Log Splitter abandoned 10 years ago, Can It Be Saved?

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hey guys how's it going so i was able to obtain this piece of equipment thanks to jason uh helping hook me up with this one also it is a log splitter of unknown vintage i'm going to guess probably 20 years old that has been sitting here for a long period of time judging by the wood pile behind it has not moved or anything done with it and the rust that is on it so she's been sitting in a while it's like my guess is maybe somebody maybe it blew an engine and somebody fabricated this engine onto it because of the custom exhaust system and the custom gas tank and bracket setup that has been welded to it it does look like it's been bleeding out some oil for quite a long long time not sure what's going on with that let's go see if it turns yeah that's good i'm not feeling much compression though yeah it's not much of a that should be putting up a better fight than that so it may or may not have issues but uh that's the fun part of it right get to go figure that out a little toe behind what's the tonnage of it 22. that's a decent setup it actually looks like it tilts up too so we're going to go get this on the trailer bring this home towards a little bit more comfortable to work on see if we can resurrect it and bring it back to life okay let's go check the gas tank there's nothing in it oh yeah it's got that vintage smell to it actually it's off of a snow blower he said he didn't care about denting his tractor let's see how this goes for us oh yeah hold it come on [Music] don't need that [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh sometimes your wheelbase yeah it's just a little off but you gotta work with what you got that was smooth uh yeah i think a 4x4 can fix that fixed let's get a better idea of what we got now we've got our up on lifting to see what's going on so it looks like they made a little control panel i think that's a start choke and we think that would be running off cobbled muffler and a bunch of bracketry it looks like i said it probably had a different engine set up somebody it probably blew up or whatever the issue was and then switched it all over to this engine they probably had laying it around not have a pull start so you got to go electric start only i don't know if that's where the control valve would have been yeah maybe that looks pretty stock right i don't know what the hose going over the top of it maybe maybe not but we're looking at it it does tilt up i would figure there's got to be some way to lock it in the down position though maybe something was here there's a hole down in the center there this should be the tank for the oil and the filter i say we probably get into the engine see what is going on with the engine whether it runs or not and what it needs to get it running or what it failed for you get a test light on the battery so you've got any power left in that and we'll get that cover off we get up and standing we'll start digging in it let's go see that battery is stoned yet i'm looking at it it's got a bulge sticking out of each side of it so usually we're in a cold climate here we have winters and if they lose their charge the water i think the water and acids separate i'm not sure that but anyway the water will freeze and it'll expand and crack the plates internally it's that big bulge you see on the side of it i'm pretty much thinking that battery is junk i like to hold down but we'll pop that out of there we'll throw it on the charger just for shits and giggles see if you get anything for a charge and we'll move on so you've got a little tab during popped out of the battery you could probably get an idea when this was last used i don't know if the maybe the serial number tells us something maybe that's 09 30 second week maybe not sure yeah i'm gonna throw that on a charger not giving her like i said all that much uh hope for coming back nothing i noticed here i took the battery terminals off it has lamp cord or speaker cord for the ground cable i think it's uh that's a indication of what things we're going to go find this is going to be a fun project the air cleaner cover off see we have a nest in the tins i don't see anything from the exhaust side of the fan it's a good sign just a little mud wasp nest right there looks pretty good see if our throttle moves it does let's go see if it's got oil on it let's see what that has done first that looks decent enough to run it or spin it let's get the plug out of it we'll drill a little bit of oil down the plug hole and it's pretty chalky pretty chalky and pretty corroded it's just weather got to it or ran with the choke on a lot that's pretty uh goobered up at least it came out right this is just two-stroke oil that you would mix with gas remix let that kind of soak down around the rings a little bit spin around it's got a bit of a clank to it but it might have a decompression valve in it i see we get a jumper pack we'll get to those leads hit the button see what we get you probably should take that coupler off the oil pump too the hydraulic pump and get that out of the circuit we'll just spin it a little bit see what we get listen to things see if compression comes back that's the biggest all right let's see if any of this stuff works nope you impressed let's get rid of that ground and we'll go for it something right on the engine let's go for that bolt right there let's go for we got power going to it yeah nothing let's go get a screwdriver actually we just go right to the lead it's a good sounding starter popping out the top pretty good i wish you threw a compression tester in there i never saw any of that watching the floor it's got like nothing like 10. that starter sounds good it tries again it might have a decompression but usually you get like 50 or 60 psi i didn't exactly think it was going to run right away did you let's go throw a plug in it we'll flip that switch up to the run position we see if getting spark where'd the plug go the oil tank's making some gurgling noises let's see if we get anything yep it's got spark try dribbling a little bit of fuel in here see if he does anything ah no let's uh let's get that coupler off i don't want to be running that oil pump until we look into that setup let's see if we can get the allen screw loosened up and get this collar to slide back and disconnect the pump probably should have done that to start with because there was any water in the tank would have been a good time to drain it before i started circulating it through the system hindsight you know sometimes there's two grub screws one after another now that's good let's go see if there's one on the other side yep got another one there i could smell bad gas and the carb is going to be pretty goobered up just take them right now we might have to shoot some oil in there to get them to head to slide we should probably take a a wire wheel real quick let's see if this does anything take a wire wheel real quick clean some of this rust off and see if we can tap this this way actually a little scotch break see if that does it the one that i didn't loosen up is the one that's moving on the pump figures right it's just those two grub screws right get some shoot some lube in there hmm sometimes link does matter let's try spinning it make sure we're good to go yeah that'd be fun all right where were we we were going to have a little bit of fun with gasoline about that much let's see if we get anything [Applause] it blew some mouse crap out too i don't know if it showed up or not somebody's not happy they just got launched that's a a wasp so we got a live bees nest in it somewhere that's a good thing yeah i think it's cool in here right now sometimes you gotta do it twice just because give her a little bit more yes it's got decompression valve that's why you don't get a good reading on it see you see the exit of the exhaust does seem to be puffing i don't know if that's leaking right around the muffler if that was just leaking right there or if it's got a leak of a blown head gasket that would also make a little compression number two possibly has a blowing head gasket well let's get into the carb get this thing out of the way we gotta get the float ball off i have a feeling that's gonna be pretty nasty and we'll see what we got to do with getting the carb to function and kind of move from there get it running we'll see if it's got a blown head gasket if so we'll dig into that part of it [Applause] so whoops looking really tight it looks pretty clean that's one of those let's see if we sneak that out of there without killing the gasket it's actually two gaskets there's one let's see if i get that apart that's one and there's one that's kind of like a not a dampener that would you would call it a baffle especially on something that shakes real bad kind of keeps the fuel from splashing around it's gonna be a fun one to get back in there huh all right so that part is actually looks pretty clean but if you knew you didn't we didn't take it apart it would have been nasty that's the way it works that's spotless actually looks like somebody put a new carburetor on it let's see what the needle and seat look like this is fuel did smell pretty rancid that all looks really good it's probably about the best we've ever taken apart a little bit of crap on the base of the car but everything else looks pretty good so it runs a fuel pump down here so you can put the fuel tank wherever we want this is poly flow or tiger on tubing we can get rid of that and we gotta figure out where to go mount a gas tank but let's we could probably put it back together and get some gas in the carbon see she'll run off the carb i don't see it really even an issue to take that apart and soak it or clean it it looks pretty decent throttle seems good i don't know what's going on back here it's probably not a good idea that getting stuck in the way of the throttle sticks broke a screw off yeah your fuel mix still turns all right let me go cobble something up actually that battery's been on the charge for about 20 minutes let's just see if it's doing anything first to see if the charger lights it up which it does we take one side off if it lights up that means we're getting something in it but look at that actually surprised me i'll let her go cook for a little bit see if we get any heat on it seems all right good we'll let that do its thing i should decide let's go look at some other stuff before assessment first let's go see what we got for oil in it if there's any oil in it again it had that big puddle underneath it where it was so it was either engine oil or hydraulic oil right and it's got a dipstick built into it it does actually looks really clean let's go wipe that often it's got oil in it low it's actually got to go by well the pistons all the way collapsed so that would be the fullest the tank would be the piston this being the piston so when this piston is all the way out this cylinder is going to fill up a hydraulic fluid and it's going to lower the hydraulic level in the tank with the pistons all the way in all the oil is going to squirt back to the tank half the oil is going to swerve back to the tank and bring the level up a little bit this has hydraulics on both sides so there's hydraulic fluid on both sides of it with one direction on the on the return is the difference between the inside piece of the cylinder and the outside of the cylinder the piston and the cylinder because the the shaft going through it takes up some volume when the piston travels up there's nothing but fluid on the other side of it too much information let's see if you look inside i just want to make sure there's no water and it's hard to tell actually it looks pretty good a little cloudy but it is gear oil it's not like it's i am just going to go take a squeegee not a squeegee a um turkey baster i'm going to draw from the bottom of the tank real quick and we'll put it in the pan just make sure there's no water sitting on the bottom down there that's all i'm concerned about always at the bottom in this corner is the lowest part of the tank so hmm there it goes a little bit of crap in there because it was afraid of it it had some water in it i fired it up i'd contaminate all the lines and that's a pain he has to get it all out of the system if there was water just sitting in the bottom of the tank it's a good time to go get it because the rest of the system hasn't been filled with it yet i don't know if this has a drain on it probably wouldn't be a bad idea let me go see if i have any fluid it's a little it's a little contaminated but it's not terrible i've never seen any water in it a little bit of dirt but that could have been in the turkey baster too not in the tank and going around my stash that should do it i believe this is the draw for the pump that takes the oil up from then the filter side of it this side is the return yes it's a little cloudy okay we got it somebody use it not sure how much it takes so i was proactive by having two trays ready to go let's get done changing the oil my parents sequoia it holds eight quarts i'm like yeah it'll be fine let's get up to the level i have to scatter that scattered we get another pan hopefully this doesn't take three i'll check my stash let's see if i have an oil filter that'll fit that if not i go get one tomorrow i didn't find a filter i'm gonna find a muffler possibly that we can use a little kitty wampus so you can straighten it out to get the rest of the oil out on the left-hand side see right about there looks level well that's draining we've got a couple things we can chase i'm not sure which way i want to go we gotta figure out either the solenoid is no good or the starter button is no good for why it won't crank uh i wanna check this charging system so it's got a regulator rectifier right here these two white wires coming in come off the front charging system ac ac come in dc on the middle wire goes back out that's that purple wire going out somehow this has to get back to the positive side of the battery i think it should be switched i'm not sure if it'll have a parasitic drain if it's not switched i'm not sure on that maybe not but all the wires turn to white down here i'm not sure what is hooked up to what i do not see anything going back to the uh hot post possibly this is it but i'm not sure this might just be what feeds the power to the switch to fire this relay so we're gonna go chase some of that stuff out plus i need to just go bolt the carburetor up so i think i'm gonna get the carb taken care of and maybe we'll chase a little bit electrical without still dribbling out the bottom okay considering all those wires are white and i don't know what goes to where because it's hard to trace let's go cut all the tie wraps off and open them up let's see if we can trace some of this stuff out i'm going to put power back up to the lead so that was ground 12 volts then we'll put a test light on it we'll just kind of probe around and see what we got going where making that one park out again all right test light we're just going to hook the ground side anything that has 12 volts positive should light the light up like that let's go see we have anything over on the push button let's see where it goes so that should be ground this side should be ground this size slides you get 12 volts i'm going to push the button that's working there we go good i think if anything is a switch it seems like uh every time the light lights up it does fire the solenoid it just needs to be found a little little let's go kill spark that made life easy i think we can do a little bit better on the muffler so let's change things up a little bit and get rid of what's there check this thing out angle the head however you want it yeah they even had it on backwards too the air was going the other direction we'll save that for some other projects anything we can work we can weld weld it on too i don't know if that's where we want to kind of be nice if we kind of like exit it underneath the machine somewhere we could run some piping down get it out of our way we still got to find a spot for the gas tank that's out of the way and remember like when we're splitting wood yeah so this thing we either split wood like it is and it rotates down this way so you want to be able to kind of reach over the machine get a log on there and hit the lever be nice that was i don't know you grab it from the other side like where would you operate this machine from you're kind of reaching over on this side right i had to ponder that a little bit any thoughts i would think this would be the side you want to operate on but i don't know if you want to be leaning over it firing that lever you know having your gut kind of like in this area up and down's not too bad but if it's in trying to use it like this hmm should probably look at a picture of how it was normally assembled with the other engine yeah we're kind of on our own the engine that was on there was a uh like a lawnmower engine vertical shaft going out and totally different shape so this is kind of getting us i wish we can rotate that a little bit i do not see we can probably loosen that collar up turn it down some but then we're going to be smashing into the the governor set up yeah i don't know if i figure we could put the gas tank here they may have had it up top they kind of i see this bracket sitting up here i don't know if that's what the gas tank was connected to i don't see that being a good set i'd rather have it on the frame than vibrating on the top of the motor but we can't have a plastic gas tank with exhaust shooting right out of it i don't know if we got the battery here maybe like that if we can do that might not be a bad day idea hmm you see very piping that kind of fit on this and see we can cobble together and i don't want it because that's kind of in your face right you should probably throw the air cleaner back on it too just for uh claiming its space so i think that's where the gas tank originally was even got a coal cut out for it i wonder if the fuel pump failed and they went and stuck the fuel pump fuel tank up top so that it would just gravity feed to it but again that's going to be no good and then the batteries here so i the best would probably kind of like i don't know if we can get it down like that exit underneath the machine but the problem is you're still gonna have a hot piece of pipe kind of running next to the the side of the battery i don't know if that's great just too bad it didn't exit you know out that side of it would have been so much easier to to deal with it i think maybe we'll try it right here i don't think this is plastic so we got to kind of stay away from that we also need to stay away from the gas tank for obvious reasons if we can get it i'm guessing right about there that way this kind of protects us a little bit if you if you go to bump into it you know you're not going to get it in the cookie nads please even dig up again like i said for piping found out this is a j2 from a vw bug exhaust kind of looking at that to get it away from you but again you'll be reaching over that to go grab the lever and all i think we're still better off maybe just trying to get it right there i don't mean anything that threads into that yet you have to run the home depot that's probably an hour hour and a half later let's go see let's get a little bit of warmth to it let's go see if that battery has any kind of life to it this is a load tester it's basically it's got a big toaster built into it and you heat it up it's got a needle you hit it it's itchy junk i let it charge a little bit more but that should hold in about the green or to that yellow area right there depending how many amps are in it and she's just coming right down to four volts not holding i didn't expect it would but then again i thought the carburetor was going to be dirty too right [Music] you think the chances are we could stand this thing up without killing ourselves for a shot i kind of like to see how something sets this might be a very bad idea as long as it catches a video i guess i'm still alive we can kind of look at the controls a little bit better yeah i think i'd be good probably that's where you're gonna use it most i don't know i really really haven't used a log splitter a bunch in my life would you use it more in that setup or laying down it could be easy to roll the logs into a plus when they split where do they fall off if it's in that position they leaned on your feet that might be a better so you're not going to be anywhere near the exhaust you're just going to work the the lever here i think that sits a little bit more upright too yet it's just rubbing and that'll stand square all right get rid of this that noise you're hearing in the background it's an air conditioner that's humming all right so i need a filter and i need an elbow and it's like 10 30 at night so i'm not gonna be able to get either one of those right now so i may take a break and we'll pick it back up tomorrow won't make any difference to you this can seem seamless i wonder where the oil leaked out it still had a bunch in the tank you know it could be the pump also right we fire it up you may find that the pump's oozing somewhere hopefully that stuff works yes that'd be easy for controls easy to get to that stuff easy to reach around and grab the the choke is you got to grab by hand the other one's throttle i thought it was joke that's throttle so that would be your choke and the battery set up i probably have a battery i can use a good decent used one the batteries have a pull start i think it seems like a bit of an overkill especially like a log splitter you're gonna use it for what you know for a month and then you're gonna go put it away the rest of the time well the battery's mostly gonna be junk there's a tag i don't think gives up a year or anything and then there's got to be some sort of lock pin in that hole that went to here let me probably make something up with a quick pin that goes in there i don't think at least in my state you need a license plate on these you can tow it behind your car i don't think you need to have anything maybe that's what the vin number or whatever if you have to register it to pull look at that it seems like a big mousetrap and watch out like i'm slamming down on me a couple of wires i'm looking at so this is going to be probably the kill let's go see where that goes there it goes yeah so that's going to the toggle switch so that's the kill it's going to ground out the coil and shut it off this the purple wire that purple wire right there is going to be your charge power coming out and this more than likely is a low oil shut off which isn't connected neither so nothing is charging the battery back up as i thought so we're gonna have to go figure out first of all if it does put anything out and if so a way to uh tie it back to the positive of the battery without having to drain okay we got ourselves a filter you know date it because it's got no hour meter i think somebody will understand that in 10 years and we got muffler parts except for i screwed up i'll show you why in a second so i was hoping to have a pipe extension on that that can get welded on this gets threaded onto here and then when you got the other elbow there we can kind of tweak it and move it around where we wanted unfortunately one inch and that one's seven eighths i didn't see it it was wrapped up in the plastic it looked good to me so that does not go in there i think we can still work around it because i'm not going back to the store i figure we'll clean it up we'll weld it we'll try to find a a happy medium say somewhere in between the plastic on this and the plastic on the gas tank probably should favor this more than a gas tank and worst case scenario what we can do is we'll change that pipe out if i find it's really an issue i can lengthen this pipe and at a later date move the muffler further away from harm's way all right so let's get some grinding down some cleaned up get attack or two on that you could even put on a little bit of an angle and get that connected [Music] [Music] let's jump over that gas tank yeah muffler's all welded up solid now so that wants to go right there just because that's where they made that hole i think we should probably take like angle what's that piece of angle that was on top we'll use this and we'll go something like that on one side and give it a lip on this side so let's let's just weld something we'll clean this up we'll weld a support this way wherever it lines up we'll kind of push it against it and we'll weld one going the other way just kind of key the tank around and probably what we can do is maybe we'll drill some holes and put some just big fat tie wraps around it and if we need to take the tank off to go drain it or something just cut the tire wraps and let it free but to be supported by some brackets so so so so and you didn't think i was going to paint it did you and they painted well i just said paint it so don't you hate people just do that and leave that stabber on there no more stabber and the battery's got about another three hours of charge time on it see if it improved at all and it's in the bad but it's not as bad as it was i think we'll use it for now if we have to fire it up throw a jumper pack on it i still want to replace this double lamp cord thing i don't have anything at the moment let's just see if this it's got enough to crank it good scrounge around for a bungee cord i found this one i think we'd get that knot out of there might be the right length if i get them out of there [Applause] don't fit the hole let's open that up all right what else we got we get a gas line from there around to wherever the fuel pump is somewhere over here it's in there somewhere get the copper back off i think we're ready to put some gas in it but i think i want to lower the mouse trap that doesn't bite us it might knock you out a little bit so my question is is the fuel pump going to work i guess we're going to find out and if anything leaks who knows if this this tank is in it good let's go call it right there for now let's get her to kick over choke is on throttle just give her a little that's full throttle it's off let's give her just a tad choke is on keys on oh you got no crank let's go prime it a little bit it runs and dies after the prime because still letting the fuel ball fill up so i should run a die for a second run and stay running [Music] a low and a high whatever up still too so [Music] [Applause] that's the idle speed that one there you go [Applause] i'm not sure which one's which [Applause] a little too lean i'm gonna richen them both up a little idle a little bit smart i don't have the air cleaner on it yet so the air cleaner is going to mix it up a little bit too i'm just trying to get it close we could dial it in again later kill it all right good she runs decent it's pretty quiet too with that muffler it seems like it'll be fine why so far we're good to see how it is after about half an hour all right a couple things i want to try real quick is i want to get a test light on that pink wire coming out of there and we're going to fire it back up and see if any power comes out of it looking at that right there see if we get any power coming out of the charging system uh i'm just gonna double check my test light works it does yeah so no power is coming out of the charging system so it could either have a bad rectifier or the charging system the magneto itself is got issues not that big of a deal the engine does not require power to run it doesn't need the charging system to run that that's done on its own coil and nothing else demeans power other than the starter so having to put a charger on the battery maybe once in a while with a good battery who knows that's something that's really kind of an issue right now could chase it could be this if so i may have one of those that are easier i'm not going to be that concerned about it let's go take the coupler slide that back into place so that the pump is working throw some fluid in it see what she does i know i see we got about two two and a half gallons out of it so half of this should do it put your bits on them if i'm going to spill it i'm going to say pretty good it's the air thing that gets you right paint's like the hardest one try pulling paint out of a paint can easy gotta kind of rotate them up if you get it there you go we're air can go back in [Music] so halfway up that hopefully we fire up and all the oil that we saw leaked on the ground was from something else come on baby all right [Music] i killed the power [Music] [Music] right now all right okay so we'll wait and see maybe i just had a hose pop off and it leaked and it screwed them up we'll cycle at some and see we got i do see like some weird actually looks almost like electrical tape is on there so far so good only thing i think we need to address now is gonna get some kind of lock on here for this i'm sure there was something that went in there it probably either had a pain or something that held it so see what we can come up with here how about um i like something instead of having like a nut on it let me just pull a pin on what about like a trailer hitch uh pin you know if like the two inch receiver let me see if i got one of them around me we can like weld it on and set like a washer and put the pin in yeah one of these guys what if we go on the inside if we were to take that and like weld it have it go across i actually think that shouldn't be sitting down like that neither right should i have a space a couple inches maybe we'll weld that up higher and we'll get something like a rubber bushing would be good can get something like a little bit of damping on so when you flip it down it slams onto a little bit of a bumper let me see if we get like a maybe a shock the old car shock the bushing for the eye bolt thing junk drawer shopping to drill something like that out though how about that one is the other one just a bushing too or no that's part of it do we have two that are like that well yes we do so what if we were to do something like that too bad to wear a little snugger they're gonna fall off possibly dig a little more if not we'll go with those all right if i find something different i'll bring you back if not those are culprits unless you hammer one of those on but if we use one of each if we just take that stick it in hot water after we get the pin on we shove it on there you don't want to come back off anyway all right good idea glad you thought of it don't forget that a couple of huge daddies you're going to need what the thickness of the metal on top and just a hair more let's call it like right there probably would have been a good idea but you know what i wonder if we're going to cook it welding it though yeah we'll mock it up first so we're going to weld that something like that underneath and hopefully this works there we go turn that turn i think i'll turn in some direction where you can get the pin in you know i think that'd be pretty good we probably actually hammer that down a little more huh i'll make our mark where we want it what would you leave a little room for a washer you think that's good enough i think i'll hold it the only thing i'm worried about is you tone it behind a car or something and bouncing along and you don't want to go do one of those calm down i heard you instantly dries too when i looked at it the position for one was still one was still not quite enough it was still on a downhill slope see how that does for us come on down there we go there's room for a wash i don't think we're going to need it that's pretty good squeaky squeaky squeaky and our air gap is pretty even going across now it's heavy and slamming down plus it just gives a little bit of cushion if you're running at that position too right all right what time it is here we are at the cabin i was worried about not having any logs to split yeah she called brian hey you guys logs they can run through the splitter and i come to the camp and this is laying across the path to the outhouse that's about 12 inches in diameter let me get us one or two pieces to work with [Applause] cold stuff turn the choke off [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] like it never happened let's see if that battery held up it's a d later don't know which way's choked huh all right let's go put her up against the log with some low rpm see what it does and we'll build up from there [Music] so seems like a work decent but the air placement of the gas tank now we're looking at it in that position kind of sucks because there's no cage to catch anything that falls off and you basically you can be whacking off the side of the gas tank so i think we're gonna go flip her up to horizontal give her a couple shots that way and see how it does try it again so we're really tested let's go against the grain [Music] that does pretty good that's a hard way to split wood you wouldn't do that normally i just want to screw around see how much snot it had under something with a lot of resistance it seems like it does just fine that's green wood too literally as you saw the water rushing out of it well guys that worked out quite well as far as cost i bought it for 200 bucks and we probably have about another 40 bucks in it i think the only thing i bought was the elbows and the oil filter i think the oil filter was like six eight bucks and the elbows is about 10 and whenever you want to consider the gear oil and the muffler that i already had in my stash or worse for about 240 what's it worth all done my guess probably about 750 in my area and it depends on the time of year probably soon as you're going into the fall they're probably worth more especially if oil prices keep going up you know people want to switch over to burning wood but i may hold on to this one for a little bit at least get the dead trees that i got at the camp cut up and split and whatever one they got laying around here doing the same well i want to just take a second thank all you guys for just hanging out with me and that have a little fun wrenching on stuff hunting the stuff down getting it out of where they are and resurrecting them and bringing them back to life and we'll do it again sometime real soon so with that i'm gonna sign off and thank you all for hanging out see you soon later so [Music] so now second run out we're running for about 45 minutes no beeping everything seems to be working like it should we're about 10 feet of water hold on as you were you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 464,793
Rating: 4.9510694 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: Az6KruOcNj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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