TRASH PICKED, Free Barn Find Gravely Tractor. pt 2 of 2

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hey guys and how's it going hey we're going to continue on this uh roughly 50 year old gravely 526 single axle tractor that we dragged a friend of mine and i dragged out of a barn about a month ago anyway on the last video we were able to go through and get the ignition system working get rid of the uh tore down the ignition switch itself internally fixed that uh it is the electric start wave was able to get that to crank because it doesn't have a pull start went through the fuel system went through the carburetor and it seems like it's running fairly decent where we left off though the petcock was leaking out between the red and the black so i did grab another one of that so without further ado let's get back into it and see if we can resurrect the rest of it and make it do some chopping with that blade that's on the front let's see if that one fares a little bit better squish our line back open and turn to the end just sit a minute it feels really loose on the the turning part of it here i was kind of questioning whether it's going to hold up for us we'll find out in a second i'm going to go through the air cleaner back on it because you can get that part of it buttoned up so we're not sucking up any crap and i guess we could start actually we'll fire it up we'll run it a little bit get a little bit heating it and strain that oil out of there that's been in there for who knows how long remember what i told you didn't feel very good guess where it's made a little wiggling around i think i you know it slowed it down let's put it that way and it's still leaking all right uh let's go give her the choke on nice huh let that run for about two or three minutes get a couple of revs in here mark's jumping up there jumper pack paul off [Music] you could see sparks jumping up here that jumper patches anything to do with that let's rev it up again we'll see [Music] i don't know if you saw it did it once i was doing it earlier too i don't see any protection jacket-wise on those i don't know if it's just jumping right across or if they're very close we'll deal with that in a little bit all right let's get the oil peeing out of it and then we'll take a quick look at that and see what's going on yes not terrible definitely dirty all right so we just got three terminals on it one there there there white black and we want to call the other one green and let's get them off there yeah it's weird that uh i don't know if it was arc into the body so generally how that's gonna work is usually the two bottom ones are ac coming in and then it's dc going out it's not a definite but pretty much how they're set up i see the jacket's missing on this one it's melted away let's uh i don't know if that's potting that's in there or what that is it's like a putty oh somebody glued something in there where's that factory i don't know what we can do not sure where it was working too i don't know if it was working from there to the body or was it going from terminal terminal let's i'm gonna go clean these up with a wire wheel a little bit we'll get these back on clean these too maybe we'll stand these terminals up a little bit so that they're not so close to this body let's just steam them up maybe a little close to that battery box on the top but that one's dc and generally dc does not jump across on it easily all right so what do we have too bad i don't have any of those and that does not fit worth a damn that might be what the problem is too they could have high resistance going across so let's crush them down a little bit if not we're just going to go cut them off and put some new ones on there so [Music] that tab is kind of [Music] you were waiting for me to get myself in a finger weren't you let's get it's a little bit better fitting probably take some like a rtv or something and kind of if it's fixed we'll just maybe we'll pop that with some kind of material to keep it from being exposed all right our oil should be done dripping let's see we got for the oil situation yeah a little bit a little bit of moisture they got in it that's that fuzzy sitting on top i'm gonna go throw the plug in and fill that back up gotta fill it back up with oil i think we're gonna throw a jack under it and we'll look into the drive train we'll see if we'll shift the levers on the transmission and all that and see if we can get see if the wheels lock and unlock i don't know what it has is it have forward in reverse or just forward or clear about you go find out so it looks like it has a high and low range over here this is the pto which will spin the whatever the attachment is in the front and i don't know what we got for i'm not quite sure what that is maybe we'll hop up there see if there's any writing on either one you would think it would have reverse right what's that looks like it's missing a handle whatever it is like how would you operate that see where it goes both of them go into the gear box so i don't know what that one is yeah it's missing a handle that's what it is let's go hop up there we'll go read this stuff yeah so this is high in low range and throttle of course so we got on the other side does not say i actually did this yeah you got neutral photon reverse okay so that's what this one is fold in reverse and the other one is high and low range but didn't it say what's the i mean shift what what's the difference between this one then and this one up here this is high in low range i guess we're gonna go find out right when we go fire it up let's go get your back in the stand we'll start spinning the wheels and see what engages anything to make it go so it should be neutral no yeah it's in neutral you got a lot of drag let's go get that locked down did it do anything for us nope still in neutral let's go something's gonna be the drive we gotta have a lever that you you hit to make it go right kinda like a snowblower when it when it's moving but you think would be mo let's go try that see if that puts it in gear i gotta grab the wheels on both sides because it's an open differential it will always do that but let's go see all right so that's it so that lever engages it that's what that one does i still don't know what shift range does i guess we'll be fired up we'll find out and then i don't know what this one does if it's high and low so that is locked in the forward position let's go that one it doesn't seem like it locks so this one will lock going forward but on this end it doesn't it doesn't seem like it'll stay there let's go throw a bar in that get a little bit more oomph into it yes if we pull all the way forward on that will it lock yeah okay so it's got two locking positions for whatever that does yes i would think one is engagement to make it go and the other one is engagement probably for the pto that is not still not sure which one's which and as far as up here what happens i still haven't figured that out you can go jack up the other side we'll go see if we can spin that blade underneath there and see uh if that gearbox is free or what kind of love it needs and how to shape that blades in safety first [Music] get a light and take a peek under there well it's definitely thicker than your regular lawnmower blade it does not budge let me go make sure i'm gonna flip those two levers back make sure one of those are not in gear i don't think it's been locked in because it does not turn at all i think we're just seized up probably just from sitting so long would be my guess but uh i would think there's bearings in here but it could be the gearbox up above it also so we got a i don't know can we flip this thing completely around on the machine i don't think so it looks like it rocks back and forth you know and it does swivel now we won't clear over there the plug wire is off i know someone's going to say something let's just try giving a little bit of manpower behind the blade let's see if we can get it a lot of times you get a little bit of movement out of it and a little bit of movement adds up to a lot of movement well that is a bearing that is gone that's a bearing that kind of drove over itself but we got to spin that's the crunch of little needles all right [Music] you never know g that could have been why it was put away it definitely has a cooked bearing i like to see if we can just kind of get it free enough so that when we engage it we can see how the rest of it is [Music] that should do it it's gonna be noisy as hell though [Music] seems like it's this bearing right here just by listening to the sound of it all right what do you say we fire it up we see what blows apart i can see if i'm moving that pto number two we have to engage in disengage now this is kind of where i figured we were going to run into things and the engine's pretty much cut and dry as far as what repairs need to be done but we are not shifting that's the lever right there into that gearbox all right i'm gonna go fire it up anyway and maybe we'll just cry screwing with some of the controls we'll see what does and does not turn whether we get the wheels to turn and that kind of thing let's go for brooke both of them [Music] it makes something wine [Music] so [Music] the lever on the right is high and low range that works and then photo reverse with that lever now i would think maybe pto is going to be that and then this is going to turn the pto on [Laughter] [Music] so it sounds like we engaged something in the gearbox but we have nothing spinning underneath the price connecting that is that whatever this lever is right here it's not engaging and disengaging this shaft all right get her undone all right so we need to figure out what is happening with this part of the gearbox selector not wanting to select what if we should pop this off the nose of it that's where the plow attaches to it and we'll kind of get this out of the way and see if we can just figure that that might probably be our best plan cycle we engaged it too instead of pushing some oil out right there so i don't know if that drive is spinning here and this is totally gone again we never know what it was put away for right it could have been that could have been the death of it the the blade broke up i don't know what this does neither i figure i'd give us a good look inside oh yeah you can see the gears in there we're going in well i see two gears touching each other you know i do see some oil in the bottom of it that's a good sign a little rust whether we're sitting in the open air all right i think we'll continue with what we're gonna do let's go get this off the front of it and see what we have so [Music] she's going so it's got a clutch pack on here what if that was what was slipping when we went to go put it in gear when we were hearing that noise yeah because right now the blades hitting the end of the lift let's go concentrate on the tractor first and see we get coming out so is that the engagement for the pto right there then huh it's those teeth and that paw moving forward let's get a light in there and we'll move that lever so you can get that to move back and forth that's if that works then we know it's on that i really wouldn't think euro would be dripping out of that because when you go change implements this is where you change it so each time you change from one thing to another it's gonna piss the fluid out so that's probably a seal that's gone further back all right let's try make sure we can grab it right here okay so it looks like that fork goes right down to move this forward and back and it's not doing anything bound up let's go get a hammer right here and give her a couple of love taps let's probably make the camera jump because you're sitting on the bench but there it goes you need a little persuasion so yeah that's how it works that just engages that paw [Music] you don't get moved for 20 years of your life your bones get stiff i'm gonna throw some lube up inside here so you can get that to a little bit more [Music] try to get it once all the way back right throw a little bit behind it how it works it's cool that it's got a clutch in there too because that way if you hit something and it stops the blade it has a forgiveness factor a lot of rototillers are like that so they're rotating on the back of a tractor it'll have that same setup in there all right well i'm happy with the fact that that is moving i don't know about the oil pissing out of it i think we'll let that do its thing and that could have been transferring from one to the other for like i said the last 20 some odd year so we'll let that do its thing drain out because i don't think the clutch is supposed to get wet i think that is supposed to be [Applause] a dry setup or else it's just going to slip all the time we'll let that figure it out let's uh get into this see what happened i think the best plan of attack right now is we'll get the table down we'll get the machine back off of there and it'll give us a little bit of operating area for uh taking the i guess we're gonna call them mower and we'll flip it over see if we can figure out what's going on with the bearings inside there i think that part's already solved we know if we can get that to go turn then you know it should drive us up and the wheel's already turning on the tractor so it's covering all the bases so i want to go lean that forward some as you can see it literally filled that cup up in 10 seconds so i'm kind of second guessing whether there is a seal between that or not i mean just that's just the way it is but like i said if you're gonna go change implements doesn't that seem kind of weird i mean that's peeing out of there quick that's not like it's uh going around a seal that's got a slight leak that is nothing between the gearbox and the transmission unless possibly it's over full and it really shouldn't be that high up and maybe it's meant to have some oil up in the front looking for where the fill would be to fill in the uh you see it there nope it's an axle now here's a stick right here let's uh i'm going to put it back level again we'll go check the the fluid level on the stick yeah we got a good quart out of there already at least that's only i could see is it being over full yeah so we took that much out of there and it's already the difference between there and there that's your whole window yeah i will only bet that it was over full maybe and then when it's level it doesn't leak out am i just making up or what do you think all right let's continue we'll get this thing off the bench and uh we'll look more into that mower [Music] mark wouldn't bleed with my finger that's pretty even we know that he's definitely grinding itself away though let's see if we can get that sucker off of there it looks like a stack of washers about 30 deep sometimes you got to get the big guns one inch drive see how she does try doing that with your milwaukee electric [Music] it did look to me like there was a stack of shims or washers does that not look like what it is that is what it is i'm gonna go take a wire wheel clean some of the surface up to get these to slide off that should be our bearing right there what it takes to get it out of there i flip the back over take that cap off look at the gunk that came out right there i think what we need to do is we'll take it we'll take this right off get it out of our way and i think we can go get that allen i mean the um karaki out of there see if we can spin that nut out i think the whole shaft will drop out the bottom that should have access to the two bearings is my guess plus you need to kind of get in there and clean that crap up if you want any longevity out of it so we give ourselves a couple of witness marks on there in case you get down in here later take that apart we know where they were already crack them loose with a wrench [Music] let's listen how this sounds now the bearings are quiet that's good on that now we can get in there a little bit that seems like a very thin oil that is very thin i don't know what that is almost like a gasoline i wonder if it was bound up and somebody took that cap off a long time ago and put whatever this is in there because that's like i mean it's not even motor oil thick you know and it's not like it's water and so much for putting it in a cup right and it's not like it came from the front that the where we had the oil coming out before that was giro i was right up here what you can tell by the thickness of it but that i have no idea what i mean that's like like the thickness of gasoline but it's not gas actually might be it might be gas so there's always a reason for something being put away and stopped being used again sometimes it's just the person who's using it got old and whatever happened to that person they just stopped using it or move or whatever the issue i have a feeling this was put away for uh having an issue here and somebody either put kerosene or gas inside there to try to get that bearing to free up that was the original problem they probably went to go engage it was probably uh smoking that clutch real hard or stalling the engine out all right so i'm gonna do my best to get the cotter key out of that through that little cubby hole and then we'll get an impact and get the nut off of there see if we can get this assembly apart and get to where that bearing is well i'm definitely making an attempt to try to knock out the cotter key but i think it's kind of become one with the shield so we might have to just try to and i might add don't buy those lights they suck any vibration at all they seem like they shut themselves off and i bought four of them for 119 bucks a bargain i tell you yeah i don't think uh yeah it feels like it's moving a little sometimes you can get it you know the the key is two pieces in there you can get like one to drive out and the other one just kind of falls out i'm gonna keep tapping away you could drill it too but i think probably the best bet if we can just get down there with an impact socket we just run the nut right off of it and when you're done kind of clean out the center of it yeah that wasn't going to come out i didn't think it give it much hope [Music] 15 16. you can see why aren't you using an impact socket because i do not have a 15 16th impact and we're off all right now we gotta see what else i don't know if we can drive down with a brass rod and the whole thing will come out there's the gear yeah let's see if we can get i'm gonna go uh get some wood to get the that actually i think we got some clearance in it yes get a brass rod we'll try driving down put the nut on upside down we'll try driving it down with a brass rod so you can get the shaft out of it yeah it looks to be a tapered bearing like a car i don't know maybe not i'll find out in a second yeah let's give her a couple of taps see if she'll go much as far right now top bearing is broken half the key just cracked on it right there yeah it's like just regular wheelbarrow as long as you got a number on them you should be good so that would have to be set with a preload like you do wheel bearings you can't just run that nut down so it has to you have to run that down so it's got probably just a little bit of playing and then put the key in it and see if that's the rest of the way up she's out of the hole and what a mess under there yeah there's your there's your noise yeah somebody tried freeing that up with something all right [Music] so i'd say take a wire wheel we're gonna go clean all the crap off of here and see if we can get this bearing off of the shaft and we'll know tomorrow what we need to get is that a seal it's just a seal good we'll be able to press it off then and see if any of this stuff is available local and then we should be able to put this back together and have this operate got a hydraulic press i could get set in but let's see if it'll just go it might just tap right out yeah she's going let's see if you can get a number on that after the wild wheel it looks like timkin 15113 here's the part number now we got to get the races out the race is the other part of the bearing that it rides on because that's all chewed up too so we're gonna have to replace both of those so it should just be like a wheel bearing on a car so you can see the taper is here and what it does is it comes down and there's a lip under here that's holding it so from the other side if you drive up with a punch you'll be able to get that race right out and then the one that's down below i want to get in this direction because it's the opposite it tapers facing the other way so i'm going to be able to drive that one from the top hopefully i can get in there with a long enough apparatus we may have to improvise maybe a long screwdriver or something and that's to get that wreath tapped out of there i guess we'll start with the creditor one first like you can feel it you'll come up you feel the catch on the lip sometimes there's a little cutaway too they'll put like a little notches give you a little bit better area to hit it [Music] you kind of want to go back from side to side [Music] i don't feel like it's moving though [Music] just waiting for me to hit my thumb with the hammer aren't you yeah i am too close there so i can keep working on that i'm gonna bring you back almost there it's a got a cavity that's probably about an inch and a half deep so i had to drive it down that whole thing [Music] i think it wasn't any longer that was that a punch there we go that's the other half of the battle and we'll see the surface of that which is supposed to be like a almost like a mirror is far from uh being a mirror all right i'm gonna go with the race out of the top one and then i think we're gonna have to call i'm gonna have to go call it quits until i get some new parts to put in it tomorrow did you get that other one out of there this one doesn't have as much travel to go plus i could actually hold the punch done [Music] they're both cooked yeah that's a probably the same bearing as like a 1970 impala well i went to the auto parts store and unfortunately although they have part numbers on them they were not able to get any of them but home in my stash i have a little bit it'd be funny if they're the right ones right there i have a little bit of everything as far as bearings are concerned i don't know if we're gonna find a tapered bearing set up but i think i have regular roller bearings of different shapes and sizes somewhere in there so i'm gonna go do a search and see how close i can come to trying to find bearings that will fit and worst case we will make like a brass collar up if they're too small or whatever the is we'll we'll fudge it in with a lathe and make what we need to make in it some fashion we're going to go come up with something to make that work i don't give up easy so after hunting this is what i came up with so for the small bearing i was able to find one with the right od and too big of an id and then i found a couple of pieces of brass that we can kind of whittle down on the lathe and try to make that id fit that id and then for the large one which is this one i found it's a different style of bearing i don't think it's going to affect us much we're going to mix and match and try to make it work again the same thing the outside od was okay but the id is too large and then i found some brass that we could probably whittle down and make a bushing to take up the space that's my plan right now it's what i got to work with so so let's go see how that works out i'm getting ready to start making some bushings i should sting giggles i threw the spindle in there we'll spin it up a bit of a ben tour it's gonna mark where that is i'm gonna try bringing that over to the press and maybe between here i'll put the nut on the other side we know this is the furthest bent away see if i can get a little bit of that bend out the blade actually i think sit is sitting right here but we do have that adjustment on it that we were showing so up here it's probably not affecting it but if it were to get lowered down it's going to wobble around like a lot so like a lot so i'm going to try and get some of that kicked out of there and uh if not at least we tried let's see what we get i don't know if it's going to move at all actually there's a crack on us or rack to the side like that real quick i think i can go hop it back in the lathe to just see if that did anything if not i got to come up with a better probably pushing in the center would help let's eyeball it i think i can still actually see the hump right in it let's uh try one more time just maybe pushing on the center a little bit if not i got to come up with a better [Music] there it goes i just saw a bend on that one looks like a bent back let's go see if that did anything rather not overshoot it you know yes you've made an improvement trying to look for where the actual bend is it does looks like it's it's raining because i see this moving up and down a little bit too i'm going to re-center that one more time make sure i'm just not kitty whompus on the jaws gave it just a little bit more i think we're going to live with that it's out a little bit but definitely much better than what it was see if it's still in the same place it was lining up to the key before yeah pretty much it can go i hear more that way i might try all right last time i'm screwing with it that's pretty good again the blade sits right here so looks pretty steady to me so i got the id of that one knocked down could i want a little bit more snug but if i make it so that the outside is snug on the bearing brass has a tendency to kind of squish a little bit i think we're there one way or another all right i'm going to flip it around i got to go cut the outside and see if i can sneak up on the diameter of the bearing in there well it's pretty paper thin wall there's not much of a shim that needs to be made uh we're slightly snug on the audio kind of prefer it the other way we still have to cut off that excess when we're done but let's try using that shoulder to press it together again if i totally screwed this up i got another one i can i can make another one again but let's see salvage this one nope nope nope okay get out of there i might have killed it probably try it with no jaws a little bit more direct push on it so you can get that one to square itself out there we go now my hoping is once i ran that in that that id got a little bit more snug which i think is what's going to happen we're going to find out right now yeah yep so close that id up so i got to go clean that up clean this surface up i think we got a good match for those two i mean i got to cut that off of it there yet but that should be what we need worst case i could probably just chuck it back up and leave and open the inside just a little bit i'm going to polish stuff up first before i do that one i don't want to tap it together yet because we got to still assemble it up inside there so i want to make it a permanent fit yet actually i flipped it over i think that's pretty good contact so i think we just cut that right off of there we'll be down there with a fairly snug fit i think this edge just got a little screwed up and when i cock-eyed it getting it in and i pretty much did the same on the second one let's try pressing this one in okay it will flush with that sir so i come back with the band saw like i did on the other side just cut this right off of there and then that after a little bit of cleaning should fit right on up on that but you will look at that we had a plan i think it's gonna work well that should be our game plan i got a new seal that so this is gonna get driven into the hub then i'm gonna drive the axle in i'm gonna call an axle spindle and then from the top side this race needs to get tapped back in like we did when we removed it and then this bearing can go back over the top and then the gear goes on with the nut that's adjustable and with the same thing i think we're still going to just uh adjust that preload so there's a little bit of play in that bearing again make some matching of them we're working with what we got but i think that'll actually probably hold out quite well that is a sealed bearing that's on the bottom of it but i did pack everything with grease plus there's gonna be a gear oil from the top probably trying to run down there the seal is in it let's see if we can [Music] so that one's run home gotta shift over to the top and let's get the top bearing put in there and hopefully when those two gears meet that we don't have any issue with the alignment on that i don't there's any height change find out i should put a little bit of grease on the and that race in there i got the bearing goo button like i said it's going to be sitting with a bunch of a gear oil up on top of here and they'll probably fill that cavity in once it runs through the bearing let's see if you can get that went on there and in there [Music] too big my rod's too big luckily [Music] that inside bushing is fairly snug that should spin pretty free it does so now we got what we got we got the gear that goes over actually it goes this way doesn't it yeah because the big gear is here so this one goes down now and it's keyed and it had shims that's what those shims were for then so we might have to uh adjust the i'm gonna have to adjust the height kind of like you do on a rear end on a car i don't think it's as picky but i'm gonna go drop that in there i'm gonna go just we'll take that gear case we'll put it in there we'll look from the top we'll just see what kind of backlash we get real quick before we suck that down but i think that's pretty much what we need i just shoved two bolts in it but it snugged it all the way up and i think we're be just fine again there's no nut yet on top of that other one i think we're right in the window [Music] like you feel just a hair you hear it too just a hair play i think so i think we'll be good with that leave well enough alone pretty much everything was put back in the same place anyway the only thing i screwed up on i forgot to punch the uh broken roll pin out of the uh roll pin cotter p cutter pan that is uh in the shaft i'm gonna try tapping it out from here i might have to tap the shaft back out of it and work it out of ice but i'll get it so hopefully i don't take it apart anymore i think we're good and i added a washer to the top of it because it was a little bit of play between the nut the nut was running all the way down and bottoming it out before it was putting preload on everything below it and the bearing so i gave it that just a little bit of shim and there is a little bit of play in the gears i think that'll be just fine so let's go flip it over put the blade back on it and then flip it back and put some fluid in here i actually think we put it back on the machine i sharpen that blade throw it on there the uh i do think that's what it is though you take the washers and you can move them around stack more or less where where you want the blade and it changes your height i'm going to split it for about the middle for right now so i'll leave i guess if you're looking at like these shoes the difference between there it's probably about three and a half four inches and this isn't something that you do a fine cut on your lawn you know it's more of a like a dr field and brush mower so i'm gonna go tighten that down let me go see how we are for repeatability the blade's not tight it feels pretty good though we're hitting even on both sides the beefiness the blade's got to be about a quarter inch thick it's like a big leaf spring i'm gonna go with gear oil you may we'll we'll cover that bottom at least that bottom one and it's probably gonna sink down a little bit let's go with right there i'm not going to fill it all the way up enough saturate that bottom then i would think that it's going to run around the bearing run through that bearing kind of fill up that little bit of space that's in the cavity between the bottom seal and that bottom bearing and should maintain everything so noisy she is seems pretty good it's straight cut gear so it's not gonna be perfectly silent just the nature of them but definitely better than it was right two new bearings so they're not the noisy part let's throw the cap back on it's got a hole right in the center of it and that is for venting i'm gonna throw some grease on it and still be able to push the grease out pressure gets and what happens is like say like this generates heat has to have some place for it to escape but i think i kind of want a little bit of something to keep a mother eight nature out a little bit better than that you know it's not in the rain it's probably what got it in the first place slowly water just went in there and grease is soft enough it does build any kind of pressure it'll just push the grease right out and you know hopefully kind of draw it both ways but we'll be able to keep an eye on it you'll see if a hot summer day if i'm using it pushes all the grease up out of it it's uh getting real hot and it sucks it in that's the other way at least it's something right well last quick look over looks like it's got some hardware that's flapping around here all the bolts are kind of loose for this i think it's the rear guard yeah be the rear guard so i'm gonna go either change that hardware out or try tightening it up and and making a little bit more stout probably beat it with a hammer some of the dents out of it let me put it back on so i'm getting ready to marry both of them back together i'm just trying to look like we saw the fluid coming out of there and i would think if it was sealed off like if there was a seal on the end of this shaft right behind here so fluid couldn't come through i wouldn't think you would have all these passageways i think it's actually intentional that fluid kind of comes in here i don't know about again my only kind of weird question is like so when you change implements does it just piss have the chance to piss some fluid out like when you put the plow on it and it seems like it's something that you would do fairly often too right you're gonna at least twice a year say if you're using it for uh you know brush mower then you want to go put a plow on it it's not like something that is rarely done you would think it would be more i don't know maybe user friendly the bolts don't bother me it's just the fact that you would have fluid pissing out of it then again it was what i'm going to say 50 years ago maybe thoughts were a little different anyway i'm gonna go and beat on my light and put this thing back together and i think we just see what happens i was debating put a seal here i started cleaning with a wire wheel but it looks like there's some kind of like asbestos gasket on here so i'm gonna leave well enough alone and we'll see if anything pisses out of it when it's tightened up i thought we were getting a little bit leaking earlier [Music] come see [Music] this is not too bad dealt some snow blowers on tractors they're fun officially the most expensive part of the tractor but it's not staying in there because that's for another car that i have we're gonna use it for now i didn't replenish the gear oil in the transmission there's some in there i'll deal with that in a minute let's go just fire it up and do a function check on that deck and everything else connected to it a little bit of throttle choke's still not hooked up a little bit more so that should be blades not turning i think i sure don't want to stick my fingers under there and find out that should be just the gearbox in yeah she's spinning scared that crap out of me [Music] i'm working the wrong one let's fold in reverse [Music] not sure does that even have anything to do with gear shift high and low range high and low and forward and reverse maybe does do you think the thing in the front has two speeds i don't know [Music] let's kind of listen to it when we uh we'll engage it [Music] see if we could tell let's knock the idle way down [Music] i really needs to stop doing that scaring the crap as the screwdriver falling out [Music] sounds like it picks up speed doesn't it [Music] yeah so that's what it is [Music] like it you dizzy okay so this is a two speed for the blade this is a two speed for the transmission and then this is forward in reverse throttle and pto should stop when i pull that out yeah it's just free wheels there's no brake on it like a modern mower so that's what it is i guess maybe if you're in the heavy brush you can knock it down plus maybe whatever you're running like it's got a snowblower or a rototiller maybe you're meant to run them in a different gear you see it putting out a little bit of grease from that center i'm gonna throw some gear oil back in that trans see where we are i'll wipe that down and i think it might have been overfilled before because it's just right now we're only about a half inch away from the mark where it needs to be and i took a lot of this is how much we drained out yeah that's two thirds of a quarter or so so i'll throw some in there we'll put it back up to the market we'll run it a little bit we'll see if it it leaks out of the any of the uh appendages and if not i think we're good to go put the air cleaner back on hook the choke up make sure that choke cable works that's probably stiff and frozen and kind of temporary tie down for that battery i think we shove her in some bushes and see what she does so it should be pretty well buttoned up other than a tie down for the battery air cleaners back chokes back on filled the gear box ran around it with a grease gun whether it was the grease fitting i think there's only two on there one for the intermediate there yeah i think somewhere on the on the trans somewhere anyway uh let's fire it up but one thing i would still want to check is what the charging system is doing uh the battery by itself should be 12 7 12 9 with it not running and then when we fire it up we should be uh mid 13s to mid 14s let's go get a meter and see we got they call them 12 volt batteries but they're actually [Music] like 2.1 per chamber so it's backwards but 12 resting voltage is 12.81 let's go fire it up see what we get [Music] we're not charging so there we go just had to rev it up a little 13-2 that'll keep climbing as the battery gets recharged also good [Music] as we're running it too we'll just keep an eye out down here see if any more sparks kind of going on i think that was terminals were just bent too close to the body and it was jumping across but we'll see one last thing i think we need is we gotta get a lever like this for over here instead of a screwdriver to make this one turn on and off let's go check the stash i think there's something over by the lathe and a drill press somewhere buried in my mind is a tray with like three handles with a black rod on the back of each one kinda like a tray like this then again it could be just old age none of that is true huh who's your daddy i think it goes like the arms off of a drill press hopefully we'll grab two of those maybe we'll replace the one on the other side too but we'll go see what thread they are they're probably metric so i know about you but that's looking like a decent match see if it threads in oh come on now okay i'm gonna change the one on the other end too as long as it clears the handle that'll be fine i'm going to change both of them i'm going to run them in and we'll clean her up a little bit what a little bit of redneck in there we got it out back a bunch of vines growing up the back of the side of the building i think we'll try it on these it may they may be a little too tall and gummy for it but you don't know what you try right uh i'm gonna leave it in low for the mower deck and low for the drive we'll see how that works and if we can tweak it from there we'll see but we'll approach it we'll dive into this alone [Music] [Music] he does it by itself [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] i think that's what it should it's taking down like one saplings i think i hit a stump right there was really kind of what i was grinding on getting a little overzealous getting about three inches across but yeah it does really good the clutch never locked up i jammed you know stuffed it in there and it never stalled the clutch out so i'm not worried about the oil being on it like i was thinking okay so that worked out pretty good uh i'm happy with it i actually feel almost dare i say i got a dr field and brush mower which is a modern one like you know in the 2000s i actually kind of like this better it has got a little bit better balance to it i like the forward and reverse on the lever you don't have to lock it in the only thing i wish it had some kind of neutral that can hold it in place because it did run away on me probably when i was running the handle vibrated forward a little bit but that's supposed to be kind of neutral you lock it and forward and for reverse you just pull on as soon as you let go it kind of went out of reverse so that seemed fine high low range low was what i was kind of cutting with and then i switched it over to height like you're transporting it you got it at full throttle you got to kind of trot behind it so it's got a decent pace to it mower deck i ended up putting it in high speed didn't seem to make much of a difference probably made a better cut uh maybe if you're on really heavy stuff you would put it low but it never even bogged i haven't even tried to slow down at all looks like it's just pushing a little bit of grease out i did grease that center section right there so where that leaf is stuck it pushed a little grease up everything else looks pretty dry i don't see any issues with anything making any puddles you should probably look underneath it right dead center is where we would have an issue nope good it's got a pretty good bounce to it when the uh the deck is on there now it does have a plow again i'm probably never going to use it i don't know how well that would work walking behind it but it does have and again that bolts on to that same location in that in that center there where all the gear oil is so you may want to clean that probably use that plow on something else and make it for a tractor or something because i i would think that this would fight you because it's not it's an open differential so if you have a blade on an angle you're going to be trying to strong arm it all the time unless there's a way to lock lock the rears like some snow blowers you can lock the the axle together so it pushes pulls straight but then you can't make a turn and i don't see anything i don't remember seeing anything anyway so for what is it a six or eight horsepower it definitely has enough snot to go do what it needs to do it'll pull you down the driveway on your shoes it's a very unique it's the oddest tractor i've ever seen if we're calling something a tractor but it's pretty cool i i do like it other than the fact that it needs to get a a uh cosmetic makeover i think all the mechanicals are knocked out and i think we got it pretty good all right guys with that i'm going to go sign off i want to thank you all for hanging out with me being an old rusty junk back to life i quite enjoy it and uh one or two you guys like hanging out with me too so uh until further nails we'll do another one but for now this one's done see ya bye did you do this yeah okay you see the brick stay away from that is the beast oh yeah i think i might have to go get a light huh [Applause] that's been there a little while it's cool machine though it's got dualies on it nice we got a plow blade for it too yeah yep awesome [Applause] eight horse caller it'll cut down some shrubs too it's almost like a dr fuel and brush mower funky tractor
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 365,056
Rating: 4.9597239 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: g7liYbzkH2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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