$5 yard sale generator

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hey guys how we doing uh yard sealant only went out a little bit this past weekend and I did get grabbed one thing and I guess that'll be this the focus of this video and it is this Coleman a home light rather generator looks like it's running on a Briggs eight horse I'm gonna say it's a flathead motor on it and just look has very many hours honor or at least it hasn't been abused very much but it had a problem the last time it was used it when it was brand new they went and brought a home fire it up it made no power output so it went to like a qualified repair facility and they ended up I I guess we're placing the generator head there's no good well fast forward they want to go use it you know a couple of times in between then and they had a problem again wasn't putting any power out and they ended up having a bad plug so they put like just a household plugged in it and I guess it came back from that point and the last time they wanted to go use it I guess they were using one of these them guys on here and again it had no power out so at that point they went and bought a new generator and this generator sat in the corner for I think he said about eight years or so and I've just never used it well the house is getting cleaned out they're moving there's a new generator in a shed outside that you know has taken place of this so I was pretty much gonna pass on it once I heard the story of no power and the other plug being thrown in there and and that kind of thing so he came back says make me any offer and I said you probably not gonna like I'm gonna offer you he says he goes include anything over five bucks it's yours so I owned it for five bucks friend of Mines threw it in a truck for me I Bax a little tight that's kind of what's going on and I came home and slid it off the ramps onto the floor and here it sits so I do figure it is going to have bad fuel and whatnot for the motor get it it does not come back as a generator only has any fuel enters good sign if it does not come back as a generator that rig's eight horse is part more than worth five five bucks as long as it's not a tapered shaft of sorts so I say we clear the bench off and I will slide that over there we'll get it up in here and I will start doing some assessment on it so uh give me a second and like that taken care of cuz that's up on the bench and I'm just trying to give it a a quick look over and you know first thing I see is a a bag of hardware sitting on top of the spark plug hole so meaning that something was taken apart and I see screws missing from the tin here that one's loose hopeful starts kind of hanging off of it this right here this wire runs down and that is a low oil shutoff so that the thing doesn't stay running with no oil in it and kills itself so that is for rock I believe that will just drop spark out and allow it to shut off so what I was told and what the issues are with it may not be one of the same I do see a wire hanging down here that should be a kill that goes up to the throttle II kind of control or the on/off switch here more than likely so having said that and having you know the fact that it looks like somebody took the pull starter part I have a feeling it has no spark and I would rather be dealing with something that doesn't have spark instead of something that it's not generating power but again we're getting ahead of ourselves so let's start what's even get a little cap off of it see if anything's in it that's full it's over full of oil and you guys we got a rad clean-out up for me from my bench never rusts I worry about that a little bit later let me loose no sound was let me go grab the plug we'll take the plug out of it and we'll go and just see if it has spark will just start right from there alright so I got the plug out of there and what's up sweet but it's good enough to kind of go spin it over we're not seeing any spark and you know in a way I prefer to see that so that could be the reason why it's you know it got put away so all these much holders pull start on here and so that would be one to ground out somewhere off of there and should be attached to a tab on it somewhere right down there so that the wires taken off the tab of the coil don't see anything else on that so that would have basically tend to indicate that that maybe that coil went bad and I do seem to remember seeing myself have one of those in my stash that style coil so that's a good thing so I just want to check the air gap kind of looking right here a couple guys that commented on sending off the rust and spark will come back and I think that is urban legend you can some stand me for that or not but I do not believe that has anything ever to do with the magneto that does not have spark it either has it or doesn't have it the rust on here or the rust on here really does not affect of that so having said that let's go and we're gonna do I'm gonna see if I have another coil and we'll just go try that right off the bat the only other thing too is sometimes it looks for yeah generally that's always an open circuit if you pull that wire off the back you should have spark if you ground that out then that makes that spark go to UM you know I'm trying to say when it's open yeah it's bark grinded it out kills the spark I am going to put a jumper on that to ground just in case just to make sure that it's not the opposite direction you not gonna hurt anything by doing that but just double-check before pulling off we're just go run a jumper on that so if you guys remember about a week or two ago we were dealing with that craftsman with the the v-twin on it and I was looking for a coil and I was in the back 40 shed back there and he's a funny one for that and I actually found two coils in the box and again my memory was served to me correctly it was uh another coil and I do believe that is the same as that man whether this coil is any good or not sometimes it can be a question shoot but excuse where that wire goes there break off as I break off the end of it and we'll do that when I have two hands but anyway so that's the wire that you would ground out to kill spark on the machine I have I have seen it very really what it is the other way around where you have to ground that end of it for it to generate power but 99.9% of the time I see that it is the other way around where are the cases of that remains open but I do put a jumper across that I spun up my hand I did not see any spark but I did not spin it very fast that nut loose I just looked it okay so let's go uh unscrew that one we're gonna go put this one in its place and that will give it a spin and we'll see if spark comes back so let's go both that coil up this is the new old one this is the original one and I thought they were the same but there is a difference between them the curt of the bottom down here and the curve on the bottom of this one if you see this is much greater meaning it was on a smaller circumference flywheel and this one being you know larger so I have a feeling in that you know this being a horse a five horse might be maybe an inch smaller and radius and what happens is when you go to bolt that on there see now it doesn't doesn't quite match that radius so I went looking and I have a couple other motors I don't want to start tearing all those motors apart to see if by chance I do have the same one and kind of killing those motors but I don't have a problem with its taking a sander and we can knock some of the fins down here in here and see if we can get this guy to both up and see if that will come back to life so that's kind of go try doing I'm gonna take it on the belt sander and that just try to change that angle a little bit so it's a little bit more straight across okay see if you get this attached and see if we can get spark and worst-case scenario that brings us back to life and this whole machine is working just fine I have no problem I can go on on eBay or whatnot in finding myself a replacement coil before you know it's the only thing it needs to twenty bucks to fix it so be it right but we're getting ahead of ourselves let's see if we can get sparked and continue on so that's what I ended up to and he ended up going and taken in on a floppy disk and second device and just kind of rounded off that corner rounded off that corner there's an air gap in there I used two piece of cardboard and you just kind of lay it up in there and roll it underneath pull the the mag down so it touches it and snug it down gives you that a little bit of an air gap in between I did a perfect fit know what again we're uh let's try to see what yeah so I got a drill set up they also could spin it I think we're going the right way you want to go clockwise and that's a good thing I'll take care of that part of it so I'm gonna go do is off there's a wind deflector it has to get bolted on it just goes right like that it just allows the air to flow around the engine in a certain direction so that's gonna go back on we'll put the kill wire back on and there's a ground this right here has to go on the other end as a ground lug for the kill switch let me get all that put back together we'll get the pull start put back on and from that point we'll probably dribble a little bit field down and we'll see if a fire is up and dies hey I was on my neighbor's ray and say ray is a the 90s and yeah I think he dropped his electric chainsaw I just couldn't get the plate back together and now he's got that let's back up don't hurt yourself but it's kind of sometimes what keeps you going anyway so back on this guy his eye hits the wind deflector he's now back on there and the ground wire is back on so I mean to button up the pull start we'll get that put back together and we still make sure we have spark after I reconnect the the kill wire that has to go on the back yeah I think we did that part of the program you know that part of the program we dumped a little down it and see if it running died knew a wire did not hook that up was the low oil pressure switch wire but I sweating we still add spark to cover on it so there you go that's just a happy sound right there there we are so I think we're past the point of what it died for so I am going to go still and pop the cover off we'll pop the bottom of the carburetor off just because I see this guy is floating from the back of the cover so that means somebody was in there so want to make sure everything's okay and that the float is clean and if it is we'll dump some fuel on it and see if you get the sustain running and if this thing's running you can go plug it in and see if it makes a power and see if you get the full monty so to speak yeah pop that air cleaner off the only thing I was holding it was one nut the fuel pump is hanging so they're definitely in here well they were just in there to get to the coil I don't know but this is where the this is where we always find the magic seems to be a telltale story of how well the machine is sometimes you can tell by how bad the screw comes out like ask it just broke not bad not bad at all I know yeah that's a good sign thankfully for my stature one of those so that's the little ramen on the bottom of the bottom of the screw until II get the flu hole so I'm gonna go screw the fuel pump back on and probably all I'm gonna do is I end up a little bit of fuel in it before I put the float Bowl back on just so it kind of pushes whatever's in the fuel line out and I don't capture it in the carb so I'm gonna do that you some reattaching and get us some gas you can shut up anytime you like me so I put some gas in it and left everything open the way it was I'm just gonna go and take my airgun here we go see if I can go through the little vent hole in the top of the cap if not I'm gonna capture on the cap just see if I could push it the fuel through just to purge out any crap that's in that fuel line fork with the bowl open that's tinkling run that run for a second then I'll crack the chat that's also kind of good for a ride priming me up the system to turn it off so I'll shut off on the bottom of the tank no too bad little yellow that's new yes my battery decided to shut off anyway know what I was doing was purging the fuel system pushing them here in the tank and let it push through the fuel pump in here nama looks pretty clean the loo on the yellow side a little bit of dirt down on the bottom but not bad just so that doesn't get pushed into the float ball so I'm gonna just go and clean this up a little bit and again I got to go find a yeah a new seal for the bottom of the the ball nut and that will put that back together and we'll see if we can get it to run to stay running now well now I get to go tell I turn the fuel back on to run that choke bite me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we're not getting light not lighting up I just had it plugged in so I know the light is in the working and on position but come please I noticed it sounds like it the RPMs up is very low thing I'd noticed it's got a idle control circuit and that usually use a solenoid on the backside of it that would allow the throttle throttle up and throttle down and that maybe with this wire you used to go to used to be something here I see another terminal right here that's disconnected I don't see anything so that might have been something that was removed or played with or screwed with I'm not sure the governor does everything governor seems like he does what it's supposed to that's why I rubbed it up and I tried to see if the light would come on once I read it and raise those rpms up but I did not notice anything so so far we got a good motor for five bucks but I like to take it the next step further the other thing I noticed too is on this plug oh yeah you got a test on a reset as you push it in and then it reflux I'm not getting any of that so I think our next step is probably to open that panel up and you think I'll look inside there and see if we have I put a meter or something on it see if we have any power kind of coming out of the generator head itself you know that comes apart not sure maybe these screws are going across the bottom and across the top and the whole face if it comes away any of it I'll turn you back on once I figure that out and don't see we got crack that opened and it's like a visual on I didn't see anything that kind of stood out telling me there was an issue so basically I believe we have three circuits coming out of here I believe we're going to have a ground a ground and to hots a hot lead and red and Navid black i do not see any voltage on any of those putting a meter across so that leads me to believe that we are having a problem either inside here we're gonna go pop the cover off next the end of it then go take a look at the brushes and all and see if there's anything being deal kind of going on with the armature and or the control board which I believe sends back a signal to tell it what to do as far as um power outage and it does have a an idle kick down here's the two legs for the idle kick down and the there is a solenoid hidden back by the carburetor back there but that does not seem to work whether you switch it on or off over here didn't seem to make much of a difference but there's no power going anything of course none of this is really gonna operate correctly anyway so I think our next best bet would be to pop this cover off and we take a peek inside there and see if we can see if there's any issues with the the brushes themselves here we're in a little further I don't see anything that's again jumping right out that mean other than the slip rings are pretty carbon up and dark by room I really think that's the issue I owned out from the slip ring to the stud going in and again on the other side and they seem to be okay the brushes look like they are in decent shape and then I also owned the brush to the pickup of it and that seemed to be okay also this isn't this is this excites the field isn't what's making the power the power is being generated by the outside not the inside but this has to get excited for this brother yeah I'm gonna butcher this you gotta have some energy going to the slip rings start power moving once it's moving then it kind of self generates its own power that in turn makes a mad magnetic switch that turns on and off which in turn makes the energy on the outside windings turn on and off and those outside windings are the big wires that you see going to your your power source on the outside that you see where they're kind of tapped in down there so I'm going to clean that up put them back together and see if we get anything and then probably the next step is we're gonna have to own out the windings to see if we lost the windings in here now there's two circuits I should say in here there's two circuits that are in here and I kind of doubt both of them would have burned out I'm kind of thinking more than likely it probably be the control board that is no good and I don't know if I want to go through the trouble of trying to find one of those and put that in there and have that be or not be the deciding factor whether this is good or not so anyway we're gonna have ourselves I gotta go take some types or whatnot sometimes on these what they have is a little pin you can push in you can push the brushes in and they have a little retainer somewhere on the holder that can keep it in the in position then once you get the cover installed they it popped back out but I gotta look at that a little closer anyway well can up bad one let's see if we get these uh slip rings cleaned up and get the cover back on and see if it does any improvement [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so that was called flashing that was a China flash and put a little bit of a power back into it to excite to feel to get to go and that did not work it is not going to cooperate so unfortunately I believe we're unlikely that circuit board is no good but I think that's where I'm going to stop on this one for now because I didn't will not want to spend any more money on it but we'll see so I just took my time to take some time I unplugged the main plug that goes down and gives you your your neutral your ground and your two hot leads and I am getting nothing across any of them as far as resistance and I should get something across them so I believe unfortunately what happened was the they blew out one circuit and then they went around and with running everything on the other circuit and they probably blew that Lake of it out too because he did say something about it worked in one plug and it didn't work in the other plug and then they lost it in that plug so you're looking at it you see that this one's all red this one's all black in two different circuits so I'm more than likely that's what happened is they went they killed that and then for the the plug that puts out 220 it's got a red and a black and of course neither one of them are doing anything so that one's gonna be dead altogether so again it was five bucks it's to fight a lottery ticket and you know just a bit some pieces alone if I use the air filter on something else that's already worth my bucks but I do believe it has a good motor that seems to be okay and we could probably separate that part of it from it and have a nice eight horsepower go-kart / minibike style motor generally they have a bit of a tapered shaft to them find out when we go to take it apart and that could be a little bit harder to use just because the the end of the gap looks like that instead of like that so sometimes what I did before was I took the part of the generator head that went into it and I cut it off and I I kept that part of it ran the bolt back in and used that as a hub and I think it was like 7/8 or something like that so I could always attach a sprocket or something to that hub that stays behind but we're getting ahead of ourselves because that's not happening right now it's on the alpha should be the end of this video again thanks everybody for watching i'm comment subscribing and again some you win some you lose they're not all winners as people seem to think i get but you know don't knowi try hey guys i did a little bit of homework on the generator last night online is to educate myself a little and basically he was getting into checking voltages that are coming out of the motor i wanted to see if I actually have resistance values but I couldn't find anything uh than that anyway so they were getting into voltages and one of the tests that they had was to excite the field windings you take the two slip ring brushes which is going to be the red and the black these go right to the slip ring windings if you put 12 volts to that the circuit should come alive and put out about a fifty sixty volts somewhere in that range and that under normal circumstances the control board will put out about twenty four volts to that but if you put twelve volts - it should generate some power coming back so I figured for a test but I'll go do is I'll take my jumper pack you see I got leads and stuff kind of set up to it and the hots already set up to the hot rounds not will fire it up there's a light right here that is in the on position and what I'll do is I'll put some energy to that and that bulb should light up halfway if that bulb lights up halfway and also if I take the plug from the red circuit and then put it on the one that's running the black circuit which is going to be this guy and that would tell me that both of those are still good inside the motor and still working if I don't get anything from that then more than likely my issues are and open on inside so having said that we'll move right along to looking power to that also a kind of indication that you know something's wrong also is the idle control circuit we should have no load on it drops down to an idle wasn't working and that also would get the either 12 or 24 volts to that solenoid down there to turn that throttle on and off and that's not working so let's go see what we get no prop yet existing fired and can you see the light can you see the light [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that's it no you get anything coming out of it I also swap plugs in the middle that to see if anything would happen but I forgot give it one less attempt on the troubleshooting part of that not that it would end up being a worthwhile fix anyway because I priced this board and this board is 120 dollars and again this generator being a they got 4400 probably its value is probably 200 bucks so again it's worth the try it was five bucks I still have a good engine out of the deal so I will part stripped that engine off of there and put it in my little forward up a little tag on it and it will keep that for a minibike go-kart minibike something kind of build in the future here's another one - this is that pressure washer that was in the Free File I've already removed that from its situation and I think I have a tag on it saying that the carburetors junk runs back carb so that are going to the board the same way alright guys thanks later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 549,713
Rating: 4.8985686 out of 5
Keywords: homelite, gen, power, garage, machine, repair, test, troubleshoot, diy
Id: GZlz_l6iYk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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