yard sale John Deere, lets unfix other peoples repairs.

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hey guys how's it going okay I take a little bit of time and bring into the garage this yard sale find about two weeks ago a John Deere LX 178 garden tractor lawn tractor lawn mower that is a fairly decent machine it's a liquid-cooled Kawasaki I believe yeah and hydrostatic drive 44 inch mulching deck and a snow blower it I've already cut my grass with it twice haven't done anything to it works decent has some issues so I want to bring in the garage and kind of go through it and give it a good service so that's we're about to go and do but I figure to show you what we got first one of the biggest things I kind of notice is that it does not maintain rpm correctly it almost like something's wrong with the governor or something along that line as far as like when you go put the mower deck on it or put something load on it whether you're driving it or not it doesn't maintain the rpm it drops in it raises let me see if I could show you see what I mean by like seize up at the mower deck on it's just kind of dropped right off and didn't and didn't maintain that RPM so I feel that something's probably wrong with the governor or linkage go into the carb so we'll get into that I figure before we even start I'm probably gonna bring over to the pressure washer and we're just going to knock off all the heavy crap on the outside of it so that you'll be a little bit more enjoyable to work on more deck works it's a little vibrating we'll check underneath to see what's going on with that that tire I know goes low possibly that one to over about oh you fill it up about a week it's down to what you see man yet much better crease value about Humber box already I'm gonna beat the thing in the garage go let it dry up a little bit and go grab a bite to eat and we'll get into it and we're back the floor is a little wet jeans pretty dry so I think probably the first thing we want to try to do if it's not too much of a pain is gonna be getting there that hood off of there I see one on each side here I see one right down there looks like that one's already missing but she somebody had it off before and this one's a pain est gets you so I never went back in I think that's gonna be about it might be more hidden so let's see if we get that out of her way it would give us access to the front of the carb there one bolt left hopefully and I've never worked in one of these so you and I yeah wires already unplug for the headlights some of the hoods are ridiculously gonna part though so we want to get to where the governor setup is you hear that K that K way to get pissed because like I said something took a new Middle's holding it yeah you're rid of those two and we'll be at the carburetor hey I got this tin off of there now we can see the meeting potatoes II so this is the throttle cable coming down it in turn is tied to this right here is the governor arm coming out of the engine comes up it's got a spring on it and then that has an output up in here that goes off to the throttle of the carburetor so that's the butterfly in the carburetor that tells it how much the gas to get of the carb now what a governor does is it governs the RPM it tries to maintain the same rpm that the engine you have it set a so say you have it set at generally like wide opens like 3,600 rpm most of the four-stroke type engines and it may be a little bit less so if you hold it wide open wants to maintain 3,600 well if you just grab the throttle and had had the throttle cable going directly to the throttle on the carburetor it would greatly increase over the top of that it go up to you and you fight rev it up to about 5 grand or so why you don't want that to happen is because you want the implements that you're running to maintain an RPM so as the mower deck kind of comes on you want the governor to automatically try to maintain that 3,600 rpms and what it has inside the engine there's a couple of different setups but inside the engine there's essentially a set of fly weights that run off of either the camera the crank and as they spin faster they'll have the lever go back the opposite direction you want to try to maintain that that width of wherever the art so as they slow down it turns the arm one direction as it speeds up it turns the arm the other direction and you can see the assembly moving as they turn it and some of them like lawn mowers and stuff a lot of them a lot of the older ones have they come off of a fan there'll be a fan on top of the engine and there's like a little bar or arm that kind of catches the fan and the more the fan spins that it'll try to correct yourself and slow itself down and as a fan of slows down the arm comes back in again off of you know again there's a fan right there on this one so a lot of those style have that and so somebody's been in here on this you can see that that adjustments been changed you see that the witness marker where that bolt was slid up on this assembly and that probably is part of the governing system it looks like somebody made a homemade gasket for the intake or if they clean the car because that comes along on the funky side it was missing a bolt that we talked about actually that bolt didn't have to come out it just has to get loosened up those two just need to be loosened up and they'll slide out and on the governor arm on this one I can see a bunch of dirt around it and I have a feeling that the arm I'm looking at the space okay I got you in the shot I'm looking at the space between the arm and the block I have a feeling that this arm is too far against this block and it might be causing a drag or a rub that's one thing that could be a problem again we see somebody tweaked the frame of it it's out of adjustment probably that guy feels pretty free on a throttle input side could be just all the crap that's pegged she that know if that just showed up I just rubbed the big pile of crap off of there too I'm gonna say I am going to loosen that back up and move it back to where it was I could probably fire it up on the bench and turn the deck on and see if that made any difference maybe just some from other people playing around way if not we didn't get the air box out of the way and get a little closer to it and maybe look down on it the other part that could have happened to you if somebody got into it and played with it is the window of where that Governor works so if you loosen up this pinch bolt and the chef that's in here is is out of whack a little bit it's not in the range where it needs to work it's not gonna work correctly too so that also could be what the possibility is so but before we get into that and no one's touched that I really don't want to play with it but that could be a mark that from where its location will try it in a couple of different spots but let's uh again we'll put this back to where it was on that bolt and see if it makes any difference you do anything and I give it I give it a 15 percent success rate let's go hop up there [Applause] brought the RPMs up even higher so definitely someone's definitely been playing that that is a homemade linkage right there there we go there's a there's an issue that wire right there it's a piece of copper there's our problem somebody screwed up so for better access I'm gonna end up taking the radiator off the top yeah we could probably reinstall it so that we can run it we need to get to that that linkage setup that's underneath there but I want to get the coolant line down below you know into these hoses to take it apart on them I got total mess I don't see a drain on it anywhere I looked real quick I'm sure there is but I'm just not seeing it here our best avenue of attack I'm gonna do that for a couple of minutes and I'll bring you back when we get a little deeper into it we're just able to pull the hose off once I got it down below that level and held that yeah I think the rest of the crankcase will be able to drain out seems like it's working pretty good he's were only gonna run it for a couple of seconds and I like we're gonna run it for a long period of time once we you start bouncing around with the governor but I want to get I like to keep all that stuff out of the way I'll make our life a lot easier you know a mess we can make the hoses you know that direction all right what else we got don't know what's holding that down yeah look I'm gonna get the top half off and then I get the fan off and then get the other halfs gonna come off [Music] he has these function clips in the front how about now should we go for the fan to get the fan out of there and you see any more hardware happy feeling we're gonna need to take these studs completely out yeah and then I would get the rest of it great I'm gonna get down there with a wrench or we just try grabbing with a pair of vise grips so we want to try go try by scrips washer on the bottom in the hose so I'm gonna go take those four out I'll get that cover off you know it's getting to be a bigger job when you have to go get you have to upsize your metal tray we're into the cab yeah boy there's a whole bunch of funk are you going on there that linkage he's also flooding over the car biz uh I'll show you another issue to deal with I seen the bottom of the carp down there how it looks like a swimming pool that shouldn't be so the needle and seat is probably not seating correctly and allowing the fuel of fuel ball to fill up and over and dump down into the intake but that it looks like it's not exactly doing there's your bind right there that's the bonding right there so what's happening is that as it tries to govern the throttle it's pinching on that point it's not this should be relaxed it's not so we're gonna go Bend that back into submission this is for the choke this is a another fine mess I don't know if we're gonna set it up for back the way it was or not so we're gonna go to replace that soft copper wire with something that's a little bit more substantial they could at least went with like a clothes hanger or something I don't think they took all that off I think they tried working you know part of the air cleaner so now we'll go screw with the linkage first they will pull the bowl off I'm thinking I might change that alright take that apart I won't take a minute and knock some of the crap out of there [Music] well possibly could have happened I wonder if they may have pulled that carburetor off with all that stuff intact and just screwed up the linkage isn't weren't aware of it and see if we can bend that guy back in the submission I don't have a picture of what they look like sometimes they'll have a bit of a bend to them we're gonna go for a straight shot for now just because that spring I'm not quite sure how it went around and that helps take some of the bounce out of it to you for the that bouncing throttle give a little bit of drag to the system I'm not sure how that was on there a lot of times he's a separate little hull form did jokes to you so we didn't go with that for now and how does that feel that's better the choke is a joke I wonder if that's why I smoked a little bit what a first start star stuff it's just that has a bunch of raw fuel in there I ain't probably going to go what we'll do is we'll set the throttle all the way up so that the choke is in the on position and we'll make a rod up so that's full on yeah that was too short now if that was bent I shifted that back would be even longer so yeah I'm gonna make a rod up that goes from there to there out of something much better than that I said my stash I found a carb and we're gonna go steal the rod off of that and we'll Bend that up to give us what we need yeah I just gonna straighten it out and we'll start over and which way to stroke that's choke that's all the way on so we need to get to that point and yeah I let that top end in there it'll help clear the linkage I think know if that's showing up the angle you guys are seeing let's see we want that we're gonna mark that's where we need our Bend the other tricky part is we got to get all that on there too you know I see a little bit of persuasion is in order yeah we want to bend that one that way and back let's see how that works that's Chuck full on full throttle idle full throttle and choke I think we're good all right I'm gonna go drop that float Bowl and take a peek inside there while we're this far in stead out of there piss some casts we'll take out yeah ask a little bit of crap in it not terrible though again because sister peony asked to clean it's a good time to go and do that yeah I bet you somebody pulled that carb bowl set up or tried pulling it out of there without kicking the stuff off the top and then it just kind of made handle those linkages back in there and screwed them up I'm gonna go get that float out of there go clean that seat and we'll put it back together no one's gonna have to be driven in this should be that much coolant left in it but I through the radiator backup just in case the water pump on one side this decides to push it and I think we got fairly decent room good tie wrap on there too so we're gonna go fire it up and we're gonna do the same we're gonna run the mower deck and listen to the RPMs and with all this stuff off of here we'll be able to tweak or whatever adjustment we need without having some interference turn Vanowen I hope I take a second - this is no gas in it downstate but we need more rpm [Applause] I don't want to get too hot cook it there's going to be an adjustment right here too we should be able to bump the RPMs up also so I'm gonna go crank that up a little worst-case we could actually kind of pull on the spring a little more to actually bring that bracket down just a hair we give that a little this way [Applause] that's pretty good we leave it like that for now I think he does the sound that like it's revving that high but actually is it's a liquid-cooled engine without the fan on it put the fan back on it more of a noise kind of kind of kick up I do have a rpm gauge that I'm gonna go check though so what this thing is an RPM get engaged it'll tell you how fast it's going you put a little piece of reflective tape on the flywheel and you could read it from there so that's what running to go do and see where it is as you can get reading off of that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we are right at 3,700 if I come down just a little bit I think I might even just leave it right where it is and should be fine now I'm gonna bump it down to here I'm gonna go for like like 36 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] close enough we're splitting hairs on that well definitely cell has a problem with flooding over still because I shut it off and you saw the smoke on it we got to get that but it probably needs an evil and seat that I do not have at the moment but let's go take a look inside there and see if there's any way to adjust it the float is plastic and then generally the plastic floats you can't bend the tab to change the float level take a look anyway might possibly to be able to source it locally again just because it's a fairly a bit of a pain he asked to get in there that I don't want to kill the gas piston when I took this nozzle off it dumped a bunch of gas out just like we saw before if I caught it video you know set ourselves on fire dumping fuel it alright and I'm pretty sure is why I stuff got bent up last time kind of me and him load also looks like those gaskets are definitely homemade yeah I would not exactly call that a factory gasket or wanted it's cold down there a factory one look at a quick when I was on there yeah that's a lot of fuel for a little area I'm gonna go tap that pin out of there we'll get the float off alright can I hit you with the vise the human rather you guys a little too close hold on one sec I'm gonna be responsible for your black eye we need something very tiny hold on sometimes the little pin on top the little spring-loaded pin that fails to is right I want to say I'm not sure if I'm you go to get this on camera let the little seal I'm trying to get this lean on me yeah that's pretty much play it's a problem here with me problem is that I see a perfect mean you guys are gonna look in it little seal looks like the sitting on a slight angle and that would do it I am gonna go I'm just pop that guy right out there make sure it's not putting an upside down somebody maybe I can some babies here before us so that guy is not looking like it's eating correctly it's probably very issue you do my best to try to not launch it across the room I'm sure pushing up with air first because the more I go to paw at it with a pic or something to more any kind of scratches you put in it the more you stand this chance of destroying it no I was wrong see generally on a metal one what you can do is you could take this tab and flow and you bend that up a little bit and it allows you to change the angle of lope I want to go hit that with a pic and I'm worried I you've done some damage it's like that's brass it's pretty polished though I'm not seeing again sometimes that pin look at my stash and see if I have one so I decided to run to my local power equipment place and would be good with the needle and I want to go see that couple go find a carp kit for it and they do not list a kit for you can buy pieces individually but they don't essentially sell the kit but they did that print out on it and you can notice you can see the the needle but it does not list a separate seat so what's in the carb is what stays in the car but it can't be changed I'm also looking at the needle not saying that this picture denotes everything correctly the only thing I do notice is I don't see the pin sticking out of the bottom of that whether that is just an oversight or maybe somebody was in there and they put the wrong needle in there's another possibility so I think what we're gonna do and it takes a week to get it as the other problem is just kind of want to move forward with it so we might do is my ticket the cute little q-tip in the drill and some lapping compound and maybe try to polish that guy up inside there and or we're gonna look in the board see what else what we have four needles and see if we can find one that is maybe a little bit better and I also do think that the pin on this sometimes does not seem like it it travels all the way up and like that maybe the spring on the inside is a little on the on the beat side now we're gonna come up with something all right to the junk drawer carburetor of carburetors gone by that being set up those are all gonna be too large we want one that's about that big [Applause] you want to write the mention but way too long what about is that the same float I'm gonna figure out which one was the one that was in it you're gonna go try see how that float fits and see if that shuts off a little bit better I think and he was that guy yeah next thing you got is just super tiny oh well he tried like I just did this on the last video because I just did this on the last video all right well laughing compound C just make that guy as smooth as possible that won't put another freshman on there call it a day for that think it done broke it rinse that out we'll put it back together I'm not sure if the other float is gonna work but we'll put it in the air and see how it is anyway hey let's go fire it up one more time carp is all back together make sure my throttle is doing what it's supposed to be doing hey it'll rot I'll choke ya try it without the choke run for a second and then even plucked over hopefully let it sit for a minute assume as long as that does not turn into a puddle of gas down there should be flying are gonna start reassembling the teen on top because no matter what it's still gonna go back together so I'm gonna start getting this part ready we'll let that sit keep an eye on it I'll bring you back nope unfortunately it's still doing it really yes it's in there oh that is not good okay I gotta go shopping for parts but again I'm just gonna put it all back together anyway so one of the drawbacks of the carburetor over flooding like that is that it has a tendency which depends on what style it is you know some just a little bit and it'll evaporate but some if the gas tank is higher than the carburetor it'll just keep flowing and flowing it fills up the cylinders and then probably gets past the rings that it fills up the crank is gonna drain you oil on this anyway but that sometimes what it'll do it'll in the oil way out now that looks normal on this and you're all of a sudden your oil is over full I don't have a filter for this on your left that looks pretty dirty so you probably should go for two it's gonna go for one now and we're gonna work on what we got we do an assessment afterwards and I'll probably place an order and this this thing will need a second round as far as uh all that stuff is concerned well as long as you get the mechanicals working too likely with it running the way it shooting which I I believe we have corrected now this is one of those one three you gotta kind of stay with it I guess in the track for this week just to hear [Music] and I'm pretty sure that when it blows that puff of smoke and first start it that's just just too much fuel the carb was a 98 bucks and through you know a local dealer I'm gonna look on ebay see what it is if it's like a 40 Alucard where we'll grab one also yes I'm gonna do my best to get most of the oil out of it we're gonna filter off and with it let that drain also oh yeah well it's not that bad you can see through it running a little engine hissing quiet hey you're all the tires up 15 psi gonna run around just a little bit and see if I see it it's not as good as driving analytic let them sit no get rotated a little too we don't see anything we'll get the bottom spot I don't even remember if I filled these up all the way I may just kind of reign over children gave it a quick something to give it we all seem to go down over time you know something sits for a year or something any modern stuff it seems like it let them do all those and let it sit a little wash down don't see anything on the backs I do think I see sidewall failure right here and time you guys a little money yeah yeah it's alright thank you having an issue yeah so what it is it's kind of a to theater we're going to see a bubble over there - yeah once the tire starts getting a slight leak in it and then it has a tendency to drive on that where it's kind of flat and even beats up the sidewalls even more I am going to slam this guy got people talk about the you know widened I slammed the tires on the go-cart the problem with them putting the slime on the inside of it it's a becomes a wheel balance issue so anything that you know guard track is a find anything that's running around the yard at 10 mile an hour it's not gonna make a difference but you want something that's gonna do 30 you know you get up over around 30 miles an hour you'll start greatly affecting how the thing goes down the road you know so you don't wanna use them in cars motorcycles mopeds you and I stay with the go-kart yeah I probably could've done on the go-kart I don't see an issue there yeah that's definitely so let's get on to that what you can be able to see what the mouston has to come out as the valve stem tool it catches the center of the stem you want to get all the air out of it you actually kind of need it if anything you actually kind of want to draw in a little bit of this you just don't want to air push him back and you're trying to fill it so you want to take all of it right out and then because you are trying to push a heavy a heavy fluid and you want the stem out of there so if you travel around it yeah because there can travel around a little valve no problem but when you put that stuff that supposed to clog holes up it takes it space so I'm not endorsing this I'm not paid endorsement it is just the thing it picks up I do like it it's expensive and was expensive I prior BOTS us about two years ago and though they had a thing to have actually same track play so it was at today the one say this stuff is like I think was fifty bucks a gallon for back then they use a fair amount of it for a fairly large tire but I do find it works much better than some of the other ones that were on the market so the idea now is push some air out of it pay attention well yeah let the air out I was it's kind of under a vacuum and you make it sound like all right so and then you just backfilled it's so much per tire go for a decent amount what's really kind of nice is you have the tire off and kind of like envisioning your mind where the stuff is in the tire and move the tire around for so it kind of like goes over into all those pores you're gonna call that and then deal put that stamp in fill it back up and then as it drives you'll seal it so hopefully it's just happy it's getting fixed that's all see how it wants to go back that's that still the material sitting in one spot so if you this higher spinning really fast and that weight it's just like hanging await in the wrong spot plus it doesn't even better when you drive around because when the weight is on the tire and the tire is flexing the stuff is getting in there where over the crack that kind of opens up and closes it allows it to push even for it for the ramming it kind of locked into new rubber voids just sick of looking at that I know I am - oh we got the jack under take a look and what we have four blades they said this is a setup as a mulching deck and they're more of a flat plate then the blade for the lift because they kind of just want the material to you know go around get chopped up a little bits and evenly get spread back out you know on this deck is actually designed for that it doesn't have any exits shoots on it it's the style of it it does really good I've I've run around the yard a couple of times in tall grass and you done you don't see it any resemblance I would say that twenty other back end is sharp in front of this dull stuff that they're upside down it's just that they're wore out on the front to get beat up and in the back end they're so sharp just from stuff kind of going over them so as those guys again we need to be dressed I'm just looking to see if I need any you know it's a 10-1 bent I think I might be bent let's go over the other side and spin that one yeah these look like they're fairly straight I got that last one let's get kind of dips down a little let's go I'm gonna go measure that one can I remember where it is without cutting my hand that's pretty good it's both around the same spot so check out the home I just want to show something I see the distance between these two blades they are on the same plateau you reach the front end belts look ok to see you with them if you can get you in here I got a rotated someone too so they give it lined up to here yeah you see the difference between that guy and that guy yeah he's bent on both sides you see how fortunate I was able to see from the other side you see how far that's kind of curving down so for now we're just gonna take that off and do a little bending on so you can get it back to the original shape look at its what I'm going to do I'm not telling you what to do that's what I'm gonna do on this take my word for it [Applause] here more told you it definitely needs blades don't get me wrong just that we're not putting them on right now cuz we don't have them yeah well make a shopping list this is the pulmonary this is see what we got yeah no one that has an issue to fix the issue so you can pretty much see how much they're in the downward position I needs to lay more flat hey let's see if we can get anywhere the gentle persuasion these guys are beat means a new set there's nothing saying we can't address some of the issues you got to change the memory of it that was good this one needs more this one needs a little more that way I'd say yeah yeah my hair too far twist a little more as the bleed lays flat and you want them flat that looks good that one's up hill I hear I just when I said I thought well for just a little close enough though back on hey it looks a little better in the same realm in anyway Cup in the right spot yes yes it is okay job is done here the other thing that I see which I don't think is right is um the level of it that one's on that back one is on par with the back be lower than the front sometimes some decks get set up kind of weird though so that it may supposed to be that way but I'm gonna make them all evil evil even and see where that takes us and if you find that it's different I think you set it back I don't think so that's look decent I'm going to lube up definitely adding that the run for a long time you can tell even just by the way the tires worn on this one is just gone because it never got any of that so I should keep it from getting any worse but it could use a wheel on that side too well it's all it's getting today sprite stopped her from where all I mean smashing into the sheet metal yeah let's got some grass put your PIN in in roll mood there yeah kinda hide you oh you gotta push the pin so it can roll freely Virgen grass [Music] I gotta roll up the hose because it makes a little hard to cut the grass makes it interesting it's a hard cut the grass [Music] my guys say that's a nice little machine it's the quietest gas powered mower I've ever run around it's uh that engine helps and I have the design of that deck does before the crappy blades that around me it runs decent it cuts to get the grass decent I would say it's fairly even I don't see too many Shelby spots nothing my lawns all that great I think we're gonna call it on this I think it's as far as we're gonna get tonight we may revisit again me not I have a snowblower attachment for it true that came with it so if I run this till the vault maybe we'll set it up with the snow blower alright get snow blower weights are already hanging on the back it's got chains here some weights has the seat cover to cut off right now that kind of it's like it's the loose slipcovers seat covers on your car just kind of slide all around the place it's alright find out how many times I've moved this stuff and never sat in it it's not gonna go all right check on the internet tonight for a carb and some blades might need something else to you're not sure and that's it we go wrap it up I want to thank all you for kind of hanging out in garage and do some wrenching with me and have some fun with so yardsale stuff until then see you later [Music] you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 847,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mower, john deere, yard sale, garage sale, tag sale, lx 178, repair, engine, kubota, tractor, lawn, gas, fix, diy, restore, bargain, deal, craftsman lawn mower won't start, throttle, troubleshoot, service, factory, dealer, barn find, cold start, garden, treasure hunt, mechanic, scotts, quality, high end, teaching, school, educatedear, maintenance, pickers
Id: kpZ5wU3c6wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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