will it run? free junk gokart

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hey guys this video is sponsored by 301 and lava soap used by professionals in DI wires for over 120 years so what we have is a go-kart that was donated to me given to me by a friend that set out I'm not sure how long he had I want to say it was probably quite a few years and then by looking at it it's at quite a few years someplace else before he even got it does some pretty rough shape but if you go B we can have some fun trying to resurrect it and bring it back to life it will come back to life it's definitely all rusted up or the steering is frozen all the tires are flat and dry-rotted the engine I know nothing about I think it turns is the only thing I check to make sure that did turn tires are shot does have rear suspension front suspension rear suspension looks like the whole whole engine assembly kind of pivots it looks like it has the CVT transmission we'll get that cover off take a peek it's definitely freely rusty another front end is kind of seized up the chain looks like it's pretty petrified really moves so what do you say we get it up in the lift we'll start getting the covers off we'll get into the engine see if we can get that engine run worst-case scenario we could always swap the engine out for something else but let's give our best to get that one to see if it'll go make a little easier on ourselves don't want you guys to hurt your back noise alert or start we'll get to see what we have in there for what it does have for a clutch well look at the hardware it's got a regular screw Phillips and two regular screws that's not a sign of things to come you need to take that one what does have a CVT that's good looking a little on that rusty side also though it sounds a little crunchy it's making that noise I would say probably something in the whole starte cover I don't know if I have a pull start for this it looks like somebody was probably wrapping a rope around it I go looking a horde see what I got because you want to see if we a spark is the first thing we're gonna check for whoo-hoo smell that it's a good vintage getting some of this stuff off got the air cleaner right over there [Applause] we can probably with the plug out with no compression if I spin it with a drill thing get a something on this guy looks like remind me to check the oil too before I got a bunch of bunch of crap around the plug hole - I might have a nest in it might forgot that drill set up with a socket but the shock that's counting in the way let's see people work on an angle keeping any spark I think it's got a nest I need a better setup that's right a better socket do not see anything no I do not see spark let's look and see what it has for a tool wire well I guess that's the kill wire so that's not the issue let me yeah little bit of homework just keys that plugs no good I threw a spark checker on there instead and give us a better idea try it one more time I do see us flickering so be nice it was just a plug huh hey spinning that one's got spark good I mean that part of the job easy what if that's what it gots not being used for first don't forget about checking around well if it's got a dipstick on it or it has up to the full mark actually doesn't really look all that bad good see if you're gonna make ourselves a little makeshift pull start point on that came through it's almost there how are you give ourselves we want to do about that much yeah well that much will cut that off tie a knot on it see if that'll work anything to back up inside there let's go keep that little lot take a look you'll this is a premix two truck oil kind of good to use on stuff that hasn't been running a long time because the oil helps lubricate a little bit of that let's get roped up and try her again you seem doesn't have a choke either so it uses a primer bulb to give a squirt of fuel in it but we already have a squirt of fuel in it get that tight right away yes he's gonna want to slip get it across let's get about two laps on that what you think maybe the second time we get I just jinxed myself by saying that too a little puff is something we'll give it a couple more shots and then I'm gonna go hunt for a full start I don't think I have one was that number four all right you got a good motor to work with I say we get into that carb see what we got for an issue kind of going on in here I see some funky looking tight up throttle governor looking set up I'm gonna want to hear it all that but let's go pop that ball down see what we have yeah you can see it's got the primer bulb on it it's that guy's pretty stiff too so it doesn't have a choke and it just kind of gets a little extra shot of fuel we might be able to get let's see what you get in here first up but we might be able to uh use the snowblower car bird like offer to come tough losing out of it it looks like it's got oil on it and he's gonna need it very good cleaning it's got crud sitting on the bottom of the float let's unbolt that carb get that off of there on the bench we'll take it apart and see if this one's salvageable so you can get those lines off of there without breaking those fittings off top ones probably just a breather from the crankcase this one one's male this is gonna be the fuel line it might be better slicing that one I see what yeah yeah good I'm both that and go over to the bench let's get that Carver part you need to tap that out that smells so good hopefully it's not rotted out it's got a lot of corrosion on the bottom we'll find out if it sinks into parts washer it's good to seal off of it join a carp kit for this but wasn't no damage anything we should be okay yeah there it is JIT all right doing like that let me see if I can find a little tighter fitting screwdriver for that I have a feeling we're probably gonna have an issue with the idle circuit the means usually kind of come back yeah I don't get pretty it's pretty curity the other thing I'm gonna leave this alone - because I'm gonna damage that just trying to get that out of there and I don't have a replacement for that push the Molson tube and see if you can get that I'm not gonna try too hard on this because if I damage that that's also going to put a stop to it yeah let's go throw it in like it is and hope for the best I'll show the football mud too and we definitely stay that fuel might have gone bad the same fuel thanks plastic but hopefully it does not have a bunch of this in the bottom of it - off to the bath okay yeah I'll throw the needle in there the foot will float out of there anyhow anything else we need to take apart on that we're still eating up okay how's our flow going like their flow what's the let that guy sit like that do ourselves a little vibration we need that part of it down let's go take so you're gonna take somebody out of there a little deeper there yeah yeah well let that cook for a while well wait for that we muscles start freeing up a bunch of these rusty locations here and letting the fast-acting 3/1 pen trick do its thing and let's slice about these - they got the Marchman tip on it so instead they're using like a sprayed my spray balm spray can't it allows you to put it right where you want it instead of trying to really get all over everything we go and give ourselves a little here and there we're needed see if we can get this front end to do what it needs to do which is turn which is what it doesn't do at the moment I'll see you see or else you want to get rid of it these two huh crazy little [Music] look guys I think they're blowing right now go do that a little though the chains gonna be a definite wants to Jack that up we'll soak that guy right around all right we'll let that set up a little bit and get on to something else I jacked it back to the tractor up to we definitely have to do something with that chain I don't know if that's gonna recover or not it's looking pretty rough let's see and hear how well that's doing but let's go give her anyway so Kim it's good for like hinges and your tools to top of all that the pivot points good vows they said then it gets right inside there - I'll let that soak up I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee enemy will get back in that carburetor hey coffee breaks over yeah it's been about 20 minutes or so see if we're making out much it looks pretty good you had a bunch of hoppy like jammed up spots in it before I see one right there still and that was if there's a little tight right there and right there it's a little more so flour and it let that do its thing and let's go check out my carburetor now won't it won't that bet once it right on the chain there yeah so go see how Supes doing both still floating that's a good sign looking pretty clean to do a good job see what the main part of the carburetor looks like that's gonna be warm mm-hmm yeah set that down real fast all right I think we got it all yes we do it's going around giving it another shot a couple pieces a and get [Applause] [Applause] tell me the steam coming off it well let that guy cool down for a little bit before we try to touching it and it would go look for a pull start in the stash and remember we're looking for something that looks like that into the bowels of the junk pile Ford almost the engine stuff is on the back shelf I thought I had one taken apartment in a box or a creek yeah but I might need it up here this is the land of lost engines it was one that had electric start I think it might be going back there this is gonna be fun all that we got a client hold on just find my body there it is that's Briggs what's gonna happen is it Greeks Neil was one that was on an angle like that just in case so you might be able to just in case we can cobble take that along with us what is that one right there is it bricks also be sure that was it to come so we're playing with what's that red one all the way back it's probably Honda [Applause] that is a Honda yep [Applause] and I wonder if a pull start off over regular like a snow blower to come some might work I'll go see what we can go dig up maybe on a snowblower this one looks I pretty sure a tizzy - stroke - come sir off a snowblower probably like I'm five hordes spin that pull start that's got five screws on it four let's get four visualize that on the inside you can see the nut in the center that's got different type of cone on it that might be what we need there to come sir meet Briggs Briggs meet - come sir might get away with it they're a tad out further all the way around who's got their missing nuts but maybe might be able to do that shave I'm talking down you see how much should a miss him by right there we could probably notch these out a little let's see how it's gonna work might be okay do something with them gonna have to UM take this right off and we'll go right through it and kind of nut and bolt it with the jam nuts on the back privy our best bet plus I don't think the on/off switch is hooked up you've made mouths we'll take that tin off anyway so let's take the screws out of the gas tank think you want to clean that too yeah we'll get that apart we'll clean up in there anyhow see three screws on it so far so you can get that spring off the governor don't think I don't think we're gonna be using that anyway might but disconnect that let's see he'll well get in there [Applause] mm no do not to use a ratchet go spray that one down a little bit and try it they pull Joy's in advance the compressor kicks off let's go blow this guy out the one thing I want to watch out for is make sure I don't blow this direction through the fuel Inlet cuz you'll blow the seat right out of there ask me how I know no he's alert by the way watch your eyes what looks pretty good they thought it was gonna sell you have a lot of issues okay so the one thing I'd be concerned about on this car and she feels better too is the primer bulb he's got basically a set of check valves that are in there and it allows fuel to get drawn up and then pushed in when she is this one ticket it might just shoot a puff of air into the bowl and force it forward I'm not positive of that but what it does is instead of having a choke it just shoots a little bit of raw fuel down the carbon you know enriches it what are we doing we are putting the neem oil C wandering aimlessly is what we're doing Aven come on fingers focus I'm also the floor where's our pin and that's when I make sure actually looks pretty good it's actually up a little should be it's a little sticky it's I'm gonna blow through there how wouldn t sure that it's blocked off it is and then when I flip it over like a blow through it probably sure to prep the parts for what we're trying to camera on here it's good blow that out this is the mean jet this meters how much fuel gets drawn up from the float bolt through a predetermined hole in the center that the size of that hole allows how much fuel that gets sucked up and they got numbers on the back and those numbers correspond with what size jet it is so you know where you are forget anything from the inside no no what's missing missing the ring it was supposed to go on the bottom of that let me go a shop around the garage Ethan go find one chairman Lee I flipped the UM the clip around on the needle and generally you kind of as a rule of thumb you you want the float to be level this one's a little on the tall side it's a little going uphill a little under filling the bowl probably the best way to describe what would end up happening but it hasn't been an issue so I'm not going to adjust it yet we find that we're riding the thing around and it kind of starves for fuel change that but for now we're leaving look I found so I have a pack of five to walk this route make a try using that guy and we have lift and go back in there where is that there it is do we even ever wash that what if I missed that didn't put it in there I think it did it cleaned it up on a wire wheel I don't feel like waiting now I'm just gonna shove a wire bristle in there just to make sure that the path is clear that one just works from dross fuel in through the pre-drilled tip and there's two little holes right here that's where the it exits from and this is not adjustable it's fixed sometimes you have a spring on it in it it won't have holes in it though it'll just be a pin and have you an adjustable seeing with on the bottom sometimes you'll have a spring and opinion in the center that makes it that number adjustable you know within about eight numbers of a range they still have gets in them but it adjustable I think we or are we good to go let's go back on that pull start let's go see if the last one out go back and forth put a ratchet on it I have a feeling we're gonna snap it he went a little I am going to spray that down some more because now it's away from it a little bit and I can get some more fluid soaked in behind it [Applause] do you think let's look for a little half-inch breaker bar just so the fact I wanted to flip them so you can kind of work it back and forth both directions what having to flip it I mean you just go Sidda beats having to drill the stupid thing out later let's keep it okay I see another screw up top another little one it's soaked right in there good yeah big you're ready to get in there I might have another little one here over there we have switch hold of us see they're going to cooperate probably not let's grab those that some pliers wrote nice and close and wiggle these guys off you hear so don't break them no less you put that pulsar not good thing to clean it out anyway had a lot of crap in it - let's have air go across those fins and I would say that a little bit of an issue I think this one's sitting outside a little bit rubbin don't polish yourself up so I always say isn't its inhabitants at one time was a bee's nest and then there was a mud wash up in the tan I scraped out and it gets a little bit of everybody else might be the Beastmaster not sure I'm gonna go mask up and I'll blow that out covers a little crusty on the inside - oh well that switch was I wonder why that switch wouldn't ground out I was doing much of an ting it will clean that up and let's go see if we can get that pull starter on there I forgot which way we want this to pull guess use that under the bar or over I'd say probably over the top that would be better figure something like that what we want [Applause] that one those are there's actually in the center - I don't you can see that that pattern matches right up go figure go shopping for some hardware we need something preferably with a GM nut let's go with that guy yeah I think these are the only ones I have that are that same to read those are a different thread here we go so we grab four of those we'll screw that together and a full stack not some bling-bling - I think we'll put the run the nut outward because they don't want to hit the fan and then we'll cut off maybe what's left and smash our hands on it puppet switch out of the tin either low in the greenside clean them up on a wire wheel up that switchback in what if that's not a great location if you turn it off and you're trying to start it hardware's not a problem it's got the detents in then you're never gonna go rub your hands on those worst case I guess you just run another nut leave the nut right on top but I don't think that's gonna be an issue yeah let's put it back together yeah that's bolted back on there we'll see you over under whether it's gonna work go figure with suckin was going the wrong direction hey put it all together gas tank was cleaned over the parts washer looks pretty decent inside against plastic so it's not gonna rust and then we're gonna go throw some fuel on it see what we get if you only see if that primer bulb does anything yeah that's not a good sign is it well let's go just squirt a little bit of fuel in there give it a shot the throttle should be at idle did not hook the governor back up that was a lot more Asian than this let's see what we set make sure make fling some crap off the tires for balance there something happened I guess I gotta choke it with my thumb real hard so we either sucked up some debris or there's no fuel getting to it at all go get that ball off of there it wasn't empty but there's also no fuel filter on this thing too so hmm okay I don't see you much in the wait dirt see a little speckle there in a corner but it seemed like which causing the issue let's go blow it out and try it again yeah I just took it and blew out the passages on there um well it's on there and that we're ready to rock and roll but I want to take and fill these tires up maybe and I'm not gonna hold air but let's just see if we can get them so the rouser doesn't shake the machine as much you can kind of rev it up and make sure the clutch stuff does what it should be a miracle that holds there no that wasn't optimistic yeah we're just looking flip that the other direction let's go at it again that still doesn't work [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what fixed it all of a sudden just kind of pulled through and it started going on its own for me thumbing it I think there was something blocked with this passage maybe he doesn't let the vent vent the ball or whatever it was but something shot through it was an all of a sudden I think even saw something kind of pop out him I saw it on video and I clicked stuff out and then it went so that's cool clutch works out fine chain looks like it's doing okay tickets limits gets all up there they've come back with a more of an oil now the team looks like it let's look for that once were it will run that for now that's it plastic tarp good I think we get some wheels on it and I start putting some stuff up me you could run ahead you throttle and all I crapped you though all right through the jack back under the front again and see if the front end will oh it's already butter good we're happy with that so I think we're to the point of the game where we would start chasing tires you got to get a kill switch to exhibit 6 full throttle you gotta know where to shut it down it's kind of hard to bail on this thing yeah you just got a ride to you crash tires tires are look like they're just craftsman garden tractor tires push the front and set look and the rear is the same but not sure about the rim axle being the same size so we may have to use the rim over I think this will Harvey was saying but I should have a dead tractor out back that we'll have that so we can get into that when we get into that then just as real means get some Lube in that chain gotta take some of the slack out of it maybe and if I change the oil in it - hey guys again what you want to take a second for thanking three one fast-acting penetrant and lava hand cleaner for sponsoring my channel it's available you know Walmart Home Depot's if you can't find a location from you to be a link in my channel description where you can find it and also be a link for coupon in there too so if you like what I do and want to help us support me support my sponsors great stuff you wouldn't see it on my channel if it wasn't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 903,412
Rating: 4.8912621 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, gokart, free, scrap, junk, will it run, diy, yerfdog, yerf dog, build, cold start, old start, mini bike, avtv, scooter, moped, engine, motor, custom, antique, throttle, restore, barn find, dune buggy, lava, 3:1 oil, weld, soap, tecumseh, briggs, honda, yamaha, abandoned
Id: yLnhIuGIU3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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