will it run? seized china generator

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hey guys how's it going friend of mine asked me to take a look at his generator the neighbor of mine and good friend old gentleman that the generator sat for I don't know a year or two and of course it got you know used for storm put away fuel wasn't taken out of it he went to go and you know make sure everything was all right with it and unfortunately when he went to go pull him pull start that's what he had so his son he asked his son to go take a look at it and he took the oil drain plug fill plug rabbit out of it and when he did that a bunch of oil came gushing out of the machine which essentially is not just oil it's more than likely was oil and gas what happens is the something happens in the flow of the carburetor the gas leaks past sure especially if the pet wasn't shut off it's an on position right now it leaks past the float it slowly goes in to the cylinder gets past the piston fills up the crankcase the oil level comes up and more than likely that is what has happened with that so it will have a carburetor issue about the same token it Ashley actually has a problem with the fact that you cannot turn over it's a seized up so I told him pull the plug out of it throw some any of the you know penetrants that are good for breaking up rusty in it I'm not sure what he use but he put something down inside there to see if it would help free it up that was about three or four days ago still has the same issue so I figured we'll turn the camera on we'll see if we can get this guy to come back to life and see what it takes to do that so without further ado leave the camera set up on the stand and let's start getting into it so my guess and my feeling is what's happening is there is tread rust the bris of some story where the Pistons trying to the piston is probably trying to rise upward but it's hitting a wall crud around where the Rings are it just can't get past that so a lot of times which you can do if you can turn the crank the other direction and have the piston draw backwards and then you can kind of work where the the ring of crud is free then you can get past it but unfortunately with the pulsar you can only turn it one direction so we're gonna go try and do is take the pull start off see if there's a nut back here and see if we could spin the crank the other direction I didn't see anything on the other side of the generator head that allows us to access it we're gonna attempt to grab it from this side get a nothing so right now we're going in the clockwise direction so let's see if we can just go in the counterclockwise direction the nuts gonna back off let's go see maybe we can get a big screwdriver to go through these holes and see if we can kind of work it backwards a little bit it already has the plugs out of it and already has fluid squirted down in it so let's see if we can get in there with something can we get two there we go yeah that's where you can kind of feel where it's hitting it's already gone past it and they'll see shooting any crap out of the plughole I am gonna go take a bean oil and put it down the plughole anyway and we're gonna maybe try getting the drill set up on that but no plugging it no compressor we should be able to spin it over and let's kind of wash that cylinder a little I got something I think it's automatic transmission fluid let's go give that a little make sure it's coming out yeah we're gonna go you just kind of let that wash the walls a little again it wasn't stuck very high I didn't expect it to be sometimes just got to back it up and clean out the path there we go let that sit for a minute I'm gonna get set up with a drill so we could spin it let's see if this will work for us well off the trigger that easy you see that I was trying to grab the camera tray the puffiness coming out of it [Applause] that part of it should be fine and again Yugi if something just ceases from sitting you have I'd say 90% of success rate if something seized up while is running it's probably a zero percent of success rate or you get it to free up but whatever it's eased up for unless it got so hot that the cylinder walls bound up on the piston and it relaxed but if it seized up from scoring is pretty much junk so that's why you see I didn't bother taking it off the truck as I pretty much felt that it was gonna come back all right let's get into should probably see if a head spark make sure it is in one position it is you guys may have been looking at that plug marking away but let's go see it might have a low oil shutoff which will make it so won't have spark if it doesn't let's see we got gas got spark so I should be okay and they say I want to look into is that carb the air filter out sometimes the air filter could have gotten polluted too from the fuel see what we get not too bad oh it does this smell though whoof yeah she's kind of alright and judging by the looks of it it's been doing that for a little while and get these two screws off at the air cleaner housing out of the way and get to the flow ball that carp is gonna have to come on get cleaned you could actually see where the fuel was kind of coming in and just here eating some of the bottom of the air cleaner and the fuel that went bad that's what all that is and this smells to high heaven right now - Oh Shawn up on the camera not fit around that choke plate down in there and it's real nasty let me get off if I get a better view but it's definitely got some like I say people tell you it's been a year I think in their mind they feel it it actually is a year I feel off that fuel is often in their mind they think it's a year but you know meanwhile five years goes by and you're supposed by sometimes thirty years goes by let's see we have to get the throttle you have to get that throttle shaft off of it before we do anything okay so the problem I'm having with it right now is the throttle that's choke throttles up here swap us up here and the throttle is stuck wide open and I cannot turn it I cannot turn it because again the varnish is probably got it so frozen into place that I can't move it but it needs to go to the idle position to be able to get the rod out of the holder we would have to get bent like that and then they could pop it out so I don't want to damage you that I'm gonna end up having to take the governor shaft off right back in there to be able to get people the whole assembly out at one point I'm gonna mark that spring it's got different holes they're not sure to chi'lan different holes for the spring I think I hit that with a sharpie just mark that so we get that spring back on the correct one and there's only one hole up here for this one so let's get to that and that should people get that carburetor out of there and then we'll get it apart and see if it's worth saving I took that hole completely out the governor are most you can get that lawn right off of there and this brings off - yeah okay yeah we should be able to assembly out of the way hold on that's what we got the rod this spring was on that hole remember we're on the outside of that one I should probably take the sharpie and Mark that real quick cuz we're not gonna soak that that's not gonna matter we're not gonna hurt that wherever the sheriff he is right there and we are gonna go to see bucket rotating it so that it lines up tensions for now here we go is that stuck at full throttle it's plastic so I don't want to kill it yeah that's frozen we were on a bench we'll go take that flow pole off see what it looks like and then the ultrasonic cleaner is already heating up but I have a feeling it's gonna look something like that which thing that one still turns up should we get so that's a drain right there generally nobody uses them they're kind of hard to get you - yeah it's definition so that's what happened the float stuck and you go and see is stuck it's moving now and it allowed just the float to fill up and over just dump right into the carb it went down the intake went in the cylinder went past the Rings and filled up the oil probably go grab that with a pair of needle nose good integral if that would appear in needle nose and see if we can work that up and out of there and this thing stinks what was that what did I just launch I pushed the plastic piece off the bench that's what I launched I'm thinking that maybe I might leave that alone the throw in the ultrasonic cleaner the way it is and see possibly if it'll helps free itself up I have a feeling if I force it it's gonna break off and if I do that I might as well just get another carburetor but I want to grab the idle circuit yet we can get that out of it now see that's the idle stop I take that out of the way first and allow you to get down to the edge it is hooked up on that game I'm on the side probably taking that one out we take the safety plug out of it off of it I've seen it in that location before I might if a slot in it does any a thin screwdriver get that guy this is in the cleaner let it do its thing for a little bit see how bad how well it comes back okay fresh out of the cleaner she's a tad hot that was easy here we go sure I'm forcing it whether it's any good it's a different story the next thing is we need to see if he can get you want some cheap out of it because now we have a feeling that that guy actually worked out pretty good again you want to avoid having the Jets the rubber parts rather in the fluid but sometimes the I do what you got to do right you still see a bunch of crap around that it needs to get cleaned off and as our throttle move what's our thought well this is a throttle and it's still frozen there it goes I should come back and let's see if we could punch out the center tube Erico so that's what I was talking about dirty that is still though these uh all fine little holes where the fuel gets drawn up through it needs to be cleaned up so we're gonna go and probably throw that in a wire wheel I'll get all the heavy stuff off and throw that back in the cleaner so through the actually everything back in the cleaner oil out of it it's got a drain plug here but it kind of it's not in a great spot don't stand dump all over the frame and so I'm gonna tilt it right up over the pan I got here get a pan right below it and that is pretty much a gas street gas coming out with a little bit oil now let that do its thing and that'll probably go into my my gas recycling bin because it's mostly gas that'll get taken care of on hazardous waste day ain't after the second time in the cleaner it's looking much better now the clue was able to kind of get down inside there you know the seal is swollen and sometimes that happens but it's literally still about 180 degrees right now so I'm gonna let this thing cool down it may shrink itself back we have to try some other tricks happen don't worry about it mm-hmm look much better a little better now huh blow everything out with air reassemble it go back on the machine [Music] that's a lot back together I say they that joke we have back in there somewhere it's bottle to the governor and the governor full throttle all the way forward and then you rotate the governor shaft all the way from your lock it down so it's in the the correct window hope where it needs to operate sometimes you have to tweak that later I think we are good to go I'm not gonna put the air cleaner on because I need access to the fuel line two tanks a mess but I want to make sure that one a half spark and spark rather one of the makes power and two that it runs okay or vice versa you know what I mean we're gonna make sure it runs and make sure it makes power before we get into anything else that would be a waste so I just put the two nuts back on there without the air cleaner just to hold the carburetor all the way forward I think we'll take a piece of clear fuel line or some kind of fuel line we'll just drape it up here clamp it fill it with fuel so it'll run off of that and we'll just plug it drop light in on the side of it and give her a shot see what happens as long as it fires up and it's engine sounds I couldn't good in the drop light works and we can get more into the fix in the yeah that I think we're good to give it a go lights plug game over there should be on the gas is still up - we can build up to here each other trucktown breaker on yes I put oil on it too someone's gonna ask you know they are yes it's will oh thanks for asking [Applause] [Applause] I think it just ran out of gas yeah use double yes I would say I stay still a piece of pile it needs more love I'm not sure what I want to do with the gas tank it runs the light came on that's good and of course everything was so soaked in oil from the gas Shawn Gaston off the oil in the oil you know filled up and flooded the the top end in turn so it pushed all that out of the muffler I'm sure the muffler party has some of it in it oh so we squared it down the governor works way better when you tighten the nut that is holding the governor the carburetor let's hang on me governor is working but you see how bad it's bouncing back and forth so it could be a couple of different things one being that there's no Idol circuit in this carburetor and one of those down there on the lower rpms it just falls on its face because there's nothing to give it fuel and then ever goes full throttle recovers and it's bouncing or our governor is off a little on it's position of where it is in the window where it operates so I'm gonna go try tweaking that a little bit so I'm gonna go pop the ear cleaner back on it and see if that affects what it's doing which it could possibly be part of the issue so I want eliminate that we still feed it fuel the way we're feeding it fuel is that those the sun's starting to get us air cleaners back on let's see what we get don't remember we're jokey's my good [Applause] helped a lot [Applause] [Applause] yeah definitely their cleaning had a lot to do with it was causing it to run lean when I give it just a little bit of choke it goes away and then you saw actually turn the choke all the way back off and it was staying steady I think when this thing gets right up to temperature water and runs for 15 20 minutes it's gonna run with the choke off no problem it's already it's already there and that and uh sometimes when you put more of a load on it it will calm down so we're on to the gas tank the gas tank I don't think I want to get involved with how Mike I just kind of asked was asked to see if I can get it unstuck so I've found it much further past that and I'd be honest with that I just don't want to feel like dealing with all the crap that's in the tank and the tank is really rusty you just out by the cap wind noise camera so you gonna have to take my word for it how's that yeah it's a two-handed job anyway up the top of the tank is all rusty and sludge sections going around it gas caps cracked doesn't screw down it goes round and round so I'm going to let him chase probably another tank down or he has the option of putting an external tank just on that fuel line maybe when he needs it I would probably be if specially if that tank is expensive he looks on a you know eBay or something that finds a tank for 30 40 bucks fine but if it tanks like 100 bucks I'd probably get like a boat gas tank and set it up with a little primer bulb and put a quick-connect on it and when you using it use that be easier to go gas the tank up to you can kind of go and just bring the tank and get a filter instead of having it you know fill in your inner area anyway yeah that's where all that said and done it works it's no longer stuck oils changed and carb came back I think he's good to go I probably tell me you know air filter too because the bottom of it you know I knocked off him went to dust and that seems like she should be a good goer so with that guys I think being in Iraq up here if there's any more I'll add it on but I think we're taking this as far as we can so again hope you like wrenching in the garage or just outside the garage and then we'll do it again sometime
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 696,123
Rating: 4.9142232 out of 5
Keywords: air cooled, mustie1, cold start, seized, stuck, broken, repair, diy, carb, carburetor, carburetor cleaning, throttle, old gas, damage, fix, power, equipment fail, free, junk, build, maker, scrap
Id: hwb_nAJ_-Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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