Can This UGLY Dozer CRANK And PUSH DIRT Again? Sitting for YEARS!

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how about you i'm hank this video is going to be a little different than what you're used to we actually filmed this about a year ago in kentucky and then we put the video on tony's tractor adventures channel and he had it up there for a little bit did really really well and then he took it down because he was like look dude i'm not a will it start channel i'm a sawmill slash tractor channel he goes do you want to put it on your channel so some of you may have already seen this if you've been with me for a while if you're new to the channel it may feel a little different because we filmed it to go on his channel uh so maybe some of the verbage will be a little different some of the the the angles and stuff like that will but i'm gonna try to edit it as best i can but anyway so i got all the footage from tony he sent it to me on a on a memory stick and uploaded it i'm going to edit it to kind of fit my style the best i can and then we'll go from there so nonetheless you get to see us work on this old old bulldozer it's a really cool time between two good buddies and i think you're really going to enjoy it we're going to start this dozer up today together and he's the expert and will it start and all right so i guess first thing i'm going to do is cut this tree out of here uh you know we'll get some pokes out over here technique only we got to get the vegetation out of there poke salad how many people y'all got poke salad we do got folks and i know a girl poke salad danny all right let me get let me get a saw i got this saw the other day from harbor freight it's an atlas chainsaw it's electric got a video coming out on that soon but i'm gonna tell you what it's very very powerful for what it is and we're gonna cut this tree away from the dozer let's see if we can do this [Applause] i mean there's no no gas or nothing to work with you just charge the battery and then push the trigger and it starts yeah and there's the dozer you can see the dozer now all right so i guess first thing we need to do is get batteries let me get some tools out this right here is uh this is my toolbox i kind of carries everywhere with me but since hank come down in his in his honor i brought him a tool box here yeah i got a small crescent wrench and two big crescent wrenches he can fix anything a spanner or a shifter for my overseas friends yeah spud wrench yeah yeah that's all you need right here that's it yeah let's see here we got anything at all on these that's nine bolts that's about pretty much dead yeah that's got 12 volts yeah there got 12 votes in it 12.1 that's 12 12.1 in it one's got nine i'll kill them yeah hey eddie you need to come on in this video with us what yeah huh you come on with us this is eddie this is his his place and his dozers and stuff and he's the one letting us work on this he's placing great amount of trust and faith in us [Laughter] i don't think we've made him a believer yet oh well i'm going to find a coolest spot yes if you hear it running when you know we got it started are you done yet i am trying to get there my friend you want to play our pliers i think i got a battery tool remover [Laughter] oh now we need to get that side yeah and that's that first you're going to take this you're going you're going to take this one out yeah i want two good strong batteries but also it's only because it's only got 12.1 so it's pretty discharged it's just you know before this is over excuse me sir that yeah i'm pretty sure is that good i didn't adapt you or not yeah thank you sir i'm the official dapper i come up here to that tony [Laughter] i'm a nurse been rounded off and marred on a minute hank's up here to do all the heavy lifting all right this ain't crescent ranch but hank would probably appreciate this this one's marred a little bit so we're gonna put the jaw's life on it you're already doing better than i would i'd hit it with a hammer yeah well we're about to that point it's just spinning all right we're gonna see if we can twist this one off because it's it's just spinning that that clamp's broke there you go yeah that clamp's pretty good still we'll get another two or three years out of that all right we're gonna get two batteries it's only been sitting here about five years i got to clean my glasses up i'm sweating some bad in them i can't see through no more hank are you disappointed we ain't got stung by a wall i have been known to get stung in this video yeah i watched a video of you not too long ago being made a believer i hate wasps or as they say in east tennessee i hate waspers waspers so here we where's our little batter key so here's a little battery cable all right what are you doing there i'm going to use the proper tools for this now you're speaking my language i knew this would be get your approval yeah all right i'm going to do one other thing this is used to make a lot of people mad take a little socket throw it up here on top of it so you ain't burned it up but you you whoop on it then now look there yes sir i appreciate you bringing me out here when it's 7000 degrees yeah well we were going to come earlier this morning we don't want to talk about that but when it was a more reasonable temperature yeah all right batteries in it we got to check oils let's check some fuel here i'm gonna do this because you're the expert fuel checker let me give you the let's see sometimes it's good to smell it after you check it oh yeah i i can smell it from here it smells like varnish i can see my reflection so we know we got fuel in it is it beautiful oh yeah we're good yeah what's the smell it smells like mars doing it about right there whoo look they've been in there a day or more a little bit yeah i say it's been there at least two weeks yeah i mean overall the dozer's been sitting out here in the middle of this field and that's probably why it's as clean as it is but you can look right here where i mean you know it's only had a tree tree growing through it just a tree going through it probably four or five years it's been sitting out here all right i've definitely seen worse yeah all right let's check the engine on your side of my side i don't know this engine looks like it's on your side all things on my side spider webs and things i don't want to stick my hand in you see it [Music] um i didn't see it maybe it is on the other side it's a lot of stuff where you don't put your hands in i just kind of glanced down in there there's a field all right there it is yeah all right all right right here's the oil filler tube we'll fill or two with a mint and right here is the dipstick let's clean that off because there's a bunch of spider webs and you know what i shouldn't have pulled that out without cleaning off around it look at all that i believe i can get it back in there safely i don't see a lick oil on it oh no let me see here he's sitting down here a little bit oh it's some on there but it's not in the safe zone by any mean let's see if we can go find it some more we got some oil here it ain't exactly the right oil but it's all we got with us and if we get it running they're gonna have the oil changed in it anyway so but it's got to have some oil on it that's for sure we'll get it running i'm gonna ask a little bite there you go yeah we need it on that they need only farm up there look at you man shoot i was trying to fill the chainsaw the other day i sure didn't do that well i should invest in oil dry really well at least you're gonna have some fresh oil in it yeah that's right it probably was safe enough to start but i'd hate to damage your new dog oh look at you jinx you're not so bad it dribbled an old man at the toilet can we put that on there yeah i'm gonna check it real quick oh here right to the decking full mark two quarts low all right i'll set this up let's go check that air filter yeah uh where's it at on the other side look over here that's one that's the one the wasp always got high i got wattsbury get them bad boys out of there before i stick my hand up there oh that's clean now they use this right up until what happened know you can move it fast still [Applause] look at that man that doesn't look bad does it no he gunshot from that boss got him yeah you dog all right yeah listen i'm glad we ain't seen no snakes coming out here because i'll tell you what this video will be over done i take it i tell by looking at it yeah that's pretty clean up in there yeah all right hey go and pull it out all right cause cause it might be a my my got up in there all right that's my southern coming out right here just in case it's caught in that side i had that hat where they'll climb up in there and get up in the hole right there oh it's clear all the way down the intake that's clean look at that all right i want you to take it out and put it right here hold your mouth right i've i've volunteered hank to do this for him that's more likely the wasps were gonna be here and he's quicker than i am listen i seen him one day we were down there trying to start that other old dozer and you come off them tracks like superman he cleared a good 15 foot when he touched the ground i did uh i got popped like seven times on that one oh that one video i did i'd hate for it happened to me though cause my head if it's rolled up any bigger than it already is i couldn't get a hat all right so we got that i guess radiator fluids now the story behind this was it got up here about five years ago uh and they parked but they blew a hydraulic line we're doing a little work with it and uh so they put a new hydraulic line on it the other other i guess a couple years ago but never got around to trying to get it cranked up so it's just been sitting here so we gotta figure out where the hot i gotta check the hydraulic fluid over there too by the way because i'm if they blew a line that's a good chance they ain't got as much as it should yeah that's right that's my way of thinking check out the old the primer pumper yeah hopefully we don't have to use that i'm against manual labor y'all know about it all right so what's next right here flip me get up and get it oh it's got green stuff in there oh it's in green that's actually not bad all right she's bringing up here so you can see that's actually probably the best one i've seen for something sitting that long you don't see nothing they see something it's sunny out here all right we're going to drive through this stump over here if we get a crank it man all right we're going to come over here and check the hydraulics thanks hank yeah let's see if we can get this off oh weirdly went that hard i was just showing out just use your man hands i'm trying to make the oil in there wiggle so i can see if it's moving or not it's got a hole in it and i've been sitting here five years sitting like that's the cleanest one i've ever done i think yeah minus the tree growing through the tracks yeah all right we're getting to the point now we're ready to start it yeah that's fired up all right let's see here we got a seat for this thing anywhere we got a seat uh let's see if we can get it cranked and then ow that's hot that's hot up there whoa all right that battery's gonna bite you now i'm gonna sit right over here only yeah on 15. i have no idea what's neutral all right so that feels neutral to me let's see what it is okay that's that's home i don't know what this does just pull your throat but it ain't turning over at all i don't know if that might be lights right there it's been painted over but it ain't hitting the lid i wonder if it's because it push button i don't see it if it is we are not reading the manual that that's just against the man code right there so that's the low throttle high throttle i've been on a lot of caterpillars but i don't know that much about these right here can't be that much difference yeah this is lights maybe ain't got it's got one on this side but it's disconnected i'm pretty sure that's it yeah that's your lights all right uh where's that what is it what's that that's your buzzer yeah these are lights and this is your buzzer hank's breaking the man code look what he's doing look what he's doing he got the manual out that's so wrong all right where did my multimeter go you see it right here i assumed you know what happens when you assume right i assume the batteries we bought were fully charged up technically when i do this i should get 24 votes because they're running series and wow one of these batteries are dead that one's full this one's only got seven volts in oh let's see here we're going one got it would still bump over though maybe you've got to select set the accelerator lever to the correct starting position yeah so i think that's way back here that's wide open yeah that's what it says to do and then depress the puddle uh the pedal for making it easier to start okay all right then what does it say to start turn this switch yeah well i ain't going to do it now because i ain't got nothing plugged up all right all right we're going to change this battery out though to deal with this clutch it ain't been moved in five years probably grab it pull it up hey yeah we need new batteries on our travel trailer both of them are only three years old too all right this is 12.1 so at least it's a good battery you know what i mean all right tanya probably gonna need to step off that thing just in case it's stuck in gear just because it's out of gear don't mean it ain't in here gotta hold your mouth right tony all right there again there's another dipstick back here i don't know how many dipsticks this thing got i don't know about it's got plenty it's got plenty of whatever's in here yes gear oil right there yeah i smell it i feel like old dead dinosaurs that's what i always say all right depressed yeah steering clutches yeah i'm gonna pull right there hey hey listen that's close that's close i believe if we help it yeah let's help it yeah let's try it again that was pretty close look at the smoke coming out of the stack [Laughter] all right uh i'm gonna get some help i'm gonna take that air filter off all right you're gonna spray why crank her come on now you can get up in the tube all right obviously it ain't in gear because it didn't move but i'm gonna get up on here i just stuck that gear shift up my rear end all right so the clutch is in you ready you hit me [Music] [Music] so yeah that's awesome dude it runs good it really does all right i i will tell you this that fuel's older than the day the fuel is older than a day listen to it just not charging dude man how about you how about you buddy yeah i think we'll get a seat on it we got to see if it'll move that way he'll get his grass cut yeah get most let me see if i can get off this without demanding myself that is exciting it's only 5 000 degrees out here though we're going to put a seat on it and see if it'll move all right where do you want it if it will move you want to sleep right there we're going to moosh it over here somewhere else or yeah you want to try it out yeah we'll put something with it push that out in the edge of the woods oh now you're talking all right i'm now in the cockpit as hank calls it look i i said one of them in my video one time because i heard you saying it stuck in my head yeah it's a cockpit all right here we go oh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] right there that's it great all right we gotta find a low it seems for a four speed all right so that's i don't feel like i can get it in low i get it in reverse it's got two reverses high and low i'm like the last dozer i was on was a d6 or d7 cat no it just got pulled forwards i guess i need a picture you got to realize who i am i need a picture i can't look it don't read it to me you know if you read it to me i won't understand you got it oh he hands it to me ain't no pictures i just need a gear pattern and these are the clutch is sticking needs a return spring probably some slick on put on it i don't see a diagram for shifting at all dude there it is so the first two front ones oh so first low is over here all the way this way and then it's got two reverse so this is first low that's first reverse and that's second reverse that's uh second forward and this is third forward so the one two three forward and then you got reverse one and reverse two and if i remember right on these little dozers you can actually s like shift synchronize yeah they're synchronized like you can go one or two no you can't no all right you want to hold that let's see see what i what trouble i can get into huh so so um [Music] so so [Music] um so so right okay [Music] first thing off uh it's it's not a bad dozer it needs a little tlc and some loving uh but uh the clutch is sticking yeah so you know it needs a return spring needs some lube on it need to check all the fluids basically it needs to be you know serviced from top to bottom and greased but you know what it's got a lot of potential man this thing's nice dude i'll tell you the only reason it's not pushing that pile of dirt down there is because i can't work the clutch in the in the brakes at the same time it seems like the left side stuck a little bit they said it just needs to be taken apart and uh and serviced hey we got it running what do you think yeah that's awesome i love it it looked good running down there i tell you what that old heat coming off the engine that was awesome i like it i want y'all to look i'm sweating like a no yeah yeah so anyway hey we got it running a little tlc this dozer will be up and running again i want to thank you brother for coming out and helping me on this and turn the crescent wrench i'm going to leave a link up to there's a there's a volvo semi truck man i went down to his place and we we tried to we got it cranked up and we drove it around i'll put a link up in the description for you guys to check that one out too
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 1,101,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can We Make This Old Dozer Push Dirt Again? First START In YEARS!, Branson tractors, branson, homestead implements, tractor, tools, homestead, small tractor, tractor attachments, farm tractor, small farm, farmstead, 3 point implements, agriculture tractor, can we amke this old dozer push dirt again? first start in years!, can we make htis old dozer push dirt again? first start in years!, can we make this old dozer push dirt again? first strat in years!
Id: ID2IqkngSnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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