up a little mm-hmm but i bet you guys again that's something you must do you know that effect when you're in it i guess when you do like you see meet and greets i mean i've never i mean i've never really done it like i mean i've been at your meeting groups before and i've i don't know i've met people out about but yeah i think you do see the impact when you're at shows as well people are you really help music really help me through things but um does it ever like play on your mind though like when you're creating music you're like oh this i'm doing this because or is it just no i think then it would be inauthentic yeah if you know i mean i think if i if i was doing it for that reason then it would seem like that's what i'm i'm craving if that makes sense like you little timmy yeah yeah if someone can like if my music my music or my workout if i can help someone through something that's amazing but i wouldn't no it's weird i would do it for them but like i i think you have to do what you want to do you have to write your experiences in music specifically and then if that yeah someone can't tell you their experience then you're like i need to make a song for that yeah instantly whereas you just make what you do and hope it helps in that way yeah because people always people are all different as well aren't they they may they might take a certain aspect differently than someone else so they might be inspired by this whereas someone might be inspired by that and if you try like you know reach out to one specific category of a person then you can miss you know so i think it's nice that people find inspiration their own way like friends as well like people had people were saying they found inspiration in like pivot i mean like you know yeah you know they didn't write that thinking oh that's going to get that's you know people are going to relate to that moment but they're not going to necessarily be like oh that inspired me but almost when it came illegal to lift a couch i find it mad seeing it on a script as well yeah literally like they lift the sofa ross pivot pivot pivot yeah they drop the sofa i'm like that sounds like the driest thing i've ever seen in my life and then you watch it that's why they're so good yeah yeah and i know there's probably a lot of people listening or watching that really dislike friends and think it's cringe and i do see why it couldn't be like that i've never met someone that dislikes friends i've only met people that haven't watched it i had a conversation with someone yesterday do you just like disliked friends okay okay no i'll tell you after why would it ruin their career no i think it's one of those things because it's so big it's so like it's so popular people like to dislike it yeah yeah but you know if you don't like it he's fine as well and i'm not i hate someone for hating it but um you know i enjoy it really they said at the end as well didn't they they were like oh we won't do this again in 15 years i was like no come back yeah do every year i think one thing i liked about it as well is the fact that they actually because most people dislike it because of the laugh track they think oh it's you know it's cringe but i actually enjoyed that when they actually opened up a little bit they said how would that help them write and how you know they would test jokes and the audience didn't laugh they would rewrite it so actually i guess it's not only just it's not a left track you know it's a live audience and they're feeding enough that as well that's actually crazy when you think rewriting a joke on the day after everything right to try and make it land but i don't i don't the thing i've never understood is they don't do one take of everything normally no like even if they do it perfectly they'll go like let's get one for safety yeah if they did it again surely the laugh though isn't oh but you use the first laugh i know but then i'm like okay well no now you have added in the fake one yeah so it doesn't definitely it's fake and also also they'll have like signs as well so you know if they re-record it so if if someone didn't laugh at a joke and they went to reshoot it and rewrite it they would then hold up a sign that was like laugh now yeah it's still fake as well but like you know there's a bit of authenticity there didn't they say like people would go and just try having really weird laughs just so they when they watch about they're like that's that's oh wow i'll do that this is the last track thing the last track thing sits with me way more with big bang theory oh yeah cfa2 on that yeah yeah because the friends ones there are some times where i'm like you know what that actually wasn't that funny but because people are laughing i find it funny whereas big bang theory when you clock that they sometimes just say something that sounds smart and then people laugh the next time you watch it you you sit there and they go honor that that can be him because of the shape of the earth yeah and you're like nothing was funny even even with friends when you notice it's worse like so we've been going through it i watched it i i was addicted to it i remember when i was younger i watched like all the seasons on my laptop like every day you know in summer holidays or something like that and then now look back and now i know that people make fun of it because of the laughter i can't not listen to it and same with friends i didn't know it was there bang theory probably probably yeah i finished it though right yeah but there you go i might watch it back because well then you can see if it's wrong just make sure you laugh when they laugh and then you won't even notice out loud on your own [Laughter] try and mask the lash track with your own left track we put laugh tracks in this jaws on it now i still like i still like bluebank theory a lot it's still very good yeah yeah but there are some times where nothing happens and there's a laugh track yeah what did they say they they said that friends that the one line where they would sell the show is that these these are the the friends in your 20s or your family until you actually have your own family yeah and you know since you guys are actually family why don't we talk about a few stories from your childhood okay was that a six segway that was actually pretty successful it was wasn't it yeah that was all right i thought you could be like well done it was okay i thought that was good thank you if i had another phone call with that friend ben we would uh we'd both agree that was a good segue shout out ben just been listening religiously yeah every single time different ben to the bend you're thinking about oh yeah i don't know whose ben is then sounds like a loser stink ben well okay i know ben um [Music] you guys don't know i know a few events um so let's let's find more out about nick nick minter okay so you are there are three of you there's not three of you but there are three minter no that's where he's getting one family there's a three more than there's also my mom and dad yeah the the the kids yes yeah there's yourself yes youngest then there's nick middle and then there's one on his name but i'm allowed to say his name if you can remember it johnny yeah but he he's not nervous then he doesn't like being on camera that's why i don't want to say his name i don't know if i was like when you say his name it doesn't he doesn't appear oh my god he's right there yeah and he's the oldest he's the oldest okay but he's two years in between each one pretty much yeah yeah which i was very surprised that i'm not gonna lie like when i met you i thought no offense i thought you were a lot older than simon yeah i didn't know i didn't think you were older than you were because i was younger i just thought the gap was bigger how does that make sense if you knew how odd i was and you thought he wasn't no i kind of get it with the maturity that doesn't matter i want to hear randall's explanations so i thought that you were way older than you seem way older than you so you knew how odd i was yeah and you knew who old how old he was i didn't at first that's what i'm saying at first i assumed you were much older than you are but not because of you because of you if that makes sense does that mean does that make any sense so basically do you think i'm immature yes that's the wrong answer you haven't said that no but no you're not immature it's because because we do youtube we always we feel younger than we are aren't we don't we that it's true like when we're all we spoke about like i said to you then like when we're all together we'll always be young but then put like a 18 year old next to us or like a four-year-old on an ipad and we're like flipping it we're boomers just you said that no one agreed with you yeah true i said this to everyone everyone was like anyway because he did the standard old thing of like oh the four-year-old is on the ipad now like oh just like i don't know what's going on i was like a tangent but yeah so you don't seem old you don't you don't look old oh thanks man i appreciate that what okay it's just i don't know does anyone understand me do you understand me all i've gathered from the last seven minutes is imagine you don't think you look that old imagine doing this segway of the entire podcast just history you're quite young you look young for your age oh thanks man and you look young for your age but younger in comparison yes yes so what how should we just say how old are you yeah i'm 31 right you're turning i'm 28. you're turning 28 i am 28. you know i'm turning 20. i'm 28 10 and 20. are you 29.99 i'm turning 20. you're 93. what's the width of it nine two where's your major [Music] we'll never be the same age but yeah so he's got 28 31 and i think johnny must be 33 or something i think it's awesome because in my family i've got three brothers as well and they're like oh like eight eight nine years older than me so i always assume that everyone is like that you know um right it was pretty cool having like all roughly similar ages to be fair out especially like be in similar heights it meant so johnny was like the b yeah he was really into his games like he's really good at gaming very knowledgeable in the subject yeah all of that um whereas and i used to love playing the games as well but johnny would also like playing football with me because i i guess you got kind of both we all we all got the best yeah yeah yeah because we're staying here really we're like playing pokemon yeah you want to play thing you play with him so matt mildred really like loves pokemon and my other brother more like i guess at the time football and football and stuff so yeah i can relate with that i also realize what it is as well you know i think you are definitely more of a boomer than his you are you are a boomer i think yeah no offense i watched the youtube i i've dabbled on tick tock but yeah i think it's because we're we're in youtube right yeah yeah that's absolutely you know you're not you're not going to it's completely a fair comment i social media yeah yeah i think i might even still have facebook i don't know i reckon this podcast gets you involved isn't it i guess she keeps you involved with like the youtube stuff no i like that it is quite fun that i met with one of my schoolmates the other day uh michelle and he good guy he was full-on boomer but he was having like a midlife crisis because he was there like he's like i've realized we're not old i was like yes we are he's like no no no no we're actually really young still like i think about it exact same thing the other day and i was like we are getting old and then the conversation kind of went on after 20 minutes of him panicking that he's gonna die in the next three years because he's old um and he was he goes so this jake logan paul fight thing against mayweather is it not a disgrace to boxing and i was like you're old you're really old right now yeah so old and then yeah he i don't know it was like yeah it was a long talk but yeah it made me realize where it's there so what do they do when they talk about like when you inevitably come up in a conversation with friends so what does he do what does he do does he play like games and stuff how does that work it's still that sort of i find it funny when people who find out what i guess youtubers and what i guess creators do they always think they're incredible at games yeah so like someone like you you do youtube right you already got a game and i'm like well no i'm awful i don't really even play games yeah yeah yeah i'm a crosstalk i'm i'm gonna go out yeah but um you know but everyone always hears like youtuber and thing wow you're incredible well it's also because of what whenever someone asks me like what what i do on youtube yeah because my main channel i don't like what what do you say yeah because i never know what to say when people like what does he do i go vlog game yeah i say like football and skits and stuff but ultimately i post more videos of gaming so i say oh i just i just play games but then i think oh now they think i'm a gamer and then the thing comes of like oh so you could beat everyone at like fortnight i'm like no i don't even know how to build a warning yeah especially when you say streaming as well if someone asks you what you do you probably say youtube more than streaming right yeah i feel like streaming goes into some they immediately think you're some sort of like gamer weeb you know instantly when you get into that where it's like youtube i think people are i think youtube's more mainstream than streaming is you know currently it might change as we go on but um when in reality streaming is the more i guess trendier i would say is it the cooler thing to be a streamer i think most people are you a streamer because is it like so twitch doesn't have its own entity it is like if you're on twitch you're a streamer you're not like uh i know you would still say i'm a twitch streamer yeah yeah you would say i'm a twitch streamer obviously i think youtube still is a bigger name than twitches but yeah yeah it's it's still it's big enough to say you're a twitch streamer i do think that but i don't know it's just i feel like streaming is where like the cool kids are i feel like and youtube where the boomers are i feel like a boomer for being on youtube and not twitch just for even saying that they're cool kids i i do [ __ ] twitch when i stream it's just i don't know it's just like it was a lot of time streamed months ago i don't think you can say you stream oh no but if i if no but you know i'm a twitch partner so i just want to make sure that they still they still like me if you're watching this i love twitch it's great you expose me um but yeah so nick minter um sportsman united yeah you lose photography love photography yeah that's your like you're probably your main passion i guess i would say so yeah kind of like weirdly because of youtube because it was your original camera that got me into because i always liked it when i was young yeah and then you had a canon 60d and i remember you upgraded to like this monster film camera thing yeah back whenever you need film cameras yeah yeah yeah you like nick do you want to do you want this um yes please you definitely get a lot of cool gadgets don't you so now you'll you'll do some something crazy with it with a certain thing in a video and you're like i don't really need it long term i'll give it nick you must get like all these really cool things it was quite fun yeah john gets some cool stuff as well the camping video you guys are in battle now he got two inflatable kayaks that's sick six are great and you still come here you got one he still complains we forgot to give james murray at the banjo i don't think he really wanted it if i'm honest maybe yeah i mean it's still there you can still have it if you're if you want to come back james you can yeah if he if he wants it yeah you can have it what is like the coolest thing you've ever got you reckon not bought in like a video like received or is that something i should have asked for you to prepare is probably prepared you know what this is actually a very sad thing that's not even sad but that rug oh yeah this is really crazy yeah it's really awesome like that is yeah that is really sick and everywhere you go now you'll ask him to i've gotten the word for it but make a rug effectively nah you wouldn't you know i hate i hate asking jamie for anything yeah because he's so he the thing is i know if i ask you'll do it because he's so nice and i don't like that because like if i ask you to do something you don't want to do i want you to say no yeah yeah because ultimately you don't want to do it yeah you don't want someone involved yeah but he's too nice that he'll go no yeah i don't mind yeah i do i'm like no please like if you don't want to do it i'll never know that's what we feel like about the podcast sometimes when we ask someone to be on it we're like do you really want to be on it are you just saying you want to be on it you know like you're just saying yes because we've asked you and put you in an awkwardness but then we're overthinking that we should just be like do you want to be honest if they say no fine she should always ask them in person when they're in a really tight corner but anything yeah but then again yeah just invite them here if you do say yes that is their problem right like if they said yes and they don't want to be on it it's like true yes but it's the same thing if i don't want them to like the next day yeah why did i say yes yes the reason we've never asked harry to be on the podcast is because we know he won't want to yeah he's like we don't want to put him in that situation where he has to say no but he will say no he's not afraid to say no but i didn't want to simon says it's my birthday tomorrow it doesn't matter it doesn't matter um but welcome back to the what school podcast this is a clip so if you're watching this right now subscribe nice yeah subscribe to the clip uh how did you first meet talia oh yeah have you actually heard this before probably but i'm gonna pretend to haven't so yeah you mentioned that on the i think when talia was a guest but it was your event upload upload i wasn't listening when tyler was here so we can we can tell a story again just kidding but yeah do subscribe and uh yeah this time you know this this title will be like how how nick first met talia so how did you get good title the clip yeah thank you thank you maybe better than that but nick's awkward in capital letters but um no it was that upload and it was i just remember going simon because there was she had just been hacked on twitter yeah oh she had just been hacked on twitter and i can remember throwing a tantrum as as one would yeah you know um save myself um yeah so she was obviously very upset and sort of downstairs having a go trying to figure out who it was and all that and i went upstairs simon there is some crazy lady downstairs she was walking around on her phone going like randomly time was upstairs i was in the green room bit just so like waiting for simon to finish his like meet and greet or no you're on stage and you didn't know tyler from like didn't have it no right so you literally said simon this this crazy lady downstairs and sam was like that's my girlfriend no he didn't didn't say that he was just you were just like oh yeah i was embarrassed he called her crazy i was like yeah and i like tried to explain who it was i like what she looks i didn't i didn't know your name yeah yeah i didn't know wow exposed oh my god that's the next clip but i didn't know nick minter hates darling wow yeah well that's the case i hate a million views oh yeah but at the same one i remember and this is now when i look back at it because were you dating at that time yes so now now whenever it comes out now when i look back in it i can see why the reaction was the reaction was because i was always shifty yeah yeah um good luck i miss him but um yeah and uh we're just having a chat and you were all going out for an after party and i had to go to where i was teaching at the time i think but um so i had to get back up for it yeah and um and yeah he was oh yeah trying to persuade nick to come to the artboard and she was sitting standing around oh yeah you should come like it'd be really fun by the way she went and he went oh do you know who this is and she went no no no he went oh this is uh simon's brother nick and she kind of went oh oh like nice to meet you like now in my head i play it back like she was like oh i'm dating your brother you must know who i am or something like that i don't know and but now i can connect it but back then i didn't connect it right and because the next time we met i think was at the football match probably and she was sitting like three rows behind mum and myself and dad and a few of the friends and again you still hadn't told me you were still still coy on the subject and again like gangster in it yeah keep myself to myself yeah i was just like that's that crazy girl well also i write in saying that you met her dad at a coffee shop yeah yeah just met him at a coffee shop because i was speaking to the coffee guy um great coffee guy um and he he's like my local one and we're just having a chat and he said what do you do and i mentioned msme and all that and he said oh how do you get funding on simon i mean ah this guy's got a uh a daughter that does youtube and like nowadays yeah anyone under the age of sort of 21 has a youtube channel and this guy like her dad looks young he's very yeah and he looks he looks he looks young for it and he so i was like okay this kid's daughter is probably like 12 say right right a youtube channel like yeah of course yeah oh yeah what does she do and she went oh she sort of sings games she does like streaming as well and oh yeah bet she does yeah yeah no but she's not she's not big though like my brother is my brother could beat your daughter but yeah no and i was like um i was like streaming streaming gaming music i was like there can't be that many he went i went how many subscribers she was like oh i've forgotten how many she has it's not a million it's not a million that's what you know it's like a few hundred thousand i think he said i forgot how much but um yeah oh yeah and i was like there can't be that many people like it has to be annoying what's her name talia and each went yeah and i went simon's my brother and he went no no he took us a selfie like sent it to darlia like it's like guess who i'm with so tyler texted me a picture of them together and i thought i was like there's this weird thing going on where they've arranged to meet up right my brother and her dad yeah i've arranged just hang out i wish i wish we'd arranged to like hang out and get beer or something like that just it would have been the funniest like spur at the moment let's just go get beers and have a night out thing of like it's such like a small world thing right yeah this happens a lot you did those type of things but it does in my head right it does seem like the most boomer conversation ever well that you're you're you you and uh her dad just chatting yeah it's the well it's just like you know oh you know i've got i've got brother who does you know he dabbles on youtube you know he's like oh yeah we've got a door she does the internet yeah just imagine these you know you and him just they're like you know chatting away and then you're like wait oh my god it just seems like what kind of what kind of films does he make yeah and that's why i do appreciate it you're very like this as well john's like this he'll just talk to strangers like the difference between us we wouldn't even you know obviously you'd know tyler's dad to talk to him but if you met this guy i wouldn't even entertain this conversation i'm like well he was talking to the the coffee man yeah and then he introduced you to right sometimes i don't even order a coffee i'll just go and have a chat with the coffee guy great guy yeah that's that's what our generation well well i mean you are you the same generation he said okay that's what always on youtube we're just socially awkward aren't we yeah like that's why we started youtube yeah it is why we sat inside all day we couldn't do anything else we could have no success in the real world because we're all weird so we turned to youtube try and scratch some like bit of success out of life but um because i talked too much off camera not enough on yeah yeah yeah yeah but it is i wouldn't do that i would love to do that it's not because like you meet people like you know you're in that situation it's a fun moment we just don't have them it's my favorite thing i love i love either meeting someone you know just like meeting a cool person yeah and you you have that chat and it's very like that's it done they're going to walk that way they're going to walk because it used to be oh yeah give me your give me your facebook we'll be friends now and then you never will yeah so you sort of learned that have the chat it's fun move on with your life sounds like it sounds like i love it i absolutely love it [Music] but yeah same same but i would love to not have that nightmare i looked yeah i just walked down the street and like oh hi you look cool like someone stopped me today i was like oh your shoes are great i was like thanks like imagine you wouldn't do that i wouldn't say that to people today i got a story today right right so right oh my god i got into a cab i've seen it live this is the best yeah so i go into a camera right and you know when you get into a cab where do you sit in in uber uh front seat really now you're joking no no it depends on the depends on the person what do you mean just in the yeah exactly yeah yeah and also you're not directly in their mirror whereas when you sit behind them you can always see them i'm like i don't look at you do you do this too much i i just get in the nearest side i do this is what i swear my weirdo i take everything too seriously anyway so cancels the uber i just couldn't get that one he pulls up obviously in the uk we drive on the right hand side he pulls up and there's a you know space behind him and i'm i'm here right so i'm on the side of of the back right so if i got in right where he drove up i would be behind him i'm thinking i can't do that i don't do that right so i walk all the way around which is awkward already because the guys probably just get in you know why make it awkward i go all the way around and i notice usually it's because obviously the you know the driver's got a lot of leg room for themselves so you are cramped in the back right so i was like let's go back left but anyway i guess someone who was in the cab before him or whatever for whatever reason the chill was so close but obviously i don't want to then go back around so i just firm it i just get in and i'm like i can't even get in the car i'm like [ __ ] out like this right and then i'm trying to put my belt on my belt's like dead back back here i'm like this and then i'm looking but i don't want to let him know that i'm comfortable so i'm looking for like where the latch would be to like push it back and anyway i just give up it's like bro i'm not kidding the chair and my legs around the chair in front of me but i'm literally like i'm like riding the chair in front of me i'm like saddling it right why are you not just saying to him can you move this chair forward or just i don't i don't want to let him know that i'm uncomfortable because it's awkward then why i don't know i don't know so just firm it right and then and i want to put the window down so i have to like go back to put the window down and i'm just like enjoying the day and then i quite get my phone out of my pocket it's so uncomfortable then like after like a minute or two because i don't want him to i don't want him to know that i've actually thought about his whole entire process you know you know like he knows now this guy's weird but but if if i actually mentioned it he's actually he's out that i'm weird right so then anyway like a minute or two and he goes you're not gonna put your seat back and i just die i'm like i should have just asked and i was like i don't know where the latch is he's like it's in between your legs so i push it and then i go back and it's fine then but now it's worse i should have just owned it like i'm uncomfortable it's just the way he was like you're not going to move your chair i just say he's going to think you're weird of the fact that you're just like mounting a chair in front of you i know but at least he didn't say anything and you didn't even talk to him when you're mounting it it wasn't like you were leaning forward trying to have a chat no he was like weather's nice and i was like yeah great day he got a mask yesterday i've just found this out earlier like just before we started this podcast this is the same essence right so he you overthinking he lost his mask yeah so he asks uh the concierge for a mask they give him one it's the standard you know the blue one etc it's got a bit of elastic puts it on straight away snaps one of the sides so i don't know how he's done that in the first place he then gets in the panic of randall gets in the cab and he's like it's not gonna stay on my face so he chew he bites it for the whole journey so it looks like it's staying on his face i haven't have one no i don't have one on me yeah so like yeah when i got in the cab first i was holding it here like that and i was trying to wrap it i was trying to wrap it around my ear and and tie it and it kept falling apart so at the end i just yeah i showed the photo see if i had known that i would have just talked to him as much as possible randolph what do you think of this yeah what do you think of this the whole thing back like with the mask in my mouth and then i took a photo of it i was gonna put it in the group chat i was like nah don't don't do that oh can we can we send that to john can you get you can get the angle that is so i'll just um um but i like that because then you you get the stories by being awkward oh yeah i get the story it's great for the podcast but for myself to see him in general and then you keep the next thing even more because yeah and then i'll be in the shower like tomorrow or tonight and i'm like why did i not just ask the guy can i move my chair okay i've got moments like this every single day every single second i'm just so awkward but also i'm not though you know if i caught so if i'm out and about i'll always like oh laura can you you go up to know the food but i'm not when i if i do it i'm fine like i can call people over i always want laura to do it i want laura can you order the burger i'm socially awkward but then i'm not though at the same time just confidence is just confidence end of the day but i think you need to release more music if you release more music i think you'll be more confident yeah because when you're when you're a rapper true i've always been caught in between like am i doing do i want to be a cool rapper or do i want to be who i am open focus no no i think you could be a rapper but still be who you are but i think the rapping gives you more confidence because yes it's like what people perceive as cool yeah it's true isn't it and then like you can still be yourself but but still know that i'm sick yeah yeah well music's coming kind of did you like a song i played last night yes but i have heard it for the last have you already heard it okay in the end wouldn't it well i don't know how it happened because we're playing music jj's playing some of his yeah and then i was like let me just listen to my track not for like not to get it played i was just like you know because we're all sat in a room like drinking with music and we're just chilling talking and then we see him just like his phone like this and we're like what are you listening to just my song no no toby when are you listening to your own tune and i was like yeah and then it just spread i was like guys and then i played it and it's not jj was playing like you know he's moving a minute it's very like out there it's very like popular you know it will be streamed it's you know bops this one i've got is just like it's like a chill track isn't it it's like it's good but it's not really a good one yeah well it's just it's it's a rap song yeah it's not it's not like a chartable song at all not chilled song like it's not it's not like jason morales or nothing no no no it's like 1975. yeah um and then i had to play it and i do enjoy playing my music in front of people not because i wanted to not because i want to be like oh listen to me but more or less so i can get the vibe so like that i was gonna put that song out and now i won't because yesterday yeah what was it all good reaction no no it wasn't it was a good reaction but it wasn't like this is sick so i was like no i will put it out but it's not like an album song yeah i won't put it as a single i was gonna drop it and just like put it out there because one of the other songs i've got kind of finished what three or four but that's the most finished one but um now now i've got the reaction i was like i'll hold it for like a mixtape album or something like that which is good you know but then if you know if that's why jj was good to play that's why he should play his music more often because that reaction that we gave to one of the songs will help him be like okay that's a banger yeah you know yeah i don't know how he got to the subject he's talking about being awkward we're talking about charlie's dad and then you knew and then we got to me and taxi somehow anyway right so let's talk about can we get any awkward moments or awkward stories from yourself and also simon's childhood or growing up together this is something you needed to prepare yeah yeah i don't really cause it was good i'd say we got on pretty well growing up you only ever had one proper fight oh well please please explain i can't really remember the reason behind it right i just remember we were both pretty young i remember mates i don't know whether they won their names suddenly but it was the twins okay and i had the older brother around i remember it was when they were leaving and it was something to do with like you know i kicked a football at simon or you could it's footballed me and it was see that bullying yeah you're the older brother straight away for you kicking a football at me escalated sort of thing but i just remember yeah we had that and i remember like sitting afterwards being like that was weird and then like by that evening playing playstation again i do actually no no offense to both of you and and johnny you call him john or johnny johnny um but it doesn't seem a little bit weird that you got on you do get on so well like yeah what are you trying to say you're saying we're in bread or something no no no no no no no i'm saying it's a bit like psychopathic i was close psychopathic you're too nice you must be a psychopath how many siblings do you have i have two brothers and a sister and we all argue so much especially the brothers no like we we have little little arguments yeah they argue like my brother are very like hot-headed me and my other brother are very high-headed those two together are very hard-headed and so different and then yeah every every you know every angle in the train in the triangle we all arguing even my sister we're very we get on very well but we if if we're arguing it's like oh hell is being is breaking loose my dad would listen and i will definitely tell you the same way as well it's mental so i do feel like i've got kind of weird vibes from you guys just you know being and being nice actually are supposed to like hate each other but love each other deep down i mean no well clearly you know you don't you know you guys so nice to each other yeah stop being nice like especially because you're so close in age as well no you know i think that's what helps because like you used to play football with my mates growing up all the time like so it's almost like you're the same age but nothing like that like yellow card bang oh yeah no we did that and like we did all the games like on nick we were so far apart in age that that wouldn't really happen if you did that to me i'd probably die you know i'm it's so much older than me but like you know if i was no like wow we played like random games like um well he would do things like i had like a bottle cap for example right like it wasn't really a game he just said like let me just press this bottle cap on like your arm no no it was it was a it was a game you'd do it on my arm and i'll do it that's that's when i got older no that's why i'm old enough to do it like to you as well yeah and so you know you know a bottle cap like say a coke bottle yeah yeah yeah yeah like uh but one you have to use yeah so you know how it's like sharp around the edges so you literally just put it on your arm and then just push and the other one does it on your arm and pushing it yeah yes first yeah and we'd also do the like the friends you know the friends game where you put your foreheads against each other and then you remember i beat vadao in vegas the time we went to the we were on the way to the shooting range or something mini min to beat vidal in a fight i beat the dow we played the game where you put you put your foreheads on each other's forehead and then you have your hand on the back of the head and all you do is push and it hurts i might not have been in that cab or we're like a mini bus i wasn't there then oh no isn't it [Music] so you could be up in a fight yeah if we're not allowed to use anything other than our foreheads that are already connected yeah we should get out on the podcast yeah he'll be good yeah i missed him actually especially just before or just after one of the yeah yeah yeah you know the video freezer did no oh you maybe you didn't see him so you know you're in the video oh you know what i did i did yeah i stayed for it yeah yeah yeah yeah um he said it's been a year since i've seen him because obviously costa it and i was like you know and i i used to hang out with him a lot obviously because you know it was a build up for i was filming for jj like for a lot of the fights and he was obviously training jj so i see him all the time so he you know i guess bonded in a weird way um but he sounds pretty psychopathic yeah yeah yeah you got on with him but yeah he's not my brother though he might consider your brother wow that's even more cyclical we didn't grow up together we didn't grow up together you know it's like you weren't like nah i just fell out like we'd have arguments but they're all just like you wore under a bridge after like 10 minutes you're like no all right moving in our family to be fair i do get told never forget a lot because like whenever i have arguments with near enough anyone that's not family within 10 minutes i'm like move on now right like we've had it you've had it out don't talk about it don't move on just move on you remember it forever and every single thing you do in your life going on from that you keep remembering that you know i mean so like you know next time at christmas you're like we'll yeah someone cheated at a game and it's like five years later it pops into and you're like they cheated i'm gonna check this why'd you do that okay now we're getting there it's like they're not like no no no no no we're getting there now because you're making it sound like they're like deep rooted like family issues because we played a game of who could eat more steak one time and i ate more steak and he still won't admit no i ate more steak like that we're getting there now i want more of this so in the family who's the cheater on anybody games johnny johnny awful he's good at it though no he's good at getting he's good at board games and he's good at video games but he enjoys cheating but he almost enjoys being caught cheating yeah more than cheating itself we played we played cheat once you know the card game where you're like oh two kings he cheated he said cheat for himself oh like that's how bad he is he's really bad at trying to cheat right yeah but he's good at the game yeah yeah he loves he loves the drama of it but like in a fun way if he gets angry it's like right now i like it to get angry well he lives he's like jj in terms of when we play games like monopoly for example he wants to just watch the room burn yeah where his eyes are yeah so he won't trade he'll trade if it screws someone else over yeah yeah nice so that's it yeah like you know if i'm like last place he'll trade with me just so it gets him into last place and he might literally [ __ ] himself over whereas i reckon you guys you'd be like oh look nick i've got the the train that you need and you've got park lane i need that let's make a trade and you'll be like oh yeah sure yeah no i don't think so i think we just wouldn't trade yeah probably obviously stubborn actually yeah because you are quite stubborn as well i assume that in the family dynamic that would you know he's the sub one in the past yeah i'm the i'm the the youngest yeah so it doesn't matter i can be stubborn and my mom just goes like simon's right yeah did you ask me earlier you asked me he said who's your who's your mom's favorite oh they and you know you're your favorite yeah she won't admit i'm not the favorite man i'm not the favorite but i'm the youngest i've got a lot of sympathy you're probably your mum's favorite i'm not i know i'm not you're your dad's favorite though no i'm not what who who's your parents favorite so my sister's my dad's favorite uh daughter yeah but i think their their family is no offense they're weird enough that they'll probably actually say it but their dad's probably like sharp you're not my favorite yeah see and no one's favorite is the oldest i believe has this been said or is this what the kids all have all like gone no no you're the favorite why is he the favorite i would they would all probably disagree they don't say i'm the favorite oh then you're the favorite no no no no no the parents wouldn't the other kids would the kids would be like oh he's the favorite yeah then they're right you're the favorite you remember i did i'm like an only child right with three older siblings yeah i get that because they are that much older that's why i get it so i think my brother's like my sister's the closest to me she's like still like i think she's 36 thirty-five so what's that seven so eight years old so yeah like maybe eight years older than me yeah yeah so like it's like they're not when i was like only child with christmas yeah i mean i mean it's like your christmas and events have come back and i've seen you see them all like but grown up on my own pretty much so that would seem like i'm the favorite in that sense because you're the favorite yeah all the other kids say you're the favorite you're the favorite but who was the favorite before i was there that's what i'm saying to you because it doesn't matter johnny johnny was the favorite before you were born there's only two years after that and then two years after you though so what i'm saying is like i was a favorite because i was the only one who consolidated that time yeah favoritism exactly but in those yeah and then they decided we don't have a favorite well that's something i'm a kid yeah i was your christmas present oh yeah both another brother for christmas and i was born nine months later your family is too happy you're too nice you're a great family and it sickens me no it's just jokes guys i'm just joking camera goes off jumps i mean you've heard the way he talks about his mum's roast dinner oh i would never say such a thing yeah yeah the fact that you literally just said she's she's lost it she needs to step up they bring that up all the time but i'm not surprised that's like she has that she did step up though like the food got better so in in you know what i'm saying like i've i've won like i've won i've won like he gets away with it because he's the favorite exactly there you go she was like i think she did take defense to it obviously obviously i was joking i'm i'm just trying to be funny on the podcast i was just joking and then like i told you i went home and the next time i went home massive feast was amazing so she's like do they listen they listen my dad does and he'll probably just blow it up he'll really like you know one was called gayle as well oh i did actually yeah obviously weird you listen to [ __ ] you said it on podcast the only other girl i know of oh yeah nice bad white girl okay you've just lightened that podcast can't believe it but yeah uh you hate your family yeah i don't know i love my family they're amazing i just spent the weekend with them and they're great they're all great did you have any arguments no see there you go too happy psychopaths when i was a young i'm the youngest obvious like i just said to you so like i'm very emotional when you when you get older you do start to lose all that like bickering you know so i'm at that stage now um but i'm also very i'm very stubborn like you are as well and i also hate like injustice no i'm with you on that i mean if something's wrong i'll bring it up it's super hero [Applause] we got uneven amount of potatoes if something's wrong i'll try and fix it even if it doesn't involve me if something's not fair like that's not fair see i think i know we came up with fair we came up with fair ways though for stuff like for example right potatoes roast potatoes when you ever roast dinner this is one thing i've noticed that all other families do which i find really weird they will just they just have the plate of food well they don't serve it so we when we have like a roast dinner for example we have all the all the food is just on the table like obviously in trays and stuff yeah yeah but not just not just potato on the table you know like we have like the potatoes here yeah the the gravy there and you hurt yourself yeah we do that so a lot of families i've met don't do that the the like dad for example the mum will literally just serve it up and they all have it it depends for us it depends how many of us are there so if there's space to do that then we'll do it if there's not enough space they'll they'll dish it up and then bring it in because there's no way to put it but yeah but we just come up with systems that basically how you get to choose so like the potatoes there's always better potatoes yeah roast potatoes so we were in real estate every sunday we played rock paper scissors to see who got first choice and it would literally be like we still do yeah that's so fair i hate it in my family you take what you you know if you want the potatoes you take potatoes i see because it translates because i when i was at uni i remember once there was our taxi was coming this was the night you came to stay with us oh god uh passed out everywhere it's a common our taxi was going up like this is narrow road and another taxi was coming down the narrow road and neither taxi wanted to like like go back at all and like they started honking each other and taxi men were getting angry and in the other car was a bunch of drunk blokes our car a bunch of drunk bloats and like it started to get a bit like aggressive and i was like i don't like this yeah so it just went down like you know their car as soon as they saw us coming out they got out and we all sort of met actually look rock paper scissors loser has to back down oh wow and the other guys are like they would like you can see their physical nature just changed like yeah right played it we won they got back to taxi and you saw them not telling the taxi man like get back that's amazing and the taxi taxi guy went back right there you solve everything it sounds like a great way to do it yeah i applaud you because it's pure you just don't like happiness well no because it's that's fair in my family like if you want the potatoes you gotta get them before the other person loves injustice but he has to be the solver of injustice yeah i i won't i won't choose the potato i'll get the worst one if it means someone else has a potato that they like more than me um there you were you just said it's the first one yeah yeah but i want to try it i won't try yeah you just go you guys get the crispy ones i'll have that maybe that's why you thought your mum's roast dropped off because you're always getting the yeah yeah maybe maybe no no i i mean people think i'm very selfish but i'm actually not do people thinking right so in my family [Music] is how do i put this so it's a counselling session i am but the other way around is yeah you guys got no gossip because we like we'd have an argument where uh we had a bunk bed for example in our bedroom and there we go we got no but it's it's not much like it was issue we just had a like a big argument where it's like i want to go on the top and someone's like sure no go for it mate no i drew a line down the room yeah he said we're going to split the room in half yeah this is my half this is your half how do you split the punk bed in half i just hit the door yeah he was in the room he said you can have the room that side i'll have the room this side right there so i started walking out and i was like no that's my health you've got to ask if you want to come in as soon as you started walking across the line i started throwing punches yeah that's what i wanted you now but that literally stopped after like a day like my mom literally came in and went what is this yeah get rid of the line go to bed i can't really i can't believe you just you're two years apart baffling it's great though congrats because it was great being expected we didn't we didn't achieve this goal on our own of being two years apart well i asked for you so that's true i am what i want to know as well i will get onto the story of uh now so what i'll say is just i'll leave it there i'm very uh i'm very fair and i'm very like selfless in the family but if someone but i do hold grudges i'm saying so if someone no there's someone wrong never forget it okay and so for example my brother in clubs my brother stole my teeth my screen i'll never forget it wait what do you mean we play you know big brother clubs yeah my series so the other day we recorded an episode and as he showed us his setup he's on some you know like you know like tvs that have like like a huge butt oh yeah he was on one of them it was it's like a it's like a 15 year old tv yeah you know yeah and and like the picture's okay but it's a response time like you're not a gamer monitor the whole point is it's very you know when you're playing clubs it's already got like a slow response time anyway because of the nature of the the connection it just was really bad and and then you know yeah yeah no spoiler you stopped yourself yeah no spoiler anyway what i'll say is right so i bought a christmas a screen the mark the one i tried to use at home i bought one for my parents house whenever i go back i can always you know film or record or whatever i can always do that you know so this you know i took my xbox with me i was like you know i'll play vigorous clothes i'm available i i couldn't find any headphones but i was like this is fine perfect laptop laptop my audio and i have my great my screen right got home and i was like oh said to my dad i want to just peel off like later and just go and play this game for a little bit to record simon um where's my screen and it was like i've seen the screen at your brother's who lives like four hours away i'm like what so you stole my screen and i'll never forget it is this the same brother the you got pokemon cards no oh different brother i was gonna say they stole your pokemon cards as well no no no no stop those no i bought them off him i better never forget it i bought some of him and the psa returns came back and we went through them together that's it it's a bit of an awkward situation already feels like down them grades are good but no i mean yeah i've got two brothers i don't know but no so yeah i'll never forget it but it's and i'm not mad i'm just disappointed but just if somebody's if you said to me like can i can i have this screen i'd like yeah i'll just get another one let's just chuck it still never forgiven you for stealing his xbox yes juice you know you know real nimrod the name that i used for years that's johnny's old account oh that was actually that's the only thing that there ever was arguments because the our internet would countryside sort of yeah like internet and the internet was so bad uh only one person could use the internet at a time and until you figured out i need to drive to jj's to upload like if he was uploading or he was trying to like play with fangs back in like when you did that like in american tv yeah yeah yeah well that if he was using the internet no one else could and johnny obviously is a big gamer like i'm trying to create a legacy here by having a youtube channel yeah exactly johnny and he was talking about that it was like the old days like get off the internet i was like johnny's like no it's my hour i converted like nice and i'll just be there late this is what i want to hear yeah but again there wasn't that's all coming out now it wasn't that big an issue no no no no no see now i'm starting to tell you some of my stories i'm extracting secrets from you guys no but they're not big issues like you know okay you see how we were in the first or even second seidman house yeah that's literally if my i'm sorry for like saying that you still if you want the tv to have it but like that's what she told me sorry go on he would thought about that in the shower later yeah yeah yeah yeah you know you know how we how we were like it was just kind of like everyone does their own thing yeah that's literally what it was like that was the same our house it was literally just but if i guess if he's if he's playing games then you have to say like johnny come on i i really have to film now yeah well i'd say to him like i'm filming you know just be like yeah often just half an hour more yeah fair enough yeah and then in terms of like school yeah is where all the arguments would have been we literally were almost at the same point at school you know only two years apart so we wouldn't have that much difference oh did you go to same school yeah and you saw each other on the playground yeah that's mad all three of us my there was never a stage that all three were in the same school though i was never in the same school as johnny yeah because every time he's a part i would join secondary school he would go and sit for me yeah i'd join whatever yeah yeah my my brothers and sisters went to the same school i did but obviously nine years later but all the teachers who knew them i wanted you to compare me to them i think you got that a lot i hate it yeah because by the time you get to this i blew the blew the comparison away the second one second never really seemed too much but then the third one we'll get it more or less or i say that so you we were either right so you were the golden child he was at primary school for sure bro i was so smart in like primary school legit no no but like primary school like year three i was in top two students wow yeah tables he knows how many students were in the class two no no there was a lot like it was a lot but they literally put me and it was a girl but they put us on a separate table because you're too clever it was like set world hunger would just cease to it's just but then i got a bit of a perv well then i got to year six and i was like doing well you know yeah top sets but you know i'm in the middle and then literally it got towards year 11 i'm like very average year 13. i'm in the lower half when you met jj it started to go downhill no it was already going down after like year two year three oh wow okay no i pee i peeked dude when you're growing up like especially for me like my mom would always like teach me stuff so i'll be like the bath and she'll be like doing my town's tables like what's this what's that and i'm like firing out and then you find interest you're like actually i like football a lot more than i like maths yeah so i'm gonna do this now or like music and then you start that's good it's good though because that's what develops your skills now isn't it like what you're enjoying in life but like i feel like that carried through that you know what my predictive grades were for a level hey were you purees i was a star in two ways were you predicted yeah no like that's that's some mad prediction i got bcc not bvc no people are close yeah or big no no but i got bcc yeah so like my reputation i was very good i was very good at finding someone who could carry me nice also lived two minutes away from us yeah so i was always like miss um we live like right actually should be really easy if we could work on a project nice he's also really smart you're smart in that situation yeah street smarts street smart yeah uh so what i wanted to ask is so you're two years older than simon and johnny is two years older than you yeah three it's like two and a half each weighs yeah well no it was you were two school years above no your t is older but you were three school years oh yeah johnny's three years older but two school years yeah right okay it makes sense yeah okay got you um so i guess what i was gonna say is did the dynamic change between you and johnny when simon was born but i guess you were very young right you were like two years old yeah two and four so yeah but who who is who are closer are you two closer than you and johnny are and you and junior or johnny and you are i mean i talked to johnny quite a lot play games with each other and you're not invited how do you feel about that nobody invited me just doesn't take back how do you feel about that he's used to it yeah that is what it is i've still got one other i want some drama you see what i mean though we're just it's all just it's calm it's too calm i was definitely closer with nick at school okay because johnny wasn't there well he was still you know when i was in year five he was still in like year nine okay so he's like yeah yeah but i was definitely closer though like you played football as i say with our life so joel like i've known joel the editor of this since it's 25 i was waving to joel i didn't know which one he was looking at right now i was moving to the mall sorry it'll be 25 years this september nice night so like obviously whenever he would come over yeah we'd play mario kart fifa whatever sign be like oh yeah can i come play as well and like come play right so it's it's sort of it became less of a uh age yeah discrepancy yeah so on on mario kart before of you yeah yeah yeah johnny's amazing you have the person perfect with his friends like when he had friends over yeah they would play i remember they used to play halo him and tim and like we'd be we would go up and play with them because it's like yeah we need extra players come play yeah if we didn't have friends over we'd be like well we've got a friend over there was always someone in the house he was always the one that was like obsessed with filming and stuff and johnny was always obsessed with games so i literally just took that yeah he was i don't know if this is i assume it's known you were camping like a deathly camera shy growing up yeah like well you were like when you you always used to like look back and say that like with the gold cup you were quite shy as everyone is when you start but no not even that late because i couldn't take photos like family holidays i was like don't he always goes guys he got photos of me from when i was like young and we go yeah and we look back through and he's like doing that in every single one yeah yeah i literally just stole you know yeah still johnny's gaming stuff because i used to watch him play games and then he would film stuff and i was like yeah i'll take that i'll take that so you're like um okay so you're interested in gaming you're interested in filming i have no interest so create this obviously it was jj as well yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's interesting it was quite a cool dynamic to be fair growing up like and then when obviously simon went into the whole youtube thing by then you're ready adults like yeah i think you started nine years ago now yeah just yeah december 23 december 2012 december 2012. so i was like just entering final year of uni johnny had like decided his job living in london like so everyone was adults already it wasn't like we yeah knew it grew sort of thing yeah i'm trying did i meet you before you met talia i don't think i did you know i mean we met each other at the house yeah but i don't know if like no it would have been before which house the new one yeah then the second one i never went to the house did you know what nah i just figured it looks i'm always like i've always been around but not like always in person so i lived in nottingham i don't know london london was i lived in london when you guys didn't live in london well the first house you didn't have that many people constantly coming in and out no because the network wasn't as big but the second house was just yeah every time people i still remember gee um i was like we bought him for birthday hard that's the one thing i've been complaining about yes buying for youtubers is the hardest thing in the world i thought you'd like just say simon simon for simon yes you just can't like once every five years you'll get a good present idea yes we've nailed it this year right there yes thanks for that by the way but yeah so my present is saying for him as well what kind of what is this keep going got you back buddy yeah no so we thought you've got a pool in this new house let's buy him an inflatable obviously it's going to be an inflatable poo right yeah so i went into like i was like where can i blow this i remember like you the room next to you was the laundry room but i didn't know i assumed it'd just be another bedroom because there was like 40 or something in that house and so i just went in and it was the laundry room i was like well it's too late i will blow it up and i was just blowing up this giant poo and i remember gee just walked in and she's kind of like obviously we had never met and just kind of looked at me and like it's just this bloke sort of blowing up a poo and i just like blue i was like hey aren't you you're all right yeah it's entirely normal like that's how weird yeah i met judah as well she was in she was editing in well i guess my room or where i was going to stay at the time i was kind of like can you can you get out no not in that way which i didn't know she was like why is there a girl in my room have you not seen the sign on the door yeah yeah but no no no no i'm just joking over there yeah i might there i thought i really did enjoy that it was a lot of fun the house and i did it i really enjoyed the drive as well and that sounds weird because it's like three and a half hours away from my house but driving through london now so you're from nottingham to map from where i live now it's like you get to learn you get london's getting london is fine and then getting through it literally so i i was obviously i was rushing to get back for the thing yesterday and um i was supposed to go through a tunnel and my car didn't want me to go through the tunnel direction-wise it said eight minutes and i was like i don't think if i go round and over the bridge or whatever that i'll get there in eight minutes but i did it as well because again i'm you know i'm socially awkward apparently to my car as well like i don't want to change my sat nav i'm like sorry i'll do your thing um and i was i got stuck on the bridge and i was so late or i could have been so late um and if i just went through that bridge anyway london was horrible in traffic but but your house was amazing yeah it was just like i just went up that house during lockdown yeah i would have moved him oh i would i would have not gone home it would have been perfect i would have been able to go home and i would have yeah i would just write the rules but yeah you know to get over to my wife yeah no i was i was actually interviewing someone recently um and probably something data protection here so i won't say anything i'll change the story so the person we interviewed um they're someone they know and they're very close with uh went somewhere overseas to go and visit someone and uh that's when covered here and they've been out without each other for like a year or two now oh wow mad i think they're married sorry good little bit there yeah yeah yeah but that's happened a lot you know people have gone somewhere and can't come back stranded but um so yeah sorry to all those who that happened to you it's probably why your family hate you did you hate me especially my dad your dad loves you it's just you and him right what do you mean go to football yeah yeah yeah you're his favorite no no well the others would come if they could but they can't they're busy and stuff and you're his favorite [Laughter] now um my dad listens to this a lot he loves podcast um what's his name are we allowed to know his name andrew andrew oh the same as he says my name i'm a granddad's colander as well you're gonna have sun and call them i really want to call it andrew huh i really want to call my son andrew do you actually yeah i just feel like now i can't not right it's just like i saw i've talked to you about this in the past and you were like i don't want any of your nephews andrew no oh yeah it's on you then but my brother's middle name is andrew as well he's the firstborn wait so your grandad it's called andrew your dad's called andrew is he the oldest and then he had two sons yep my daughter and didn't call either of those sons andrew then called you andrew i i don't think you are the favorite bio absolutely that's mine because he was like i should have i should have never forgotten i didn't have a name for like two weeks or a month or something like that she didn't want to call me still like andrew why not but for so right i thought this is weird right so i'm andrew my dad's andrew my grandma's andrew my grandad's dad is john and my middle name's john and then john's dad is andrew [Music] i felt like [Music] wow it is weird man but yeah let's uh we'll change the subject simon why call that uh that's because they ran that name yeah i was actually going to be a girl i think were they meant to be a girl they don't mention like i think they thought i was going to be a girl or something well they also they when they had me they say that they couldn't decide between nicholas and william and they were like you know we're not having any more we'll use both yeah we're just we'll call him both nicholas william oh nice nice that's my middle name right right so obviously when he got to the third one like damn it what are we using because you can't just give another child a middle name of an older child well yeah clearly you can because that's me yeah great great yeah not in a normal family yeah that aren't psychopaths um but yeah so i'd rather be a psychopath than be like normal like you guys what get a good documentary out of it exactly it's just like fun and it's like fire why are you on death row so nearly got on netflix once i was so excited because because obviously simon's youtube is as big as it gets i love finding ways to be on other platforms okay so i'm the famous one now i know it's like i'm on google street view hello i was carrying a bag and it goes past like i was just walking down the street and it goes past and i literally threw my arms in the air and it drives you just so you don't miss it like that like all right my hands are going up her head's going down like that's so funny but um the netflix one was because you were ill i was actually at home mom and dad's and you were ill for kevin hart and he was playing at the o2 oh yeah and you text being like oh dude i can't make this i've asked everyone else do you want these tickets i didn't do that i was like i've asked jj he's already going yeah so he was like dude do you want these tickets like yeah for sure like me and yours i know i'm ill like have both and so i started frantically texting people like can i find someone to go can i find i was couldn't find any i was getting really worried that either i'd have to go on my own which i probably would have yeah or find someone luckily one of my mates sam decided to come and he's six foot two and what did you say oh cause i see i i was like how's this connected to netflix but now i see where it's going yeah and so it was his netflix special we got there yeah and they were like and we walked in and not only was it tickets you had like um the vip passing so it's like a free bar beforehand um front row tickets oh wow or second row i think it wasn't even there i just wanted to be a nice brother yeah yeah second row tickets for his show and we went we sat down they had all these television cameras pointing and they were like we're filming for a movie as well like his oh yeah his movie i was there i went to the but yeah so he started saying everyone laugh everyone so we do the fake laughs and all that and i was like maybe we might make it on something i haven't watched the movie yet to find out sure i really tried to and and then when the show aired on netflix like his stand-up show you could see like the stage is raised up yeah and you can see my face six foot two friend and you could see that much of my arm just like the top of it and you could see me a lot of the time like trying to like shift just like you could just get out and get my eye like it comes out like that you do like a you know what it's like a standard ovation is that you call it yeah yeah standing ovation just halfway through the first one yeah yeah it's amazing kevin amazing i was so excited to be honest i remember like sitting down when it came out i was like ready yeah this is my night here we go had the camera ready take a photo to send it on the family whatsapp and i was like nope just that it was like mike wazowski i felt like mike wazowski you know when he's on monsters inc yeah yeah that's how it felt like so were you on the front were you on the floor seats floor seats so yeah i must have been close to you then yeah we've never even sat next to each other now i was i was not i was not i was on the floor seats but it wasn't up close yeah i started mick antonio though no that's same no this that this this subject was actually the first ever podcast podcast subject because it was at vidal's party where i booked the ticket to go see you you were going we're going with ty i can't remember it was a while ago so you were going jj was going and i was like bro i want to go i wasn't in the chat i wasn't in the chat at the time so i wouldn't have seen the scene so i heard you guys talking about it i was like i want to go so i was drunk at vidal's party all right i just booked a ticket but i wish and i woke up yeah i went on my own and the next day i was like what have i done this but i've also like paid like 100 quid to go sometimes i'll go now so i went and it was because now if it was the case and you're like yeah i'm going on my own you're like nick randolph's going on his own would you say hello i'd say yeah i'll be like okay i'll invite mate so but we'll wave to him yeah thanks for having me they move people around in the audience yeah as well do you remember that they were like you guys need to shoot me back or like but i i don't know why i bought a ticket because i was not with anyone i didn't go with like jj i didn't think we were just talking about it i didn't leave with jj which is he drove me home well well yeah because we're i was staying at your house obviously so that he went and i went separately and we came back together but um no so the funny part that is i was doing the you know you know the capture on the website you try to log in right the google one you know the new one they brought in where it was like keep clicking until they're gone yeah yeah so i was drunk and i did not understand this and i was there for like half an hour honestly i was like guys i can't do this capture because because i was clicking them and then pressing next and it just wouldn't work because yes yeah it's a stock you have to do until they're all gone but i was like honestly i was i was there for half an hour like well the same way i tried to sell my dog my dogecoin i was gonna say you shouldn't use your phone when you're drunk i know initially like doge went like to the moon he was too drunk he tried to sell it she couldn't woke up the next morning he's lost a lot of money yeah and the worst way that i tried i'm saying that if i just if i just didn't decide to sell i'd like that's my own fault but i did try to sell it and if the friends i was with didn't sell it i said someone was like please give me some of those and they're like we can't do that for you because obviously you're drinking you wake up you might be like why did you do that you know et cetera but anyway live and learn well did you know that nick used to be a teacher i didn't know that um but he's not now because he now runs m7e i like to bring it up but um i wasn't sure if you wanted to talk about it so i'm glad you did might as well yeah no yeah sure how's it going to talk about it's going actually it's picked up now well kobe would have like obviously just put the brakes on it because yeah there's no school completely put the brakes in because so m70 for those that don't know we find schools that are in either sort of in areas where the students might not be able to afford to go on school trips and have these sort of educational experiences so sometimes it is like come people coming into the school like workshops sometimes it's sending them on school trips sometimes it's creating their own program and we work with them and help fund and it's all funded through through you like the whole and um that comes in at the moment because it's been a cic so it's a non-profit goes straight towards it um but we've just as of last week i'm pretty saying i could say got charity status let's go only cherry so i can donate so yes i mean you should have donated before but but it would have gone to like go to the third party website and it goes to business and but as i said because it's a cic the way it was set up was no one was allowed to withdraw money from it right it had to be used for the cause like legally yeah yeah yeah um whereas now i can steal all that yes what if i donate to you you should take it for a video if you donate yes siphoning randolph's donations but um that's not what they're gonna do no no no no no so now it's now it's a charity so it's still there's still bits that we have to iron out and work out and move everything over which hopefully will be in the next few weeks so redo the website i think we're rebranding um and then we've already signed up a lot of people for school trips from now because they all want to go on them between now and july yeah so we've signed up like over a thousand students between now and july to go on school trips which is pretty awesome bearing in mind the last year um yeah and then when it's the charity as i said everything that comes in again legally everything that comes in has to be used to benefit the charity so you can't like can't go to mcdonald's and withdraw obviously yeah and stuff but i can't work if i'm hungry that benefits charity but yeah so it's gone it's it was it was start the first year was going quite well i think we sent just under a thousand students because it was a lot of it was setting it up trying to figure out how we can do it best all that second year we're really getting into our stride and we started working with the same schools and working in business and did some amazing trips yeah i think i can't say the schools obviously yeah but i can say some of the trips that that we went and like we sent some up in newcastle to go see like shakespeare and like who go there once every ten years yeah yeah yeah um so it's it's for the schools that often don't have these like trips right because some schools do have like crazy trips but the ones that don't just miss out yeah so it's not that it's not their fault is it exactly so we do it based on how many students have free school meals yeah and then we fully fund it for the whole class absolutely um if they hit the quota sort of thing but yeah and some of them like there's one a manchester school that again i can't say the school name unfortunately i wish i could because the teacher's inspiring as they know who they are um yeah and um and they took their kids to like chessington um adventures oh the the theme park i'm not from down here and they created a whole program maths based around it so like you did the worksheets you went on a ride you did like the next bit you went in here to work out the velocity so it's all learning and the difference they say in like the students oh wow is massive so we've done that then you must feel proud it's pretty it's it's really yes um and so we did that second year in third year covered it no schools no trips did a couple of workshops when it was safe yeah but now it's picking up again i think the next year i think you'll really see it yeah well i guess i guess maybe during cobra you actually could like figure a few things out as well like take some time to think how can we do it better when it does reopen yeah yeah exactly um and as i said hopefully get a new website get new branding and jj knows jj can say it right now hopefully yeah yeah yeah mm7 yeah mm70 org yeah i missed i missed the fortnight creator fund like fortnight is massive for like school kids isn't it so like knowing that like that game would then fund their own well i'm not gonna lie to you the fact that i gave my north cherry definitely hindered numbers which is kind of sad yeah it was literally yeah it was literally like if you if you just sit like yo use my code because i just i just want some money please people will be like that's funny i'm going to use this like guys i'm trying to do something here you know what it is but people yeah when you say that money is going to charity i don't know sometimes people just don't believe it you know well you know yeah it's that's weird actually like someone would rather fund someone get rich but they won't fund the charity charity is weird but i guess you know i mean you you promote a lot like so it's like i guess those who over the last year because yeah like the last year haven't done anything oh yeah of course yeah opened i can't sit there and go like oh yeah donate to m7 because we're not we can't do anything right now like yeah for sure as soon as it opens yeah and we also did the sidemen uh clothing as well yeah yeah yeah the kids love it as well when they go on a trip and they know of course it was funded through either forno or yourself sort of thing yeah that's a sickest part especially this amazing thing like you could go to an awful school trip but if you know that many minutes sent you there you're like this is sick you could just go to a park and eat an apple oh my god like you sound with his apples it's been a really tough year that's such a sick though wow but it says yeah it's great i've always known what it is but when you hear when you say like that actually thinking about it it's actually really sick i don't say that well apparently no no i told him he's like but it's because like we've so there's so many things done so one of this year's things is we want to really get the data because we know and from previous yeah um studies that people have done it helps out your grades but it helps like as you said like your aspiration your confidence like seeing all these things like going first time when you go to the zoo and you're like okay i actually want to be a zoo keeper all right zoologists yeah so we're working with some really cool places it's sick keep keep uh keep an eye out for the next year i think it'll be a lot of hopefully good stuff coming out well i wish you around when i was at school we hadn't taken you yeah all kids apart from randall yeah uh um well i was gonna try and organize charity matches for it yeah i was trying to do like small charity matches but every couple months yeah and do like you know four a year just for like three thousand people yeah not trying not trying to do simon level yeah and also a smaller game like a five aside seven a side yeah and i still do eleven aside but i do like you know league two stadiums where you're not selling you know we're selling it out but it's only one more three thousand yeah yeah and it's you know you know i'm not gonna go like all right i'm gonna fly of a phase from america i'm literally gonna be like this one whoever's down from the troops for example you wanna just play getting the charity status yeah um is that we can now get people to do events for us like i know that but i mean the more like um you know when someone's running a marathon yeah and they're wearing the whatever yeah i don't wanna like when they're wearing the outfits that we can now have someone run you know the london marathon with an m70 jumper and that's what allows you to do that now yeah so you can do more stuff like that you know exactly it's still the same thing it just now opens that up you can you can chat about it more essentially in different like different categories yeah yeah sick have you heard that um i know someone said last night that the school hours were getting extended well they might be getting no i i hadn't actually read it we were like yeah one time we could just roam the street yeah yeah it's getting bad we're weird well no this is like 15 proposed yeah i think it's being proposed i know i i assume like i don't know how it's going to catch up yeah yeah and in if that happened would all schools in the country be that i would say governments government schools i could all be advised too yeah okay yeah because i know a lot like some bank holidays are different aren't they sorry some half terms are different yeah depending on where you are and stuff like that yeah which can be really annoying especially like working holidays because i know uh nowadays right if you go on holiday in term you get fined yeah yeah you can get fined if you're on holiday yeah you don't know so it's like for my family and for those who have kids it's so hard because like say you're going to disney world which is an extravagant holiday i know it is just an example it's so much more expensive if you go during term time yeah like halfway fine it could it can be a lot of money that's the worst part is most people like how much is a lot of money because it does it is it gonna be it can be the same amount as you would save sometimes not because sometimes can be yeah but i think at first people people would do that like parents were like oh we'll just we'll just pay the fine then because it's still cheaper but then i think now there's even further i think they can go to court um you know they're trying to unfortunately yeah it's but obviously like like say disney was like half price if you go in turn time you get like free meals all this and then you go in like 60 holidays it's like 20 grand yeah i did it i hated it it makes no sense in a way because like you're just getting you get no not only is it expensive it's busy so you go there it's like well yeah it's just it's mental but i do get it obviously seeing seeing seeing someone come in though when you're the teacher and it's like seeing someone come into class tanned i don't know where in the middle of december because they've been ill for a week like so what you've been doing for the last week i've been a little really bedridden all night oh yeah yeah it's still like the bracelet or something yeah with seashells i i used to when i was at school i had like 100 attendance all the time because my mum would always send me to school i wouldn't want to but i had no choice and in fact right and i got punished for it once so i didn't want to be that kid and one day right reassembly uh essentially with the entire like year and then they they do a uh they do a prize for 100 attendance uh it's one of those websites you know that random generator is one where you pull the pull down the thing and it spins all the names around and lands on someone and literally i just sat there and i was like it's gonna be me i know it is you get a five pound wh smith voucher oh they were the best no i didn't use my house right yeah no what we're gonna do we're gonna buy a pencil case yeah and i want sweets or something i don't like chocolate if i'm gonna win all right like something you see buy a pencil case sell pens cake spice sweets who would buy a pencil i remember like we had like handwriting competitions and stuff yeah yeah yeah i won like i won like three of them in a row or something and we got wh smith vouchers like five points i would love that if i want something that i actually had to work really hard to get but just turning up yeah the fact that i'm a nerd i've won the nerd i don't think winning the handwriting competition is not known true true it's competitive at least yeah so as soon as it went wrong i was like that's me and then the name it landed andrew shane that's a walk off what and laura's just wetting herself i had to walk up all the way get it thank you i was so mad but anyway that was the worst thing about actually being brothers in the same school was when not when you walk up when your brother walks up and everyone looks at you instead because they're like yeah it's your brother it's your brother and my kind i know yeah yeah i know that's why i feel like we achieved a lot you got your handwriting three times in a row again around year three yeah just then hold on i was hold on hold on hold on your handwriting is not great my handwriting is good it used to be incredible it's still nice it's just you don't but this is also year like two three four you really try well that was when you're right you really curled yeah yeah entry strokes yeah yes um i used to i remember i used to trade the the voucher with mom just buy some food uh no i'd literally be like can like i don't want this to be a smith voucher can i sell it to you basically it'd be like a five pound voucher and i'll take like two pounds wow because it's i'd be like i don't want this i'm not gonna buy a pen so i'll give it to you and you give me two pounds back seems like it was a good deal when i actually bought a book yeah i like fossils i want a fossil book yeah that's not me no no i would buy it i just i i i didn't spend it out of spike because i don't want to spend something out of one hundred percent ten minutes i was so mad at my mom i was like mom i just couldn't have one day off or something because i used it to my friends so in like years like before year 11 i used to go to my friend's house to call for him and we used to walk to school together towards the end he was a call for me because i wouldn't get up i like he would arrive right i'd be in bed still like i'd hear the door go and he'd be downstairs i'm in bed i'm like crap i gotta get really real quick now actually lazy just stopped interesting when i drove us to school when i got my license yeah you would be like up ready let's go and i'll just do that just getting out of bed like all right i was very like nerd you were a morning kid yeah wow i couldn't believe it yeah yeah it changed every day like when all three of us were going to school i'd be in the car ready wow for everyone yeah i was i was a kid like walking to school my hair is like still it's got bed head and all that stuff you know did you have crazy long hair as a kid as well nah nah normal hair really um well i was ill from school constantly it felt like you were a lot you were an ill kid i was like at least like every three weeks i'd miss one day yeah i feel like you do have like you know stomach right i've got a weak stomach yeah a very weak stomach well that's what i'm saying so i used to call for my friend and his mum and dad used to work before i get there kind of so his grandma that was there and she would like one day she answered like it's happened a lot as well she danced to the door and she was like i'm not saying his name but he's like he's not going to school today he's ill i'm like i can see him playing cod you know like like and i know he's not ill but she wants to play he wants to play god she believes is ill which is great but like i would never now i'm like mum i'm ill and i would be and she's like no you're not you're in school play cod man you know he was really good at cod because he had extra time to practice so annoying so this is something when i was ill like there's times sometimes but there's other times where you can be ill but playing a game doesn't like you can play a game like for example if i'm ill today you play a game i would just sit and play a game oh but you're smugness when we used to come home and you'd be playing a game and like you'd have you'd have had like an amazing lunch you'd be sitting in your dressing gown and we'd come home after school and just be like this kid yeah and he's like he's like that's what i'm saying is when you're ill you can you can just play a game but i remember having to hide it to start with and i'd have to be like because mum would go with the duvet sort of thing no mom would go like uh she taught she was a interpreter in sign language nice um so she would like go do that and i'd have to be you know i'd lie on the couch and i'd just be able to watch tv that's what i was allowed to do really because yeah lie there duvet just watching tv then as soon as she's left i'd literally just go run up to the window and just stare at the window for like five minutes making sure she hasn't come back and then jump on fifa and that'll be it then but like i look at the timer okay she's back in about 30 minutes i should go live oh yeah yeah i i did that once for church so like i i got out of church once because i wanted to play gta which just seemed so obvious like they would go to church i get my brother's ps2 put gta and i'm like i'm on gta and i'm missing church shooting people that's like double hell yeah yeah yeah i'm going hell um yeah my friends didn't do that i just firm him playing card and obviously it's always it's i mean imagine how many people from school and work the day after god comes out are ill isn't there like an actual thing of that is that like there's it's like the day after fifa comes out is it the biggest sick day in like in england or something mad i don't know why [ __ ] if you're an employer you can't yeah you can't really you can't avoid it either you can't like prove it you're not ill sick days are so much harder well now you can work from home so like and and well you know people who work from home they still have company cars yeah like what yeah just wait did you enjoy that yeah when you're at work it's so much harder to do a sick day if that makes sense because you call in and everyone's like yeah of course mate you should be coming in come on yeah like you can't really yeah because everyone just assumes you're hungover yeah yeah yeah it's always there yeah yeah the problem like a bit but with covert you know you you know you you when someone says no now it's like i say that yeah well no like if you side men or like even but i don't know about what's good josh do you if you're ill and you're supposed to be recording are you like a you know i'll try and go through or you everyone will normally turn up there's literally been like a few cases yeah but i guess even if it's like so same thing as about like playing card like if it's reacts you probably just you know you just have a bit of like a runny nose or whatever but you still record right yeah whereas if it's like a sidemen even my main channel like everyone's always turned up there's been like the occasional time where for example ethan josh both had coveted so like the day before they were literally just like well i've tested positive like i can't you can't come together yeah and we're like [ __ ] okay we'll just change the shoot to fit having one left yeah apart from that literally can't remember any other shoots uh we had this more simon shoot where it was which team could run furthest in like an hour and jj texted like an hour before going to be there going like i've been on the toilet for four and a half hours like my my insides are falling out and we were like okay that's fair like you can miss a run like a shoot where all you have to do in the shoot is run you can't have diarrhoea yeah especially as well when you guys are jumping after him if it was like okay yeah we're doing a game show or something yeah you could come to the shoot and if you need to go to the toilet go to the toilet yeah whereas the whole thing is we run the we roll the cameras for an hour yes the run yeah you can't do that and it's also like when you're at work like say like a nine-to-five job you know if you're if you miss a day or a couple days the business hopefully probably still goes ahead yeah whereas like you know you having a day off hurts you yeah you're not saying it yeah when it hurts the business you're like oh okay the youtube grind is a scary thing from the outside perspective like seeing because obviously we when simon was doing was it like three videos a day near enough yeah filming and editing and i was like oh we're gonna go do this you know what i i can't i can't yeah well from the inside perspective it's crazy i can't i don't know how you guys do i'm burnt out all the time but right now and these guys are still going like non-stop it's baffling right it's good i bet it's good though like being in that like yeah it's good it's frustrating though because it's like damn i'm not not doing enough like i'm not working hard enough it's just it's a fact you know things i always look back at the three videos a day and think i was doing three videos a day now i'm doing one but and then i think i forget i mean this is you know we do a podcast yeah sidemen more certainly reacts but as well what the smart thing is is like now let's stream in yeah it does get easier in a sense for so for example with this podcast you know yourself yeah this doesn't feel like we doesn't feel like working oh is it that's just i mean you can't this podcast can't burn me out because i really enjoy it whereas you know getting a video out every day to a certain quality is the hard part like you probably say back then you're posting movie three a today but the quality wasn't as good now you know you know like you just naturally and now you can now that editors are like actual there back in the day they were if you had to edit you would sing yeah it's not it's like makes sense you know you run into business you hire people now you have like hylia smith who edits about how other people edit yeah yeah right it's it's all a mad life deep for sure yeah um yeah it's just just changed but yeah and i think the hardest part about we were chatting before so i think to john we're like saying we should like go out more now you know you can we should see each other more outside of like like filming but it just doesn't happen no and then and i think it will no i won't soonish but like it won't be because it'll be certain groups there would be smaller clear things but we might go for a meal it was literally like the other day the champions league the final we're all like everyone was talking about it kind of like oh yeah like who's going to win blah blah blah i didn't have him and me and jj are like oh yeah like who's who's down to do something obviously you can have six people or we can go watch outdoors and have more exceptions was this on the group yeah that's your problem you know everyone's replying about everything else and then who wants to watch like who's down to do something he replies i'm down yeah and then everyone stops instantly just stops and then we do it the next day jj says like oh what's happening like let's do something and lux is like i can't i'm busy no one else that's the thing like the moment like people won't respond until someone else responds that's true you need one or two and then it's the snowball and if you get the immediate a lot of time people won't respond because they don't want to say no because then you get the no snowball yeah yeah and you don't want it and say like obviously even in in our group certain people are like closer than others right yeah so like if they want to see if their close ones go in if they're not then i guarantee if you and jj were watching it here and you text around off you want to come over for it and you're like yeah yeah and then you take one of the person like separately they would probably and you're like oh we got randolph coming over like do you fancy it we might ask you maybe yeah i really can't be bothered to organize every single time yeah it's true like it should be it should be more of just like our place who wants to watch the champions league yeah and everyone should go yeah yeah you probably shouldn't you're freaking me an app for that or something where you're just like tonight and you just put a venue and you see how many ticks and those yeah but it's all anonymous yeah yeah yeah that's good well because then you could just then you would just put yes or you make it an event i know once the event starts then it becomes unanimous so you can be like they say and then you give them a card whatever that is apart from an anonymity part that is facebook events wasn't it yeah but then you had to be facebook for that yeah but um you should what we should probably do is make it an event actually an actual event so rather than being like oh they don't want to do something for the champions league be like we're doing this thing for the champions league it's risky excellent i'll turn up yeah but but what i said my point was more like john was are you so busy like like how do you even get time and you're like we're not we're not though we're you're we all right we're not you do seem busy both but i'm visiting the minutes i'm like traveling and stuff either or you just hate responding i haven't visited recently but in general in general it's more like um it's just like you're on call that's what that's what you do youtube feels like yeah you're always on call like you you you can't commit to anything so my family like are you free for this week for a holiday i'm like i have no idea we get that a lot yeah like i might be but i might not be they were like my mom and dad was like oh you know next year this week and i'm like i can't do it i don't know what i'll let you know the week before and then and when when that holiday happened in the situation something like the pokemon like was going crazy so i just can't go yeah and what the store now we didn't have the store last year when it was agreed now that's a good like silver lining of the year yeah yeah it is but it's it's hard isn't it but like because then often we'll just sit there watching this on holiday i've got my pokemon yeah and then like and everyone's like oh these guys are so busy and we're like they're watching tv like it's like being available to me to do something that's what it is it's yeah being uncool i remember as well i always when i was when i finished uni and i decided i wanted to get back into like youtube again i went on holiday and it was the worst timing ever and i was like it's just typical it's when all the cybermen diss tracks went off yeah and i was having that like potential yeah even if i'm like okay there's no sidemen filming something might come out and i'm like okay well i need to jump on this trend yeah well i'm i'm away now i don't have anything that i can do yeah and so now i'm i'm uh back then i was like a producer well i still am now but like i'm the guy that you know you want to record i'll record with you but back then i'd bring on all your tracks you know but i was in wales i was no internet i couldn't do anything so i was like i almost drove back but just because it's like some obviously semi-closed being related yeah but i don't have to be uncool to be able to yeah being a video but the amount of times like the events pop up and it's sort of like i remember two years ago whenever you were the charity football match and it was jj logan the draw were both in the same year i think weren't they yeah wow both in the same year and on both those dates i had already agreed to like uh i think that one was like a wedding one was a after oh not a wedding wedding's always the hard ones yeah but it was like a wedding though yeah but um and it's because i said yes already you can't then turn around i know and i was just like ah now i see why you say no immediately yeah just in case isn't it and then last time you go yeah i'll come yeah yeah yeah weddings are hard once i was wearing the ones that you like if it's a meal you're like oh no sorry guys but you know something's come up where it's like when you're like yeah i think it happens once in someone's life isn't it they can't go you can go for a meal again you can't get we can't get married again but you know i think i had like seven weddings that year or something it was a very fun year like i did enjoy it it was great fun but yeah not looking forward to when actually i don't think i'll get invited to that many weddings i'm thinking all right like i was let's say you know in our school like oh you know like when that year when everyone around you starts getting married like your school year kind of thing and you get invited as you said seven seven weddings in a year how many are gonna ask jj to perform schoolmates eric no none uh you're bad at music and that's something being a bad friend and you've forgotten someone's wow i think [ __ ] they don't watch it it's fine yeah true obviously i could have a friend yeah one and a half we've got a couple of school friends weddings coming up i'm so excited especially now because it's like it's it's the first i've got one that's um the mrs school friends but i'll get on really well with them so yeah i'm excited for that because it's like seeing them for the first time on mass and like the two friends that i won't say names but they're getting married within the next year of our friends i'm so excited for them because it is like it's the reunion yeah where that's when it gets cool but it's if you had one every single week it would be maybe i think you guys have done really well at like keeping your school friends like into this time now i think i've got like maybe like four i mean i only have like ten nine eight oh losing them by the way yeah yeah those guys are like i almost made it i mean like i i've been like i don't know i talked to some of them but yeah they come to charity football match you've got your group you're like yeah it's like that's like that's like five yeah yeah i really like i'll tell you about one of them after i remember we met uh some guys at one of the shows in nottingham for uh the the what the new age tour they might be listening now worry but i met these guys and i thought they were just school friends but they were just guys you met on war zone watch yeah yeah they overwatched on these yeah there's a period where he played overwatch non-stop wait wait wait when you when you when you quit quit everything yeah like he gets buried jj jj and he's transforming he's an all or nothing guy yeah like he'll literally like a dragon ball z app yeah like he was if you remember who's on that six hours a day every day six hours that's like so he did the overwatch period and he literally became like best mates with like three of these guys that he's never met or anything and then they all came to this thing and they were oh no i'm jj's mate and i was kind of thinking like i went to school with him yeah yeah yeah i'm on youtube don't know who you are like how is this a thing like i don't know we play overwatch with them okay i was chanting when i was like you're the overwatch guys you're like yep we are yeah that is one of the weirdest things when you go to like a youtube event and you're like this is this he does this this is this we know him through this it's like always the weirdest like oh yeah we how do you know him oh discord yeah yeah i've met a lot of people through discord like he would do through overwatch yeah but um i've not met many of them yet though the disc is different because you're normally in a server people that you know yeah whereas like overwatch you've met them i kind of think you've you've met them online right you've met them in a game like how is that how does that conversation come up they've literally gone like oh nice kill oh yo should we play a party together yeah unless they knew it was james they probably knew that yeah did we just become best friends yeah it just happened i i've had that before but you know you you you played with someone you won you put you on rocket league say you win yeah adam is a friend you know oh we should do voice chat and it progresses from there but yeah usually happens around for me i was like yeah let's voice chat and say oh yeah oh i i i i yeah for me i'm almost nervous you know how you practice it though you're like yo what's up yo what's up thank you you also don't know how your mics sound you know yeah you know how you think you sound then you might be like but yeah yeah we had that actually i was live streaming this guy was on our team and um he was searching and destroying god he was just sick so i was playing with isn't ellen and talia i think at this point yeah we were like yeah he's sick let's just invite him to the party again so we win every game nice and he just stayed and like the next time we loaded up cod he just joined the party who kind of like yeah we know he's all like he seems okay every now and then he would just say something over the mic and then he came then he finally came into my twitch chat and said like yeah that's me by the way and i was like oh mad and then he started streaming like a little bit and i was like oh mad and then it just kind of yeah it was weird because sorry there's a guy who used to play warzone and he used to be in jukie's team a lot do you know who it was there's a lot an american guy used to pair up with jukies or wars and they would deal together they played with a lot of people i know but it was when it was like when it was the peak anyway that guy used to play fortnite not like fifa or that poor no not neither of those they're american um oh i'm not anyway so or canadian maybe um it's gonna come to him later but anyway so he has he met someone through fortnight when he was playing who used to his name was that guy so say his name was minnie minner it would be minimized loot so he would kill people in the game just to give this guy a loot yeah symphony symphony yeah yeah he has one guy who literally somehow gets into four of his games and he'll turn up you know five minutes into the game he'll just land a helicopter get out and just start like tea bagging yeah then symphony just kills him and gets all the money yes it's always like a lot of money in a free helicopter and tiffany's just like hey man how you doing we had that actually as well when we played warzone and it was the yeah yeah oh what was his name there's a guy who basically he stream sniped hard yeah he didn't try to kill us but you would kill him and when you play warzone for example you if i kill you your mic will play like i can hear your mic for the next like two seconds so if you want to say anything you can so that's when like you get obviously like racist [ __ ] sometimes or something yeah but you get like this guy mr piggles mr pickles literally you kill him because he's standing there he doesn't shoot you and he just goes subscribe to mr pickles yeah and that'd be it and then you'd come back in it's like it's me mr pickles every time and he would get in the game find you so easily yeah and just say that and then he made like a whole video over here of like stream sniping zucker monument randolph etcetera yeah it's really and you've actually done it in a way that was entertaining and like i mean i've remembered it this was like two years ago yeah is he is he a thing now you should see if he's a i don't top-tier cod youtuber i don't think he is but i mean he's got a couple people watching i can't find him that's because twitch is so different in terms of numbers right yeah because youtube it's like if someone gets 10 000 views on a video it's like still awesome like 10 000 views nothing to be sniffed at but then you look at all the youtubers like well if someone's got even like 600 on twitch a concurrent like is it concurrent where it's live yeah comparing viewers it's like holy moly like these guys are quite big twitch streamers that's what oh i hate it i get so many comments in my stream that like has nine mil subs and he's got like 5k viewers and i'm like i'm happy with 5k viewers yeah yeah but then you see tommy thomas yeah you see i mean tell me yeah tell me in it i was like i couldn't remember the second part of something tommy and i go live and he has a 260k viewers on twitch yeah yeah just play minecraft and i'm like well he's got you know half of our charity match which was a one-off year event yeah for years and he's doing his series three times a week but it's mad it's fair play um i found the guy's name okay king richard oh yeah yeah yeah so king richard's loot that was that was the guy and now he's got a channel yeah she actually like plays games now he's a good obviously obviously you have to be good at the game to be able to go kill someone just bring someone a loot yeah so yeah but i met him in america did you yeah he's a sick guy remember he used to play with what was it it was dukies what he used to play with right and they always used to be a bit of like a he played with casey he did play he played with geekies as well yeah but i know someone always used to play with him it was really hard because like the back the communication barrier that was in one of the tournaments i'd think jukies wasn't in it so king richard teamed up with him and king richards is an american who obviously trying to understand the english accent jukies is a very scouse right like very scouts person like very scarce so trying to hear that but and also like yeah no offense to king richard he's a very good player but jukes is on like a completely other level it's pretty much might be one of the top top best player ever really of warzone yeah so like the way you want to play with jukies is just make sure he doesn't he doesn't die well make sure you have enough and don't die yeah to buy him back yeah yeah because then he will land in get a load of kills he might die again but then you just buy him back he'll win the tournament yeah but a lot of people would never let yuki's into it into a tournament so king richardson would use his name to get chookies in and to be a part of a good partnership but also it's like jukies i felt like always sometimes getting held back a little bit i i didn't miss that peak wasn't it it was very fun yeah i still watched you used to watch symphony as well don't you yeah but um oh man i just i just love it when people i love when someone's so good at what they do yeah and like jukie's is a key example of that as well he just works really hard and just like i'd be going to bed back in the day like four four a.m and he'd just start going live yeah like you're like all right i'll stay up yeah yeah yeah just so good well nick streams on twitch yes yes not as much as i should but again problems [Music] no obligation no but like i really enjoy it because it is and i was actually speaking to because i i played football on saturdays with a bunch of schoolmates like uh for our old school team yeah and one of them came up and we started speaking he was i've just followed you on on twitter nice that's cool right and just starting he was the last person i'd expect is that right right let's do a selfie then yeah yeah yeah but like the last person i expected to sort of be in switch but he sort of explained why i was like that makes sense why you are like but it's it's like such a good community it actually is whereas i because one of the the big thing that i i does stay off twitter because i just the community yeah no instagram um i i dabble with every now and again i'll go hard for a month and then i'll sort of post once every other month sort of thing but like i feel like twitch once i get good internet and a good camera like facecam yeah i feel like it's a really fun like people are supportive they just sometimes they'll just chat on their own and you can just edit some photos play a game do do what you want yeah and if people want to watch it they watch it if they don't if you don't it's yeah i love twitch yeah it's it's good fun but as i say i i don't i don't really have good enough internet so it's very sticky but hopefully you can build it up yeah when i first started it was tony hawk's had just come out with the remake yeah and i was like i'll play it and then playstation has that go on twitch live so i could just click like yeah sure go live and you raided me like and i'd literally the worst thing the worst thing was i had no cam no microphone i was just playing tony hawk and i had it up on my like phone like with the the chat yeah because i had um joel who also twitches can i shout out yeah yeah shout out to joel on twitch and he came into my chat once right and he's like chatting to me i was like this is weird who are you it's me i play more games on his twitch because his internet like right i can only do one thing on the internet stream all right yeah yeah so i'll play so me and just state joel will play together but yeah and i was playing 10 yards and i literally finished the game like i was like nailed it this was two days worth of fun like like wiped my hands with it and as i would finish the game i just saw my thing that always happens and i always have one and then so simon would like text me being like something yeah and i was just like i guess i've got to keep playing so i just went on a half bite for about 20 minutes and just went another half there was no audio no audio no nothing just on a half pipe and pieces would go away yeah people are these guys are getting obviously went from like 700 to like 300 pretty quick yeah but it was still low because i i don't want to leave but i've gotten literally nothing to do right now i feel like oh it always happens whenever you raid someone they're always leaving yeah they're always doing something else they always leave the room that's the worst it's they always buy time and there's like some some sort of god up there that's like i mean i gotta go for a peek yeah yeah just as you get ready yeah we we raided from from joseph the other day we i think it was you had raided us um when we were playing like i forgot the name destruction derby sort of game the new free play on the playstation and we were playing that request and yeah you raided us and it was a hell of a hour it's so much fun and um and then we're like who should we ready yeah that's right ellen just a bit of a laugh and read him and he was yeah he was off taking a wee away oh now he knew he is yeah he's the type of guy to see oh nick's just raided me i'm gonna go for a win yeah yeah adam's really like he seems like a nice guy i'll tell you in person the podcast is [Music] really bad thumbnail as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm saying you wouldn't apologize to someone if they kicked a puppy that's ellen that's too far that is too far a kitten maybe but not popping all right well um i don't really have anything else to say a lot oh uh i think it's nick w minter but as i said i won't be on too much but i will clearly understand you know just we were interrupting the podcast to just watch my stream yeah here's an hour of my stream yeah definitely but uh yeah thanks for watching also shout out to the sponsor skillshare this week so yes make sure you click the link in the description and make sure you put the link in the link in the description and yeah i guess is that it thanks for coming on hey it's always like well anyway bye bye you
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 1,170,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Id: zUGR9NLwBlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 20sec (9740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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