abandoned poulan pro riding mower. will it run?

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I think this should be probably be our next victim but before we bring it over the tins are all loose someone's been in there we'll bring it over to the pressure washer and I think we should clean it off give us a fighting chance of keeping us kind of clean think somebody stole the fuel filter out of it for some reason and there's another chin that goes over the top of this that's missing so we'll see what it takes to get all that back together mow deck doesn't look rotten front tires are little low the back look look all right a datea on the battery don't see one D on the tractor forget which ones it is should be in there somewhere it's called a 2000 we'll just guess so go hit her with the pressure washer and uh get her in the garage d I got in the garage it's all cleaned up kind of cleaned up and again that guy that coil looks kind of crappy on the end of it missing the boot two screws are missing out of this tin I if you guys can see on an angle there you can see the there's a mouse nest of sorts already inside there too and these screws are removed uh probably going to throw the battery charger on it check the oil and there's not much holding this cover on we'll get this cover off right away get that nest out of the way and then we'll try spinning it from there let's get that cover off and see what kind of surprises hanging in there so three I said there's a it's running a metal starter gear that's good keep your from wiggling let's go with these two may be something behind the air cleaner but let's see if that'll come off there we go oh yeah it's a new home got stop kicking you nobody presently moved in it's a fresh one we'll blow that out with air and uh get that cleaned up and then we'll see put power to the starter and see how she sounds all right so uh tin's off blew it off the trans is in neutral the brake level is locked down I don't know if it need to be sitting on a seat but let's just see if it'll crank think that battery may need to charge a little bit more than that and the other thing that I saw was the fuel level yeah that's not a mistake the oil level AKA fuel level is up to there and it smells like gas so the carburetor flooded over and dumped all the gas into the engine so that is another problem that's with it now I guess we can kind of probably move forward to the carb looking into that pull the spark plug out maybe spin a little bit and uh the top of the cylinder might be a little bit hydrolocked made a full cycle around but it might have some fuel inside there so let me get to that I spark plug out of it let's see if it blows crap all over the place or not definitely say it's pissing uh water on me from washing it out let's see if it's got spark it's good it's got spark going for the float ball wrong [Applause] side again this solenoid should have shut that fuel off so it did not do what it did think that might be missing a plunger on top yeah there's your problem I think uh fuel's going to have a hard time doing anything when it is jello it's literally Jello-O that's a good vintage I think we're going to have to take that carburetor off there and possibly soak that what do you think no yes I go yes I must say that's a little on the gooey side somewhere in there is a pin should be a pin I find this stuff happens from uh some of the the fuel Savers the uh stuff you put in to save your fuel and it does that to it unfortunately let's get I got to get something to tap that pin out it's not going to get pushed out everybody's favorite Hammer I love everybody's mine that has definitely got some goo going on it so I'm going to uh fire up the Ultrasonic Cleaner but first i'm going to take an air gun just kind of blow the snot off of this thing and uh get it down to something we can get somewhat clean to probably pop this guy off too get the proper tool well like carbs cleaning why don't we see if we can get the gas oil mix out of it and biggest thing I'm hoping for is that the bottom end is still okay on this thing because sometimes when it happens uh you get a little knocky on the bottom side yeah that runs like a five weight exactly trickling like oil now is it it'll be clean inside though let's go see how dinner's cooking shut off the vibration the vibrations and what I ended up going for mix is I used orange it looks nice and clean I use the orange windshield washer fluid because I'm worried about stuff freezing in the winter and I want to be able to set something up so it's orange windshield washer fluid and simple green Simple Green is in there for the mix and we'll see how that holds up and uh does for cleaning but looks pretty good it's looking pretty clean to me wasn't able to get the jet out of the center so I figed i' try cleaning it and then we'll try getting it out the screw starting to rip out it's not focusing see it tearing out now the steam's getting you all right I'll bring you back so I wasn't able to get the screw out I was able to get it about 3/4 of the way out and then it just would really start stripping out so I think that threads are kind of beat up on the end oh if light have gotten that out and and cleaned up that whole thing but I'm not able to do so so hopefully Ultrasonic Cleaner was able to get it good enough but this is the the goo that we're talking about it's like applesauce um I I found that when people use too much of the stable and they kind of like dump it in afterwards that's the outcome of it it's stable all right stable sludge going to put the intake Mana pole back on I'm looking at what is this crap so maybe put some it's not RTV it's it's the harder of the two epoxies they felt they had an intake leak or whatever there's an O-ring that goes around there so all that mess is pretty much unnecessary unless it's really bowed I don't think so we're just going to pop that O-ring out and flip it over so it kind of sits a little bit more proud but I'm going to try taking on a wire wheel and we'll knock off this crap all right we got carb hooked up on the bottle let's going to let some gas flow through squish that back into shape and hopefully he doesn't come peeing out of the carb and give that a second to fill hopefully got enough battery to crank it over let's see what we get that does not look good H that ain't normal after all that popping back I decided to pop the valve cover off and see what we got going on and that seems to be quite excessive uh valve adjustment there and if you notice it's missing it's a little keeper that goes on top of the valve on that one so that one is missing alog together I'm going to hoarde I think I have a cylinder head out in the back garage and see if I have one in there and if it has one of those for it so I went back in the stash remember the tractors that we did the engine swap on and one of them had a blown motor and I kind of kept all the bits and pieces for it there's the starter the carb the coil Etc a bunch of Hardware that came with it which is good cuz we need this bracket and this was the cylinder head unfortunately it's it was missing both of them but deeper in The Horde we went back further I knew I had another cylinder head laying around and inside this one I do see we have a keeper right there whether that's the right one or not not sure cuz it's got a different kind of lock underneath it it's got that kind of lock underneath it so which one can we do hopefully that goes on there yeah it does good so let's go put that back together adjust the valves on that and then try it one more time I think that was a blown head gasket though well figur out where all that play was coming from I went to go start cracking the valve loose to go adjust it and you see the the whole stud is turning that whole thing backed out so I would suspect somebody else was already in there though because that that keeper really wouldn't disappear would have been sitting in the bottom of the valve cover not um taking a walk like it did so I'll go tighten that down almost close to what the valve adjustment should be yeah I'll take that apart tighten up the uh the stud that it's on at least it explains where that play was coming from the push rod wasn't bent yeah I don't see there that keeper is not under there all right I still think it has a blown head gasket uh I couldn't tell was it all popping out of the carb or was it popping some out of the side of the block so we'll go give her a shot one more time the valves are half ass adjusted got to choke uhoh come on give me one more just trying to listen to it right now so the motor sounds good it doesn't sound like it's knocking it all on the bottom which is the the main concern after seeing all that gas kind of flush into there uh carbs and mess it only run on the choke you can see where we had no idle circuit and it was just trying to die um but I do have another carburetor behind me and again that's because we couldn't get that jet out of there so I don't know uh I may try another carb on it right now I don't think it has leak in head gasket all that popping was just coming back out of the intake and uh I think it's just burning all the crap off of it so I'm not sure what I'm going to do next but uh we'll do something that's the other car it's got done soaking it for 20 minutes and then I was able to get the center out of that one and you can see those holes get clogged you I could actually see it by eye that the some of the little ones are clogged on this one so that's what's uh the issue with the one that I couldn't get out that gets all crudded up inside there and you can't you can get the main one clear you you can blow that one out through the top and through the center but you can't get to those little ones on the side so that's what we're going to go achieve now we'll put this one back together put it in and see how this one runs I've got the other carburetor on there that one's a little older again it does not have the shut off switch on it and what that can cause is that if you shut it off when it's full throttle it can cause a backfire we should be all the way up with the choke there we go [Music] get oh now it'll idle but it doesn't want to rev up just popping back like it's running too rich Let's Go Out bring her out see how the lawn mower works C you try the [Music] deck [Music] good let that burn off for a little while so this is the uh the bagger attachment that goes to the deck the hose that goes to the deck and it's got a split going right down here okay that's what I was pointing at I got a clamp on it now tying it together we trying to figure out like what's the best solution to do this my first thought was to kind of like hit it with soldering iron and glue it back together but I think what I want to do is I'm going to put like a metal plate on it curve it you curve it to the the roll of that and maybe we'll drill through it from the inside or from the outside and then on the inside we'll put rivets on the inside cuz it it's the uh it's the female end so you want to rub on the sides oh the jokes anyway think that one or that one that will go down further actually probably too far it's up in the handle where this one will go from side to side a little further and the jokes keep rting themselves think we go with this one we'll Hammer that straight and make a curve to it probably could take the hose clamp we'll just hose clamp this right on and drill it what do you think you agree no see if we can get that sucker under [Applause] [Music] there two tabs on the CER causing it to want to stay down a little further I wonder if I should run this thing all the way up top what you think let's try the way it is we'll run it [Music] in I got to be [Applause] fine it's a anything go to the edge with it should be good we'll leave it like that so as it gets beat up the you're not going to get cut by the metal if it wears down right so I'm going to go drill what go for like one two 3 four we do that actually we'll do each side of the crack first the crack's here we'll try to do one two I don't know we'll do something we say we try it we see how it goes actually that whole thing if if that's the split should probably put the metal Direction too huh I go too far that's where it's staying too bad let's go for let's go for one right [Applause] there that is one dull bit but will that guy nope I was guessing at the bit size bit sucked anyway that will you'll fit yeah right so we're going to want to go put that from the inside should CR down on that metal pretty good now you suck I squeezed it before she was ready yeah yeah yeah let's try that again that's pretty good we'll Hammer that down later I say another one there we'll Branch it out and then we'll take that off and maybe do a couple more on top so that's the after I decided to try to stay uh I thought about drilling two more here but I I want to try to introduce less ount of stuff to be able to crack right there I think if I'm able to hammer that flat the pressure is always going to be pushing out uh it might be better off I don't know so now I was thinking about trying to knock down maybe a couple of those rivets on the other side they still have the nub in the center of them so only going to go so far but maybe we'll give it a shot anyway yeah that'd be better you agree missing it kind of thy sounded it [Applause] is hey a black I think it was Factory I probably what caused the whole thing to begin with is uh this strap was broke where that light this strap was broke and it wasn't holding it together so the pressure of It kind of just pinching like it is there finally made that so it'll crack I don't have one of those but you ever you know the black bungee cords and you end up breaking off one end now that's why I hoard on to them so we're going to try putting a slice or drill a hole actually up in here and put a hook on this end that can come over and grab it so let's see how that works out for us so second can instead of um cutting that whole strap off of there what if we were able to drill a hole in this one and just put a s hook through it let's go try that first just don't know if the rubber is going to have enough meat on each side of it afterwards you know what I mean we go something like going and dry come on and then we just hook that under there we can cut this crap off right don't need that you don't need that I got it choked up on a little bit more might bend that hook around a little bit so that this Hook is smaller we could probably close that whole this whole system up and it'll snug it up a little bit keep it so it doesn't want to come off as easy what do you think yeah let's go shrink those hooks up all right let's see if we can this one can close all the way because you don't want that one one coming off at all correct and that one just enough to get over that to B it was a little bit more of a washer here too much ah too much just enough to make it slight adjustments I get yeah there I'm going to go that we're going with that almost all set [Applause] Factory hey guys so this is uh a couple days later sat the weekend came and did all the weekend kind of good stuff and uh now it's back to trying to see if we can get this tractor finished up in uh Off the Bench I think the last thing we did was the shoot on the side and uh we're going to get into some other fine details I think we're almost done with this one the gas oil mix sat outside and I let it evaporate so that's what's left of the oil and I believe it was probably up to about right there I triple that when the gas and oil was mixed inside there I'm going go dump that out let's get start started back on the tractor get it finished up so I think uh you know other than sharpening the blades and kind of doing a function check a little bit more on it there not much left that plug wire on the end of it looks kind of beat fig we knock the rust off and and the other bag had a a new plug boot see if can clean that up and uh looks like it's on there pretty good the inside of it doesn't look there's much rust on the nipple see if we could feed that guy now I'm going to have to put I'm going to put some dialectric grease on the inside of that and then use that for the for the slimy mooo get that up on there got to goober it up let's see if that'll work C bu help keep it from corroding in the future you think you got it far enough yet now I do let's see we go with that so I put the hood back on put the headlights on and I got to take a peek at the mower deck the bearing sounded quiet I do want to hit the front fittings with the grease fitting should be one there and then one in on the spindle some do some don't and then we'll take a peek at the mower deck take care of that so put the hood back on I want to put the headlight assembly on but it just keeps falling out and the little tabs don't grab on anything I have a feeling they're just kind of bent down that way a little too far so I figur maybe we'll try we'll try a little bit of heat not bad let see if I can effectively uh melt the headlight might be better off with a heat maybe it's going the wrong way there it goes that's warm try the other one [Music] don't need much let me go see how that does one's good one snaps in now the this one still doesn't woohoo that's warm on the fingers let's just say all right all right let see if that's any better that one we're going to go with that I'm not going to mess with it anymore before it would just fall right out if I want to go do anything so we'll run it around the around the yard a little bit and hit a couple of uh sippy holes and see if it falls out and it's not a 14 horse it's a 17 I think we should get rid of the incriminating evidence and now it's time for a little mower blade [Music] access I like the bagger liked it blade situation is so I am looking at this point right here I'm going to rotate that blade make sure it's kind of ending up in the same spot I know they're not bent going look at that other one I'm just going to go pick a point on that wall over there and that one's bent you can see the distance between there and there there's about an inch difference between the two of them I'm going to go back in my horde and uh go steal us a blade me just take a double look and make sure the edges aren't beat up that one looks pretty good and that one looks fine we'll sharpen it but so that guy is no good I'm going change that one out I wanted to show was so here's the the blade that we know is good you can see this is the one that's out and I also just like to spin them make sure they line up to each other because the mounting you see how those two are are good they're pretty close to each other I spin this one the heights of them are still the same so uh just make sure that the deck itself the the Mand or the spindle is not kicked on an angle is what I'm looking for so I think they're pretty level going across and that's not an issue sometimes they get rusty to and they start flexing the more the deck itself starts turn it so there's that blade I got it out from there you can see this is the side that is doing okay and this is the side where it dips down and where the bend is the blades are actually in nice shape generally when you see where they'll start to cut a groove right into it right here and eventually this whole back back corner will break off this is the lift that the mow deck has causes the vacuum to come underneath it and of course the front edge gets beat up too but those are definitely easy to uh grind that back we're going to go try bending that bend out of there and see if we can get it to lay straight again it should go all right so we want this guy that way let's see need some more sometimes you could you got to shock it with a hammer so you need to be a really good hit I fig it took quite a bit to to bend it that way in the first place and that show you I see that's probably 80% of it just going to give her a little more that's looking pretty good I'm going to go sharpen it we'll put it back on and we'll see how it looks when we spin it and after the bend this is the side I you see where I marked it is uh I I pretty much go by within a quarter inch you can if you get them there's the other side so that's fine you just don't want it so that when you're cutting the grass it's leaving a uh you know 3/4 of an inch taller on one side than the other that you won't even recognize that so I just need to go sharpen this blade still but this one's already been done most of your sharpening is on this side and then you just kiss the back side of it for any metal that gets you know pushed under but all the sharpening is done on the one Edge and the all the work is is done actually all the work is really done here but you just need to sharpen about that far and it's not like you need a razor edge on it even when they're new they don't come that sharp it's almost got a flat uh flat face on it for just a very little bit but that is the uh you put a sharp edge on the sharp edge is gone within the first 15 minutes of you cutting it so just doesn't last that long so that's it guys I think I'm going to wrap it up other than kind of cleaning up on it so the bag assembly seems like it's doing quite well should be good for fall clean up of leaves and I other thing I noticed is that when you shut it uh you go to idle it smokes some when you do that so we're going to cycle a couple times see if that goes away or not if not I might have to look into that but uh I'm probably going to go shut this video down at the end of this one and we'll call it quits and we'll get on to something else so with that I want to thank all you guys for hanging out in the garage with me and uh doing some wrenching and we'll see you on the next video later it's got a blown head gasket it's it's pressurizing the uh crank case and pushing it up to the Breather and then the Breather is sucking the oil and that's what's causing it to do that at an idle not done yet
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 1,052,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poulan, crafsman, mower, tractor, rider, repair, diy, howto, engine, bagger, kubota, fix, mechanic, shop, johndeere, john deere, gt, lawn, grass, deck, welding, mtd, ayp, sears
Id: m57rCNQHe7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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