How to restore a lawn mower. cheap.

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off yardsale one and we have a free pile more what do you say let me grab that and go play with it hey guys so this was again from the side of the road free pile and I know nothing about it I haven't even looked at it other than 30 seconds on the side of the road so you and I can go figure it out together I figure this be a good project to go do some wrenching on in the garage and we'll see how we make out bagger looks like it's just kind of and how does that come out of there got a lift off again first things I see that pull start is busted up and yanked outs probably was the last time it was used and either was getting hard start and he ripped the cord out of it or just ripped the cord out of it and decided to go get a new mower I just grabbed her on a wheel a couple times the wheels look a little like they're in racing mode they shouldn't be that big of a deal up in back in the shape let's flip it on its side take a quick peek underneath make sure there's nothing drastically wrong on it I'm just gonna look real quick to make sure that that mark and I want a fairly close they do so I don't suspect the bent crank or bent blade and she looks like why is that blade sharpened on the wrong side that blade might be on upside down hmm you have to look into that maybe not me they just sharpened it wrong how's your allergies now we do our little immaterial it we should probably pull the plug on it and see if the engine spins okay let me just set up in a stander we'll get into it I got a safety a clamp on the safety lockout up on the hammer little break look out I just want to spin the engine over because you don't have it's pretty oil fouled wonder if somebody either ran it with a bad air cleaner you think it's running rich might be over full of oil let's just make sure I'm gonna have an issue here I hear a little clunking we're gonna move forward if you flip them up on end you want to make sure that you flip it so the air cleaner is always facing up it'll help keep the oil from getting into the air cleaner let's go see what we got for your oil on it has anything in it this is look too dirty let me go work that off and we'll give us a level check that's just from being up in the tube it looks like it's at the bottom of the okay mark which is fine I was just more concerned to who it's gonna be over full yeah that's the actual level right there alright we should probably just go for fixing the pull start because it's gonna be taking care of anyways I'm gonna start getting some of the plastic off of it and we'll work our way down setup will start may pull start I mean the air cleaner go pop that off I'm not a big fan of this setup because they have a tendency to just get stored outside the air cleaner it gets clogged up with water the filter set up tell this one's doing dn but it's not terrible it'll look dirty either that's a good sign yeah this is one of those riveted on ones you can't unscrew that the pull start and fix it so we're gonna get rid of the gas tank and did we have to get down to the sheet metal and this will come with a pulsar to be able to fix it this is gonna come off gas tanks gonna come off and then we should be able to get to it when we see we got into gas tank too or maybe not that's on there pretty good empty and we're investing five thousand forty nine cents so far yeah both tongues okay sometimes we wanted to break off so we want to go let's wind up I mean whatever that was yeah I'm gonna win that puppy up sometimes the spring let's go on the inside too you'll wind it up and you'll hear it open on the inside then you know the little tab broke off the the end of the spring let's call that and I'm just gonna throw some vice grips yeah I did it see how my dexterity works and we actually kind of mute it to line up with that one I'm a little too far back up here call it down a little lower is better than up to high there's a joke there somewhere let's go with it and they'd still be a little too high crack this puppy open [Applause] go remind myself to order some pull star ropes not it's not like the regular blend hopefully this one's long enough because it it runs to the the handle up top you know you don't the handle is not right on the sitting low on the shelve the pull start here it goes up on the side of the handle bar sometimes this gauge is a little knife inside on this one too I want to heat it to their lower one sometimes you can do it the other way around let's hit on that is too big to bigot it's he'll fix it now make it it's a game operation you're a kid when I was a kid there it is a little stabber here influence it to go to the right area and if you don't have a tensioned enough you can still kind of cheat you can run that you can pull what you do is so this if this isn't wound up enough you could pull a loop up through here and spin it around on the outer shell to give yourself a little bit more tension I'm gonna go throw a knot in the end of it it's a fairly decent machine this uh propelled with a bagger in the big wheels it's probably like a at 299 maybe around there 215 299 AIT's a new use this probably worth 5 bucks try to let go of it goes hit all that goes in so we're just gonna quickly a little big ol knot in there I'm gonna stop that just we're not gonna lose it we'll worry about that when we get it up into the machine I'd see we take an air gun while that's often we blow some of the crap out of there and I'm in take it back off the little lift and bring down the garage and we'll eat gunk define is that brake setup works here's that when I told you I had it clamped off up here it's the clamp you can see how it has a little brake shoe that comes and touches the flywheel and that's supposed to stop it with him I forget how many seconds is supposed to be I think it's like six seconds I'm not positive of that but when you let go the dead man up there that the blade stop turning within six seconds some engines the engine stops some engines it has a clutch and like a belt drive and the just a belt turns on and you're riding mowers like that ant the same token it kills spark so if you notice down here where this little leg is it grounds out and the little wire runs up to the coil it just grounds the coil out and kills the coil that's how that's set upwards okay sometimes if your cable goes you stop pulling all the way you have a problem where it's like you don't you'll come up off the ground all the way and then she'll have no spark all that you pulling the handle but the cable usually starts failing it's you sheets up on this end to this little plastic thing I'll get busted and kind of rip out and the distance between here how do I show you all right the distance between here and here gets elongated go blow it off and now I'll probably put on side me will pop that ball off the carb well we got it apart and give that a good cleaning good-day air cleaner assembly out of the way we're gonna get to that flow pole maybe fight me will you like it smell kind of Reiki yes what do you think you're gonna get we pull the float ball down and the way this one set up it's kind of hard to get a wrench up underneath it and have it or indoor socket for enough room so we're gonna go pull these two bolts off pull the carb away and I have a feeling it's my boutique ready so I might be putting it in the old sonic cleaner anyway but that's we're gonna do when I take those two out on each side under the carb pull the way guess suck we do all this and it's got a rod Navi smokes like a bastard the fact that had a broken pole star is my thought of why I was taken out of service but you never know think you'd you offer there yes he was quite a scum you know I could stay behind let's go over on the bench that do some dissection it dribbled a little bit of fuel out one yeah it's a good-looking color gas isn't you like you yeah it's looking like coffee that's not a good sign either let's go popping the Bison cap on it with a screwdriver when you want to catch that so it doesn't hit the floor that the puppy is on there nice catch by the way yeah she's been a while good thing we took it off we're gonna want to go clean that the needle seat is stuck and it has definitely turned to turpentine let's go get the ultrasonic cleaner cleaned up we'll go knock this pin out of it get the float off the rubber seal I'll take the fuel line off and we'll let that soak for a little bit it's gonna need it not the cleaner on I'll just want a cleaner warming up should say sometimes a pin for the float has a pinched end so to go one way but not the other like when my eyes are young you could see that not so much today though yeah underneath there with the Polli I might leave it just the way it is I think I have new ones of these go check and that would be a yes so we could worry another worry about trashing that one you can let that one just go leave for the landfill only a little of the machine go to the landfill not the whole thing and doesn't you peel them off they grow because you're stretching my trying to get them off and they hold like in memory of the bowl you go to put him back on if you look at him really close on the side of the edgy as you'd be flattened all down I may be able to see it between this one and and anyone what that's showing you see the thickness difference between the two of them so even if you go to reuse it it can leak just because it's all compressed there that can go in off of there we leave that gasket on there but I do more damage trying to remove it so I'm gonna leave it alone and the main jet yeah I throw the pin in there too well if that's so for a while and now we'll jump on to something else that smells horrible yeah well that's soaking you want to do something about the the Ackermann of the the docks that are on the back of this and leaving quite a bit to the inside and you can kind of just go grab those brackets and bend them well if you take the wheel off let's take the wheel off and see if we can maybe put a pipe or something over the axle and give them a little bit of a twist I quite your other on there see if we just stabbed it with a screwdriver and get the hub cap off there you go you think that is 15 millimeter 9/16 9/16 you were wrong 15 mummy told you the binge is all in right here like there were four wheel on - huh what's ahead some tall grass they were cutting let's I might have something we could slip over here and try bending it I'm not sure yet maybe the combination of both of them you know let's go find out yeah I think in this I use this for kind of like bending bending pipe and all good pipe on fire without a fight first hold on yeah get a foot up here that bent real easy didn't it and put up a lot less struggling I thought I was going to use our alignment gauge is stuck yeah I don't know too much on that one I thought I have it pretty good right nice one the tire wait for this yeah is it the tire of the rim yes the tire and the rim and great about the there yeah no we're gonna do about that we're on the ground jump on it I'm gonna crack it I gotta get that way in the first place right yeah we're not gonna that's not gonna do anything if that only fit in there we could have went wreck don't figure out something come up with something I'm thinking a heat gun but well we just give her a little just finish back on the town still not quite sure how it got that way in the first place up not that it won't work the way it is it just seems kind of ratty to me you know let's go I guess I could see the bow and arrow right now let's go mark where it is me but throw some heat on it I bet you got steward in a garage somewhere and somebody sword a bunch of crap on it fours by a weight Ventris workbench and somebody stood on it all the time ok we see right there right there right that kind of a double wobbling it now I would say yeah right the tape is we got to go towards the tape we have to go this way take it did anything find out and see if that rating improvement other than just making it hot better more mister without just a little bit more just cuz they have time to kill anyway so this will be the last time we screw with it less they made it worse mmm I want to keep playing with it but nothing not good enough as long as the wheel looks fairly straight which I think it is we'll go with that we'll just leave that well enough alone go take care of the deal on the other side it looks like that tires got the same issue so we may have to address the same situation I could tell them you see the top of its rolled in yeah that one's a peach - I'll screw that one little bits easy to get some of that dip out of there let's probably what we started out like on that side but at three mile an hour handle think is gonna matter all that much seed grass oh you're cutting your grass it's it's like that what happened I don't know yeah I think we'll leave it like that close enough I already bent the yeah axle - so I decided to flip it over look at that blade a little bit more just cuz it seems kind of out of whack to me this right here is a regular Craftsman blade for like a craftsman garden tractor measure how well it's gonna show up in the darkness here you see how this edge is ground this is how this blade would be installed same edge same area but the grind what's gonna get CLE grinds on the top side of it not the bottom side of it but what has me it must be just the way it is the corners are completely squared off you sure you want to blade wears you'll start seeing the very corner of it wore way and the more it gets used the more that gets down to like a butter knife or a kitchen knife and as it goes through life this is you got a completely squared off corner so it's a new blade either somebody's went and ground it on this side or this is just the way this style is I'm just not aware of it and you know what's your thoughts anybody wants this this model I've never changed one of them is this something funky or is this just how it's supposed to be I think it'll function either way I just usually I always see the top of the blade he's ground not the bottom and if you say you were to flip it over what would that do for us if we had I think that puts the taper on the wrong side right so if this it's like that and then we flip it over yeah you're gonna be having the blunt end the blunt end would be down that's what I'm thinking hey we're going in don't look at the other side of that blade I wonder if there's a taper on this side it's kind of hard to feel feel like there's something there [Music] jaesi it has a taper but it's not yeah I think that's gonna be a factory grind look at this side so if that was flipped over that's still the same deal man yeah but the grind is still on the wrong side there's still be on the other side Aaron still a mystery I think I'm going with that's how supposed to be click hanging up some of the carbon off of that noise alert I threw the cover back on the pull-start you're the plug in it I think we're about spark together as we can without getting the car we'll change the oil after I run it a little bit I want to run it get the crap on the bottom stir it up in into the oil and then we'll change it but let's locate that carb what do you say going in [Applause] don't hang off both decent I think it got most of it with the float looks like [Applause] I think we're fine let's go wash that up and see if we look go the parts blown out kind of cleaned up it looks fairly decent there's a rubber it's going to show right down the center there needle and seat and the seat is in there sometimes the seat is brass and the end of the needle will have a flexible material on it that can do the crushing or the seat itself is that flexible material and on this one I just want to give her a little clean up clean up the board [Music] put a bit of dirt here over there I'm gonna go blow that up and bye-bye spinning motion if you look under like a microscope you would notice that you're putting like fine scratches by the best way to put it in a circle and each one of those make a little barrier because it's a complete circle all the way around so when the pain goes and touches it it makes a bunch of a couple little lines that make contact all the way around whereas if you were like say if you were going to go clean this you'd want to clean it in this fashion you wouldn't want to clean it like that because you'd be running scratches down in the wrong direction anyway way too much information as we clean up blow that out with air and we'll start a symbol on it stuff came off pretty good too so let's go assemble that and we'll check it I don't want to come over there chasing that black dot I'm just going to blow air in I'm gonna blow air in like that I'm gonna flip it over so the path can open Nagel Bluff throat seems to be okay look at that float it looks pretty level with that I kind of use that for a judgment call these are a little bit more picky to adjust than the metal ones lifted that's more than fine so we're gonna go with put the seal on the new one that I want to laugh poke and hope on this guy a little bit make sure get good air flow through it that's the means yet it feels pretty good fuel in the flow pole gets drawn in through the holes on the side and up through the center of it so I was just feeling to make sure that I had a good flow through there that there wasn't any kind of crud didn't look to be already something that concerned about it and go tighten that up and we start putting the back on the machine one thing I didn't show unfortunately was going over to the parts washer ultrasonic cleaner the little handle on the basket decided to fall out and everything went everywhere I couldn't find the pin so that was a pin out of something else you notice how loose it was I came back and flattened one side of it and then tapped it in so now it's it's fixed it's not floating in there anymore whole other floats boats floating but the pins not floating I got all that button down there I just want to kind of go over one thing it doesn't have a choke primer bulb cover about trying to see that yes see that guess it wants here it is it makes a seal between that hole right there there that goes something like that which in turn goes to that hole so you push the button and you give a quick shot of air into the carburetor and the flow pole gets like a little bit of a positive pressure and then it'll push fuel grow right up the means yet hole because there's essentially air get pushed down inside there and that's under vacuum and you give it a primer gives it a couple of dribbles of fuel into the carbon how's it gonna start now the ball is vented anyway I do believe that is that couldn't be the vent right they are that one so you push the bulb in the air can't escape fast enough out of there so you're you're able to push an up it up a charge jump to the fueling a little bit area passports to there but the ball needs to be able to breathe in mint also so I think over normal it just kind of draw that little hole right there I believe it is how it works not positive of that but pretty sure that's the situation on that so if the football gasket was no good it was that illegally leak air around there with the old one then when you go to push to charge it instead of that just being there restriction the air we've blowing all the way around it and not pushing anything out of the mean I do believe that is how it works look at that handle on there I want to punch you guys sorry this rope is the wrong diameter should be thicker than this steep can tractor supply getting cheap hit that with a heat gun a little bit what's this see please enough there's no fuel on it yet what helps of it but the thing cover on what's that it was like that but with two hands and up by the handle you can squeeze it through the the spring now we're good well back together good time to drop it on the ground with throw some fuel in it fire it up and see if it's a piece of crap or not smoking gas in her here we go putting the good stuff in it because it's all I have it the house can - at $10 a gallon put that much here as a dollar give it a second to fill the whole pool yes how many Poles do you think which way is full-throttle that waste back here we give her for sports don't like that that's right that's just no adjustment on the linkage but we're not worried about letting an idol that works out pretty good I'd run it outside but he's pouring out don't like no it cut any grass with it I think it's pretty decent we're in it I saw one change you're all gonna run it for a little bit change the oil we get that taken care of your shovel by the door and let it run for a little while at the oil warm up [Applause] good a lot of times they have drain plugs on let me get corroded into the there underneath and they get corroded in dumping him out of the dipstick all pretty much common practice look pretty clean they don't hold all that much you get the idea unfortunately you have a gas leak that too much light for you it is leaked and slick the bowls overflowing looks like the you know see they're not doing what they're supposed to be done so there's no oil in it gonna flip it back on its side again and let's get back into that actually I dug in I think it's the end of the fuel line look too much for you yeah a few lines dripping that's easier I took the fuel line off the line itself look perfectly fine its way to bother chasing it earlier but what it did is I flipped it around I put it like that and it may have been that way and kind of you know these are spring a load of clamps or not like a thread it down clamp but I actually prefer these better but it doesn't if it's got an old footprint of where the barbs were sitting on it before and then was kind of clamped down you take it off you put it back on if you're not where that barb was it could have a little bit of play around it's not kind of crush down on the center of it I think is what was happening I don't see anything now I blew off air for more gas in it it's probably the other side well you can see on the deck where it kind of wash down I probably run out with no air cleaner on it for a minute just make sure it's okay I'm at the prime it best kid see anything ain't no it keeps going yup sorry about that I want to go now it turns on I was gonna go grab the flashlight that is dampened so that I could show you guys stuff and it wasn't turning about I know it turns up that's fine no what's for me all right uh yeah let's go with her guests get back I'll leave the air cleaner off and see if we'll fire up and let it run and just make sure we have no more leaks if handle actually got oil in it almost I almost screwed up put it on it and then won't run it let's catch thanks guys Hey Seifer go without permanent we're gonna prime it then that's still dry we're all set an easy fix huh I thought was gonna be the needle and seat well let that sit a minute I think we're pretty good we'll get your hand and hopefully back together for the last time give her a couple well I'd run it out in the grass [Applause] so I'm happy with that we'll be into it for 10bux full start and a little bit of oil buddy gasps it's about it all right I did check the belt pull the cover off sorry I didn't show that but that seemed to be fine I think we're all ready to rock and roll that should be good for fall time right now these are still valuable because you can suck up leaves and put some in the bag and it cuts them up they can get like underneath your shrubs and stuff but you can't with the other apparatus so it's good for that purpose so I want to cut my grass with it eventually leads back to the side of the river huh so I hope you guys enjoy the video if you do you just give me a comment and a thumbs up if you liked it it helps me out and helps me to have a few joining me guys with that gonna go sign off I want to thank all you kind of hanging around a garage it's me in there turning some wrenches until the next one yeah
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 2,251,436
Rating: 4.8745317 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, free, mower, lawn, mtd, will it run, cold start, restore, engine, rebuild, service, john deere, john deere tractors, pull start, fix, old start, mustie1 will it run, lawn mower, ayp, craftsman lawn mower won't start, craftsman, sears, how to, build
Id: lFsb0QLH8I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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