Free Portable generator, can we fix it?

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I guess in it doesn't smell terrible this could have died for no out plate and they got rid of it to you but you know try that out really decent one got a oil filter honest so it's a pressurized loop I think it looks complete I don't see anything missing off of it hey guys in how's it going so this is the generator that we grabbed off the side of the road doing the fall cleanup that and a bunch of other pieces of power equipment I haven't looked at it I figured make for a better video for us to try to explore and figure out what its issues are together and see if we could bring it back to life 11 horse Generac 5500 watt no electric start don't know if that's a Honda motor or a knockoff this is made in USA I don't know about the engine though I know sometimes they make their own for the standalone units for a house that might be the case that look it's been out in the weather some do we see 220 on it anywhere yeah so that's your 20 plug here it has the idle circuit which is nice so when there's no power being drawn it just goes down to an idle and then kicks back up again alright let's get you a mist and we'll start poking around see what we can find well has a tendency of telling its life to because it was maintained or not well I think I see a problem already yeah we got to go set up three pin crank case is over full grand cake is up is over full probably because it's full of gasoline because the carburetor failed well let's get that drain down and be the first thing we fix I took the wheel off and slid it over to the side see how this works out for us yes mighty thin gas isn't it so either they got it to run and it ran so poorly that smoke because again in front of the bottom that crankcase is just totally filled up or getting run they click yeah say that the float was stuck in the on position and then it filled it up later see that's Craig coming down there I don't think so got oil filter on it see so I'm gonna go pop that off and we'll let that train crack loose over there I might have one of these in my stash a friend of mine gave me a milk crate full of oil filters when he moved them all different stuff worst case we're at least gonna drain the gas out of it and fill it back up with oil if we don't look at pee for a while see if you'll pull on that a couple of times you know fellow chug chugging the wheel out [Music] feels hard to pull hopefully it's not hard to pull because it's burned up and it ran with that a mirror and had no lubrication but again yeah we're just guessing at the moment in the winter for the short term oil filter is Polaris when the stores open I'll have the old one and get a new one I filled it with oil you'll see the plug situation looks like and if we have spark and I also want to shoot a little bit of oil down the cylinder well I have to plug out there's a problem gas in the oil is yes it's not does not work like well it's not a good lubrication and carbon II but not bad so let's go and back feed some oil on it and without the plug on it should spin fairly easy although it does have the mass of the generator [Applause] let's get ourselves set up we run with RO plug in it is your passport for us let me get set up with your rear shot see if that works for us nice Park well I know it's got DC compression I'd not check a lot of time I'll take some gas it'll put it in the spark plug hole and I'll fire it over and I'll just make sure that the generator puts power out we're gonna go over into the car because we know we have it has a car problem with the float sticking so I want to fix that because even if the generator part is no good I'm gonna want that 11 horse engine so I figure we'll just keep moving forward and it makes power great if it doesn't I'll try to fix it yeah too expensive to fix you got ourselves a good 11 horse motor to put on something know what I mean somebody had already drained the oil on that once before because there was like vice-grip marks on the drain plug so somebody was in there before us [Applause] we're magnets your friend think there'd be another one holding the plastic housing your ears down there no jokes gonna get us that joke is tie wrapped on there's a tie wrap up there tip you got a missed one one further up yes if somebody's been here before us with that tie wrap setup also let's see if I can be able just pull that right off it would also could be over to a repair tag was attached there I think that's more more than likely a case unplug we work around that I think so fuel is shut off let's put it this way the valve is shut off whether the valve working on it that would be another question we spin that out of there it's like you got a twist of a certain direction and should be able to lift out I'm not sure what direction that is I would think full throttle here here we go and let's take some meat the spring was messed up but it's not it just a piece of hair she allow us to get the whole assembly out let's go take it apart going in get a cup there's your dinner kind of mix up lovelies we get out of it I see water already that is half water there's a big old snot down the center of it you know it's not sustained somebody needs a bath go take this thing apart give her silken yeah and a cup you can kind of see it it's mostly water the top quarter inches gasps and you can see the line down below me in a cup out it's good take some more fuel out of it and see if the whole system's contaminated I have a feeling what they did was left it with bad gas in it and whatever was in the tank ran out and filled up the oil and then they put new stuff on top this doesn't look terrible and then I went to go run it and I wasn't gonna run on water looks pretty good though I don't see any water sitting in the bottom they're gonna let that cup sit on the side for a little see if anything settles out of it but we have other stuff we could work on get some other parts out of it there should be a plug tap that pin out that's usually what fails right there that'll get dirty and sometimes a float or sink I think that's okay coming from the side I think is one external right you know one blocked off they are gonna leave them alone my Coppola's sculpture plugs out it's not terribly dirty neither is rare it looks like this one just kind of filled up with water you did most of his damage other than the sludge yeah that's right there yeah throw it in like that Libby it cleaned pick that good-looking thing out of there first move piece of samba more go right there it's probably fifteen minutes later and there was no settling someplace if it appears like you see the color of it and it's a little cloudy till water we mixed up like a mate you know let it sit and we'll make a little puddle down below but I think we're okay the other thing I kind of suspect too is the cracks that are in that gas cap then we'll left fuel Gilman let water in also these guys have not had a very good run came to see that needle anyway right see if I could dig up a regular gas cap on it that's common I see that a lot I don't have a little vent hole in it somewhere I think there was the original little vent hole up leads through it but it cracks and it goes down the side even if water kind of runs down and goes in the sides of it it's cracked down below there so instead of the water just kind of filling up and going over and off the edge it goes right into the camp so you can get some of that to come out of there i tilted the machine so that lowest part is facing towards us then actually that might be straight water it doesn't taste like gas I looked at to its thing I got a five gallon jug what I do is I fill that up and we have recycling four times a year that you can get rid of old gas and I just dumped it KZ yeah it's like we're gonna do our best about filling it up really quick to again that certain look like straight water no fuel coming out of it it was confused on the first round no no I wouldn't run it's like the second tray in and now we're starting to get them it's a little air behind it in the tank that move things along I'm sticking a rag wrapping a rag around the air got it with gas cap holders what I think they did left it out in the rain and bubble got up over that cap the water was coming right in it that's just a ton of water - ridiculous amount of water you can see now that it's probably cameras picking it up 50% water heating kind of towel it looks a little different when it runs out it's a different kind of splash - it will waters a little bit you know kind of like rolls up on the edge where gas does seems like it lays more smooth if you look we're sick with as a whale is floating now that's up like thinking my halfway in the pan till the bottom half is water in the top half is gas now well getting I'm gonna purge all of it out and then dry out the tank completely you better look at that Cass calf you can seal the seals gone how it touches over here we're supposed to and then here it's not even in the realm of where it's supposed to be so that's probably what happened it was out in the rain and the level got up over the cap and it just allowed itself to fill up that cavity up there and fill up and over the top of it plus the captain busted don't leave your stuff outside don't last long hey I got her I'll clean back up nothing fancy on this one and no more boogers inside that should help it and again the one last check I'd like to do is put the float I'm gonna blowing it with an upside down like this nowhere can go through flip it over take a blow air into it so that just means sure that the on/off valve of the float is working internally can put it back home and that still looks good cuz 100% water that's a fresh gas in it want to push that through just make sure that everything coming out is clean sometimes it live remainder in the fuel line you know I'm just gonna let that set for a second yeah it looks a little better huh she splashes like yes - well I didn't bother putting the rest of the air filter back on but the housing is on make sure we're in Rudd chunk is on let's give us who we get [Applause] [Music] we'll get something to plug in it that worked out good huh we're gonna pop the ear cleaner back on it we're gonna go put a load on it and I just want to measure the output of the voltage cu4 okay after that just give it a good bath air put the tires that's a nice machine huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Justin I know putting some voltage output until he gets it to me and it won't pick up [Music] [Music] so it's hard to see but this tail when it comes out it'll get to a resonant frequency and I'll start bouncing real fast and you kind of bounce it back off of the dimension and the length of that and it'll tell you what the RPMs are we are a little on a fast night I would say we're probably at 3,800 3,600 is where it should be under a load 3,600 transfers to sixty Hertz as far as frequency so the motors you want to sit to that vibration ice a little bit down just a little bit because you may drop off with more of a load on your foot 4,000 watts itself you get the frequency fairly close the voltage just kinda is with the voltages you can't really just step you can adjust the frequency a little bit of cleaning what should be done I got it cleaned up it's one last thing I want to do though is I want to go on a adjust the valves sounded a little McClatchy sadly generally it's about 50 hours of use if she get readjusted and I think it goes to 150 after that I'm pretty sure that this has never been adjusted and it should be between two and four thousand two top dead center on the compression stroke where'd it go it is let's pull start hey I think the spark plug out and rockin feels a little on the tight side I'm gonna get the spark plug out and like I said I'm gonna find top dead center for the screwdriver on the compression stroke and then we'll adjust them okay so I'm going to go pull that so that both rockers are moving again so we know that is not the compression stroke I'm just gonna go shove this down in the plug hole and I'm gonna feel just look drop it down right there top dead center that bow is actually on the tight side maybe use but the exhaust valve is actually tight and that's it if you're gonna fail you want to feel on the loose side of things not the tight side of things that are cause you to burn a valve that's good thing we checked that has no plane at whatsoever so it has a GM nut behind it and then you turn the center for polite let me go grab some wrenches and we'll get to going on that I still got a wrench back there look crack that loose just win the locks it down from turning so you should be able to turn the center of it we're gonna go between the valve and the rocker right now I can't get that in there sometimes when you tighten them up it changes it affects them how the gim that takes the play out of the stud so we may shut that down and do it the work there it's actually pretty good okay I'd rather have it a little clack e then a little too tight what it was just go make sure that cinch down yeah I had like no plan so ever that's good just ship you a drag on it you know yeah a quick and dirty wait you're doing it is it should be able to grab the valve and go to rocket it feels pretty good too all right now I feel happy about it that would have burned up a valve eventually yeah it's pretty good well guys I think that's gonna wrap it up for this one it's got to get a gas cap tomorrow an oil filter and this one should be complete so good hours work plus you know scoring on the side of the road pray throw another hour at it for that yeah they probably got a value between and one teen 350 and 400 I would say it depends on what time of the year as a decent machine on a Chinese uh not Chinese iam but with that guy they're gonna sign off on I think you offer kind of hanging out and do a bit of wrenching with me and bringing back bringing stuff back to life down til next one she live by [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 515,422
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Keywords: mustie1, Generac 5500 generator, generator, will it run, free, trash truck, engine repair, electric generator (invention), portable generator, small engine, mustie1 will it run, mustie1 new videos, mustie1 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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