WILL IT RUN? Thrashed Kubota Diesel Tractor

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hey guys how's it going hey jason gave me a call otherwise known as 5150 mxvw channel that he knew of this tractor that's been sitting for how long as far as i've been driving by it for almost 10 years i've never seen it move so you're guessing as good as mine and they were looking to something's going on with the property or something and they're trying to get rid of it now clean up the property yeah the property's for sale so i was contacted if i knew anyone who might be interested in first purchasing this tractor and i said i know just the guy i'm the guy it's actually the same almost the same as the one i have now it's an l series it looks like but two will drive it definitely looks like it was parked for some kind of reason because the hood's off to the side and smashed and beat up it's a three-cylinder diesel got a bucket on it loader small loader on it tires are up at least it looks like the best part of it's the tiller that's on the back of it [Applause] so i have my car trailer ready to rock and roll and i believe we're going to make a deal the owner's going to be around shortly and we'll kind of go from there but don't know anything about its issues or history and neither does the owner of the property there's no key in it neither i don't see i want it's the same as the one that i have the other problem is the hydraulics are already down so we got to figure out how to get them up in the air a little bit to be able to get it on the trailer but jason has his kubota on his trailer and he's come to the property too we're going to try to use that for a little bit of a help to get it on there one way or another we'll get it on there but this is what we got to work with let's go see what we got for her yeah it's been there tad huh actually the paint stop i figured that would have been all rotted out and it is a l two two five is this series mine's uh early seventies let me figure this one's about the same it looks like see if we can figure out a little bit of what's going on it's got no air cleaner it's got no crossbar across the front i don't know if they were having engine problems with it or what was going on sure what that's happening don't know if it turns fortunately the intake is going up and back down so no water probably went down the intake being open like this but it's cheap enough to screw with again the loader alone is worth what i'm paying for and then the tiller on the back i believe i'm going to buy separately it may or may not go with the deal but we're going to go again work on that to see how it goes all right it's got an hour meter on it and it says 1471 which isn't terrible if it works right yeah i have a feeling that wiring might be an issue on this thing seat's gone tires are holding there they've been sitting however long they've been sitting like that a little a little dry rotted but yet it's a tractor not a car so it's not that big of a deal going down the road that's the best part of it hopefully you can get that in on the deal [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] you guys see about getting the implements up worst case we could take that one right off but we're gonna try hooking a chain to it and working the lever and see if we can lift up on it and just let the valve flow hopefully it'll stay in the up position we don't have to go screw with any of that so let's go find out what oh yeah i'm not sure which way the valve [Music] i think it just doesn't have any pressure so it doesn't want to stay there's probably like air in the system so there's no no hydraulics to hold it i tried shutting the valve off but it wouldn't stay raise it up yeah we'll hook a chain to it is as high as you can get it pull forward too so then slip off there you go that's good we'll work with that so we end up going with a ratchet strap from the frame of the loader to the top of that he's gonna let it down and see what we get right now that'll do just fine hopefully the front cooperates as much as that did so there's the about 40 years difference between the two of those okay this has no hydraulic fluid left in any of the lines for it to stay on probably gonna try getting a bar or a piece of wood or something to lay in between it on the frame to hold it up let's see if this will give us enough room to work with come on down keep going yeah the bucket is gonna be a little let's go away don't see what you get it's gonna hit on the trailer going down but yeah i think we got the right idea i think if we just get like another four inches underneath that that'll get that bucket up about another eight okay okay come on down that's got it hopefully the brakes aren't frozen we're gonna go find out right now we shall roll a little bit oh yeah the guy gonna set you guys up in a stand i gotta go steer oh okay i think it's gonna turn so [Music] yes smooth isn't it so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh i can't see that i thought you had that side i had that side yeah you guys didn't say a damn thing you just watched it all happen i think you should steer it towards this way a little bit and we just keep winching and we see what happens oh yeah easy to do it falls off and just don't go the other way oh yeah the other way oh you said left i was busy looking at that wasp i think you're gonna i think there's a mess probably gonna fall off that's okay ready oh sure now straighten it out good i'm 95 tied down and mother nature started kicking up over the top of us doing that so i figured it might be a better idea just kind of hang out in the truck for a little bit just saying i think we'll let this blow over trying to get out of the tree line so [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you look a little moist you look a little moist [Laughter] i backed up i didn't want to be underneath the trees yeah i don't know if i bashed into anything but yeah still making a little bit of noise that way looks better when it's washed well that certainly takes up a little bit more room than our average garden tractor in this area all right let's get into it and see if we can figure out either what it failed for and fix it or not fix it and or we could just get it to run and it's just you know being parked and neglected and just needs a little bit of love so first thing we gotta see if that thing turns over if the engine has any kind of uh locked up issues again there's no air cleaner on it so that's not really a great sign but at least it goes uphill first and back down so water will probably have a tendency not to run in there let's grab a wrench we'll throw it on the alternator maybe and see if we can get a little bit of spin out of it so make sure we get a full circle nothing's running in anything i don't know if you can see it there's a bolt down there crank and she went all the way around that's a good sign let's uh i want to get this air cleaner knobble hose off make sure there's no crap or nestle in there that's going to get sucked in let's go check that battery real quick if there's any chance that that out of any kind of life to it we'll throw that on a charger while we're screwing around with the other stuff let's get a little bit of a test light a little bit of fun trying to get around all this framework you guys got a good seat all right ah the battery's actually got a little bit of juice i'm surprised let's uh i'm gonna take that right out of there throw it on a charger while we're screwing around the battery posts weren't even tight i think it's got one of those little pop-up handles maybe there you go come on yeah i'm gonna fit it's out there that's our date on it i'll go check that maybe throw the meter on it you do not see a hot or ground it's 50 50 yes once the needle jumps upward no wrong way sees that needle stays actually not terrible it's in the weeks i'm amazed that battery has been sitting out in the weather for a long time i'm gonna throw a charger on that while we're waiting and judging by the wiggle it's got one of those easy remove exhaust systems for access to maintenance repairs as needed wiggle that right out of there i'm gonna shove one of you skinny guys down inside there take a look at anything happening you could actually see in the viewfinder that that's just scratches i put in there right i think we're good no mouse looking back at us don't see a dipstick anywhere on it but i think what it is is going to be that fill plug i'm guessing that is right there not sure if that is that or is that just a drain for the coolant you know anything anywhere else that might be a bleeder for the injection pump do not see a dipstick on i like i said i have another tractor it's like this it is the smaller engine version in four wheel drive but that one has a dip stick on it i don't see anything unless you see something i do not so let's go crank that out of there see what we get whether it's coolant or oil or neither i could try looking a little bit harder because it's right there yeah diesel usually is really really nasty really quick i'm not gonna worry about changing it as long as it's got fluid in it just enough to see if it'll run we'll get to that later yeah got enough yeah she is definitely looks like black paint to me all right anything else you want to go just check for coolant real quick that's good your green stuff i say we try getting some kind of powers oh we need a key oh yeah that switch goes along the clapped outside like somebody's been see if we can get it with a yeah all right that's why it's got no key it's like somebody punched out the center of it what am i gonna do with that so this just turns it on and off don't forget like an old crappy key i'll shove in there we'll just use so yeah we just turn it on with this switch the one that actually makes it crank and run the glow plugs is this one over here yeah but a forklift keyhand kind of just flops around inside there there we go all right forklift does it jumper pack see if anything comes alive for us oil light which is good let's um man just for shits and giggles let's give her kind of flicks over let's um and it always could have been a failure why this thing would stop being used and that also being the starter let's run the jumper pack we'll grab a bolt like right here and we'll put it right here we'll eliminate this and we'll take a screwdriver we'll go across the circuit we'll get rid of the key switch see if it's the starter or anything else let's go try with the key one more time i relocated that lead the ground lead is right to the side of the block there we go let's give her a listen [Laughter] it's got glow plugs on i just want to kind of crank it through and get some fuel up to it too uh yeah i'll just crank for a little bit see if she'll just go without the glow plugs it's really warm out where's that throttle that should be all the way off that's full throttles give her just right about there just a little butter chugging like it's got something she's gonna go you're losing battery i'm gonna give her a little bit more throttle and then uh we'll get some more power to it yeah i'm out of juice let's start to cool off a little bit i get some more power we'll get her to go the other battery's still on the charger right this one which is test okay let's see how that one does for us that's about as tight as those posts were gonna go crank down on them we'll probably use the jumper pack too we'll put both of them together see if we get all right round two or three not sure where we left off let's go [Laughter] you're looking in the right spot keep it right there well let's give it a throttle sticks full throttle let's go see what is going on with that yeah the levers bound right up is that the gas pedal push down you got throttle level here and she had some screw i went to try either direction on the lever that's idle i think i had it the wrong spot good thing the clip popped off all right that's idle make sure we're working that's always good for an engine that never ran before and me being the meat head oh well that was perfect i get paid more all right let's go try to set her up again so you can get her to idle that's trashy in i got no power i got keys off i started here [Music] not bad that's anything leaking out of it you wanna try giving the hydraulics a a whirl see if that loader does anything the valves look a little screwed up i don't know what that one's laying over i was not even hooked up go try the other one get those boards out of it so wipe out my toolboxes how's everything leaking try to see if that rear ppl will come up get that strap off of there this doesn't feel right might be all the way in the up position let's go shut her down i don't know i think the decompression valve is missing so i just shut it off by lifting the lever up cool let's i don't know what the hell's going on here with all this wiring and stuff holding things together let's even get that kind of stuff hooked up see if the bucket curls and all and get the strap off we'll get the tiller sitting down and we'll see if any of this stuff works how's that huh that was pretty easy except for running full throttle that part is i own one of these too the life of a dyslexic and then water coming out of the bucket i don't see anything being an issue i gotta go turn the paint on open a garage door get some his hair sucked out of here see if we can smash that onto the floor nothing toes [Music] so so so so three-point hitch i can't get it to go up let me go screw around and see if i can figure it out this it should be up for me right there actually that's up go think about that for a minute let's go screw around with the loader part of it then we'll get back to three point his worst case we could take the the tiller off right now we may have a flu a low fluid level just making that do that and what is the deal here so this needs to get flipped around and in there and that's your curl our bucket let's go fire it up again see if we get anything on there these are going to need some kind of emotional support i'll get any leaks nothing major anyway those lines look kind of nasty tracker off the ground nope i killed it let's give her some rpm get it off those dollies now there we go we don't need these anymore yeah awesome on its own hydraulic system and then i think the transmission i don't know if the power steering what that's tied into you'll probably check that too that looks like it's running off of the transmission so we'll see if the power steering works if that works then we know at least there's some fluid circulating around there if not maybe that's our issue those will sit in the driver's seat right yeah i think we're just good to go crank you've got no power steering at all no wait trying cycle it a little come exactly as brace walls it should be yeah there's no power steering all right go look and see if we got a fluid level issue on the transmission wherever that is and how we go about checking that so got jacked up in the air i'm gonna go just try the uh three-point hitch pto output you see we can see if the tiller is functional and all that kind of stuff and we'll worry about the fact it doesn't go up and down yet a little bit later again just trying to do an assessment what's up with the tractor and it had to be parked for some reason where it didn't work and the hood got ripped off of it so that we may have found it maybe not see we get all right so that's how it works it's all nice and quiet no she there again we just got to figure out what's happening with the three point here it might be just something goofy that i'm missing i'm not quite catching it or something may have broke on that and caused an issue so i'm not sure but i'm going to say that we're going to go break this one up right here guys i'd like to continue but i think my videos are getting a little too long on the long side until maybe we'll bust them up a little bit we got a lot to do on this tractor anyway and i got to save some for another video right all right with that guys we're going to sign off thanks for hanging out with me and dragging stuff out of abandoned properties and seeing what we got and trying to bring him back to life until the next one i'll see you then later in a little addition on the last video we just got done finishing up the log splitter the week before you guys haven't seen that video there's one of the same place that the tractor came from this log splitter came from anyway a couple things on the end of it when we went to go fire it up and use it the gas tank which was the original mount where it was located the way it was set up but they had moved the gas tank and kind of strapped it to the top for a reason that reason was when you split a log the log half would want to fall and land on the gas tank so i ended up putting some outriggers on it to help support it so when you you cut a log it doesn't fall each side also doesn't land on your feet on the other side and then you could just take the pieces and keep rotating them and splitting them off i left the air gap here if that's going to be an issue later on i might fill them in but i'm going to see how that does figure it a lot for like debris and stuff to go fall through just like they have down below here that little holes will let the crap out of it and what else i did the charging system i tried changing the voltage regulator i had one it still does not work so the magneto underneath the flywheel is no good and just did some labeling of what we got for uh controls on that it should be run good for us i'm gonna run it at the cabin for a while i got a bunch of trees to uh cut up and split up just probably about a quarter quart and a half to be taken care of and then i'll bring it back to the house bye guys now we're done
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 463,903
Rating: 4.9551473 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: SlVsVG8-zWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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